Hi, my name is Jack, I'm just a guy who likes to search and care for "shiny" pokémon //general TW for unreality.//
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I will! I just have to manage some stuff, I caught some new Shiny Pokémon in my short visit to the BBA, and I'm already trying to make accomodations for them, the face Zach gave me when he noticed like 5 new Pokéballs in my belt was a sight to behold.
unfortunately I couldn't take my phone out to take a picture, because he nearly used Night Daze AGAINST me!
Okay. I've looked at several papers, I traveled back to Blueberry Academy for a week, I did all the research I was allowed or had access to and it's just clear. While most Pokémon can form a stable ecosystem within the four biomes of the Terrarium, Minior population cannot reasonably be sustained under normal circumstances within the Bio-dome of the Terrarium.
Minior normally form in high altitudes of the atmosphere, where dust and other particles gather together and build up their cores and rocky exterior. Depending on what elements constitute the dust they consume, their core color changes.
Curiously, contrary to popular belief, this doesn't influence their Shiny Factor, Shiny Minior are not just "black core" Minior, in the correct amount of light, it's possible to see the core color Minior would be if they didn't Shine.
[Attached file: Two shiny minior cores floating before a direct sunlight beam going through some trees. One of the cores is floating higher than the other, it's dark core shining faintly orange, the lower Minior core is shining faintly in cyan as light goes through it.]
Back on track. When Minior shells become too heavy from the dust they consume, or they attempt to dodge a predator Pokémon in the high atmosphere, they rain towards the ground.
Often times, this causes their shell to break upon impact, exposing Minior's highly sensitive core to the exterior.
When this happens, Minior attemp to use their floating abilities to reach back into the high atmosphere, and eventually dissolve back into dust, that will let a new Minior be born eventually.
The places where Minior can be found raining down are rare, with Mount Hokulani on the Alola Region being a notable place to find Minior, especially those with shells that have not broken after their impact.
Now, Earth's ecosystems are open systems which allow external forces to affect them, in fact the main source of energy of our planet depends on it being energetically an open system, allowing sunlight to be absorbed and reflected by our planet and serving as the basis for most bioecosystems!
Minior's life cycle likewise is an open cycle, the space dust that Earth builds up through time condenses into new Minior, regardless of the amount of them that are able to return to the atmosphere.
Even if the dust scatters across the skies, or Minior are caught in Pokéballs allowing them to reform a shell safely without disappearing, Minior populations will not decrease significantly, nor will there be a massive impact on their life cycles.
However this is not the case for the Terrarium, which is a closed system with no ability to generate space dust that can birth new Minior. And yet Minior are still able to form within the confines of the Terrarium.
And at a rate that exceeds that of natural Minior encounters in the wild (understandably so, it's impossible to compare it to natural Minior formation in the wild, as the high altitudes on which they're born makes it increasingly difficult to study them in their natural habitats.)
Despite the fact that Trainers studying in the Blueberry Academy, or visiting the Terrarium, are encouraged to catch Minior like any other Pokémon, Minior population simply doesn't go drastically down until disappearing from the Terrarium.
There weren't any concrete answers as to why this was anywhere in the Academy, so I had to do my own research on what could possibly be affecting Minior formation within the Terrarium, and I think I finally know the culprit.
[Attached file: The Energy Core that forms the centerpiece of the entirety of the Terrarium. Bubbling with a strange rainbow waving colored liquid, which seems to be crystalizing from within]
The Core in the Terrarium that replicates the conditions necessary for the Terastal Phenomenon in Paldea, and Kitakami. Which allows for abnormal crystal growths containing within strong Terastalized Pokémon, that allow Pokémon to be covered in a brilliant sheen of crystals naturally, and even the generation of new kinds of Paldea's Herba Mystica.
It may be that the core which fills the terrarium dome with Terastal Energy could be creating artificial particles that allow for Minior to form, but there's still more research to be done, and the possible dangers this could bring. I think It's time I prepare for a new trip to Paldea to study the Terastal Phenomenon directly from the source.
I might even bring a new friend I met last time I went there.
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Okay. I've looked at several papers, I traveled back to Blueberry Academy for a week, I did all the research I was allowed or had access to and it's just clear. While most Pokémon can form a stable ecosystem within the four biomes of the Terrarium, Minior population cannot reasonably be sustained under normal circumstances within the Bio-dome of the Terrarium.
