#but he's my baby brother. i am very fond of him.
seagullcharmer · 1 year
sora my beloved. blorbo-in-law. despite none of my kh friends having sora as a firm blorbo. i like the idea of kh but i continue to struggle to actually get into it. but sora <33 he is my baby brother. i love him
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flowerisevil · 2 months
Gwayne Hightower x Targaryen reader where she is Rhaenyra’s sister and daughter of Viserys and Aemma, she is pregnant when they visit King’s Landing and she has the baby so Alicent calls her as she does with Rhaenyra and Gwayne gets furious about it even more when Alicent insinuates that their son is not Targaryen so from then on he is team black.
Gwayne Hightower X female reader Targaryen
A/N: I hope its okay that I use an original female character and i don't if i understand your request right but yeah here it is I hope you enjoy. Happy reading mwa!
Disclaimer: grammatical/typographical errors ahead, englisn is not my first language.
Warning: mention of blood, child birth, cursing, and no use of Y/N. Please tell me if I miss anything.
The married couple returned in Kings Landing from Oldtown for the King's funeral, the second born princess Targaryen along side her husband and her growing belly arrived at King's Landing, the princess was expecting to see her elder sister Rhaenyra only to hear that she had already departed with her family to Dragonstone.
"Your sister s-she is rather not very pleased to be here" the Queen explained of her sister's departure with her new husband Daemon.
"How is your pregnancy daughter?" Alicent asked, changing the topic.
The princess rub her belly as she smiled "It is great though a bit struggle happens"
Gwayne her husband held her hand that was caressing her stomach, as he joined their conversation "My wife pregnancy is very delicate, it is her first pregnancy and the maesters said her body needs a lot of rest"
Otto nodded in acknowledgement "I am happy for the both of you, you seem to grow fond of each other"
The couple smiled, they did indeed. "We truly did and Daeron in Oldtown is one of our witnesses" Gwayne chuckles, the poor boy was tired seeing the two couple always on each other like what a newlywed partners would do.
Alicent sighs at the mention of her youngest son "and how is he? Daeron?"
"He is doing good, a boy full of wit, a good sword fighter" the princess explained ".....he is very kind your grace, a soft hearted child, his heart has a space for animals" she added, her youngest half brother was a great boy, far away from them. He is a chivalrous boy.
"I should talk to the both of you outside, may I?" Alicent turned to them, the couple simply nodded as all of them walked outside the chamber.
"I wish for your wife to give birth here in Red Keep" Alicent said, the princess frowned but before she could give reaction her husband spoke first.
"I wish my child to be born in Oldtown, why you must decision for that?"
Alicent looks resigned to her brother's fire backs.
"It is an order from your Queen" was all the Queen say before she entered the room, shutting the door before them.
Gwayne's clenched fist softened as she caress it. "We shall give it to them for now Gwayne, there's nothing we could lose for giving them a small favor"
Gwayne rolled his eyes "Oh please that is my sister, and I am a Hightower I know how one thinks"
Gwayne was never unknown to the small resentment his sister Queen had for his wife, even before Alicent was a young lady she had always envied the younger princess, the princess was smarter, kind, beautiful, she was like a glowing light walking through the halls of the Keep, everyone pleased her, and when she was on the right age for marriage she was married to him, the heir to Oldtown and a knight. She had the life his sister was deprived of.
And he knew Alicent has some plans behind this little show of hers.
And he was not wrong.
His wife give her the favor, she gave birth between the walls of Red Keep, her screams and groaned echoed all over the Keep, they can hear her dragon Silverwing roaring for her rider.
"Lord Gwayne you shall not enter, you should be somewhere else or perhaps on the training grou-" the servants shuts when his collar was tigtly gripped.
His wife birth was no jest, the Maesters had informed them before her birth that her body was weak, and she might be carrying a boy for having such a hard labor.
"Don't you understand my wife's condition? She needs me, let me in" Gwayne scowled but his request was denied as the servants pulled him away from the room.
One of the Maesters came out, his face full of worry "My Lord, the princess"
"How is my wife?"
"The princess...she is trying her best my Lord but I must be honest with you, I have both a good and bad message to deliver" the Maester exhales before he continued. "The good one is that the princess is able to push half of the babe's body"
Gwayne wanted to smile, he will finally have an heir and child that he had hope would taken the look after his beautiful wife but knowing that the news has a bad new to come, he can't help but worry for his princess.
"And what is the other one?"
"The babe was rather in an unfortunate position, in birth the head of the babe should be the first thing to come out but in her condition it is unfortunately the other way around"
"You mean my baby's head is still stuck inside of her?"
The Maester nodded "and it is quite dangerous my Lord, we might lose the babe"
Gwayne nodded but frustration covered his face, what would happen to his wife and child?
"Unless my Lord you wish to cut open the princess to save-" the Maester wasn't able to finish his words as he stumble on the ground from Gwayne's singld punch.
"You will do no such thing, what you will do is save my wife from that horrible state whatever it takes, my wife shall come out of that room fine and alive, you hear me?" He command, his knuckled has some blood stained from punching the man.
The Maester nodded and walked back inside the room, Gwayne sat on the cold floor, they will have to save his wife one way or another.
"Your father wish to see you Ser Gwayne" one of the guard approached him and spoke.
"I do not wish to leave my wif-"
"The Lord Hand wants me to tell you it is urgent" the guard continued, Gwayne groaned out of frustration, slowly standing up and walked to his father's office.
On the other hand the princess was lie down on the bed, blood was everywhere.
"Your grace, another push please you are doing well" one of the midwives encourage. Another scream filled the room, stained tears on her cheeks.
The nursemaid and midwives encourage her more, as she continued pushing out the babe inside her, her situation was hard to watch, as they looked at her filled with concern for the princess, she looked tired and breathless. Some of her handmaidens that was present was tearing seeing their princess crying out from pain.
Another scream filled the room once again.
"It is a boy!" The Maester finally announced. Holding a baby boy on its hands, the room filled with cheer as they ran to the princess, immediately handing her help, some wash their sweat, some clean her up.
She smiled as she saw her son being washed and wrapped, she was still shaking but she insisted to hold her child. A boy...an heir for her husband.
The cheering stop as they all looked at the door opening revealing a concerned servant "M-my princess...the Queen s-she uh"
"What of the Queen? Speak clearly"
"She said that she wish to see her grandchild, and you aswell, she wish for you to deliver her grandchild to her" the servants finished, murmurs, shock gaps and whispers filled the room, looking concerned for the princess.
The princess sigh, so this why she wants her to stay here? To have something to play with?
She stood up, legs shaking, her whole was is shaking rather, the nursemaids guide her to carry her newborn son.
"Princess....you're body is still trembling, you shall not walked around the castle or els-"
"Who are we to deprive the Queen a sight of her grandchild" she smiled weakly, as she embrace her son and start walking through the Halls, her whole full of sweat and blood still dripping on her legs.
The news arrived Gwayne's ear, one of his men bargen inside his father's office sending the news of his wife's succesful delivery, Gwayne stood up and left the room fast, his knight walk fast closely to him.
"But my Lord the princess has already left her delivery room, the servants said she immediately left as soon as she gave birth" his man informed.
Gwayne stopped his footsteps.
"They said her Grace had asked for your wife's immediate presence after her birth"
That mad woman. Gwayne was so done of his sister, she is nothing but a horrible Queen, he let her and their father do whatever they have wanted in this castle, corrupting the King, ruining the life of his wife's older sister but he would not let him take advantage of his wife's kind nature.
Gwayne ran as soon as he saw her walking through the halls, his mouth opened but no words came out as he saw her state. Trembling, body covered of sweats and bloodstains, her dress was not very appropriate to see, and his fist clenched as he saw the path of blood dropping from her legs as she walk. Was this is the sigh his Queen sister wish to see?
She wasn't suppose to even raise a finger after her horrifying birth but now she is walking around carrying their babe. He ran to them and cautiously held her back.
"My wife, where are you going?" He tried to sound calm to not show any hint of frustration and anger on his voice.
"Oh ask your dear sister, my love s-she wish to see our child" her voice was hoarse it sounded to frail almost like a whisper from all the screaming she made.
His jaw clenched, he looked at his men and ordered him to bring a nursemaid as soon as the nurse came he told her to carry their child inside the room.
"Gwayne but the Queen-"
"I would have the talk with her, you shall not worry she will be able to see our child when the right time has come, and that right time is when you finally have a rest and sleep" his voice was soft but full of authority, he slowly lower himself to carry her in bridal style.
His eyes cannot lie and his wife can see it, she see right through him. The anger she can almost see what she is plotting inside his head.
The princess lean on his chest. "Do not let anger took over you Gwayne, talk to her nicely"
Oh he would definitely do have a nice talk with his cunt sister.
"Please Gwayne, I would not wish you to be in trouble"
"She took advantage of you darling, how do you wish me to react when I see you trembling as blood drip from your legs walking through this long fucking halls of castle nothing but fragile? Do you wish for me to celebrate?" Gwayne sarcastically spoke, he hated her wife for being a too much proper but he also loved her the same way.
"I kinda wish you do, I gave you a boy. An heir" she smiled, her eyes sparkles as she look over the maid who was carrying their child, Gwayne smiled looking over the babe.
"I am happy more than happy actually, but I would not want to put you in that situation again"
"It is normal state they said"
"Still I would not want to risk you again, I am happy with you no matter with heir or none but now I have a young version of you, I would have more very reason to go home and wake up everyday"
She was his life, she made him whole, losing her would be a big tragedy to him, the day he vowed to her that he will love her with all he can offer, he did not just love her, he stayed and place his faithfulness to her.
As he slowly placed his wife om their chamber, he send her handmaidens and Maester to look after her, clean her and check if she need something to be mend.
He barged inside the council room knowing they will be their, the members looked at him, Otto spoke first breaking the silence.
"My son, as far as I remember you do not have a seat in this room to attend to"
Gwayne scoffs, as he eyed for his sister. "Is this your plan? Why you wanted my wife to give birth here? To make her suffer?"
"It is the King's dying wish"
"Oh I believe is it? Just like how his dying wish is to fucking crown Aegon as his heir, despite your son being brainless smug"
"To say that such thing to the prince is treason, what is it that makes you so angry Gwayne?" Otto tap his son shoulder but he immediately pull back.
"Your Queen, made my wife walk through the halls right after she gave birth to our child, have I not told you that her pregnancy is risky? Yet you made her walk instead of giving her the time to regain her energy"
Alicent snapped a look at him, the two children of Otto Hightower faced each other. "I wish to not harm her, I simply wish to see her and my grandchil-"
"Is that really it? Or perhaps you are so envious of seeing my wife live the life you wished you had?"
A deafening silence filled them, the members each switch looks between the Queen and Gwayne Hightower.
"You shall not touch my wife anymore and so is our child, we will leave here as soon as she recover" Gwayne discussed. Otto approached his son.
"What about your army? we need them incase Rhaenyra declares war after we declare Aegon as King" Otto explained.
Gwayne chuckles, the audacity of his father to think that he will give him his army.
He did not answer them instead walked out the room, he will make sure what they did to the princess will be delivered to the future Queen Rhaenyra.
She arrived at the chamber, she was welcomed by the sight of his beautiful wife holding their child, he slowly walked to them sitting on the edge of bed beside his wife.
"We will leave here tomorrow, I can and will not go another days with those cunts around you and our son" Gwayne spoke, caressing his wife's silver white hair, he sighed as he continued to reveal another thing.
"They plan to make Aegon King"
The princess turned her face to him, her face was confused hoping she heard him wrong.
"They know Rhaenyra is the heir, the future Queen of the realm our father made it known before he died, he declared her as his heir" she explained, she and Gwayne were both there as she was declared the rightful heir to the throne.
"I know but those two said it was the dying King's wish, I do not believe."
"We shall go to Dragonstone and send words to Rhaenyra..." She trailed, something in her was nervous what if Gwayne would not side with her?
"Yes we must, as soon as possible my love and make it clear to your sister that we bend our knee for her" Gwayne leaned his forehead to hers, his gaze moves to their son.
The boy had her eyes, lilac gaze, he had his nose and lips.
This is all what Gwayne had asked and wished when he married his wife, a whole family but with the upcoming war he knows they will have to be extra careful.
He will bent the knee for Rhaenyra but his wife and son's safety would remain a top of his list.
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sturniqlo · 24 days
Drunken Mistake- C.S
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summary: frat boy!chris and nerd!y/n have been dating for over a year and thier relationship has had many bumps and he does something unforgivable.
cw: cursing, toxic relationship, ANGST; mentions of bullying, crying, arguing, cheating, break up, rejection
an: wonderful idea by the one and only @monroesturnns | ps. i do not condone cheating! remember this is pure fiction!!
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"god, i wish that you had thought this through, before i went and fell in love with you."- traitor, o.r
"Come on, baby." Chris kissed down Y/n's neck as she was writing down some notes. "Just this one party, you haven't been to one of my frat parties in over two months." He continued his trail up to her jaw and eventually landed on her lips. "Chris, you know I don't like parties. I need to finish my notes for my exam. I'll go to the next one, okay?"
"That's what you said two weeks ago! It's the next time! Let's- just stop studying for once and go to this fucking party!" He raises his voice and Y/n sensed an argument boiling. "Watch your tone! You know how important school is to me, my parents sent me here to study! Not to get sucked into the partying lifestyle, that's not me!"
"Yeah, yeah, your parents this tuition that, you're like some fucking nerd! Let loose for once. Fuck!" He gets off of her. "Fuck you! Partying shouldn't be your top priority, Chris. Just stay in for once, miss one little party and study! I haven't seen you open your book in two weeks. Am I going to have to make space in my schedule and tutor you again?"
Before Y/n and Chris got together. They weren't very fond of each other. But, Chris was too busy partying and he was failing his classes. He was on the verge of being kicked out of his fraternity. Somehow Chris got kicked out of living in the frat house- but he was still apart of it- so he moved in with his two brothers. Chris wasn't doing anything about his failing grades so his brothers took care of it.
Their childhood friend, Y/n, was a very smart girl. Nick mentioned it to her when they hung out and she was hesitant at first. But when she realized Nick was concerned for Chris' grades, she agreed. The relationship between Chris and Y/n was rocky at first. It hadn't always been like that. Before high school, they were stuck to the hip but once junior year came along, Y/n started getting bullied by one of the popular girls and guess who ended up dating her? Chris.
Chris had known about this but still chose to date his friends bully. Y/n slowly started distancing herself from Chris. Fast forward four years, she was tutoring him and a couple of months later they eventually started dating.
"God! Are you ever going to let that go? You always bring it up in every fucking argument. Just come to this party!" She shakes her head. "No, whenever I go you always end up with your friends in the corner leaving me alone in a room full of people I don't know! No, is my final answer." Chris grew even more aggravated. "Fine, I'll go alone." He walks towards the bedroom door and opens it. "Just know, you aren't the only girl in my life."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" She said, her anxiety rising. "Exactly as it sounds like." With that, he slammed the door behind him and left. Y/n stayed there, sitting on his bed while he went to the stupid party.
"Where you going?" Matt asks as he sees Chris head for the front door. "A party." He says. "You're going to a party while Y/n is over?" He said. Matt has seen Chris do this a couple of times but he's never asked about it. "Yeah, so what? If she doesn't want to go why should I have to miss it?"
"It's a bit rude. You know? She's here, in your room while you're at a party." Chris scoffs at Matt's words. "Look, I don't need a lecture from you too. Let me live my life, if she doesn't want to go it's up to her that she wants to stay and read her fuckass books." He repeats what he did just a couple of minutes ago. He opens the door and slams it behind him.
Matt goes down the small set of stairs and knocks of Chris' door where Y/n is on the other side of. "Come in." He hears her say. "Hey, it's me. You okay down here?" Her eyes are glossed over and her face has tear marks. "I'm okay. I- you know how Chris is with his parties." She chuckles sadly. "I just wish he would put his school work first sometimes. I mean, he's paying all of this money to just party."
"Why don't you try to talk to him about it?" He says. "I have! All he say is that I should put my work aside and stop being a nerd." Matt shakes his head. Chris has always teased her about focusing on her work.
"Can I ask you something?" She says. "Go ahead." He says nodding. "Has Chris ever- I don't know- has he ever mentioned someone else?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Like, another girl?" She nods. "No, no, if he did you know I would tell you. Why do you ask? You think he's seeing someone else, or?"
