#batboys halloween
mika-no-sekai-blog · 11 months
You chose
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Azriel was standing in the middle of the bathroom, jaw tightened, fists clenched, shadows swirling close to his body in a protective way. He was wearing a costume of vampire you chose for him. He wasn't happy when you showed it to him as well as he hated the idea of the entire party, but for you he would do anything.
He combed his hair back and put on the fake fangs into his mouth. Despite his expression you couldn't imagine anything more sexy than this. He looked like some dark prince from the fantasy. His tall muscular figure stood out in black satin shirt with crimson red vest and straight black trousers with pucks. The mantle was like cherry on the top of cake. His huge wings complemented the picture perfectly.
You bit down on your lower lip trying to resist temptation. It took you some time to collect yourself to be able to stop gazing at him with saliva gathering in your mouth and find your voice.
"You look.." you moaned yet unable to finish the sentence, struggling to find the correct words. He was too perfect to be described.
"Like idiot.. I know.." he sighed closing his eyes in frustration. "I can't go out like this."
"What are you talking about?" your brows furrowed in disagree. "You look amazing, love. Actually I'd love you to keep that costume even after the party." You winked at him, once again playing with your lower lip.
Understanding what you were implying, he chuckled. He started to playfully tease the tip of the fake tooth with tongue, slowly walking step by step towards you while his eyes hungrily scoped you.
"Or we could stay home and.." he offered in a deep voice that always turned you on. You took a deep breath trying to overcome the heat spreading in your lower belly while he leaned closer placing his scarred hands on the wall behind you, caging you in between. Smell of the arousal filled the air.
"You play dirty, you know," you hummed. Shadows gently caressed your cheeks, tilting your head up to look up at him. Azriel grinned widely, undoubtedly thinking he won.
"I love this idea, but keep it for later. Let's go," you laughed easily escaping under his arm. Smirking he shook his head, but he followed you.
Party was amazing. You met there all your friends and had a really great time. Azriel stayed close to you trying to melt into the dark corners around the room, sipping on his drink and watching you with fascinated look. When it was over the two of you returned to your shared apartment.
Tired you kicked down your high heels and stretching hands up over your head you headed to the bedroom. Azriel followed you closely, turning lights off on his way.
"I had so much fun tonight. I'm so tired I could fall asleep while standing in the shower," you sighed exhausted. You turned around to look at your mate leaning his back against the door, hungrily watching you. His hazel eyes shined with mischief.
Once again you couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was so perfect that you often wondered why he chose you. He smirked as if he could read your mind.
"I believe we still have something to do tonight," he licked his lower lip. Shiver running down your spine just hearing his sexy deep voice, the heat building up between your legs.
"Oh, really? And what should it be?" you replied playfully turning to the bathroom door, pretending you forgot. Making sure you added an extra swirl of hips, you walked in, starting to take off makeup.
Azriel sneaked up on you silent as his shadows and hugged you from behind. He brushed his nose and lips against the sensitive skin of you neck, kissing it lightly. You moaned with pleasure.
He took a deep breath of your scent, opening his mouth he bit down on your neck with the fake fangs still on, drawing the blood. You hissed, but didn't move an inch. Were those fangs so sharp? Certainly no. You made extra sure they aren't. You didn't want your mate get hurt. Your brows furrowed. However strange mixture of pain and pleasure made you forget whatever was on your mind.
"Love," you whispered gently squeezing his hands, begging for more. He looked like waking up from a trance. Gleaming gaze of hazel eyes met with yours in the mirror. Reluctantly he pulled away, licking two small cuts on your skin that closed immediately. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. And you?" His voice was so husky.
"I'm fine. You seem to have settled into your role," you chuckled lightly.
His gaze hungrily returned back to your neck. "It seems so," he licked his lips. "I forgot to check something. I'm going to do it now. Go to the bed, no need to wait for me," he said, slowly retreating back to the door.
"And what about our plans for tonight?" you watched him confused.
"We will continue next time." With those words he disappeared. Worried you waited for him almost until the dawn, but he didn't returned that night. Exhausted you fell asleep alone.