Minior normally form in high altitudes of the atmosphere, where dust and other particles gather together and build up their cores and rocky exterior. Depending on what elements constitute the dust they consume, their core color changes.
Curiously, contrary to popular belief, this doesn't influence their Shiny Factor, Shiny Minior are not just "black core" Minior, in the correct amount of light, it's possible to see the core color Minior would be if they didn't Shine.
[Attached file: Two shiny minior cores floating before a direct sunlight beam going through some trees. One of the cores is floating higher than the other, it's dark core shining faintly orange, the lower Minior core is shining faintly in cyan as light goes through it.]
Back on track. When Minior shells become too heavy from the dust they consume, or they attempt to dodge a predator Pokémon in the high atmosphere, they rain towards the ground.
Often times, this causes their shell to break upon impact, exposing Minior's highly sensitive core to the exterior.
When this happens, Minior attemp to use their floating abilities to reach back into the high atmosphere, and eventually dissolve back into dust, that will let a new Minior be born eventually.
The places where Minior can be found raining down are rare, with Mount Hokulani on the Alola Region being a notable place to find Minior, especially those with shells that have not broken after their impact.
Now, Earth's ecosystems are open systems which allow external forces to affect them, in fact the main source of energy of our planet depends on it being energetically an open system, allowing sunlight to be absorbed and reflected by our planet and serving as the basis for most bioecosystems!
Minior's life cycle likewise is an open cycle, the space dust that Earth builds up through time condenses into new Minior, regardless of the amount of them that are able to return to the atmosphere.
Even if the dust scatters across the skies, or Minior are caught in Pokéballs allowing them to reform a shell safely without disappearing, Minior populations will not decrease significantly, nor will there be a massive impact on their life cycles.
However this is not the case for the Terrarium, which is a closed system with no ability to generate space dust that can birth new Minior. And yet Minior are still able to form within the confines of the Terrarium.
And at a rate that exceeds that of natural Minior encounters in the wild (understandably so, it's impossible to compare it to natural Minior formation in the wild, as the high altitudes on which they're born makes it increasingly difficult to study them in their natural habitats.)
Despite the fact that Trainers studying in the Blueberry Academy, or visiting the Terrarium, are encouraged to catch Minior like any other Pokémon, Minior population simply doesn't go drastically down until disappearing from the Terrarium.
There weren't any concrete answers as to why this was anywhere in the Academy, so I had to do my own research on what could possibly be affecting Minior formation within the Terrarium, and I think I finally know the culprit.
[Attached file: The Energy Core that forms the centerpiece of the entirety of the Terrarium. Bubbling with a strange rainbow waving colored liquid, which seems to be crystalizing from within]
The Core in the Terrarium that replicates the conditions necessary for the Terastal Phenomenon in Paldea, and Kitakami. Which allows for abnormal crystal growths containing within strong Terastalized Pokémon, that allow Pokémon to be covered in a brilliant sheen of crystals naturally, and even the generation of new kinds of Paldea's Herba Mystica.
It may be that the core which fills the terrarium dome with Terastal Energy could be creating artificial particles that allow for Minior to form, but there's still more research to be done, and the possible dangers this could bring. I think It's time I prepare for a new trip to Paldea to study the Terastal Phenomenon directly from the source.
I might even bring a new friend I met last time I went there.
#|| Jack's mini blog essays ||#//#rotomblr#pokeblog rp#pokeblog roleplay#pokeblogging#pokemon rp#pkmn rp#minior
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I wish I could help OP but this guy started once followed me home and now it's like
[Attached picture: what appears to be a red core 10% Zygarde curled up on a big dog bed, with a midnight form Lycanroc staring down at it with betrayal in the eyes, it's definitely the Lycanroc's bed]
Sometimes they just... appear
What the FUCK is this doing in my FUCKING CABIN
[Attached: A picture of a Shaymin. It's curled up on top of a sleeping bag, sleeping very soundly.]
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Update! Charcoal and Cobalt ganged up on me and Zoroark stole my coffee, apparently they're gonna make me sleep by force
noooooooo I have papers to read andrjd
I'm really sleepy right now but does anyone ever wonder why the Blueberry Academy Terrarium has like minior? they form with like
high atmosphere particles.