"No?" She questions. "He just said something before he left and it had me thinking."
"I'm sure he just said it out of anger. I doubt he'd ever do that to you."
Later that night, around two in the morning, Chris came in stumbling. "Bro, you're drunk as shit." Matt scolded him, helping him down the stairs. "No I'm not." He giggled. "How'd you even get home? You better have not driven." Chris shakes his head. "I walked it. I saw sixty three- no! Sixty eight trees."
Chris opens the door and sees Y/n sleeping. "Okay, you can let me go now." Chris pulls away from Matt and pushes him out the room. "Okay, goodn-" He slams the door, causing Y/n to wake up. "Chris? What are you doing." She whispers. "Look at you, not studying for once. Not being a nerd right now?" He laughs. Y/n rolls her eyes. "I don't have time for this right now." She sighed and gets out of the bed and grabs her phone.
"Babe, I'm only kidding." He grabs her arm as she reaches for the doorknob. "Chris, stop. We'll talk in the morning."
Y/n stirs awake from the constant vibration of her phone. Stretching from her spot on the couch where she slept last night after Chris came back. She grabbed her phone and saw that she had many texts from her friends, even from people she hasn't really spoke to.
Still half asleep, she clicks on a message from a girl in her tuesday class. Furrowing her eyebrows at the message she replies back.
what's going on?
*video attachment*
The video started out as a girl posing for pictures. "Yes! Now pose like- oh my god?" The girl recording pointed to two people. "What is it?" She girl posing said and stopped posing. "Isn't that Chris Sturniolo over there?" The girl recording put the phone down but another girl spoke. "No, don't stop recording! Get this, he has a fucking girlfriend. And that isn't her." The camera pans up and Chris comes into view, but he's kissing a girl. Y/n gasps and her heart drops. This was from last night.
"What the hell!" Y/n's voice shakes and she sits up in shock. She continues watching the video. The camera girl zooms in on them. "What a fucking loser, like actually." The two of them continue kissing and Y/n has had enough and shuts her phone off.
Her tears start streaming down her face. How could he? Yeah they were a bit toxic but she never thought Chris would cheat on her. She gets up from her spot in her couch and runs down to Chris' room. Barging in she immediately starts yelling. "Chris, wake the fuck up!" Chris jumps up from his bed. "Is someone dying? What the fuck. My head is pounding." His eyes adjust to the bright lights.
"How could you Chris? Really? How fucking could you?" She cried. "What happened, babe?" He gets up and goes to hug her. "No! Don't fucking touch me! You cheated on me! You- you fucking asshole!" Chris' face went pale. "I- uh- what?!" He stutters over his words. "You don't have shit on me." He shakes his head.
"Don't act stupid! I saw a video of you making out with a girl last night! I don't understand, did you do it out of anger because I didn't go to a fucking party? Or have you been doing this our whole relationship. I- I should've listened to my friends, I can't believe I loved you." Her tears haven't stopped falling down. "Y/n, hear me out." He says hesitantly. "No! How could you explain that. You betrayed me, Chris!"
"I- we're done, Chris. I don't ever want to hear from you again. I've given you so many chances, Chris. So many- but this, I can't forgive you for it." She pauses before she continues on. "Maybe she'll go to all of your frat parties and not stay home like the nerd that I am. I really can't believe you've went this far. Goodbye Chris." She wipes her tears with her sleeve and turns around to leave the room.
"Y/n.." He starts off, but nothing else's comes out.
"Hey, hey, hey, what happened?" Matt gets up from the table when he sees Y/n come up the stairs crying. He had heard them arguing but it was muffled so he decided to go out in case things escalated. He knew they had been a bit tense since last night. "I- ask Chris. I can't- I can't be here right now, I'm sorry." Her voice cracks and she grabs her bag. "I'll see you around." She says before leaving their home.
For the next couple of days, Chris spent them in his room. Napping, watching his and Y/n's favorite show and youtube videos. He sent her many messages and called her many times. They were all ignored. Chris didn't blame her, he fucked up. He didn't know why he did what he did. He was drunk and angry.
Nick and Matt were furious at him. For one, Chris cheated on her. And two, they probably lost one of their childhood friends who was always there for them. Nick and Matt would text her but she would either send and bland response or not answer at all. They just wanted their friend back.
"Where're you going?" Nick says coldly when he sees his brother come up the stairs. "To Y/n's apartment." Nick furrows his eyebrows. "You talked to her?" He shakes his head. "Then why the hell are you going over there? Is her ignoring your calls and messages not ringing a bell? She doesn't want to talk to you. What makes you think she'd want to see you?"
"I just- I want to apologize and try to get her back. I miss her." He rubs his face with his hands. "Not to sound like a dick or anything, but she's not going to take you back. You fucking cheated on her! And dare I say it, with your ex fucking girlfriend who bullied her, Chris. You're delusional if you think you're getting her back. And thanks to you, she barely even talks to me or Matt. Do you not realize that not only did you ruin your relationship with her, you ruined mine and Matt's relationship with her. But go ahead and try to talk to her." Nicks hand comes down on the table as he gets up from his seat and walks towards his set of stairs.
"I still can't believe you would hurt her like that."
Chris sighed and slumped on a chair. A couple of minutes later, he got up and walked out of the house.
He walked up the stairs of her apartment building hallway and made his way to her door. Luckily he had remembered the code to get in the building. His first comes up and knocks. After a couple of seconds he hears her unlocking the door. "Iris you're here earl- what are you doing here?" Her face drops when she sees that her friend isn't at the door. "Y/n I want to apologize. I want you back, please." He begs.
"No, Chris. I can't put myself through that again. Do you know how much that hurt me? All because I didn't want to go to a party, Chris. A fucking party! I can't be with someone who cheats when I don't want to do something." She spoke loudly. "Y/n, baby, I promise I won't hurt you ever again. I promise." He begged her. "Please." His voice quivered.
She hated seeing him like this. But, for once, she decided to put herself first. "No, Chris. I- I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you anymore." His eyes welled up with tears. "Y/n." He spoke in desperation. "Y/n, please," She shook her head. "Go, Chris." She whispered.
"Don't make this harder than it should be."
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
thoughts on lyney and lynette rn bc i would kill to see little sibling reader with them ,m so normal about them i swear i just dnfgohpjykul
the blood of the covenant.
summary. blood related or otherwise, lyney, lynette, and freminet are among the best siblings to have.
trigger & content warnings. non-descriptive mention of injuries, lyney does Not open up and it causes arguments (not depicted in detail; just briefly mentioned), some mentions of crying.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, hurt/comfort. lyney & younger sibling!reader, lynette & younger sibling!reader, freminet & younger sibling!reader. 2k words. they/them pronouns used for reader. reader is a member of the house of the hearth. reader is only slightly younger than freminet; think a month or two younger.
author's thoughts. almost 6 months later....... your wish is my command 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE A MILLION YEARS TO DO THE AQ...... AND I STILL HAVE ACT 5 LEFT TO DO...... but i think i'm well-versed enough now to write about the twins! and freminet... as a little treat.
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lyney is an undoubtedly protective older brother—he doesn't mean anything bad by it, but given his traumatic history and multiple forced partings from lynette... he's grown a bit worrisome. this effect is increased tenfold if his youngest sibling [name] also happened to be sold off to that noble with lynette.
being the eldest means that he is solely responsible for the safety of his siblings (or so he believes—arlecchino herself feels that it's more of a team effort to keep one another safe on missions and in daily life). so, he worries. he knows that all of his siblings are thoroughly capable... but he worries.
tight hugs. god. lyney gives tight and safe hugs. lynette leans more towards fond squeezes—briefly tight, before loosening up into a more gentle hug (she can and will squeeze even tighter than lyney some days, however). and freminet is more prone to hand-holding, little reassuring squeezes akin to lynette's but with [name]'s hand instead of their whole body, but he'll also offer very gentle and soothing hugs if needed.
^ speaking of freminet's inclination to hand-holding, he might clutch their hand if he gets nervous about something... and if they also happen to be a bit shy, as he is, he'll try his best to be as confidently reassuring as lyney is (it doesn't work, but it's the thought that counts, no?). his hand is always open to be held too, though, so if that calms his sibling down... he's more than happy to let them cling onto his hand for a while.
"Are you scared?"
"A little," they murmur quietly, fingers absentmindedly plucking at the threads of their sleeves. "Always a little on missions like these. It doesn't stop me from doing anything, don't get me wrong. I just get... nervous."
Freminet hummed, a soft acknowledgement of what they said.
Then, he held out his open palm, continuing, "Then... you can hold my hand. Until we have to do our jobs."
A bit of their confidence was restored—Freminet could tell, based on the way their downcast expression shifted into something more... neutral. Something more capable of disguising the threat of impending doom, in a way, but he knew that threat was not something for him to worry about. That threat was not for him.
(Some other threat, far more visible on their angry face accompanied by something along the lines of 'Freminet I am going to kill you where you stand Lyney said you ate my leftover food why would you betray me like this' was more likely to be for him.
For the record, Lyney was most certainly a liar. Freminet did not and would not do such a thing to them.
Magic is all about misdirection and trickery, after all. Of course Lyney managed to both misdirect and trick his baby sibling into accusing his other baby sibling of a crime he himself committed.)
They nodded, vastly more confident and assured in themselves, before clasping his hand securely in theirs. His fingers intertwined with theirs, and his thumb absentmindedly ran across their knuckles. "Until we have to do our jobs."
lynette will sneak them sweets when lyney isn't looking... or, tbh, even when he is looking. he scolds her for it every time, but she continues to do it. his chiding has never stopped her before. why would it stop her now?
lynette will also try all kinds of deserts and teas with them!! it's like a bonding activity, in a way. perhaps she and [name] create a little tier list to note down the best bakeries in fontaine and the worst.
"What do you think of this place?"
"Mmh... I don't know." They leaned over to Lynette's side, whispering their secrets ('secrets' meaning criticism that they were too polite to let the bakery owner overhear) into her ear. "Their sweets are kind of... bitter. Maybe the baker was having an off day? I don't know, but it's... not great."
"To the bottom of the list, then," she said simply with no attempt at discretion as she took a sip of her tea. She must have agreed with their criticism, given that she offered no words in defense of the little bakery.
"A— ah?! Lynette, shh! Don't say that so loud!"
kisses!!!! lyney just thinks his baby sibling is the cutest, so he'll fondly pepper their face in kisses if they're okay with it <3 lynette also does this, to a certain extent. it isn't to lyney's level, though. she is far more calm and restrained about it. she may, however, be very inclined to squish their cheeks like a fond grandma might.
it seems... calming for her? she seems to enjoy pinching their cheeks, even if her expression does not show it. maybe it could be compared to a cat kneading its owner. she's also quite fond of giving them headpats for any reason, really—for expressing approval, offering comfort, reassurance...
(it is likely that she picked up said habit from arlecchino.)
neither of the twins smother in a belittling way. if [name] is seriously upset by something, or has something of great importance to share (intelligence collected on a mission, perhaps), they both take it very seriously... and if the twins somehow fail to do so, they own up to it.
freminet would be so happy if they wanted to go diving with him! and if [name] happened to dislike the ocean, he would understand, but would want to help them overcome such a fear. he's never going to leave them alone in the water if they're scared. there's nothing to be afraid of, he reassures quietly. why? how is there nothing to be afraid of? well, he will do his best to protect them. he will not let anything bad happen to them.
^ furthermore, freminet would also really love to sit in silence with [name] and toy around with machines and their inner workings. if his sibling isn't adept at it as he is, then he's more than content to quietly teach them and direct them on what to do and how to do it. perhaps there might come a day where they help him out with upgrading pers—whether that be by simply propsing an idea or executing that idea themselves on another machine (it would be so... wrong of them to do something to pers without his explicit permisssion) to visually display what they're trying to explain.
lyney and lynette use their two youngest siblings as something of a practice audience; it helps the twins work out any issues with their tricks, and as a bonus on lyney's behalf, he generally gets to see his little siblings [name] and freminet smile <3
on a more unfortunate note, lyney is notorious for not opening up and not relying on others. this may lead to intense arguments or spats... he may often neglect to apologize verbally (he cannot promise that he won't do it again; he doesn't want to lie to them like that), but he will apologize in other ways—a sudden increase in meaningful gifts for his little sibling, treating them to a meal or multiple meals of their choice, doing menial house chores for them so they do not have to... things of that nature. he feels bad, but he can't act like he won't do it again. he knows he will. lyney is just grateful that [name] is patient with him through it all.
Held out in front of them by their eldest brother was a takeout box from one of their favorite bakeries; he must have asked Lynette about it, they vacantly thought. Taped securely to the top was a Romaritime Flower. Loyalty... was that his way of reassuring them that these little things would not ever truly impact his relationship with and his care for them? They, again, mused that he must have gotten it from one of their other shared siblings—Freminet, if they had to guess.
They frowned. "Lyney..."
He looked a bit worried now. They felt a little bad for inducing that kind of anxiety, but they did not waver. "Do you not like it?"
"I do. It's not that," they reassured, shaking their head as they gingerly took the box from his hands. "I just wish you could rely on us more. You wouldn't need to go through all this trouble to apologize if you just... relied on us. All of us, Father included. That's all."
He doesn't say anything to that.
They gingerly set the gift down onto a nearby table. Then, they turn back to their brother and—to his surprise; he assumed they were still upset with him—wrapped their arms around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. His hands were frantic as they scrambled to secure their place around [Name]'s shoulders.
Lyney squeezed. It wasn't tight enough to hurt them at all, but it was tight enough to put a bit of soothing pressure on their body. Maybe it was another way of his to apologize wordlessly, without committing to the promise of never doing it again, or maybe he was just concerned that they might not forgive him this time and subsequently relieved when they did.
(He should know better after all these years, but... really, what kind of a brother might he be if he didn't worry about making amends with his younger sibling after doing wrong to them?)
It was silent for a moment. They simply basked in the warmth their brother provided, while he basked in the newfound freedom from the weight upon his shoulders that their forgiveness provided him with.
Then, they whispered, "You know I love you, right?"
He didn't have a chance to respond before they swiftly untangled themselves from his embrace, swiped his hat from atop his head, and darted out the front of the building that they were in.
Oh, so that's how it is.
He smiled fondly to himself as he waited, offering them a brief headstart.
He would catch them eventually; he always did. However, as Fatui agents... this little game of theirs, some variation of cat and mouse, could go on for hours—days, even, if [Name] happened to be taking it especially seriously.
Well, then. He may as well entertain their whims and antics (and really, they probably got it from him, so he has no right to complain about the monster he made; he often did things of this nature to all three of his siblings, and he had been doing this with them specifically since they were little).
It's the least he can do, he thinks.
lynette can often tell right away if something is wrong with [name]. she notices even the smallest things. at a moment's notice, she is ready to sit at their side and brew tea to share. if they want to talk, she is more than happy to listen, humming quietly every now and then to remind and reassure them that she is paying attention.
should one of [name]'s missions ever go wrong, ending with them injured... their three siblings are by their side as soon as possible, and lyney's probably first, followed shortly by both lynette and freminet.
they all want to know what happened, of course, but they don't push it if [name] isn't feeling up to the task of talking. their health and comfort always comes first.
freminet will offer pers as comfort, if they need something to hold that isn't a pillow. it tends to make him feel better, so maybe it will have the same effect on them. he does this whenever they're hurt—mentally, physically, or otherwise. if his sibling is in pain, he'll do what he can to help.
and if tears are shed... archons, they're all so worried :(
tears will never be shed in front of father, of course, but... it's different if it's in front of their siblings. none of them cry often—even very rarely in front of one another—so it is certainly worrisome when it does happen.
and though tears are rarely shed in front of one another, lyney, lynette, and freminet are all more than ready to help soothe the soul of their youngest sibling, regardless of whether that means letting them rant their heart out or simply sitting in silence by their side.
please consider reblogging and leaving kind tags or comments, it helps me out quite a lot!
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wondersinwaynemanor · 7 months
here i go again with "big brother dick grayson strikes again" prompts.
thinking of Dick probably helping his siblings on their first dates and offering to take them to the location.
Dick to Jason: Hey, Little Wing. I know you can take one of your motorcycles, but let me take you. You can just focus on being pretty.
Jason: Shut up, Dick. But, are you sure? I don't know why my hands feel a bit numb-
Dick, takes Jason's hands on his to warm them up and untighten the nerves there: It's okay. I got you. You're okay. It's going to be okay. Don't stress yourself out.
