#also working on update woooo
intotheelliwoods · 9 months
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Actually I think the tumblr peeps deserve this one
clack clack clack go their shells
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drawlody · 3 months
My list of Adam ships♡ n my opinion bout them (also fics rec :D)
Adam x Luicfer (Adamsapple/Duitarduck) 10/10
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Need i say more:)))??!?! started out as a "haha funny slip-up ship" to "hey they got really good angst potential". The friends/lovers to enemies to lovers is STRONG with this one n i am eating up everything i could found on ao3. Smth bout this macho-ass man finally getting to stay back n not take charge for once feel nice, also princess Adam supermacy wooooo. Whoever came up with the ship name i applaud u cause that's like a 3 layers name(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
It's not an Adamsapple fic without Adam having at least 1 mental breakdown n Lucifer have his guilt eating him alive:)))
Very fucked up torture but i swear it worth the pain:D The dove is so dead it start to rot so plz read the tags properly (plz check out the AngeliaDark other works too they got good shit)
This one have a splits so check out both the fics (beware the author have a skrewed sense of what is considered wholesome:))))
I didnt think a smut scene could be this sad
Adam x Lute (Guitarspear/Guardrock) 10/10
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Litteraly my first Hazbin ship, assholes in love is an underrated dynamic we desperately need more off:))) That with a dash of evil dude x loyal subordinate (which i havent seen since the Deathglare days) n opposite attract (look they have one main thing in common is that their extreme bloodthirst, other than that she's stricter than ur mom n he's lazier than the Sloth ring itself but that the beauty of it no? He convince her to chill tf out n not to burst a blood vessel, she keep him on track n make sure Sera dont come on their asses)
They're just being silly enabling each other terrible behaviour n i love that for them (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Litteral besties i tell ya
Heavy non-con shit involving Val but Lute will revenge our boi i promised u that
Cool idea n they r just made for each other damn
First hazbin fic i read which is a really cool smut:D
Adam x Micheal (we need a ship name people ) (update: it's Songbird/Guitarhero) 10/10
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I like how we dont even got a proper comfirmation of Micheal design/personality yet the ship is here already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( im using the Nakariiale's design as a base here love their design)
Hit me with that rebound love x "u look like my ex so im using u as a replacement but ill fall for the real u eventually" x co-workers in heaven. I'm thinking smth along the line of "after Lucifer fucked off with Lilith, Micheal became Adam guardian angel n they just hang out" ya feel me here? (✿◕‿◕✿)
Shout out to Bloog_b for dragging me into this ship:DDD also im on the Adam x the archangels ship as a "gotcha" to Lucifer of sort. Like bitch u stole my wives imma steal your brotherS
Look it's Adamsapple endgame but trust me u will be feed well on this ( u know how good u gotta be for people to ditch the main ship?)
I'm giving yall 4 fics here cause i can only found 4 rn(._. )
this one is uhh non-con so beware
Micheal is indeed Adam guardian angel in this one:D
Adam x Eve (Flowertunes) 8/10
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I dont care what yall said they love each other throughout Eden n Earth , might have a falling out in heaven but that doesnt change the fact that they were once IN LOVE. Honestly why cant we just have a couple that have the same bright-eyed innocence like one another.I refuse to believe Eve like willingly cheat on Adam with malicious intent n all, simply she was indeed ''tricked'' or just not fully understand the sistuation, n Adam love her way too much to think that she would do that to him like Lilith. Hell the dude was heartbroken after L left , starting the abandonment issues, so he would have cling to Eve, doing everything so that he aint alone again, even if that mean leaving Eden
Honestly it pisses me off that the Adam/Eve tag on ao3 most of the time is just 1 dialouge between them back when Eve bit the apple n thats it no elaboration on the couple whatsoever >:(((
Lots of switcharoos
sinner eve woooo
look its hard trynna find a fic focusing on them ok?
Adam x St. Peter (Guitargreeter (bet ya didnt see that coming:))) 7/10
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Base on this fanfic alone Joe my dude u r on the path of becoming THE Adam crack-ship writer n i am here for this:)))) just so u wait this dude gonna whip out a AdamxNifty , AdamxHusk fic later on ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
From within the fic itself the ship its 2 bros in love with homophobia standing in the way >:( also when did we have a name?!?!?!?
I just like Adam x anyone in heaven alright:D like bro famous n he got that ancient rizz, u telling mr he cant bag a hottie or 2-100+ hmm?