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
The batkids: Trick or treat!
Zatanna: *pulls out a deck of cards*
Zatanna: I've got a trick!
Dick: I mean... we'd prefer a treat.
Zatanna: Then get the fuck off my property.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 144
Jason, using a fake skeleton as a puppet: I have a joke for you.
Tim: What?
Jason: What is a skeletons' favorite snack?
Tim: I dunno.
Jason: Go on, guess.
Tim: Death?
Jason: Nooo. Go on, guess.
Tim, chuckling: I dunno.
Jason: Come on! Guess!
Tim: *laughing*
Jason: Why are you laughing?! I haven't told the punchline yet! What is a skeletons favorite snack?
Tim: *laughing*
Jason: Guess!
Tim, laughing: You're putting me in a lot of pressure.
Jason: Guess!! Fuck!! *bangs skeleton against wall* GUESS, GUESS GODAMN YOU!
Tim: *laughing*
Tim: Bones?
Jason: ...
Jason: NO!! *bangs it against wall again* NO!!
Tim: *laughing*
Tim: *doubling over laughing*
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lalacliffthorne · 11 months
sweet lil halloween headcanons: modern!roommate!batboys edition 🦇
so in honour of halloween, I have been thinking about what it would be like with the modern batboys and, most importantly, what they would dress up as (or in Azriel's case, grudgingly be forced into)
Cassian's costume especially was the idea of @leafsandstarlight when I got stuck - she delivered, as usual, and I love her for it, even more than usual. mostly bc it's been stuck in my head ever since. you'll see. *grins widely*
happy halloween from this witch to the lot of you 🐈‍⬛🔮🪦
so apparently, Rhys' Halloween partys are legendary on campus
for some reason, so far, that completely went past you
(most likely because you spent the past few Halloweens with Feyre in her tiny apartment, buried in blankets, watching Hocus Pocus while eating your weight in snacks)
so you're a little confused when about two weeks before Halloween, Rhys drags you with him to meet with a caterer
you're supposed to sample food
tho you're never one to complain about something like that, you do feel a little confused when you blink up at him in question, and Rhys furrows his brows
"Wait, didn't I tell you?"
he didn't
he also didn't tell you that this year´s location is an old castle in the old part of town
it's where you meet the caterer, in the kitchens in the cellar
on the way, you freeze in place for a solid minute to gape at the cavernous ceilings with huge chandeliers and stone walls of the halls Rhys is renting for the party
it really shouldn't surprise you that much
it's Rhys after all
extravagant and over the top are basically his middle names
how he managed to snag a spot like that at Halloween is beyond you tho
connections, Cassian later says wisely
and probably a shit ton of money
when, staring at the display of different fingerfoods in various spooky forms, you ask tentatively about just how much money, Rhys sends you a grin that is downright wicked
"Well, someone has to spend something."
and spending he is
over the course of the next two weeks, Rhys disappears for hours, meeting with people for the bar, a DJ and to take care of decorations
then, a week before Halloween, flyers appear on campus
glossy and deep black, with bats and jack'o'lanterns printed on the front along with the date and location in purple letters
it's the beginning you of constantly hearing people plan their costumes in passing
and the moment you suddenly realise that crap --
you have absolutely no idea what to wear
Mor just giggles at your panic
she drops in as you're desperately scrolling through Pinterest, trying to come up with anything that you like, is cheap and can be assembled in under a week
"jesus, calm down. Rhys may make the whole thing the most extravagant student party of the year, but most people that are coming aren't spending loads of money on their costumes either, it's more about creativity and finding something you like."
that doesn't calm your nerves in the slightest
it's Cassian who, purely by accident, gives you an idea in the end
it's a few days before Halloween, and he's sitting on the couch, flicking through the book you left on the coffee table with furrowed brows
"So they're demon hunters?" he sounds intriguied, looking up at you as you lean over him to try and snag your book
you still, your heart doing a double flip
then you start beaming and pull the book from Cassian's hand, pressing a long, smacking kiss onto his cheek that makes him grin
"What was that for?"