Jason: I know I fucked up many times, Dick. I don't want.. I don't know what to do if I fuck this up.
Dick, brings Jason closer: Shh. You won't, Jay. You're very smart and strong, and so so caring and you don't even realize it it. Ask the kids at the Alley, they idolize you. Roy adores you and everything you do. He knows who you are. And trust me, I'm not that bitter anymore of one of my best friends dating my younger brother.
Jason smiles which warms Dick's heart, making him smile too.
Dick: Plus, we wouldn't want Ollie to think that a Wayne cannot dress up and be romantic right?
Jason grins this time.
Dick to Tim: Timmy, I have a great idea! I'll drive you there. I know you're tired from work already. Just let me know which restaurant then you can rest a bit when we travel there.
Tim: It's okay, Dick. You're also tired from your shift. I'll just let Kon know I'll be late for a few-
Dick: No, no. If you want to rest first, let him know, he'll understand. But I'll still take you.
Tim: But, Dick...
Dick: Nah-uh. I didn't drive you to prom, remember? Let me do this, Baby Bird. And for me to also look out for Lex, just in case he bothers Conner again. We don't want that happening in the middle of your date.
Tim, laughs: Well, Kon will just have to drag Lex's ass to space.
Dick laughs with him.
Dick to Cass: Aww, you look beautiful, Cass. So where you going? Where will you meet Steph?
Cass, fixing her necklace: By her house.
Dick: Great! I already know where that is. I'll drive you there. We don't want to ruin your beauty. I mean, that's totally impossible, but I want you to just relax before the date.
Cass, blushes: I can do it.
Dick: Of course, you can. But I want to. Pretty please, pretty please. I'm a little protective over my sister.
Cass, rolls her eyes fondly but smiles: Of course. Thank you.
Dick: You're most welcome. And tell Steph if she does something extreme like set some fireworks, tell her to lay off with those energy drinks she started on her diet.
Dick to Duke: Little D, Little D! Don't even try to say no cus maybe your brothers and sister have already told you, but this is kinda my tradition now. I'm taking you to your first date.
Duke: They did tell me. But, Dick.. I don't want to be a burden. Weren't you injured-
Dick: No, no. That was like last week. I'm good. As long as you're good with me to take you, right? Now, I don't want to be the burden.
Duke, smiles: Never.
Dick, smiles and gives Duke a side hug: Then you're never a burden too, Little D. A big bro has to look out for the younger ones. Plus, I can say that you dressing up nice comes from my influence.
Duke, chuckles: Who else am I looking up to, right?
Dick to Damian: Shush, Dami. I know you're dating a super, and he can come and get you without a minute to spare, but tell Jon I'll be taking you.
Damian: Richard, please. I'm already at the right age.
Dick, puts a hand on his little (not so anymore) brother's shoulder and he refuses not to tear up (he fails ofc): I know, you've grown up so much, Dami. So much, since I made you Robin. But please, it will make me really happy to do this. It will give me peace, in some way. It sounds ridiculous, but yes.
Damian, doesn't even try to hide the fond he has on his face: Alright, Richard. I'll let Jon know.
Dick: He's not taking you somewhere out of Gotham or Metropolis, right? Cus then we'll have to take the Batplane.
Damian, chuckles: It's in Metropolis, don't worry.
Dick: Phew. I was as nervous as the time I took Tim on his date.
maybe after a few years on Dick and Wally's wedding day, Dick's younger siblings will be walking with him on the aisle by his side and Bruce, their Father, on his other side of course. and they're thankful that the aisle is wide enough to fit the whole Wayne kids. Dick is a crying mess and he hasn't even reached Wally yet by the end of the aisle. because he's genuinely happy to have his siblings take him to the love of his life this time.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
DBK is most certainly confused as hell! But the moment he hears Wukong is in Danger, he's all on storming the Celestial Palace against his former brother's, this time with permission from his in-laws! It's also during this situation the truth about his rampage 500 years ago becomes known to the Celestial Realm. Xiwangmu, who has figured out Uwkong was not pregnant on the Journey, has even more reason to respect DBK.
DBK is all sorts of messed up when he gets revived, but he immediately softens when he hears a tiny excited "BABA!" at his hoof. Immediately the feared demon king drops to his knees to embrace his child, barely larger since he last saw him centuries ago. His wife is close behind, cupping her husband's face and peppering him with kisses as she sobs with joy.
Red Son and Iron Fan are the only people who matter to DBK in that moment.
Then he notices his in-laws. And what appears to be the Pilgrims? Why are they all here?
DBK: (*finally gets a good look at the room/construction site*) The Room: (*His wife's parents, her nephew, and her cousin are all watching him closely. A pair of dragons + their pup stay at a safe distance. Macaque is alive again and is struggling to keep the Staff upright. And a trio of Pilgrim-looking fellows look extremely out-of-place.*) DBK: "Uh... ok, I am completely at a loss for what is happening right now." Nezha: "The Brotherhood have taken over Heaven. Azure Lion has taken the Emperor's power for himself, and taken Sun Wukong as a hostage." DBK: "Those fools! But, why is Wukong unable to fight back against them?" Macaque: "He's very weak from delivering a stone egg." DBK: "HE DID WHAT!? After I nearly ripped heaven asunder to prevent him from doing so!" Tang, history nerding: "Wait - that was the reason for your rampage 500 years ago?! You were trying to stop Wukong from creating his Stone Egg?" DBK: "Of course! He approached me to act as a vigil for Flower Fruit Mountain while he buried himself. When I discovered that the process is more often-than-not fatal, I became adamant on distracting Wukong by any means necessary!" Nezha: "You were not successful, sadly. Me and Iron Fan kept watch for the last 5 centuries - though I was not given context on why. I now understand why that was. I nearly strangled Wukong when I learned what the purpose of his "meditation" was." DBK, surprised: "Truly?" Pigsy, gesturing to the Ao-Long's: "Yeah, it was only when a certain baby dragon got lost playing with your kid did anyone know about this." Mei, puts up hand proudly: "I dug up Uncie Wu!" (*DBK turns to PIF, his face uncertain*) DBK: "My love, is this all true?" PIF, nodding: "Yes dear. When I saw the reincarnations of Wukong's pilgrim brothers touch upon the island, I sensed that it was time to slowly reunite our family. I retrieved Red Son from Guanyin, and of course, you know how much trouble he can get into on a good day. Eventually, things got a little away from us when Macaque came back into our lives - you must see the recording of the Trial that happened because of that. And of course my parents eventually found out about their grandson from my involvement." Red Son, smiling proudly: "I set the Jade Emperor on fire!" Jade Emperor: "He did." Xiwangmu: (*hiding fond laughter behind her sleeves*) DBK, turns to face his in-laws: "In that case, I will accept any rapport offered to me in kind. My main priority is my family, and if Iron Fan wishes to include you in it - I would honour her choice." Sandy: "Guess, thats gonna include Mr Monkey King now too, huh?" DBK: "What?" Pigsy, getting frustrated: "We'll explain it later!"
So yeah, big brother Bull got some ears to shout off, and a few former-Brothers to interrogate.
Yellow Tusk actually breathes a sigh of relief to see DBK burst through the cloud layer into the Celestial Realm, furiously shouting "SUN WUKONG!" as he charges at the doors to the throne room. Finally a good distraction.
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teegeeteegee · 2 months
Physical Contact Headcanons for Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy
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Well, here goes nothing. I’m posting headcanons for the first time. 😅 I’ve had these in my mind for a while and decided to write them out. As the title states, it’s about the physical contact (hugs, kisses, etc.) between the Mario brothers and Princesses Peach and Daisy.
Before I begin, I should warn that I am absolutely terrible when it comes to headcanons. They may not make sense despite my best efforts to explain them. 😅
Also, if my headcanon(s) are similar to some that other people already came up with, I assure you it is not intentional, and I apologize in advance.
With all of that out of the way, let’s-a go!
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Mario is a great hugger! He’s like a teddy bear who provides a combination of protection and comfort. With that said, he rarely initiates them unless he’s overly excited about something.
The only person he gives consistent hugs to is Luigi. Outside of that, he’ll hug the Toad children if they approach him or ask for one. He’ll rarely hug Peach unless after they overcome a perilous situation and even then, she is the one who hugs him first.
Like Mario, Luigi is good at hugs. However, he has to be comfortable with the people first before they experience how warm they are. He’s less likely to give them out than Mario due to his more reserved temperament.
Mario is the only person who he’s comfortable hugging on his own.
One time, he tried to surprise Daisy with a hug from behind, only for her to judo flip him like Peach did to Mario in the movie. Since then, he’s shied away from hugging her and will only do so if she hugs him first.
Peach is a very generous hugger. Her hugs are tender, snug, and soothing, especially if she uses her healing magic. She loves hugging anything she can.
Of course, her best hugs are reserved for the people who she is the closest to. These consist of Mario, Luigi, Daisy, and Toadsworth.
Outside of them, she has an affinity for hugging cute things. Toad babies and children in particular are her biggest weakness. She has a hard time resisting them, especially if they’re brave enough to approach her first. Yoshi babies also evoke her hugging side.
She is especially fond of group hugs and doesn’t like to exclude anyone.
Like her fellow princess, Daisy loves doling out hugs. Unlike her best friend, however, her hugs tend to be anything but tender. They can range from manageable to back-breaking or rib-crushing. She doesn’t mean to hug so hard, mind you; it’s just that she’s very affectionate to those she cares about the most.
Of course, her main victim is none other than Luigi. Let’s just say he keeps chiropractors in business from how frequently he visits them. The types of hugs she loves to give him outside of the normal are running, tackling, and surprise hugs from behind.
She also loves to hug Peach though she’s not as rough with her. Mario is another one she likes to hug on occasion; however, he’ll sometimes compete with her to see who hugs the hardest.
Another thing she has in common with Peach is that she adores children and wants to lovingly wrap her arms around them. Unfortunately, they tend to scatter, or their parents shield them from her due to her, ahem, "reputation".
As with Peach, she loves group hugs.
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Mario & Luigi
I’m putting these two together because they have similar approaches. It is highly unlikely to see either of them kiss the princesses first. Both are reticent to even think of such a thing due to their statuses. Although Mario has more experience with women, none of them were royalty and thus, he didn’t believe he was worthy enough to kiss a princess. Luigi, on the other hand, abolished the thought from his mind completely. If Mario wasn’t worthy enough, he figured he'd had the same odds as their worst enemies.
The only time they would initiate the kisses is if the princesses wanted them to. They standing under some mistletoe is one example of such a scenario.
Peach would send some subtle hints such as commenting on the mood or giving Mario permission if she sees him wanting to but is reluctant to do so. Think of Kristoff and Anna at the end of the first Frozen Movie. Even then, it would be a peck on the cheek at most.
Daisy would outright ask Luigi to kiss her or tell him through her body language, such as pointing to her cheeks or slightly puckering her lips. Despite the blatant hints, Luigi is loath to follow through due to Daisy playing tricks on him. For example, he would lean in to kiss her cheek, only for her to dip him and plant a big kiss anywhere on his face. As for the puckered lips, she would quickly peck him on the lips right when he was about to make contact. This made him blush profusely and fall on his rear end in surprise. He’s been cautious since.
Mario hasn’t tried to kiss Daisy, nor has Luigi attempted to kiss Peach on their own.
The only time they feel comfortable kissing the princesses is if they (the princesses) are upset over something. The brothers then gently kiss the princesses on their foreheads out of instinct in an attempt to soothe them since that’s what their mother did for them and their father for their mother when they were distraught.
No question about it, Peach is the most charitable kisser of the group. As much as she enjoys dishing out hugs, she slightly enjoys kissing more. Her pecks tend to be on the tender and warm side. She secretly loves to see the responses of those who are lucky enough to be blessed by her ample lips. Her kisses can also heal wounds or soothe aches if the situation calls for it.
The main recipient of said kisses is of course Mario. She thinks he has a kissable face and relishes his reactions to them.
She doesn’t have a preferred spot as to where she likes to kiss him, but the most targeted spots are his cheeks. She usually pecks him there after he rescues her or as a spot of affection. Other areas include the forehead and nose. The former is when he’s asleep or resting after an adventure. The latter is sometimes after rescuing her, if she’s in a playful mood, or if he hurts it in some way.
She also kisses Luigi from time to time. She almost always kisses him on his cheeks, and they are mostly for rescuing her, helping her out with something, giving her a gift, or if he’s despondent over something. These kisses are strictly platonic.
She is very fond of kissing children, especially Toad babies and Yoshis. She likes kissing the adult Yoshis as well, especially their noses.
On the other hand, Daisy isn’t much of a kisser. Her preferred intimate contact is definitely hugging.
When it comes to Luigi, however, a whole army of Chargin’ Chucks and Shovas are needed to keep her lips away from him, and even that may not be enough.
She loves sneaking up on him from behind and surprising him with her pecks.
Her favorite spot is most certainly his nose. One of her favorite things to do is to tap Luigi on the shoulder and peck him on the nose as soon as he turns around, then giggle and grin in his face right after. The best part is that he falls for it every time!
Another thing she gets a kick out of regarding his nose is kissing it so firmly it fluctuates like a diving board after someone jumps from it.
Should Luigi ever be asleep in her presence, he can expect to have his face embellished with multiple orange kiss marks when he wakes up!
As for Mario, the only times she kisses him is when she picks him up and plants a loud stretching one on his cheek in good fun or in the middle of an argument. It usually ends with Mario having a tomato red face and him muttering something under his breath in Italian.
She sometimes pecks Peach on the cheek out of spontaneity or when she’s teasing her. Peach’s cheeks flush sometimes, and Daisy teases her by telling her how cute/pretty she is when she’s blushing.
Like Peach, she loves kissing children and babies. However, like her hugs, she can get carried away, causing everyone to be wary of her.
Other Kissing Trivia
The way the brothers respond to kisses from their beloved princess depends on where they kiss them. Mario and Luigi have similar reactions from them.
Cheek: at minimum slightly flushed cheeks. Sometimes their entire faces turn red, and they swoon. How much they swoon depends on the pressure of the kisses. They also flinch and widen their eyes if surprised.
Nose: their noses twitch, and their mustaches either stretch horizontally or curl upward at the ends. In addition, their faces redden at some parts, and their bodies stiffen. Sometimes they tumble on their backs and look dreamily at the sky. Their noses are the most sensitive and responsive parts besides their lips.
Forehead: slightly flushed faces and droopy eyes. They internally feel warm and giddy.
Lips: it would be miraculous if they were still on their feet if they’re not being held up by something. Their faints and collapses depend on the types of kisses and how firm they are. For example, a long passionate French kiss instantly knocks them out, whereas a quick peck would make their knees wobbly. The only exception to this is if they’re kissed while asleep. Then they instantly wake up with a jolt and flushed faces.
Speaking of sleep, although mentioned earlier Daisy loves to leave kiss prints on Luigi’s face while he’s dozing, Peach loves doing the same with Mario. The difference between the princesses is their approach. Peach loves to leave delicate patterns such as hearts, circles, and even mushrooms. Daisy, on the other hand, just goes feral and plants her lips wherever there’s exposed skin.
On the flip side, in the rare cases where the brothers kiss the princesses, the princesses usually respond with flushed faces and giggles. The latter is mostly from being tickled by their mustaches.
They gasp and slightly blush from surprise pecks, normally on their cheeks. In the extremely rare cases when the princesses are kissed on the lips, they respond with wide eyes, wholly flushed faces, and are rendered speechless.
Miscellaneous Physical Contact
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Mario loves to pat people on their backs, fist bump, high five, or wrap his arm around their shoulders in support. He mostly does this with Luigi, but he also does it with some of the Toads and other allies.
He doesn’t do this at all with the princesses, especially Peach. The rare times he’ll initially touch Peach are if he’s carrying her (mostly when he flies with her wearing a power-up) or running with her hand from present dangers like escaping from dungeons or running from hordes of enemies. Beyond that, he’ll offer a hand if he wishes to have contact with her and leaves it up to Peach to decide if she accepts (and is secretly thrilled when she does).
As before, Luigi is similar to Mario except even more shy about it. The only time he’s really comfortable is around small children and animals he’s comfortable around, such as Polterpup and small friendly ones.
The rare times he’ll make physical contact with Daisy are when there’s imminent danger or if she’s too stubborn to back down from an argument or powerful enemy that they can’t defeat at the time. Daisy gets taken aback at first since Luigi rarely takes charge like that; however, she secretly appreciates his more assertive side.