Adam x Alastor (Angelicradio) 8/10
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I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ABOUT THEM THAT I SHIP I JUST DO φ(゜▽゜*)♪ i blame YOU honestly rn this ship is either Adam found Al after the fight n they make a deal or they're in heaven n they chillin this ship is confusing:D
They're angels on heaven
Adam gone back into eden n do shit differently
This is both Adam/Eve n Adam/Alastor kinda
Adam x Alastor x Lucifer (Angelicradioapple/ Charlie's dads (only me call them that lol)) 9/10
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''Hey Charlie u know how u r sad that your mother left? Wellllllll i got you 2 new dads suprise:DDDD''
Look 3 miserable men who hate each other + hell's greatest dad + my love for Dadam = Messy ass old men yaoi :DDDD n it work perfectly with Alastor Asexuality too!!! Like Adam n Lucifer could fuck each other brains out before Al joining in for the cuddles lol
Chaos ensue
Not exactly a love triangle but a love corner but hey we barely got food here :D
I cant believe how hot this shit is lol
Adam x Eve x Lilith x Lucifer (Eden poly/ applecore?) 8/10
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They could have been all married to each other(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ But as much as i go "OooOooo Poly yay'' i just cant vibe with EvexLucifer, like the cheating vibes is wayyyyyyyyy too much i just cant man . I mean with the interpetation that Lucifer came to Eden to hang out with the humans they all know eachother, they're a throuple yes but BUT when Eve came into the picture it was only with Adam n him only so the other 2 is ehhhh. Im fine with EvexLilith cause im seeing it happening later, not hidden from Adam while LuciferxEve got that deception going on .So uhhh in this ship they're more like bestie than lovers to me¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also AdamxLilith is an underrated pairing like everytime i saw this applecore thing going on these 2 r at most tolerate each other like cmonnnnn we already twist this to hell n back, why cant we make it so their arguement was a petty non-malicious one n they still cares for each other hmm???
They're one happy family
IDK what to tell u bittersweet reunion n loving family is the only typa fic u get with this ship
Not that im complaining i need this wholesomeness
Adam x Mammon (Adammon/Madam/Greedyguitar/ 1st chirstmas.... hasnt had an offical name yet) 10/10
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They r litteraly same person different font idk what to tell u. More insults thrown around than Guitarspear but they're pretty similar. Adam is just " sinners suck ass but this dude is the worst in the best way". Also they're both big bois (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ , they love towering over others
I'm sorry but there r barely BARELY
any fics of them :(
The art side is more plentiful tho :D
Adam x Angel Dust (Holydust/guitardust) 5/10
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THEY ARE BESTIES YOUR HONOUR n that the exact reason why i cant see them be together as a couple 100%, like the shit-talking bff vibes r wayyyy too strong XD Angel finally got someone who have the same vulgar humour as him n if Adam got married in hell Angel would 100% be his best bitch of honour (���∀≦)ゞq(≧▽≦q)
They're best friends who have casual no-string attached sex that is ACTUALLY no-string attached:)))
I came to ship them due to those "What if they're co-workers under Val' scenarios ive been seeing on Tumblr
I got like 1 fic on ao3 i mean if u r looking for just platonic friendship between them then rest asure most Adam's redemption fics have that
I got 1 fic on tumblr
Adam x Charlie (Charadam/Guitarprincess) 5/10
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U know this ship give me a pretty bad first impression since a good chunk of the fics r either heavy non-con shit or lean wayyyyy to much into the daddy kink, ya know how Charlie got suppose daddy issues n all that jazz?:))) yeah that... that
But after seeing the art side of this ship im chillin with them now, since the art r pretty wholesome, usually having them decked out in punk-rock clothings hanging out. It's a big "Fuck you" to Lucifer n i live for these mf argueing ╰(*°▽°*)╯
So uhhh stay away from the fics if ya want an actual functional couple instead of wtv messed up shit we got there:))) But here's a fic anyway, the only one where it feel bearable n actual trynna go into said messed up relationship i already warn you
We got cracks like Guitarmaid (AdamxNifty), Valadam (AdamxVal) which i dont have enough materials to decied, Classicalrock (AdamxSera) sound interesting but also havent found anything , Guitarhalo (AdamxEmily) is an unexpected find, find i deem them to be more familial than romantic so we'll see if there's a fic good enough to convince me
Edit:i forgot to add Blitzo like Mammon already there why did i forgot
Adam x Blitzo (i dont think anyone even ship this but me:)) 7/10
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I cant find a single fic where they has anything more than a 1 nightstand n 1 interaction where they hit it off , i live off imagination alone (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) but like fr fr they would match so well, like their bloodlust n general jerkiness would make them the 3rd asshole x asshole ship on this list :DDDD
Tho as much as i wanna see them go further i feel like an on-n-off relationship/friends with benefits fit em more ya know ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰) If ya have any fic but the 2 here that have them interact lemme know cause a bitch need food :)
This is a lot of tag(._. )
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whiskygoldwings · 2 months
Okay! The promised Fox-centric fics rec list is here WOOOO! I’ve split this into complete and not complete. I did have grand plans about sorting it into genres but uh, that might be for later when I've regained the will to live... I’ve also been recommended a few I haven’t read, so have given those a section of their own. These are FOX-CENTRIC fics. … Mostly. I’ve said where the focus is more on someone else with Fox as more secondary!
