#and then also the fact that the love 13 is chasing is not ONLY the prince's but also missys
i was having a conversation in my head with you know an npc describing what my octopus 13 and missy actually look like bc i only describe them in pieces in my fic so you can make up your own image bc thats more fun but anyway so i was figuring out what i actually picture them like and got to ursula from the little mermaid and then i was like oh shes purple and evil and like camp thats actually pretty missy that works and then i was like well 13 is ariel clearly and that makes yaz the prince. do with this what you will
#yaz as knight or prince has always been like a soft spot for me bc i think thats who she is and who she wants to be and also it vibes well#with her queerness i think and also her policeness if that makes sense#i also think it's how she sees the doctor in the beginning and the doctor is anything but that BUT#the doctor has maybe thought of themselves a little like that especially when they were like 10/11 hero complexy#but it's just interesting how this trio like matches up like this bc thats not what you'd do at first glance probably?#you'd swap 13 and yaz#missy as the evil one who promises yaz the doctors love in exchange for her power right?#thats what you'd EXPECT but in practice thats NOT how it plays out like at all#yaz will not let herself be put in that role#and then it's interesting bc then the seduction from missy to 13 is less straightforward#13 IS metaphorically mute. she cant use her power - her words - with yaz#but it's not missy who took it directly#it's indirect. it's her presence. it's the doctors feelings about the master that like. are the weapon#and it's not a weapon any of them control like. the blade is ALWAYS in their hand. no matter who. theyre always all getting cut by it#and then also the fact that the love 13 is chasing is not ONLY the prince's but also missys#like the uhhh whats the word. the thing that breaks her. like. the fatal flaw. is that she will betray herself for the master#betray her own principles#wHICH is what makes her powerless#WHICH is what takes her voice!!#she doesnt have WORDS against the master#anyway thats what im thinking about#thasmissy
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malaierba · 3 months
I kinda do believe that Toshiro IS afraid of being head of his household.
He's barely made any decisions of his own his whole life. Only time he did was to save someone he cared about. He's too used to the comfort of obedience, I think he believes it absolves him of participating in the activities of a household that does things in a way he disagrees with.
What kind of things you ask? Mainly how those bound to it are treated, I think:
He's angry at Maizuru when he learns about the flying hag that chased him as a kid being her doing.
He let's Izutsumi/Asebi go. There's two translations going around of the scene where Maizuru informs him that she's missing. I've seen bilingual Japanese users on twitter say that the one where he goes "She'll find her way back if she wants to" is more appropriate, it carries the intention of him letting her go. Saying "just leave her" is probably what a native English speaker assumed to be the more straightforward intention.
When he tells Laios about how Tade was probably in a very bad situation because she saw his dad (who he doesn't respect at all) as a saviour he says "I wanna speak to her". He doesn't because, passivity man, but, I get the feeling he wanted to tell her "he's still not a good person, Tade". I get the feeling he'd allow her to leave after Izutsumi if they were ever in a situation where he can actually be the decision maker.
He apologises to his party for dragging them down to confront the Faligon. Remember how that was all of those guyses first death in a dungeon? I've said this but. Man saw them get wipped. Childhood friend AND mom figure died in front of his eyes, and I know that's normal in a dungeon, but jeez. His mom-adjacent figure. His "MOM". idk I'd be messed up, unrelated but I think Laios is definitely suppressing how much it affected him to see Falin be eaten, be turned, be stabbed, etc etc. He's definitely an "I'll focus on problem solving to avoid looking at my emotions" type of guy.
During the fight he asks Laios "what about me is strong?". If you'll remember, Laios said that in the original party, Toshiro was in charge of finding an opening and dealing the killing blows. I wonder if he felt burdened, responsible for their failure then?
If he takes failure that hard when he's just following orders, I can see him feeling anxious about the prospect of failure when he's the one issuing them. It's probably why he comes across as so half-hearted with the whole "earn the right to be the next Head of the Clan" thing.
Not to mention, I remember seeing someone on X say, "the big gap between Toshiro and his baby brothers (13 years) is probably because Toshitsugu originally just wanted one (1) heir out of his arranged marriage to Toshiro's mom, since he actually loved Maizuru. But then he decided that Toshiro wasn't made of whatever was necessary to be a leader of their shady ass clan, so he had another two kids as backup".
If Toshiro is aware of that, fuck man, what kind of confidence is he going to have 😵
But, it's also a shame, right? Because he's explicitly empathetic. I think that's the meaning of him being shown playing with bugs as a kid, being coded as kind of softhearted. He empathises with things/beings he "shouldn't". But he's also obedient, he's always masking, so he has a hard time showing it explicitly. Honestly, the fact that he has that discussion about Tade with Laios is impressive imo, he trusts him and feels more comfortable with him than he lets on. He should NOT say the same thing to Maizuru or Hien, even though he respects them and cares for them.
If he had a bit of a spine, he'd be good for the people in the household. Probably bizarre in a way that even his dad can't predict, and maybe wouldn't like (he likes weirdos but only when it means chaos and fun it seems?). Maybe there'd be infighting. He just doesn't agree with the way his dad does too many things.
On the other hand, I also kinda think he should just take Tade and fuck off back to Melini lol. Become a bodyguard for Laios, help a bit with politics. What's for him in Wa anyway? An Estranged family and friends he doesn't fit with anymore. I think he'd be more likely to feel homesick for his friends in Melini than the Nakamoto household.
In any case I hope that Falin encouraging him to be more of an active participant of his own life has an everlasting effect on him. Even if he's afraid of shouldering that responsibility.
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Why Valentino needs to chill the fuck out (AKA a list of complaints on the pissbaby):
(By Velvette, the only one here with a braincell)
(Her list for Vox (to stop obsessing over Alastor) here)
1. I can’t stop you from being a dick to your employees but STOP RIPPING UP MINE
2. Can you keep your obsession with Angel Dust in the studio? Bringing him up elsewhere makes Vox think he can bitch about Alastor and I don’t need anymore of that.
3. Bringing up the Radio Demon to win an argument just makes everyone suffer.
4. I know therapy is a lost cause with you but seriously?
5. Figure out whatever the fuck you and Vox have going on. You’re not dating but you have Radio Demon- related foreplay and Vox gets jealous whenever you bring up “Angelcakes.”
6. I’ll blow my brains out if I hear the name “Angelcakes” again.
7. I don’t want to keep replacing lights after you run into them head first
8. I don’t want to keep having to spend money buying mothballs so you won’t eat my clothes.
9. When you get pissed you get horny, and I’d prefer if you didn’t fuck anyone on the kitchen counter.
10. Or my closet
11. Can you stop crying about the fact I have (gorgeous) hair and you don’t? Not my fault your head looks like an egg
12. Also weird pheromones? Can you keep that stuff inside you until we need to make more Love Potions? The whole place stinks
13. Your rage bedazzling has begun to get out of hand. I took a shower and rhinestones came out of the tap.
15. Chasing down your employee who is staying with the PRINCESS AND KING of HELL isn’t the best idea.
16. Also, again, Radio Demon. And he may be an ancient prick but Vox is so insufferable.
17. Seriously if anyone gets to kill you it’s me. And since I can’t nobody can.
18. We keep having to replace phones because of your tantrums.
19. And employees
20. And TV screens for Vox
21. When you get angry you put things in the top shelves which is really a dick move.
22. At this point I’m starting to worry if you’ll take the name “pissbaby” seriously given your recent fixation and I do NOT want to deal with that.