Peach is a very affectionate person when it comes to physical contact. Outside of hugs, she loves to pat her Toads on the head as well as pet Yoshis and other animals.
Other forms of physical contact include gently patting someone on the shoulder or back, holding hands, and inviting Toad children to sit on her lap.
With Mario, she loves interlocking hands and elbows with him. She is the one who initiates the contact and doesn’t mind doing so. However, she’ll hint when she wants him to make the first move. These hints include commenting on the weather, subtly brushing her arms and hands with his, and offering her hand like he does with her (although this one isn’t a hint at all)
She also loves to caress his face with one or both of her hands. For the latter, she does it before or after kissing him, mostly on the nose, 95% of the time.
She loves to tenderly stroke Mario’s mustache. Although Mario isn’t super fussy about it, she doesn’t want to mess it up too much.
Something that isn't as known about her is that she's an avid tickler! She knows both Mario and Luigi are ticklish, especially Luigi. Luigi is pretty much a goner the moment she touches him. For Mario, however, she has to sneak up on him since straightforward tickles don’t affect him as much.
Daisy is a physically affectionate person much like her princess counterpart. Whereas Peach is warm and tender, however, Daisy is more aggressive and energetic. With that said, she never means to be malicious with the people she cares about.
Besides hugs, her favorite form of physical affection is patting people on the back. However, as with her other actions, she overdoes it at times, usually ending with the person staggering if not faceplanting outright. One would think Luigi is the main victim, but surprisingly it’s not him. It’s actually Mario who is mostly on the receiving end. With him, it’s deliberate because she gets a kick out of seeing Mario’s flustered reaction.
She also has a habit of wrapping her arm around people’s shoulders. People tend to be cautious when she does this because it usually means she is either up to something or wants a favor. These are also accompanied by suspicious grins, adding to the atmosphere. The primary victim of this is Peach. Daisy uses this tactic when she wants Peach to do something with or for her.
As for her green bean, outside of hugging him to death, she loves to hold hands with him and will drag him from place to place, especially if he takes too long to join her. She is also fond of carrying him bridal style when the opportunity arises.
Despite her hyper nature, she can be tender when she desires. Again, these are mostly reserved for Luigi, especially when he’s feeling down.
She absolutely adores Luigi’s nose! Besides kissing it, she likes petting, gently massaging, and honking it. For the last one, she’ll do it when she’s feeling playful or if she’s upset with him, though not as hard. In fact, she’ll be beside herself if she hurts it in some form. She’ll caress it and kiss it in an attempt to make him feel better. Her love for his nose stems from Luigi confiding in her about his insecurity over it after it was made fun of by a girl who he had a huge crush on in high school. Because of that, she does everything to let him know his nose is fine the way it is.
She also loves to run her fingers through Luigi’s mustache. Luigi, unlike Mario, is very finicky about his ‘stache and gets slightly exasperated when she messes it up. However, at the same time he secretly enjoys the attention she gives it.
Well, that’s about it for now. Should I think of some more, I’ll add them. I’ll also try to clean this up more to make it look the best it can. In the meantime, I would love to read some headcanons about these four regarding this subject or if anyone has anything to add to mine. 😊
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arabzian · 1 year
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(sorry for my bad English ): )
tags: chubby reader, fem reader, princess treatment, teen gojo, teen nanamin, heavy smut.
TEEN GOJO (blowjob, oral f receiving)
- you two weren’t in the same high school, you met during a basket ball match where his high school team was against yours.
- you sat among the public, watching the boys of your high school playing and especially your brother who was playing as well.
- you shouted his name and encouraging him with the rest of you girls friends.
- at the end of the game, you would want to eat and chill at your favorite fast-food with your friends and brother but a cute girl with short hair came to your way.
- "Hey my name is shoko, I know we don’t know each other but my friend have a huge crush on you right now. He said he didn’t score any goal because he was too focused on you."
- All of your friends laughed while you wanted to die of embarrassment.
- But… why not ? You followed this girl shoko and say to you friend that you will came back soon.
- You never came back.
- When Gojo saw you come with Shoko, he almost try to hide behind a tree.
- "Hi", you said shyly to him. "You wanted to see me ?"
- "Y…Yeah, I don’t know if you have a boyfriend but… Even if you had I don’t care, would you want to go out with me sometimes ?"
- Gojo and you weren’t officially dating, you two just casually hang out after high school. He would pick you up in front of your school with his car then drive you to places to just spend time with you.
- Some people were absolutely shock to see you two together. Sometimes in public places you heard some girls or boys laughing at you two or saying things such as "how could he be with her ? Did he lost a bet or something ?"
- Teen Gojo had a very short temper so he will beat them up. Except the girls, in front of them he would prefer to kiss you and it made them jealous every time.
- One day after your birthday party, you cleaned your apartment with him and suddenly, he stopped to watch you.
- This scene felt somehow domestic to him, he wanted to live with you after your graduation and clean stuff with you, cook with you… Basically, do anything with you will make him happy.
- "Y/N… I want to be your boyfriend, I really like you I want people to know that we are together".
- After that you said yes, he lift you up like a princess to… your bedroom.
- He was dreaming of it since he saw you at that basket ball match, he absolutely was fond of girls like you.
- His big and veiny hand was all over your squishy thighs while his other hand was gently holding your cheek, Gojo was litteraly sucking your tongue he wanted you so much.
- "Gojo please.. I am not comfortable with my body yet…"
- "What do you mean ? You have so many stretch marks you look like a baby tiger."
- Was this supposed to be a compliment ?
- You didn’t understand until you noticed that he was having a boner and you weren’t even naked.
- "You are so fucking perfect for me, I dare you to think that just because you have curves you do not deserve to be fucked."
- "I didn’t think that-"
- He reassured you in his own manners bc he was so horny like he couldn’t even properly talk, he sounded like an animal right now but you get him 😭
- Gojo was litteraly having the time of his life; he felt so privileged to touch you.
- He was fingering you while making hickeys on your neck; your pussy dripped in juice; you were too shy to admit him but he was doing it so well.
- You were too ashamed to moan but he went feral with his fingers so you ended up crying and moaning his name.
- "Can I eat your pussy ?"
- Consent king but you were so embarrassed like how can someone would ask such a question-
- you said yes.
- He was sucking your clit and drinking your juice (mixed with pee) like his life depended.
- You came in his mouth, your cum was dripping all over his jaw and a smile was on his face when he saw your cute expression on your face.
- "I am not finished with you."
- He pull out his dick out of his pants, he was so thick and so big, his dick was a little bit curvy you wanted it so bad Gojo was so perfect.
- before he could say anything, you started sucking him.
- He moaned due to the contact of your lips with his tip, he was so surprised like ????????
- "Wait you do not have to do that-"
- You looked at him with such a lustful stare, he did no longer control himself at this point.
- He hold your adorable cheeks between his hands and started to thrust his length into your mouth.
- He would stuff it to the base from his tip; it touched your throat and he asked himself how could you take him so well ? Like all of his dick was inside your mouth, you are such a queen he loves you so much.
- Before cumming, he did not know if it was ok to do it in your mouth so he would pull out his dick from your lips.
- You already love his dick so so much like you licked the length then the tip on your own.
- You opened your mouth wide, stick out your tongue for him to cum inside.
- You were on your hands and your knees like a pretty dog asking for a bone. Tits out and precum all over your jaw.
- He went crazy, Gojo grabbed your head and stuffed himself into you throat.
- This one of the best blowjob he had on his entiere life and it was your first time with him ? He would never let you go : you are made for him.
- He came so much that his cum was dripping all over your jaw, neck and tits.
- "It’s only the beginning, you will not be able to walk tomorrow I swear, I will fuck you so much you are not ready."
- He did.
- Lucky your parents weren’t home that night because you were screaming all the night, you were crying his name, screaming for help, Gojo was having the time of his life with you.
- He loves you so much, he has never been in love before you to be honest and right now, he could feel himself burning from the inside because of you.
- Gojo will bully anyone who would make fun of your weight or apparence. He is not joking, he became Regina George for the last year of high school.
TEEN NANAMI (oral f receiving, quickies)
- he had a huge crush on you since middle school and nobody knows it. He did not talk about it to his friend Haibara because he was so ashamed.
- Nanami is the emo kid of your high school, he looks always annoyed, do middle finger to teachers when they become too annoying and always has music blasting into his ears.
- And you were nothing like that.
- You always dress so pretty, you had the prettiest outfits of all your high school. You weren’t ashamed of your body at all. You were confident, always nice and smiling, even sassy sometimes.
- One day you were in sport class and you wore a sport suits that complimented your curves and body so well that Nanami had a boner this day.
- "I have to go the toilet I am sorry", whispered Nanami to Haibara.
- Surprised, Haibara decided to go with him, maybe Nanami was feeling sick ?
- "Nanami are you okay?", "Yes Yes.. Haibara, do you have a big shirt ou sweatshirt to lend me please I…"
- And then Haibara noticed it, he would laugh so loudly that Nanami could feel the shame consume him.
- "This is not funny…", "I am sorry but you were having a boner in the middle of sport class like, did you get turn on by our old teacher?"
- "By Y/N".
- "…Huh..? WHAT?!"
- "Listen, do not tell anybody okay? She doesn’t even know that I exist."
- "Nanami are you joking ? You love her ? Go and tell her !!"
- Haibara was a big fan of romance, shojo, love in general etc, he was living the moment.
- "Haibara, do you even think that someone like me has his chance with her ? She looks like a princess from a Disney movie and I … I look like nothing."
- "Nanami you are good-looking too are you kidding ?! Go ask her before she gets in a relationship!"
- "I don’t know.."
- "Well, with this attitude it’s true that she would never be interested in you."
- On Valentine’s Day, while you were talking with your girls friends in front of your class, you felt that someone was behind you.
- "Sorry to bother you y/n but…"
- You turned around to see this tall blond guy that you sometimes saw in the cafeteria during lunch time.
- He was holding a pretty rose and he looked so nervous.
- "Are you okay ?", you looked so worried. it made him burst from the inside, how could you be so adorable ?
- "I wanted to give you this flower.. Hm… Er… Happy Valentine’s Day." He was so ashamed of his own behaviour like he was so corny he didn’t know what to say. All of your friends was watching him and laughing.
- "Thank you, it’s so cute! I don’t have any flower to give you so, is it okay if we hang out after class ?"
- error 404 not found.
- Nanami’s cheeks was so red he felt all of his face burn. He was looking away while saying "yeah.. it could be fun.." he was so happy he didn’t know how to act right now.
- At the end of the day, you two go for a walk in the city, you were having small talk and even if nanami participated in the conversation. His mind was somewhere else.
- He was so nervous around you, you intimidated him but in the good way.
- "Are you hungry ? Did you eat ?", he asks, he wanted to invited you to eat something.
- "Yes I am a little bit hungry to be honest…"
- "Can I invite you ? I know a place where the food is amazing".
- "I really want to Nanami but I can’t, it’s summer soon and I want to lose a few pounds.."
- "Huh?", he looked a little bit pissed. "losing weight ? For what?"
- "Can’t you see ?", you laughed, "I am little bit overweight".
- "What ? I think you look great… " I did not want to make a full compliment because he was afraid to sound like a creep.
- "Thank you Nanami, but my mom said she won’t buy me more clothes if I don’t lose weight so I have to continue my diet. I am so sorry".
- Her mom was such an asshole, nanami would never understand how a parent could make their child hate themselves.
- Especially you, having curves suited you so well like it was a part of your charm and identity. Nanami always liked chubby girls so hearing you that you don’t like yourself…
- He pulled up in his car the next day after school to go shopping with you.
- you accepted shyly, he was being so determined here 😭
- "Buy what you want," he said while you were looking at some dresses, you were so embarrassed you felt like a burden.
- "Nanami, you don’t have to-", "I insist, please, it’s a pleasure to buy you things".
- Offering gifts was part of his love language.
- You were in the fitting room, you were trying on a pretty sundress who was flattering your cleavage so much but you were wondering if it wasn’t too much.
- "Nanami can you come please?"
- He was behind you and you turned around to show him that dress.
- "What do you think ? I was wondering if it wasn’t too much actually.."
- You waited for an answer but he didn’t say anything.
- He was staring at your body, you felt his eyes on your chest and thighs and you began to be uncomfortable.
- "Nanami..?"
- Like the last time, a boner appeared on his crotch and you noticed it.
- "I am sorry.. shit.." he groaned.
- You were looking at him apologizing.
- "You look absolutely beautiful. I don’t think it’s too much at all, that kind of cloths suit you so well actually".
- The atmosphere was so heavy right now, Nanami kept apologising and he said he would wait for you in his car, he let you with his credit card.
- "I am going to kill myself", he said while hitting his head against his car steering wheel.
- You came back an hour later with two shopping bags, you thank him while entering in the car and giving him back his credit card.
- "It was so nice, thank you nanami."
- "It’s nothing, I am happy to pay you new clothes, your mom is so dumb I swear".
- You stare at him for a second before kissing him.
- "I am sorry.. I-"
- he kissed you back and it escalated very quickly. You wore the dress you was trying on earlier and he didn’t even bother to hide his boner anymore.
- while he was kissing you, he started to gently fingering you. You let out small moans while kissing him.
- "You look so good in that dress, let me eat your pussy please", he said breathy.
- He did. Nanami was actually obsessed with you.
- While nanami was licking and sucking your clit, he strokes his own dick. It made him so horny to have sex with you in his car.
- He was eating that fat pussy of yours, you were his dream girl and he was living the time of his life.
- He let hickeys on your inner thighs and boobs.
- Right now, you were on the back seat, on your knees, back arched like a cat while nanami was fucking you from behind.
- He hold your squishy tummy while thrusting into your pussy, hitting all the right spots.
- "I’ve been waiting for this all my life, I love you so much", he moaned.
- He was blowing your back so violently you couldn’t say a properly answer, you were a moaning mess.
- He put two of his finger in your mouth and you were sucking them, "please let me be your boyfriend, I will always be there for you", his thrusts was faster and faster.
- You nodded your head, it’s all you could do, his hands were all over you.
- You two were the best and cutest couple of your high school tho. The emo boy with his princess girlfriend.
thank you for reading !!! Idk how to use Tumblr i litteraly start to publish here yesterday, if you want me to write something tell me !!!
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Hi I saw your Astarion x Tav HC recs are open and personally my Tav is a half elf Selûnite cleric.
I just think its a really sweet matchup- a vampire, a creature of the night, and a cleric that always preferred the night to the day. I’m forever mad that we don’t get to tell him that we prefer the moon to the sun when he apologizes for the fact that he’ll never be able to spend time in the sun with Tav.
Just my two cents I needed to share with someone haha
(can't stop thinking about Astarion praying to Selune. I don't think he will become a devoted selunite but he can find some faith within him)
The text of the prayer comes from Selûnite Prayer Book
Astarion x Cleric of Selûne! Tav
Astarion is beaten and tortured.
His flesh wounds bleed and his bones are broken.
It's a neverneding hell he can't escape, because he is already dead.
Silently, Astarion prays.
His split lips whisper the words of prayer he once heard in a temple.
Dearest Selûne, our fair maiden, weave our hearts with threads of silver, guide us with the light of the moon, and quench us with the purest of tears.
Astarion doesn't have much hope.
Besides Selûne a human goddess, and Elven gods have long abandoned him.
His prayers are heard this time.
A human woman suddenly feels the urge to go outside. There she meets a young elf - and spends a night with him.
She never asks his name and, in the morning, they part ways forever.
But the woman doesn't leave alone.
She carries a half-elf child in her belly.
Probably, the woman never wanted to have a child, maybe she doesn't want to have a mixed baby or she simply can't care about the newborn.
Or maybe she dies at childbirth like many women do.
Anyway, a little half-elf finds their family among the Clerics of Selûne.
You grow up, knowing no other family but your brothers and sisters in Selune.
With a very firm belief, you are born to serve Our Lady of Silver.
Eventually, you are sent to Baldur's Gate - to join the fight against the Shar adepts.
But you never manage to get to the city as the Mindflayers kidnap you.
Astarion lost all his faith years ago and he doesn't remember ever praying to Selûne, though seeing someone so devoted rubs him the wrong way.
Gods never heard him when he was tortured and abused. Why bother?