it's for him giving you an idea
it's a perfect one really
the evening of Halloween, the city is already dark outside the windows
when you look outside, you can see kids and their parents on the street, dressed up and ringing doorbells, carrying flashlights and lanterns
Mor comes over to get ready at six
she's also the one who always gets up to open the door for children trick or treating
otherwise, she's sitting on the couch in the living room
she's wearing a long, dark red silk dress with a high slit, her hair open and wavy as she squints in concentration and paints her lips
she's dressed as a devil, complete with headband with little black horns that's sitting on the coffee table
she even put in red contacts
you're sitting crosslegged on the other couch, crunching your brows in focus as you spread the lightest shade of foundation you could find in the drugstore on Rhys' face
when he told you a few days earlier that he's going as a vampire, the first thing flashing through your mind was him in a cheap cape and too small fake teeth
it made you snort laughter and him huff
now you get it
Rhys is dressed to the nines
black silk shirt that's almost all the way unbuttoned and shows off his chest tattoos
black dresspants and black shoes
his hair is lightly styled back, and a strand falls into his face as you powder his face, causing him to sneeze and you to giggle
he even managed to get his hands on very real looking fake canines that flash in the light whenever he sends you a grin
no tacky cape
also no sparkles
he's like a modern, expensive version
almost like he stepped right of the pages of one of your books ;)
he lets you pale his skin before using eyeshadows to give him slightly sunken eyes and smear some red paint around his mouth
when he finally sends you a grin, it causes a giddy shiver to run down your spine
Mor does your make-up before, after a look onto the clock, shoos you off to get dressed
when a little later, you step back out of your room, there's a tall figure towering in the doorway to the living room
your breath hitches at the sight of broad shoulders straining against a black t-shirt, black jeans tucked into black boots and amber eyes
they're currently glaring, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why
or at who
you hear Rhys snort from the living room
"Yeah, there's no way you're going as you."
with the way Azriel is glaring, there's also no way he's putting on a costume
which doesn't surprise really surprise
Azriel really isn't the type to invest time and care into putting together a costume
if things were going his way, he'd probably stay at home and read a book
which of course, Rhys has planned for
when you move, Azriel turns his head
he seems to still, the glare in his eyes vanishing as the deep furrow between his brows, curtesy of his scowl, smoothens
and he stares
stares at you
dressed from head to toe in black, with a holster strapped to your thigh and temporary rune tattoos all over your exposed skin
and suddenly, something is fluttering violently against your ribs
somehow, you manage to send him a cheeky grin and get your legs to moving
they kinda feel like jello as you halt in front of him, having to tilt your head back to look up at him
Rhys is suddenly smirking in a wicked way that works even better in his vampire getup, his violet eyes twinkling
"You don't happen to still have some of those tattoos, do you?"
it takes you a second to catch on
then your heart suddenly performs a series of dips and turns
"Well...", you look up at Azriel and somehow manage a cheeky, beaming grin, "that would certainly fit."
Azriel huffs
it takes a staring contest of roughly a minute until he accepts his fate
or until you smile up at him, something thrumming against your ribs as you crunch your nose
"please? come on, you're not even really dressing up, just - elevating."