23. I know tormenting employees can be fun, but also Angel Dust gets us a lot of money. And if he finds a way to opt out then I’m making sure the financial loss comes out of YOUR funds.
24. I don’t want to go to any more shitty overlord meetings alone because Vox is busy having a mental breakdown and you’re busy looking up new forms of torture.
25. Unlike that Carmine hag I am NOT a wrinkly old mom so STOP making me act like it.
25. Apparently you can only be so “problematic” in Hell and you’ve definitely passed that point
26. Seriously? Do you know how often #CancelTheVees is trending? #CancelValentino is FINE but then you go dragging me into this shit…
27. I’m tired of being the responsible one. Why don’t you two old fucks get your shit together?
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genericpuff · 6 months
So, I want to confess something. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that the SA in LO is not only poorly written but very mishandled and was unnecessary. I want to point out I am not a SA victim, so I can not say with experience how well the deception was. Though I do know people in real life that were victims, I also don’t want to disclose their stories either. But, here’s the thing. I personally don’t mind SA in the media, if it is handled with care and they portray it as a serious issue!
The problem I have with most media is that shows and stories will either use SA as A. A plot device for romance development. B. Shock value or C. A joke. So many media I’ve watched use SA as any of the three categories (13 Reasons Why and content from Vivziepop being a few that I can think of off the top of my head). The only show I can think of that actually portrays SA seriously and shows real life impact is Tuca and Bride. I also think it’s pretty hypocritical that the media will use SA as long as they fall into any of the three categories, but when you want to show the negative effects of it like in Moral Orel, suddenly you get canceled! Again, Hypocrites! I also don’t think first time writers should write this kind of stuff, and Rachel is no exception. You can tell she didn’t know what she was doing, based on how little importance the SA has on the plot or how it falls into said categories as well. (and the rumors that she didn’t even know it was SA doesn’t help).
Now, that being said I don’t think a SA plot line was a bad idea for this kind of story. Again, the original myth was “The abduction of Persephone” and in some versions, Hades did force himself onto Persephone. And considering Ancient Greece was rife with many stories of such heavy topics, I can see why they would include that. My personal issue with LO’s SA plotline… is Apollo! First of all, while Apollo may have had some questionable relationships in his myths, he never really forced himself on anyone. In fact, the most famous story of him chasing Daphne was only because he was under the influence of Eros, meaning Apollo had no agency in loving Daphne. Second, Apollo had nothing to do with Persephone. They never interacted in any myths. Sure, there was one myth where Apollo asked Demeter for her daughter’s hand and Demeter rejected, but that’s it. The two never had any relationship. So it makes the plot line even more convoluted because of their lack of historical and mythical connection. Though, I do admit I kind of like Apollo and Persephone as a couple (In Rekindled not Lore Olympus), but I know they don’t get together.
Honestly, if Rachel really wanted to do a SA story that would prop up Hades without demonizing anyone, she could have done that! By making Persephone’s assaulter be Zeus instead of Apollo! Hear me out, in some stories, Zeus actually disguised himself as Hades and slept with Persephone, thus it resulted in Zagerus. So, it is canon in a sense that Zeus did SA Persephone. Not only that, but given he had a role to play in the “Abduction of Persephone” where he sold his daughter off to Hades, this makes him even more impactful to the story. He could be the villain instead of Demeter, who wants to use Persephone. And considering Zeus’s love affairs and his god complex (no pun intended) he would believe he was entitled to Persephone and would want to have her as a secret concubine.
Maybe Zeus would be able to learn more about Persephone through Hera and he would decide to set his sights on her. He could try and get closer to her as she is naive and never met the King of Gods, and would use her trust to pounce on her (Because in SA cases, your attacker is more likely to be someone close to you rather than a stranger.) And maybe Zeus would blackmail Persephone so she would have to keep seeing him or else get kicked out of school and be a disgrace to her mother. Then, you could have Hades find out and he would rage against Zeus. Maybe Hades would get Demeter involved and they would team up to punish the King all for the sake of protecting Persephone. Hades would suggest making Persephone his queen for protection, and Demeter would make the world grow cold unless Zeus complies, thus explaining Winter. Zeus would agree to give Persephone to Hades, and she will be under Hades’s protection. But Persephone would still want to be with her mother, so Demeter and Hades make custody arrangements.
Bam! A SA plot line that A. Actually adds to the story and raises stakes. B. Makes a terrifying but complex villain for the story that we all can hate without assassinating his character. C. Have Hades and Demeter come out on top. D. Be historical and mythologically accurate. (I’m also not saying that I wanted SA in LO or LR, nor do I think this version would have made it better, but I personally believe this plot line makes way more sense than: Apollo meeting Persephone in one day and SA her in her sleep.)
I agree with a lot of this, thank you for sharing!! (sorry this is a late response, I didn't want this big analysis to go to waste fdjasklfdsajlk)
But yeah, in essence / on paper the SA plotline in LO would have been fine, especially considering SA is present in just about every Greek myth story, but I don't think Rachel was really cut out to tackle that subject yet, mostly as a writer as all of her writing is very baseless and doesn't have the necessary planning, research, and direction required to depict a subject like that. It takes a lot of sensitivity, self-awareness, and self control, none of which LO has as a narrative or Rachel as a writer.
IMO Apollo being the god of the sun made for a great springboard for him to be like, this self-centered god who was so delusional in his own ego that he couldn't believe Persephone wouldn't want him, that alone was enough to make him out to be a great villain - even with the use of SA, where he couldn't take no for an answer - but then we had to get into the whole "Apollo is gonna use Persephone to overthrow Zeus" crap and it all fell apart from there. Not to mention the story could never decide if Apollo was some nefarious puppet master or just a delusional dumbass, so all the flip-flopping on his motivations led to him becoming a very weak villain.
That said, I will cut her some slack for not having Zeus assault her. Because while it's more accurate to the myths (and character accurate) the story could barely handle Apollo and he's the canon Good Boytm in the myths, imagine it trying to handle an actual serial assaulter?
But that's not me saying it's necessarily a bad idea. I just don't think LO would be able to handle it with Rachel at the helm lol
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all-pacas · 5 days
The fact that when 13 needs help, she calls Chase. Why does she call him? Why doesn't she call someone else? She needs someone to deliver her a portable ultrasound, and okay, you could argue Foreman is a bad call because he's her ex and would pry. That House would just refuse. Taub would have been a good pick tbh, he would drop it off and just go home no questions asked. But no, she calls Chase
(And I love that call. "You doing anything?" "Oh, yeah, I'm just about to go out," Chase lies blatantly, asleep in bed with a book on the crusades on his chest. Like the loser he is. I don't know that it was done well but I love how S7 examines his Dumb Whore tendencies: it isn't really him, it's a rebound. He does it again when he gets stabbed.)
And of course the second he shows up he immediately sees through 13's excuses and pushes his way into the apartment. Because we love Chase's observation skills triumphing over his laziness.
13 tells Chase the prison backstory. Like! It's kind of glossed over. She hasn't told this to anyone else. She doesn't hide it. I killed my brother. It wasn't murder. Chase is just pacing, you just know he's twigged as hell, he's so anxious all at once as she tries to brush past it. The idea that 13 kind of had to tell him to explain Darrien's presence but she's also — House is the only other person who knows.
CHASE: Have you talked to anybody about it? I mean, are you okay?
