#but dragonite is just so shaped
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I might make my pokesona a dragonite instead of a pikachu.... well ill probably still keep King but make another pokesona lol
#dragonite is a big fav its always so fun to draw#pikachu piplup mew and zorua have also always been favs#along with mareep and wooloo. and breloom. i have a lot of fav pokemon. argghhh.#but dragonite is just so shaped#not art#zen rambles
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Big pink dragon, little white snake
#i love my wife's ocs sm theyre so good#sherlock and mogens my absolute favs guhnngh#big dragonite fat shaped dragons my beloved;;;#SHE'S BIG AND HABY#large wife small hubban#just like me fr#art#my art#dragon#dragon ocs#dragon art#dragon anthro#my ocs#craig#wife ocs#sherlock#sketches#artists on tumblr
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Two proud, fierce, spiky-haired warriors face each other across a rocky chasm… but why do they both feel so strangely familiar to the other?! A battle for honour is surely about to begin!
Through Dragonball, Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest, Akira Toriyama had a massive influence on my childhood. I think it’s also pretty fair to say that Pokemon, and especially Lance, would not be the same without his stylistic influence on Ken Sugimori’s early work. So, for all the thrills and inspiration, both to myself and many others, thank you so much Toriyama-san, and rest in peace.
I had so much fun designing a Toriyama-style DBZ design for Lance, putting in a bit of flavour from both his Gen 1 red biker and Gen 2 pointed armour looks. The dramatic cape flourish also pulls a bit from his HGSS art pose, just for fun (and flair)
I learnt a lot picking apart and studying different Dragonball panels and colour spreads to make this crossover tribute, but perhaps the most striking thing was re-reading chunks of DBZ and realising just how good at weekly pulp adventure story pacing Toriyama was.
I already knew he had perhaps the best grasp of dynamic, crystal clear action panelling in the business, but his ability to pace out a weekly story and always have some new twist or wrinkle while maintaining a solid, driving central narrative really stood out to me this time. And that’s not even mentioning all the ad-libbing!
One of the greatest to ever do it in so very many different ways - I am sure his work will continue to inspire not just artists in our current generation, but many young artists in the future as well.
#Pokemon Lance#Champion Lance#Elite Four Lance#Wataru#Dragonite#DBZ#Dragonball#Akira Toriyama#rip akira toriyama#Vegeta#Goku#saiyan saga#DBZ Manga#colourspread#tribute art#Kanto E4#Indigo League#ABC Work#It took some time to finish but#thank you akira toriyama#Lance and Vegeta were my two favourite characters to draw when I was younger#so it only felt fitting to finally bring them together#a tribute to just how much Toriyama shaped my childhood#Both directly and indirectly#Let them fight!#(Lance is just going to end up in the Yamcha crater again)#But at least Goku has made a fun new friend!
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Dragon-type ask game
It's been a while since my last ask game, I'm sure you were all just as eager for the next one as I am. As always, please feel free to ask me any of these questions.
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite - What's the rarest Pokemon you've ever seen?
Kingdra - In what ways do you feel you are superior to others? (Be honest!)
Vibrava/Flygon - Do you consider yourself to have a good singing voice? Or at least a decent one?
Altaria - Do you enjoy cloud-gazing?
Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence - Name one key event in your life that helped you "come out of your shell", so to speak, and shaped you as a person.
Latias/Latios - Do you ever wish you could move somewhere where you could be well and truly alone, or does the very idea unsettle you?
Rayquaza - How often do you go flying?
Gible/Gabite/Garchomp - If people find you intimidating, how warranted is that? If people find you otherwise, are they right to?
Dialga/Palkia/Giratina - Any myths/legends that particularly captivate you?
Axew/Fraxure/Haxorus - Are you naturally an irritable sort of person?
Druddigon - What is your worst bad habit?
Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon - Do you ever get mistaken to be another person's sibling? If so, who is it?
Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem - What are your thoughts on the idea of Pokemon fusion? Is it ethical or not?
Dragalge - Do you like the ocean?
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum - Would anyone ever dare refer to you as "spoiled?"
Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra - Are you more of a lover than a fighter?
Noibat/Noivern - How interested are you in music?
Zygarde - How far would you go for the sake of protecting the planet?
Turtonator/Drampa - When you get angry, are you prone to destroying/damaging things?
Jangmo-o/Hakamo-o/Kommo-o - Do you consider honor to be a major factor in your life?
Guzzlord - Are you a big eater?
Poipole/Naganedel - Have you ever considered medicine as a career choice?
Applin/Flapple/Appletun - What's your favorite dessert?
Dracozolt/Dracovish - Worst mistake you've ever mad? (As bad as you're comfortable sharing.)
Dreepy/Drakloak/Dragapult - Are you at all interested in archaeology?
Eternatus - What does the idea of "eternity" mean to you?
Regidrago - One project, idea, goal, or other passion you left unfinished, for whatever reason.
Cyclizar - Favorite mode of transporation?
Tatsugiri - Would your friends call you a sneaky sort of person?
