#and a tiny pretty bird boy gremlin
upwards-descent · 7 months
Explaining why Ken would be so good for Astarion made my partner and I realize Ken would also be great with my partner's Tav lmao maybe I'll draw it for laughs
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bittybat28 · 10 months
(SOME NSFW stuff 18+)
(Warnings: some sex stuff, mentions of blood)
(I am surprised that people seemed to like my last one so here’s another because I have so many floating around in my brain!)
SWISS: Swiss is like that older brother who likes to trick others into believing things he’s made up. Like one time when Phantom was newly summoned he asked why they used to call Copia, Cardinal and Swiss told him Copia was actually a bird and would fly away during winter. It ended with Copia being very confused and consoling a devastated ghoul. Swiss got in trouble later on but he still thought it was hilarious! His favorite movie is Footloose and he knows all the moves! He can become overwhelmingly hyper to the point it’s hard to control himself and if he’s like this during sex, well you won’t be walking the next day, that’s for sure! He’s very affectionate and playful but there are times when he just wants to be completely alone. Swiss is always dancing. It doesn’t matter where he is or what he’s doing, those hips are moving!
SODO: Sodo is often times grumpy but like Swiss, he can get overly hyper in a pretty rough way! He especially gets like this during heat and he gets feral! He likes to perch on the couch like a gremlin especially when he’s interested in a movie they’re watching, especially if it’s one of his favorites like nightmare on elm street! He’s been afraid of thunderstorms ever since his transition from water to fire but his ego keeps him from telling the others so he spends nights like that in his closet curled up. His stuffed animal collection is very important to him and they all have to be positioned just right on his shelf. He’s been caught eating cigarette’s before by Copia and the two just stared at each other until Copia just backed away. He loves the smell and taste of blood so he’s got a definite blood kink in bed and will often times be rough enough to cause some bruising and bleeding!
Rain: Rain is pretty reserved compared to the others but that doesn’t mean he can’t be wild. If you let him outside while it’s raining, he runs and jumps like he hasn’t seen the outside world in years. He listens to ocean sounds at night and sometimes sleeps in the bathtub when he can’t get comfortable in bed. Aqua Marine is his comfort movie, I don’t make the rules! He loves doing puzzles and it makes him even happier when the others join him. He goes feral if his horns are kissed and if you play with his tail, he’s taking you right then and there! He suffers from migraines, especially after a long practice and he will submerge himself in the bath for hours. He may be a quieter ghoul but when he makes jokes, he has the other ghouls (even Sodo!) rolling with laughter!
Mountain: Mountain is like that one person who doesn’t say much but when they do, its the wisest shit you’ve ever heard. He gets achy because of how tall he is, always scrunched or bending down so if you want to show this ghoul some love, massages are the key! Forget-me nots are his favorite flowers, loving how tiny they are in his hands. He loves the Dark Crystal movie and will watch it over and over again. If you ask him what he wants to watch he’ll say it’s whatever you want but he’s too polite to say he wants the Dark Crystal. Choose it for him, he will be so happy! An angry Mountain is a very scary Mountain. Everyone quickly learned not to mess with him when he was having a bad day and Sodo ended up hurdling across the room like a discarded toy after scorching one of his plants during a spat with Mountain over dirt getting all over Sodo’s side of the couch. He is a cuddle bug and one way to rile him up is to straddle his lap and if he’s shirtless, trail kisses from his tummy, upward. He loves the feeling of your lips on his body!
PHANTOM: goth boy! Phantom loves old vampire movies, often stealing them from Copia. It seems like the majority of us agree that he loves bats and he has a big collection of books about them. His favorite is the black mastiff bat because they’re funny looking! He also loves being in the cemetery, a place he was often found hiding in after being newly summoned. He struggled and still sometimes struggles with his appearance due to his scars but words of affirmation and kissing his scars perks this guy right up! He loves being read to, especially when it’s Edgar Allen Poe stories. Phantom is very touchy. He wants to kiss and touch you all over every chance he gets. Tug on his shirt collar or pull him close by his belt loops and this ghoul is yours all night!
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
i've been talking abt my voltron playlists and @iveofficiallygonemad asked to hear them and i want to share with anybody who wants!! i know they're not perfect, i'm working on them & trying to make them better. if you have any recommendations for any of them, let me know!! there's like A Lot and i want to give a lil explanation for most of them, so i'm putting them under the cut ^-^
SO first i have my favorite one <3 it's just. all of them. it's the whole team. it's a mess and it's a bunch of different genres because it's them fighting over the aux cord on a road trip. it's them trying to make each other laugh or annoy each other or play something catchy enough it will infect everyone in the vicinity with brain worms.
Hunk: i'm pretty happy with my Hunk playlist! chill vibes. he strikes me as the kind of guy who listens to calm music to try to find his own calm, and that's what i got here :)
Pidge: this is messier and less cohesive than my usual playlist because frankly i think pidge would have a shit taste in music. all over the board. this is a mix of meme songs and 8-bit covers and vocaloid and stuff that i think pidge would genuinely connect with, and i think pidge listens to all their music on shuffle without any regards for genre or mood because they're a gremlin. nobody gives pidge sole control of the aux.
Coran hears 80's music for the first time and loses his mind. He thinks ABBA is humanity's single greatest achievement.
Lance: i have ideas about where I'm going with this but haven't really settled yet. Lance seems like the kind of boy that loves to dance (is that canon? i forgot) so most of these are Bops That Make You Move in some way or another. he likes to present an upbeat face to the world, so there's no angsting in this playlist! we are clinging to the things that make us happy with both hands until our knuckles turn white!
Keith: i'm gonna be honest. i made him a playlist but i honestly don't think he cares about music very much. it's very important to some people! he's just not one of them! i haven't cracked this playlist open in a while but i'm pretty sure it's full of songs that i think he would conceivably train/work out to.
Shiro: this playlist involves the dumbest headcanon i have for shiro that has just not left me alone since i first thought of it. most of the playlist reflects the fact that he had an emo phase in middle school (that one isn't a headcanon, you just have to look at him to know) but BUT there are a few songs on here that are on here because. little known fact. he also went through a Twilight phase that he told nobody about. (keith knows. keith was there.) he has the entire twilight soundtrack memorized. he moved past the story but the music stays forever. he used to daydream about slow dancing to Flightless Bird, American Mouth. the first time Coran mentions that they have to avoid a place because there's a supermassive black hole there, he has to bite his tongue in order to keep a straight face. do NOT ask me why i believe this so wholeheartedly.
Allura's playlist sucks right now. I think it's because in my heart of hearts i know that, were she on earth today, she would go fucking nuts for taylor swift. i have ambivalent feelings for taylor swift. i cannot do allura justice like this. if you see my vision and have recs as to what might actually fit her, PLEASE.
Klance: i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna go through this and sort it to be a sort of progression of their relationship, starting with the more combative Rivalry songs, then slipping into "oh shit oh shit" songs, then maybe ending on the more lighthearted purely romantic songs <3
(i have two songs in a shallura playlist which does not at all encapsulate how much i'm obsessed with them. the tiny cop inside my head is just constantly screaming at me that i'm going to get yelled at for liking shallura. i am going to kill the cop inside my head.)
#mj talks#oooooh i don't know if i actually want to put this in the show tag. that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people that might see this.#fuck it we ball#voltron#anyway. as i said if you like music and you have songs that you think fit please send em over#also who wants to talk about shallura? i want to talk about shallura.#i rewatched the first ~3 seasons (the best part of the show and some of season 3) with my roommate a while back and.#ngl if we're strictly talking about the show itself and not fanworks. i care about shallura SO much more than i care about klance.#oh i should probably tag#klance#in case anyone has that blacklisted and just doesn't wanna see it#BACK TO MY POINT.#rewatch seasons 1 and 2 and you will see there was a REASON everyone included shallura in the background of their fics#and it wasn't just shoving 'space mom' and 'space dad' together#there is a very real and very compelling dynamic there. the mutual respect. the connection that comes with taking responsibility.#watch shiro's whole deal after allura gets herself captured so that he can go free and try telling me it's all in my head. just TRY.#anyway i have a lot of complicated thoughts about shiro's sexuality and most of them boil down to I Don't Think It Was Planned#i think they shoved it in last minute because somebody higher up#(not the writers i don't blame u writers i know that you have people breathing down your necks telling you what you can and can't do)#some higherup didn't like any queer storylines that might have been in the works and pulled them from the show#but then there was fan backlash because... gay people are loud now? people wanted A Queer In Space? wild thought#so they had to save their ass and actually deliver on what they had promised in interviews/on the internet/idk i didn't keep up too much#because it was so clumsily revealed! there was no buildup!#it felt very shoehorned to me unfortunately. when a) they had already built a solid and compelling potential relationship for shiro#(see above)#and b) klance was? right there? like. dude. you /had/ to have seen that. or at least some of it????#backstory dead fiance was not the best move vis a vis queer representation and i reject him#if you want me to care about a relationship try going back to storytelling basics and Show Don't Tell :)#not giving you brownie points for that 'queer representation' :)#anyway. that's my shallura manifesto in the notes.
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nyxnightshade1332 · 11 months
Expectations When Expecting (Book 1)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
They'd made it to homeroom with about two minutes to spare. Yuu gasped for breath at the door, while Grim practically sprawled out onto the floor.
"Ah. You must be my new homeroom students." A very pretty man arrived, looking down at Grim in disgust. "Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed." He spoke, looking at Yuu.
"Go and meet the Headmage outside. He wishes to speak with you. And when you return... Do try not to interrupt my class." He handed Yuu a slip of paper, which she nodded, walking out wordlessly.
Upon stepping foot outside of the classroom, she was startled by a certain very hyperactive bird-man.
"Miss Yuu!" He crowed, feathers flying as he examined her. "How are you feeling? Did anything happen this morning that you were not in your dorm? Have you eaten?" His questions flew by so quickly that Yuu had to struggle in order to answer them.
"Woah! I'm fine. Just had to go to Heartslabyul this morning, scared myself, and no, I have not eaten." She responded, remembering the untouched meal that she'd removed from the fridge earlier in the morning. She internally face-palmed.
"Ah!" Crowley smiled, puffing his chest out proudly. "I have brought you breakfast, then! I even brought you a note that will allow you to eat during class. I truly am too kind!" He announced, waiting for praise as he lifted a reused plastic bag.
