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coreandco · 5 years ago
Just started to wonder if there is in fact an 'Arrow' Pose? What would it look like? If Yin and Yang balance each other out and they work in harmony, then what is opposite of the Bow Pose? Counter poses: Child Pose & Embryo Pose. Either way Dhanurasana is great strengthening exercise. Just like the string of a bow, pulled tight by the strength of the body and legs. Making the spine more flexible and toning the abdominal organs. Amazing stretch for the quadriceps too. #coreandco #yogi #yogaposes #bow #postureexercises #bowpose #backbends #floorexercises #flexibilitytraining #corestability #calisthenics #stretching #conditioning #bodysymmetry #postureexercises #toningworkout #dhanurasana #strengthtraining #yogalover #namaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B5NMrumDmn0/?igshid=141dcc6iwopf
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greatdanerecords · 5 years ago
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We reveal the artwork of the new album Heboïdophrenie entitled "cannibalism for dummies"
artwork created by the talented illustrator Bastien Jez Artwork !!!
The album will be released in late May, early June on Great Dane Records
You can still listen to the single https://greatdanerecords.bandcamp.com/album/left-half-dead-2
Stay Tuned !!!
. #butaldeathmetal #brutaldeathcore #heboidophrenie #greatdanerecords #seasonofmist #code7 #discogs #spiritofmetal #frenchmetal #metalnews #coreandco #necromancedigitalmagazine #news #monarchmagazine #deadlystorm
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annasageband · 6 years ago
7,5/10 par COREandCO webzine #chronique Ça parle de nous en bien par ici ! "Le metalcore plaqué sur DOWNWARD MOTION est d’une très bonne facture, avec pour seul argument massue des compos soignées, tranchantes, massives voire par moments sensibles" Merci Pierre Guihéneuf 💪 CD, LP & MERCH disponible sur notre Bandcamp ➡️ http://bit.ly/AnnaSageMerch "LAST DOSE" music video ➡️ http://bit.ly/lastdosevideo
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Love juicing first thing in the morning when my stomach is empty and the nutrients have nothing standing in their way... Trio of apple & ginger. Simple & delicious! #juicelife #juiceathome #juicingforhealth #juiceforyou #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #naturalnutrients #cleanse #detoxing #whitebloodcellboost #immunesupport #immunesystembooster #antioxidants #antioxidantrich #enzymes #ginger #apples #coreandco #juicingfortaste #juicingforfun #juicingforlife #juicingfortwo https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Fv2q9Hyuo/?igshid=1k75f9ozg6gy4
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coreandco · 5 years ago
Unmasking the illusion of video editing at Petra!🤦🤦🤦 None of this would have been possible without the savvy tech support skills of the young and talented @vic.abroad @el_vigdorado AmaZing free advertisement for @gopro #gopro #gopro8 @coreandco NEEDS your help🙏🙏🙏🙏 #petra #petratourism #jordantourism #jordanianbeauty #wondersoftheworld #sevenwonders #exploretheworld #coreandco #newfriends @v88998899 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5r1wuuHoAd/?igshid=1jo9rge1y3k9a
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Salty.... #deadsea #deadseajordan #thedeadsea #crazyplanet #naturalwonders #nature #naturephotography #naturalworld #deadseasalt #salty #phenomenal #bucketlist #jordantourism #jordanianbeauty #blessed #traveljunkie #coreandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lf9cRnp2P/?igshid=hirkt1rj5v02
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Day Two - Discovering Jordan... Amazing site of ancient ruins of Umm Quais with the added position of the view over the Sea of Galilee... #jordantourism #jordanianbeauty #jordan #exploretheworld #ancient #seaofgalilee #northernjordan #ummquais #romanhistory #romanruins #byzantine #historylover #traveljunkie #travelsafe #sunshine #collosus #coreandco #yogaposes #travellingyogi #holidaymode #travelposts https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gTYJqJrVK/?igshid=1c4rkl4w399k4
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Where does the time go?... Same Love🥰🥰🥰 Training and Learning is a gradual process ☮️☮️☮️ #training #trainingmemories #consistency #patience #selfcare #trainathome #selfbelief #livewhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #ballexercises #ballworkout #balanceexercises #coreandco #corestability #proprioception #proprioceptivetraining #grateful #progress #bodyconditioning #bodyalignment #sameenergy #bodyresistancetraining #calisthenics #trainsafe #pilates #swissball #fitballexercise #yoga #yogalover #conditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TKYsZHCdc/?igshid=hok4r0649guz