But the Terrarium is under the sea, even if they had brought in minior cores to supply the Terrarium with stardust that could condense into new minior, it wouldn't form a stable self-sufficient ecosystem, they'd eventually run out if captured by trainers.
Hm.... much to think about
I'll take ONE last mug of coffee while I think on this. and then go to sleep
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I'm really sleepy right now but does anyone ever wonder why the Blueberry Academy Terrarium has like minior? they form with like
high atmosphere particles.
But the Terrarium is under the sea, even if they had brought in minior cores to supply the Terrarium with stardust that could condense into new minior, it wouldn't form a stable self-sufficient ecosystem, they'd eventually run out if captured by trainers.
Hm.... much to think about
I'll take ONE last mug of coffee while I think on this. and then go to sleep
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Remember to stimulate the intellectual development of your foxmon by assigning them calculus homework
#things to trick Zoroark into doing#I bed I can trick him into doing math for the probability of capture rates within certain factors lol#i BET*#//
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Rotomblr OC Ask Game
(First ever ask game I'm hosting, woo! Some of them will be in character, and some if then will be OOC. Reblog if you want to get asks. The asks are open for me as well)
If they had an encounter or battle theme, what would it be?
Do/did they have a rival? What were they like?
Have any of your pokemon evolved? If so, is there an interesting story on how they evolved?
What are your opinions of your home region?
Whats your Unovan Horoscope?
What's your Native Language? For billingual trainers, how hard was it to learn a second language?
If you were a gym leader, what would your preferred type be? Of you're already a gym leader, what's it like being one?
What's a funny story you have to tell from your journey? Or just a funny story about you in general?
Do you have a celebrity crush? If not, do you have a crush in general?
Were you named after anything? If so, what?
Do you have any scars from your journey?
Whats your battle strategy? Are you a brute force kinda person, or do you like to strategize your attacks?
What's your characters headcanon voice for your OC sound like?
Are you into fashion? If so, what's your favorite style?
What's your favorite season? Do you have a reason why it's your favorite?
Can you drive? Are there any vehicles you've been banned from driving?
What made you choose the path you took in life?
What's your favorite food?
What's one pokemon that you absolutely HATE?
Do you have any fears? What are you afraid of?
What was your worst injury?
How would you relax after a tiring day?
Do you have any family members? What are they like?
What do they think their worst quality is? What is their actual worst quality?
What are your hobbies?
Have your character describe themselves in 5 words. Then you describe them in 5 words
Are you good at keeping secrets?
What eevelution do you think you'd be?
What pokemon do you think you'd be?
What are some talents you have?
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I've seen lots of individuals make their own ask games, I figured I'd give it a shot~!
Ghost Type Ask Game
Misdreavus - What's something you think about often?
Shuppet - Are you an Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert?
Duskull - Pick any Pokémon to represent you. What is it?
Yamask - What's something that frightens you?
Sinistea - You have to eat one meal for the rest of your life. What is it?
Gastly - Would you consider yourself sarcastic?
Drifloon - What is something you take very seriously?
Litwick - You get to have a fancy castle to yourself, and one other person. What person do you choose?
Phantump - Tell us your favorite book! What is it about?
Pumpkaboo - What is your favorite celebration or holiday? Why?
Sandyghast - Do you have any hobbies? Which is your favorite?
Have fun~! Take this as an opportunity to make friends and share~!
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I have nothing better to do so I thought I'd make this for fun!
Psychic Type Themed Ask Game!
Hypno - Are you a light sleeper or heavy sleeper? Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?
Alakazam - What is, in your opinion, the best eating utensil?
Slowking - Do you find yourself more of a leader or more of a follower?
Mewtwo - What is your opinion on the master ball?
Girafarig - Do you have any siblings?
Celebi - If you could turn back time to change one single thing, would you? What would you change?
Xatu - Are you able to sit still for long periods of time, or do you just have to keep on moving?
Gardevoir - Is there someone you would do anything for if it meant keeping them safe? If so, who?
Medicham - Do you know any martial arts? Which ones? If you don't, do you want to know one?
Grumpig - Do you like to dance? Are you good at it?
Wynaut - Have you ever made a big decision without thinking too hard? What happened?
Solrock - Are you an Early Bird, a night Noctowl, or a secret 3rd thing?
Metagross - Do you work better alone or in a group?
Deoxys - Do you get sick often? Do you bounce back quickly, or does a common cold knock you out for days?