Yuu chuckled at his antics. "Indeed. Thank you, sir." She agreed.
She heard a pleased coo from deep within Crowley's throat, surprising her slightly. "Well! Off to class you go!"
She smiles awkwardly as she feels herself being ushered into the classroom, Crowley singing his own praises as he pushed her in.
When Crowley shuts the door, she's left standing in front of an entire class of boys, who simply stare at her. Yuu feels her cheeks burn as she awkwardly shuffles to her seat.
"What was that about?" Ace raised an eyebrow.
"Oh. He just wanted to talk to me about Nunya." She said, trying to calm herself down.
"Who's Nunya?" Ace responded.
"Nunya business." She deadpanned, looking at the bag, which had a juice, a sandwich, some blueberries, and a couple of saltines.
Grim, being the little gremlin he was, immediately became interested in the smell. "Food?"
Yuu nodded. "He told me to eat because of my pr-..." She paused, scrambling to fix her mistake. "... because of my condition."
Yuu looked at the food, wrinkling her nose as the sight made her stomach roll. The sandwich seemed a little unappetizing right now.
"Grim. Do you want half of the sandwich? I'm not really hungry right now." Grim, newly motivated, nodded.
All of a sudden, a loud SMACK echoed in the classroom, making every student flinch.
"Now. For the new pups in my class, I will introduce myself. My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel." He spoke with a loud, authoritative tone, reminding Yuu of how her uncle used to speak before he'd become a grandfather.
"Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics." He said, the few students that had remained standing scrambled to their seats.
"And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains." He sneered, wrinkling his nose as he watched the young students. "The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws."
Yuu looked, raising a brow. "He's gonna be very strict. I can hear it in the way he speaks. Good thing I took that Botany class in college." She whispered to herself, keeping her eyes on Professor Crewel as he spoke.
"For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds. But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly." He said, before grabbing sheets to hand out.
"Huh. So... does anyone know what a mycelia is?" Deuce asked hopefully.
"I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?" Ace said, playing with the collar's ends.
"All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones." Grim said, taking another bite from his half of the sandwich.
"It's kinda like this branching, thread-like substance that acts like a root base for fungus, or in more common terms, mushrooms." She informed, earning an impressed look from Deuce.
"Very good, pup." A voice from behind her startled her, making her jump. She turned to see Crewel standing behind her. "Where did you learn this?" His gaze seemed to pierce through her soul as he raised an eyebrow
"Oh... I, um... took a botany class and picked up a couple things, sir." She said, shakily.
Crewel gave a nod, satisfied with the answer before he left the pages for the group and walked away.
Yuu watched him before popping open the container with berries. She popped a blueberry into her mouth, chewing before offering some to the boys.
"You guys want some?" She placed the berry container on the table. The boys nodded, scrambling to snatch a couple of berries. Dorks. She thought to herself, taking her half of the sandwich and sealing it away from Grim.
Yuu stood awkwardly in front of a teacher with a very stern expression. He appeared to be strict, like professor Crewel, but he seemed to be more of a traditional teacher. Yuu knew that she'd have to fight for her consciousness in his class.
"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius." He said, his voice softening at the mention of a black and white cat. Yuu looked at Lucius with childish excitement. She'd always liked cats, only she could never have one as a pet, given that her sisters were allergic. Maybe Lucius will let me pet him!
"You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it has sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted." He said, snapping his fingers under her nose to regain her attention. Yuu gave a nod, praying that the History of magic was not as boring as regular history was. Lucius gave a long, calming meow.
"I grade based on classroom behavior as well as the quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping." Trein stated before pausing and lowering his voice. "And before you tell me, Miss Yuu... I have been made aware of your condition. I will do my best to accommodate." He concluded before dismissing her to her seat. Yuu gave a nod.
"Thank you sir." She made her way to the seat next to Deuce.
"Alright... Now, let us open our books to page fifteen. This section concerns the magestones discovered in the Dwarfs' Mine..."
Lucius gave a methodical meow, making his way to Yuu, sitting in front of her. Lucius moved hypnotically as Professor Trein spoke.
"As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era." Wow. I'm sure this would be interesting, but damn, his voice is kinda monotonous.
Lucius yawned, leading a couple of students to copy the cat, one of those students being Ace. Yuu had to elbow the boy to keep him from sleeping while she took the notes for both Grim and herself.
"Fascinating... 'Dwarfs' Mine'... Mhm, mhm... 'magical energy'..." Deuce muttered, also appearing close to falling asleep.
"Maaan... When do we get to the classes where we blow stuff up with magic?" Grim whispered, his ears flat as he glared at the feline that was purring against Yuu's side. Yuu shushed Grim, scratching behind his ears. "Just pay attention and I'll let you choose how much you get for lunch."
"Fine. But you better not go back on your word, henchman!" Grim said, shying away when Professor Trein sent a glare his way.
"I'm Coach Vargas, and physically educating your feeble little bodies is my responsibility." Yuu now stood uncomfortably in front of a very big, burly guy as he introduced himself. The problem was not that he was introducing himself, but rather that Yuu found it strange that he would flex his muscles, seemingly at random intervals of the conversation.
"Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs!" Yuu gagged at the thought of the texture and danger of eating raw eggs.
Coach Vargas raised an eyebrow at her sudden violent gag, slightly concerned. Yuu swallowed back the meager contents of her stomach, giving a shaky thumbs up to signal that she was fine.
"A great mage needs a great physical constitution! So gimme twenty laps, and a hundred push-ups!" He announced it to the class.
Noting Yuu's look of alarm, the Coach added, "Yuu, do what you're able to do so I can make a training regimen more suited to you."
Yuu felt a sigh of relief as she nodded. "Yes sir!"
"Blech. The forced exercise is bad enough, but meatheads like this guy drive me nuts." Ace grumbled before scowling at her. "Why do you get special treatment?"
"It's not special treatment, it's for safety reasons." She retorted with a huff, tying her ill-fitting shoes and rolling up the pants of her tattered jumpsuit.
Deuce puffed his chest out, clearly excited for the class. "Finally! A subject I'm good at!" He cheered, finishing up his stretches. Yuu watched how fleet of foot he was, watching the speed and strength he displayed. Yuu used to like running, being swift and light enough to surprise her mother once, but she'd have to be careful so as not to strain herself too much.
Yuu jogged after Deuce, leaving Ace behind.
It took about five minutes before Grim began to whine. "Explain to me the appeal of runnin' around in circles! Do I look like a hamster?" He yowled, clearly used to having Yuu carry him around.
"I think it's to help us stay healthy." She huffed slightly, slowing herself down to a stop before dropping to the ground, dreading the push-ups (which she was never quite able to complete).
"Lucky!" Ace yelled, running past her.
"Shut up Trappola!" She huffed, struggling to complete a single push-up.
"Let's see, our next class is..." Deuce looked down at his schedule, scanning the time-table. Yuu read over Deuce's shoulder, looking for the group's next class, not noticing her second-halves escape.
Ace groaned loudly, stretching his arms upward as he walked in front. "This so-called magic academy feels a lot like a lame, ordinary school." He stated, huffing boredly. "It's not exactly what I expected, but at least this collar won't be much of a problem after all. You with me on that, Grim?" He asked, pausing for an answer.
The ginger turned, curiously to where Grim was supposed to have been. "... Hmm?"
Yuu froze, her heart sinking into her stomach, her gaze dropping to where Grim had previously been. "I have a bad feeling about this..." She muttered, frantically looking for any sign of the cat.
Yuu freezes when she hears his cocky laugh outside, and Deuce seems to confirm her conclusion.
"Oh! Look out the window! I just saw a ball of fur running across the yard!" Deuce pointed. Sure enough, Yuu watched as a small ball of flaming fur flew across the field, and Yuu felt her eye twitch.
"Darn it, Grim!" She yelled, nearly pressing herself against the window.
Grim, who seemed to hear her, laughed louder as he announced his escape to the entire school. "No way am I puttin' up with this boring routine day in and day out. I'm Grim, Sorcerer Prodigy, and I don't need no one to teach me how to blow stuff up!"
"No further incidents..." The headmage's voice echoes in her head, making her wince. Sorry, Crowley. But he's a lot harder to keep track of than I thought.
"The Headmage is going to be furious..." She mumbled, watching Grim as he got further away.
"Boy, that guy is not a fast learner." Deuce remarked, eyes following Grim for a moment before turning to the group.
"Not a good look to lose your only student on your first day as prefect. Want help catching him?" Ace asked, smirking, indicating that he wanted something in return.
"Please?" She asked, watching Ace and Deuce smile at each other.
"Well... I do love the chocolate croissants at the co-op." Ace's smirk irritated Yuu quite a bit, she had to fight back the strong urge to punch him.
"I'd do it for an iced latte at the cafeteria." Deuce added, earning himself a look of betrayal from the pregnant woman. Not you too!
For a small moment, Yuu hesitated, wrestling with her pride for a moment before Ace looked out the window.
"Look at that, Grim's getting away... Do we have a deal, or what?" Ace smirked again, knowing that Yuu had no other choice.
"Dammit, Ace. Fine. It's a deal." She caved, eyes narrowed at the boys.
"Pleasure doing business. Now, Deuce, shall we clean up the mess made by the worst prefect to ever set foot on campus?" Ace asked, nearly bursting into laughter and Yuu's jaw dropped at the insult.
"I can already taste that latte, Ace." Deuce responded as the boys took off. Ace grabbed a net as Deuce grabbed his pen.
Yuu soon followed after, planning out her words to convince Grim.