Frigibax/Arctibax/Baxcalibur - When were you the most underwhelmed?
Roaring Moon - Most violent wild Pokemon you've ever encountered?
Koraidon/Miraidon - What's something in your past you look back on fondly/something coming up in your future that you anticipate?
Walking Wake - If you had the ability to walk on water, what would you do with it?
Archaludon - Ever helped to build something with your own two hands? How did it make you feel?
Dipplin/Hydrapple - Are you good at working within a team?
Gouging Fire - Is defense or offense more important to you?
Raging Bolt - Have you ever been made fun of your height, or lack thereof?
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And here is the coloured version of this particular evo line of 'kobolds inspired by Pokemon' (Pokebolds?) together.
For Dragonite I choose to not make many changes aside of the previous ones I’ve discussed, this Pokémon is already so kobold shaped.
I’m not going to clean these up or match the line weight etc as they’re just little doodles I do on the side. Hope you enjoy 'em either way!
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Quick redesigns of some Pokémon for fun!
Coalossal: While I LOVE Rolycoly, its final evolution was a big disappointment for me. Coalossal feels like a mix of big reptile Pokemons like Golem/Aggron/Carracosta/Rhyperior painted in black. So I gave it back its wheels from its pre-evolution! I originally wanted to draw a steam engine but I thought I would risk to get rid off its animalistic traits (maybe next time!).
Jynx: It's probably my least favorite Pokémon ever. I tried to make the Ice type more visible by shaping its head like an ice peak and adding some bone patterns. The face is actually a mask/puppet, recalling the trickster spririt from the folklore the Pokémon is based on.
Goodra: Another Pokémon where I love the 2 pre-evolutions and got disappointed by the final evolution. While I genuinely don't dislike Goodra, I'm not fond of the fact it lost its snail aspect and got a "Dragonite treatment". Since the Pokedex entries emphasize on its strong tail and antennas, I gave them more importance and volume. The tail's shape is inspired from the body of the snails without their shell. Overall, I just re-shaped Goodra for a better 'snail vibe' without pushing aside its cuddly dragon look. I also slightly changed the eye for better connecting with Sliggoo's ones.
For the Hisuian form, I made Goodra quadrupedal as a way for suggesting its shell is heavy and bulky. In this way, it also looks like a long neck dinosaur which could stick with the fact Hisui is a region from the past. (Also, I probably got inspired from the old theory suggesting Goodra and Aurorus are linked).
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pokemon that should be turned into fat anthros:
the classics - gengar, snorlax, dragonite, appletun
personal picks - lairon, shaymin (land), simisear (see: beta sprite), yamper/boltund

okay so i dont know pokemon but i do know fat anthros so i will try my hardest for you here. the pictures are more for me than you - i assume basically all tumblr users know these encyclopedically. note we are talking about anthropomorphic versions of these creatures not the creatures themselves, etc etc...
gengar - i like his strange face, but unclear whether to make the head and the body separate entities. but then... that's the beauty of the fat guy "neck ambiguo" now isn't it. 8/10
snorlax - it's all there. 10/10

dragonite - okay. too many ways this can go:
fully (fat) human-shaped save for the funny head - strange. 5/10
fat human-shaped + furry head + digitigrade - an improvement. i don't normally care about digitigrade legs vs. not, but here it just makes him feel more cohesive in a way i like. 7/10
all-the-way dragonite - most of the appeal of the fat furry is that i want to bang him, and i wouldn't bang this cause that's just dragonite. but we could hang out. 10/10 - platonically...
appletun - this one confuses me... when you push in on the pie parts of him do they feel like pie? or like flesh? i don't know... and i don't think making him fatfur will address my grievances. 4/10
lairon - this guy seems like a brute. i like it. 8/10
shaymin - i can imagine a wholesome animal (e.g. giraffe) as an anthro. i can imagine a small (e.g. mouse) animal as an anthro. but i really can't imagine a small wholesome animal as an anthro. i can't conjure this. 🌫/10
simisear - there's too much here... i don't like that he's got hands. i don't know... i can tell you on a purely conceptual level that an anthro version of him would look good in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette which he lit on himself (he looks fire themed so i assume) with like a good amount of piercings on each of those bigass ears but asymmetrically. that's an okay idea. that works. 7/10

yamper - its little flotation device thing would make such a good asset to a fat anthro design. just a suggestion i have i think it would be funny if he were masc despite his abject stubbiness. 10/10
boltund - this i don't see as clearly, but the dog anthro is my type through and through. 8/10
ampharos - a "muscle-chub" isn't my thing but i know enough about character design, shape language etc to know that's the most aesthetically befitting shape you could give an anthro version of this thing. i'm very impartial this way. i think that could work well... nonetheless, it's not really my thing. 5/10
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Venonat line review if it hasn't been done yet?
Venonat is honestly a pretty underrated Pokemon. I really like how it's a bug-type, but it's an ambiguous little ball of fur with compound eyes and antennae instead of a specific kind of insect. On top of that, it's pretty cute despite the non-conventional design, what with its little hands and big 'ol eyes. The colors are also nice, contrasting bright pink accents with a dark purple base. No complaints here.