Like we know this immediately triggered something in Chase, but 13 doesn't, and seeing him so anxious and pacing and ignoring the bleeding dying woman as 13 works, it's just. Incredible. It's good. He cares immediately, he's relating to this immediately.
But I love seeing them work together. Like they just immediately go in sync, Chase offering suggestions and 13 doing the work. They're just. It's nice.
SIDE NOTE: House says he called everyone before he called Cuddy. We see him call 13 and Taub. Chase is off picking up drugs, we don't see House call him, but like. He had to have called Chase first, right? Did Chase not pick up? Did he blow him off because he already was dealing with someone bleeding to death in someone's apartment??
The way they fight oh my god. The way 13 just is trying to fucking murder Chase. She punches him, she claws and shoves him, and then he just clocks her and stares horrified as she falls to the floor. Like it's an actual fight, it's brutal, it's so good. They hurt one another. I can't explain it but I love how brutal it is, that they both walk away with bruises, that it isn't pretty. Incredible. Amazing scene.
CHASE: You were defending your friend beyond all rationality, granting her the right to die in your bedroom. Was it really all because of a promise? 13: That word means something to some people. CHASE: Not that much. […] CHASE: You promised your brother you'd euthanize him and you think you won't feel bad about it as long as you can blame it on the promise. That's why you have this twisted obligation to keep all promises… or your carefully constructed defense mechanism could crumble down. 13: I saved my brother from a lot of pain.
!! Chase keeps bringing it up, he keeps bringing up her brother, not out of I can't believe you did a murder or I can't believe you went to prison but: you must hate yourself. He's calling her out on her coping mechanisms, he's calling her out on her guilt, and it's so fucking clear what he means is I get it but he's not saying that part. 13 killed her brother and now has to believe she did the right thing, no matter what, no matter how she feels. She's taking away her own agency: it was for a promise, it was his decision, she had nothing to do with it, it's fine, it doesn't feel bad. Chase killed Dibala and told himself it was for the greater good, it was morally just, it was the right thing to do, it doesn't feel bad. And it nearly destroyed him. And so he's pushing and pushing at it. He never goes 13 went to prison! he never goes it's so crazy you did that! Whenever he brings it up it's only in the context of how worried he is about her. Has she spoken to someone? Is she coping? Is this healthy? Is she okay? He's so worried. He cares so much.
I adore 13 and Chase running out of ideas with Darrien and calling dad. Most sibling coded of all time. Just. And the fact that House doesn't allude to also being in the hospital, actively bleeding and in pain, just, yes, we gotta help bail you two idiots out. Beautiful moment.
Chase getting 13 ice and coffee and still feeling guilty for punching her out, and 13 not blaming him at all. Like. You know. Don't beat people up. But in this one case I totally approve. Because I love it.
13: Darrien had to shoot that kid. It was the right thing. Completely justified. But it didn't matter. She destroyed her life trying to forget. I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen to me. CHASE: You really should talk to someone. 13: I've talked to a therapist. It didn't help. CHASE: Well, maybe you should talk to someone who isn't a therapist. 13: Do you really think you have any idea what it's like to live with something like this? CHASE: Let's grab a coffee.
Since the second Chase found out, this is what it's been leading towards. I love that he doesn't answer, he doesn't say a thing, but this is what he's been thinking all episode, why he's been pushing, why he's been so worried and caring: talk to me. Tell me you're not okay. Tell me everything isn't fine. And 13 holds it back until the end of the case, until it's over and she has no distractions. It's not at all clear Chase himself has talked to someone about Dibala, btw. He probably hasn't.
And how insane is that. He never told Foreman or House; they figured it out. He told Cameron: she left him. (Imagine being 13, hearing this. Realizing the timeline. She went to their wedding. What did she think happened when Cameron just … left? How quickly does she figure it out now?) House told Chase to talk to someone, Chase tried Confessing, but whenever he's tried to tell anyone it's gone terribly for him. I don't think he has talked to anyone. But he repeats House's advice to 13: talk to someone. (Talk to me.) He's offering her what he never got. And their situations are different, hers is much more sympathetic and easy to accept than his. Chase never goes I never got help or you have nothing to feel bad about or implies he doesn't think it's a big deal: his entire reaction is just empathy. He wants 13 to get what he didn't get, he wants to help.
The song that plays over the end of the episode is Bon Iver's Flume. And as much as you can apply it to House, and Cuddy, and Wilson, and all of that — it's a song about feeling isolated, feeling alone and being afraid of letting go. Of holding on to things that stain and hurt. The lyrics that play while 13 and Chase are having their coffee in the conference room, though:
i wear my garment/so it shows now you know
And I just! I love! Them! The ways 13 and Chase are so alike and so damaged, the way Chase reacts with empathy and care and wants her to have what he didn't, the way they know one another's secrets and worst moments and rely on one another so easily. 13's secrecy is a meme, in and out of universe, but Chase is absolutely no better: he won't even admit he's Catholic when talking to a nun. They're private to faults, they mask by sleeping around and taking risks and pretending not to care, they hide their hurts and then somehow, they punch one another in the face and know everything. I'm just. I'm so obsessed with them. I want them like this always.
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Danny Phantom and the Riordanverse
I have some thoughts about a Shared World kind of crossover between Danny Phantom and Percy Jackson & the Olympians. I haven’t done a full rewatch of DP in ages, nor have a read outside the core 5 PJO books, the HOO books, the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and about 2 and a half of the Trials of Apollo books, also been a while. Apologies for any inaccuracies but hey, fanon.
A Glitch In Time canonizes that the Infinite Realms and Material World were once one and the same, but a global war - waged by people who were naturally half ghost the way Danny and Vlad are - split the world in 2. All things regarding Pariah Dark, I’d say he was one of the major powers in this war.
Realms can range from a 10x10x10 room to entire islands with their own celestial bodies like Dora’s kingdom and its sun. Technically we don’t know if the Far Frozen even has an End Point. Doors can lead to alternate timelines; Desiree, Ghost Writer and Clockwork are all able to warp reality, time included, and the Observant Council perceive time in at least 2 dimensions.
In the Riordanverse it is revealed in the few books of the Trials of Apollo that I read and remember that mortal belief from even a relatively small cult can elevate a mortal man to immortal status a la monsters and Gods. Apollo even muses about the way the Gods don’t want to acknowledge how dependent on mortals remembering them they are.
All of this considered, if you want DP to exist in the Riodanverse and even keep the lore of both, then the Realms/Planes/Worlds of the Gods - of Hellas, Kemet, the Æsir and Vanir, the Heavenly Beauracracy, etcetera - are Realms connected to the Spirit World but managed to remain intersected with the Material World through the efforts of the Gods and the memories of Mortals.
The Duat could even be a layer of the Infinite Realms, frankly.
Danny states that his accident was a month ago as of Episode 1, Mystery Meat, which is set April 3rd, 2004. Based on the few concrete date indicators we get in Danny Phantom, the series takes place over 3 years. 4 if you count Claw of the Wild, but that means the trio stays Tiny all the way into Senior Year lol.
Prisoners of Love begins on May 18th, Fright Knight is a Halloween episode, and in Lucky in Love, they’re at a waterpark, which only open in May at the earliest. The Fright Before Christmas is obviously set before and during Christmas and then Reality Trip is set at the beginning of Summer 2006.