But you catch his attention. Maybe it's your willpower, your leadership skills. Maybe your looks. You kind nature.
At first, you are scared of Astarion. Selûne condemns the undead and necromancy - vampires are considered the pure evil who desecrate the world.
No one objects that Cazador is a monster. But Astarion?
He is a thinking feeling creature! He didn't choose this "pure shit". What are you supposed to do him?
No. You know the answer, though some of your sisters would consider it heresy.
Astarion has a choice. If he chooses the path of evil, you will be his enemy. You are a Cleric. You know what is right.
But should he choose a good path, you will be on his side.
And you will do anything in your power to help him.
You give Astarion you blood. You give him your body. Your compassion, your kindness.
You mention him in your prayers.
Astarion doesn't say anything to you about your faith but you know he isn't fond of it.
"I prayed to all the gods, including the Moonmaiden. No one saved me."
You made a deal, as people of different religious views do. He respects your faith, you respect his right not to have one.
Post-game you keep being a Cleric planning on rising through the ranks in the church.
You are a half-elf - you inherited ambitions from your human ancestors.
Astarion is still hesitant - he doesn't want you to spend your life in shadows with him.
"Astarion, I am a Cleric of Selûne, not of Latander. I love night more than day and the Moon more than the Sun. I will be fine"
You will forever remember the shock on his face as he realizes Moon shines for the undead, too.
You travel, helping the Selûnites to restore their organization.
One day during your prayer you notice Astarion standing on his knees with his hands in a gesture of adoration repeating the words after you.
Shadows taunt us. Hear our prayer! Shadows stalk us. Hear our prayer! Shadows wound us. Hear our prayer!
He mostly does it because he knows you like it.
You like when he joins you in your rituals and prayers, when he visits temples with you.
It makes you happy seeing him praying and he does it more and more often.
But one day a weird idea comes to his mind.
He prayed to Selûne once. Many years ago. After one especially brutal torture.
What if-
What if she heard him?
What if she sent him his savior? Her servant, her cleric, her devoted Selûnite?
What if is this half-elf he loves so much, whose body he worships, whose blood is so divine - is the answer?
You wake up to him kissing you. His face is red with tears and he mutters the words of gratitude.
From that day, he changes a bit. It's not like he is a man of god - he is still too rebellious to be a part of the church.
But every cleric of Selûne knows that Astarion the Undead is the man any Selûnite can rely on.
There are many rituals he can't partake in but as they say - Moon shines for everyone.
Astarion starts wearing the Selûnite light armour which looks very beautiful on him. Together you go into the most dangerous places - because you have your own undead to save you.
And every time you go to sleep (even if before that you've had the wildest sex possible). You pray while holding each other in your arms.
Selûne, thou with radiam loom, mend our hearts with threads of silver, heal us with drops of morning dew, and sooth our souls with softest starglow.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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danieyells · 4 months
i am politely begging for lucas lines 🤲
LUCA MY BELOVED LITTLE BRIT KNIGHT. Luca is a darling but the thing about him is that he's so focused on his goal that he really seems to have no mind for anything else. . .well it's not a problem, but it does make him feel a little distant I guess.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"You're here 10 minutes early—I'm impressed. Let's check the details for today's mission."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"A letter's arrived for you. It could be important—you'd better open it right away."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"So this is all we have to go on for the next mission... Don't worry. No matter what anomaly awaits us, I'll keep you safe."
"I haven't trained nearly enough. I need to go on more missions... I have to do more, to find a way to subjugate them..."
bby you're already doing everything you can. . . .
"If you're ever in trouble, you can always come to me. I want to be there for my friends."
"Do I find it tough training every day? Those with strength have a duty to use it for others. I'm perfectly all right."
"I'm sorry. I haven't troubled you again with my thoughtlessness, have I?"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, good morning! An early training session will warm you up for the day. Would you care to join me?"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry, I'm about to head out. A dangerous anomaly is wreaking havoc on campus again, and it's a threat to the general students."
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I invited Kaito to train with me, but he turned me down. Apparently, he's got a lot on his plate, but I'm worried about his lack of strength..."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"There's something I want to investigate a little further… You'll join me? Thank you. You really are very kind."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Phew... I'm finished with today's revision. Still, it's not quite bedtime. Perhaps I could fit in a casual training session."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I've heard in Japan it's believed you're more likely to encounter evil spirits at twilight. Let's go find out if it's true."
hey let's go wander out alone at night and see if we can find demons to fight! don't worry tho i'll protect you nbd.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito invited me to have ramen with him again today. He says it's Tokyo's signature dish."
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Jin has been calling you to his room a lot lately. Is everything okay? If you feel uncomfortable, I'll have a word with him."
let's say she was uncomfortable, what would that resolve? you think jin's gonna listen to you? but lmao it's kinda funny to me that like Ritsu and Luca see Jin putting you to work and go like "hm. that seems concerning." IT'S FINE THO WE'RE INTO IT EVERYTHING'S GOOD.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You think everywhere in Frostheim is cold? That's not true—the bedrooms are properly heated, like the cozy spot in front of the fireplace in winter."
everywhere outside of that though, freezing. including the bathrooms. especially the bathrooms.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"If you're struggling to sleep, the Sandman will come and pay you a visit. That's what one old folktale in the UK says, at least. He must have been some sort of anomaly, too."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm fond of the morning air. My brother, on the other hand, always said he found the nighttime more relaxing. Which do you prefer?"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Today in Anomalous Combat I was scolded by Professor Dante for defeating a mock anomaly. I believe I made the right call, so I'm quite confused..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"In many ways, Frostheim etiquette is quite different from etiquette in the UK. I wish I could escort you, but I still have a lot to learn myself."
okay consider frostheim etiquette is shitty anyway most of the time so don't even worry about it they're assholes.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"We still have some time until class starts. Why don't we go and fetch the documents for our next mission from Tohma?"
buddy isn't the main building across campus from Frostheim. . .do we have that kind of time. . . .
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You need to make sure you eat a proper breakfast. You lose muscle mass if you do things on an empty stomach. That's why I always have biscuits on me."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"In classes I sometimes notice discrepancies between what is taught at Emrys and what is taught at Darkwick. I wonder which is correct?"
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You worked hard today. No matter what ordeals await us tomorrow, I trust that you'll both be able to overcome them."
Luca believes in you! So believe in yourself too! You'll make it another day.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've heard about the bushido ritual of seppuku. It's a rather extreme way of punishing oneself… It must require a great deal of mental fortitude."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You should go home and rest, {PC}. I won't allow the Devil's hour to pass tonight without finding some sort of hint..."
i feel like he doesn't find many hints and should worry about sleeping instead. . .what's with ghouls and not sleeping and eating enough. . . .
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Did you manage to get a good night's sleep? Rest is the best medicine. Don't push yourself to stay up too late, all right?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Did you see they've announced what our next test is going to cover, {PC}? I hope your studies are going well. I'm happy to help you with review if you need me to."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm going to have a chat with Professor Hyde about demons before I leave today. You and Kaito should go on ahead."
he's so studious! but i bet hyde wishes he'd y'know live a little.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Is a "pajama party" some sort of important event? Kaito was insisting that we invite you to one."
please teach this boy to relax a little. . .teach him a little fun social stuff. . . .
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sometimes I feel out of sorts, like I'm not myself. I still have a lot of training to do."
i think that's called exhaustion and having emotions, buddy. . .you can't train yourself out of that. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"We have experienced many joys and sorrows together since becoming friends. I'm very glad we met. I look forward to walking the road ahead with you."
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I saw a lot of flowers in bloom while I was jogging through the campus this morning. It really brightened up my run."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Spring in Japan is quite similar to spring in the UK. The weather gets reassuringly warmer, and the air is filled with the scent of flowers."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Kaito has been nodding off in class a lot recently. I wake him up right away, but I'm still worried he'll fall behind..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've never seen cherry blossoms lit up at night before. They looked very different than they do in the daylight. I feel it taught me something about differing viewpoints."
i feel like i learned something! not sure what tho.
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Summer days are long and productive, but in Frostheim the days are short all year round. It's easy to get caught in the dark if you're not careful."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Kaito's going to teach me about Japanese summer again today. This is the first time I've spent the summer with friends— it's been a lot of fun."
;;;; please be a good first friend to him
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"There's a summer festival being held in Hotarubi this evening. I've got a yukata for it… Could you help me put it on?"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The sun stays up until late at night during summer in the UK, so Japan's dark, sweltering summer nights feel quite odd to me."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Tohma has been going out on a lot of private errands lately. I wonder where he's been going? You don't think he's doing secret training, do you?"
no sweetie i don't think he's secretly training without you. he's doing important administrative business. don't worry about it.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I like that autumn is considered the season for reading here. I'm reading two books at the moment—this one's in German, and this one's French. Can you read them?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tohma just gave us some chestnuts, so Kaito and I are going to try roasting them in the kitchen. Would you like to join us?"
once again the Frostheim Family interactions are strong lolol HERE KIDS HAVE SOME SNACKS. KEEP IT DOWN YOUR FATHER IS TRYING TO SLEEP.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Anomalies are more active in summer in Japan, whereas in the UK, they're more common in the autumn. I suppose Obon and Halloween are to blame there."
obon is in august that is barely summer tbh. i mean some places celebrate it in july i guess. but that's an interesting worldbuilding observation. local spirit and 'monster' related festivities influence the amount of anomalies that spawn in a region. so halloween in america and the uk result in a lot of anomalies. maybe there are lots of love related anomalies and like doves around valentine's day? then again Luca said they don't have them in the UK that he's aware of.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"{PC}, your hands are red from the cold. Come on, let's run to the classroom. It'll warm you up."
while that is a realistic way of warming up who tf wants to go for a run in the cold. i mean it probably feels good the contrast in heat and cold but also HOW ABOUT WE GO TO THE STORE AND GET SOME MITTENS OR SOMETHING. but it is a very in character response for him lol. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"When Kaito put a satsuma on his head and said, "I'm a New Year's decoration," Tohma fell silent and walked away. I'm confused— was it some sort of spell?"
satsuma are those little mandarins they put on top of kagami-mochi at New Years! if you've seen japanese winter/new years art you may have seen characters with them sat atop their heads while they relax in kotatsu. in the japanese version Kaito says "kagami-mochi" and Luca likely doesn't know what kagami-mochi is, so he thought it was magic.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The sun sets early this time of year. It's easy to feel down when the nights are long, but that's why it's especially important to stick to a routine like an exercise schedule."
Luca wards off his seasonal depression with exercise. good to know.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On a clear, frosty night, you can see an aurora in the sky above Frostheim. It's very inspiring—like a beacon of hope in the darkness."
His birthday: (March 22nd)
"I suppose today is my birthday. Thank you. If you don't mind, will you join me in praying for my twin brother's safety?"
i gently rag on him for caring about nothing else but. it's clear how much his brother means to him and how worried he is about him, that even his birthday is dedicated to worrying over his wellbeing. idk who or what he prays to, or if it's just a general hoping thing or a 'since i'm in japan i'll make my pleas to japan's gods, in case those entities might have any power to help' type thing, like going to a shrine just because it's what everybody does, but. idk. i hope he can have a nice birthday outside of worrying about his brother. then again, it's hard to enjoy your birthday when you know it's your twin's birthday too and not knowing where they are, i guess.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. There is a reason you were born into this world, and it's something that should be celebrated."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I've heard it's customary to visit a shrine, so I'm planning to invite Kaito to go with me. Would you like to come along?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Thank you! This is all very new to me. In the UK, it's men who express their gratitude to women on Valentine's Day."
i was gonna say something questioning because i'm american but when i think about it women in relationships with men don't really/aren't expected to give something to their boyfriends/husbands are they. it's much more of a day to give to/do something for your girlfriend. usually the idea of a gift for a man on valentine's day is ~dress sexy for him and have sex with him~ or whatever because other material stuff like stuffed animals and candy and flowers are seen as non-masculine gifts and things men wouldn't like. . .but that's kind of sad to think about. idk i guess i never really thought about it because valentine's day is a day that has no meaning to me. and 'valentine's day is a day men express their gratitude to women' is a very kind perspective on how it seems like people treat valentine's day haha. . . .
White Day: (March 13th)
"Thank you for the chocolate you gave me last month. This is a token of my appreciation. They're Thorntons chocolates— I just received them from back home."
do you think his family sent them and he decided to give you something lovingly sent to him by his family, or that he ordered them for the occasion specifically. . .i think it's sweet either way.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"How odd... Kaito has been acting peculiar all morning. I wonder if he's coming down with something. Did you notice it, too?"
homie's really been living under a rock huh.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Is that you under that mask, {PC}? I could just tell. I don't really understand what's so fun about this holiday."
on one hand, maybe if you got him to dress up and go trick-or-treating he'd enjoy it more? on the other hand i feel like he'd be on edge about it. More anomalies around in the UK around halloween, and he'd be so busy thinking about if there are demons around under his nose he wouldn't be able to have fun. . .poor guy probably grew out of halloween early huh.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Happy Christmas! It's a shame I'm not able to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family this year, but I'm glad that I have all of you now."
you're his family now ;;;;;
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Penny for them? I'm happy to lend an ear if there's something troubling you."
'them' being 'your thoughts' in case you aren't familiar with the expression
(13 affinity and above)
"When deciding on your next move, I do think it's important to think carefully. That said, hesitation can cost lives. Balance is crucial."
boy it ain't that deep i am idle because i am checking emails or something would you relax--
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"I knew you'd be back. If you're prepared to work to overcome this ordeal once again, I will gladly lend you my strength."
THOSE ARE MOST ALL OF HIS VOICELINES he's very. . .focused. it makes him a little repetitive but considering what's happening to bring him here i don't blame him. . . .
Of course finding his brother is important but the poor guy doesn't even see the world around him really, which is kind of sad. . . . On one hand, it's good that he's able to focus on his goals and desires, on the other hand it feels like those things are all he cares about because he feels like he has to and other aspects of life fly by him even if he'd otherwise enjoy them. . . . But even as his affinity goes up it feels like he focuses on so many of the same things. He sees you very much as his family and the first real friends he's ever made, which does lend to a positive relationship, but even then it feels like he keeps you at arm's length and sees you as someone to protect more than a loved one. . .maybe if he can find his brother or find out what happened to him he'll lighten up a little someday. then again given he isn't familiar with things like pajama parties and april fool's day he was probably serious even with his brother around! I assume they're going to be opposite type brothers, where his brother is a very jovial and relaxed person, but Luca is serious and strict. but only time will tell!
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
can i get a request: daddy kink and age gap with him🤭 plzzzz
Oh, you’re naughty!!! Here you go hunni! This one was a challenge. I hope you enjoy it.. 🙈🫶🏻
Won't You Stay With Me Until The Morning Sun
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*Michael’s POV*
I woke up, looking around the room with a big smile on my face— a smile that faded once I reached out, finding the spot next to me cold and empty. The ruffled sheets and clothing that littered the floor was now the only tangible evidence of last night. Where is she?.. The phone rang loudly just as I sat up, my legs hanging off the edge of the mattress. I moved towards the noise, taking a deep breath before picking up the phone and holding it against my ear.
“Hi, little brother.”
“So, how are you? How’s the lovely Y/N?” I could tell by his tone he wasn’t asking because he actually cared.
“She’s great— I’m great. We are fantastic! How sweet of you to ask!” I responded sarcastically, if only he was here to see what finger I was holding up just for him. “How are you?”
“Alright, listen, mom is on my back, so that’s the only reason I’m making this phone call.”
“What is it now?”
“She’s not very fond of your lady..” he took a deep breath before adding. “She thinks Y/N is using you.”
“Well that’s not true.”
“I know and I told her that, but she insisted I speak to you about it. I mean I understand where mom is coming from, Y/N’s beautiful and young— like twenty and you’re all gross and old— like seventy..”
“I am not seventy! Or gross! You’re older than me you schmuck..” I cut him off annoyed with where this conversation was going. “Do you think she’s using me?” I asked, hurt laced within my voice.
“Honestly, at first I did, but she seems very sweet. I can see that she genuinely cares for you, god knows why. Regardless, she seems like a good one. I have no issues with her— just do me a favor and don’t go sucking face at anymore televised events. Mom nearly had a heart attack.”
“Well, thank you for that. I know how difficult it must be for you to discuss how incredible my life is. Fine. For you, I’ll do my best to keep it PG, but no promises… I mean have you seen Y/N?”