you grin widely
Azriel's scowl deepens
(mostly because it's unfair you just have to look at him that way and he would dress up as a pink bunny if you asked)
but he doesn't protest
just rolls his eyes a little and brushs past you to plop down onto the couch
Mor is suddenly very busy correcting a flaw in her make-up you can't seem to find
so it's you who ends up sitting in front of Azriel, his skin warm under your hands as you apply the rune tattoos left all over his arms
you can feel his eyes on your face and try to fight the warmth spreading through your cheeks
at least he doesn't look as huffy as a few minutes ago
(it's hard to stay scowling when all he can focus on is that little crease between your brows as you concentrate and the way the smell of your perfume and shampoo rises into his nose
he's a hundred percent sure there's no way you don't hear the way his breath catches every time your fingers brush his skin
especially when you lean forward to put one of the runes onto the right side of his neck)
you can feel Azriel's warm breath ghost over your skin as your fingers gently press against the side of his neck
it causes your own to get stuck in your throat, right next to your heart
(you should really get that checked)
you try not to look up, because you're pretty sure you're close enough to see the golden spots in Azriel's eyes
and that would not bode well for your concentration
(you're also close enough that your hair almost tickles his skin and that your scent is everywhere
Azriel needs to physically stop himself from slipping his fingers under your chin and tip your head up to -)
you catch movement from the corner of your eye
glad for a distraction, you raise your head
only to grow wide-eyed
because unlike Rhys, Cassian hasn't told anyone what he's going to dress up as
now, you realize why
Azriel seems to realise you're suddenly distracted, because you feel him turn his head before stilling
most likely because he also sees Cassian standing in the doorway
dressed as Ken
the skater version
complete with sun visor over his tied back hair, neon yellow fanny pack and knee pads
he even has a pair of neon pink skates thrown over his shoulder
you blink at him
then you snort a laugh and break into a fit of giggles
it breaks the spell Cassian's outfit has cast, and Mor nearly topples off the couch as she starts laughing while Rhys dramatically faints on the armchair
even Azriel looks, tho reluctantly, impressed
(mostly because the way you're laughing, tears in your eyes and barely able to breathe as Mor drops to her knees and bows, makes up for whatever extravagent party Rhys is about to throw your way)
when you get to the castle, the place is decorated magnificently
you suddenly understand why Rhys was gone for so long
the floor is covered by whisps of smoke, the lights are dimmed
there are fake cobwebs spun over the brick walls and high ceilings and even the chandeliers
you count two dozen skeletons in one room alone, and armadas of paper bats dangling from the ceilings on invisible strings
dry ice at the snack buffet in combination with the fingerfoods makes you wonder if maybe Rhys just wanted to give his father a heart attack in case he sees the expenses his son accumulated for a student halloween party
there's even an actual bar with a menu of spooky drinks
loads of people are already there, and it's only getting more
everyone is dressed in various degrees of more or less spooky outfits
Feyre is waiting for you near the entrance
she's dressed as Katniss Everdeen, in black armor and with bow and arrow over her shoulder, a little fake blood dried on her temple and eyes bright
"How the fuck did we miss this before??"
you have no idea
you also have no idea where she got the full costume and how she can look so comfortable in chest armor
you do have an idea tho why Rhys is suddenly looking very distracted
it makes you grin cheekily enough for him to huff down at you when he finally catches you staring at him
you're almost sure tho to see his cheeks gain a little color under the pale make up
especially when Feyre grins widely at him
you spend the whole night with Feyre and Mor
you ransack the buffet (you're very proud of your choices)
try your way through the drink menu
and dance
you sometimes catch a glimpse at Cass in his neon outfit reflecting the lights as he makes his way through the mist
he looks like he's having the time of his life
finally, sometime around two in the morning, your feet hurt and the adrenaline of the night has worn off enough to make you feel tired
also you've lost Feyre and Mor somewhere in the crowd after using the toilet
trying to catch a glimpse at either of them, your eyes instead meet deep, amber ones
your heart dips and swerves in a way that has nothing to do with alcohol or tiredness
Azriel is leaning against a wall halfway across the huge, cavernous room
a strand of dark hair is curving over his forehead, the pink and purple lights make his jaw and cheekbones look even sharper than usual and illuminate the rune tattoos scattered over his skin, fitting in perfectly with his real ones
the sight of him causes something to topple over in your chest
you caught glimpses at him all during the night
usually off in the shadows, leaning against a wall or lounging on a seat, sipping a drink
every time you saw him, there was someone next to him, mostly girls, talking to him, trying to flirt
it made something dip over strangely in your chest
but for some reason, he barely seemed to notice
for some reason, every time, his eyes were already on yours, flashing amber in the flickering lights
just like now
the slight crease between his brows that doesn't quite spell uncomfortable smoothens
then he pushes off the wall and starts to weave towards you
again, your heart does a funny little thing
but you push it away and begin to fight your way through the crowd to meet him
when you finally meet, it takes one look at you for the dip of a crease to appear in his cheek
his deep voice makes your skin tingle even through all the noise and the music, and you deflate with a sigh, feeling almost comically relieved
you text Feyre and Mor while Azriel steers you out of the full rooms, his hands on your shoulders
picking up your coats, you feel a happy shiver run over your skin when you step out into the night sky
your breath hangs in white clouds in the air when you huddle up and Azriel offers you the crook of his elbow, his hands in his pockets
and if you take a very long route to get home, wandering through the quiet, cold city and sniffling as you blink up at the bright moon, neither of you makes a comment on it
@azrielshadows1nger @waytoomanyteenagefeels @secret-ly-here @knmendiola @luvmoo @azriels-mate123 @bookishbroadwaybish @maybe-a-winchester @stayinglow-exploringworlds @harrystylesfan2686 @icey--stars
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librarianbabs · 1 year
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gotta catch ‘em all
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stellasworks · 1 year
Im sensing a theme in my type..
