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coreandco · 5 years ago
Just started to wonder if there is in fact an 'Arrow' Pose? What would it look like? If Yin and Yang balance each other out and they work in harmony, then what is opposite of the Bow Pose? Counter poses: Child Pose & Embryo Pose. Either way Dhanurasana is great strengthening exercise. Just like the string of a bow, pulled tight by the strength of the body and legs. Making the spine more flexible and toning the abdominal organs. Amazing stretch for the quadriceps too. #coreandco #yogi #yogaposes #bow #postureexercises #bowpose #backbends #floorexercises #flexibilitytraining #corestability #calisthenics #stretching #conditioning #bodysymmetry #postureexercises #toningworkout #dhanurasana #strengthtraining #yogalover #namaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B5NMrumDmn0/?igshid=141dcc6iwopf
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glamourandgains · 8 years ago
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A little shoot action with @bluelineefex . . . #wbffpro #wbff #wbffbikini #fitgirl #beachbody #beachshoot #bluelineefex #fitnessgirl #bodysymmetry @evedawes
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hemant1123 · 7 years ago
Next time it will be better than this😁💪🏻❣️✌🏻. #calfworkout #calfday #hamstringday #hamstringworkout #backdaygivesyouwings #abworkout #coreworkout #calfworkout #calfday #hamstringday #hamstringworkout #backdaygivesyouwings #abworkout #coreworkout #gym #gymlifestyle #gymblogger #instagym #gymislife #gymworkout #pullupbar #powerrack #wallballs #fitnesshashtag #strength #strong #veins #hardcorebodybuilding #mostmuscular #minimizefat #bodysymmetry #maximizemuscle (at New Delhi)
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specialistdietitian · 7 years ago
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Stage smile, smile from the heart. 2nd leg workout for the week. Training makes me happy :) #stronglegs #girlswholift #strongback #bodysymmetry #keepitbalanced #matchyourupperwithlower @virginactiveuk
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#stretching #fasciastretching #stretchingroutine #flexibility #spinalfluid #spinalguidance #spinedecompression #yoga #muscletensionrelease #stiff #musclesoreness #soreness #musclespasm #bodystiffness #bodytuning #bodyrealignment #bodysymmetry #bodyrelaxing #stretchingcoach #onlineclass #stretchexercises #stretchclass #privatecoach #privatesession DELTAWAVE is a meditative movement practice based on Fascia Stretching with practical exercises to quiet the body and the mind for the purpose of pure relaxation and stress relief. Stretching is a valuable component of any yoga practice and for anyone plagued by soreness and muscle stiffness. Supple, well-stretched muscles are less prone to injury, while less flexible muscles and connective tissues restrict joint mobility, which increases the likelihood of sprains and strains. Stretch regularly but gently, without bouncing, as that can cause tissue injury. If you aren't used to stretching, start by holding a stretch for a short time and gradually build up to roughly 30-second stretches over time. For a private online session or a group class mail me at: [email protected] For longer video's subscribe on my YouTube channel (Link in Bio). For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. Alex Mero Holistic Movement Detox & Relaxation https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMOJJYjb_N/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#vibroacoustic #vibrationalflow #soundtherapy #bodyrelaxing #bodyawareness #holisticcoach #holisticpractice #destressing #detoxmode #detoxrelaxation #stressrelieve #bodyalignment #bodytuning #bodyrealignment #bodysymmetry #bodyinmotion #bodyaware #soundinmotion #immuneboost #immunitytips #bodyvibes #bodycoordination #bodyfrequencies #bodyvibration #energyhealing #energyworker DELTAWAVE is a Vibrational Yoga practice based on 3 vibroacoustic disciplines: * Fascia Stretching * Body Mind Tuning * Detox Relaxation FASCIA STRETCHING engages the body in unwinding stretches to relieve stress and alleviate conditions in the skeletal, muscular and connective tissue systems. BODY TUNING is an mindful form of body readjustment with focus on symmetry, alignment and coordination exercises to improve sensory and psychomotor skills. DETOX RELAXATION is a combination of frequency sound vibration and meditation movement engaging the body and mind in stress relieve and deep tension release. If you are interested in a private online session or a group class mail me at: [email protected] For longer video's subscribe on my YouTube channel (Link in Bio). For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. Alex Mero Holistic Movement Detox & Relaxation https://www.instagram.com/p/CRENLnkj75o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#vibroacousticmovement #yoga #vibrationalawareness #stretch #vibroacoustic #vibrationalyoga #rhythmicmovement #rhythmic #rhythmicstretch #rhythmicyoga #bodysymmetry #bodytuning #symmetrytraining #symmetry #synchromovement #synchro #realignment #bodyalignment #balanceexercise #bodybalance #relievestress #releasetensions #unwindingprocess #fasciawork #personalcoaching #fasciacoach DELTAWAVE is a Vibrational Yoga practice based on 3 vibroacoustic disciplines where the focus is on Breathwork, Relaxation and Vibrational Awareness. 