#e.l.a ask
This is most likely unable to happen, but what if Starcross somehow existed in E.L.A?
This feels like the parents likely to hook up with their ex twice... 💀 Okay, let's see...
The story is like
after Dream found out Ink cheated on him. Unlike the original, he was just sad and went to Hope for comfort and tea. But this one, he decided to meet up with Cross.
Cross is stupid for not changing his number, so Dream called for Cross and cried on the phone. So they meet up in park, Cross was awkward with Dream but he brought him a banana bread, Dream's favourite.
They talked, Cross awkwardly comfort Dream but he bad at it. While comforting getting comforted by Cross, Dream accidentally said he still love Cross while he is still weeping like a baby.
Cross is flustered but he hesitated. After a while, he responded to Dream confession and kissed Dream's cheek. He says he is very sorry for his past actions and if Dream want to get back together, he willing to do so and repent his sins.
So they hooked up, Dream divorced Ink, Lux is shocked, Palette is shocked, Dream got the full custody of Palette, Hope is overprotective but as long Dream is happy they are happy too but still hate Cross.
Drop is not a fake princess or under Dream custody cause the divorce and Dream didn't get attached.
So now, Starcross and Palette are the heir... So those two need to prove their worth.
Okay, let's go to the fun facts.
Drop and Starcross will be in the same age obviously.
Dream started to adore Starcross and Lux more than Palette but he still care for Palette and provide all he needs.
Dream and Cross relationship are so wholesome, each party fix their mistake and misunderstanding, Cross repent his mistake.
Lux actually got developed more kindness trait than the original because Cross and Dream attend in her life much more than Passivemare now but she still want to get rid of Palette (and probably now starcross)
Drop and Starcross will be bestie, not knowing their parents relationships.
Starcross doesn't really care for Palette and only Lux since he figured out that Palette is just his half brother.
Starcross will be Lux sidekick instead of Merciless.
Merciless will not have any feelings for Lux in this au since he will never meet her. (And he is probably dead because he is alive thanks to Lux saving him and since Starcross is born, Nightmare is angry so he killed Merciless)
He bullies Palette 💀
Starcross opinion on people
"Papa is absolutely the best papa in the world! I love him so much, I am so lucky to be born in such wonderful family."
"don't tell Papa this but Daddy is better hehe! Daddy always spoiled me with sweets and pastries!"
"Ah, Sissy! Sissy is the best big sister. I hope instead of me one of the heir, I want my sissy be the heir! She is the best, she deserves much better. Sometimes she talks to herself but I don't mind it."
"Ah... This lowly thing? It's a shame that he is my brother.. Well, half brother pfft... He stands no chance to be the heir. A weak, fragile boy like him? Just ew. Papa only let him to be one of the heir because he pity him, we all know I will be the next rightful heir."
"Miss Hope! She- I mean they? I am still confused but anyway, Miss Hope is the best! They taught me everything, how to fight, how to cook, how to hide a body- I mean how to clean my room. What a loyal babysitter."
"People said she is the most beautiful woman in this multiverse but to me.. PFFT, SHE IS SO UGLY. My sissy is much better."
"He's a pathetic man, he is so ugly. I don't hate him but if I need to choose between selling my organ or befriend him, I choose selling my organ."
"Well, their kid is the only cute thing. Drop is my best friend but a crybaby. That's okay, I'll kill people who made her cry. Somehow she always scared of me and begged me to let her go, I don't get it."
"Drunkle! He is a brave man, it's a sad emotion to know how he lost his abilities."
Murder trio:
"Daddy told me they're actually nice. I don't believe it until Papa confirmed it by saying Daddy used to worked with them."
"I'll be honest, he is handsome than that Destroyer. I'll give him 7/10. Other than that, his personality is trash! I'll be glad if he kill Palette though!"
"The priest whom in love with my half brother... Wow, I never thought Palette can be this pathetic that he needed an old man to love him! I heard his two brothers are dead, what a sad man."
"The only remaining sibling of the priest. I heard she is treasure by the King. Hmm, well she is pretty just like her mother. What I don't like is how she supports Palette and acted hostile towards me. I only teased Palette, it's his fault for being such a baby!" by @itzcherrybonbon
"A sister of mine? Well, half sister. Sissy pity her so I had to act nicely. What a waste of time. Only I deserve Sissy attentions!" bye @starvivi
"That doll maker? Well, not gonna lie, she creeps me out. I hate the fact she is obsessed with eyes but I love how she torments Palette. It's a refreshing sight to see!"
If the dead one are still alive
"Well, well, well... He is broken. Sissy says she pitied him so she befriended him but I feel there's more than that. Instead of a human, I rather view him a broken, lifeless, pathetic doll."
"That suicidal prince? He is the opposite of that priest. Not like I hate him but I don't like him. At least, he's a good brother to that doll unlike that Priest."
"Well, she's a cool older sister but I prefer Sissy more! Her accent had me confused but I am still learning. She has a very unique accent."