In Urban Jungle, Tucker remarks that it’s 90 degrees outside, which means it’s either late May or early June since I do believe they Are in school at that point and iirc global warming hadn’t made it 90 in the midwest early in 2006. Claw of the Wild is an odd camping episode featuring Danny’s class, and I forget in episode details so if this was during school time it had to be during the spring since, again, they live relatively close to the Great Lakes, so it’s gotta be during a naturally warm time. A Glitch In Time, therefore, is set in late spring or early summer of 2008.
Percy Jackson is 12 at the beginning of The Lightning Thief & 13 at the end Iirc since his birthday is August 12th. Either way, this is in 2005. Sea of Monsters and Titan’s Curse are both set during 2006; Battle of the Labyrinth is in 2007, and iirc The Last Olympian is set next year during 2008 and Percy is 16.
Thereby when the Heroes of Olympus books begin in 2008-2009, Danny is 18 and either a senior or highschool graduate. This is a hilarious point in time for Percy to meet Danny, actually, or any of our protagonist crew, if you want to maintain canon for both.
I know most people don’t, in fact, care to keep up DP canon nearly this rigidly, so some other fun thoughts.
In Reality Trip, Freakshow acquires the Reality Gauntlet, and begins the summer (as this begins on a last day of school event I’d say probably even on the Solstice) of 2006 with a reality warping bang. Once he gets the gems, Freakshow transforms the whole world into his circus, until Danny tricks him and gets the glove back, fixing reality to exactly how it was before the change, wiping his identity from the memories of everyone save Tuck, Sam, & Jazz, and then destroyed the Reality Gauntlet in a single shot.
This, I imagine, would grab the attention of The Gods. That’s if the Pariah Dark situation didn’t register to them, even. Considering Percy is 13 at the time and due to deal with the Sea of Monsters situation, the Kane siblings haven’t been recruited yet (I think) and Magnus is still just a homeless kid in Boston, I dunno if anyone from New Rome would be sent but the Gods of various pantheons may investigate directly or through minor gods/spirits.
The House of Life certainly wouldn’t approve of the Ghost Portals, Vlad, or possibly even Danny. Hell, Luke might actually be sent to recruit Danny or Vlad to the Titan’s cause now that I think about it.
With the fact that Danny, Vlad, and Dan were destroying other timelines while smashing into them from sheer speed through the Spirit World during A Glitch In Time, I’d say Danny is at least a 6D being (existing in at least 4 dimensions of space and 2 of time.) If that doesn’t count him as a God, idk what would. Also during Infinite Realms, Vlad and Danny time travel to both ancient Rome during an event in the colosseum and ancient China at a monetary. If these are the same universe as Danny’s, then he and Vlad should have a myth or two regarding one another, which would also put them on the watch list for Olympus and the Bureaucracy of Heaven.
But hey, what do you think? I’m open to talk about this and wanna hear other people’s thoughts and opinions.
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rescue bots headcanons !!!
chase has very strong opinions on pretty much everything. anything from the best multiple of 12 to how ants work (his opinions on these two are 60 and "they are very civilized creatures when they are not stealing food")
heatwave needs the most fuel out of everyone because he's a quadruple changer, and because synthesizing water from the air is surprisingly exhausting
blades watches the most mature television out of all of the original four. he's the only one who's watched anything rated higher than pg-13
boulder does volunteer work at soup kitchens and homeless shelters on his off days
none of the og's speak neocybex because of the whole stasis thing
blades' medical knowledge is super outdated (again, stasis--most of the major medical breakthroughs came after they left)
the first time heatwave met wheeljack he tried to deck him. they did not get along (this surprised optimus bc he thought they were very similar and would therefore get along)
quickshadow is jazz and prowl's kid
hightide and optimus used to on and off date (both ratchet and megatronus hated hightide)
boulder reads such a wide variety of books that he sometimes forgets what a normal frame of mind is. like, he reads books for toddlers to classic literature to those books of facts about ancient history. there are a lot of books in the bunker.
salvage dropped out of engineering school and then got a job loading up transport ships. always sort of regretted it, but kept his loader job up until stasis
blurr and heatwave were both trained as professional pilots. blurr had the transport ship he and salvage worked on, and heatwave was/is the main pilot of the sigma
quickshadow was one of elita-one's team members until the squad was disbanded
hightide is a cityspeaker and his suit was a gift from a titan
boulder has minor claustrophobia. it normally isn't too bad, but part of the reason he loves nature and the outdoors is because he feels free/not restricted
all the original four rescue bots were dorm mates during their academy years
heatwave didn't even want to be team leader it just kinda happened because of his natural talent for leadership. the others elected him as their leader and he just went with it.
chase is a night owl and usually does most of his tasks at night. he likes the quiet and also that means during the day he can focus completely on rescues
blades gets "grounded" ridiculously often by dani. like, "no tv for a week" type grounding not "no flying." blades thought it was the second one and was thrilled, and then devastated when he learned what she actually meant.
boulder is a clean freak. not a germaphobe, but he needs everything to be tidy
blades bet heatwave that he wouldn't make a "deez nuts" joke to optimus. he lost that bet but it was so worth it for the pained look on optimus' face when heatwave did it
hightide REEKS of salt. it's constant and everyone hates it.
blurr and salvage were both neutrals before they became rescue bots, which is why they've never done combat
all the official rescue bots (everyone but blurr and salvage since they were trained later and never went to the academy) have an outlier because forged rescue bots are built that way
also all the official rescue bots can easily bench press optimus. like, one handed. they're all ridiculously strong (again, rescue bots are just built that way. super strength is very important)
heatwave is ultra magnus's and hot rod's/rodimus's kid (he was raised by them)
rescue bots (official ones, not blurr and salvage) are exclusively cold constructs. they have to be manufactured to achieve the abilities necessary for their line of work (super strength+speed, outliers, olfactory sensors, different optic types, ability to scan extra alt modes, etc.)
after rid2015 the bee team was trained by the rescue bots to become rescuers (this is canon)
at some point before rba heatwave sorta became everyone's boss. pretty much every cybertronian of significant influence listens to him or works for him. this happened in a similar way as how he became his team's leader (on accident and because he just naturally takes charge)
the original four rescue bots are ambassadors to earth and technically all have government jobs but they just also do other stuff (teachers at the academy, rescuers, god knows what else)
game night, movie night and karaoke night are sacred traditions to the team and are taken extremely seriously. hightide refused to look at salvage for a month over a game of scrabble. optimus and bumblebee have both been forced to join in multiple times.
way more but that's where imma stop this post for now
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nrilliree · 4 months
Hot take for some but Aegon II is as dog shit if not even worse of a father than Viserys. The fandom can try to retcon him into this doting daddy or “girl dad” fantasy but reality is he was awful to and responsible for the suffering of both his true born and bastard children. A loving father doesn’t let his children have their teeth filed to points and fight tooth and nail in Flea Bottom. A caring and protective father would have his children taken to a safe haven BEFORE his brother basically opened the door to indiscriminate bloodshed and certainly would have AFTER that danger arose. A father who truly wanted the best for his wife and children would have had a member of King’s guard protecting Helaena and the children at all times. Incase he forgot, the reason Aemond lost his eye was because all the adults were asleep at the wheel and left the kids unwatched and unguarded. So he never learned a single lesson from his father if anything he’s a mirror of Viserys in terms of complacence. Aegon only seems to show any interest in his kids (whom he constantly abandoned to go watch bastards fight to the death and hang out in brothels) after they were endangered. Que the Tony Stark “we’re the Avengers not the Pre-vengers right?” monologue.