I don't know why, but a lot of butterfly and moth Pokemon tend to be pretty bland with only a few exceptions, and unfortunately Venomoth isn't one of them. What made Venonat unique in my eyes was the simple abstract design—so when it evolves into a fairly normal moth, it looses most of the interest it had and doesn't really replace it with anything notable. It is known for scattering poison with its scales, which is interesting, but that doesn't factor into the design—in fact, nothing in the design really even suggests it's a poision-type.
There's a common conspiracy theory that Venomoth and Butterfree were switched during Gen 1's development. For the record, the entire Caterpie line have correctly numbered internal IDs, pointing to them being added all at once; however, they could've always been switched back when they were designed on paper, long before they were programmed into the game.
That said, a lot of Gen 1 designs do just share similar elements. I do think that it's entirely possible that the similarities are just sheer coincidence; like, just look at Dragonite and Charizard sharing the same color palette, or how many lines have the exact same eye shape. Don't get me wrong, we can't know for certain either way; but I do find it annoying how people insist that the lines had to have been swapped, which shows very little understanding of Gen 1's development, especially when it's argued that the switch was somehow accidental.
(If you really want to make things confusing: Venonat's sprite was downscaled at some point, indicating that it originally wasn't even supposed to evolve. Also, some early Venomoth art shows it being blue with multiple yellow spots on its wings.)
ANYWAY, I only point this out because A) people will bring it up if I don't, and B) regardless if the theory is true or not, Venonat and Venomoth have a lot more in common than people seem to realize. The long fur off of Venonat's head becomes the spikes on Venomoth's head, the hands are still clutched to the abdomen, they both have fangs, and they're both furry. I don't think that Venomoth doesn't fit as Venomoth's evolution or anything; I just think Venomoth is merely boring compared to it.
Overall, Venonat's pretty solid, but Venomoth is relatively boring—I think the best thing that could be done for this line is regionals. I'd almost suggest just doing what Galarian Meowth does by making a regional Venonat that keeps with the more unique body shape; though then again, I'd feel kind of bad if Venonat got forgotten. Regardless, this line definitely feels like it could be revisited to make it more memorable.
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in honor of my pokémon obsession and vague desire to one day write a pokémon au, here are the pokémon teams i think some of the bllk boys would have!!
warning: all pokémon are from gen 6 or before because i didn’t really play the games after that, i chose pokémon based on aesthetics and vibes not functionality in battle or stats or anything like that HAHA, this truly is not that serious but if anyone steals my ideas i will be mad 😐 don’t plagiarize pls it’s not cool
characters: isagi yoichi, chigiri hyoma, barou shouei, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, otoya eita, karasu tabito, yukimiya kenyu, hiori yo
isagi yoichi: charizard, lapras, stoutland, machamp, leafeon, raichu (this man is basic i’m sorry but he’s not going crazy or picking any atypical pokémon)
chigiri hyoma: rapidash, zebstrika, dragonite, gorebyss, liepard, pyroar (only chooses fast pokémon and likes to ride them around so he gets places before everyone else)
barou shouei: pangoro, krookodile, zoroark, sharpedo, houndoom, weavile (exclusively dark types so he can continue w the whole villain thing he has going on)
nagi seishiro: goodra, reuniclus, clefable, whimsicott, snorlax, arcanine (what can i say?? a bunch of squishy cuddly pokémon for a squishy cuddly guy)
mikage reo: gallade, mawile, flygon, persian, cinccino, florges (idk all of these pokémon just feel very elegant and classy to me which is super mikage “rich boy” reo)
otoya eita: greninja, sylveon, ampharos, blissey, altaria, ninetales (he tries to be cool so he picks greninja to start with but he ends up with exclusively cutesy pokémon for the rest of his team because he’s actually a loser)
karasu tabito: garchomp, honchkrow, staraptor, talonflame, pidgeot, lucario (his commitment to the bird aesthetic is impressive, but he feels a kinship with garchomp — perhaps due to their similarly shaped side profiles?? — and thinks lucario is cool, so those two get a pass)
yukimiya kenyu: breloom, alakazam, steelix, manectric, azumarill, noivern (i think he would only pick pokémon that make him seem refined and cool)
hiori yo: kingdra, metagross, nidoqueen, luxray, aurorus, swanna (a relatively balanced team in terms of typing, but to be honest i picked them because they’re all light blue/have light blue on them)
#karasu anon this one is for you 🫵🏻#ik there’s more characters but these are my favs (+ isagi…sorry isagi lovers he’s not at the top of my list)#but he’s the mc so i felt obliged to include him#also i’m objectively correct and will take no criticisms on these#m’s thoughts#pokémon#bllk#isagi yoichi#chigiri hyoma#barou shouei#nagi seishiro#mikage reo#otoya eita#karasu tabito#yukimiya kenyu#hiori yo
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Hi!! I found your blog a few days ago and your moodboards are super cute! I'ma be completely honest here, I'm not too familiar with the whole caregiver and regression thing(I've just never really took the Time to look into it, I have no problems with it whatsoever!), but I'd love a caregiver/just general comfy vibes Dragonite moodboard! Dragonite is so friend shaped and I'd love to be hugged by one ^^