"The opposites of the suicidal prince but I like his vibe. He can be loud which is annoying but fun to be around."
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abloomingsunflower · 7 months
Check the lyrics out it might fit a certain trans character you know very well
We stan Albedo in this household :3
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Advice for middle school
I'm currently in middle school and this is some of the things that have had that best results and a few of my own ideas:
Positive reinforcement and by that I mean rewards,my science teacher was loved by all because if you answered a question( it didn't even have to be correct) you received a science themed sticker for your efforts. It made them way more willing to attempt to answer questions.
Using educational games for studying. There is a computer thing called Gimkit which is something you can use to make games for your class to study with my class really likes the game modes: Don't look down and Dig it up. It uses competing as a motive for studying and I could tell my class did well when they were able to study in a fun and engaging way.
If you can don't make them present their projects to the class , make it optional and maybe throw in that they can earn an extra two or three points for projects. One thing that a lot of people in my grade hated was when you had to present in front of the class and a few people have had like anxiety attacks because they had to present.
Take notice of nicknames or unofficially changed names. If you can on like the first or second day while you're doing role call ask each person if there is something they prefer to be called other than the name on the roster.
If you can do assignments that involve food we really enjoy that and make sure you have allergy safe alternatives that are still fun .
I know this seems trivial but things like for example my E.L.A teacher had both right and left-handed scissors and there are a few people who are left-handed and it made their day to see that she had those.
Joke with the class.We really loved when our teachers would joke around with us during class.
Ask for the class' opinion on what kind of assignment you do they will receive the material better if they know they chose the method you are using to teach it.
Play music in the class room or if you can allow them to listen to their own music individually. One of my teachers had a song request jar all you had to do was write down the name of the song,who sings it,whether or not it needs to be played clean,and which class are you in.Then she added it to a spotify playlist that she just put on shuffle and played on low volume in the classroom.
Allow students to pick their partner for assignments and if you can't do that don't pair up two people who don't get along well.I Don't think you'll have a problem picking pairs but some teachers end up putting a student who bullied their assigned partner and it didn't go well.
Do your best to give students some time to just chill and talk in the classroom before class I'm not joking when I say of they are given time to talk freely even if it's just a few minutes they will talk less during your lessons.
Change it up a bit don't do the same thing repeatedly it will bore your students to death. Try to add some variety it gives students something to look foreward to.
Don't do the thing where you call on a student who looks like they're not paying attention or anybody who isn't raising their hand everybody and I mean everybody hates that.
I think that's it thank you for doing your best to be the best teacher you can be.
Wow, thank you for sending all of this to me! I definitely hadn't thought of a lot of these (the scissors thing- I need to buy some different scissors), so it's a huge help.
I hope you have a fantastic day, you deserve it!
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il1ketulipz · 10 months
well here it is
my ArtiLette fanchild! her name is kiria!!
I remember showing it to someone but I don't remember who- so I show it here just in case my mind played tricks on me
This is how she looks like a little girl and like a teenager
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I feel right so I'll tell you the little information I remember about her.
Personality: curious, loyal, sometimes he gets "delulu" but it goes away after a while
hobbies: drawing, reading, writing, listening to music and baking
If she pulls a suspicious object out of her dress, accept it and don't ask her where she got it
e.l.a artemis by: @abloomingsunflower
e.l.a palette by: @anotherrosesthatfell
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myfairkatiecat · 13 days
So basically, in 5th period, I sit next to my bestie (let's call her Libby) and Libby sits next to (let's call him Mark) who thinks he's like, a "bad boy" ir whatever🤣🙄. And we were reading a book for E.L.A and the main character was named "Há" so for the whole period me and Libby were dying bcuz I kept whispering "Ha" in her ear😭 then Mark yelled to (let's call him Dan) from across the room (bcuz the teacher left the room) and asked Dan wut the answers to a work sheet were😭 everyone stared and me and Libby burst out laughing😭
Then the teacher walked back in, and we shut up, but I had tears down my face from laughter😭
The moral of the story is: The teacher should really change the seating chart or else none of us will pass his class bcuz we don't pay attention😭
Theoretically I should delete this ask bc it should have been sent to @katies-anonymous-post-box but honestly this is too funny to not post
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canon-vi · 10 months
It's a pity that in E.L.A. Reaper doesn't have wings... Or does he have them? The original can remove them—
I did her for 6 hours, oh my God
Name: Shelki (I was inspired by mulberries [shelkovitsa] when I did her hair)
Age: 12-13
Height: 156
Birthday: 24.05(May 24)
• Formidable and fearless... Well, she really tries to be like that—
• father's daughter
• instead of pupils - a dim white light
• says hello to almost every adult, it’s just a habit, she doesn’t say hello except when there are a lot of people, or when she’s talking to someone
• poor vision (moderate myopia, -3.5), wears glasses only when necessary
• can see ghosts, and due to poor eyesight sometimes confuses them with ordinary people and walks around or says hello
• she likes to braid hair, both her own and others’, most often braiding Reaper’s hair
• she loves scythes
Mom is very caring and beautiful... I’m sure that’s true, it’s just hard for me to see her
Dad is the best! When I grow up, I want to be like him!