Chapter 6
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
My nicknames for the demon slayer / kny characters (probably gonna be edited as time goes on):
Tanjiro: checkers, fox-cub, country bumpkin #1, cannon-ball, simba, glitched eevee
Nezuko: dynamite, foxlette, bunny-rabbit, local cleric
Zenitsu: bug-zapper, sparky, thunder, lightning bolt, zen-, simp lord, timone, pikachu
Inosuke: piggu, oinker, boar-boy, country bumpkin #2, mankey, pumba
Murata: squeaker, lucky clover, mister nine lives
Genya: fluff-ball, grumpy gills junior, half 'n' half, hyena-boy, beastie
Kanao: lucky-flip
Aoi: lapis, sky blue
Sabito: sabi-, fire fox, soggy/sabi-fox, fox-boy, the ginger, local red-head, short-stack, short-king, secret weasly
Makomo: momo-chan, sky-fox, quick-silver, shorty, daisy-chain
Giyuu: shadow, shadow-fox, fox-fox, espresso-depresso
Urokodaki: fox-dad, old man river
Kyojuro: Ren-, K(i)yo, Phoenix, fire-chicken, owl boy, (my apologies in advance) donut man
Shinjuro: mega butt-lord, maltov, head-butt practice, gunpowder fuse
Senjuro: owlet, Sen-, baby-phoenix, sweet bean
Kanae: monarch, lilac, sweet one
Shinobu: lavender, butterfly, grumpy one, chihuahua
Sanemi: feral-ass, gremlin man, feral pomeranian, cottonheaded ninimuggins, cotton poof, grumpy gills senior, shouty mc-lionmane the second (the original being nishiki from tokyo ghoul), deranged dandelion, dunkass
Uzui: loud-mouth, gaston knock-off, bastard ass, obnoxious mf, tryhard ninja, man-hoe, rich prick, pickpocket-bait, spoiled jackass, captain crack-head, testiclies high dumbass of testosterone
Muichiro: Mui-, -chiro, misty, cloudy-boy, spacer, space-cadet, pedo-buster, smol-bean
Mitsuri: love-bug, melon-stripes, best-girl (of the humans), cat-girl, sweet-girl
Iguro: snek, sneky-snek, snake-boy, snake-charmer, zebra-stripes, duo-chrome, dress boy (you all know the dress i mean if you look at his entire color-palette), icyhot, sneaky simp
Gyomei: gentle giant, beastie-tree, tibetin-mastiff, the tall one, prayer beads, mister budda beads
Kaigaku: Kai-, evil-sparky, local rogue, invert-color-zenitsu, black-lightning, gender-bent azula, tiger-cub
Kokushibo/mitchikatsu: koku-, mitchi-, -shibo, sixer, moony, Kaigaku's dad, ponytail
Douma: frosty, blondie, ink-splat, great-dane, daki & gyutaro's dad, rainbow-brain, lounge-lion, kaleidoscope eyes
Akaza/Hakuji: cat-boy, tabby-stripe, raging-bisexual, pinky, -kaza
Nakime: Naki, rapunzel, mademoiselle noir, Naki-nak's
Hantengu: -tengu, murder-hobo, bird-brain, lord of bullshitery, han-, mousey
Gyokko: shape of water, fish for brains, dollar-store axolotl, house-plant, shitty-wizard, pedo-fish, off brand anish kapoor
Daki: material-girl, alt-timeline barbie (if you know you know), miss wears pink on wednesdays
Gyutaro: pretty paint-splatter boy, cutie-spots, pretty pretty gyutaro, floofy-hair, sharky, snarky-shark, gyu-, taro-taro, hyena-shark, hyena-man, mantis, floof-floof-cotton-poof, paint/ink splatter cutie
Enmu: enmu the tank engine, train-boy, emu, goat-eyes, (^w^)/OwO face, crazy-train, (in reference to his disembodied hand alone) off brand thing, HMS (his majesty's simp), the OwO translator
Ubume: n/a
Rokuro: geode, lower moon dad 2, rock-uro
Hairo: grouchy wolf, grumpy guns, dollar store cowboy
Wakuraba: elf-ears, off-brand legolas
Mukago: fuzzball, whiskers, fluffy-horns
Rui: spidy, spider-boy, ru-ru, rui-ru, web-slinger, tiny bean, smol gremlin, precious pain in the ass, adorable lil shit, squishy, squishy-cheeks, raging ball of white fluff, spidy/spider-paws
Kamanue: baby-dragon, kama-kama, kama, nue
Kyogai: tiger-stripes, tiger, kyo-, looks like a dad (not even kidding he looks very similar to my actual dad just put a goatee on him), mister its a kilt, captain funky music, big drummer-boy, lower moon dad 1
Tamayo: tama-san, tama-tama, the science queen
Yushiro: bratty-cat, simp king
Susumaru: maru, susu, maru-chan
Yahaba: triple a, mister hand-eye coordination, off brand death the kid
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Bimonthly Media Roundup
-Hatoful Boyfriend (Video Game) - Hatoful finale and wow what an ending it was. I really have to applaud this game on turning a silly bonkers premise into a genuinely unnerving psychological horror while actually having interesting characters and emotional moments. I wouldn't say I connected enough with any of them to buy merch or anything but they had more depth than I was expecting from dating sim characters (and birds at that) with exiting little twists. The true ending was the culmination of all the routes and somehow delivered the most impactful story line of all, with a sort of fucked up but true case of "yeah minus the birds thing this is kinda how humans react to sudden and unexpected political shifts huh?". I'd definitely recommend giving it a playthrough/watch, it may seem a little slow at first but boy is it an experience.
-Face Off (TV) - Seasons 4 and 5 are on Netflix so I've been putting this on as background noise while I work. Really fun to see the neat challenges and designs, especially as I like to think how I would approach them myself (though more from a drawing/writing standpoint than crafting obviously). Too bad the whole show isn't available, I haven't found an archived set of all the designs and challenges online so I feel like I'm missing out on some fun ones.
-Suzume (Movie) - Okay so I had typed a whole big review on this out that glitched and did not save. I don't want to type it again so short version is that I respect the animation and themes or equating grief over the loss of a person with the loss of a location and community, but didn't really vibe with the lack of character or tension in the story. Also I feel bad for the little gremlin cat and think he deserved way better, justice for that cat that twink guy should've stayed a chair.
- Campfire Cooking (Manga) - A quick reread of the whole manga when I just wanted a self-indulgent relaxing cooking series. It's still very wholesome, though I will say that I think this is one of the rare ones where the anime is better than the manga due to the visuals really enhancing the appetizing meals and cute mannerisms of the familiars. Season 2 will be coming out soon which I am now fully prepared for, bring me the tiny dragon and loser elf.
- Six of Crows (Books) - Left without internet I was forced to listen to the pre-downloaded audio books I had bought months ago. It's actually pretty interesting so far, I do love heist stories, but I don't feel like talking about it until I'm farther in.
- The Apothecary Diaries (Anime) - I'm too tired to talk about how incredible this was right now but believe me it's really really good. I love MaoMao, this setting is amazing, the characterization of everyone is grounded enough to feel like unique people while leaving room for silly comedy, and the mysteries and twists are so compelling that I could barely stop watching. Highly recommend, might even rewatch it again soon.
- Dungeon Meshi (Anime) - Y'all weren't kidding about those lesbians huh? Good for them, Good for them.
- One Piece (Anime) - Arrived in Wano, the new art style is charming and so are Otama and Okiku.
- Genshin Impact (Video Game) - Making my way through Sumeru.
Listening To: How Did You Love by Shinedown, Give Up Your Dreams from The School of Rock, Everything Goes On by Porter Robinson, All the Boys by Panic! At The Disco, Willow by Taylor Swift, Rose Colored Boy by Paramore, Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas, Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng, Hey I Don't Work Here by Tom Cardy, Pierrot by Kei, and Can't Catch Me Now cover by Annapantsu
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request the brothers or the undateables (Luke included but platonic) with a MC who has a pet parrot? Their parrot is super cuddly and is on their shoulder or near them 24/7 and everyone think he's adorable but he's actually a spoiled little shit who will not hesitate to screech if he's not being held and paid attention to (he also does that annoying thing where parrots throw things off the table and when you put It on the table again they throw it again just to piss you off-) like, even if MC payes 0,01 seconds of attention to them he's screeching bsosh-
Anyways, look at the gremlin who inspired this request
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He's a bastard birb but i love him anyway😫💞 (fun fact i stopped cuddling him to type and this dude started chewing on my phone case-)
Awww! How cute!!! I wish I could draw too because the idea of MC with a bird buddy is so fricking adorable!
Thank you for requesting and for your patience while I worked on this. Also thanks for the picture of your bird because I love him! 10/10 would spoil.
He squinted at the parrot, the screeching was interrupting his nap.
“MC,” he whined, “get it to stop.”
“Sorry, he’s just so clingy, I stopped petting him for just a second.”
Belphie pouted as your concentration moved from rubbing his back to playing with the bird.
He pulled at your sleeve and placed it on his head, “You have two hands.”
You sighed, how would you ever get anything done like this? 
At first, he mainly only sees the parrot as something similar to chicken.
Once you explain that it’s a friend, not food, Beel was worried that he’d hurt the small creature so he just tended to avoid it altogether.
He’d watch quietly as you played or took general care of the cage.
One time, he happened to be eating a banana and your parrot hopped over to him asking, “Treat?”
Beel’s eyes opened wide and looked over at you, his face asking if it was ok?
“Yeah! He loves bananas!” You confirmed and watched as Beel sweetly offered his banana to the bird to take a nibble.
Unfortunately the first experience Asmo had with your parrot was when it pooped on him. He was not a fan.
The next unfortunate misunderstanding was when the parrot chased him, naturally he ran, not wanting to be pooped on again and that only added to the chase.
“Asmo, you have to stop running, he thinks you’re playing!”
“But MC! He’ll do unspeakable things to me!” Asmo was close to tears.
“Ok, ok, come here,” You opened your arms and he dived towards you. Swiftly you caught Asmo in a hug and the parrot swooped in and landed on your shoulder.
The pair came face to face as Asmo peeked a look, “Pretty boy!” the parrot squawked. When Asmo’s face softened, you didn’t have the heart to tell him that was something you told your pet and not something the parrot was noting of Asmo.
Originally intrigued by the little guy.
He was somewhat familiar with the behaviors of cats but he didn’t know much about birds
You’re excited to share all the tricks and phrases you’ve taught your bird buddy as Satan takes notes.
Satan has a lot of questions and you answer the best you can but you’re no expert so you promise to get a bird book for him.
With a scratch of his chin, he asks, “And why is he so attached to you?”
You laugh, “I’m assuming it’s because he loves me but it’s probably because I’m the one who gives him treats.”
He didn’t have a strong feeling towards the bird one way or the other at first.
When the bird picks up the intro tune to one of his animes, his interest starts to grow.
He thought it was cute and happened to catch it on video one day. When he posted it online, it blew up.
Levi tried to teach your parrot other tunes but lost interest when there wasn’t an immediate turn around.