“Shut up. I have… and let me just say—“
“I’m gonna stop you right there before you say something that makes me want to slap the taste out of your mouth.” All I heard was his obnoxious laughter as I hung up the phone. Idiot.
Quickly, I freshened up before heading downstairs, where I was confident I’d find my better half. As I reached the bottom of the stairs the sound of cabinets opening and closing carried me to the kitchen. There, I found the woman of my dreams— she had her hair held up by a clip, a thin shirt covering a portion of her torso and a pair of my boxers gracing her hips and thighs. She looked good enough to eat…
“Hi baby!” Y/N chirped, as she made breakfast for the two of us. I felt a tug at my heart as I admired her every move, she danced around the counter humming along to the radio. I focused on the way her hips swayed, causing me to twitch in my pajamas pants, I couldn’t help but feel hungry again— for anything but food.
“Who was that on the phone?” She asked.
“Morning beautiful, it was just Jermaine, they all caught the VMA’s last night.”
“How is he?” She asked sweetly, genuinely waiting for an answer. I wish they could see this. I wish they could understand her more. She loves me so much— and that love naturally extends over to my family. She cares so much. She’s like no one I’ve ever met.
“Good. He and my mom send their love.” I smiled at the half lie I just told. I know in my heart my mom will come around, so to tell Y/N what the phone call was really about would only hurt her. It wasn’t necessary.
“They are so sweet! We should have a dinner next weekend and invite everyone. I’ll cook—“ I smiled at her enthusiasm, watching as her plump pink lips continued to move, the words lost on me, I was too far gone.
She’s absolutely mesmerizing.
I couldn’t help myself.
Slowly, I made my way over to her, placing my hands on her hips and rubbing small circles into her exposed skin. Oh, her skin, it’s so smooth— so delicate— so delicious. Goodness, I love crop tops. Don’t get me started on Y/N’s love for going braless. I desperately buried my face in her neck.
“Stop it…” she giggled, but didn’t move away, so I continued. Leaving small kisses down her neck and shoulder until suddenly she spun around. “Do you ever think about anything else?” she teased, oh, I love when she teases me.
I didn’t respond, instead I pulled her into me kissing her deeply. She let out a small yelp as she felt my tongue slip through her lips, her breathing becoming uneven as I massaged the inside of her mouth. Her small hands set firmly on my back, I carefully guided her backwards until we the bumped into the counter. With our lips still attached, I slid my hands down her curvy backside taking my time of course, earning yet another giggle from Y/N, I quickly connected my hands to the back of her thighs, lifting her up on the counter top.
“Michael!—” I didn’t give her the chance to continue as I sucked on her neck making her eyes roll back. “The food is going to burn.” She said breathlessly, I tore off the boxers she was wearing, slowly I began spreading her legs.
“I’m not hungry for food.” I answered, positioning myself to touch her where she needed me— wanted me most. I could feel her unraveling— it was a beautiful sight.
“Oh my—“ she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
“There you go baby.” I bent down leaving kisses along her hip bones as my fingers danced around her tender spot— I sped up, I was dying to hear her moan my name.
“Come on baby. Say my name.”
“Da—Michael! Baby— right there!” I watched triumphantly as she came undone, trying to catch her breath she reached out grabbing a handful of my shirt and pulling me onto her. She became rough when she wanted more— I loved it, I took it as a compliment. It boosted my ego to see that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. She started tugging at my pants— I smiled at the sight of her hungrily undressing me.
Now, unclothed, I pressed against her again, my index finger leaving a trail of goosebumps across her chest. Oh, her chest— I rested my palm against her cleavage before bending down to leave my mark. I dragged my tongue across her right breast— feeling her squirm beneath me, I wore a smirk on my face because nothing turned me on more than teasing my girl.
“More daddy.” Y/N moaned in my ear. I stopped my movements, looking over her face curiously, unable to understand the effect she had on me.
“What was that?” I asked softly, my eyebrow raised, she finally opened her eyes, my fingers on her chin forcing her to look at me.
“Oh god.” She covered her face, unwrapping her legs from my waist and turning away from me. “I’m so embarrassed.”
I didn’t say anything. I advanced towards her, hovering over her once again, positioning myself in front of her sweet spot, hand wrapped around my throbbing cock I began exploring her folds. I kissed her again— more passionately, if that was even possible. She began frantically grabbing at my hair, as she nibbled on my bottom lip, reaching down and attempting to connect us like we both yearned for. Her delicate hand around me, gently pumping back and forth, guiding me to her entrance, it took everything not to explode right then. Her touch was intoxicating..
“Oh, Michael.”
“Who’s Michael?” I questioned, halting my movements and giving her a teasing smile.
“I- please.”
“Please what?”
“Touch me.”
I looked deep into her eyes as I placed just my tip into her, deliberately moving as slowly as possible, she squirmed against me desperately trying to pull me further into her. I held her off enjoying the sight in front of me. She’s perfect— she’s everything.
“Michael! More please.”
“Michael?” I grabbed her chin forcing her to look into my eyes. “Baby, Michael’s not here..” a soft shade of red taking over her cheeks, she narrowed her eyes at me, quickly understanding exactly what I wanted. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her voluptuous chest against mine with purpose, looking into my eyes as she licked her lips.
“Daddy?” Y/N said, batting her long eyelashes innocently, oh, she’s going to destroy me.
“Yes, my love?”
“I want more— I want you deeper please daddy.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Please, I need you daddy..”
“As you wish pretty girl.”
My hands holding onto her sides firmly as I pushed into her, the sound of our skin slapping together filled the air, along with numerous pops as our dishes were rattled off the counter smashing to pieces on the ground. A small appliance across from us, spitting out black smoke as the waffles continued to burn. The pan on the stove crackling uncontrollably, needing to be tended to as the eggs quickly became inedible. And the tea pot screeching to be shut off as hot water shot out of it.
Y/N and I didn’t bat an eye, only wanting to be exactly where we were. We shared a knowing look as we laughed against each other’s lips, refusing to separate ourselves and ignoring the chaos surrounding us.
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florsial · 6 months
Spreading my 2 headed lamb Regulus animagus agenda with Black Brother angst!!!
word: 820
someone give Sirius a hug or something like damn he rlly going through it
As he walks, the crunching of the branches underneath his feet calms the harsh beating of his heart. It hadn't been a good day. He felt like he was constantly being watched by his parents. The entire day was spent anxiously looking over his shoulders, expecting his mother to turn a corner with a wand in hand or his father to yank his shoulder with a bruising grip when his back was turned.
He really needed his walk, at least that was what James insisted on.
For a couple of minutes, he manages to clear his head, the grip of his parents loosened, leaving his mind to heal from the harsh and bruising touch. His feet soon stopped near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and he was able to see Hagrid's hut, he figured he might as well stop by to say hi.
Sirius takes a couple of steps before he promptly stops. With widened eyes, he takes a step back from the disfigured animal. A two-headed black lamb, a baby, but not exactly a newborn, nowhere near a sheep. Its two heads conjoined by the side of their faces, the eyes wide and watching Sirius' movement with unsettling attention. The animal was creepy and yet he could not look away.
It made a noise, from one of its heads, and its legs wobbled a bit. A small movement that makes Sirius' heart ache pitifully. Remus had a farm back in Wale. He told Sirius of animals, sometimes humans, born with more than one head and dying not much sooner because they simply were born to die, doomed from the very beginning. They wouldn't have been able to survive the harsh world with the disability, nor would their bodies be able to continue the demands of life. And looking at the lamb, he thinks of how this might be the last time he sees it.
With slow steps to not scare the animal, he approaches with an outstretched hand. A comforting gesture. He manages to close enough where he can sit down and pet its soft fleece. The animal reciprocates the action, settling down to the ground beside Sirius.
"Hey there little guy," He hums.
The lamb doesn't reply, only closing its eyes. So Sirius continues to talk, "How have ya been? Well I hope, you look tired."
"I am too you know?" He runs his fingers through the soft black fleece. The animal shifts its position, slowly maneuvering itself to Sirius' lap.
"Looks like both of us are worn out, huh?"
The lamb never replies, Sirius guesses it takes too much out of the animal. So he fills the silence with his chatter about his friends, his academics, pranks, and Remus, but soon it shifts to a bit of his parents, and some of Regulus, which leaves his eyes watery. Despite never getting a baa in reply, he feels heard and comforted by the lamb.
When he finishes, he finds his face damp. The lamb leans closer and Sirius begins to sob into the black fleece. He admits in his tears, that he misses his family. He misses the times when their mother didn't scold them for minor things and gave them a cold shoulder, when their father wasn't locked up in his office or shouting at their mother, and the times he played with Regulus while the little boy was still oblivious to the world and giggled at every little thing.
At that, the lamb finally replied in its soft baaa from one of its heads. A sound that draws a wet chuckle from Sirius.
"Thank you," he mumbles softly against the fleece, "Lulu would like you, he's always been fond of lambs."
Another baa in response that makes Sirius smile.
He isn't able to stay with the lamb for long though, because he hears the familiar calls of, "Padfoot! Padfoot!" And he knows that his friends must be looking for him. Sirius turns to the lamb who is now slowly moving off of Sirius. A clear sign that he is about to leave. He wants to tell it to stay but before his mouth can form the words, the lamb makes a sound and turns around to leave. He watches the lamb move further but isn't able to stay long enough to see it fully leave his sight before his friends jump him with a group hug. Dragging his eyes away from the leaving lamb.
For the rest of his time in Hogwarts, he doesn't see the two-headed lamb again. It's only when he takes another walk to clear his head during the war in 1979, does he see it again. Black fleece and two heads conjoined standing on wobbly legs, staring directly at him, but it didn't feel like a visit, it felt like a goodbye. A permanent one.
The next day, Regulus is declared dead and Sirius never sees the two-headed black lamb again.
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Saving the Baby Monk
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @hamatoanne​​ 🎉🎈🥂🍰 I love you, my dear sunshine 🌻💕💕💕 I am so happy that you are my best friend, you make me smile every day and you make my grey days much more colorful 💞💞 This is my first gift for you for this special occasion 😊😊💕🌻
Paring: Osferth x reader Word count: 4930 Warnings: this is a fluffy smut... so there is nothing triggering I think. 
You were Y/N Ragnarsdóttir. You were daughter of great Ragnar the Fearless and sister of Thyra, Young Ragnar and Uthred, but unlike your brother Ragnar or your sister Thyra, you stayed with your brother and best friend Uthred in good and bad. You were his most trusted warrior even though you were a woman. You always fought fiercely and with more courage than many men. That was the reason why you were trusted with an assignment to travel to the nearby village to stop their upcoming rebellion. It took you two weeks to settle everything down, but you were satisfied with your work. The traitors were hanging from the fortress’ walls and the rest of the villagers sworn an oath to serve Uthred as their only Lord.
You came back to Coccham only to find that your brother was gone along with his men. Surprise, surprise, Alfred needed his help and Uthred once again went to save his ungrateful ass.  You were so pissed that you missed the opportunity to go with him into a battle and get more glory for yourself. You walked into the main hall and realized that something else wasn’t right because your brother’s men were avoiding looking at you. “What is going on, what are you not telling me?” you asked but they just murmured and shifted their legs nervously. “Someone better tell me what is going on!” you shouted and looked around the room. You grabbed the nearest Dane and shouted into his face. “What the fuck are you not telling me!!!” you were furious at this point. “It’s about Osferth, my lady,” he finally said. “What is with baby monk?” you asked, anger quickly left your veins and it was replaced with fear. You became very fond of the cute religious boy. “Is he dead?” you gulped.  “No, my lady. But he was captured by the Saxons who happens to camp across the river,” he said and trembled when the anger crawled back into your eyes. “How is that possible? Why is he not with my brother and Finan and Sihtric?” you demanded answers. “He was injured in the battle and lord Uthred insisted that he stays here to recover. He went to the river to clean himself up and he was ambushed and taken to their camp,” he explained. “And when did this happen?”you growled. “Two days ago,” he whimpered when you grabbed him by the collar of his tunic. “Two days ago? And you are just sitting here doing nothing? They can be torturing him or he could be already dead! And you are sitting here on your fat asses and doing nothing?” you shouted at them in disbelieve. Sure Osferth wasn’t Dane, but he was one of Uthred’s most trusted men. “Lord Uthred told us to stay away from any trouble,” he objected and you slammed his head against the dining table. “Trouble? You call Osferth a trouble? He is Uthred’s friend, he would want you to go and save him! So get up your sorry asses and let’s go and save him!!” you shouted but they kept sitting. “I am so sorry, lady Y/N. But Lord Uthred’s final words were stay out of trouble. And there are too many men in their camp, we would be butchered, plus they would kill him if they knew how much you want him back,” he tried to reason with you.  “You are cowards, all of you. I am going to save him alone, if you are so afraid to get your swords bloody,” you snorted and made your way out of Coccham. You and your men walked through the woods until you found the Saxon camp. Unfortunately your brother’s men were right. There were too many people here. You had no chance to save Osferth with force. You had only 30 men, who were already tired from their last adventure in the rebellious village and this would really end up as a slaughter. “I am so sorry, lady Y/N. But without lord Uthred and his men we have no chance to rescue that boy,” one of your man told you. “You are right, Hvitserk. Lead the men back to Coccham, you all need to rest and visit your wives and families,” you ordered. “What about you, my lady?” he asked you, knowing you long enough to know that you are not giving up so easily. “I will get baby monk back on my own,” you smirked and his eyes almost popped out of his head. “But my lady, that’s a suicide mission, I can’t let you do that!!” he protested in low whisper.  “That’s an order, Hvitserk. Take my men and return home. If I won’t come back with Osferth in two days, assume me dead. Just tell Uthred that this was my decision and I don’t regret it,” you said firmly and Hvitserk knew better than argue with you. “As you wish my lady, but if I can say what I think about it...” “No, Hvitserk, you can’t, just go!” you said firmly and he sighed and led your man back to Coccham, already mourning you, because there was no way that you could get out of this alive. You watched your men disappear behind the horizon and watched the camp for few hours to learn how it works there. They had many men, but they didn’t seem very organized. You suddenly heard something, you noticed a Saxon woman walking alone from the camp. You acted quickly, you captured her, took off her clothes, tied her hands and legs and hide her in the woods. You quickly changed your clothes and slowly walked inside the camp. You walked slowly, with your head low but no one was giving you any attention. You quickly made it to the heart of the camp. You looked around yourself, trying to figure out where they keep their prisoners, when you heard sharp voice from one of the nearby tents. “I will ask you one more time, boy! Where the secret passages into Coccham are, how many men resides inside and is Lord Uthred present?” the man asked and you quietly walked closer to the tent.  “I won’t tell you anything, I am loyal to my lord Uthred,” Osferth said bravely, but his voice was shaking with pain and fear. You heard a loud smack and your blood boiled in your veins. “You make me sick, monk. You are God’s man but you are associating with Danes. I bet you are fucking their whorish women, our God is disgusted by you,” the man hissed and the grip on your sword tightened. “I have never been with a woman, Saxon or Dane,” Osferth protested and you raised your eyebrow. So Finan was right when he was saying that Osferth is a virgin. “Hmmm, I think you a lying, monk. Or maybe not, which woman would want you with this ugly face,” he laughed cruelly and you had enough. They were obviously alone in the tent, so you quickly sneaked inside. “Women are fighting over him, you piece of shit!” you said and hold the point of your sharp sword to his throat. “Lady Y/N,” Osferth gasped in shock and relief. “Hello, baby monk,” you grinned at him. “You can’t stay out of trouble, do you?” you smirked and focused on the man in front of you again. “What are you doing here, Heathen bitch?” he growled at you. “You are surrounded by our men, my brother Uthred offers you a deal. Give Osferth back and he will let you and your men leave unharmed,” you said firmly without hesitation. “And if I refuse?” he asked slyly. “If you refuse there will be a battle. And believe me, you will lose many men before you will run away from here screaming! I think you heard a lot of stories about Uthred and his power, you can’t beat him,” you threatened him and he was thinking for a while.  “My brother is under protection of King Alfred, do you really want to mess up with him?” you pressured him and you noticed fear in the man’s eyes. “Yes, it would be considered treason, is you attack Alfred’s most trusted warrior,” you continued and the man finally gave up. “All right bitch, you can take the useless monk and leave unharmed. You have my word,” he said and you kept your neutral face, but inside you were screaming happily. “Let’s go, baby monk,” you helped him get up and you made your way through the camp. “We need to walk quickly, Osferth. But not too quickly, that would be suspicious,” you rushed him. “I don’t understand this, my lady. I thought that lord Uthred is gone. Is he already back?” Osferth asked you confused. “No, he is not back. It’s only me and you baby monk. So move your cute ass, we will be both dead if they find out about my little lie”. His eyes almost popped out of his head. “You shouldn’t have risk your life like this for me, my lady,” he protested. “This is not really the right time or place to discuss this,” you dragged him behind you. You were almost at the end of the camp when you heard someone shouting. “There is no army in the woods, that bitch was lying!”  “Oh shit, we need to run, Osferth,” you started running, Osferth close behind you, but his injury and weariness were slowing him down. You made it to the spot where you watched the camp with Hvitserk and your men. Two horses were waiting there for you. You smiled gratefully, Hvitserk obviously believed that you will somehow manage to escape with Osferth. You quickly helped him into the saddle and you two raced towards Coccham, you got rid of your pursuers after a while since you knew the woods like a palm of your own hand and they didn’t. “We need a healer,” you yelled as soon as you were safe inside the Coccham walls. Hvitserk quickly ran for the healer and you helped Osferth dismount his horse.   “How do you feel, baby monk?” you asked him worriedly. He was paler than usually and he was shaking from all the exertion. “I am good, my lady. Thank to you. You saved me today. You risked your life for me. You shouldn’t have to do it. You shouldn’t risk your life for someone as unimportant as me,” he said sincerely with worry and adoration in his blue eyes. “Hey, listen to me, baby monk. I am in control of my own destiny. I saved you because I wanted to do it. And you are very important to me,” you said hotly and his eyes went wide. “I mean to all of us! Finan or Sihtric would never admit it but they like you a lot and they would mourn your death. And Uthred would be devastated. You are in our hearts, baby monk. And now rest, and stop this silly talk about you not being important to us!” you mumbled and left stunned Osferth alone in the hands of the healer.  One week later he was feeling much better. His wound was almost healed and he was well rested and fed. You received a letter from your brother that they are coming back very soon. He helped Alfred win the battle and he was coming back to you. You were sitting by the fireplace at your home, when Osferth visited you. “Are you all right, my lady?”  he asked you softly and sit carefully next to you. “Yes, I am happy that my brother is coming home. I don’t like it when we are parted like this,” you admitted softly. “Did I do something to upset you, my lady?” he asked you carefully and watched the flames dancing in the fire. “No, why do you think so?” you asked him confused. “You seem to avoid me lately, my lady,” he said shyly. Oh, he was right, you felt like you revealed too much of your true feelings for him and you rather avoided him. He was always talking about his God and celibacy that you assumed that he was not interested in any woman. “No, I was just really busy,” you lied and avoided looking into his sincere eyes. “I understand, my lady. Sorry to bother you, I will leave you alone,” he wanted to leave you but you caught the hem of his cloak. “Stay, Osferth. You never bother me,” you smiled kindly at him and he sat back down next to you. “I wanted to ask you for something,” he started hesitantly after few moments of peaceful quietness. “Sure, Osferth, anything,” you encouraged him. “I know that you heard that I admitted to that man in the camp, that I have never been with a woman,” he stuttered and his cheeks turned red. You simply nodded waiting for the reason why is he telling you this. “Can I ask you to not mention it in front of Finan, Sihtric or Uthred? They would tease me mercilessly for it,” he blushed even more and looked so cute that you fought the urge to squeeze his cheeks.   “Don’t worry, your “secret” is safe with me, Osferth,” you answered. “But I am afraid that they already know, no matter how many times you try to deny it,” you chuckled. “But they don’t know it for sure,” he protested weakly and a very ungodly idea crossed your mind. “Maybe you don’t have to lie to them anymore,” you suggested slowly, biting your bottom lip. “What do you mean, my lady?” he raised his eyebrow in confusion. “Lie with a woman and your problem is solved,” you winked at him and he blushed even harder. “I can’t, my lady. That’s a sin. Plus I don’t think that I would find a fine lady who would like to do it with me,” he stuttered and started sweating. “Come on Osferth, there were two ladies fighting over you just few weeks ago. You are a very good looking young man, you are a warrior now, and you are monk that makes you very exotic for ladies around here,” you smirked and watched him squirming in his seat. “And maybe this is a sin in your God’s eyes. But come on, you are killing men with your sword, I think that one more sin won’t hurt anyone,” you smiled at him slyly. “I can help you, if you let me,” you finally suggested and his mouth opened in shock. “I can’t take advantage of you, my lady,” he gulped loudly and you laughed. “Oh, baby monk, trust me, you won’t,” you licked your lips and he watched your tongue with mix of fear and fascination. You gently took his face into your hands and leaned into him. “Do you trust me, Osferth?” you asked him softly. “With my life, my lady Y/N,” he said shakily. “So, don’t run away from me,” you said and closed the gap between your lips. You kissed him softly. You gently pressed your lips against his. You could feel that he was trembling. “That’s okay, Osferth, I got you,” you whispered against his lips as you scoot closer to him. You pressed your lips against his again and you felt his large hand on your cheeks. You were afraid that he wants to push you away but he kept them there as he wanted to be sure that you won’t leave him like this. But it was not your intension. You slowly started moving your lips, urging him to do the same. He quickly followed your lead. You tongue licked his lips, silently asking him to open them for you. He hesitantly opened his mouth and you slid your tongue in, gently stroking it against his. He let out a tiny whine and you felt the wetness between your legs already forming. You playfully ended the kiss with a gentle bite into his lower lip and you enjoyed the little whimper leaving his lips. “What do you say, baby monk. Do you want me to show you more?” you asked him as you started kissing the side of his neck. “Yes, my lady,” he whispered and you smirked against his neck. “Take your clothes off,” you commanded and he gulped. “We can do it with our clothes on, but I assure you that it’s much better without it,” you teased him. “Do you want me to help you?” you smiled seductively at him and he nodded. “All right, come here!” you urged him as you started getting rid of the many layers of his clothes. You stopped when he was standing in front of you only in his undergarments. “Ok, sit on the bed,” you softly nudged him. “I think I should take this off too,” he said and took off his cross, he turned away to place it gently on the chair next to your bed. You found it silly but you didn’t comment on it. You took the opportunity and quickly slipped out of your dress. He turned around and almost passed out when you were standing there completely naked before him. He quickly averted his eyes. “Hey, it’s OK, look at me,” you gently touched his chin and made him look at your nakedness. “You are beautiful, my lady,” he said lowly, fighting with his own conscience. He wanted to look at you and at the same time he felt like he is doing something wrong. “Osferth, please, call me Y/N, just Y/N,” you begged him. “I am not sure, if I am able to do that, my lady,” he stuttered. You sighed and took his hand and led him to your bed. You pushed him down. “Please, Osferth, don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you,” you assured him when you noticed his terrified look. “I know, my lady. I trust you, my lady,” he said and you slowly sit on his lap. He gulped and he obviously didn’t know what to do with you on his lap. You gently took his face in your hands and kissed him slowly.  “I will take care of you, baby monk, don’t be afraid,” you whispered between kisses. You kept kissing him and took his hands and placed them on your body. He quickly pulled away, but you patiently repeated your action and this time his big hands stayed on your hips. “Use your hands Osferth, start exploring,” you encouraged him and he hesitantly moved his calloused palms and fingers started moving across your scarred skin. He touched your sides and when you happily sighed into the kiss, he got bolder and lightly brushed the underside of your boobs. You moaned against his lips and he almost pulled away, surprised by that sound coming from your lips. You held his hands in place and bite his bottom lip playfully as you ended the kiss. “Breasts are very sensitive part of female body, Osferth, we love to be touched there, please don’t shy away now, you are doing great,” you praised him and he smiled at you like if you were an angel speaking to him from heaven. He hesitantly covered your right breast with his large palm, and you sighed happily. “Yes, that’s it, baby monk,” driven by your praise, his next move was purely instinctive, he flipped his thumb across your nipple and you moaned loudly. “Osferth,” you rubbed yourself against him and he whined when you brushed against his cock.  “Did I hurt you, my lady?” he asked, scared that he messed up something. “No, you are doing great, keep doing that move with your thumb,” you encouraged him. He focused on his task, his fingers started playing with your hard nipples experimentally. His touches were inexperienced but it only made you more aroused. “You know, Osferth, your lips can replace your fingers,” you suggested and his blue eyes almost popped out of his head. “Excuse me, my lady?” he couldn’t believe his ears. “You heard me, just do it, it will make me very happy,” you smiled at him and he hesitantly lowered his head to your chest. “Go for it, baby monk. Lick my nipple first,” you instructed and he hesitated for a second but then his tongue licked your nipple teasingly lightly. You cursed under your breath. You knew that he wasn’t doing this intentionally, but he was killing you with this. You cradled the back of his head, keeping him close to your chest. “You are doing amazing, Osferth,” you continued with your praises. “Now take my nipple into your mouth and suck it gently, like a child when is drinking milk from its mother,” this time he obeyed you without complaints and you moaned loudly as his lips covered your nipple and sucked it into his hot mouth. Your moans filled the room and judging by his hardness you felt under you, he enjoyed it as well. He let go off your breast with wet pop and gave his attention to the other one.  “You are natural talent, baby monk,” you grinned when he started playing with your abandoned nipple with his long fingers, rolling it between them. You enjoyed his mouth and fingers for some time. “But, enough about me, this night is mainly about you,” you winked at him and rolled you over so he was on his back now. You kissed him deeply before you started kissing your way down his lean and slightly muscular body. You scratched the muscles on his chest and abdomen and he let out quiet whimpers. You stopped at his underwear as he took a sharp inhale. “I will take this off, are you still comfortable, Osferth?” you asked him and he nodded, fascinated by your every move. “I need your words!” you insisted. “Yes, my lady,” he said and you slowly slid his undergarments down his long legs, tossing them somewhere behind you without a care. His cock was already standing and begging for your attention, his tip red and dripping with pre-cum. “Oh, and you were hiding this under your cloak the whole, time? Bad boy, Osferth, very bad boy,” you groaned and watched his thick, long, beautiful cock hungrily and he didn’t know what to say to it. “I am going to touch you, Osferth, OK?” you asked him and he nodded while blushing wildly. You gently wrapped your hand around him and he jerked his hips in response. “Shhh, it’s OK, Osferth. Stay still,” you commanded and he watched you with almost painful expression as you started stroking his hard cock slowly, not putting too much pressure, afraid that he wouldn’t last very long. “Is this pleasurable?” you asked him with sly grin. “I have never felt anything like this, lady Y/N,” he said and let out aloud moan, when you played with the tip of his cock. “Oh God,” he whimpered and you chuckled. “I am afraid, that God has nothing to do with this,” you smirked and decided that you won't suck him off tonight because he wouldn't last for more than few seconds and would cum in your mouth. And you wanted him inside you. I think you are ready, baby monk,” you winked at him and straddled his hips. “What about you, my lady,” he protested and you raised your eyebrow. “I… you know… I’ve heard Finan and Sihtric talking about ladies on many occasions,” he stuttered and you waited what he means by this. “They said that woman must be… wet, so this could be pleasurable for her,” he finished his thought and bit his lip nervously. “Oh, Osferth, trust me, I am so wet for you right now, that you don’t have to do anything else to help me with it,” you winked at him. “But don’t worry, I will teach you how to make woman wet with your fingers, mouth or even words next time,” you promised and he shivered at the promise of a next time with you. You stroked his cock couple times before you slowly sank into his hard length. You moaned at the feeling of fullness and Osferth let out the sexiest whimper you have ever heard in your life. “Y/N,” he moaned you name and you smirked. “I knew you will stop calling me lady at some point,” you giggled and started gently rocking against him. You almost cum when you saw the expression of pure bliss on his pale face. “How are you feeling so far, Osferth?” you asked him and he grunted. You leaned forward and captured his lips in bruising kiss. He started acting instinctively and his hands gripped your hips, helping you moving up and down his cock. You nipples were brushing against his chest and it only added to your own pleasure. “Give me your hand,” you ordered and you sucked his long fingers into your mouth. You went back to your sitting position and you lead his fingers to your clit. “This is clitoris, Osferth, or simply a clit, if you touch me here, you will make me feel extremely good,” you continued your lesson and he eagerly did what you have suggested. “Osferth!” you moaned his name loudly when he rubbed your clit. Encouraged by your reaction he started moving his fingers more firmly against your bundle of nerves and you felt your orgasm coming quickly. You clenched around him and you smirked when he opened his mouth into perfect O. “Are you close, baby monk?” you asked him teasingly and clenched your pussy around him again. “I don’t know what you mean, but something is happening,” he panted and you smirked.  “It’s OK, Osferth, let it go?” you encouraged him. He cum inside you, his hips twitched and you could feel him throbbing inside you, his eyelids fluttered shut as he pulled you close to hold onto you, chasing that high with an almost feral sound escaping him. You cum shouting his name and fell onto his chest, breathing heavily. “You are no longer a virgin, baby monk, congratulations,” you grinned at him and he looked at you like if you were the most wonderful creature on earth. “Did you liked it?” you asked him and rolled off him and cuddled to his side. “It felt like nothing I have ever experienced, my lady,” he said shyly. “Oh, come on Osferth, stop calling me lady,” you pouted your lips at him. “I shouldn’t have stop calling you that earlier, my lady,” he blushed and you smirked. “I guess I need to do this with you more often, so you will learn how to call me just Y/N,” you teased him again. “Would you like to do this with me again?” you asked him, suddenly you were the one who was uncertain. “I would love to, lady Y/N,” he smiled shyly and pulled you into a soft, slow kiss. You made out for few moments and you felt him getting hard against your leg again. This young man needed a lot of training and you were more than willing to help him with that.  When you woke up the next morning you were snuggled beneath warm furs and Osferth was softly snoring next to you. He was usually a morning person, but you probably exhausted him. You closed your eyes, cuddled closer to him and drifted back to sleep again. “Can you believe it, Sihtric?? We ran back here, rode on our horses day and night, to save her and baby monk, and the lazy bitch is sleeping until noon,” Finan’s loud voice woke you up from your slumber. “Stop shouting, you asshole,” you groaned and noticed that he is right and you overslept. You glanced at Osferth who was still covered by the furs, scared that his friends could find him in your bed. “Oh, I am sorry, are you hangover?” he mocked you. “This place reeks of sex, Finan, not alcohol. She had a very interesting night, I would say,” Sihtric smirked and Finan laughed. But his laughter died in his throat when he noticed the cross hanging on your chair. “No, way!!” he gasped. “What is it?” Sihtric who was almost out of the door asked. “Do you see what I see?” Finan pointed at the cross and they both shared a shocked expression. “Baby monk?” Finan shouted and Osferth trembled under the furs. “Are you hiding under the furs?” Finan teased him. “I am not hiding,” Osferth defended himself. “Oh Gods, it’s really him,” Finan laughed and Osferth finally faced his friends. “You took his virginity, Y/N?” Sihtric chuckled. “No, I didn’t. He wasn’t a virgin, you two assholes. He was a very skilled lover and satisfied me perfectly. So now I would appreciate if you two would leave us alone, I wish to dress myself and go welcome my dear brother,” you kicked them out and they left with stunned faces. “Thank you for helping me, my lady Y/N,” Osferth said politely and kissed your hand lovingly making you blush. “I know that your God don’t like liars, Osferth,” you said and he nodded in confusion. “So we need to train a lot so my words about you being the skilled lover become true,” you grinned at him disappeared under the furs. Osferth’s moans filled the morning air as you gave him his first but definitely not his last blowjob. 
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cjsmalley · 1 year
Wished Away 7:
Happy Thanksgiving (Early, I Know, Shut up):
“Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving meal,” Damian said.
“Are you sure?” Bruce asked, “we’re a lot.”
Even without Damian, Bruce had many children and cooking for all of them was sometimes a tall order.
Damian smiled, “We are aware. You are not the only family we are inviting. Every child Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker has taken in we have invited along with their remaining family if they have any. Even the non-Americans have been invited.”
“We’d be delighted to come,” Alfred said for his family, “should we bring anything?”
“You may,” Damian agreed, “however, the chefs and cooks of the Palace will be preparing the main meal. It will be mostly meatless. Seitan mostly, in observance with mine and Mother’s dietary needs and our beliefs. It will also be made in-line with kosher regulations.”