She can be so angry sometimes, even though I didn’t do anything... Honestly—
(she definitely did something)
I heard about him on TV, he seems to be Alina’s father, well, it doesn’t matter to me, why would I know some old man?
Everyone says that she is beautiful and that I will definitely have to see her live... Are they idiots?
She is very kind, Drop, Goth, Pallete, mom, dad, everyone! Everyone says that she is very kind, I would like to meet her, but I’m unlikely to be able to get to her myself... I’ll ask Drop to take me to her!
And again beauty... Why is it so important to everyone how and who looks? Why does no one care what kind of person is inside? ... Okay, she does charity work and loves animals, she can be forgiven—
Drop's older brother and sister's ex-boyfriend? Well, they kind of broke up, right? I often meet him because of Drop, I think he’s a good big brother!
She can always cry calmly in front of me, I won’t see it anyway! But it really seems to me that she still almost always holds back so as not to cry, good job, bestie!
I rarely eat his baked goods, but they will always be my favorite!
I almost bumped into him several times and said hello... Hmm, he was always there for Lux... Maybe he's her guardian angel? ... And then I’m Drop’s guardian angel!
Everyone says that he is bad and scary, but as for me, there is no one worse than an evil mother
I don't know what to think about her, I don't know her, all I know is that she's Merciful's mom
Angst: ( dead )
I saw the outline of someone next to Drop... Was he trying to take my place as a guardian angel?! >:0
Angst: ( alive )
I don't know him
He's a priest... That's it
Merciful is very good! He's fun to play with and reads to me! Drop chose a good husband, but I still think that he is too old for her... Merci and I will find a suitable husband for Drop!
Bad Guys:
( bed gays )
They are bad..?
I sometimes confuse him with Pallete... Well, they are similar!
I don't think I'll see her, she's either in the forest or locked in her room with that ghost that was always with Lux
She dislikes Merciful and Artemis so much that even I can notice it... I still can’t understand why?
Berry like me! She, like Merciful, is very good! Is everyone in their family like this?
Judging by what Ati says, she is very religious and is in church all the time
Is she leaving the room? I don't believe-
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E. L. A. by @anotherrosesthatfell
E. L. A. Artemis by @abloomingsunflower / @itzcherrybonbon
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[ vision -3.5 ]
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
The differences between E.L.A Artemis and OG!Artemis:
-8 years old
-Nightmare doesn't care about her or her safety, Killer on the other hand adores her and raised her on his own like he did with Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Killer's always looking out for her
-Neon (SciFresh kid) is her crush
-Sneaks out a lot to either go see Neon, pick flowers, or see T.M.P and the Star Sanses
-Optimistic, energetic and an innocent little angel <3
-Heavy sleeper.
-Has a kitten she named Cottonpuff
-Really wants Nightmare to love her like all dads do :(
-Doesn't know how to write or read well- Someone has to read her the bedtime stories she wants to hear. Usually Melantha <3
-A bit of an accident prone, inherited that from Killer
-Her weapon of choice is a miniature scythe Killer gifted her
E.L.A Artemis:
-16 years old
-Cor.Nightmare's favorite, without a doubt. Finally a timeline where Nightmare treats her with love and care, but Killer doesn't.
-Always behaved when she was little, and would ask for permission to go outside to play first
-Feels like it's necessary for her to act mature, she always thinks and analyzes things carefully before doing anything.
-Barely gets enough sleep despite taking sleeping pills. Insomniac? Pretty much
-Barely eats because of her eating disorder
-"Why get a cat, I am the fucking cat-" She is like a cat tho because of her eyes and lack of energy, plus is a bit grumpy
-"Neon who? All I see is Palette. He's everywhere, literally: In the fashion magazines, in the church, right here next to me as I ramble on and on, and now he's showing up in my nightmares too- Like- damn- Not that I'm complaining but like-"
-A famous singer <3
-Obviously can read and write well unlike her original self- What is she, a bozo?- Yes she was homeschooled btw-
-Her weapon of choice is a black spear she summons with her magic.
-Can't get along/are distant with Merciless
-Crescent and Angst adore them
-Hearts of gold <3 They're both caring and kind. Always put their loved ones before themselves.