I'd love if the moodboard was mostly blue bc that is a favorite color of mine but so whatever feels best for you! ^^
Caregiver dragonite moodboard
Hihi!! I learned I'm not very well with making cozy boards with blue colors but I tried my best! So I do hope you like it :D
I didn't have much ideas on what to add unfortunately and all my knowledge of pokemon has completely left my head sadly :( but either way I hope this is to your liking if any changes wanted I can try to change them
。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶ ₊ ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶ 。˚

#sfw interaction only#age regression blog#age regressor#requests open#sfw age regressor#《°♤◇request◇♤》#pokemon#pokemon agere#pokemon caregiver#agere fandom#caregiver board#agere caregiver#age regression caregiver#fictional caregiver moodboard#fictional caregiver#reqs open#send requests#age dreamer#age dreaming#agere moodboard#pokemon moodboard#dragonite#dragonite moodboard#pokemon aesthetic#agere blog#age re safe space#age regression community#age regression moodboard#fandom agere moodboard#fandom age regression
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Fantasy High + Pokemon
I was inspired by @candaceaprillee and their art that they made for Hootgrowlithe zine! I had to go all in and make their teams, based off everything that's been released as of FHJY episode 3. There have been more episodes by this point but nothing that has happened since has influenced any changes!
Gang, I thought about this a lot...this is a lengthy post. This genius simply couldn't be contained. There are some that are based on vibes, and some that I dug a little deeper with Pokedex entries. Rest assured my explanations should suffice my reasoning! These Pokemon are not in any particular order btw!!
Adaine's team is just Peak Blue/cool color Vibes. Was not intentional! I picked a lot of spherical shapes and mon that happen to exude calming energy/auras. I do think that, for now, Adaine keeps her Orb Pokemon from evolving because they're the perfect shape.
Spheal - Spheal is the perfect orb shaped Pokemon. I could not leave it out of the line up. Additionally, Spheals have soft fur and I think when Adaine's having a panic attack that soft fur would be good for grounding. As Spheal evolves it also learns to "identify" things with its sensitive nose, reminiscent of the Identify Spell.
Natu - Another phenomenal orb. While it's no owl, it will evolve into a psychic, fortune telling mon some day. It does have prophetic abilities in this version, but it seems to be more about hopping about and staring at things. Something about that feels right for Adaine.
Gardevoir - Admittedly, Gardevoir did not initially make my list for Adaine. I did get to thinking that since Adaine comes from an extremely rich family (albeit a neglectful one), her parents would want to give her a fancy mon to exert her status. I don't know if they'd give her a straight up Gardevoir as a kid, but in any case the whole line up is fairy/psychic; I thought since the Abernants are high elves that they would lean towards fairy type Pokemon to link back to their heritage. In any case! Gardevoir ALSO reads the future!
Dragonair - Dragonairs have that blue orb in them, plus they exude a "gentle aura," again another helpful thing for Adaine. They're also part of a pseudo legendary line, which is a great match for our legendary oracle. There's something very elegant about Dragonair, and it evolves into a cute lovey Dragonite!!!
Riolu - I originally gave Adaine a fully evolved Lucario, but given that Riolu evolves with high friendship, I don't know if Adaine would be emotionally ready for that. It still gets the same vibes across with being able to detect auras of others. I'm HC'ing that she got her Riolu as part of an official Welcome to the Family gift from Jawbone :') Riolu is basically an emotional support dog, after all.
Feebas - :) Gang :) I'm taking some liberties here. Wouldn't it be angsty and sad if we envision small Adaine, sad and alone, ignored and chastised by her family, off on her own and happens upon a sad little Feebas? And finds comradery in this lil fish that's considered the ugliest thing in the world? She brings home her very first mon she caught herself and her family tears her to shreds for it but she still loves this mon with a bad rap? I'm obsessed.
Fabian's mon consist of a mix of fighting types, dancing vibes, and trauma based dex entries! That's really all I can say so summarize his team. I'm sorry to my boy but he's so fun to play in the angst space with.
Lombre - My HC is that Bill Seacaster gave Fabian his first Pokemon, maybe as a small Lotad. Lombre, in the anime, is one of Ash's mon that gave him a hard time, and I think that Fabian would have at least one mon that wouldn't completely respect him in the same way. Once Fabian sheds the expectations of his father, then Lombre accepts him and their relationship blooms! Bonus points! Lombre evolves into Ludicolo, a dancing Pokemon!
Cubone - This is my biggest brain idea. Cubone's whole thing is abandonment because of his mother dying. While Fabian's mother is not dead, she might as well be since she's off traveling with Gilear. Even before then! She was emotionally absent in his life. Sure the skull could be from his literal dead father THAT HE KILLED...there's just something about the mother/son relationship (or lack thereof) that's *chef's kiss*
Hitmontop - This Pokemon is purely fighter, but he's got sick dance moves and if this isn't the Pokemon version of Fabian I don't know what is.