I’m not denying that the death of Jaehaerys changes the way Aegon treats his family but it’s really so insincere for anyone regardless of team to act as if Aegon was motivated to be a good father at any point up to B&C. The fact of the matter is it was too little too late by the time he decided to care and take up the position of a “protector of his family” like the showrunners are trying to retcon. We saw who he was. He isn’t a cute sweet “girl dad” - he’s a misogynistic drunken rapist. He isn’t a “protective father” he literally left his children and wife under protected both before and after the death of Lucerys and was arrogant to think they were safe in King’s Landing. He never cared about his children until a true born son died, because he let his own bastards be abused for sport and celebrated “bastard blood spilled at war” - I mean the sheer fuckin hubris.
Now obviously the death of Lucerys and Jaehaerys were devastating but they were preventable tragedies on Aegon’s part. He was an even shittier father than Viserys and the stans can try to argue it but the facts are plain as day.
Even when discussing Rhaegar’s role in the death of Elia and his children it’s clear the Martell’s rightly place the blame on Tywin Lannister, because that’s who ultimately is responsible for their deaths. Rhaegar was also aware his father wanted them and Jaime Lannister as hostages effectively and since Aerys was the King, Rhaegar had little ability to rescue his wife and children (even if there was someone who smuggled baby Aegon out that would have been the most anyone could do). He did leave Lyanna guarded by two of the best swordsman of his age. Unlike Rhaegar tho, Aegon IS the King and the white cloaks do what HE commands. They could have flown Helaena and the kids to Oldtown where Daeron would be to protect them along with a Hightower host of guards. (If Daeron is even going to be acknowledged by the show). Aegon is responsible for both Lucerys and the resulting revenge of Blood and Cheese I wish the audience saw that more clearly.
Exactly. It's sick and incomprehensible to me that people blame Rhaenyra for Lucerys' death (!) or Lucerys for his own death (!!) just to justify the actions of Aemond and Aegon.
Lucerys was 13/14 years old when he was murdered by his 19-year-old uncle. Yes, murdered. He didn't "die by accident", but was murdered because Aemond killed him the moment he decided to chase him and set Vhagar on him. The fact that at some point Aemond realized that he screwed up and tried (very clumsily) to stop Vhagar doesn't change anything, because it's like he was trying to stop the bullet he shot at Lucerys because he was "just having fun". It was Aemond's fault and Aemond's fault alone, not Rhaenyra's or Aegon's.
Aemond flew to Storms End as Aegon's emissary. As his messenger who carries Aegon's words. And then he murdered Lucerys. And when he returned, Aegon threw a party. So from the outside it looked like Aegon was responsible for Lucerys' death by Aemond's hands.
And Aemond actions is the cause of Jaehaerys' death. Daemon sent assassins, Mysaria hired them, B&C carried out the sentence, but Aemond and Aegon were the cause. They simply did not think about the consequences of their choices once again. Aegon raped girls and… And what? And nothing. He could do whatever he wanted because his mother would always protect him. Mom won't punish him, but she will put him on the throne. And once he was on that throne, he didn't think about any consequences of what he was doing. After all, what bad thing could happen? His mother could do whatever she wanted - torment Rhaenyra, plot against her and Viserys, openly plan a coup and usurpation, and… nothing happened to her either. So why would Aegon somehow suffer for his choices? When Aemond murdered their nephew, Aegon had no idea of ​​the gravity of the situation at all. Even political. When you usurped your sister's throne and caused her to have a miscarriage, and your brother, being your messenger, killed her son - well, the last thing you do is throw a party. His mother told him all his life that Rhaenyra was a threat to him, that she and Daemon would murder their entire family for the throne… So why are he celebrating the death of her son?! Aegon openly laughed in her and Daemon's face, while not understanding the seriousness of the situation. He himself wanted to run away before the coronation because he was "scared", but he didn't even think for a moment about putting Helaena and the children on the ship so that they would be safe.
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gloomwitchwrites · 26 days
GloomWitch 3.5k 3.7k 3.8k Follower Event: Spooky Bingo
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Yeah, yeah. I know it says 3.5k. But that has come and gone. There's almost 4k of you now. Wild. Absolutely insane. I told myself that after the 1k event, the next milestone would be 3.5k. We're here folks! In fact, we're past it! Thank you so much for all your support. I hope you enjoy the lovely little event I’ve put together.
For quick navigation and filtering, "#gloomyevent" is the event tag.
Event Status: Closed
Requests will start posting on 10/1 (full schedule is below the break as requests come in).
Event Details, Rules, Examples, and the Masterlist can be found below!
Non-anon asks only. Taken prompts cannot be repeated. Available slots will be updated below. You can also double check before submitting.
Submit your request via the ask box.
Please choose from one of the following fandoms: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Skyrim, Call of Duty (age appropriate characters only).
I have the right to deny any request.
Make sure to clarify that the request is for this event. My ask box is always open and you don’t want to be lost in the mess.
Be as vague or specific as you want. Be clear on spice level (if you want any). Vague requests will get writer's creative choice.
Prompts can be interpreted as straight horror, dark comedy, spooky, spicy, or multigenre.
Example Request:
Can I request [insert prompt & info here] for the 3.5k follow event?
For Spooky Bingo, could I request [insert prompt & info here]?
Event Status: Closed
Masterlist / Prompts:
Summon a Demon: Darth Maul (Star Wars) Hansel & Gretel: Gaz and/or Soap (CoD) - 10/15 Zombie AU: Task Force 141 (CoD) - 10/21 Haunted House: Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) - 10/13 Stalker AU: Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) - 10/4 Witch AU: Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) - 10/12 Chased Through a Corn Maze: John Price (CoD) Targeted by a Serial Killer: Aragorn (LotR) - 10/22 Body Horror: Captain Rex (Star Wars) Cult Sacrifice: Thranduil (The Hobbit) - 10/11 Picked Up a Hitchhiker: Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - 10/16 Eldritch Horror: Ahsoka (Star Wars) Free Space [Any Spooky Idea]: Simon “Ghost” Riley (CoD) Vampire AU: Thranduil (The Hobbit) Trick or Treating: John "Soap" MacTavish (CoD) - 10/9 Liminal Spaces: Kylo Ren (Star Wars) - 10/7 Graveyard Keeper AU: Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) - 10/1 Imaginary Friend: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (CoD) - 10/5 Haunted Carnival: Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) Halloween Prank Gone Wrong: Merry & Pippin (LotR) - 10/23 80’s Summer Camp Slasher: Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) - 10/3 Haunted Hayride: Lord of the Rings Abducted by Aliens: Task Force 141 Werewolf AU: John Price (CoD) - 10/8 “Because You Were Home”: Star Wars
@foxxy-126 @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @singleteapot @firelightinferno
@glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@saoirse06 @ferns-fics @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett @ravenpoe67
@tulipsun-flower @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat @ninman82 @lulurubberduckie
@leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @thetaekwondofeline @nishim
@voids-universe @iloveslasher @talooolaaloolla @eternallyvenus @sadlonelybagel
@haven-1307 @itsberrydreemurstuff @spicyspicyliving @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep
@blackhawkfanatic @sammysinger04 @dakotakazansky @suhmie @kadeeesworld
@umno-yeah @padawancat97 @garfunklevibes2012 @thepetitemandalorian @mrsdurin
@kylies-love-letter @daemondoll @jackrabbitem @lovely-ateez @arrozyfrijoles23
bingo board made using Canva
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I know that Genderbending isn't a real thing anymore, but I thought it would be fun!