-Get along/are friendly with almost everyone
-Yellow is their favorite color
-Pretty long hair ahahahaha
-Have witches for motherly figures (Hope [E.L.A], Melantha)
-THEY LIKE CORALINE (the movie and the book) AND HAMILTON MUSIC-
E.L.A and Hope by @anotherrosesthatfell
Melantha by @angels-dreamings
The Sanses belong to their rightful creators
Artemis, E.L.A Artemis and T.M.P made by me
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11: Civil War
A Mortal Kombat Multi-Chapter Fanfiction
Pairings: Mileena/Scorpion || Hanzo Hasashi, Kitana/SubZero || Kuai Liang (implied), Sonya Blade/Erron Black
Rating: M (18+)
(canon-typical violence, implied sexual content, strong language, cannibalism, graphic depictions of blood, gore and death)
Originally Written In: 2015
<- Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 ->
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Chapter 2 ~ Cassie Cage
"I'll get it!" Johnny yelled as he jumped from the top of the landing to the front door. He wore a blue t-shirt with a black vest and hoodie. He had his tan pants on with his black belt and silver buckle. He also had biker gloves on, but his were black. He opened the door and there stood Sonya Blade. She was wearing her general's uniform and was wearing a squat hat. She looked very imposing, even though she was smaller then Cassie. Sonya crossed her arms and looked inside the door. "Hello? Earth to Sonya!" Johnny said as he waved a hand in front of Sonya's face.
Sonya looked at Johnny and asked, "Alright. Where's the food?"
Cassie could only hear snippets of her parent's conversation and it didn't sound good so before things got ugly, Cassie walked up behind Johnny and said, "Hey mom." Cassie peered around her father and saw Sonya staring at her. It made her feel like she did something wrong.
"Sergeant Cage," Sonya said as she stepped inside the mansion and towards Cassie. Cassie reached out to give her a hug, but Sonya held back. "Are you prepared to leave now?" Sonya asked with hands on her hips. Cassie stared at the ground and nodded yes. She HATED the feeling that her mother gave her. Like your not good enough to be here. Sonya nodded and turned on her heel back to the car that awaited them. Cassie sucked in a bunch of air to try and slow her heart rate.
Johnny must have noticed because he said, "Hey. Don't let your mother get you down. You'll always be one of the greats." Cassie looked at her father and smiled, the sinking feeling gone from her stomach. Cassie then marched out the front door, more confidence in her then any other time.
She choose to sit next to her mother in the front. Johnny sat in the back. "How are you doing in school?" Sonya asked as she started the car.
"I'm doing fine. I got A's in math and social studies and B's in science and E.L.A," Cassie replied cheerfully as she buckled her seat belt.
Sonya looked over at her daughter and asked with a smirk, "How was game day?"
"Well, other then the fact that the house smells like piss and was covered in a bunch of crappy food, it was all good," Cassie said sarcastically. Sonya chuckled.
"Hey! Way to throw me under the bus!" Johnny yelled from the backseat. He kicked Cassie's seat pretty hard.
"Hey! No roughhousing back there!" Sonya barked as they pulled out of the driveway onto the main road. Cassie laughed. 'Mom's back,' She thought with a smile.
The car stopped right in front of a warehouse. Cassie stared at it and got goosebumps on her arms.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Cassie asked as she popped her gum Johnny gave her. Sonya give her an are-you-serious look.
"I wasn't made a general for no reason," she grumbled as she stepped out of the car. The warehouse stung Cassie's nose with the bitter smell of oil and she nearly gagged. Sonya give her a look and walked over to the double wood doors and took out a key. The door opened with a lurge. Cassie cautious walked over to the door and peered inside.
"Okay mom. I've seen some pretty scary things in my 17 years of life, but this has got to be one of the worst," Cassie said as she took out one of her hand guns.
"Yeah Sonya. If you were going to kill me, why didn't you do it at the house?" Johnny said as he walked up behind Cassie, scaring the shit out of her.
"Raiden told me to meet him inside here for some sort of meeting. And believe me if I was going to kill you, you would already be dead," Sonya snapped as she stepped over the threshold. It took a couple of seconds for Cassie to fully understand what her mother just said.
"Raiden contacted you and you didn't tell us!" Johnny called as he followed Sonya into the gaping jaws of the old warehouse.
"Cassie, if you can't come into a old warehouse then you have no business being a sergeant," Sonya snarled when she saw Cassie was still outside. Anger inside Cassie boiled to the surface as she marched inside, with a haughty spring in her step. As soon as Cassie was next to her mother, a freak wind blew the giant doors shut. Cassie turned around quickly, clinking her guns into position. Sonya grabbed her arm and yanked her around.
"What the hell, mom!" Cassie shouted as she wrenched her arm away.
"It was only the wind," Sonya said coolly as she adjusted her arm bands.
Cassie nodded her head and shouted, "No. Why didn't you tell us that we were coming to see Raiden!?" Sonya breathed in deeply, rubbing her temples.
"Because, Raiden didn't want me to tell you. To make sure only the people who were supposed to come came."
Cassie rolled her eyes and snarled, "Wow. That excuse is a bunch of bullshit." Before Sonya could say anymore, the lightning struck. Cassie had to close her eyes to make sure she wasn't blinded. Then there was a feeling like she was falling. Out of pure confusion, she screamed. Then it stopped. She hit the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Something cold and wet was running down her back and gave her goosebumps.