Kirlia - Sigh. Okay. So. The dancing theme is obvious. Unfortunately, I think Fabian would be the kind of guy that would sexualize Kirlia's evolution, Gardevoir. I could only hope that he wouldn't fall in love with his mon but JY Fabian has me fucked up with his character development. I originally gave Fabian Kirlia before I gave Adaine her Gardevoir, so I think he'd probably go with Gallade for his evolution? I do think that this mon, whatever happens, would knock some sense into Fabian like Brock's mon do in the anime, hehe!
Bisharp - Bisharp reflects Fabian's initial work with swordfighting and fencing. Its description about leading groups of its unevolved form plus getting kicked out if it loses a battle to become boss.....gives me Fabian's Very Bad No Good Day on Leviathan vibes to me.
Absol - Absol's deal is that it is something of an unlucky charm -- but it can actually warn people of incoming dangers. I truly think Fabian needs a creature like that in his life. He probably wouldn't know how to interact with a mon such as this, but I believe in him.
Fig's team consists of fire types, music based designs, and illusion/trickery Pokemon. I'm realizing that I'm HC'ing that a lot of Fig's mon evolved with her around the time that she learned she's actually a tiefling. I borrowed that idea from Candace, particularly with Houndoom!
Jigglypuff - Jigglypuff is SUCH a match for Figueroth Faeth, I'm talking pre-campaign Fig. It's cute, it's bubbly, and is fully capable of being a menace. Fig would absolutely egg on her mon to do something like, I don't know, marking up their sleeping audience out of anger. Plus it's a singer so it could be a cute lil back up singer for Fig! Jiggly is also sweet and fitting for Fig because it evolves through high friendship. I know that Fig says she keeps her emotions wrapped up but miss thing would absoLUTELY have best friendships with her mon.
Loudred - Loudred feels right for Fig, especially if we assume that Fig started with Whismur, this shy timid lil pink first evolution that has a piercing scream. It's basically a big speaker as well (even though it would not be ideal for a concert with it being able to level houses...Fig would probably love that though) It is a pretty destructive Pokemon, but if it gets to evolve it'll mellow out some. I don't know Fig will ever truly mellow out, but who knows! Anything's possible!
Salazzle - Salazzle's deal is that she emits pheromones that attract males which I think goes well with Fig's penchant for flirting with random guys. Maybe Fig found her Salazzle while in Hell and wasn't an initial part of her team, as they are found in volcanoes and other craggy places. She's also generally cunt and Fig deserves a member like that on her team :)
Zoroark - I love Zoroark for Fig as it is an illusion based Pokemon that is extremely loyal to those that have good bonds with them (I'm being liberal with this, they're more loyal to other Zoroarks but I think Fig's would see her on the same level). It can transform itself and makes large crowds believe their illusion. It just matches Fig's vibes!!! Could I go into how its first evolution, Zorua, transforms itself to protect itself from danger and that parallel with Fig's transformations to protect her emotional state?? Sure, but y'all get the point.
Houndoom - Houndoom is a given for Fig. It's a demon fire dog. For our tiefling archdevil that occasionally shifts into German Shepherd mode? Yeah, nuff said.
Shelgon - Shelgon's line is based on being so determined and literally head strong to get what they want. There's the obvious trait we see here, which is that hard shell that Fig often comments on. Both creatures are reorganizing their cells to better reflect their true/ideal selves. Plus Shelgon turns into a dope dragon and I wouldn't put it past Fig to love that for herself and her Pokemon.
Gorgug's mon are a majority grass/bug based, which I think works with how he grew up with the Thistlesprings in the tree. I gave him two "new" members of his party to reflect his artificer second class. Pretty much all of them could work for both of his classes!
Timburr - Timburr's a cute lil guy that absolutely would start out with Gorgug training to be a barbarian and turn into a lil helper with Gorgug's artificer tinkering. Should Timburr be more evolved than its base form? Yes. Do I think the rest of the line is ugly? Also yes. Sorry about it.
Roselia - I needed to reference Gorgug's very sweet tin flower in some way!!! If taken care of, and we know our boy would absolutely would, it releases a calming scent. Maybe this scent helps calm down Gorgug before he enters a rag e outside of battle, or just to help him relieve anxiety at the end of the day.
Rillaboom - Gorgug 100% would have first gotten its first evolution, Grookey, as his first mon. It'd fit in perfectly with the tree, plus it's whole line is about drumming and rhythm!!! What more can you ask of a mon?
Heracross - I think Heracross is Cute. And strong to boot! For a long time, it's the only one that can keep up with Gorgug as far as strength goes. It's described as docile unless it's disturbed while eating honey; a great match for our sweet barbarian!