Chingling - Are you a loud person or quiet person?
Azelf - Are you a very driven person, or do you find yourself with very little motivation?
Cresselia - What's your favourite phase of the moon?
Gothitelle - Do you like star gazing?
Woobat - Do you like reading romance novels or watching romantic movies?
Sigilyph - Are there any important heirlooms in your family? Do you think they're as important as the rest of your family does, or do you not care much?
Elgyem - Sci-Fi or Fantasy? A mix of both?
Reuniclus - Do you like physical touch, or do you prefer to keep your distance?
Melloetta - What is your favourite song?
Espurr - What is something that makes you unreasonably upset?
Malamar - Do you like doing things conventionally, or do you think outside the box?
Hoopa - If you could visit anywhere in the world without having to worry about money or travel time, where would you go?
Delphox - In your opinion, would being able to see the future be a blessing or a curse?
Alolan Raichu - Pancakes or Waffles?
Bruxish - Do you like wearing brighter colours or do you prefer darker ones?
Oranguru - Do you prefer battles of strength or battles of wits?
Hatterene - Do you often find yourself bottling up your emotions, or do you let yourself experience them as they happen?
Indeedee - Do you see yourself as a helpful person?
Wyrdeer - Do you have any pokemon that you can ride? Have you ridden any in the past?
Calyrex - What's your favourite equine pokemon? (Rapidash, Mudsdale, Zebstrike, etc.)
Espathra - Are you a fast runner?
Rabsca - What is a trend you really think should be revived?
Remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog this from!
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Hey! taking care of Pokémon and studying them is a time-consuming task! 😅
And I spend my free time doing my independent research on Shiny Pokémon!
me explaining to the other trainers that apricorns are unknown outside of Johto because of deliberate suppression by the Silph and Devon corporations to present artificial pokeballs as the only means of capturing pokemon and establish regional monopolies after they eliminate renewable sources
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Okay, but are we then going to ignore then the reason why mass-produces Pokéballs now break so easily? Pokéballs aren't just waste and there's a reason why trainers aren't required by anyone to pick up their broken Pokéballs after they fail a capture. This information isn't as readily available as it should be, but here it is. Pokéballs are designed to break to make them more environmentally friendly, believe it or not.
But first things first, let's put something up into the air. Pokéballs don't break after a single use. You can actually pick them up, and many people train canine pokémon to fetch them whenever they fail a capture. Yamper and Boltund having an innate ability that prompts them to do so, by the way!
But it's true modern Pokéballs break down after a few uses, and some will break upon their first use. But this is a design innate of them. If you've ever picked apart broken balls you'd notice they tend to break in similar ways.
The hinge is the first thing to break, rendering them unusable. But then the white and colored pieces break down in a specific way, splitting into smaller sheets of metal, usually four or five per Pokéball piece.
(and the breakdown method can give away the producer of the Pokéball, the reason a five-way or four-way split are the most common is because of Silph and Devon being the main producers of Pokéballs.)
This is because Pokéballs are made of metals that can be digested easily by mineral-eating pokémon like Aron! but the shape of the Pokéball can be a hazard for the smaller lithotrophs, so they're designed to break in this way to be easier to break down by these pokémon!
And I've known quite a few colleges who've fed their pokémon broken Pokéballs, they can be a nice treat for them because of the varied metal alloys that can be found in them.
Now, older models of Pokéballs, especially artisanal Pokéballs that weren't readily available for everyone, as mentioned above, could be used for oppression. The association is not unfounded, and many regions have used the inaccessibility of Pokéballs as a method of oppression and class divide, my home region is part of this kind of history.
The Viceroyalty period of Novapaldea (now known as the Tlautlan Region) was known for having a class divide where only the elite of the class from Paldea was allowed to train pokémon, and keep any kind of pokémon. They were also the only allowed to forge, acquire, and use Pokéballs.
Anyone else could simply forget about being allowed to form bonds with pokémon, let alone train them for Pokémon Battles, or simply to help around in the different jobs pokémon are known to aid. And of course, people's pokémon would be taken away by officials if you were found to have been training one, or if they were specially strong naturally.
And Tlautlan is still suffering the aftermaths of what the Paldean Empire did to the region over a century ago, even with the much more accessible Pokéballs and their newly founded Pokémon League, going into a 'Pokémon Journey' is still only something few can dream of doing in the region.