"Need a hand?" a voice asked right in front of Cassie. Cassie looked up and gasped when she saw Jacquinn standing in front of her. She reached her hand out and Jacquinn yanked her to her feet with a good amount of force.
"Hey, Jacquinn," Cassie said slowly as she clutched her side in pain.
"So, how was the trip?" Jacquinn asked with a tease in her voice.
Cassie didn't hear her though. "We're back at the Sky Temple," Cassie whispered as she looked at the Jinsi Chamber's entrance. And at the Earthrealm greats entering it.
"Yeah. My dad told me that there's some sort of meeting," Jacquinn said as she steadied Cassie from stumbling.
"I've gotta find mom," Cassie mumbled as she pushed Jacquinn out of the way.
"Okay. Good catch up," Jacquinn called as Cassie descended into the heart of the Sky Temple, gripping her gun all the way down.
The Jinsi Chamber was alive with blue energy as Cassie stepped into the chamber. It smelled of fresh dirt and metal, like magik. The room was filled to the brim with heros, some so famous you'd have to be stupid not to know them. Cassie cautious made her way through the crowd, her fingers never leaving her gun. 'Some of these guys have a rep,' Cassie thought as she came to a halt next to the Jinsi Chamber's life force. 'Better safe then sorry.'
"Cassandra Cage," a voice said behind her. Quickly, Cassie clinked her gun into place and turned around to meet her attacker head on, but instead she found herself pointing a gun in Sub-Zero's face. He wore a blue vest with chinese symbols running down both sides. He wore no mask and Cassie could see a scar that ran down one eye to the other. Cassie froze as Sub-Zero placed a hand on the gun, freezing it solid. She dropped it from shock, smashing it into a million pieces as Sub-Zero said smoothly, "I do not wish to fight you, Cassandra. I wish only to tell you that you and selected others are to join Raiden outside for a conference. Make haste, for we will be starting soon, with or without you." With that said, Sub-Zero turned on his heel and walked away, leaving only a very confused Cassie. 'Okay then,' Cassie thought as she made her way back to the world outside. 'What could be a more ridiculous way for mom to yell 'Cassandra Cage! Get your ass up here now!''
The first thing that greeted Cassie as she emerged from the belly of the Sky Temple was a burning smell. "Somethings on fire," Cassie mumbled to herself as she stood next to the entrance of the Jinsi Chamber. Then she saw what it was. Far off, she could see that something or someone was on fire. Then it just disappeared. Cassie frowned and examined her buffed nails as she waited for her mother, hoping that she wouldn't be mad that she went off by herself. 'I'm a grown woman now,' Cassie yelled silently. 'I can do whatever I want!'
The burning smell was back and it was stronger then ever, roasting the inside of Cassie's nose. She hacked a little and was going to find a new spot if it hadn't been for the flames that engulfed her. The pain she felt now was nothing compared to anything she had ever felt before. She let a small cry and felt the feeling of falling again. Everywhere she looked there was fire. She tried to reach her metal rod on her back, but she burnt her fingers trying to grab it. Just as quickly as it came, the fire subsided and left a coughing, burnt Cassie in it's wake. Cassie could hear talking but couldn't make out the words. Her vision blurred and Cassie almost passed out, but she then felt something freezing cold on her neck. She jumped up and almost gave herself whiplash. Behind stood Sub-Zero, applying frost to one of her burns. She hissed in pain as the frost found a tender spot. She turned around quickly and slapped Sub-Zero's hand away.
"I'm fine," Cassie snapped as she patted out a bit of fire still on her arm.
"Cassandra Cage!" a voice called from behind her. Cassie made a face and turned around to see her mother barreling towards her. "Where the hell were you!" Sonya barked as she threw her arms around Cassie, pulling her in for a hug.
Cassie wrenched her way out Sonya's grasp and said, "I was still at the flipping Sky Temple! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
Sonya gave her a puzzled look and said slowly, "I texted you that I was going to the forest. Why didn't you respond?"
Cassie smiled slyly. "You should ask dad that question." Sonya sighed loudly and rubbed her temples.
"Well. We shouldn't be anymore late then you already are. Let's go. MOVE IT!" Sonya started walking back towards the trees she came from when Cassie shouted, "I'll be right there, mom!" Sonya turned around and said as she walked backwards, "Follow the line of trees to a rock. Press the keyhole!" Sonya turned back around and ran into the trees.
As Cassie watched her go, she asked Sub-Zero, "How'd you know I'd be here?" Sub-Zero looked at her with his crystal like eyes.
"I knew Scorpion would teleport you to this place. So I came to make sure the wounds did not harm you too much. I wished that savior of Earthrealm would not succumb to the flames of hell fire," Sub-Zero said slowly as he walked over to her.
Cassie thought for a moment and then said with a thumbs up, "Good answer."