The first time he saw the happy dancing of your parrot, his interest was back lol.
He can be caught bopping along with your parrot if there was ever a time they were left alone together.
I feel like he would dislike the bird (mainly for drawing your attention away from him) but the bird actually really likes playing with him.
Mammon always has something interesting to the bird whether it’s his feather keychain or his glasses or some shiny trinket.
Your parrot likes tapping the side of Mammon’s glasses to get his attention.
He’s pretty good at handling the bird and when asked he admits to taking care of a crow without Lucifer’s knowledge so that stays between the two of you.
He definitely talks to the parrot like any other being, “Oy!” He points an accusatory finger at your parrot, “Knock it off with the nipping!” and thus the parrot takes a nibble at his finger.
Although he talks a big game, he secretly loves that you two can be bird parents together.
His pride takes a hit that he, the right-hand to the crown prince of Devildom, has to compete for your attention with a parrot.
Oh the withering looks he gives as your pet screeches for your care.
He does know a thing or two about wing care though. XD
He also knows exactly the right spots for scritches near and on the wings and your parrot is putty in his hands, that boosts his previously wounded pride just a bit.
I think he would secretly spoil your parrot as an extension of spoiling you. 
Deep down he’s a big softie for animals so extra toys and treats find their way into the house.
Luke liked the bird initially until it screeched at him.
From then on he was kind of scared even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
It’d take a lot of coaxing to get him to pet your parrot but I think you could convince him eventually.
He enjoys how you gush about all the things your pet can do and so he starts to warm back up.
Slowly he gets back to being comfortable and the next time there is an unexpected screech, he’s better prepared.
He starts watching parrot videos online and looking up treats he could make that were safe for parrots.
I feel like he knows some things about birds but isn’t particularly fond of animals in general, not that he hates them but doesn’t really get the hype.
You with a parrot on your shoulder is pretty cute though.
Solomon smiles as you play with the parrot, the two of you bouncing. He’ll sneak a picture, just for him.
If you ask him, he’ll play along too.
Through watching you care for your bird, he’ll start to understand the bond between pets and their owners.
Eventually does get interested in the diet of your pet but you assure many times that it’s being taken care of and that he doesn’t need to concern himself with it on top of his studies.
Secretly loves birds but he couldn’t keep one as a pet in the celestial realm.
Absolutely beams the first time your parrot hops over to him to investigate.
Giggles when his hair gets pulled for attention but lovingly pets the tiny bird head.
Even with his limited technological knowledge, he takes a lot of pictures. He wants to be able to remember this time when he goes back.
He would absolutely relish the opportunity to take care of your parrot if there was ever a need and I’d trust him to do a good job. 
Offers to help take care of anything related to the bird for you definitely not to act like it’s his pet for a short amount of time.
He’s hard to impress but appreciates the refreshing sight of you smiling at your pet.
Barbatos is pretty knowledgeable so he knows what foods are ok to give to your parrot so he always has them on hand when you come around.
He smiles at you as your attention is on scolding the bird for biting at Barbatos. He wasn’t hurt, but he appreciates your concern.
You get a chuckle out of him when he catches you and the parrot in a game of chase.
Once the bird warms up to Barbatos, he chirps at Barbatos to get the treats he’s learned Barbatos usually has.
May make a toy for the bird, and even if your pet is typically picky about toys, he loves this handmade one.
He’s obsessed. He loves animals and he loves you so it’s all heart eyes for him.
He has Barbatos prepare treats for you and your parrot when you come to visit.
Adores your demonstration of tricks and claps at the end.
He asks if he can hold or pet your bird and of course you say yes. Your parrot’s reaction was to bite at the unknown fingers and Diavolo just laughs.
“He’s spunky, I like it!” 
For sure gets toys to try out for each time you visit and whether your parrot plays with the toys or not, he just enjoys the time spent with you two.
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bepisbee · 2 years
I'm not sure where to go with this WIP other than the start of basic world build/introductions. More random shit for the bnha/quirk au i wanted to combine a modern au idea i've had about vidow with major height difference with trans male vio who was into ballet and stupid stronk and also super tiny like 128cm ish compared to Shadow being a large boi (tm) around 188-200cm and a lil chubby and adorable gremlin man
Vio/Shadow Blue/Red/Green
Character basics and small WIP fic under the cut
Vio (Violet): He/Him trans man. (Has had surgery too and bottom becuase he can, also becuase magic :) ) Avian quirk (a starling) purple slit bird eyes, black talons he needs to keep filed down, very sharp teeth, taloned and scaled bird feet with a dew claw. Majoring in performance arts (ballet/theatre) which is where he met Red. Is a predator type bird, eats raw meat. He is secretly super ripped. Pretty much all my Hawks headcanons projected. if anyone other than Red or Shadow calls him Violet say goodbye to your kneecaps. He will never admit it but he is in fact sometimes distracted when shiny things hit the light just right. Constantly stealing Shadow's clothing. Around 128cm height
Shadow: He/It. Darkling/Demon quirk. Sharp black claws and fangs, minor thing for blood that he's only ever confessed to Vio about. Can use Shadow Magic. Makes pretty purple fire. Majoring in (being a dumbass) combat training. Not sure what it wants to do yet. Spars with Green for fun. Used to be a bully and sometimes falls back on that persona but it's actually a very sweet boy. Hurt him and Vio will break your kneecaps. Has heterochromia red/blue. He has a pet snake named Janus based on his favorite web series. Around 200cm height
Red: She/Her trans woman (also has had gender affirming surgery becuase she deserves it and i say so >:) ). Fairy quirk. Has slightly see through pastel red wings. She can't fly really but she can hover for a few minutes. Can do some basic healing magic and a bit of fire magic. Major empath. She is part of the stage crew, mostly in costumes and makeup. Majoring in fashion/fabrics and good friends with Styla. Around 160cm height.
Blue (Agua): He/They. A zoran/merfolk quirk. He has webbed hands and gills on his neck on land. Turns full tail merman in the water. Saltwater fish. Gets personally offended when Vio eats raw fish in front of him. Majoring in journalism despite his Hylian (writing) being pretty awful. Resolute truth seeker, no bullshit. Has OCD and they WILL refold your laundry if it's out. Most reliable and loyal in their group. Around 150cm height.
Green: They/Them. A human, but has a strength/endurance quirk. Stupidly strong. They workout with Vio a lot because he's good at the leg stuff and they're good at arm stuff. They're surprisingly light on their feet. Training to become a professional boxer. Only one that isn't going to their college but they hang around anyways and isn't reprimanded because all the teachers like them. They have an affinity for animals and sometimes help out the vet sector. Around 140cm height
--- short WIP fic thing---
Five people sat around in a dorm room. One, clad in a dark forest green sweater hanging upside down off a cheap bed, watching tiktoks on a cell. Their name was Green. Their feet were up on the lap of someone sitting up on the bed in an aqua blue blazer with the sleeves rolled up. He liked to be called Blue, although he let his friends call him "Agua" in jest. Sometimes. His webbed fingers struggled to grip a pen while he wrote in a composition book. "Fucking Homework" was scrawled on the front in shiny silver sharpie and awful Hylian. Blue looked around before sticking the pen into the ponytail section of his dark blue manbun. He was giving up for now.
A cute Hylian with rosy cheeks and pastel ruby fairy wings caught his attention easily. In an open back pink sweater and fluffy skirt she sat kneeling behind a short avian hybrid. Short blonde hair with streaks of vibrant red curled around her face. She was preening the stretched iridescent purple wings on his back while delivering the lastest tea from being the theatre's main stage crew and costume director. She called herself Red.
The avian she was caring after prefered Vio, only those very close to him were allowed to refer to him as Violet. And only in private moments. A colored visor sat atop his blonde head and his slitted purple eyes were shut in contentment.
Across in a chair, sitting backwards, was said avian's boyfriend, Shadow. Pretty purple hair and sharp black claws with vicious mockery fangs. He swayed back and forth in the wheeled seat listening to the gossip and sometimes piping in a wise ass remark. Although, mostly gazing at Vio for the duration.
A small chirp surprised the room, as she accidentally yanked a feather on her rings.
"Ah-! I'm sorry!" Red smoothed it over gently in apology.
"It's alright," his eyes were back open. "You surprised me more than anything." He adjusted the too large black hoodie he wore. It was Shadow's of course. His taloned bird feet sat cross legged underneath. He was becoming much more comfortable being himself around his strange friend group.
Shadow stood slowly stretching up to his full height, nearly 200cm, before joining Red on the floor. Vio's pretty eyes snapped over to him immediately. They were very expressive but impossible to read without experience. His gaze followed him curiously as the demon sat. Shadow made a gentle shooing motion to the fairy and took over. Red giggled behind her hand and took the chair seat.
Vio eyed him warily. He dragged his sharp nails across and through the feather with an incredible light tenderness. Flitting feathers back into place and pulling out loose ones that had shed and regrown but gotten stuck in the mass of downy fluff. The blonde relaxed into it. His shoulders quickly lost their tenseness. The room grew into comfortable silence. Only interrupted by the occasional soft bird noises of appreciation from the starling.
"Alright Fuckers, I cannot with this damn work so…" Blue passed his phone over to Green. "Order something asshats. It's my turn to buy" A food delivery app was open. It wasn't a college hangout without snacks after all.
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Techno finding Tiny Phil with young Wilbur and Tommy being sold at a market so he "buys" them to set them free.
Yay yay yay
On The Run With Friends
Techno walked through the small-town keeping his hood up and avoiding any eye contact people tried making with him, he spotted the store he needed to get his supplies from started walking over
Techno walk over to the cashier and placed down a piece of paper with a list of things he needed and set a bag of coins down next to it
"Ah hello sir! We'll get all this for you right away!" The cashier took the piece of paper and smiled "Oh! And if you're looking for any company on your journey, check out the cages"
Techno nodded his head and decided to look at the small animals, he always liked small animals since they made their needs and wants pretty obvious unlike humans
He walk down the aisle and stopped when he saw a peculiar sign in front of one of the cages- 'Three Tiny Humans for sale, %50 off'
Techno crouched down to get a better look inside the cage and was a little confused when he only saw a tiny blonde hair human with Raven like wings in the cage, he looked extremely tired but warm considering the large robe he was wearing
"...Are you ok?" Techno's ears flop down as the tiny jumped a little and glared at him "Um where are the other two?"
