#and he has mommy and daddy issues
izaiaiza · 4 months
When I say I like men, I mean these men. The crossover you all never expected.
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revehae · 2 months
are yall gonna be mad at me if i say i have another white boy on my roster
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sydneighsays · 7 months
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I love him so much. He's my favorite (probably) mass murderer with Christmas tree hair ❤️❤️❤️🧚‍♀️✨💅🏼
I have even more pictures of him on my Instagram 💀💀💀 My brain is mush.
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gauloiseblue · 6 months
If I were a good man / I'd understand the spaces between friends
(König × Reader)
I'm a sucker for a childhood friend AU, but combined with the obsessed, loyal dog AU? I'm gone. I'm further than gone.
Words: 4.7k
König isn't the type of man who believes in superstitions, but he'll never buy you shoes.
It's something that's been engraved in him, since he saw his mother leave the house, with the shoes he bought for her. She only looked over her shoulder once, watching him with tears before she turned away, and never came back.
His father was an angry man, and all he did when he went to an empty home was to blame him.
The scars that his father left on his body weren't as painful as the wound that his mother left in his heart. She abandoned him. Leaving him with an angry man in the house.
Sometimes, when he wasn't busy loathing, and resenting his mother, he brood over the choices that she made. Why she abandoned him. Why she didn't take him with her.
Yet what came was an echo, and he found himself biting his lip until it bled.
He carried his feelings around, to the point that it's clear for anyone to see. People began to avoid him, though some of them would tease him for the things he didn't have.
And all of them would end up with a broken bone.
He was trouble. He was hideous, inhuman, and it's only natural for people to look away from him.
That was, until he met you.
It was horrible for both of you, since you both were like oil and water. But you had no choice, since the teacher assigned you as a volunteer to help him with his grade.
He didn't hide his vexation when you tutored him, and he knew you're holding back your irritation inside. It was hell, but it was him who fed the fire. You were patient, but you had your limit. He knew it'd come to an end someday, but it came not in the way he expected.
It was the fifth day of your lesson, and the day you resigned as a volunteer. He couldn't remember exactly what he said, but it made you snap as you slam your fist on the table.
"I'm sorry that you have a shitty life and sorry your mother left you, but have you ever been kind to your mother when she's still around?"
He snapped back at her, telling her it's none of her business, but when she left him, something clicked in him.
Have you ever been kind to your mother?
Just like the wind, she swept away the mess, letting him see what's underneath. It's not always an echo, it's not always a wall, he just needed to take a step back and see.
It was disorienting, as if he had learnt something forbidden—something that's only reserved for the watcher in the sky. But he did, and it's all because of her.
Have you ever been kind to your mother?
Have you ever been kind to the one who held your hand?
You held his hand, you pulled him from the dark place, and all he did was to make you leave. Just like what he did to his mother.
Several days after the fight, he came to you with a silence that's strange. You thought he was possessed when he muttered out the word sorry.
"I'm sorry." He mused as he kept his face turned from you.
You heard your friends gasping, while you tried to make sense of the situation.
"Should I get on my knees when I apologize?"
"No—" Your eyes widened when he hunched down, "Of course not! Let's uh, let's talk somewhere else. You and I."
You pushed him out of the crowd, and into the empty room. In the space full of unfinished art, he confessed his mistakes, and all the things that he did wrong to you. You gaped at him when he bowed down, with a honesty that you didn't know existed.
He was given a second chance when you accepted his apology, and he saw it as a way of repentance.
The two of you became friends, despite of the strange dynamics that you both shared. Your friends teased you when he's around, saying that he's more of a guard dog than a friend. You'd explain in fluster that it's not true, that he just wasn't used to having someone around, but he didn't deny it. He did follow you around after all.
When you helped him with his study, he quickly found that he's weak academically—except for history. He didn't know what drew him into the topic, but he's always fascinated by great events, including war.
Perhaps that's the reason why he joined the military.
When he told you about his plan, you were quiet as you listened.
"I'm glad you've found your way," You commented, "You'll certainly fit in in no time."
He looked at you, as he sensed a continuation.