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bi-carli · 2 years
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Nessian as Herc and Meg. My life is complete.
Art by jessdraw.s on Instagram
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Jason Todd x Reader
Title: Happy Ditching
Pairing(s): Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: NONE
Short drabble
Prompt in bold, credit to: @sassy-ahsoka-tano​
*I read an imagine where they put a pic of Matthew Daddario and said that’s how they pictured Jason Todd, and now I can’t unsee it.😳*
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Every year, your friend Nat always dragged you to a Halloween party. The week of Halloween, there was always a college party, and she would make you go with her to each one of them.
You had a costume for each day of the week, and at this point, your costumes outnumbered your everyday clothing. The night of Halloween, you dressed as Lara Croft, from the film Tomb Raider.
The sound of the music made the walls of the strange home shake, and people were dancing against one another and swayed to the beat of the music. You pushed your way through the crowd and made your way to the back door of the hosts’ backyard. 
Closing the door behind you, you let out a sigh of relief. You sat your fake guns on the patio table and pulled out your phone dialing Nat’s number. ‘Where are you?” you questioned as soon as the line stopped ringing.
“I’m sorry, I am going home with this really hot guy. See you tomorrow, let me know you get home. Love ya!” Nat said quickly, and the line went dead. 
“Thanks, Nat.” you say as you shoved your phone into the small pocket of you short shorts. 
A small light emitted from the swinging bench that was up against the house. You jumped when you see the light reflecting off of a stranger’s face. “Oh! You scared me.” You say as you lightly pressed your hand to your chest.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” A man’s voice said as he got up from the bench and made his way under the porch light. A cigarette was between his lightly parted lips, and he took a drag from it. “Lara Croft. nice.” he said as he took the cigarette away from his lips, and he looked you up and down.
“Unfortunately, I had to be basic this year. I was running out of ideas. My name is Y/N by the way.” You say as you stuck your hand out at the stranger.
Placing the cigarette back between his lips, he grasped your hand and flashed you a small, while carefully biting onto the cancer stick. “Jason.” he said, and he looked over your shoulder. “So, what brings you out here, when there is a party going on?” he asked and you sat at the patio table, and you opened up the bottle of beer you brought outside with you.
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party, and I don’t know anyone here. But you look as miserable as I feel.” you say as you took a drink from the glass bottle.
Jason grinned as he tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. “Then I say let’s get out of here, Lara Croft. No one will miss us anyway.” He said as he stood up from the patio table.
Without hesitation, you followed Jason out of the gate, and he led you to his motorcycle. That night he showed you a great time, and you were glad your friend ditched you at that Halloween party.
Happy early Halloween! 4 more days! (Well 3 since it almost midnight)
Thanks for reading!
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snowzapped · 2 years
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The disrespect! How dare! XD
Happy Halloween guys! :D
Thanks to the person who made the halloween background for free on csp. <3
commission info / patreon / Buy Me a Coffee ☕
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Tastes Like Candy- Batboys Halloween Drabbles!!
just some sugar-sweet Batfam things; don’t mind me ☺️
“Wally, stop eating candy!” To punctuate his sentence, Dick Grayson threw a Snickers bar at his boyfriend, who’d been sitting on the kitchen counter pounding just about every ounce of sugar in the manor for an hour. Rookie mistake; Wally caught it and popped it in his mouth with a shiteating grin.
