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coreandco 5 years ago
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So definitely still skittle achey from my @_doubledownies experience and needing way longer to recover than I had hoped 馃う BUT I have been able to get a progression post together which refuels my self confidence somewhat! Definitely improvement here with my Crow Pose! Once I had worked out where I was going wrong (everywhere)! I was able to adapt my technique and posture and create much nicer lines and hold it for a lot longer! If you want to know more about me and my journey please follow the link on my page to my YouTube channel: Core & Co..... #stability #stabilitytraining #crowpose #balanceexercises #posturecorrection #postureexercises #bodysymmetry #bodyconditioning #conditioning #personaldevelopment #trainsafe #trainathome #calisthenicsworkout #calisthenics #bodyalignment #bodyresistancetraining #strengthtraining #armbalance #crow #crowpose #progress #selfcare #coreandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B5CvMYPjM_E/?igshid=1g3xa0eytqfuw
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callanl 8 years ago
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This is some extremely useful information. #craigallanwhyfit #bodyresistancetraining
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coreandco 5 years ago
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SOooooooo pleased that my channel Core & Co. Is FINALLY up and running! 馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹 Please follow the link in the bio for the brand new episode! "Seated Sit Up's on the Ball"... https://youtu.be/cs9uvizh3Dc #proud #grateful #pleased #coreandco #corestability #seatedsitups #seatedexercises #trainsafe #trainsafelyandeffectively #apainfreeback #mychannel #bodysymmetry #bodybalance #bodyresistancetraining #ballsupport #ballexercises #ballworkout #exerciseball #proprioceptivetraining #bodyweightworkout #gentleexercise #lowimpacttraining #calisthenics #workoutmotivation @pilates_fit_monica @pilateswithashlee https://www.instagram.com/p/B4srNdHjLKw/?igshid=1n4a6gvwkftp6
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coreandco 5 years ago
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Core stability training at home... All you need is a mat and a ball! If you struggle to work it what to how or how to do it safely and correctly then check out my YouTube channel Core & Co. The link for my latest video is in my bio... About the correct way to Squat! This is a great proprioceptive exercise for strengthening the core and helping to improve balance by using your own body weight as resistance... #bodybalance #corestability #trainsafe #apainfreeback #bodyresistance #bodyresistancetraining #strengthtraining #ballexercises #ballworkout #workoutmotivation #coreconditioning #balanceexercise #propriception #selfcare #trainathome #freeworkouts https://www.instagram.com/p/B4msg2eDlao/?igshid=17zg5xm6yup5k
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coreandco 5 years ago
Flashback Friday! "Seated Leg Raises" on the ball remains a consistent and reliable proprioceptive training exercise that I practice regularly. A great example of body resistance/calisthenics training. Two years after I posted this (super grainy old boomerang) I am really happy to say that if you would like to know how-to do this exercise safely and effectively you can watch Episode 4 on my YouTube channel Core & Co. Follow my channel link from my home page 鈽笍鈾ワ笍鈽笍鈾ワ笍 #coreandco #proud #proprioceptivetraining #seatedposture #seatedexercise #ballexercises #calisthenicsworkout #bodysymmetry #bodyconditioning #bodyresistancetraining #knowhowtotrainsafely #howto #trainathome #homeworkouts #knowledgeispower #knowyourworth #selfcare #selflove https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BpJ9CHmG6/?igshid=sm2rmhoyb59b
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coreandco 5 years ago
https://youtu.be/gD4jVL6DhiY Live streaming right now! "Episode 8 - forward facing laying leg raises" check it out! Like & subscribe for latest channel updates馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹 #coreandco #legraises #ballexercise #bodyresistancetraining #calisthenicsworkout #proprioceptivetraining #livestreaming #mychannel #youtuber https://www.instagram.com/p/B50tcMKH8ga/?igshid=so1ewyoqwcrb
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coreandco 5 years ago
Follow the link to my YouTube channel (from my page) Steaming live in a couple of moments...馃檹馃檹馃檹 Core & Co. Forward Facing Lower Back Lifts.... #trainsafe #apainfreeback @pilates_fit_monica #trainathome #coreandco #corestability #lowerbackworkout #lowerbacklifts #ballexercises #balanceexercises #corecontrol #coreconditioning #calisthenics #bodyresistancetraining #proprioception #fitball #fitballexercise #safetyfirst #selflove #selfcare #pilateslovers #pilates #yogalover #ballworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/B5QOmAKH2Cv/?igshid=mhpc2mr3lcfm
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coreandco 5 years ago
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Where does the time go?... Same Love馃グ馃グ馃グ Training and Learning is a gradual process 鈽笍鈽笍鈽笍 #training #trainingmemories #consistency #patience #selfcare #trainathome #selfbelief #livewhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #ballexercises #ballworkout #balanceexercises #coreandco #corestability #proprioception #proprioceptivetraining #grateful #progress #bodyconditioning #bodyalignment #sameenergy #bodyresistancetraining #calisthenics #trainsafe #pilates #swissball #fitballexercise #yoga #yogalover #conditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TKYsZHCdc/?igshid=hok4r0649guz
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