"But…" You sighed, as you rubbed your neck, "I just… don't want you to get hurt. You've suffered enough, and I don't want you to go through it again." You shook your head, before giving him a smile, "But it's your future, I don't have a say in this."
The silence filled the room as you looked away, and he kept his eyes on you, before he reached out to touch your hand. "It's the only thing I knew I'd do it right. I don't have any talent, and I don't live a normal life, so," He squeezed your hand, "It's the only way for me."
You pressed your lips into a thin line, as you didn't say anything further.
The night he's leaving for the army, he walked aimlessly, before his feet carried him to your home.
Your window was closed, and the lights were dimmed. You might’ve been sleeping, but he wanted to see you for the last time. He picked up a pebble by his boot, and threw it to your window. Carefully, as to not break the glass.
That was the only time he's been the softest. In his hand, everything breaks. But that night, the window didn't shatter.
You peeked through the curtain, before you pushed it open upon seeing his face. You stare at him, dumbfounded, as you asked him the obvious question.
"What are you doing here?" You hissed.
"I wanted to see you." He replied.
"It's late, my parents will kill you if they see you here."
"Won't be a problem."
You were ready to scold him, before he suddenly jumped, and grabbed on your window railings. You closed your mouth as you watched him climb, before he landed on your floor.
"You're crazy."
"I've heard it a million times."
"No, you're really crazy. You're insane, mad, not—"
"—right in the head?" He grinned, "Call me something else."
You let out a long sigh, as you pressed your hand against your forehead.
"Alright." You huffed, "Why are you here? Are you trying to scare me before you leave?"
"I told you I wanted to see you."
"And why did you want to see me?" You tilted your head, "Is this a goodbye?"
"No." He replied as he leaned against your window, "I wanted to say thank you."
You raised your brow when he said it.
"I'd still be in the dark if I never met you." He told you with ease, as if it wasn't a confession of the heart, "Thank you. I mean it."
He didn't say anything, as the words sinked into you. Your face softened, as the tension melted away from your body. He was surprised when you pulled him into a hug, but didn't utter any complaint.
"I'm happy for you." You murmured against his chest, "Write me a letter, okay?"
He said yes to a promise he never fulfilled.
It's not that he didn't want to write to her, he just thought that it's never good enough. He wasn't good at talking, moreover retelling his day in a letter.
It didn't mean he carried no guilt in his heart. It was a promise, something that he should've kept after all. But his days were terrible, he was terrible.
He couldn't pass the sniper's test, he made several mistakes in the missions, and he couldn't make any friends. It was when he's away from you that he began to appreciate your company. You put him at ease, and he never felt the need to hide himself. He could say what he wanted, and you'd just scold him if it's wrong, but you didn't leave him. You didn't treat him like a plague.
Sometimes when he felt weary, he'd imagine you beside him, telling him about your day instead. He wondered what you're doing, and how you're feeling that day. He wondered if you're reading a new book, or you're getting ready to sleep. It comforted him when he kept the phantom of you by himself.
He didn't count the day, and he just let it pass. One or two times, he thought of you when it's holiday. He wanted to go back, but he didn't have home anymore. He left it the day he went to the military, never to return.
He always hoped you'd send a letter to him, telling him about your thoughts, even the most insignificant. He wanted to hear from you, just so he knew you're still thinking of him.
Unfortunately for him, he heard about you from other people.
He was on a rescue mission when he met his former classmate, the one he broke his nose in a fight. He spoke to him like a friend, and treated the incident as something that's in the past. He told him about the school, and the update about their classmates.
That's when he found out about your relationship.
He didn't hear the rest of it, as his ears were ringing. He knew you weren't his, but he couldn't help but feel betrayed. Was that the reason why you never wrote to him? Because you're too busy with your boyfriend?
That day, he almost failed the ops because he went on a rampage.
It was supposed to be a quiet mission. Secure the site, and escort the hostages out. But he rammed through the door, and killed everyone on sight. Though he didn't harm the hostages. He received a penalty from his General, and he's never again received a delicate mission.
But he's a strong man, he could easily take down the whole squad if he's angry enough. His anger was just like his father's, violent, and combustible, and it was a boon in volatile battlegrounds.