The tiny continue glaring at Techno as a tiny head of messy blonde hair poked their head over the wings and waved at Techno, that was a child. That was a straight-up child- what is wrong with this town!?
And then techno saw another kid with brown hair grab the other one and pull them down behind the wings again, god they were probably terrified
Techno pinched the brim of his nose and sighsed "Ok I'm getting you out of here" he carefully picked the cage up making sure not to shake it as he walked over to the counter and placed it down
"Ok! We got everything for you sir!" The cashier sit down a bag full of all the things Techno had written down on the paper "Oh- and I see you've picked some companions to go with you, just fair warning they're quite feisty"
Techno simply nodded his head and threw a few silver coins onto the table, he open the cage and reached his hand in instantly being bitten by the wing tiny, he pulled his hand away a little as the tiny (who was most likely their father) grab the two kids and wrap his wings around them protectively hiding them
Techno reached back in and carefully scoop the bird tiny into his hand and put them in his satchel bag leaving the flap open, he grabbed his bag of goodies and threw it over he's shoulder quickly leaving the store and heading back into the forest
Once he was deep enough into the forest he carefully said his satchel down on the ground and looked inside at the three tinys, they all stared up at him terrified
"Sorry about that, you can leave now and go home" Techno took a few steps back waiting for the three to get out of he's satchel
He stood there in complete silence for several minutes as the three stayed in his satchel and didn't even try to get out
The smallest of the three poked his head out and looked up a Techno "Dad can't get out, his leg is broken!"
"Tommy! Don't tell the monster that!" The brunette haired human yelled
"Why not? He told us we could go and we haven't, I was telling him why!" 'Tommy yelled back "And he's not a monster Wilby! He safe us!"
'Wilby' grab Tommy's arm and pulled him back into the bag "That is the stupidest thing-"
"Boys." There father interrupted their bickering and did his best to stand up in the satchel and looked up at Techno "Look if you actually want to help us, some shelter and food will my leg is healing would be good"
Techno crouched down and carefully carefully picked his satchel back up "Um sure and what's your name?"
"Philza, I'm this two gremlins father" Tommy looked up at Techno and waved well his brother glared daggers at him
"Hello Philza and my apologies were meeting under such horrible circumstances" Techno carefully picked Philza up and put him on his shoulder, he reached back in picking the two kids up and held them in his hand close to his chest
"It's fine, at least you're not an absolute piece of shit like the other humans" Philza yawned and rubbed he's eye, he was far too tired to really sensor himself right now
"Well I am a Piglin so-"
"Is that why your ears are super big?" Tommy asked interrupting Techno
Techno looked down at the kid "Yes but that's a-"
"And why you have big scary tusk?"
"Yes but kid-"
"Can you use your tusks to open cans and jars?"
"Tommy stop being a brat!" Wilbur yelled and hit Tommy on the head
Tommy instantly started crying and whining, Techno looked over at his shoulder seeing Phil had fallen asleep and left him in charge
Techno started walking home trying to get the two kids to stop fighting
He really hope this doesn't become a normal thing well these three were staying at his house
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
I zbsolutely adore the Team Uzumaki au!! You have talked about the Hyuga gremlin who sounds super adorable, but who are the other kids on the team? Are they clan kids too ( I think it would be interesting if Naruto was teaching a Nara)?
I’m glad you’re enjoying it!!
Yes I really got to finish fleshing out the Kits.
I’ve firmly settled on Gremlin #2 as a Hyuuga.  I’m thinking tiny, delicate baby girl murder kitten Hyuuga.
I hadn’t really decided on the other two yet but I wouldn’t be opposed to one being a Nara.  Maybe Kit 3 who is the more emotionally soft one.  Like they’re still Nara smart yeah but they’re sweet in a way that most Nara aren’t.
Kit 1 is all that’s left and they’re pretty practical and more than a bit obsessed with fire.  Maybe clanless? Maybe a Inuzuka who wasn’t chosen by a ninken/partner or something?  Maybe a orphan like Naruto was?  Not sure yet.  
Also I’m kind of in love with the idea of 2 of Naruto’s kits being girls.  Like he’s got his murder kitten baby girl Hyuuga, maybe a tiny little bird boned Nara girl, and then his one boy who is also quickly following in Naruto’s footstep in gender being a fluid thing.
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messedupessy · 5 years
Don't know if u ever answered it, but I must know more on the goblin kitty that is Ham
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No I have never answered anything about Ham, don’t think I have ever even gotten any asks about him in fact xD like I do have an ask from you in my drafts but that is just asking for Ham in a hat which I am all for, but actual facts I have not, tho the first ever post I made about him got som facts but they are like 2 years old and kinda outdated at some points, so here have some new ones!
Stretch found Ham as a kitten about 2-3 years before Stabby, aka Chara, fell into the underground, he found this tiny wrinkly little goblin of a cat in Snowdin forests pretty much freezing to death, so Stretch quickly scooped the poor thing up, shoved him into his hoodie and quickly found a shortcut to Freck’s, Undyne’s.
Where the two did all in their power to save the poor thing and they succeeded, and Stretch ended up taking the cat home and adopting him as his own. 
He named the cat Haminator 3000 because he found it funny, but just calls him Ham as the cat looks like a big piece of wrinkly ham, so Ham it is.
Ham pretty much lives in Stretch’s hoodie, mostly at home though as Stretch don’t want to bring him out in the cold while he and the rest of monsterkind lived underground, but when above ground on the surface he starts bringing Ham with him more and more everywhere he goes. And Ham is all too happy to just lay all curled up underneath his hoodie, or in his hood or pocket, snoozing away af.
Ham is usually a very chill and cuddly cat who just is on Stretch all the time, just sleeping, but whenever Stretch is away or Ham’s sleeping meter has reached maximum, Ham will set off into a chaotic playing spree, climbing everything, playing with all the things he can reach and pushing shit off off things. 
He is a pretty well behaved cat and loves to be social with ppl, but he immediately runs off to Stretch whenever he is around as Ham just really prefers his company above anyone else. He purrs really, really fucking loudly like he is this tiny purring machine, and he is just very talkactive overall Stretch often talks with him and Ham answers back.
Ham has a habit of sleeping on top of Stretch’s face when Stretch sleeps, or sleep in Stretch’s pelvis or ribcage which like doesn’t hurt or anything but it sometimes tickles, and when Ham is in one of his playing moods there might be some biting pfft
Ham has a habit of scaring people but suddenly pouncing them, or appearing at random places like someone going to the toilet and sitting down and then looks up to just find Ham ontop of the bathroom mirror somehow.
Ham is completely ok with dressing up, so he often wears tiny hoodies, shirts, bandanas etc. Stretch got a shitton of photos of Ham in various outfits. 
Stretch obviously adores his cat, his own personal little heat flask gremlin, Berry likes Ham too but he do sometimes feel like the cat got it out for him somehow, like there has been way too many times when Ham has almost pushed something off of a table or something and Berry catches him, and while keeping eye contact Ham slowly pushes the thing off. Berry is more of a bird person actually, and they also technically got the very helpful dog pretty much living with them too, whose extreme need to help them out do have a habit of causing havoc, though neither Berry or Stretch can really say anything as both of them are ultimate pranksters and causes way too much havoc in their home alone so they don’t get to complain pfft, not that they do but still. 
But yeah got sidetracked there but hopefully these will satisfy your need of this Ham boy UwU❤
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janethepegasus · 6 years
So i saw Matpat’s latest video about shared universes (starting with Doom and somehow connecting it with Kingdom Hearts) and my crazy brain thought it would be a good idea to expand it even FURTHER all because he used Spider-Man to connect to Thanos in Fortnite (yes seriously)
So behold, all the shit i had to go through to make connections to everything i can find and think of
So since all Spider-Mans are in one multiverse, that means all versions of Spider-Man are canon, so let's look at two cases of alternate Spider-Mans. Theres the Japanese Spider-Man, which was created by Toei as a collab by Marvel, Toei also created Super Sentai, which has connections to Kamen Rider (Super Hero Taisen), Metal Hero (some crossover movies), and obviously Power Rangers. Power Rangers had a crossover with TMNT, which has connections to not only other versions of TMNT but also other series like Batman (basically the whole DC universe is involved), Archie, X-Files, Ghostbusters, Rabbids (they were an extra character in a fighting game, as like a promotion for the new game), and all the toons that showed up in Cartoon All-Stars, like the Smurfs, Alf, Garfield, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Winnie the Pooh (which is already tying back up to Kingdom Hearts), Muppet Babies, Looney Toons, and Ducktales.
Now Muppet Babies is part of the Muppet franchise, the Muppets are connected to Sesame Street, which opens up a can of worms for connections. Some characters cameoed in Between the Lions, Mr Rogers' Neighbor Hood, The Electric Company, Reading Rainbow, Poky Little Puppy, and a bunch of these characters appeared in a We are Family music video, which has *inhales* Bear in the Big Blue House, Barney, Arthur, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Rugrats, The Magic School Bus, SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, Blue's Room, Blue's Clues, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Kim Possible, The Proud Family, LazyTown, Lilo & Stitch: the Series, Madeline,Little Bill, The Fairly OddParents, Zoom, AND a whole bunch more shows.
Obviously Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents had a crossover (three in fact), but those other shows had crossovers too, like Rugrats having a crossover with Wild Thornberrys, Lilo and Stitch had crossovers too, they had crossovers with The Proud Family, Kim Possible, Recess, and American Dragon Jake Long. Spongebob is connected to a lot of Nicktoons shows through the bumpers on the channel and had a major crossovers with Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Tak, and Invader Zim in the Nicktoons Unite games.
Looney Toons is connected to all other Hanna Barbera property, which had crossovers as well (look at Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry, they're LOADED with crossovers with other series), as for the Looney Toons cast themselves, examples include Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Pokemon (in a commercial in Kids WB), The Justice League, Wild Kratts (Kinda? The two characters, Road Runner and Wild E. Coyote, were pretty much referenced as a way to say that real life coyotes can catch up to road runners), and The Amazing World of Gumball. And Pokemon had a crossover game with Nobunaga's Ambition called Pokemon Conquest. AND Ducktales is connected to Darkwing Duck and the same goes with the reboot.