Rookidee - I'll be so honest, this choice was based off Cloaca Chloe. I originally gave him Beldum, which is literally a hunk of steel. But I thought about it some more, especially with Chloe being a metal bird, and how could I *not* pick a Pokemon that eventually turns into this giant badass steel/flying type Corviknight? Plus, this mon is bold and always up to the challenge of fighting. What better for a creation that goes "I SUCK" all the time unprovoked?
Tinkatuff - I think that Gorgug found this mon while in the Nightmare Forest, or perhaps right outside of it scared and alone. She's figuring out tinkering along with Gorgug and I know this giant/tiny duo would kick so much ass. Will Tinkatuff end up wanting to fight Rookidee all the time? ...Maybe, but I'm sure Gorgug will find some kind of solution for that to be chill with each other.
I had the hardest time with Kristen, because I can't really pin down her personality and ideals in Pokemon. I think it's because she doesn't know who she is currently. I love Kristen, but most of these mon are a read on her.
Bellossom - Bellossom is one of the handful of Pokemon out there that has the healer ability! It could certainly be the final evolution of a mon Kristen could have had as a cleric of Helio, Oddish. Also, picturing Kristen and Bellossom doing ribbon dances together? That'd be cute as hell.
Cosmog - Cosmog is veeeeery Cassandra to me. It's a borderline legendary Pokemon. It is characterized as taking an immediate liking to anyone who gives it the time of day. Something about the frailty of this mon reminds me of Kristen's current god. And if any of The Bad Kids were going to have a legendary mon, it'd be Kristen. Given episode 4, we might be looking at an evolution soon...
Psyduck - Psyduck is constantly plagued with headaches that makes it constantly confused! While Kristen doesn't get the headaches she doesn't necessarily quite know what's going on and why she does certain things. It looks like this season she's on the ball with battles though so we'll see! I'm also thinking of Misty's Psyduck and how she treated hers...while I don't think Kristen would get pissed off with her Psyduck, I think she wouldn't see its value in her party all the time.
Eevee - The beauty with Eevee is that it simply could be anything depending on its environment. I think, if anything, this mon most reflects her current religion with Cassandra in that nothing is set in stone and that's okay.
Bidoof - Kristen picked Bidoof for the meme. I just know she would have at least one joke Pokemon. And yet...I don't know, Bidoof just works with Kristen for reasons I can't explain.
Quaquaval - This is the gayest Pokemon I've EVER seen. Imagine seeing this guy ribbon dancing with Kristen? SICKENING!!!! On a more serious note, it does take things more seriously especially while training. Kristen needs someone to whip her into shape, take things more serious.
Riz is obviously our crime solving lil goblin kid. Of course, he's going to initially pick mons that could help with a case. But he's also got SUCH a big heart and would wholeheartedly love all of his mon for who they are outside of being helpful. I also just had to go in and do my best to make sure that Riz has a balanced team -- I refuse to think of him as someone that wouldn't have an answer to counter a weak point for any of his Pokemon.
Zigzagoon - I've HC'd that Zigzagoon as Riz's first ever Pokemon! Found him in the grass while he was snooping around for something, and Zigzagoon are naturally curious and restless creatures, so they became quick best friends. I think they're always side by side working on a case!
Spoink - Ok hear me out...I was thinking about how the Night Yorb happened because of Riz trying to figure out Garthy, essentially creating the Night Yorb for the universe with that bit. So I fell on Spoink with it's orb on it's head. But then I got to thinking...Spoink can never stop bouncing because it will die if it does. And if THAT is not Riz Gukgak I don't know what is. Boy doesn't know how to relax; his literal worst fear is resting.
Rotom - Honestly I think Rotom would be super useful for Riz! I'm thinking with the arcade in Freshman Year, if Riz had a Rotom that encounter would have been a bit easier! It is a little bit mischievous, and while that's not really Riz's steez, I think he'd find it endearing to a degree.
Klefki - I think that Riz would love to collect things like keys he thinks are relevant to a case. The great thing about Klefki is that it will hang on to keys that it likes and I think Riz relates to wanting to hold on to things he obsesses over! I know that Riz trusts Klefki with his keys, in general. It apparently jingles itself at attackers, and the mental image of a ring of keys jingling while Riz hisses in Goblin Mode™ is so funny to me.
Greninja - Greninjas give me rogue energy. By this time in its evolution it's a pro at devising battle strategy and is a sharpshooter like its trainer. Plus you KNOW Riz would have Battle Bond with Greninja, they'd be a great fighting pair!
Golbat - Originally I picked a bat Pokemon to relate back to Riz's goblin race; goblins live in dungeons, bats live in dungeons, fantastic! Plus the teeth and open mouth? Riz and Golbat going toe to toe in hissing games. Ok let's get serious, cutthroat. I feel as if Riz would find kinship with its unevolved form, Zubat, because of how they are perceived as small annoying things (I personally was always annoyed encountering zubats in the games, idk if this is a widespread belief). Bonus: Golbats evolve with high friendship into Crobat! I don't know why I didn't give Riz a Crobat, just didn't feel right I guess.