It earned him a higher rank faster than his peers. Since he was efficient, despite of him destroying everything in his wake.
Years went by, and he began to forget about his hometown. Until one letter arrived, informing him about the death of his father.
It had been foreseen, since the amount of alcohol he consumed could rival the sailor's.
He didn't want to go back, but he had to tie up loose ends if he wanted to be completely free from his father.
His hometown was still the same, except for a few stores that had closed, and a few of the new ones. His house didn't undergo any change, it's still messy, with bottles and bottles scattering around the floor.
His father died on the sofa in the living room, and he could still see him there, sitting down, drinking himself to death. There's no longer an angry man in the house, but his rage still lingered in the room. As if refusing to pass.
They said when you're worn out, you'd seek comfort just as you seek fire in the winter. So when he walked out of the house, aimlessly and unthinking, he found himself striding to your house, unconsciously.
He's never a lucky man, but that day, the Goddess smiled at him. You were just about to leave when you saw him by the gate. He saw your frowned, before your eyes lit up as you recognized him.
"I told you to write me letters, you bastard."
He opened his mouth to answer, but you already pulled him into a hug, interrupting him from replying.
"Welcome back." You told him as you squeezed his arms.
Since then, he has spent more time with you more often. Whether by talking, or enjoying each other's company. She helped him with the paperwork, as he was busy with his father's burial. When it's all over, he told her his desire to sell the house.
You opposed it at first, before he explained that he's planning to move his home. His house was old, and there's several new apartments around. He was alone, and he wouldn't stay for long, so a little room would be enough for him.
He ended up buying a smaller house, for you he was convinced that he'd find the use for it someday. And he did, he did find it when he looked at you.
But he was afraid. Afraid that you'd reject him despite of your current status. You weren't dating anyone at that time, and it should be easy for him to enter your life. Yet all he offered, was for you to use the house.
"I'll be gone for months, so I need someone to take care of the house." He said, "Why don't you live there? It's closer to your college, isn't it?"
It was a good offer, but you refused it politely. Saying that it's not necessary, that you didn't need that. The next morning, he went back to the base, feeling dejected, wondering if he should've been braver.
This time, he kept his promise. He wrote letters to you, although it'd take about 3 months before he could write more than five sentences. Sometimes they'd talk through phones, and he'd listen to your rambles about your day. When he talked, he mostly told you about his job. He was cocky about it, but you pulled him down to the ground somehow. He didn't realize it, until all of his teammates pointed it out to him.
He didn't come back at Christmas, and he spent his time lounging around the empty base. You were busy that day, but you made time to call him in the evening. It was short, but it was the nicest thing someone ever did to him. And when you hung up, he stared at the phone for minutes, wondering if he should've just gone home instead.
When you graduated from college, he took his day off to attend the ceremony. You were surprised, but glad nonetheless. Your family was present as well, and they shot him funny looks every time you talked to him. It wasn't until your father leaned in to talk, that he found out the reason for it.
If he said that he should stay away from you, he'd believe it. But the way he spoke, and—Lord help him—implied that you're interested in him almost sounded like a ruse. He stared at your old man as if he's gone mad, but when he turned his head towards you, his heart was burning. How easy was it, to be consumed by greed upon hearing a just few words.
He wanted it to be true, he desperately wished it to be true. But once again, he left with his feelings kept.
He wanted to rip his hair off, as he screamed into the pillow. You liked him, didn't you? Wouldn't it be easier for him to ask you? To have you by his side?
In that moment, he swore to himself that he'd do it the next time you both met. Because he wouldn't forgive himself if someone else took you before him. So he swallowed his pride, and asked for advice.
He expected his teammate to laugh at him, but to his surprise, they were very eager to give him one. Though most of them strayed from the topic.
When he first flirted with you, his hands were cold, and if they were talking face to face, she'd be able to see how much of a mess he was. Even when you noticed the tremble in his voice, you didn't say anything. He only did it for a week, before he settled with calling you Schnecke.
It wasn't until he was listed for a long mission, that you called him for a question.