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Love this Prayer Seal, a constant reminder to return to your centre. Please follow the link from my page to like & subscribe to my channel on YouTube: Core & Co. Follow the hashtag #coreandco To follow the how-to video episodes of safety and efficiency based core stability training with the medium of the Swiss Ball. We will be focusing on improving balance, flexibility, alignment and posture🙏🙏🙏 So proud of what I have been able to achieve so far, please check out Core & Co.... Tell me what you think...❓❓❓ #corestability #alignment #coreworkout #posturecorrection #postureexercises #balanceexercises #bodypositivity #bodysymmetry #bodyalignment #trainsafe #trainingathome #homeworkouts #selflove #selfcare #ballexercises #workoutmotivation #bodyconditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/B45UeGSnf9X/?igshid=18y2eq07gbwyl
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Progress comes in all forms. I can now flatten my legs down to the mat in this seated posture. Gradually it is coming.. My range of movement and flexibility is starting to extend. Posture is good and hips and open. Body alignment and symmetry training continues... #hipopeners #posturecorrection #positivevibes #apainfreeneck #seatedpose #seatedposture #coreandco #corestability #neutralspine #bodysymmetry #bodyalignment #hipexercise #trainsafe #trainathome #trainingmotivation #namaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wwkjbjq_g/?igshid=1bq6f09gxsu5k
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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SOooooooo pleased that my channel Core & Co. Is FINALLY up and running! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please follow the link in the bio for the brand new episode! "Seated Sit Up's on the Ball"... https://youtu.be/cs9uvizh3Dc #proud #grateful #pleased #coreandco #corestability #seatedsitups #seatedexercises #trainsafe #trainsafelyandeffectively #apainfreeback #mychannel #bodysymmetry #bodybalance #bodyresistancetraining #ballsupport #ballexercises #ballworkout #exerciseball #proprioceptivetraining #bodyweightworkout #gentleexercise #lowimpacttraining #calisthenics #workoutmotivation @pilates_fit_monica @pilateswithashlee https://www.instagram.com/p/B4srNdHjLKw/?igshid=1n4a6gvwkftp6
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coreandco · 5 years ago
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Easing backwards, just a little... I love using the ball for SO many reasons! But to know that I can rely on it a support cushion is one of my favourites! @pilateswithashlee @pilates_fit_monica @pilatescommunity #apainfreeback #gentleexercise #backbends #pilates #yoga #yogisofinstagram #ballexercises #ballworkout #trainsafe #trainsafelyandeffectively #coreconditioning #corestability #coreandco #safetycushion #airbag #ballsupport #stabilityball #stabilityballworkouts #stabilitytraining #balanceexercise #flexibility #selfcare https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iZpU7DhXu/?igshid=ulurzxvg2oq
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coreandco · 5 years ago
Flashback Friday! "Seated Leg Raises" on the ball remains a consistent and reliable proprioceptive training exercise that I practice regularly. A great example of body resistance/calisthenics training. Two years after I posted this (super grainy old boomerang) I am really happy to say that if you would like to know how-to do this exercise safely and effectively you can watch Episode 4 on my YouTube channel Core & Co. Follow my channel link from my home page ☮️♥️☮️♥️ #coreandco #proud #proprioceptivetraining #seatedposture #seatedexercise #ballexercises #calisthenicsworkout #bodysymmetry #bodyconditioning #bodyresistancetraining #knowhowtotrainsafely #howto #trainathome #homeworkouts #knowledgeispower #knowyourworth #selfcare #selflove https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BpJ9CHmG6/?igshid=sm2rmhoyb59b
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coreandco · 5 years ago
https://youtu.be/gD4jVL6DhiY Live streaming right now! "Episode 8 - forward facing laying leg raises" check it out! Like & subscribe for latest channel updates🙏🙏🙏🙏 #coreandco #legraises #ballexercise #bodyresistancetraining #calisthenicsworkout #proprioceptivetraining #livestreaming #mychannel #youtuber https://www.instagram.com/p/B50tcMKH8ga/?igshid=so1ewyoqwcrb
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coreandco · 5 years ago
Spreading the message of love and admiration for the ball, learn "how-to" safely and effectively as part of your workout routine... Just follow the link to my YouTube channel Core & Co.... https://youtu.be/cs9uvizh3Dc #coreandco #corecontrol #corestability #balanceexercises #bodybalance #calisthenicsworkout #safetyfirst #effectiveworkouts #postureexercises #coreconditioning #trainsafe #peaceandlove https://www.instagram.com/p/B5z6C_wH8-7/?igshid=11f89mrrxdlot
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coreandco · 5 years ago
Last full day in Jordan 😔 Last full day of ☀️☀️☀️ But feeling very lucky to be spending it relaxing by the thermal pool at the Ma'in Hot Springs 🙏♥️☮️ #mainhotsprings #hotsprings #jordantourism #relaxing #thermalwater #waterfall #jordan #sunshine #sunworshipper #thermalpool #hothothot #lucky #decembersun #explorejordan #exploretheworld #naturalworld #coreandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B5sCeLHn7BX/?igshid=g5g61dkb4822
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