“Will you hold my hair back when I inevitably puke later?” Wally cooed, batting his eyelashes at Dick, who glared at him.
“No. It’s a fate you brought upon yourself.”
Wally pouted, leaning forwards. Dick honestly wasn’t a big sugar person- but he had been drinking something like apple cider for the entirety of Halloween (and honestly October as a whole), and he stood between Wally’s legs where he sat on the counter. He begrudgingly accepted a short kiss, but pulled away when the speedster drunkenly tried to deepen it by tugging him closer by his belt loops.
“Wally, I think you’re on a sugar high,” Dick said, not unkindly, but not too happy either.
Wally grinned like the Joker. “Nah, I’m 21. Too old for that.” For emphasis, he shoved more candy in his mouth and stuck out his rainbow stained tongue. “Perfectly fine!”
“Exactly. You’re 21. What are you doing eating this much candy,” Dick deadpanned, passive-aggressively sipping his apple cider.
“Because I can. And because it reminds me of you,” Wally hummed, once again pulling his boyfriend closer. Dick set down his cup with a sigh and wrapped his arms around Wally’s neck.
“How so?” he asked.
Wally smiled, less Cheshire-like this time, and kissed him. When he pulled away, Dick’s lips were a mix of blue and purple from Wally’s tongue.
“You taste like sugar all the time,” he said simply, and Dick had to admit that made him fall hard for his dumbass boyfriend all over again.
Wally’s smile suddenly dropped.
“Oh, fuck- bathroom,” he managed, then hopped off the counter and ran off (thankfully without superspeed) to the nearest one with a hand over his mouth.
Dick groaned and jogged after him.
Maybe pranking wasn’t a good way to spend Halloween night in Gotham; there was enough trouble going around, but Jason Todd figured he was entitled to a little fun while he was in town.
So there he stood on the roof of some rando’s house, holding onto the chimney for leverage and awaiting his target. He was in full costume, only with a brand new black hood to go over the helmet and an entirely experimental lightsaber that could absolutely explode if it so desired, just to count himself as a Sith Lord.
Roy, who was perched on top of said chimney like the sharpshooter vigilante he was, simply wore a fox mask and donned Ollie’s old green hat with a red feather from the old days.
Robin Hood and Darth Vader stalked a neighborhood full of trick or treating kids, because the number one asshole in the area was taking his kid out like a normal person as if he hadn’t spent the past few weeks displacing half the Gotham Latino community in favor of a new golf course and clubhouse. Jason would’ve preferred murder, but Roy assured him this was better.
“You ready, Pretty Bird?” Roy said, voice barely loud enough to hear. “He’s coming up soon.”
“Still woulda liked to just shoot him,” Jason grumbled, hefting the water balloon ✨conveniently filled with hot sauce✨. Yeah, that one was Roy’s idea, but it would probably be funny- especially if it landed on his face. And Jay never misses a shot.
Roy nudged him as Asshole #1 and his bratty little kid made their way up the observed house’s walkway.
“This is better, I promise you. Did it last year with Ollie at some crime lord I don’t remember the name of,” he grinned. “You’ll love it. We can shoot him some other time.”
Jason hummed as the kid obnoxiously rang the doorbell six times. “Wish I could hit the kid too.”
Roy muffled his laugh in Jay’s shoulder. “Maybe that’s a little too mean. We’re still heroish people, come on.”
When the balloons were thrown, it was a direct hit. The first landed right on his face, as targeted, and the other on the irritatingly expensive suit for a children’s holiday he was wearing. 
Roy and Jason high fived as the kid and parent alike started screaming, but by the time anyone could look up to the roof, Robin Hood and Darth Vader were gone.
The second the two of them made it to a clear space, the masks were off and Jason was pinning Roy to a wall in a heated kiss. Roy could taste the chocolate Jason had stolen from the manor earlier on his lips, and he grinned into it.