"Hey." He could hear the uncertainty in your voice when you muttered, "Does the offer still stand?"
He almost asked her for it, before the realization struck him.
It was about his house.
His body turned stiff, as he felt the warmth in his loins. He was silent, and you began to think that it was a bad idea.
"Forget it, you don't have to ans—"
"Yes." He breathed out, "Yes, it still stands."
From that day on, you began to live in his house. He had to send the key via mail, which arrived three days later, according to the letter you wrote for him.
It felt… strange, pleasantly strange, knowing that you lived under his roof, filling his house with your things. He'd feel his skin heated up, as he pictured you on his bed, sleeping. At night, he dreamt of you in the house. Just you and him, doing a mundane routine, and even in the middle of the battlefield, he still couldn't get the image out of his mind. But why should he? It was everything that he ever dreamt of.
When the long mission came to an end, he visited his commander's office to request a month off. His boss was perplexed, but it was soon granted, in exchange for his contribution in a Tier 2 mission.
It was past midnight, when he arrived at home. You must've been startled when he knocked on the door, since you opened it with the latch still intact.
You helped him with his things as he stepped inside, admiring how warm his house became. There were traces of you in the living room—an empty mug, a soft blanket, and several files that you worked on before you slept. You sheepishly told him sorry as you tidied them up, but he stopped you, telling you it's okay.
"It's already late, let's just sleep."
"Go on then, I'll sleep on the sofa."
"What are you saying?" He retorted, "Take the bed. I'm not letting you sleep here."
"I can't. This is your house."
"I don't care."
"I care." You frowned.
"Schnecke." He said with a sigh, "It's either me on the sofa, or we share the bed."
He didn't mean to say it, but the words slipped out of his mouth so easily, before he fully realized it. Your mouth hung open, and all of your protests died down in your throat. He'd be horrified of it, if it's not for a burst of confidence, and a portion of sleep-deprived that made him a bit braver.
"The bed is big enough for both of us." He added.
You were hesitant at first, but you agreed on it later on.
That night, he woke up to find the side of the bed empty. Panic rose from his chest, before he sucked up a breath to calm down. He stepped out of the bedroom, and into the living room.
He found you curling on the sofa, with the warm blanket around you. He let out a sigh of relief, before silently cursed at your little escape. He scooped you into his arms, as he carried you to the bedroom.
He could see your reluctance to share the bed with him, and he understood it. He's a man, and it'd be strange for you to sleep with him on the same bed. But still, it affected him in the way he's afraid of.
You apologized to him the next morning, when he climbed up to the bar stool to watch you cook.
"I didn't know you moved me to the bed. I'm sorry, it should've been uncomfortable for you."
"It's fine." He said as he stretched, which made his joints pop, "I've had worse."
"Still, it doesn't mean you can sleep on the sofa forever."
"I don't want you to sleep on the sofa either."
"Ugh." You groaned as you placed the breakfast in front of him, "If only we could afford another bed."
You stopped on track, as he tilted his head.
"Th—" You faltered, "That's because it's our problem now. You don't want me to sleep on the sofa, and I don't want you to sleep there too. We're running in circles."
He let her have a moment, before he said, "We've figured out the solution, haven't we?"
You almost dropped your plate after hearing him speak, he observed you as your face turned red. "You must understand, I can't sleep with you on the same bed. That'd be… improper. And no, I won't let you sleep on the sofa either."
He watched you as you paced back and forth on the kitchen floor.
"Fine, we can sleep on the same bed. But we won't share the same blanket, alright?"
With that, the new rule had been set. You'd sleep on the left side, while he took the side near the wall. He used the fleece blanket, and you cocooned inside the thick bedcover. Outside the bedroom, he's the one who (begrudgingly) cleaned the house, while you took care of the food. They went to the grocery store twice a week, and they'd split the bills into two.
He quickly fell into the routine as he found the comfort of it. He enjoyed the domesticity of it, something that he never knew would fit him. Whenever they went out, he'd keep himself neutral while secretly reveled in the attention that people gave to them. He'd hold your bag, and open the door for you. He might’ve not realized it, but those gestures pushed their relationship into a strange territory—where you harbored a conflicted feeling, while he stayed blind to your frown.