Because of class divides that have been left in the region from the times where they were harshly enforced! And Tlautlan is not the only region in the world that suffers from this kind of division, and while it's true that blaming this divide and oppression on Pokéballs alone is kinda dumb, and missing the point, you also can't simply remove that piece of history from Artisanal Pokéballs.
Modern Pokéballs are more efficient, much more accessible, have more humane capture means, and allow for more people to become Pokémon Trainers, Researchers, Caretakers, etc etc etc.
me explaining to the other trainers that apricorns are unknown outside of Johto because of deliberate suppression by the Silph and Devon corporations to present artificial pokeballs as the only means of capturing pokemon and establish regional monopolies after they eliminate renewable sources
#sorry for going into a tangent at the end lol#like it's true saying artisanal pokéballs are inherently oppressive is kinda goofy... i feel it was a 'how dare you say we piss on the poor#moment from the previous user#because i feel they were just trying to put up the fact artisanal pokéballs have a direct relationship with oppression#but i suppose it is like that with every other invention#there's no such thing as a 'good' or 'evil' technological advancement i suppose! it's just how you use them#//#rotomblr#pokemon irl#also sorry this blog became inactive lmao i lost my hot for rotomblr rp for a WHILEEE and who knows if i'll be back but#here's this!
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have you tried a dawn stone?
somebody bully my ass for something I'm bored as shit
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honestly this blog has made me consider on the edibility of evolution stones
somebody bully my ass for something I'm bored as shit
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i had abstained from interacting but this is just wild- HOW do you not know Arceus?! It's the mythical pokémon which has been believed to be the creator of this world for millions of years, in dozens of cultures across the world! As a pokémon researcher i can tell you: it's the one Pokémon most people know about-
What about service Pokémon? I have a medical alert absol because it can detect when I’m going to have an episode and has been trained to only alert for that rather than any other disasters. My friend has a drowzee that eats their dreams and helps with insomnia and nightmares. I wouldn’t be able to get around independently without my service mon.
Dark types can't be service pokemon. Whoever ceritifed them scammed you.
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HOW MANY POKE- okay- yeah- I'm gonna get Zach to find a way to emulate it on our computer, I dont think I can cover those expenses even with all the work I get in a year, oop
Oh I've seen you've posted stuff about Veectory, I hope this doesn't come off as weird, but could you tell me some stuff about it? I'm kinda interested but- I wanna know what I'd be getting into
Oh sure! So it’s an RPG starring Victor, a noble hero who’s turned into an Eevee shortly after the first game begins. You then assemble a group of Pokemon filling the stereotypical RPG classes (my personal fav is Fraz the rogue Mimikyu) in hopes of at least finding some way to communicate to his human friends what’s happened to him. You have your typical turn-based combat mechanics for gameplay. I’m not going over the second and third games bc there’s a lot of spoilers, but I will warn you. PLAY THE OG GAME, NOT THE SWITCH REBOOT. The Switch reboot massacres nearly everyone’s designs and introduces mechanics that obviously didn’t get playtested in any area besides the area they were made for.
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This actually really sounds Really cool, i'll see if i can get my hands on the OG then! I like the idea of people turning into pokémon in games so much
Oh I've seen you've posted stuff about Veectory, I hope this doesn't come off as weird, but could you tell me some stuff about it? I'm kinda interested but- I wanna know what I'd be getting into
Oh sure! So it’s an RPG starring Victor, a noble hero who’s turned into an Eevee shortly after the first game begins. You then assemble a group of Pokemon filling the stereotypical RPG classes (my personal fav is Fraz the rogue Mimikyu) in hopes of at least finding some way to communicate to his human friends what’s happened to him. You have your typical turn-based combat mechanics for gameplay. I’m not going over the second and third games bc there’s a lot of spoilers, but I will warn you. PLAY THE OG GAME, NOT THE SWITCH REBOOT. The Switch reboot massacres nearly everyone’s designs and introduces mechanics that obviously didn’t get playtested in any area besides the area they were made for.
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Oh. this is very insulting to me.
A lot of the pokémon i take care of are Dark Fairy or Psychic
And they're all so sweet!
Hey bestie, what are you doing yelling at another blog?
— @cobaltruff-blues
i feel personally attacked by this child okay
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