And that's the end! Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into Pokemon, Fantasy High, and dare I say character analysis??? I don't know, that might be a little generous to my word vomit. Get in the comments!! I'd love to hear other takes and see more discussion!!
Anyways uhhhh stream Fantasy High Junior Year on Dropout and play/watch some Pokemon k bye
#i've been working on writing this all out for weeks#please just take this post#this was a lot of fun!!! i wasn't expecting that!!!#fantasy high#dimension 20#d20 fantasy high#d20 fhjy#d20 fhsy#hootgrowlithe#fantasy high junior year#fantasy high sophomore year#the bad kids
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Sketches I did back in July of the giant dragonite from the pokémon anime.
I absolutely loved the Mystery at the Lighthouse episode as a kid. Idk what it was about episodes of shows that deal with mysterious, creepy, or big creatures that fascinated child me lol. But I still absolutely adore the humongous dragonite and that episode. I think about it every so often.
On to the actual sketches: That first one is just it swimming under a boat. Some fishing boat maybe idk. The people on that boat must be shaken to their core lol. Also I drew that before I decided on adding some changes to the dragonite’s overall silhouette. Which I did starting with the second sketch. Changes I made were: more elongated body mainly in the neck area, thinner and longer tail, longer antennas, dorsal-fin shaped horn, and slightly webbed fingers (it’s not noticeable but eh). My headcanon is that it’s a mutated dragonite that’s lived for a very long time, and I wanted to make it look just a bit more aquatic to lean in on the “mutation” idea while still resembling a dragonite. I drew that last image cuz even as a kid I always wanted Bill to properly meet it. Made me so sad that team rocket ruined that. So maybe one day that giant dragonite will feel safe again around that lighthouse and the two can actually meet. Not necessarily to become friends, but rather gain a mutual respect for each other.
Below is a vague size comparison sketch I did which is not consistent with my previous sketches lol (vague cuz there’s no actual measurements)
I’d probably change the size of it cuz I feel like it might be too big here? Or even not tall enough somehow?? Genuinely unsure. It’s already bigger than the sketch I did of it with Bill. I tried to think of the height of a lighthouse, as well as the cliff it was on. Would its head even reach Bill like that??? Idk man. I’m fairly certain the size of it is different in each sketch lol.
Oh also I eyeballed the wailord and normal dragonite sizes, they’re most likely not dex-accurate. I went with my own personal preferences for their sizes. I kinda ignore canon sometimes when it comes to the average heights of pokémon lol.
#sketches#dragonite#variation concepts#(<- kinda. more like a one of a kind variation lol)#mystery at the lighthouse#pokemon bill#my art#(was the name ‘gargantuan dragonite’ unintentionally influenced by the gargantuan leviathan fossil from subnautica? …maybe)#(anyway it’s almost 3am I need to go to sleep I just randomly remembered these sketches and realized I never posted them)
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Ok, so I have just now had the time to give an update on the situation. The KCAFL is currently doing whatever we can honestly to try and accommodate and help the, FIFTEEN, Dratini that were given to us after they found that Mill yesterday. Luckily, it seems like they only had two mating pairs of Dragonite and were likely a new mill. Still, 15 surprise Dratini is a lot of work to take care of, ignoring the other Pokémon the Conservatory takes care of.
The Dragonites were taken elsewhere, I don’t know *where* as I’m not working on the case. I just know from what some of my coworkers were telling me is that the mothers are in really bad shape (apparently they were given drugs to, not only have more then one egg at a time, but also double and maybe TRIPLE clutch. That puts so much strain on the Pokémon and I can only hope they’re doing ok now) and apparently the dads have been sluggish because the mill owners were basically sedating them constantly.
The Dratini themselves… weren’t doing well. It looks like the mill owners bought into the myth that keeping Dratini in small cages makes it impossible for them to grow larger.
For those of you who don’t know, this isn’t true. Dratini will continue to grow until they evolve. When Fae (Sylveon), Poupette (Banette), and I entered the dratini’s make shift enclosure to help calm them before they received a medical check, I think all three of us were horrified at the amounts of bruises those poor things had.
I couldn’t work in the archives at all today, pretty much all of my day has been spent supervising Fae to make sure she doesn’t get agitated from being around so many Pokémon and people. She did really actually, she managed to help with seven Dratini before she had to stop.
Turns out, the mill was a shiny mill. They checked the FIVE shiny Dratini first. From what it looks like the parents weren’t siblings but were likely cousins, hence the high shiny count. I can’t really say much else because I’m not sure if I’m allowed to and I’m not a scientist, just an archivist. The other two seem to be the same story.
I think right now they asked the Head Archivist (Madame DuPont) if her Malamar might be able to help hypnotize the Dratini to not cause them too much stress. But as they are Dratini… I don’t think anyone is 100% sure if that will work.
Currently I’m just doing final photocopying for the trip to Kanto… Fae is resting and recharging and Poupette is helping me as best she can.