1.BODY TUNING is an advanced form of Body Work combining mental and physical relaxation, meditative skills, alignment and adjustment exercises. 2.FASCIA STRETCHING engages the body in slow stretches to relieve stress and tension and alleviate conditions in the skeletal, muscular and connective tissue systems. 3.MANOSACRAL represents the ritualistic movement part of Deltawave, an energy and sound healing discipline, a holistic body-mind detox practice and a great internal system regulator. Vibroacoustic Tension Release is a combination of low-frequency sound vibration and mindful movement engaging the body into Myofascial Tissue Release. If you are interested in a private online session or a group class mail me at: [email protected] For longer video's subscribe on my YouTube channel (Link in Bio). For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. Alex Mero Holistic Movement Detox & Relaxation https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ8lPqijfEs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#meditativemovement #breathing #meditationinmotion #meditative #breathwork #breathingexercises #bodytuning #mindfulstretching #mindfulpractice #mindfulness #bodysymmetry #spinalfluid #alignment #bodyawareness #bodypositive #bodyimage #energyworker #detoxpractice #stretchrelaxation #relaxationmovement #meditativediscipline #meditationguide #meditationclass #meditationonline #meditationmentorship DELTAWAVE is a Meditative Movement practice based on 3 vibroacoustic disciplines where the focus is on Breathwork and Vibrational Awareness. 1. BODY TUNING is an advanced form of Body Work combining mental and physical relaxation, meditative skills, alignment therapy and adjustment exercises. 2. FASCIA STRETCHING engages the body in slow subtle stretches to relieve tension and alleviate conditions in the skeletal, muscular and connective tissue systems. 3. VIBRATIONAL MOVEMENT is a ritualistic movement discipline, instinctive energy work, a natural body-mind detox and a great internal system regulator. If you are interested in a private online session or a group class mail me at: [email protected] For longer video's subscribe on my YouTube channel (Link in Bio). For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. Alex Mero Movement Meditation & Relaxation Guidance https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqJMKqjwoD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#vibrationalyoga #vibroacoustic #vibrationalawareness #meditative #breathwork #breathingexercises #bodytuning #fasciastretching #vibrationalmovement #manosacral #alignment #spineadjustment #realignment #vibrational #bodyawareness #bodysymmetry #bodyunwinding #energywork #detox #deeprelaxation #relaxationguidance #meditativestate #meditationguidance #meditationjourney #meditationinmotion #meditationguide DELTAWAVE is a Meditative Movement practice based on 3 vibroacoustic disciplines where the focus is on Breathwork and Vibrational Awareness. 1. BODY TUNING is an advanced form of Body Work combining mental and physical relaxation, meditative skills, alignment therapy and adjustment exercises. 2. FASCIA STRETCHING engages the body in slow subtle stretches to relieve tension and alleviate conditions in the skeletal, muscular and connective tissue systems. 3. VIBRATIONAL MOVEMENT is a ritualistic movement discipline, instinctive energy work, a natural body-mind detox and a great internal system regulator. If you are interested in a private online session or a group class mail me at: [email protected] For longer video's subscribe on my YouTube channel (Link in Bio). For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. Alex Mero Movement Meditation & Relaxation Guidance https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqD9UbDJGt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deltawave · 4 years ago
#happyyogaday #bodylove #bodycare #bodyawareness #bodypositive #bodyalignment #bodyadjustment #internalregulation #bodysymmetry #bodystretching #bodymindciaching #yogateacher #mindlessness #care #yogaforthemind #meditationtips #meditationskills #movingmeditation #synchronizing #bodymindrelaxation #yogawork #yogamindfulness #bodyminddiscipline #mindandbody I wish all Yoga students and Practitioners a Happy, Beautiful and Relaxing International Yoga Day! Whatever Yoga discipline you follow, my respect for your devotion and hard work. Deltawave Yoga is a Meditative and Vibroacoustic disciplines. The combination of Stretch Workout and Meditation improves the synchronization of the body and mind, regenerates the internal system and have strong detox properties. Watch the flowing movement, let your body and mind tune in and