“That was AMAZING!” he broke the kiss to shout to the night sky. Jay smiled and drifted his hands up and down Roy’s waist. “We should do that again, for the rest of the night.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he laughed, pulling him back in.
And then no, they didn’t spend the rest of their night busting assholes. They made out on a rooftop until Bruce was angrily texting at two in the morning, asking where the fuck he’d gone.
Heaven, that’s where.
“Jesus Christ.” Conner hid his face in his boyfriend’s chest, turning away from the movie screen, but he could still hear the screams.
Tim Drake laughed softly, pausing the movie.
“Tapping out already, gorgeous?” he teased, running a hand through the Kryptonian’s hair.
Kon mumbled something like ‘too scary’ into Tim’s shirt. Tim patted his head sympathetically and exited the movie.
“Fine then, no Scream,” he mused. “What about the Conjuring?”
Conner popped his head up indignantly, giving Tim a look like he was crazy.
“That is infinitely worse!” he protested. “No! How about Disney Zombies! Jon showed me that one!”
Tim made a face. “Zombies?”
Conner nodded enthusiastically.
“If you like zombies, what about World War Z?”
The two of them had been (attempting to) watch horror movies all night, curled up in Tim’s room in the manor with blankets and popcorn and candy, all the lights off for ✨atmosphere✨, as Tim said. Kon didn’t really get it.
“Is it scary?” Conner said dubiously, snuggling further into Tim’s side and pulling the blanket they were sharing up to his chin.
“Um.” Tim did want to watch the movie, but he also didn’t really want to lie to his poor boyfriend. “I mean, yeah. There’s also- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE.”
Kon jumped at the sudden outburst, but Tim was on a warpath suddenly to find the right movie.
“What?” He was almost afraid to ask.
“Zombieland,” Tim said gleefully, pulling it up on the screen. “Seen it?”
“You know I haven’t,” Conner grumbled. “It sounds scary.”
“No, no, no.” Tim cupped his face and pressed a small kiss to the tip of his nose. “I promise it’s not. It’s just hilarious.”
“Well, you missed,” Kon mused. Tim barely had time to open his mouth to say something in confusion before Conner pulled him down, pressing their lips together. He tasted like the caramel popcorn he’d been eating all night, and something cinnamon-y, maybe pumpkin spice. Tim was a sucker for that stuff.
When they pulled apart, he was dizzy, having not expecting that. Conner neatly took the remote out of his hand and started the movie, making himself comfortable in Tim’s lap.
“Y-You little shit,” Tim finally managed, pressing a kiss to Kon’s neck to make him squirm. “I’m gonna-“
“Shh, watch the movie!”
Two superkids sat in Damian Wayne’s bedroom, promptly ignoring the screams coming from Tim’s room next door (both from Conner and whatever garbage they were watching), a deck of cards and shots of apple cider lined up between them.
“I do not understand,” Damian said slowly. That was a rare occurrence.
“It’s simple!” Jon chirped, drawing a card off the top as Damian dumped a packet of Swedish Fish into his mouth. “Answer the question on the card truthfully, do the dare, or take a shot. Umm, it was more fun when the Justice League did it, but we’re not legal, so…”
“What, you mean to drink?” Dami mused at his boyfriend’s antics.
Jon stuck the card into the bottom of the pile and shrugged. “Well, yeah. Couple of fifteen year olds can’t take real shots.”
“Says you.”
“Damian, do you underage drink?” Jon teased, poking at his knee over the playing field.
Dami swatted him away, cracking a rare smile. “Of course not. That is absurd.”
“Sure, babe,” Jon laughed. “So! Wanna go first?”
Damian stuck his red stained tongue out as he drew the first card, then glanced down at it, immediately making a face.
“Truth- who… was your gay awakening.” He glared at Jon, who beamed back innocently. “Did you write these?”
“Maybe,” Jon said. “So? Who’s it gonna be? Corpse Husband for the voice? Zac Efron for the… everything? Who was it?”