THIS IS ALL HUGELY BIASED! I have my personal tastes, and know they don’t fit everyone else’s. Just because a fic isn’t on here doesn’t mean it isn’t good, and just because a fic IS on here doesn’t mean you’ll like it. I also simply haven’t read all the Fox fics out there! I’m trying to, but you folks keep writing new excellent fics and I can’t keep up! Also, I do like to occasionally do other things… Very occasionally…
Within the basic headers, none of these fics are in any particular order. Also, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY MISSED FICS. PLEASE REC ME ANY YOU THINK I HAVE MISSED. I’m intending to update this as I read more, these are just the ones I could remember/find at the moment!
I have included with the link – any ships, tags people may need to be aware of, length and a brief summary. I CLONESHIP. So yes, there's some fics with cloneshipping in here. Honestly, not anywhere near as many as I thought there would be. I have used the pairings as given by the author on the fic, so if I have missed a pairing, that's why. IF YOU THINK I HAVE MISSED SOMETHING PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW, PLEASE TELL ME. I do my best, but I’m very (very) fallible. I’d rather know and be able to fix it than not know and someone be hurt by something. (This literally goes for anything else).
If you have a fic that’s not on here and you think it should be – comment/message/ask!
With the intro over, let’s get into the meat of things!
Commander Fox’s Ultimate Bucket List – Blackkat
PAIRINGS: Fox/Mace Windu, Padme Amidala/Thorn/Stone, Depa Bilaba/Grey, Agen Kolar/Cody
TAGS: AU – Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Humour, Crack, Seduction, Murder Attempts, OTP: Anakin/Consequences, Romance, Friendship, Let Fox be a little unhinged 2kforever
SUMMARY: Fox has a second chance, a to-do list, a stolen lightsaber, and a complete willingness to give everyone around him grey hairs. Plus a Jedi Master to seduce. It's going to be a ride.
My thoughts: Y’ALL. WELCOME TO RAREPAIR HELL WITH ME. I actually tried to draw fanart for this I loved it so much. It is WONDERFUL. Hilarious. The characterisation of Fox is just brilliant.
Our Guard (a docu-holo sponsored by the Coruscant Communications Bureau) – FortinbrasFTW
TAGS: Various original characters, Comedy, Fix-It, Dead Sheev Palpatine, that what we do in the shadows meets fox accidentally kills his boss au, mockumentary, bail and fox are bros, Crack treated seriously, no ships really in this but kit and fox are def some kind of exes, every clone deserves a droid sidekick
SUMMARY: Nonstop civilian protest duty for over a month, the senate's latest hobby seems to be getting abducted for kicks, and now he had to deal with a camdroid shaped pain-in-the-ass following his every move. The powers that be seemed to think that putting him and the rest of the Guard in some holo was the best way to work up some civilian sympathy. Well, at least there was no way his day could get any worse...
My thoughts: You all thought this list was gonna be just angst didn’t you!?! This is another, just excellent, hilarious Fox fic. Such a brilliant idea, and one I can absolutely imagine happening. Fox is so done, and his interactions with the camdroid are beautiful.
To Be Free Once More (That’s Worth Fighting For) – Batsutousai
PAIRINGS: Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi
WORDCOUNT: 154,695
TAGS: AU – Canon divergence, Fix-it, Qui-Gon Jinn Lives, Jedi Shadow Investigator Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi culture and tradition, Jedi appreciation, Coruscant Guard Troopers Deserve better, Force-sensitive Clone Troopers, Protective clone troopers, Clone trooper mistreatment, Clone trooper and Jedi relationships, Institutional Abuse, Discrimination, Strangers to friends to lovers, Trans clone troopers, nonbinary clone troopers, Nonbinary Jedi characters, Sheev Palpatine being an asshole, Character death, Palpatine and some Corries die onscreen, Implied/referenced character death, Deaths of original Jedi characters are reference, The young of Melida/Daan, Clone trooper Inhibitor chips, Force-sensitive Fox
SUMMARY: As a Jedi Shadow, Obi-Wan hadn't expected to have much to do with the clone troopers. Until, suddenly, he does.
My thoughts: I uh… I already broke my own rules for this list… Oops! I’m really not sorry for it though… Obi-Wan is the central character in this, with Fox as a secondary character. However the handling of Fox and Obi-Wan’s building relationship, and the way Obi-Wan interacts with the clones/the Corries is wonderful. This is a freaking excellent story. I’m breaking the rules to recommend you something you should ABSOLUTELY read.
Operation: Don’t Wake The Commander – AlleyMoslof
TAGS: Fox needs a hug, Tired Fox, Fox deserves better, These shinies are dedicated, Coruscant Guards, Let Fox sleep, Fix-it, Thorn is Chaos Personified, The Guard has no impulse control, Fox is a good bro, the adoption genes are strong with the Guard, Fox IS the Guard’s impulse control
SUMMARY: “So basically, Commander Thorn ordered you to make sure Commander Fox slept a decent amount and didn’t give you any restrictions as to how to do this.”