Tim is my favorite batbro, so I started with him.
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I chose the name Dorothy since it has the same ending as Timothy and a similar meaning. Other favorites were Tiffany and Theodora.
(Timothy: Gods Honor
Dorothy: God's Gift
Tiffany: Manifestation of God
Theodora: God's Gift)
As for her story/Timeline, I decided to throw a few things from Canon and Fanon together.
Her first memory was of her going to the circus when she was 4. Her parents had just come home from a business trip and wanted to spend some quality time with her. There she met Fanny (Female Dick) and saw the incident that killed Fanny's Parents.
She spent a few years in therapy after that.
Her hyper fixation with Batman and Robin when she was 6 after one of her live-in Nanny told her about them saving her from a robbery.
She just wanted to thank them.
At 9 years old she realized that Batman and Robin were her neighbors Bruce Wayne and Franziska Grayson.
This realization also started her career as a Baby stalker.
(The only reason why she was able to sneak out every night was because she played the role of the good and gentle rule-following Daughter to her Caretakers.)
She was 13 when she blackmailed Bruce into taking her as Robin after Jennifer (female Jason) died and Fanny wouldn't come back to Gotham.
Their relationship was rocky and cold in the beginning till Live decided to fuck her over.
At age 14 she had been captured and tortured by the Joker for a few weeks, resulting in her becoming Joker jr for months.
She only snapped out of it after her mother died and her dad went into a coma.
Despite popular belief and the fact that they spent most of their time aboard, she was close to them.
Daily phone calls and the writing of letters were their way of communication.
The Titans Tower incident happened when she was 15. (Her time as Titan started with her time as Robin)
At age 16 Lilith (female Damian) appeared and Bruce died. She became Red Robin and went on a wild goose chase to bring him back.
She laid down the mantle of the red robin and became crow after accepting Lilith as her family member/as robin.
Now to her relationship with the batfam:
Alfred: doting grandad vs granddaughter who has no sense of time and keeps on forgetting to visit.
Bruce: she still sees him as her boss, whilst he is the most parental girl dad to her.
Fanny: still looks up to her despite the feeling of hurt she still feels about her actions. Fanny just loves her little sister a lot but doesn't know how to apologize.
Barbara; she was her first celebrity crush and still adores her. Barbara enjoys spending time with her and they bonded over the whole "Joker ruined my life" thing.
Jennifer: they are surprisingly good. Dorothy used to look up at her and saw her as "her Robin". Jennifer apologized and all but begged for forgiveness after she broke out of the Pit madness.
Stephanie: Exes turned best friends. Their dating was just a try to name the close relationship that they had.
Cass: they are platonic soulmates. Twins from different parents.
Dara (female Duke): She sees her as the little sister that she always wanted. Dara wants to study her /jk. They often talk about comics and video games.
Lilith: She pittys her after having to deal with the league herself and tries to help her. Lilith hates that but has some respect for her after she brought her father home.
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sadisthetic · 4 months
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hi. this is my dnd character for toonkind dnd that i first made 7 years ago that ive recycled twice now because i wanted to finally play an ongoing campaign with him. for his third life, not only did i give him a design update, hes also has undergone a MAJOR overhaul in terms of personality and backstory tho i kept some bare basics the same (human ranger with urchin background who LOVES swords and knifes A LOT. and that he has an ambiguous age) the overhaul includes the isekai. and that hes a cunt now. but hes funnier now too lol.
im adding some more details and trivia about him under the readmore
so like if it isnt obvious the double isekai is meant to mirror the fact that i fucking played with him in 3 separate campaigns now. its part of him metatextually now lol. he was such a different guy tho. an EXTREMELY LOYAL guy. now hes significantly more selfish. and rude as hell. but hes not that to be mean or malicious. hes actually a pretty nice guy hes just extremely inconsiderate bc he prioritizes his own wellbeing most of the time. its how he had to grow up
copy pasting this tweet i wrote about him "blade at 15 was a guy that shouldve been playing halo while drinking monster but instead hes a guy stealing apples and eating mushrooms off tree bark. miraculously few instances of poisoning all things considered"
he wouldve been a fucking gamer otaku fr. he got isekaied in the mid 2000s and as a kid he fucking LOVED watching dragonball on saturday mornings. if he got to be a teen on earth, he would eventually found the anime and gaming subcommunities online BUT ALAS. he grew up trying to catch fish with his bare hands. or at least he did until he gave up quick and ate weeds.
also. despite the hardships. hes like. fine? somethings wrong with him. but its not trauma. he didnt mourn his parents much although its not like he couldve done anything with their freshly isekaied corpses when immediately hes being chased by fucking beasts. its okay they were like b-tier parents. (hes definitely not a normal person.)
he wandered the woods trying his best to survive alone and in spite of everything trying to kill him (including the shit he ate...) he ended up in a nearby(?) town and things got a bit easier after that. because he could fucking steal to eat real food now. he stayed in the woods on the outskirts of town bc no one showed grace to a thief and just dropped in every so often to swipe shit. steadily he learned forage (through sheer trial and error)
he was highkey a menace. but eventually in his late teens, a traveling party gave him an idea to like fucking. get a job. as something. he managed to make it work as a ranger/guide for hire
he fucking loves booze. he absolutely underage drank. when he could steal it. and later pay for it. and also even though he could pay for things as an adult, he still steals shit if he thinks he can get away w it (he has an absurdly (or at least pretty) high sleight of hand stat)
before he got isekai'd a second time, went through a CATASTROPHIC DIVORCE with an elf woman who he met in an expedition party who became enamored with him after he saved her life. the uh. fallout happened bc blade didnt realize (and still hasnt realized) that hes kinda aro (fundamentally did not understand her romantic intentions and thought she was just a friend wanted to hang out w him a lot. those were dates.) and his ex didnt realize how onesided it was bc she was so love with him. geez.
also. he was from arizona. hes half white half mexican. but with all the time spent not speaking spanish in a different fucking world, it made any spanish speaking skills he had atrophy to hell. it happens and it was bound to happen bc he was so young and had like no reason or opportunity to practice.
also he chose his name. he hated his lame ass name so much he was like "wait. i dont have to use it anymore." but he was 13 fucking years old. anyways he thought blade sounded cool for a name. knifedad happened later when he got his first knife. he still had a bad naming sense. he was 14.
also although his ethics are kinda wack, whats important to note is that he ultimately doesnt want anyone to like. die. its like his policy. save people that he can while trying his best to not die himself
he also has a soft spot for kids. whether hed bc a good dad is debatable but like. i think hed be a nice one
most important note: his longsword is named Darla, his dagger is named Samantha, the knife in his pack is named Nicky, and his newly acquired strange glowy sword is named lucia, and he wants a cool greatsword very very very fucking bad
i drew him in his under clothing also so that i could have a better sense for his body type when i designed his new outfit im adding it here too. he has a shitton of scars bc hes the type that pisses ppl off that they wanna shank him and also he routinely eats shit a lot. a lot of the scars in this sketch are pretty random except for one specific injury for a certain backstory event i have in mind
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posallys · 9 months
ok 1 ur desktop theme is GORG and 2 i need (if u wanna) ur thoughts about the show (or show sally in gen bc ur the only one i trust with her)
thank you!! i was actually thinking about updating it but maybe i wont 🤭🤭 and i have a lot of thoughts about the show except none only very few of them are good and i will be crucified by the 13-year-olds
im going to tell you anyway.
