#tfrb boulder
beastieblooddd · 3 days
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Chat idk how to feel about it but here...
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annabelle-creart · 1 day
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“How much time did they say we would have to be down here?” Blades asked, while walking from one side to the other of the little spot on the ground.
“´till that… gost… get out of the island” Boulder reply, thinking about their weird pronunciation since the floor, they had been playing with the dirt since they came to the place.
“As we´ve been informed, this artificial volcano is so insecure, tiny and hidden that those people would never get here,” Heatwave remembered, also in the floor with Boulder “as long as we´re silent.”
“But what if that´s not enough?”
“We will not know it till they here” Chase noted on the other side of the tiny cave, just enough big for them “now, it´s late, we should rest” he said while patting the floor and getting comfy on it “I could get accomplished to this.”
“How are you thinking in sleep right now?” Blades protested, throwing her servos through the air “We´ve been asleep Primus knows how much time! We had lost an entire war!”
“I´m talking seriously!” she shouted “this conflict had already taken away from us part of our families but at least we were there, or we could pray for them! Who else we had lost while we were on that fragging ship? Hence? First Aid? Solaris? Who else is dead and we hadn´t notice?!”
“Blades, I know is hard,” Heatwave got up with glinting optics “but it doesn´t matter how many questions we have, we will not receive answer!”
“We could save them!”
“Or we could had died just like all of them”
The plan is going well and as expected, except for Bulkhead’s stady, but the bots are not feeling safe. Chapter 2 Arrival to Earth, part 2 is on the link
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frosty-tian · 2 months
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Unveiling the full piece I did for @turbofox-zines!
It was an absolute pleasure to have been part of a zine with so many amazing/skilled individuals (please do make sure to support everyone else’s entries as well), and very much shall participate any future events hosted by the team!
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astrangeavenue · 2 months
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fanart of a post i like
without text:
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i wish we got to see the rescue bots interacting with the decepticons and being met with fear. but like the fear is from the decepticons tho
also the chaos that comes with the rescue bots having no sense of self preservation/awareness and being blunt as shit. like these guys are probably just as mean if not meaner (heatwave pls chill) than the decepticons. they bitch at each other more than any other team for sure, and they do it to everyone around them too.
knockout keeps getting roasted bc of his vanity. heatwave wont stop doing starscream’s voice perfectly and using it to mock him. chase just told megatron his ship is in terrible condition and does he even take care of it? boulder accidentally implied shockwave’s experiments are ridiculous. blades intentionally implied that right after tho so everyone forgot about boulder. soundwave is losing his shit bc how did he not detect these guys, they flew under his radar, lazerbeak no dont play with the firetruck he's crazy and so is the dog.
after everyone calms down a little the decepticons realize they really like these bots (especially bc starscream hates them) (heatwave please stop doing the voice its really good but still) and they start vibing. megs offers them some cocaine dark energon to snort look at. breakdown lobs with heatwave and loses his shit when he realizes this little guy is way better than him (he learns hw was a champion and loses it even more). blades tries to hang out with dreadwing but that guys really scares him so he ends up following the others around. chase tries to educate the vehicons on their workers rights (they mostly zone out because he kept talking for like three hours). boulder does upgrades on their ship and becomes friends with soundwave and shockwave for being chiller and smarter than the others (hes the wave whisperer or something).
optimus is understandably losing his mind at this new development (no, megatron, you cannot “borrow” the rescue bots for a few days. wha— NO you can’t have SHARED CUSTODY!) (he’s worried about his kids). this is how the other autobots learn about the rescue bots too. bumblebee can’t stand knockout’s constant references to him and blades (“we’re JUST FRIENDS knockout. don’t look at me like that”)
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justxplosions · 17 days
So there's rumors of a new Transformers show in the works and all I have to say is-
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🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️Bring my boys back🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ adapt them pleasepleasepleaseplease. 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ Bring the protectobots too I would love to see new iteration of them both.
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Boulder but tiny and give him a frog flowerpot!!
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signanothername · 9 months
Who broke it Rescue bots edition
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transingsomeformers · 2 months
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old silly stuff from my folders/discord convos with friends i never got around to finishing or posting till now
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autism-autobot · 10 months
Heatwave: "So, how are you liking peace time 'Bee? I know you haven't experienced it much before."
Bumblebee: "I'm sorry, what time?"
Boulder: "Peace time, you know, what it's like when there isn't a war happening?"
Bumblebee: *processing information*
The Entire Rescue Team: *worried silence*
Bumblebee: "THERE'S A WORD FOR NOT-WAR TIME???!!!🤩"
The Entire Rescue Team: *stunned silence*
Blades: "You need ten thousand hugs and therapy."
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whatwooshkai · 2 months
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the rescue dinobots‼️‼️
(thanks to @frosty-tian for bringing my attention to these adorable designs)
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oldeubagel · 1 month
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redraw using my gijinkas (Og image under the cut)
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robocatfan · 2 months
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The rescue bots zine gave me nostalgia
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frosty-tian · 30 days
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Doodle at 7am (before I finally go sleep) where they’re trying to convince you/themselves things would be okay.
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ajtheram · 9 months
Sooooo I made a little something-
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i think we all are under appreciating just how dumb the rescue bots were. like yeah they’re really good at their jobs but they were plain useless for almost everything else.
heatwave deadass could not even read a math problem. like he for real held the book upside down and tried to read it out loud like that. he even said the words "upside down two" and didn't get what the issue was. graham had to flip the book over for him to get it.
blades suggested retractable buildings as a way to stop humans from getting stuck on top of buildings. boulder had to point out that if those were a thing they’d crush everyone inside. he also claimed the earth holiday with the "lit up tree" is arbor day.
chase became mayor. he sucked. single-handedly he almost blew up all of griffin rock because of his bad decisions and he also lost the keys to all the public spaces. he quit on his first day and everyone cheered because he was that bad.
boulder decided to break into a zoo at night to surprise the team with a pet. his second suggestion after realizing he couldn't use his electronic scan to open the cage was to shut the power off. and cybertron definitely had pets so he has no excuses here.
my point is the rescue bots are so incredibly stupid and that's why everyone loves them and treats them like very small children.
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