The shiny looked up from the ‘pad to smirk at him, “sir, yes, sir.”
My thoughts: Just adorable! This is so sweet! Those Shinies sure are dedicated, and Fox gets a well-deserved nap. *heart*
And I Did It My Way – Miyaji_08
PAIRINGS: Fox/Quinlan Vos
TAGS: Hurt/Comfort, Fox Needs a Hug, Coruscant Guard troopers need hugs, Coruscant Guard troopers get hugs, Coruscant Guard troopers as family, Quinlan Vos needs a hug, Protective Quinlan Vos, Ferus Olin needs a hug, Ferus Olin gets a hug, Quinlan and Fox think they’re in a murder mystery but really it’s a comedy, The best way to get away with crime is to completely forget how and why you did it, Clone troopers and Jedi as found family, Obi-Wan Kenobi needs a drink, Protective clone troopers, Protective Jedi, Coruscant Guard troopers deserve better.
SUMMARY: Commander,” High General Windu says, brows raised in suspicion. “This is the Chancellor’s office holo, is it not? May I speak with him?”
Fox stares at the general, and then down at the black smudge on the floor where Palpatine’s body used to be. Slowly, subtly, he shifts so he’s standing on top of it.
“Uh,” he says. “…No.”
My thoughts: This is angtsy, and wonderful, and Fox is so tired and his characterisation is brilliant.
Galaxy-Saving Memes – musicmillennia
TAGS: Memes, Social media, chatfic, Fix-it, crack, humour, whump, Fox needs a hug, and he GETS one plot twist, they all get one!!, unhealthy coping mechanisms, trauma, reconditioning, mind control.
SUMMARY: You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better.
Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
My thoughts: BRILLIANT. HILARIOUS. The Guard are so nonchalant about the shit they’re dealing with that they turn it into memes. *chefs kiss*
Their Days are Darker – always_a_slut_for_hc
TAGS: Clone troopers deserve better, hurt/comfort, abuse, Fox needs a hug, Wolffe is a little shit, Whump, AU – canon divergence, Dehumanization, Gaslighting, GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE
SUMMARY: After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done.
He is very, very wrong.
My thoughts: One of my all-time favourite Fox whump fics. I have re-read this several times. It does hurt, it is painful, but it does get better. Love it.
Commander Fox is Completely Fine – Maddy_B
PAIRINGS: Fox/Quinlan Vos
WORD COUNT: 275,029
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. RAPE/NON-CON. Fox needs a hug, Tired Fox, Fox whump, Coruscant Guards, Slow burn, Dissociation, Panic attacks, Gender dysphoria, Body dysphoria, Dysphoria, Explicit sexual content, Slavery, Implied/referenced rape/non-con, all explicit sexual content in this fic is consensual, Bad parent Jango Fett, Implied/referenced torture, Mild gore, Blood and gore.
SUMMARY: Cody was still staring at him. Fox wasn't sure what made him keep talking.
"It's always the shinies who think they're invincible," he muttered, "who think they're above the rules."
Cody nodded slowly.
"Yeah," he said, voice a little hoarse, "that's usually how I lose them too."
Fox watched as his little brother finished the rest of his drink and stared down into his empty cup.
It wasn't the same, he wanted to say. That's a battlefield, this is the centre of the Republic, it's different. The truth is that it's not as different as it should be.
My thoughts: This is a long haul fic folks, but it is deliciously worth it. The angst/whump is very real. The comfort is also very real. Fox and Quinlan are plonkers who eventually get their acts together. There’s wonderful interactions with Fox and Padma, Bail and Riyo. Wonderful fic.
Do-Over – TooManyTeeth
WORD COUNT: 109,352
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Time travel fix-it, Fox needs a hug, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Hurt/comfort, Brotherly love, Cuddling and snuggling, Blood and gor, Torture, Palpatine is a giant asshole, Fox gets better I promise, Abuse, The Coruscant Guard collectively need a hug, Fox needs a nap, Non-consensual kissing, Non-consensual touching, Friendship, Medical inaccuracies, Unintentional betrayal, Fox gets a hug
SUMMARY: Fox made a mistake. Fox was punished. Fox died. Fox woke up.
My thoughts: Oh the hurt and angst is very real with this one folks. So is the comfort though. Eventually! An excellent story, painful to read in places, but beautifully done. I’m very excited for the sequel!
With Nothing to Lose, There’s Everything to Go – Batsutousai
TAGS: Clone troopers deserve better, Clone trooper-centric, Abusive Sheev Palpatine, Past abuse, Abandonment, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug, Fix-it, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, PTSD, Little bit of hurt/Lots of comfort, Family reunions, Protective siblings
SUMMARY: The end of the war arrived, but nothing changed for the Coruscant Guard.