Okay now back to where we started, Power Rangers had a crossover episode with Masked Rider, which is an adaptation of Kamen Rider Black RX, Kamen Rider had a FEW crossovers with other series, like Crayon Shin-chan, Pac-Man, Osomatsu-San, Hello Kitty, Pretty Cure, and a few others. Pretty Cure only had crossovers with itself but there is one pic floating around the internet showing one of the Cures standing in front of Arresterdramon Superior Mode, so it might hint to a commercial happening during that time. Hello Kitty has a ton of crossovers with different series, such as Sonic, Cookie Run, Pac-Man, Puzzles and Dragons, Doraemon, Yokai Watch, and several others. In Osomatsu-San Hesokuri Wars, they have costumes/sets of the six brothers being yokai, magical girls, monsters, angels, knights, super heroes, greek
gods, and others. Yokai is also connected to Yokai Watch, which has it's own crossovers with other series, like Final Fantasy, Terminator, Inazuma Eleven (which had commercials that crossed over with Despicable Me), The Seven Deadly Sins, Detective Conan, Hello Kitty (which brings this back to Hello Kitty and its crossovers), Inuyasha, Professor Layton, and several others. Professor Layton had a crossover game with Ace Attorney, which has many references and a small amount of crossovers.
Now let's move on to another Spider-Man, the one from Ultimate Spider-Man, obviously he's connected to the other Marvel shows that take place in that universe, but Spider-Man had crossover episodes/specials with Phineas and Ferb and Jessie, Jessie having connections with other Disney Sit-com shows like Austin and Ally, Good Luck Charlie, Liv and Maddie, and a few others, HOWEVER Mr. Moseby from the Suite Life of Zach and Cody appeared in one episode, which means that Jessie is in the same universe as That's So Raven, Hannah Montanna, Cory in the House (yeah yeah yeah, i can hear the anime memes from a mile away -_-), and Wizards of the Waverly Place. Phineas and Ferb also had crossover specials/episodes with Star Wars and Milo Murphy's Law, Star Wars has many crossovers and references in other shows, like the Muppets, Seasame Street, Captain N, Mario (in that old Mario cartoon episode where they parodied it), Putt-Putt, Megaman, Duke Nukem, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Dragon Ball, Transformers, Metal Gear, Angry Birds, Lego, Club Penguin, and several others.
The Star Wars references were in Megaman V and Megaman Zero, sprites from Megaman Zero were used to create sprites of TV Tome Adventures, which then became TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise and then it turned into the video game version of that show, the creator of the show, Kirbopher, did an animation related to Super Mario RPG, and had many voice roles like in Mob Psycho 100, Pokemon, and other series. Dragon Ball is the prequel of Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Super made it clear that there's other universes so all of those are connected as well, and Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z had crossovers with other shows like One Piece, Dr Slump, Astro Boy, Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo, and a few others. Metal Gear had crossovers and references in Terminator, Gundam, Castlevania, Mario, Zelda, Ape Escape, Yugioh (which connects itself to the other seasons like GX, 5D's, Zexal, Arc-V, and Vrains), Monster Rancher, Yoshi, The Standley Parable (only in the demo), and several others. Transformers, since it's made by Hasbro, is also connected to other Hasbro property, such as My Little Pony (and Equestria Girls), and they had references to other series in both the show and in the IDW comics, like pony versions of Rick and Morty appearing in one episode, pony versions of characters from Sailor Moon, Gravity
Falls, Kill La Kill, Scooby Doo, Powerpuff Girls, Frozen, and few other shows and even pony versions of IRL people like Gordon Ramsey. Transformers had crossovers and references to other series as well such as G.I Joe, Doctor Who, Spider Man, Star Wars, Marvel, and several other shows, and apparently Jem, Inhumanoids, C.O.P.S, and Robotix takes place in the Transformers universe.
Angry Birds had crossovers with other series like Rio, Star Wars, Puzzles and Dragons, Transformers, Sonic, The Muppets, and many levels in their games make references to other series. Lego Dimensions is full of crossovers, like The A-Team, Adventure Time, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice, DC Comics, Doctor Who, E.T, Fantastic Beasts, Ghostbusters (both the original and the 2016 reboot), The Goonies, Gremlins, Harry Potter, Jurassic World, Knight Rider, Legends of Chima, other Lego property, Lord of the Rings, Midway Arcade, Mission: Impossible, Portal, Powerpuff Girls, Scooby-Doo, Simpsons, Sonic, Teen Titans Go!, and The Wizard of Oz. Speaking of The Simpsons, they had crossovers with other shows like Family Guy and Futurama, AND they cameoed appeared in South Park, and Family Guy is in the same universe as American Dad and The Cleveland Show. The Simpsons also had crossovers with The Critic, X-Files, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken, Bob's Burgers (which means it's also connected to the Archer Show), Rick and Morty, and several series get mentioned in the show itself. As for Sonic, he had a crossover comic series with Megaman, he had crossovers in the comics with Sabrina the Teenage Witch and DC (it was part of a Sonic Super Special comic but for some reason the Wikis won't tell me if it's generally DC or some part of it >:/ ), Sonic had levels in Sonic Lost World that were crossovers with NiGHTS, Legend of Zelda, and Yoshi's Wooly World, in Sonic Forces, there's DLC costumes that are based off of NiGHTS, Beat from Jet Set Radio, AiAi from Super Monkey Ball, and Joker from Persona 5. Sonic had crossover games with other SEGA series, but in Sonic Dash, they had events that had crossovers with Angry Birds, Hello Kitty, and Pac-Man. In one of the Vocaloid games, Miku had a costume that was a Sonic hoodie, to celebrate Sonic's anniversary, Vocaloid made many songs and some of these songs branch out into their own series, one of them being Black Rock Shooter, and i swear BRS was a guest character in some fighting game but i don't remember what the name was.
Okay, now let's head back to Marvel, one of the characters that's paired up with Spider-Man (except for the Movie universe) is Deadpool, and in one comic, he takes a girl to see Hamilton. In one of the Hamildrops, they did a crossover song which was a mix of Story of Tonight and You'll be Found from Dear Evan Hansen called "Found Tonight", one of the actors from Dear Evan Hansen is now playing the role of Jeremy in Be More Chill, and in the original 2015 performance of BMC, the actor who played Jenna also played Martha in Heathers, and Eric William Morris, who played Squip, also played Jordan in The Ballad of Little Jo. And since we're using actors to connect series...*inhales* Lin Manuel Miranda (who plays Alexander in Hamilton) also had roles in In The Heights, 21 Chump Street, Mary Poppins Returns, Ducktales Reboot, Do No Harm, Looking for Maria Sanchez, Sesame Street, House M.D, and a few others. Mary Poppins Returns is a sequel to the original Mary Poppins so they instantly connect, and i'm gonna make a crazy theory of House M.D taking place in the same city (or state) as Blue Bloods and Forever, both shows have characters played by Eric William Morris, who had roles in Trust, Greed, Bullets, and Bourbon, Royal Pains, As The World Turns, and few other small roles. But one of his current roles is Carl from King Kong Broadway, which is based off of King Kong, and King Kong had a crossover film with Godzilla, and there's a short film that had Ultraman and Kamen Rider (i think it was Godzilla?? It was a giant lizard thing :/). However, King Kong was the inspiration behind Donkey Kong, which now has connections to both Mario and Donkey Kong series. Donkey Kong had crossovers/references with Frogger, Pitfall, Qubert, Mickey (from Disney), Punch Out, Mother, Earthworm Jim, Kirby, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Scott Pilgrim, The Fast and the Furious, Class of 3000, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, Big Bang Theory, Metroid, Pushmo, Minecraft, Gravity Falls, Wreck It Ralph, Pixels, Skylanders, several others, and had japanese exclusive songs in Donkey Konga that had songs from Super Sentai, Pretty Cure, Pikmin, Naruto, Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Dragon Ball Z, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Ice Climbers, and several others.
Minecraft had a Super Mario texture pack in the Switch version of Minecraft, plus a Steven Universe texture pack as well, there are console exclusive skins based off of characters from Gears of War, Halo, Banjo-Kazooie, Dust, Tony Hawk, Left 4 Dead, Boarderlands, Conker, Half-Life, Portal, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and several other shows. Steve from Minecraft can be an unlockable character in games like Super Meat Boy, Choplifter, Retro City Rampage, and Creepers can be found in Blocks that Matter, Boarderlands, Torchlight, and Minecraft is refernced in Adventure Time, Octodad, The Stanley Parable, Skyrim, and South Park. And since Minecraft has Halo skins, this ties into Red VS Blue, a show that uses assets from the Halo series. And Red VS Blue appeared in a promotional video alongside the main cast of RWBY. Mother (or Earthbound) is the inspiration for Undertale, which had a sequel called Deltarune, and in one of the locations in Deltarune is a place called "Ice-E's Pezza", and Burgerpants mentions a guy named "Purple Guy" which is a reference to Purple Guy from Five Nights at Freddies. Crash Bandicoot had two crossover games with Spyro the Dragon and had references in Uncharted, Futurama, Johnny Test, Family Guy, Jimmy Neutron, The Country Bears, Jak and Daxter, Friends, The Simpsons, Tomb Raider, and several others. And Mickey is one of the characters in Kingdom Hearts, so now we come in full circle with Matpat's theory.
So started with Spider-man (well two versions of Spider-man) and ended it with Mickey, i'm sure there's other series out there that i forgot to bring up but eh, this is long enough :/
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Recent Reads - May 19, 2018
Multifandom--Dirk Gently, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, a bit of Star Trek--and a mix of old and new, as usual. I've already recced some of these fics individually, but life's too short not to be effusive about the things you love, so I'm including them here too <3  Recs under the cut...
The Answer to a Question - @a-candle-for-sherlock​ - 22k, T, Holmes/Watson
"These are the stories behind the story we know: what really happened to Watson's marriage, and what made him follow Holmes to Reichenbach; what secrets were hidden in the mountains, and what a dead man wrote to the man he left behind." This fic made me Feel Feelings and also made me (almost) late for work.
To Join These Men in Holy Matrimony - A_Candle_For_Sherlock - 10k, T, Holmes/Watson
"Sherlock Holmes is a contradiction, an enigma, a force; at once the most generous spirit and the most self-contained man I have ever known. I've known more of him, I think, than anyone on earth. Yet for years I'd learned nothing about his boyhood, nor his fears, nor his future hopes, nor his father’s name. I never felt it as a lack until I knew he loved me." A moving story about family, forgiveness, self-acceptance, and historical queer marriages.