find your flow. For any questions or sharing of experience DM me. For longer videos, follow my Yoga channel on YouTube. (Link in Bio) For individual and private group sessions, mail me: [email protected] Enjoy & Share! Alex Mero Yoga & Stretching Namaste! https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYODhljeyY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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So definitely still skittle achey from my @_doubledownies experience and needing way longer to recover than I had hoped 🤦 BUT I have been able to get a progression post together which refuels my self confidence somewhat! Definitely improvement here with my Crow Pose! Once I had worked out where I was going wrong (everywhere)! I was able to adapt my technique and posture and create much nicer lines and hold it for a lot longer! If you want to know more about me and my journey please follow the link on my page to my YouTube channel: Core & Co..... #stability #stabilitytraining #crowpose #balanceexercises #posturecorrection #postureexercises #bodysymmetry #bodyconditioning #conditioning #personaldevelopment #trainsafe #trainathome #calisthenicsworkout #calisthenics #bodyalignment #bodyresistancetraining #strengthtraining #armbalance #crow #crowpose #progress #selfcare #coreandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B5CvMYPjM_E/?igshid=1g3xa0eytqfuw
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Love this Prayer Seal, a constant reminder to return to your centre. Please follow the link from my page to like & subscribe to my channel on YouTube: Core & Co. Follow the hashtag #coreandco To follow the how-to video episodes of safety and efficiency based core stability training with the medium of the Swiss Ball. We will be focusing on improving balance, flexibility, alignment and posture🙏🙏🙏 So proud of what I have been able to achieve so far, please check out Core & Co.... Tell me what you think...❓❓❓ #corestability #alignment #coreworkout #posturecorrection #postureexercises #balanceexercises #bodypositivity #bodysymmetry #bodyalignment #trainsafe #trainingathome #homeworkouts #selflove #selfcare #ballexercises #workoutmotivation #bodyconditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/B45UeGSnf9X/?igshid=18y2eq07gbwyl
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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I have found that I have been able to use lots of Toe Grabs to help extend my stretches. Increase my range of movement, improve my posture and balance. The combination of stretching so many muscles in one go is great for body alignment and symmetry training. #toegrabs #legextensions #toeholds #yoga #yogi #yogaposes #yogalove #legextension #armextensions #shoulderextension #bodyalignment #bodysymmetry #symmetrytraining #balance #balanceexercises #improveyourposture #improveyourbalance #corestability #hamstringstretch #deltoidworkout #pilates #calisthenics #calisthenicsworkout #pilateslovers #trainsafe #training #trainathome #selfcare #selflove #peaceandlove https://www.instagram.com/p/B415WFtD4U1/?igshid=y826vyhxad50
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Progress comes in all forms. I can now flatten my legs down to the mat in this seated posture. Gradually it is coming.. My range of movement and flexibility is starting to extend. Posture is good and hips and open. Body alignment and symmetry training continues... #hipopeners #posturecorrection #positivevibes #apainfreeneck #seatedpose #seatedposture #coreandco #corestability #neutralspine #bodysymmetry #bodyalignment #hipexercise #trainsafe #trainathome #trainingmotivation #namaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wwkjbjq_g/?igshid=1bq6f09gxsu5k
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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SOooooooo pleased that my channel Core & Co. Is FINALLY up and running! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please follow the link in the bio for the brand new episode! "Seated Sit Up's on the Ball"... https://youtu.be/cs9uvizh3Dc #proud #grateful #pleased #coreandco #corestability #seatedsitups #seatedexercises #trainsafe #trainsafelyandeffectively #apainfreeback #mychannel #bodysymmetry #bodybalance #bodyresistancetraining #ballsupport #ballexercises #ballworkout #exerciseball #proprioceptivetraining #bodyweightworkout #gentleexercise #lowimpacttraining #calisthenics #workoutmotivation @pilates_fit_monica @pilateswithashlee https://www.instagram.com/p/B4srNdHjLKw/?igshid=1n4a6gvwkftp6
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Just happy to feel healthy! Train safely everybody!🙏🧘😘 #apainfreeback #trainsafe #trainsafelyandeffectively #bodysymmetry #bodyconditioning #bodyalignment #ballsupport #corestability #simplebuteffective #simpleworkout #selflove #selfcare #happyyogi #pilates #propriception #calisthenics @pilateswithashlee @pilates_with_monica https://www.instagram.com/p/B4j240ZDy-M/?igshid=1kg74vbqdjcfe
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