My thoughts: If you need something to just make you feel a little bit better about the world, give this fic a read. Lovely one-shot. Lots of feels.
Commander Fox’s Guide to Touring Coruscant – KakashiKrazy256
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Hurt/comfort, Bros being bros, Dialogue heavy, Fox needs a hug, And he’ll get one, Fox’s brothers telling him he matters and he short-circuits, Ponds is alive because I said so, Injury
SUMMARY: The painkiller he had been giving just half an hour prior is still working fine, leaving him relatively...alright. Nothing hurts particularly bad, but there’s a fuzziness layered over everything, making it hard to think too hard on anything beyond the first thoughts running through his head.
Go inside. Find the rest. Sit down. Drink. Don’t say anything stupid. Don’t get caught. And...and just be there to properly enjoy the company of his brothers.
Don’t forget these memories.
Fox gets injured but decides to keep it secret for the sake of his batchmates. For the prompt 'is that a bloodstain?!'
My thoughts: Lovely fic. The interactions between Fox and his brothers are just wonderfully well-written. And Fox’s pain throughout is thoughtfully done.
Foxhunt – OysterTori
PAIRINGS: Pre-slash Bacara/Fox. Side pairings of: Ponds/Mace Windu, Thorn/Cody, Echo/Fives/Rex, Bly/Aayla Secura
TAGS: Hurt Fox, Fox needs a hug, Coruscant Guard troopers as family, Coruscant Guard and GAR, BAMF Fox, Mind manipulation, Coruscant Guard loves Fox, Protective Coruscant Guard troopers, Sheev Palpatine being an asshole, Palps dies off screen because fuck him, Fox got to murder him as a treat, All clones have a competency kink, Bacara has the biggest though, Fox gets a hug, Trans clone troopers, Clone trooper reconditioning
SUMMARY: Fox has to flee after killing the Chancellor and as the events unfold he gets hunted across Coruscant by CorSec (not something to worry about) and the GAR (something to worry about).
But his Corries have his back, as always. They won't let someone take their ori'vod away from them.
My thoughts: … Honestly I just love that Fox is a BAMF MF and everyone wants him in this! From memory, I think the story actually focuses on other characters a lot more than Fox, but it’s brilliant anyway!
It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine – cats_and_dr_pepper
PAIRINGS: Depends on which chapters, but Fox/Thorn.
WORD COUNT: 62,395
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Fox needs a hug, Fox whump, Protective Fox, Tired Fox, Fox deserves better, Fox needs a nap, Protective Cody, Cody’s name is Kote, Cody is so smart, Injury, Manipulative Sheev Palpatine, Sheev Palpatine being an asshole, Clone medics are scary, Angst, Whump, Coruscant Guards, Coruscant Guard needs a hug, Self-indulgent, WIP, One-shot collection, Din Djarin cameo, Parental Jaster Mereel, Force ghost Jaster Mereel, Eldritch, Angst and hurt/comfort, Hurt/comfort, Hurt no comfort, Character death, Suicide attempt, grief/mourning, Crack, hijinks and shenanigans, Graphic descriptions of injuries, Order 66
My thoughts: I could recommend pretty much all of this author’s library, but I’m trying to limit it a little! While this is a collection of one shots, they’re just beautiful. I am particularly fond of Chaps 4 and 6/7. Folks, mind those tags and the chapter specific summaries.
Trich – cats_and_dr_pepper
TAGS: Angst, Whump, not too bad though, Trichotillomania, Fox needs a hug, Fox-centric, Fox whump, Sad Fox, Hair-pulling, in the least sexy way, Body focused repetitive disorder
SUMMARY: It was easy. It was easy to do. Any time Fox needed an extra… something to deal with the day on Kamino, he’d pull a hair. Never from the same place, never more than one, but for some reason, it helped. He didn’t quite know how or why, but the little stab of pain, the sound of the pluck through his skull, how sometimes the whole root sheath would slide out—it was something he could do.
On Coruscant, it gets out of control.
My thoughts: Look, I know I LITERALLY JUST SAID I was going to limit myself, but I have to rec this one. It holds a special place in my heart. I’ve had dermatillomania all my life. The two conditions are very related, and this whole fic spoke so much to me. Beautifully done depiction of the condition. My thanks to the author for this.
Corrie Red – musicmillennia
WORD COUNT: 24,294
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Lovecraftian Monsters, Eldritch Coruscant Guard, Horror, Body horror, Blood, Blood drinking, Gore, Non-linear narrative, Implied/referenced mind control, Manipulation, Angst, Fix-it, Cannibalism, No one is helping the Guard so they help themselves, With their new limbs, The Corries can have a little murder as a treat, Vomiting, Self-harm, Codependency, Temporary character death, Unreliable narrator, Protective Fox, Protective Coruscant Guard
SUMMARY: A Sith opens a Door and keeps it open. Something else slithers through, and it likes the Coruscant Guard. The Coruscant Guard likes it too.