Alas, everything had to come to an end. When it was time to go, he stood at the door as he teased you by asking where's his kiss. Your face turned red, and he chuckled when you stammered. He didn't expect anything out of it, but when you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, he found himself at loss at words.
Back at the base, everyone stared at him for wearing his sniper hood. But he'd rather people asking him about the mask, than the cause behind his flushed face.
As he promised, he was transferred to a new team for a difficult mission. It was a secret ops, consisting of retrieving an important document from a small terrorist group, and finding the leader's whereabouts. They've reviewed the plans several times, before they put their gears on.
When they breached the base, he was the one in the front line, with a technician beside him. They knew there'd be traps and bombs, and it should've been the technician's job to detect and disarm them. But when he barged into the main office, they missed a little bomb at the corner of the room.
He was the first to shout, and the one who took the damage. When the explosive was triggered, it went off with a deafening boom, sending shrapnels into the air.
They fulfilled the objectives, but they didn't minimize the casualties. While there's zero count in death, he and three other members suffered quite injuries.
When the doctor came, he knew he would deliver bad news. He cleared his throat, before telling him about the wounds on his face. It's quite possible that he'd suffer permanent scarring, from all the shrapnels that was dug into his skin.
He didn't know what to feel about it, except for the fact that you'd see him differently.
When he came home a half year later, his gut churned when you stared at him with wide eyes. He almost turned back, if not for your hand that reached out to him, while you softly spoke.
"What happened?" You mused, "Does it still hurt?"
He was quiet when you touched him, subtly shaking his head to reassure you.
"Oh…" You frowned as you traced the jagged scars on his cheek, "It must've been hurt."
It didn't hurt as much as he thought it'd be, but the way you looked at him that moment made him silent. He wondered if he denied it, he would end up with less amount of care.
You bought him an ointment the next day, and you told him to sit down as you put it on his skin. He told you it was unnecessary since he's healed, but you said it was for the scars.
He was moved, but troubled at the same time. The thing that you'd do and the length that you went through for him, it was… endearing, to say the least. But when you touched his face, you'd wince at the roughness of the new skin.
One night, when you spread the cream on his cheek, he asked,
"Do I look so hideous with the scars, that you want them gone?"
You stopped at your track, before you stared at him. "I don't think I understand what you're saying."
"You brought me ointment just to make them gone."
"You thought I was disgusted by them?"
He didn't answer.
"Look," You shook your head as you sighed, "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but whatever you thought about me is wrong. I—" You bit your lip, almost wanting to stop yourself from talking, "I just, I want to do something… for you. That's the least thing I could do."
He watched you look away, with a red flush creeped up across your face.
"Why?" He asked.
"Why?" You snorted, "Well, I don't know. I'm not gonna answer that."
"Do you like me, (name)?"
This time around, you were the one who stared at him.
"What are you saying—"
"Do you like me?" He repeated.
He left you speechless, tongue-tied for the question.
You didn't flinch when he touched your cheek. For whatever reason, your head turned to him instead. While your eyes searched into his.
At that moment, he forgot about his doubts and went forward to kiss you. Something that he wished he'd done years before, in your bedroom, where he said his first goodbye.
You moaned against his lips, and he growled as he pulled your body into his arms. You didn't resist him, as his hand slid under your garment.
The next morning, he woke up to you on top of him, sleeping soundly, as you quietly snored against his chest. He'd thought he's still asleep, if not for the warmth of your skin against his. When he stood up, his head throbbed, as if he had a bottle of wine last night. While he wasn't drunk, he surely felt like he did.
For a moment, he couldn't remember anything, before the memories hit him all at once. The taste of your sweat, your sweet moan, and a shudder of bliss when he first came. It all came down to him like cold water.
He wasn't an innocent man, he wanted you from the start, but he knew that, once he had walked down the path, he'd have no way to return. The rage that he felt when you weren't his, and the impulse he had when you looked at him through your lashes, they were untamed. It was out of his control, and he's afraid that he'd hurt you with his obsessiveness.