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incorrect-day6 · 7 years
ask yourself this: what would Jae do
my dude jae would write a fic about his own fuckin life idfk
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mercurian-goddess · 3 years
Hi! May I please ask the big three (sun, moon & rising) of my future spouse in this lifetime? My initials are E.L.A. and I switch between favourite songs so much I don't have one right now, but one of the songs I've always liked is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. Thank you so much for doing this! May you always be blessed! Kisses!💕
hello e.l.a, of course! i used to lovee this song, but i havent listened to metallica in a hot minute
gemini sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising
readings are now closed.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 9 months
In top 10, Who have the strongest ability? This is included what if ship children.
Well I was confused for a sec when you said 10 top strongest ability and didn't say which au- thank God you mentioned 'what if' ship children so I don't get confused 💀💀💀
Okay let's gooo- but I have to separate the adults and ship children okay? Cause I'll get confused-
Dream - literally this guy is strong yet his past is holding him back from using his full power.
Reaper - the God of death? Hello??? Is this not obvious enough. He could be the first strongest if only Dream wasn't the child of God of Sun-
Ink & Error - Since Error has only his half soul, he doesn't match Dream. Meanwhile with Ink, she just protect the remaining aus.
Hope - The current Queen of witches. Fire is not her only elemental magic, they can control wind and earth too but Hope prefer fire. They can use dark magic- so yeah.
Corrupted Nightmare (Alphonse) - is just like the original but complicated.
Cross - he may not be strong like others but his IQ is high-
Geno - Geno may not make lot of appearance yet she is very strong than the member of bad sanses. Just her health hold her back too-
Killer - determination much.-
Dust & Horror
Swap - he can be the 6 strongest if only Corrupted Nightmare didn't take his abilities.
Ship children
Angst & Lily - yeah... Stay away from these two. They are not kind like Dream but thankfully Angst is also holding from using his full ability. While Lily? Just run far away from her if you treasure your life...
Callisto - he is the descendant of the sun and also the prince of witches. This guy has good powers-
Goth - surprise surprise, Goth is very strong. She is the child of God of death and is to be the grim reaper too. Just...- she don't use her ability and know how to control it.
Lux - well since most of her ability were from passivemare- she is strong haha-
Palette - why he is not strong like Callisto despite being the descendant of sun? Easy, this is because Palette is insecure and he will never awaken his sun power unlike Callisto 👍
Crescent & Merciless - well those three are strong.
Drop - My favorite crybaby- I mean, Drop is a strong 10 years old.
Starcross - how too explain this one- again, descendant of sun yet didn't awaken his ability yet.
Sadly ship children are limited because I forgot other names-
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abloomingsunflower · 8 months
If you don’t count the intense sexual lyrics in Romeo and Cinderella,it can in a way,fit artilette
I don't know the English lyrics but I'll make sure to look it up after I come back from school!
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im-just-trash-o3o · 5 years
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Oh? Hey, come on out! There’s no need to be shy!
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There we go! Much better, darling.
Anyways, well, I’m sure that if you’re reading this, you know of [REDACTED], right? Well, I have been very good over these past few months at not spoiling anything, so I came up with [REDACTED] as their cover name!
So, after all of this time...
I would like you all to meet...
My OC for @yeennqueenn ‘s original universe, that I like to call the ‘Belliverse’!
Their name is pronounced as “meh-not” as opposed to “mee-not.”
They are a forget me not flower object head, (hehe, get it, lol?) and the animal portion of them is a brown and white Fennec Fox!
Where to start...?
Well, me and Yeennqueenn have been developing them through roleplay, art, and mini side-stories for a few months now! (The art above is by Yeenn.) They are my character, but i’d be wrongfully lying if I said yeenn didn’t help me immensely with the process of development, which is still absolutely going on. The main rp is on chapter two, out of ten, and we have explored many other topics through fics -both canon and out of canon/character- and it’s been so fun so far!!
I guess i’ll start with the basics.
What is their name?
•Menot Christine Berkovich
What’s their gender?
•biologically intersex, but identifies as nonbinary.
What is their age?
•they are, as of the day of this post being made, 9 years old! Their birthday is on December 10th! (They’re 9 days under two months younger than Lapin. Also same birthday as Chat!!)
What’s up with that whole side of their flower being gone?
•hooooo boy... buckle up, fam, because this one is a long one. So, basically, I’m an angsty fucker, and they have abusive parents. Not just verbally abusive, and not an occasional hit for no reason either. No. I mean they have nearly died twice so far because of their parents. Whenever they have to be at home, they are starved, beaten, berated and told they are lucky they are allowed to stay alive, because their parents say they would be losing a piece of furniture if they died. Their flower petal was completely destroyed by their father when they were six, along with their ear being completely cut off. They are also missing a pinky finger on their left paw. On the human version of them, the entire upper right quarter of their face is covered in severe burns, they are still missing their left pinky and right ear. Their parents hate them so much because they aren’t “normal.” They aren’t a girl or a boy, they are both and neither simultaneously, and they have adhd. Their parents see this as a horrible punishment. Having a child who doesn’t fit the norm of the “perfect little child.” They are also not capable of having another child, so they take out a lot of anger on Menot as well. Their parents call them a ‘creature of the devil.’ (This is the bare minimum, by the way. This is nothing compared to what I have actually made them go through in RP.) Yeah, it’s horrible, i know. I will talk more about this eventually. Feel free to ask questions.