“Cookies,” Jason said, looking at Alfred, “we can make vegan cookies.”
“Very well, Master Jason,” Alfred nodded, already planning for such a large batch, or several batches.
Damian grinned.
Thanksgiving Day arrived and the portal opened.
They filed through and were greeted by Sam, the younger Sam on her hip, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Sammy just waved shyly, gaining fond chuckles.
They all echoed the sentiment and were led through the palace to one of the ballrooms, “Not even the large dining room is big enough to hold our horde,” she said with humor.
“Everyone invited came,” Sam explained before visibly remembering, “Oh, and any red wine you see? Not red wine; we have a vampire in attendance. He eats human food but not really.”
“Of course,” Bruce nodded; only Dick was of age to drink, of his children, but neither one really drank. Still, it was good to know.
“’m assuming the vamp’s friendly?” Jason voiced.
“Friendly as in doesn’t eat humans anymore, yeah,” Sam nodded, “but, well, Spike’s Spike. You’ll understand once you meet him. Don’t go after his humans and he’s nice enough.”
“Fair enough,” Stephanie nodded.
“Also in attendance are a Vampire Slayer, several witches and wizards, two magic superheroes…basically everyone you met at Damian’s birthday party’s here. I know Spike wasn’t there; he had to babysit the Hellmouth that day, so he’s really the only new face. Him and his daughter, Hope.”
“Vampires can have—”
“She’s adopted, from a separate dimension. Danny brought her to the Hellmouth group to hide her. She’s being raised by Buffy and Spike.”
They finally made it to the ballroom; the doors were wide open; servants rushed forward to relieve the Waynes of the platters of cookies they carried before they entered the room.
Most of the room was divided down the middle by a cartoonishly long dining table, bench seating on either side of it. Settings were already in place.
In one corner was a padded and gated off area where Anakin and the baby that could only be Hope played. Well, played as only young babies could, which wasn’t much.
Dotted around the room were small clusters of regular chairs and beanbag chairs, some of which were already occupied, surrounding small tables with pitchers of water and juices and, yes, blood.
Spike the vampire was easy to pick out from the masses because he had a glass of what looked like red wine in hand. Nobody else did.
The Waynes spread out, first finding Damian to say hello, then mingling and visiting with the friends made at the birthday party.
Bruce made his way towards the vampire.
“’Lo,” Spike greeted lowly over his drink, Buffy at his side.
“Hello, Buffy,” Bruce said before smiling with a closed mouth, “and you must be Spike. Bruce Wayne.”
“Not an ape, mate,” Spike snorted, “won’t attack if you smile at me. Sit down, take a load off. Hear you’re Batman. The real deal one.”
“I am,” Bruce took a seat, reaching to fill a cup with orange juice, “where did you hear it from?”
“Dawn was excited; her little brother’s bio-dad is Batman,” Buffy explained, rolling her eyes fondly, “one of my friends, Xander, is a big comic book nerd.”
“Ah. I assume there won’t be any problems?”
“Not from us,” Spike agreed, nudging Buffy with a smirk, “my girl here’s a superhero too. Won’t be any trouble from our lot. Right, Slayer?”
“Yep. No problems from us. If Danny and Sam are good with you being…you know, you then we’re good,” Buffy nodded, “just as long as you don’t put Dawnie or Hope in a suit.”
“I don’t want them out there,” Bruce grumbled, “but if I didn’t help them, they’d all be dead by now.”
“We get it, honestly,” Buffy assured, “Dawn’s given us enough gray hair,” she grinned mischievously at Spike, “she’s even given Billy Idol here some.”
“Slayer, you know that pissant stole—”
Bruce laughed.
Everyone mingled and chatted for a few hours before the meal began; servant after servant carried food and drinks to the main table as everyone found seats on the benches.
Spike and Danny placed the babies into highchairs.
By the time everything and everyone was ready, the table was fairly groaning with the meal.
Danny gained everyone’s attention, standing and grinning, “Welcome to Thanksgiving Dinner at the Palace. Thank you all for coming, even our non-Americans for putting up with our silly traditions.”
The non-Americans laughed fondly, nodding; even Alfred cracked a smile.
“For those who’re probably wondering,” he continued, “our essential living staff celebrated at lunch and most will have the day off tomorrow. Everyone else had the day off today. Now, normally we’d go around and say what we’re thankful for but we’d be here forever if we did that tonight. So, while we eat let’s just think about what we’re thankful for and enjoy the food and the company. Oh, and just so you know, everything’s kosher and most of the ‘meat’ is actually Seitan. Real meat is on the green platters. But before we begin, let’s give a round of thanks to the kitchen staff for making the food!”
Everyone applauded.
“Now, tuck in!”
They all did so with gusto; the meal was magnificent and it was clear the Palace staff had put their all into it.
Most of the Seitan was shaped into meat product appearances, looking indistinguishable from the real turkeys and hams. And it tasted almost like the real things too.
The meal lasted well into the night and everyone went home stuffed and with leftovers.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 2 [... After the Phantoms of Your Former Self] - part 3/3
- Love how Grace knows it's not just a case of a baby crying, she knows her brother, she knows her brother is different, she knows he baby could very well be in danger. That's sibling and maternal instincts in one.
[Louis] "'I had him in my arms... And I was ready to tear into him. I'm never gon' get control over it.' [Lestat] 'You've been skipping meals lately. Don't think I haven't noticed.'" - notice how Lestat immediately cares for Louis, worries about him, and tries to comfort him, only for Louis, Saint Louis, to reject the gesture of comfort because he thinks in his self-hatred that he doesn't deserve it? And also notice how pretty a crier Jacob is. Ahem. Who said that.
[Lestat] "'If you love your family, as I know you do, spare them all the pain that you are causing them.' [Louis] 'I ain't gon' have a family of my own, am I? No sons, no daughters.' [Lestat] 'I'm your family, Louis.' [Louis] 'You should just throw me in the incinerator and make another one.' [Lestat] 'And what a waste that would be. I have two centuries walked this Earth and can report: you have no twin. No one as angry, as stubborn, as unaccommodating, as maddening...' [Louis] 'Sounds like trash to me.' [Lestat] '... as loving, as dedicated, as thoughtful, as imperfectly perfect as you've become. You're a challenge every sunset, Saint Louis, and I'd have it no other way.'"
HI EXCUSE ME WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THAT. No because it's Louis' dream of having a family (Claudiaaaaaaa - also give Lestat like a century or two more and he'll give you exactly that) meeting Louis' depression and self-hatred, meeting Lestat's need to be love, meeting Lestat's absolute, deep love for Louis. They're not speaking the same language still, but they've found a middle ground, and when they do strike the middle ground, it's sparks and magic. Aaaah, it is maddening! They are maddening. I don't even remember what I wanted to say, I'm just sobbing in my cup of tea.
Wait, no I remember. EXCUSE ME. Louis' hopelessly fond smile when Lestat shows the tuxedos and says "I've been neglectful of our romance" (currently sobbing even more) reminded me. Awards for Jacob to go that soft after being that down. Back to the previous exchange. It's about how soft Lestat's voice goes when he tells Louis he'd have him no other way, and it's about how Louis finally lets Lestat comforts him and how he softens, relaxes and calms down gradually as Lestat keeps talking and petting him. *screams* Need I add more? No? Carrying on.
- [Louis] "He had a way about him, those first few years, Lestat. Preternaturally charming, occasionally thoughtful. He was my murdered, my mentor, my lover, and my maker... all of those things at once. He didn't choose me to be his doormat. I knew he enjoyed it when I fought back, but there was present a kind of worship on my part. The earth beneath me always felt liquid."
*screams some more* Was the romantic background music really necessary? We get it. You loved him, you still love him but this time with both eyes open even though you're still in denial, he's the love of your life, we get iiiiiiiiiit. Daniel's fond but amused little smirk gets me. Boy knows vampire's pining. Boy knows vampire's dumb. Boy knows story's not that simple. Changing subject, petition to get the word "preternatural" BANNED please. That's one word I'm not happy to have learned. Even in French we just stick to "surnaturel" (supernatural). Also according to Collins Dictionary, the use of the word "preternatural" was kinda low until the late 70s- early 80s when it exploded. Wonder what happened then to change the trend. What a mystery. Guess we'll never know.
- ghghhghe THE OPERA SCENE. I had forgotten the opera scene. The scheme to get Louis into the room (role-playing as Lestat's valet, hello social commentary). Louis sitting there "simmering in his indignation", and Jacob's masterful acting with the jaw and fists clenching, the steely eyes fixed straight ahead. And then Lestat coming in with the hammer, voice soft and gaze downcasted, timid and apprehensive:
[Lestat] "There is one thing about being a vampire that I most fear above all else... and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness... a void stretching out for decades at a time. You take this feeling away from me, Louis. We must stay together and take precaution and never part."
I NEED A MINUTE, GEEZ. To comment again on the timeline change from late 18th century to 1910s, it actually adds to Lestat's character. In the books, when Lestat meets Louis, he hasn't been a vampire for more than 15 years, iirc he was brought into the Blood in 1780 and arrived in New Orleans in 1791, after spending some years traveling with Gabrielle, a few months at best sleeping in the sand and then a few days with Marius (dates are vague at best). So he hasn't known true loneliness so far when he turns Louis. Whereas here, he's gone through the entire 19th century alone. He actually knows loneliness, both the human kind that he knew in the book, and the vampire kind. It adds weight to his fear of being alone, and to how he clings to Louis even to the point of doing horrifying things to keep him with him. Is it emotional manipulation? Yeah, def. Mais on n'en est plus à ça prés avec eux (best translation I can come up with is: but we're already way past that with them; the French expression is much more evocative, it kind of means "yeah, but, with them, emotional abuse is the least of our worries, something like that).
The hand caress, be right back, need to set myself on fire.
[Louis] "And music, that was where Lestat separated man from food" - music is the language of the soul. (Rockstar Lestat wheeeeeeeen)
[Louis] "Music pierced his damned soul. And any humans who were involved with the creation of it existed on an elevated plane in his eyes. I was moved to see he too had his human attachments. And this woman sang for us, it seemed, articulating the difficult love we often had trouble expressing ourselves."
No but it's the way Louis' voice is just so full of love here, so soft and fond and reminiscing, as if he doesn't even realise how tenderly he's speaking of Lestat a century later, while 1917's Louis' face is equally as soft and fond and gazing tenderly at Lestat as Lestat's singing to himself. *scream cont'd*
Lestat reacting to the tenor's false notes: absolute ear Lestat. (tho tbh even I can hear how horrendous the tenor sounds, and I know next to nothing about music technicality - but I did went to the opera last week for the first time in several years and the tenor was fantastic)
[Louis] "The hunt was on" - yes please.
[Louis] "This poor soul was someone's son, someone's brother, and he was to be slaughtered for what? A false note?" - aw, Louis' humanity. Baby you're too good.
Hi, excuse me again, Lestat speaking Italian? Sam speaking Italian???? SO FUCKING GOOD. Petition to have Sam speak Italian again in season 3, and even more languages. Wanna hear him speak Greek and Arabic please oh my vampire gods make it happen.
[Louis] "'Why do you do this, Lestat?' [Lestat] 'Well, I like to do it. I enjoy it.' [Louis] 'Well, I don't. You don't have to humiliate him.' [Lestat] 'Well I don't say that you have to enjoy it! Kill them swiftly if you have to, but DO IT! Embrace what you are! You are a killer, Louis!'"
Was tempted to put all of Lestat's line in all caps, because man the shift from gallant speaking Lestat to losing-his-shit-ROARING Lestat was something. Oh, and here's the main current issues as of 1917 between them. And while they're having their little domestic squabble, a man's bleeding on the poor rug that didn't ask for it. The rug, that is. Not the man.
[Louis] "I was in denial. For in bringing death, Lestat was an artist. He had cut the man tenderly so that he could not call for help, but also so that his death was slow, meditative. And I felt a charge, witnessing it."
Listen, Lestat's an artist, period. A diva and a drama queen with several truckloads of issues, but a true artist. And again Louis' voice go soft, contemplative, tender, reminiscing about Lestat. Also, Louis, mate, the denial has been going on for more than a century at this point and not just about the subject of death and killing. Sorry to burst your bubble. Oh, and Daniel looking down, a bit disappointed I feel? as Louis describes Lestat killing, shows that Daniel's in on it too.
- [Louis] "I try to have a human dish once a week" - sorry, what? Big canon change, as far as I understood from the books, vampires can't eat or drink human food, their system isn't designed for it anymore.
Alright, do we think Alice is a construct of Daniel's mind through Armand's mind games, or do we think she's real? Haven't entirely followed the fandom's theories on this own. Do we think that Armand did stalk and traumatise Daniel for a decade after the botched '73 interview but didn't go full Devil's Minion? Or do we think he left him alone after the six days of torture? Guess season 3 will tell us. But the fact that this important little scene, of the dessert and the first proposal, happens in Paris, a city that's important to Armand... Sus, I say. Aw, Danny's a sad boy. Love Louis' face as Daniel finished talking, gives cred to the idea that these are fabricated memories. The face says "man, I'm reading your thoughts as you're speaking, and something here's fishy, something doesn't make sense, but you know what, right now I have enough on my plate with my own bullshit, can't deal with yours". Let's table it for now (that's my own "disregard", lmao). Should add screencaps to these reviews, the final image here, the long dinner table, the grey and brown coloring, the two men sitting on opposite side, that's right out of a painting. Someone who did Art History, analyse that final image.
Ooooh, I think next episode was one of my favorite, with Antoinette, Jonah, and almoooost Claudia.
episode 1 | part 1 | part 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
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toasttt11 · 4 months
Tumblr media
April 4, 2024
Maddox and Trevor were sitting out on their balcony on the outside couch enjoying one of the first days of warm weather.
Trevor was sitting between Maddox’s leg resting his back on Maddox’s chest.
Trevor was mindlessly tracing letters and shapes on his boyfriend’s leg, when he thought of something.
“Babe?” Trevor asked making Maddox hum, “Did you have any serious relationships the last few years?”
Trevor has been wondering this for a little while now, he not was worried because it’s in the past but more because they stopped being best friends for a few years so he didn’t get the chance to know much about Maddox’s life.
“Not a relationship nope.” Maddox shook his head pressing a kiss to Trevor’s cheek, “I did hook up with a few people and i had a friends with benefits with a teammate on the lighting.” Maddox knew in the last few years a relationship with anyone that wasn’t Trevor wouldn’t work.
“A friends with benefits?” Trevor turned around looking very curious as he straddled Maddox making Maddox wrap his arms around his waist.
“He came out to me when he was drunk and i told him i was bisexual back, he asked if we could hook up making it easier as we both weren’t out and lived in the same apartment building and was roommates on the road.” Maddox didn’t mind the arraignment because it did truthfully make it easier to hook up.
“What happened?” Trevor titled his head curiously, he was slightly jealous for the fact someone got to have Maddox when he couldn’t but he knows Maddox chose him so there is nothing to worry about.
“I got traded and i ended it.” Maddox nodded, gently rubbing circles on Trevor’s hip bone, “I guess he started wanting more but i didn’t feel anything for him and it wouldn’t be fair because i was and am in love with you.” Maddox softly smiled making Trevor bean and gently kiss Maddox real quick.
“He got angry that i didn’t want more than the arraignment and try’s to get my attention because apparently he’s in love with me.” Maddox rolled his eyes as he talked about it, any part of him that was once fond of someone he once called a friend and teamate was gone after he kept trying to get Maddox’s attention.
“Who is it?” Trevor pressed a kiss to Maddox’s cheek.
“Ross Colton.” Maddox mumbled rubbing his nose against Trevor’s cheek.
Trevor slowly nodded as he remembered all the photos and videos from Tampa of the two.
“You have nothing to be worried about baby. I never had any romantics feelings. And if i for some reason did they would be gone after he smashed my baby brother into the boards for my attention.” Maddox softly reassured Trevor wanting to make sure Trevor knows he’s it for Maddox and no one else.
“Oh he’s the one who hit Lukey in that game.” Trevor slowly nodded realizing exactly what game Maddox was talking about.
“He is.” Maddox nodded before smirking, “Now let’s stop talking about him.” Maddox pressed a kiss to Trevor’s neck and stood up holding Trevor by his thighs making Trevor sequel with laughter and hold onto Maddox tighter.
Maddox kissed Trevor as he walked them through their apartment and into their bedroom.
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