But he couldn't help it. That's just his nature.
When you woke up, you found him on the side of the bed, staring at you. And you smiled at him, so sweetly, that he wished to lock it away from anyone's eye.
And when you kissed him that morning, he felt the exhilaration and the dread of free fall. Where he'd feel the sense of freedom before the gravity pulled him toward a grave. A grave that's reserved only for him.
At that moment, he knew he had to die before you. Because he wouldn't know what to do with himself when you left first.
König doesn't believe in an old wives' tale, but he'll take away your shoes if that means he'll keep you forever.
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akanothere · 8 months
⚠️TW: War, child abuse, murder, corpses, blood and gore. If these warnings trigger you, do not read.
“They say like father, like son. But I’m better. Smarter. Much more scarier.”
(Old art from last year lmao I’m hoping to develop a full comic this year wish me luck)
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avalordream · 5 months
MC: Hey-
MC: Can I talk to you about something?
Baxter: Of course...?
MC: But, not as my boyfriend- Like a best friend!
Baxter: OH! I see now!
Baxter: ahem
Baxter: 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹~
MC: oh my god- QwQ
Baxter: 𝑅𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇:
Baxter: ✨𝑀𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝒾𝓃'𝓉 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉✨
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jez-bez · 1 month
unpopular opinion: Korn is not the baddest of bad guys
Is Korn a good guy? No. Definitely not. He, without a doubt, accepts his place in the gambling/money laundering part of his father's company. Does he have a choice, though? I don't think he does.
I've seen people talking about Korn being the bad guy, who takes advantage of Ton Kla, their Sugar Daddy arrangement, cheats on him with Fasai (which imo is NOT something he enjoys or even wants to do. I think he's being forced into it but that's for another time I guess) etc etc but I see it differently
Korn loves Ton Kla. Plain and simple. He loves him. Korn just unfortunately, like a lot of people getting raised by shitty excuses for parents, is acting and reacting in the only way he knows how. By control.
It's so clear to see.
The scene where Korn comes back to Ton Kla after two weeks, to me, speaks volumes of Korn's feelings. He's an open book right there.
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"How about I fill you in on what happened, okay?"
You can see the hope on his face. He's been gone for weeks, feels guilty about it and now he really wants to tell (his lover) where he was and what happened. I mean, he did just get promoted too (even if its into a fucked up money scheme wth). But he wants to tell Ton Kla because he's finally got time to see him again, he wants to share his hardships and joys. Like normal couples would, right?
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But then when Ton Kla doesn't want to listen, doesn't want to hear any of it, Korn gets disappointed.
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he then makes the stupidest mistake ever by assuming a fuck would fix everything. Give the boy what he usually wants and the boy will forgive him, right? right?
Ton Kla doesn't want to have sex , which tbf, after being ghosted for two weeks (and having found another toy to play with) isn't weird. I wouldn't either. Go Ton Kla for pushing him away.
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The face of realization because Korn is losing control. Not that he's had any control over anything the last few weeks, because not even his subordinates listened to him when he ordered them not to hurt Nan. In fact, I'd even say Korn is naive for believing they'd follow his order.
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And then Ton Kla drops a massive, all left over peace shattering bomb because 'his brother was killed and Korn wasn't there, Korn didn't know, Korn let him down.' <- aka Korn's inner monologue probably.
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"Who did it, Ton Kla?"
Baby tries so hard, to come up with something to do, to help. Suggesting the only things he's knows, the only things that's probably helped him: his connections through his father. And here's where people bitch about 'he didn't even ask Ton Kla if he was okay!'
listen, I know, I understand. But the man has also been through some shit, he's just reacting right now. He needs to know what happened, so he can help. So he can get that control back that he lost and desperately needs back.
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"You don't have to help me. Someone else is already helping."
And once again he gets rejected by his lover, shattering the already shattered pieces of whatever's left of his heart and patience.
Korn so badly wanted to come back to his love, his boy, to share with him what happened in the past two weeks, to finally breathe and calm down. But unfortunately, a lot has happened to Ton Kla too, who just can't handle Korn's absence and random appearance.
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"Just go."
Another rejection. Shot straight through the heart.