My thoughts: DO YOU LIKE ELDRITCH HORROR!?! Boy have I got the fic for you then!!! Super excellent, wonderful body horror. Very creative, the descriptive language is beautiful. There are several more sidestories and a sequel in the works as well, which I highly recommend. This is the fic that made me love Eldritch Guard!
But Still, Bless Me Anyway – bitebackbaby
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. AU- Murderbot Diaries fusion, canon-typical violence, Canonical character death, Clone trooper mistreatment, Clone trooper reconditioning, Clone trooper decommissioning, Coruscant Guard troopers-centric, Coruscant Guard VS GAR rivalry, Coruscant Guard troopers deserve better, Coruscant Guard troopers need hugs, Fox whump, Fox deserves better, Fox needs a hug, Eventual happy ending, Angst with a happy ending
SUMMARY: CG-Unit 1010 is functioning at perfectly normal parameters. It obeys orders. Enforces the law. It is not afraid of the Masters that bought it. It does not mourn the Units that fail to measure up to their exacting standards. The Behavioral Chip does not allow such aberrant behaviors.
GAR Units are given many allowances. Fox wonders, sometimes, exactly when they will face the consequences of that.
(aka: built and deployed on coruscant, the cybernetic constructs known as the coruscant guard come face to face with the rest of the galaxy, and begin to notice some discrepancies.)
My thoughts: The utter GENIUS of combining the CG with SecUnits. This is absolutely amazing. It’s not kidding about the eventual happy ending, there’s some grief to come first. YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY READ THIS FIC. Even if you know nothing about the Murderbot Diaries. You need not have read the Murderbot Diaries, but just so you know, YOU SHOULD.
Tachy – postapocalyptic_cryptic
TAGS: Whump, platonic cuddling, Protective Wolffe, Fox needs a hug, Fox whump, Tachycardia, Panic attacks, Exhaustion, Protective siblings, Order 66 happened differently, Post-war, AU, PTSD, Tired Fox
SUMMARY: “Come on, Fox, head between your knees. You know the drill.” As gently as possible, Wolffe pushes Fox upright and helps him arrange himself in an approximation of the recovery position. He’s gasping and shaking and, now that Wolffe has his hands on him, burning up. “There you go,” Wolffe murmurs, keeping one hand on Fox’s head, carding through his hair, and using the other to comm medbay. “Deep breaths, Fox’ika.”
The war is over, but Fox is far from out of the woods.
My thoughts: Short fic with Fox suffering the aftereffects of everything? Yes pls!
Finding the Way Back – slotmachines_fearofgod
PAIRINGS: Implied Fox/Quinlan Vos
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Angst and hurt/comfort, the comfort is minimal, Fox needs a hug, Coruscant-Guard troopers-centric, Protective Fox, Protective Wolffe, Fox needs a nap
SUMMARY: Wolffe stops by the Coruscant Guard complex to pick up some unruly members of the 104th, and tries to reconnect with Fox. Certain things are revealed that set off some warning bells for Fox's batchmates
My thoughts: I love Wolffe and Fox interactions. I headcanon them being close brothers, so it makes me very happy! Wolffe’s not going to let this go Fox…
I’ve been sent up and I’ve been shot down – always_a_slut_for_hc
TAGS: Hurt/comfort, Implied/referenced self-harm, Touch-starved, Imprisonment, Solitary confinement, Fox needs a hug
SUMMARY: After the court martial, they put Fox away.
Just - put him away, up on a shelf like a little toy soldier. He’d laugh, if it wasn’t so fitting. They created him to do a job and he went out and did it and now they were done with him. 
My thoughts: I love this fic, and basically all of the Febuwhump 2022 collection. There’s a follow up to this as well. It’s angsty folks, but SO GOOOOOD.
Up In Our Bedroom (After The War) – lux_arcana
PAIRINGS: Queerplatonic Fox and Thorn
TAGS: AU – canon divergence, Dead Sheev Palpatine, Post-war, Autism spectrum, Autistic burnout, PTSD, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug, Stimming, Queerplatonic relationships, Therapy, Jedi culture and tradition, Clone trooper culture, Mind control aftermath and recovery, Emotional hurt/comfort
SUMMARY: In this strange new world that Fox got to live in, he woke up safe, warm, and comfortable. Everything around him was soft, muffled, heavy. He rolled over and moved into an even warmer spot, and stretched out languidly, as cat-like a behavior as he had ever done. Without opening his eyes, he knew exactly where he was. Kamino was not safe, warm, or comfortable. The Guard Barracks, though safe, were not warm, and the only comfort they had was each other. But here -
In the Temple, he was always warm, and he was always safe, and he was almost always comfortable. His bed was soft. It was comfortable. And, as he moved into the spot Thorn had just vacated, it was warm.