The Narrator - candle_beck - 8k, M, Holmes/Watson
"Watson is a degenerate gambler, a reluctant romantic, and the least reliable narrator in the history of the written word." A brief, gritty glimpse of my favorite Victorian disasters.
where the falling angels meet the rising apes - @cosmicoceanfic​ - 26k, T, AU (crossover, Dirk Gently & Discworld)
"A story of Death and the boy who could see him, through the years." In my sadness over finally finishing the Tiffany Aching books, I allowed myself to indulge in Discworld/Dirk Gently fics, and this one was an especially satisfying blend of the two universes. Highlights include Dirk & Bart's friendship, and Farah having a stare-off with Death.
you could bring my healing - cosmicocean - 38k, T, Dirk/Todd, AU (fantasy)
"Where the whole thing takes place in a fantasy world that is not unlike but not quite mostly for legal reasons Ankh-Morpork, Dirk is generally an existential dragon, Todd is a washed up electrical lute player, everyone is kind of awkward and useless except maybe for Amanda, and there is a boatload of fantasy references, plus one (1) Star Wars one." Sheer escapist delight.
Start at the Beginning - @dont-offend-the-bees - 61k, T, Dirk/Todd (AU, fake relationship)
”Y’know, make it up. Pretend to be in a relationship with someone. Can’t be that hard to fake, right?” it was still a stupid idea, but Todd was actually pretty invested in it now. He leaned forward, folding his arms. “C’mon, think about it- you got any other desperate homeless friends?” Takes a wacky ensemble piece and transforms it into a different sort of wacky ensemble piece. Sparing use of fake dating tropes makes this fic all the more enjoyable.
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder: A Lovely Sentiment, But Rarely Applies To Anniversary Gifts - DontOffendTheBees - 7k, M, Dirk/Todd
"In which Dirk and Todd celebrate three years together- but forgot they were supposed to be doing that." Featuring: Todd Brotzman's "funhouse of self-loathing," Dirk & Todd's mutual uselessness, Amanda & Farah's mutual exasperation, winks to Douglas Adams canon, and a clever meta twist.
How We Go Together - ekb112 - 3k, E, Kirk/Spock
"'Have you ever been in love, Spock?' A series of moments in Jim and Spock's relationship." I like a semi-annual spot of K/S. It's a classic ship for a reason, and this fic scratched the itch just right.
Easy As Breathing - electricteatime | @kieren-fucking-walker - 1k, G, Dirk/Todd
"Their days start together. Warm and close, but all elbows and knees, tangled in covers and noses buried into hair. It takes time to swim up through the pull of sleep to break the surface, but when they come to they wake up to each other." A lovely soft distillation of a relationship.
Dress You Up in My Love - electricteatime - 3k, T, Dirk/Todd
“'So, what? Your solution is a pair of skin tight leopard print pants? How is that better than anything I’ve worn?'
Dirk just grins wildly at him, it’s the most like himself he’s looked in days. 'Put them on.'” A fluffy missing scene fic with a wonderful sense of interiority. (How is electricteatime is so good at characterization?!?)
A Flame Undamped - Frayach, read by wench_fics - 5k, 40min, M, Harry/Draco
"A happy ending. Because I can finally imagine one." Hurt/comfort doesn't even BEGIN to cover this sequel to The Price We Pay for Wings. No one does pain and poignancy--and sometimes, healing--like Frayach.
Saturn in Retrograde - gooseflesh - WIP series, M, Dirk/Todd
"As with most things in Dirk Gently's life, things are fine until they're not. A mystery and minor inconvenience for Todd Brotzman takes a terrifying turn when Dirk insists on investigating, and it'll take more than a hunch for them to hold onto to all that they've built." I'm not typically an angst gremlin, but I can't stop reading this WIP, even as the characters' situation worsens exponentially.
Death by Kittenshark - howldax - 1k, G, Dirk/Todd
"'You know,' Dirk says sternly, 'if you murder me, there will be nobody around to feed you.'" Cats (even cats who are also sharks) are gonna cat. Charming and fluffy.
i was born in a summer storm (i live there still) - janeseyre - 10k, G, Farah & Todd & Dirk
"Farah confronts the vestiges of her past as she, Dirk, and Todd travel east to visit her mother. It turns out Farah isn’t as over her father’s death as she thought she was." A deeper look into Farah’s families, both biological and chosen; full of lovely little smile moments and Farah getting the closure she deserves.
The Burning Heart - @may-shepard​ - 119k, M, John/Sherlock, AU (post s3 fix-it)
"Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own." As is my habit with zeitgeist-y fics, I didn't get around to this one until well after the rest of the fandom, but I'm glad I did. Here's to an assassin plot that's actually plausible and compelling!
The Easiest Way - nntkiwff - WIP, T, Dirk/Todd, Farah/Todd (“basically OT3”)
"'Is that everything?'
'Yes, essentially,' Dirk says, as Todd is saying, 'I don't have magic powers.'"  A slow burn WIP, set immediately after the return from Wendimoor, featuring multiple perspectives (including Ken!), in-depth characterization, and some excellent lines, like this one about Farah: “She says all of this as though she is ashamed of being cursed, instead of proud that she blew up an evil warlock.”
Blood Magic and Rebirth (or, The One Where They Are All Feminist Academics) - @notcaycepollard​ - 1k, G, gen (Harry Potter)
"Moon cups, Luna thinks. Moon cups and blood magic. And she remembers the old itch under her skin, and a music box fluttering into a flock of birds, and wonders just how powerful it could be." This is 1000% headcanon for me now.
A Little Bit Scandalous - @oneprotagonistshort - 1k, E, Dirk/Todd
"Dirk Gently was self-aware enough to admit that he had… a thing. A quirk. One of those idiosyncratic little peculiarities that made up a tiny part of his personality. A kink. He just liked that extra edge; the need to be quiet or someone might hear, the blood pounding in his ears while he stayed hyper-alert for footsteps, the way Todd kissed him so urgently that he lost his breath." I especially appreciated the characterization behind the kink in this one.
Relative Distance - Quesarasara | @itsnotgonnareaditselfpeople, read by @lockedinjohnlock-podfics - 45k, 5hrs, E, John/Sherlock
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." One of the author's tags on this fic is "What if everyone just acted like a damn adult for a change?", which really clarifies how the fic differs from the later seasons of the show.
it's an institute you can't disparage - @shortcrust - 19k, T, Dirk/Todd
"Todd wakes up beside Dirk Gently four years to the day after having met him realises - abruptly and with categoric certainty - that he wants to do so every day for the rest of his life. What the fuck, he thinks."  Hilarious, insightful, and absolutely nails a) the ridiculousness and pathos of Todd Brotzman mired in needless self-doubt, and b) my favorite Ship Dynamic: compatible disasters.
there's cell reception on this widow's walk - strix_alba - 2k, T, Farah/Tina
"In which Tina sort-of-kind-of asks Farah to stay with her in Bergsberg, and Farah kind-of-sort-of wants to say yes." Awkward flirting, Farina styles! Tina mentally describes Dirk & Todd & Farah as a “bunch of hot, uptight weirdos,” which is p e r f e c t.
Just Like That - @sussexbound (SamanthaLenore) - 8k, E, John/Sherlock
"For the first time in what feels like years he WANTS." The perfect combination of unf and feeeels.
Further fic recs | Fic Bookmarks
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egglygreg · 6 years
I made a list of all the pets I've had in my 24 years of life
Oh it's... so many. So many pets.
Rex- Ridgeback/shepherd. Very lazy. Could say his fav treat "boney-ohs!"
Winnie- Aussie terrier. SO much sass. Backtalking princess who also loved picking fights and killing spiders.
Macca- Suspected shepherd/staffy. Feral trash disaster who got up to huge amounts of mischief. Bit like Red Dog. I plan on writing a book.
Farlie- Kelpie. Anxiety* personified. Super smoochy.
Dusk- Small black and white feral I kinda tamed- SUPER fuzzy and cute in winter, scraggly half chewed in summer (think fox). Lived under the house. Appeared when he heard my singing, loved agressive pats, dribbled when happy
Dawn- Dusk's short coated grey tabby brother (disappeared after a year)
Fleece- Feral kitten, tamed and found a new home after a week. Had to kneel in nettles and get horribly scratched to catch him.
Molly- Grey version of that rabbit from Monty Python, most vicious of beasts. Actually male.
Goku- Black lop with white bits and gold "hair", sweetheart but real dumb. No fear. Very good boy on lead.
Parmesan- My gremlin. Golden mixed breed. Hefty 6kg. Naughty destructive chew monster. Loved his face mooshed. All the flops.
Leesi- Grey netherland dwarf. Gentle baby. Will lick anyone, even Parmy (who was always mean to her). Only current pet.
Guinea pigs-
Piff- Yellow.
Nuts- Fat.
Hairball- Black sentient slipper. Couldn't tell one end from the other.
Inky- stripe- Black with a white stripe on his face, obviously.
Chrysanthemum Theresa- Tri coloured. She and Agatha were named after a story mum told me. Her Aunty, only 10 years older and a teen, was teasing mum and her sister that these were originally going to be their names. Aunty Denise cried.
Agatha Twaddle- Also tri coloured.
Flute- Cockatiel. Screaming. Always stealing food, once got a hot two minute noodle caught round his leg and flew shrieking around the room. Loved showers, you had to let him in. Pen thief and paper shredder.
Samantha and Samuel- Budgies, former green and latter blue. Learnt to make kissy noises constantly.
Quacker- Black, named by my bro.
Zipper- Black, named for zipping under the water as a duckling.
Blanche- White. Obviously.
Chickens (big category, I loved my chickens growing up)-
Pompom- The original. White silky bantam with pink skin (most have black). Lived for 12 years. Most docile animal ever. Completely unconcerned. Loved having babies, including the 3 ducks. Used to dye her different colours and paint her nails.
Fluffy- Pompom's sister. Got eaten by the neighbors dog. I was 5, very upset.
Ruby- Big rhode island rooster. Named because I was really into Deltora Quest (all the gem names). Handraised by 7 year old me, I would carry him and his brother under each arm.
Pearl- Ruby's bro. When his brother got re-homed, he would perch at the livingroom window and watch tv.