What are their hobbies?
•Great question! They are a very gifted little child! They love art, music (except for church music,) E.L.A, writing, and later in life, they will take up crocheting as a hobby. They also know four languages. English as their first, French as their second, Russian as their third, and Hebrew as their fourth. Every hobby they have, they have taught themself (including the languages other than English.) Due to them having no toys, only some books, notebook paper and pen, and a barely functioning iPod they found on the street, they are constantly practicing their writing and art. They cannot practice their singing at home, but they still do at any chance they get outside of the house. They are only allowed to listen to Gospel at home. (...they’re forced to.) Their art skills are the most developed out of all of their hobbies. They have been drawing since they were three, and practice in secret (away from their parents) every day. (Fun fact: they used to sneak out to free concerts, but one night they were caught and were given a black eye by their father. They never went again.)
Alright...uhhmmm...I think that’s all of that. Now on to how they tie into the main story! They aren’t just a side character. They’re a big part of the main story (thank you yeenn for letting me do that. I love you <3!) They go to the same school as Lapin. Lapin and then met when some bullies were picking on them and they were curled into a ball on the ground. Lapin couldn’t just ignore that, and for the first time, he got into a fight. His nose bled and he made them flee, and from there, he helped hem up and took them to the bathroom to wash up. They talked, and then the rest of their story began to unfold from there. This is a big summarization of the beginning of their story, btw. It’s much more detailed.
They are a big part of Lapin’s life, and as of the day I’m making this post, they have just become a true part of Lapin, Chat and David’s little found family. Chat is like a father figure to them.
They are very close friends. They have an extremely close relationship, and are basically inseparable. But they are not siblings. Their relationship is purely friendship. Yes, the reason for this will be cleared up one day. Just not today.
Chat and David are like fathers to them, though. They just don’t see Lapin as a sibling.
..um, well, I think that’s all I have to say for now!! If you’ve made it this far into their introduction, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING INTERESTED IN MY BABY!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!
These were all the basics I could think of for now. They will continue to be developed for as long as the belliverse exists!! I will reveal many details, there will be new ones, and more story will come up.
Thank you for reading, I’m so happy i’ve finally been able to reveal them!
Trash-O3O, out!!!
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Tagged by @authorofthelabyrinth
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, my dad was just adamant about making sure his kids had “normal” names for some boring reason.
2. Last time you cried?
Last week. 🎶Guess who decided that 2:30 AM was a good time to have a break down🎶
3. Do you have/want kids
Not biologically, that’s for damn sure. Idk, maybe some day when I’m a lot older and have more life experience, I’ll adopt a mid to older teen. I have no patience for younger children and I wouldn’t want to cause them any distress through my own incompetence/lack of patience.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah, a fair bit! I try not to be mean-spirited about it, though. Mostly just for humorous effect.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Usually their facial expression, followed by their body language. 
6. What’s your eye color?
Primarily green
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending! I don’t really like horror movies all that much.
8. Any special talents?
I tend to be pretty good at explaining things through metaphors and similes, oddly enough?
9. Where were you born?
A hospital in the city I’m currently living in. My mom and I drove past it multiple times and I jokingly asked if that was where I was born. It still breaks my brain a little that the answer was “yes”.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, big time. I love roleplaying with friends on the side and working on art, though!
11. Do you have any pets?
Three cats! Fuzzy, the 22-23 year old matriarch who...is actually my senior. Brandy, 9, whom I will die for. And then we have Spotted, 6, who I love dearly but has such a whiny voice that I remember why I cannot parent young children.
12. What sports do you play?
Bold of you to assume I leave my house.
13. How tall are you?
5′7. Oddly enough, I thought I was taller than this for a while, but then again, I still am somehow getting growth spurts even though I’m a Big Girl™ now.
14. Favourite subject in school?
E.L.A was always preferred for me, unsurprisingly. 
15. Dream job?
Author/comic creator! I just wanna tell stories, man
All done! I’m gonna tag @cursewworms and @rrosetea for this, only if you two wanna!
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canon-vi · 1 year
Vivi's life in different endings of a sunflower in full bloom au and her relationship to individual characters:
True good ending: roughly similar to the GE in E.L.A., she will close herself in her room, but in this AU she regularly visits Merciless in the hospital and occasionally chats with Artemis while Pallete is away
Lux: I don't want to talk about her... Not now...