“Go back to sleep,” Thorn’s soft voice whispered, and Fox did what he did best; he obeyed.
(Fox, Thorn, and the rest of the Guard, after the war.)
My thoughts: I love this fic. I love the gentleness of it. I love the pain of it. I love the recovery.
Gar Shuk Meh Kyrayc – MageOfCole
TAGS: Sleep deprivation, Exhaustion, Fox needs a hug, Cody is a good bro, Cody is a little shit, Thorn is a good bro, Fox needs sleep, Clone troopers deserve better, Touch-starved Fox, Sheev Palps being an asshole, Clone troopers speak Mando’a, Mandalorian clone troopers, hurt/comfort, whump
SUMMARY: (you're no use dead)
Fox has barely slept in the last month, only enough to function in his tasks; he’s exhausted, and sore, and tired, but he has work to do. It’s his duty to always be there, ready and willing to take orders, but - Prime's tits - he's so tired.
My thoughts: I love fics where Fox’s brothers come in and make him sleep. Short, angtsy fic where Fox gets to take a good, long nap.
Reset Restart Repeat Repose – KairaKara101
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Fox needs a hug, Protective Fox, Tired Fox, Fox whump, Coruscant Guard troopers as family, Coruscant Guard troopers-centric, Protective CG, hurt/comfort, Emotional hurt/comfort, Angst, CG troopers deserve better, CG troopers need hugs, Manipulative Sheev Palps, Clone trooper reconditioning, Clone trooper decommissioning, Mind Manipulation, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Clone trooper mistreatment, Clone troopers speak Mando’a, Isolation, Amputation, Mental instability, Mental breakdown, Mental anguish, Identity issues, Loss of identity
SUMMARY: CC-1010 held a secret that none of his current batchmates, squad mates, guard vode, and vode knew about. He’d rather take that secret to his death and beyond.
My thoughts: A really interesting look at Fox having to continually reset himself. The whump is fierce with this one.
No One Worth Remembering – RMWrites
TAGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. AU, Lies, Posing as someone else, Implied/referenced character death, Manipulative Sheev Palps, Thorn and Pals are in the background, Order 66 didn’t happen, Fox deserved better, Hurt no comfort, Angst, The happy ending is only for some people, Fox needs a hug, Implied/referenced suicide
SUMMARY: Fox the Original, as he called him, had gone MIA on a mission for the Chancellor a year and a half into the war. To keep the pretense of normalcy- for losing a Marshal Commander on the “safe” posting of Coruscant would cause far too much public panic- the replacement Commander had donned the painted armor of the late Fox, took up his name and number, and studied the plethora of reports left behind to mimic his voice.
He was Commander CC-1010 "Fox"- the ninth to hold that name.
My thoughts: I LOVE this idea and I love this fic. This idea is just fantastic, and I highly recommend you go read it!
The Guard Are (Not) Fine – redhairedmuses
PAIRINGS: Fox/Quinlan, Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bly/Aayla Secura
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Heavy angst, Angst, Angst and tragedy, Angst and hurt/comfort, Implied/referenced torture, Implied/referenced abuse, canon-typical violence, Mental breakdown, Fox whump, Fox needs a hug, Protective Fox, Fox is a good liar, Alcohol, Protective Cody, Minor character death, Creepy/manipulative Sheev Palps, Dissociation, Fox has issue, and he blatantly ignores them.
SUMMARY: In his service to the Coruscant Guard, Fox had learned to become a very good liar. Some would argue one of the best.
But how long can he keep lying to himself?
aka. the corrie guard deal with a lot of shit on coruscant and no one really does anything about it.
My thoughts: Yeah, we all know I love a good bit of Corrie angst. Here’s a delicious one.
CHTHONIC – catboydogma
PAIRINGS: Fox/Quinlan Vos
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Meet ugly, Getting together, Let Fox say FUCK, Anti-clone prejudice, Fluff, Angst, Whump, Emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, Canon-typical violence, Gore, Corpses, Mind control, Mind control aftermath and recovery, Enemies to co-workers to lovers, Worldbuilding, Planet Coruscant, CG, Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant’s Haunted, Horror elements, Falling in love, Fix-it, AU – canon divergence, Order 66 didn’t happen, Past torture, Referenced decommissioning
SUMMARY: Not even two days later, Fox revised his opinion. This wasn’t a disaster. This was a Grade-A, first order, fresh off the hot plate fuckfest. Fox’s day had gone something like this: lay in bed. Get up. Knock back some of the sludge in the mess masquerading as caf. Go through forms. Fill out forms. Bust open a closet in which the Senators for Uyter and Kinyen had both managed to get “stuck” in. Go through more forms. Fill out more forms. Get called up to the Senate dome to tell a Senator that no, the Guard did not address noise complaints. Find that the stack of datapads on his desk had somehow tripled over the last two hours. Despair at the state of his inbox. Etcetera, etcetera. And then.