Damian smiled again and reached over the playing field, taking the back of Jon’s neck and dragging him forward to meet halfway. Sugar of many kinds lingered on his lips, and on Dami’s when he pulled away just to rest their foreheads together.
“It was you,” he whispered, and Jon grinned in dizzy adoration. “It was the annoyingly bright super-boy with beautiful eyes and a puppy heart. He basically forced my third eye open with a crowbar, but I love him for it.”
“Is my Dami making a joke?” Jon gasped. Damian rolled his eyes affectionately. “Are you saying your third eye is equivalent to your gay awakening?”
“Pretty much.”
“Well, I love you too, dorkface.”
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 11 months
Happy Halloween! Welcome to a reading game. How to play: It should be easy. Just read this start and then choose a character to continue the story with. I hope you will like it.
You twisted around in front of the tall mirror checking up your costume from every possible angle, making sure it's perfect. Satisfied with the result, you grinned. You leaned forward to make sure your makeup and hair match the same level of perfection. Everything was exactly as you imagined it.
You looked at the clock. It was almost time to go. You were invited to a great Halloween party which you were looking forward since you got the invitation. However your mate was still in the bathroom. You gave him another 5 minutes, but when he didn't come out, you decided to knock on the door.
"Love? Are you ready? We should go." You listened carefully, but no answer. To be honest it was too quiet inside and that made you worry. "Love?" You slowly pushed the door open. You froze in the doorway in surprise, mouth hanging open.
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Damian: Halloween is my favorite holiday.
Jon: Because of the costumes?
Damian: Because you can trespass on strangers' property and make non-negotiable demands.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
Dick: Jason, I got you a costume for Halloween. *hands him a bag*
Jason: *opens it up* ...
Jason: Is this a crowbar costume?
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backfisch85 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Discoween because this idea haunted me.
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sleepyssnail · 2 years
To get in the Halloween spirit, Bruce signs up to hand out candy at a Trunk-or-Treating event.
He brings the Batmobile and decorates the trunk with little pumpkin string lights, tissue paper ghosts, and cut-out bats Robin helped make. He wears the full Batman costume, batarangs and all, and gives out candy to all the trick-or-treaters, making sure to compliment them all on their costumes.
To this day, the winner of the costume contest adults division is up for debate.
People are divided on if this is the real Batman, or an elaborate Halloween prank pulled by Bruce Wayne. Either way, it’s a wonderful experience all around.
Bruce plans to participate again next year.
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altocat · 2 years
Vampire Sephiroth?
He has traded his feathery wing for a black bat wing instead!
-Depending on whatever vampire set of rules or lore (Dracula/Rice/Buffy/etc.) you're following, Sephiroth is considered a master vampire through sheer brutality and his incredibly high body count.
-Former esteemed general. Bitten in Nibelheim and driven mad from the trauma (among other things).
-He will violently ravage the throats of those he feels nothing for. And when it comes to humans, that's almost everyone. His MO is typically to sway them under the influence of his beautiful appearance and unearthly thrall before digging his fangs in.
-Jenova is now an ANCIENT af vampire who sired him. She's literally so old that she can't physically move anymore without the threat of crumbling to dust. Seph has to bring her a lot of his kills so that he can take care of his dear "mother" to keep her alive. He knows Jenova isn't his actual mother. But having grown up an orphan and now fully deranged from his transformation, he considers her is parent as it was she who made him into who he is now.
-Sephiroth has amassed a set of intricate abilities that a lot of vampires could not have hoped to obtain. He can partially walk in sunlight without burning, is capable of travelling long distances all but invisible, can fly using his wing, and has an unnatural strength that makes him all but impossible to kill.
-His arch nemesis? Rookie vampire hunter Cloud Strife. He was nearly staked to death by the boy in Nibelheim and is still partially recovering.
-Also he's a batboy now. Apart from blood, he loves the taste of fruit, even though vampires really can't eat human food. He enjoys sucking the juice out at the very least with his fangs. His favorites are pears. And he loves breezy evenings so he can go flying about. Might accidentally run into something as bats do, but hey, is what it is.
-Also bat burrito. That is all.
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