Merciless: what a pity that he doesn't remember me... I don't think that now we will be able to improve relations, I won't get into his new life... What if he remembers something? I don't want him to suffer like me.
Pallete: I "don't know" him, don't ask me about him.
Artemis: I'm embarrassed in front of her, I wasn't just Lux's relative, I was on her side...
[I don't have enough information about other characters, so Vivi has nothing to do with them]
Good ending: same as in TGE
Artemis: I feel ashamed in front of her, but I also feel sorry for her, I hope she finds someone better than Pallete.
Neutral ending: one of 2 endings where even Vivi dies. She's a cherry now. Vi lost everyone she could trust, Lux, Merciless, Artemis.
I think everything is clear here
Despair ending: 2nd ending where Vivi becomes a cherry. She has no one left and everywhere she sees condemning looks from everyone, even from those who do not look at her, because she was on Lux's side and actually KNEW about her plans
Bad ending: her life is probably no different from BE in E. L. A.
Pallete: pallet? Do I look like a beauty blogger? Oh, that's the name—
Artemis: Sounds familiar... Like deja vu... But no, I don't know her, I guess...
[ I cried while writing this— ]
A sunflower in full bloom au by @abloomingsunflower / @itzcherrybonbon
E. L. A. by @anotherrosesthatfell
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
[E.L.A] Drop meets Artemis
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[The art and E.L.A Artemis belong to me. E.L.A Drop belongs to @anotherrosesthatfell ]
"So you're Artemis??"
Drop grinned, excitement filling her crimson eyes. Artemis couldn't help but chuckle, playfully ruffling Drop's hair.
"Yes, that's me. Who might you be?"
"I'm Drop! Palette's little sister!"
"Huh? As far as I'm concerned, Palette doesn't have a little sister..-"
"I'm from the original universe, silly!" Drop pouted "I don't know why I don't exist in this timeline, it's a little sad. But at least I exist in the original!"
"Ah, I see..How is it like in the original timeline?"
"Wellll, not so different from here, to be honest- Except you and some of the people from your timeline don't exist, and Nightmare is pretty mean!"
"Don't exist?.. Why? Where are PJ and Gradient? And Angst?"
"I dunno! I only just found out PJ and Gradient are my half siblings when I met them a while ago, but I have no idea where they are in my timeline- Also, I don't know who Angst is. I've never met a person named "Angst" before-"
"Angst is my big brother, like Crescent!.."
"That stupid priest has another brother??"
"Huh?! Crescent is a priest here?? I- Since when?! God, this is all too much for me to process.."
"Yeah samee..I have so many questions to ask everybody when I get back to my timeline"
"Let's change the subject.."
"Hmm- Oh, do you like my brother??"
"W-WHA- Drop, out of all questions..! Why this-"
"So you doo!! Aww! I'm gonna write it down on my ship list!"
"W-wait what?!"
Artemis tries to protest, a flustered mess- But there was nothing that could possibly change Drop's mind, plus, the secret was already out.
Artemis gives up, sighing in defeat.
"I must congratulate you! You're only 10 years old, yet you managed to create an otome game all on your own! Your hard work has paid off, I love it so far"
"You like otome games??"
"Yeah, some of them have an interesting storyline. I don't have time to play them often, but I have fun when I do! I'm enjoying your game a lot, I really wish it existed in my timeline.."
"Really, it kinda sucks! People are missing out on my best creation! :("
"Mhm..I wonder how things would've been if you existed in our timeline too. PJ and Gradient already adore you!"
"Probably nothing much would've changed..I do think you're the better sidekick, big brother is happier around you"
"Aw..Drop, don't say that. I'm 100% sure Palette is happy to have you as his sidekick, you must be doing your best"
"But it's not enough.."
"You're trying, it's the thought that matters. You care for your brother, and you chose to believe and help him as best as you can. If I was Palette, that'd be more than enough for me!" Artemis smiled at Drop, reassuring the younger.
"You really think so?"
"No, I know so. You shouldn't doubt yourself, Drop..You and your brother should stay determined, I know you've got it in you"
"Now I understand why your Palette adores you so much- GODDAMNIT YOU MADE ME CRY HAPPY TEARSS-"
"Pfft- Don't cry Drop..I'm just trying to keep you motivated"
"What do you think of Merciful?? He's my prince!"
"Your prince?.."
"Yeah! He is really handsome, and super nice to me!"
"Ugh..You actually like that two faced bastard? Not only is he 10 years older than you, but he's a hopeless person, really. Just Lux's dog. Nothing more, nothing less. Trust me when I say he's not for you. Plus, don't forget the big age gap."
"Well too bad! We're going to get married when I become a-"
"Absolutely not! Drop, hun, you're sweet but- PLEASE don't do something you're going to regret in the future- There are plenty of people out there your age. God..who taught you these things?? What the hell.. "
I gave up.
For this reason, I might do a part two. MIGHT.
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