i will start with something i like....percy being angry. like yes give me the anger of a 12 year old who feels utterly alone in the world and doesn't understand (or does and it makes him more angry)
the fight scenes are dog shit. the only kind of cool one was in the arch but it was only cool because of percy doing the bait and switch and falling through the arch...the fights are bland boring sucky whatever other synonym you wanna use
uhhhhh sally jackson is not and would never be sitting in the rain pining of the god she told to leave....and especially not to teen pop...if she WERE going to act like a 16 year old and do the pining thing it would be to fucking like...billy joel and ricky martin and donny hathaway and stuff llike that okay...
i will preface this by saying that yes i understand that talking back to an abuser the way sally does in ep 1 doesn't make the abuse less abusive....however i DO not like the fact that that scene explicitly goes against sally characterization in the books....i am not digging my book out atm but the part where percy is like "my mother has never raised her voice or said an unkind word to anyone"....me thinks the writers all read the books 10 years ago and are going off of memory alone + or their brains are so clouded by the obsessive Big Screen Need to make women a badass girlboss slay queen i fucking hate it here
LET ANNABETH BE SILLY AND FUNNY AND CUTE AND CRY AND NOT BE AN ADULT THANK YOU....hated that they made annabeth the one to realize that it was medusa and not grover...give me back grover having to wrangle percy and annabeth into backpack leashes just to keep them on task/stop them from wandering off...book trio i miss you
i absolutely ADORE leah, walker, and aryan though the three of them are so so perfect, A+ casting no notes couldn't have done it better myself. if it weren't for the three of them i would have zero hope for the show i cannot lie...they're carrying. without them it's just..bad.
the pacing???? bad.
why did we waste half of the 4th ep on the train with echidna...stupid dumb pointless i hate it here
i do like the whole not all monsters are monsters and the gods aren't inherently good just because they're gods thing they've got going on though...very inch resting...silently hoping that they do a complete 180 and have percy side with luke and redo the series from there because that would be iconic as fuck <3 a girl can dream because at least then i could take the show at face value and not take 80 health damage every time they mess up a key part of the books...im at -29834 heath rn.
where was the time at chb before the quest??? the oh so important vital scene where luke teaches percy to sword fight???? like BRO that's soooooooooooo important to ME how could you get rid of that
not having annabeth show percy around camp
additionally, not having annabeth feed him the nectar and ambrosia, WHICH BY THE WAY they haven't even mentioned in the show yet...plot armor gone rip
not the fredrick chase sympathy while simultaniously blaming the woman...........rick when i get my hands on you...
annabeth having to EARN thalia's love??? absolutely not probably one of their biggest fuck ups fr.
the scene where sally is talking about Poseidon to percy...i do not like it sam i am. bad. not wistful enough not longing enough not sad enough not gut wrenching enough...also not completely here for sally telling percy that his dad was a god because....sallys whole thing was NOT telling him in order to keep him safe...i know they changed it in the show so sally knew he was going to camp immediately but that does not mean i have to like it
the scene with sally and percy in the pool. i hated everything about that. sally would never talk to percy like that never talk to him about money never make it seem embarassing NOT TO MENTION that percy simply wasn't scared of the water. that's stupid as fuck. theres a part in the book where percy literally says being by the water calms both him and his mom like...come the fuck on just admit you can't fucking read or at least didn't read the book.
sally annabeth get behind me so they cant hurt you anymore
i did loveeeee percy praying to sally though...absoutely insane and true of them. also the "I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" yesss baby you tell them about your mommy!!!!!!
them making athena moa level bad in tlt is quite interesting. setting up annabeth siding with percy pretty well.
also the whole impertinence thing over medusa's head was weird to me. when annabeth first said that i had immediately thought that annabeth's impertinence was telling percy to pray to poseidon IN ATHENA'S TEMPLE bc that made much more sense to me...but whatever
the annabeth/medusa parallel is intriguing at the very least
the underwater scene with the neraid was cool even though i hated the parallel to the pool scene w/ sally.
the dumbass pinecone fate line. 0/10 did you read the book? did you pay attention to how empathetic and reflective percy was when he found out about thalia?
honestly....i think disney was just the wrong place to go with this show because it's like what...pg? it should be pg 13 and should have more... sustenance.
this medusa was so cool though. which we could've seen a fight.
i need to know how many women are in the writer's room though...because It Does Not Look Good. funny how the characters that they're fucking up are all women....crazy. weird. totally coincidental.
are we just not going to talk about the vitality and pressure of getting the bolt back on time? where is the inherent inevitable danger, the suspense, the fear of not accomplishing a seemingly impossible talk looming over everything
this is 10000% not all of my thoughts but im not going to rewatch in order to collect them all so this is what you get xoxox
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sturnad · 6 months
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About me: Im a thirteen year old student in primary school. Im probably the loudest and weirdest person in my town. I love to write and i do ice skating. + do not judge my writings im just getting started so be nice hoes.
Music taste: Drake, Yeat, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, Chase Atlantic, Lil Peep, Lil Wayne, Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, The weeknd, Billie Eillish, Melanie Martinez, Madison Beer, Lana Del Rey, SZA, Cigarettes after sex, TV girl, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, 2pac, Lil skies, 50cent, NLE CHOPPA, Lil Tecca...
Favorite song: meddle about by Chase Atlantic
Movies/series: shameless, young sheldon, white chicks, anyone but you, too hot to handle, norbit, matilda, twilight, never have i ever, gossip girl, gilmore girls, ginny and georgia, outer banks, mean girls, xo kitty, stranger things, you, insatiable, dahmer, how to ruin christmas, lucifer,...
My fav movie is probably white chicks but series/tv show is def shameless, hands down.
Fav youtubers: the triplets ofc, beta squad, jake & johnnie, tara yummy, larray, sidemen, amp..
Fav food: pasta, ceasar salad, pomegranate...
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I will write: smut, fluff, angst, ill write smut only for Matt and Chris. If i get any requests i can also write snaps you would get from Nick/Matt/Chris...Go wild with the requests, you wont be judged here.
I will not write: pregnancy, threesomes (if not requested), incest, sa, Nick with a female partner..
If you do not like to read anything that contains sexual activity just keep scrolling past anything marked with ♣.
I am new here so i dont get around so well but im trying my best.
+ plus i do not get around with hard words so please dont come for me-- (English is not my first language, im from Slovenia..)
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Just some rules and all so everyone is on the same page:
•dont steal fics, stories, snaps..
•if you dont like the fact that im a 13 year old writing smut scroll and argue with the wall.
•if you dont like the fic itself just do not read it. simple as that.
•dont leave hate
•and have fun..
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•Requests are open. And also feel free to ask or say anything...
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all-pacas · 2 months
i think private lives might be The best episode of house??