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Ton Kla is not playing around, that's for sure. And honestly, good on him. This is not a pity party for Korn. Both are just reacting to their feelings. Poorest little meow meows. Stuck in their own dysregulation.
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"You dare chase me away?"
That right there, is the look of a man who is hurting. Who can't believe what's happening. Knowing he fucked up and won't be allowed to fix it.
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He even stumbles out of the house! Poor Korn. I feel for him.
Korn may not be the best character, is very morally gray, but I think people shouldn't forget the home that brought him up. You become what is preached to you, and if you don't know that that is wrong, you can't change. Nothing.
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razberrypuck · 9 months
fucked up that dropping gillion off for his training was done as unceremoniously as it was btw. it wasn't some grand goodbye, they didn't do anything special that day for their little boy -- it was just gillion and his father. his sister, his mother, his grandfather, they weren't there. it was just gillion, his father, and a quiet, possibly several day long trip to the capital. it was just gillion and his father at the steps of the palace, just his father that saw the big smile on his face, heard the little boy's promises of telling them everything when he got home. no one had even bothered explaining what was going on to him. he had to figure it out on his own, when papa never came back.
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“You tell me today you believe in destiny. And back then… Did you believe back then? Oh, yes, you must have. You must have believed that destiny would bring us together. The fact you did nothing to quicken this encounter ought to be attributed to that.”
— Andrzej Sapkowski, Something More
A study of beloved J. C. Leyendecker’s Consolation for Galaxy’s Worst Mother’s Day. (Last part to render was Maul’s legs and I just needed to be done with it. Also, I’m on vacation with friends, I had food, and I’m drunk, also a little bit high. So, hm, I cut myself some slack.)
I wish we got to see a confrontation between Maul and Talzin. Some unpacking is desperately needed.
In this post I talked a bit more on the study process. If you like my stuff (and Maul, and cats), considering joining my moot there :3
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matthewsgreybubbles · 6 months
Spencer Reid, especially early seasons! Spencer, is Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood coded.
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messervixen · 13 days
TW: Internal homophobia (Walburga and Orion nothing could make me like you)
Give me Sirius Black who knew he liked Remus romantically. Who wanted to say something but was stopped by an overwhelming fear of rejection because that was what he’d known all his life (courtesy of his parents).
Sirius knew he liked Remus but anytime someone asked him how he felt he would deny it because he was terrified that it would get back to Remus and it would ruin their relationship forever.
Give me Sirius who knew how he felt about Remus but was scared of it. Scared because he’d been told it was wrong. Scared that Remus would think so too.
Sirius was scared because what Remus thought mattered. He wanted Remus to approve of him. He was scared Remus wouldn’t look at him the same way anymore.
Give me Sirius who was denying his feelings for Remus from himself too. He knew that he was in love but he wouldn’t allow himself to think it because then it would be real.
Sirius was denying his feelings to himself because he didn’t want to feel that way. He just wished he could be normal.
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absolute-decay · 1 month
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I know it's going to be a while but I just cannot wait to hear Kai's pathetic ugly crying voice acting. It's either going to make me cry or laugh or maybe both at the same time. I just need a voice to this panel.
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mintaikk · 1 year
Love that scene in Pokemon Scarlet (and Violet but I played Scarlet) where the protagonists were in Area Zero and describing their parents, and Penny is like "Omg, my dad's so annoying! He gives me annoying names like Pen-Pen," and Nemona is like, "I grew up in a rich family, and my parents gave me a lot of freedom but still made sure to care for me," and then Nemona tells Penny about how nice the protagonists mom is, and then Arven, with his fucked up parents, is just watching like:
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thattripleabattery · 1 year
Newt: has anyone ever told you they love you
Hermann: do my parents count
Newt: yeah
Hermann: then no
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littlefankingdom · 8 months
Bitches be like: I will refuse any canon evidence or interpretation that Bruce Wayne is a bad father. I don't care, it's not happening, because Batman is my childhood's hero and I have daddy issues.
It's me, I'm bitch.
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entropiasgift · 1 year
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"Dear me, whatever shall we do with mother?"
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