Sapphire- Whoo boy, this chicken! Silky X rhode island (Pompom and one of the bro's offspring). Black, sleek feathers with green sheen and a slicked back pompom. Face like a hawk and intelligent eyes. Always escaped the pen, even with clipped wings. Slept in trees. Would steal the dogs food. Watched her take a bone off Rex and drag it away while he snarled at her. He would try and take her eggs and she'd peck his face. Would lay eggs in multiple spots to confuse me. Fought a fox and won. Literal tiny raptor.
Brown Chook- Fat brown hen with pretty green black markings on her neck and a slicked back pompom. Amazingly, Sapphire's sister. Loved a lap to sit in, especially dad's (she obviously had a crush). Would greet me at the front gate with the dogs every day. Suprisingly un-motherly despite appearance.
Omlette- White silky bantam. Nervous and wary, despite being handraised.
Stitch- Omelette's bro, died young from unknown illness.
Fefe- White silky bantam. Basically Heihei from Moana. Goofiest animal. Shaped like a weird fluffy emu. Super uncoordinated. Probably inbred. Used to gently peck my feet when I fed them, would have to direct her to the food. Once got a red berry stuck on the end of her beak and ran around in circles. Had mum hysterical.
Shire- White silky male. Goof. Only rooster at the time but was definitely not the boss (it was Sapphire).
Pippin- Hand raised sussox rooster. Carried him and Merry around in an apron as chicks. Took them like that to church at Christmas.
Merry- Used to fly up onto my shoulder. I'd pretend he was a cool eagle or something.
Killer- White sussox rooster. Sooky scaredy cat.
Callula- White silky. Nervous but very sweet. Flapper.
Periwinkle- Grey silky rooster. Loved eating violets, constant confusion.
Gazania- Gold silky. Just a happy little chookun.
Magpie- Welsh mountain mix. Black and white (again, obviously). Grumpy old man. Had taught so many kids to ride, was fed up by the end of it. Liked me well enough, since I mostly brushed him and gave him treats rather than riding often.
That's 40! (I think?)
And these are only the ones I remember! I also left out gran's 3 pets where I currently live, the animals (aside from Magpie) that I had at dad's, and all the rescued wild critters over the years. Yep.
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paolox3b · 7 years
Famous Christmas Moves Remade, Starring the South Park Kids - a bit of drabble.
Popular Christmas Movies Remade starring Your Favorite South Park Characters
A fluffy little South Park drabble based on movie reviews from the Rotten Tomatoes site of Christmas movies listings.
White Creekmas (White Christmas) – 1954 – Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker spend the holidays at a romantic Vermont lodge, where it's almost always snowing. Did we mention it's a romantic lodge? See also “Holiday Inn”.
Fat-Ass Santa (Bad Santa) – 2003 – Eric Cartman takes a job as a mall Santa, but his plan is to rob the mall. Along the way, he befriend Butters Stotch, a neglected little boy with a senile old grandma. But will Butters and his friend Dougie double-cross Eric in the end?
Mysterion (Batman) Returns – 1992 – Starring Kenny McCormick. Some New Kid dressed in black and white, with the power to control birds, threatens South Park at Christmas. Things get worse when New Kid teams up with an unknown girl in black leather. Who is Cat Woman? And who is Mysterion?
A PC Christmas Carol – any year – adaptation of the classic Dickens tale. PC Principal doesn't believe that celebrating a specific holiday based upon race, religion, or creed is proper. The staff and students want the holidays off, but he's adamant. He has student loans to pay off, after all. Then the ghosts start showing up. Will Tiny Timmy live to see next Christmas? TIMMY! (Starring Timmy Burch)
Ike Gremlins – 1984 – When something goes wrong at the South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch, it's up to Kyle Broflovski and Heidi Turner to get the infestation of Gizmo-Ikes under control. Someone fed Ike after midnight, then gave him a bath.
Elf (Off the Shelf) – 2003 – When he was just an infant, Clyde Donovan crawled into Santa's magical gift sack one night. Raised by elves at the North Pole, he returns to South Park, Colorado some years later to spread Christmas cheer and revive the Holiday Spirit. With tacos. Will he reunite with his Human family, or will his mother die in a horrible toilet accident?
Trading Places (with Token) – 1983 – When poor boy Kenny McCormick and rich kid Token Black trade places for the holiday season, hilarity ensues over a $1 bet. It's nature vs. nurture in this holiday romp that could only happen in South Park.
A Buttery Christmas Story – 1983 – All that young Leopold “Butters” Stotch wants for Christmas is a new Red Ryder BB gun. But as the lovable tyke chronicles his Christmas woes, he is constantly told, “You'll shoot your eye out, kid!” (And he's only got ONE good one!)
How the Grinch Stanned Christmas – 1967 – Stan Marsh is fed up with Christmas, especially his dad's over-the-top holiday displays. One December night, while the whole town is sleeping, Stan steals Christmas. Mainly to hide it from Randy.
Holiday Inn – 1942 – Music by Tweek Tweak, songs by Craig Tucker, and dancing by Jimmy Valmer all add up to a really delightful musical that also just happened to launch the hit 'White Creekmas'.
Miracle on 34th Street – 1947 – So is the old man at the South Park Mall really Santa? Wendy Testaburger sets out to prove it.
It's a Wonderful Life (without Cartman) – 1946 – When Kenny comes back as an angel to show Eric Cartman what life in South Park would be like, had Cartman never been born, it turns out that everyone's life is sooooo much better. Cartman goes to Hell, and Angel Kenny gets his wings.
The Santa Clause – 2002 – When Santa falls off the Marsh Family's roof and dies, Randy puts on the coat and becomes the new Santa. Stan declares, “This is pretty fucked up, right here!”. After visiting their first house, Stan shoves Randy off the roof and says, “Oh, hell no!” Satan appears to give him advice. Big Gay Al then puts on the coat.
Eight Crazy Nights (with the Broflovskis) – It's Hanukkah at the Broflovski house. Kyle's mom is in her element. Madness ensues. Use your imagination! Tales too terrible to tell... Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel!
Matt & Trey's Christmas Vacation – 1989 – It's Christmas in South Park. This immortal Chevy Chase role goes to Randy, no question.
The Nightmare Before Christmas – 1993 – Halloween is over, and thanks to Cartman, the Ginger Kids are pissed. Again. It's up to Kyle (the Daywalker) and Nate (aka Carrot) to find Jack Skelington in Imagination Land and put the holidays back on track.
Christmas with the Kranks (McCormicks) – 2004 – The McCormicks are skipping Christmas. They're not going anywhere, just skipping it. Nothing to see here...
Black Christmas – 2006 – Butters, a young boy, was abused by his mother as a child. His mother cheated on Butters' father, and eventually killed the man, while keeping Butters in the attic - for good, while she was with her lover and starting a "new" family. As Butters' mother fell pregnant with a daughter and treated her with the love he had never experienced, Butters came out of the attic after years and brutally murdered his mother and her lover. Cut to present day, a group of six sorority sisters consisting of Wendy, Bebe, Red, Lisa, Heidi, Annie and their house mother, who now live in Butters' childhood home, find themselves being harassed by threatening and intimidating mystery phone calls during Christmas Break. As one of the girls goes missing, they begin being murdered one by one by no other than Butters. (Sorry, I couldn't resist this one!)
Krampus the (overworked) Christmas Devil – 2013 – He's come to South Park to collect the wicked children. First stop – Eric Cartman. It's easy pickings for Krampus.
The Christmas Shoes – 2006 – Clyde's mom is dying, and all the boy wants (other than a dog) is to get her a special pair of dancing shoes that might get her unstuck from the toilet. Rob Lowe is mercilessly spoofed in his role as Sir Harrington's lawyer, and joins Tom Cruise to sue the town.
A Hallmark South Park Christmas – When the holidays arrive, the kids all... Cartman: Screw you Hallmark guys, I'm goin' home! Stan: Oh, hell no! Kyle: Sorry, I'm Jewish. Kenny: Npf woo om pfin dfs! Craig: No, no, no, no, no, no! (Flips off the director.) Tweek: ARGH! Butters: But I like Hallmark movies? ALL: Shut up, Butters!
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I am an actual babysitter
Okay, so before we begin, this isn’t Sol; it’s a friend of theirs who doesn’t have Tumblr. I thought this story was hilarious and I had to share it.
So, in our town, there’s a tiny carnival event called Fun Days at the local park. It’s not a big town by any means, and the park isn’t too big either, but almost everybody in town is there every year. Anyway, in addition to all the probably unsafe carnival rides, there’s a playground. And during Fun Days, it’s crawling with tiny children. And teenagers.
I’m hanging out with my friend and a few of her older friends at this playground for no reason, really. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen them, but at this playground, there’s this one piece of equipment that’s probably best described as the Blue Ring of Death. Basically, children sit on this blue ring and hold on for dear life as their parents or some irresponsible 15-year-old spins them at light speeds. 
I was probably too big to be riding this with a group of 3-year-olds, but whatever, they didn’t seem to mind. If you know anything about three-year-olds, they’re absolutely reckless. My friend- let’s call her Jessica- was the one spinning the ride; and, not trying to hurt these midgets, she was going pretty slow. The gremlins, who had absolutely no sense of safety, were chanting “Faster, Faster!” like we were going to summon Sonic the Hedgehog. 
And Jessica spun it even faster.
This poor little boy- one of the three year olds that was chanting, flies into the air like a bird trying out its wings for the first time, flailing his spaghetti arms until he slammed his tiny body on the woodchips. Jessica tried to slow down, but she was too late; and that’s when it happened. I underestimated the speed that this hell machine was spinning; letting go for just a second, my ass flew off the seat and I, too, landed.
Except I didn’t land on the woodchips. By some incredible stroke of fate, I had landed with my ass firmly planted on an innocent 3-year-old boy. It took a few seconds before I actually realized what happened, but I sprung off of this child’s face and started screaming louder than the kid I fell on.
And of course, the kid’s mother was running over to her precious baby. She was staring at me like I just rose out of Hell to devour her child whole. Even though I was apologizing, there’s little that can quench the wrath of a suburban white mother who just saw her child get literally babysat. She whisks this kid away, still crying, and I didn’t see him the rest of the night; but he was still on my mind. I hope my ass didn’t give him brain damage.
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