BE NOT AFRAID can you believe wilson’s porno was like the third most interesting thing in this episode. can you believe not a single person in the hospital didn’t watch it and doesn’t respect wilson enough to not let him know that
speed dating!!! everyone crying to wilson about cancer. i bet the numbers he got just wanted consults. two people gave house they number and i want to know who and why. CHASE and his awful american accent and immediate existential crisis
“god you’re pretty” — normal boss employee relationship
absolute birth of the chase-13 relationship/best friends/siblings thing. she tells him to go suck dick. he tries to manwhore his way into borrowing her car. they manage to have a sincere and honest conversation but also the hilarity of 13’s “the fact that my first love was 30 should have been a red flag.” obsessed with these two
wilson and chase scheming together! rare pair!! is this the first time they’ve ever spoken?? and what do they speak about?? house. wilson turning to chase for manipulation tactics. chef’s kiss
chase knowing house to an absurd level of detail from the bookie he uses to the times he wears his glasses. and is only interested in using this power for evil
wilson dropping his revenge prank because of house’s daddy issues. house printing a banner for the lobby about wilson’s porn
the birth of Dumb Whore Chase. can you believe this man thought people were attracted to his personality. his PERSONALITY
something insane about chase reaching out unknowingly to house’s biological father and probably having a nice conversation about god with him when house has not spoken to him and Can not
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What you say to this
Let's debunk all the lies:
1 - "Kataang is one-sided" We literally hear Katara talk about how he gives her hope in the begining of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, she canonically starts thinking of him as potential boyfriend instead of just a friend right in the middle of the first season (and after it we never see her having a crush on another boy like say Jet), the kiss on the cave at the start of season two is HER idea and she clearly enjoyed it, she is visibly upset when he's pulling away from her after Appa's kidnaping, her rage at his death is a clear parallel both to Tui and La as well as Oma and Shu, she is jealous when he's paying attention to other girls and flirting with him, she clearly liked the kiss during the Invasion even if she didn't see it coming, she threated to murder Zuko if he ever hurt Aang again, and even in the Ember Island fiasco she full on says to Aang that what her actress said about her only seeing him as a little brother is not true.
2 - "The age/maturity gap makes it weird" It's literally the same age gap as Zutara. It's TWO years, not twenty. Katara likes having fun and goofing around just as much as Aang does. Aang steps up and embraces his responsibilities just as much as she does when he discovers what the Fire Nation did to the world, and his people. Honestly, despite being older, Zuko is the least mature of all three - hell, 16-year-old Zuko is less mature than 13-year-old Zuko, which makes perfect sense because his abuse and banishment made him double down on all of his flaws, mainly his stubborness and tendency to lash out in rage.
3 - "They spent the second half of book 3 always fighting and disagreeing" They literally were only in conflict during The Southern Raiders, Ember Island Players, and then on the first episode of a four-part saga. Three episodes out TEN. Katara and Zuko meanwhile spent 5/6 of the entire series being enemies, AND she only forgave him when there was only ONE more episode left until the finale.
4 - "Zutara doesn't have any real red flags" Ya know, besides the fact that Zuko's nation and family commited genocide against Katara's people, and that he believed that was 100% okay, and that he chased her and her friends all over the world being openly hostile and violent, and he once hit her so hard it knocked her out cold, and he constantly calls her a peasant because he's very classist AND racist to the point of not recognizing her father's authority/status, and he attacked her when she offered to heal his uncle and then again in Ba Sing Se after she thought they had bonded, him helping Azula in battle was why she got to murder Katara's best friend and then he also sent an assasin after the Gaang to finish/repeat the job, and after all that he still felt entitled to her forgiveness after he was accepted into the group. Once again: this is why no one takes zutarians seriously. They love bragging about their ship being "complex and intriguing" then try to completely negate canon because for all their talk about "calling out abuse in Kataang/Maiko", they are, at their core, enablers.
5 - "Zutara was part of Ehasz's vision for book 4" No, it wasn't, and the man said so himself. He liked Mai and Maiko, and wrote lots of Kataang episodes. He has repeatedly let everyone know that the supposed interview in which he talks about how Bryke forced Kataang to happen at the last minute is FAKE.
6 - "We didn't get book 4 because Bryke wanted a movie" Bryke didn't really WANT the Shyamalan movie, but Nickelodeon, their bosses, wanted money. They literally walked out on the production because they were unhappy with it. They were OFFERED to make season four, but didn't feel it was necessary and stuck to three - and while I don't think that was the best choice, it still worked and it was a decision fully divorced from any movie deal or ship war.
7 - "People get angry at mention of zutara despite there being nothing wrong with the ship itself (besides not being canon)" Literally no one is obligated to like a ship just because YOU think it's perfect, and that kind of entitlement, the "I'm better/smarter than everyone else" complex, combined with all the lies, is exactly why people tend to hate the SHIPPERS and by extension the ship itself.
Admiting that zutara has always been pure fanon and that it isn't for everyone doesn't mean you have to stop liking it. Quit acting like a spoiled child, go enjoy your ship in peace, and respect other people's right to be indifferent to it or actively disliking it. Their personal preference is not a personal attack against you, stop treating it as such.
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catflowerqueen · 6 months
So I’ve seen a lot of Chaos Avatar Zuko fics that at least bring up the fact, if they don’t outright capitalize on it, that Zuko is sitting on a loophole with his new status—that Ozai just ordered him to “capture the avatar” but didn’t necessarily specify which avatar, so basically he could legally wander back into the Fire Nation at any point after merging with Vaatu… but that is typically only brought up a little bit after the merge. And generally speaking, unless the merge happens in his early childhood, for whatever reason, it seems like most of the time the reason Zuko chooses to merge is specifically because he wants Vaatu to help him look for Aang/the avatar in exchange for letting Vaatu out of the tree and getting him closer to Raava—who is obviously with Aang.
But… consider an AU where Zuko actively goes looking for Vaatu after coming across the story of Wan during his research into avatars as part of his banishment (possibly after a visit to Wan Shi Tong’s library, if he managed to get there before Zhao burned the place and ruined it for everyone else). Unlike Unalaq, though, his goal in becoming an avatar is specifically to capitalize on the loophole that his father never specified which avatar to capture.
One can assume he did this because he thought it would be “easier.” Possibly he realized the banishment quest was a fool’s quest, but less in the “my father never meant for me to return” way, and more in the “my father was just underestimating himself, because if he didn’t succeed in his own search, then it means the avatar probably just isn’t around anymore” way. (Going with the idea that “searching for the avatar” might have just been something royals tended to do as a “coming of age” thing after Sozin died, and that both Iroh and Ozai also did their own searches at one point without ever seriously thinking they might find anything).
Also one can assume he had no concrete plans for what to actually do as the “Chaos Avatar” aside from returning home, because he still would have been, like, 13 or 14 and blinded by love for his father.
Vaatu, in this case, would possibly be slightly weirded out/stunned by how earnestly naïve Zuko is being about this situation, but would possibly find the situation at least mildly amusing and would definitely sense the chaos that Zuko would unintentionally unleash if Vaatu actually agreed to do this—in addition to just being sick of his imprisonment and wanting to be let out of the tree ASAP—and so would just go along with it basically for the lolz and spend most of his time watching everything while munching on a metaphorical bowl of popcorn.
Zuko would then proceed to go on a quest to master all four elements so he would actually be able to prove to Ozai that he is, in fact, an “avatar, master of all four elements” and then when Aang eventually emerged would still proceed to chase him around… specifically because he is an airbender, and Zuko still needs to learn airbending before he can return home.
It would not occur to him at any point during this chase that he could just try to capture Aang, the actual, original avatar, to fulfill the terms of his banishment.
At least not until after Ozai gets defeated and Zuko comes to terms with how bad of a father, leader, and person he is.
Iroh would probably try to spin it as some sort of metaphor/proverb about how shortcuts aren’t really shortcuts and one needs hard work and determination to succeed. Possibly even throwing in the Avatar World’s equivalent of the story of the tortoise and the hare, or something.
And Vaatu would probably do the equivalent of pointing and laughing at Raava at some point, while she does the equivalent of facepalming.
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