#tw unreality#unreality#pokeblog rp#pokeblogging#pokeblr#irl pokemon#pokemon irl#rotomblr#pokémon#pokemon#dratini
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I really hope I can catch or adopt a Drampa from a breeder some day, I feel like they would fit in with my band of goofy dragons so well (but this is distant future plans for sure)
My current “wish list” dragons I hope to raise one day are Drampa, another Applin to a Hydrapple this time, maaaaaaybe a Dratini to Dragonite, or a Swablu to Altaria, or even a Noibat to Noivern. There are a lot of badass dragons that are like giant scey beasts that I think are so sick, but I just don’t think they’re my style. Dragonite is really the only exception to this rule but they’re so friend shaped they can just barely count right?
#new rotomblr#rotomblr#pkmn irl#pokeblogging#pokemon irl#pokemon#new to pkmn irl#new to rotomblr#text2dragon
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Hinata x Pokemon
Kept my promise. Hinata is one of my favourite character so I made sure she has the best and adorable pokemon that matches her.
ps- i don't own naruto or pokemon or any of the photos. some i found on google and google is open to everyone so don't come at me.
Alolan Ninetales
this is a no brainer. have to just match with Naruto's fire ninetales.
uzumaki family and their pokemon is afraid of hinata's and her ninetales' anger (eg. when they don't do the housework or come home late).
2. Dragonair
matches Naruto's Dragonite
blue like Hinata's hair.
elegant and beautiful like Hinata too, =)
3. Vileplume
always feel Oddish which is pre-evolved form of Vileplume represents Hinata's personality; quiet, timid, afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
I can see a lot of character growth between Hinata and Oddish.
But once Oddish fully evolved into Vileplume, they both make a great team.
Vileplume also matches Hinata's hair, lol.

4. Pheramosa
it can fight very well and is a perfect sparring partner for Hinata.
lightning speed which improves Hinata's gentle fist.
pretty and elegant just like its owner.
5. Lunala
i know this may be overkill for Hinata but she got Lunala as she sensed its weak chakra after it got injured fighting with Akatsuki.
she nursed it back to health despite having to delay her mission.
Lunala adores her and chose her to be its trainer.
also matches her hair.
6. Pikachu
enough said she needs a female Pikachu to go with Naruto's Pikachu.
look at that heart-shaped tail how adorable is that.
they'll both be the flower boy and girl for Naruto's and Hinata's wedding.
#hinata hyuga#pokemon#pikachu#anime crossover#naruto x pokemon#lunala#pheramosa#dragonair#alolan ninetales#vileplume
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[File: It's a video. its title is simply the system assigning numbers to a file. Will you watch it?... excellent.]
[from this point the events occurring are non diegetic]
[now loading...]
Jack steps away from the Levincia airport, they take out his Rotom Phone and open the camera app, turning on the "selfie" camera, they look... tired and un-rested. Still, they walk to a less noisy part of the city and begin recording forcing a smile on their face, and yet it looks almost fully narural.
"Here we are in the city of Levincia! This is Jack Aranda starting his report on Paldean Shiny Pokémon and the Herba Mystica 'Sparkling Meal Power' capacity to attract encounters with Shiny Pokémon"
Jack pauses the recording and sighs, their tired face overcomes the smile, when was the last time they slept? ... some questions are better left unanswered. Moving to the center of the city, taking advantage of the currently empty arena, Jack takes out one of his pokéballs and quickly extends his hand into the sky.
"Use fly! ... please!"
The pokéball opens and blue energy is released into the air, the blue light swirls in the air and reconstructs into a charizard with a sparkling dark grey scale-coated skin, who immediately pulls Jack into its back and takes off.
"Towards the circular mountains, big guy, and be careful, it's a big fall from the crater's walls!"
Charcoal nodded and roared, its flame exploding into blue fire while speeding across Paldea, following wind currents to enter the crater with haste. Jack didn't miss the opportunity to keep recording as they flew through the skies of this region, from so high up you could almost see Kalos in the far far distance of the horizon, or maybe it was just a weird cloud formation.
"The Paldea region is blooming with a wonderful and wondrous energy known as Terastal Energy. It's been proposed by Professor Briar of the Blueberry Academy, as well as others before, that the bursts of Tera Energy has a direct impact on the flora and fauna of a region. The most noticeable one is the sparkling Pokémon found across Paldea!"
As if invoked by Jack's words, a small family of Dragonite dashed by on the current that Charcoal was riding. One of them had a glowing aura and almost crystalline skin, it was possible to see a reddish pink heart-shaped gemstone on its head.
"But what many don't immediately correlate is that the Phenomenon of Herba Mystica is, in essence, Floral, rather than Faunal, Teracrystalization. There are six currently known forms of Herba Mystica, five originate from Paldea; Spicy, Salty, Sour, Sweet, and Bitter H.M. One species was only discovered in the Blueberry Academy Terrarium!".
Jack murmurs to himself "though i doubt the Paldean authorities will ever be pleased by Briar's Terrarium Core replicating all of this over at BB." He clears his throat, and is about to continue when a Garchomp tackles Charcoal right as it flew around the ring of the crater. Jack and his Charizard fall towards the depths. Video 1 stops here.]
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