Red Like My Dreams – Quarra
PAIRINGS: Fox/murder
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, AU – canon divergence, Blood and gore, Serial killer!Fox, Attempted murder, So much attempted murder, Murder, Unhinged!Fox, Fix-it of sorts, Fives lives, Sith flirting, Happy ending, Humour, Unhealthy relationships, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Torture, Crack treated seriously
SUMMARY: Fox wants to murder his boss so badly that he can taste it. The problem is that fucking Sheev is a difficult person to kill. That’s fine. Fox is a stubborn bastard. He can follow his heart and achieve his dreams. He just has to work at it.
The one where (nearly) everyone is worried and Fox is (more than a little bit) unhinged.
Commander Fox’s Rules for Shinies – sleebyama
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Brothers, Brotherly bonding, Fox is a good bro, Ori’vod Fox, CG Dogma, Implied/referenced rape/non-con, Implied/referenced character death, Implied/referenced Abuse, Fluff and angst, Fox needs a hug, Clone trooper decommissioning
SUMMARY: Shinies are always the first to laugh at his rules.
Those who laugh are usually the ones that learn the hardest lessons.
My thoughts: Hey folks, do you like those fanon headcanons about the abused Guard? Do you like Corrie Dogma, OC shinies, and Fox adopting the shit out of people? HAVE I GOT A STORY FOR YOU!
Don’t Ever Utter Those Words Again, I’m Begging You – Mamuzzy
TAGS: Hurt/comfort, Injury recovery, Established relationship, Married couple, Riduurok/Mandalorian marriage traditions, Anxiety, Overprotective Fox, Cloneshipping, Whump, Crying, Art included
SUMMARY: Thorn was injured in one of his mission on Coruscant and Fox feels guilty about it.
My thoughts: Oh Thorn is so wonderfully sweet and honest! Also, THE ART! I love it so much!
Full Body High – menphina
TAGS: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Angst with a happy ending, Trans clone troopers, Trans Fox, Trans female character, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug, Internalized transphobia, Implied/referenced transphobia, Gender dysphoria, Panic attacks, Clone trooper dehumanization, Fox deserves better, Protective Fox, Order 66 didn’t happen, Clone trooper decommissioning.
SUMMARY: Fox looks in the mirror as he washes his hands, and there’s a lurch deep in his gut.
He doesn’t know why.
It’s his own face staring back at him, hair regulation-short, a bit of scruff around his jaw, a few grizzly scars. He runs his hand across his chin. It feels like someone else’s.
He looks away.
My thoughts: I love this fic. I love how gently Cody handles things when the command batch realise what’s happening. I subscribe heavily to the likelihood that there are trans/non-binary clones, and they deserve to have their stories heard.
In Lieu of Flowers – kakashikrazy256
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Angst, Hurt/comfort, hugs, Wolffe needs a hug, Fox needs a hug, PTSD, Malevolence arc, bad treatment of clones
SUMMARY: “We asked for funds. It wasn’t a lot. Just, just enough for a salvage mission. To get the bodies of some vode back. Or a memorial announcement, at the very least something.”
“The General got a response yesterday, from the Senate. They...they said it wasn’t in the budget. Fox, I—I’ve always known but to...to read it...we’re fucking expendable. We always have and always will be.”
Fox knows. He knows because he had been the one to draft the response and send it to Plo Koon yesterday morning.
After the destruction of Plo Koon's fleet to the Malevolence. Wolffe and the rest of the survivors are sent to Coruscant to determine their fate. Fox is there to pick up the pieces of his brother.
My thoughts: Hey folks? This one HURTS. It’s brilliant, but it’s painful.
A Taste of Freedom (Only Makes it Hurt All The More) – MagicalStardust
TAGS: Fluff and angst, starts off peaceful and then the agonies start, mentions of abuse, Fox-centric
SUMMARY: Fox gets some rare time off-world and realises how good life can be, that maybe he's meant for something other than dying in an alleyway in the depths of Coruscant.
Of course, his freedom must come to an end.
My thoughts: This is so sweet, and then so painful…
Learning Solitude – here_be_bec
TAGS: Fox whump, Emotional/Psychological abuse, Physical abuse, Fox needs a hug, Manipulative Sheev Palps, Hurt no comfort, Abuse of authority, Isolation
SUMMARY: It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond.
Fox misses Kamino.
My thoughts: OH THIS ONE HURTS SO GOOD. It’s brutal, it’s ruthless. It poses the question of what if Fox was isolated from the CG the way the CG is fanon isolated from the GAR and it answers it in such a cruel, wonderful way. Take the hurt no comfort seriously though folks.
Our Deepest Condolences – Hasta_la_vista_byebye
TAGS: AU – Everyone lives/Nobody dies, Mace Windu is so done, POV Fox, POV Mace Windu, A full on Corrie Guard fic with no hurt at all, Non-binary Fox, Fix-it, Crack, ALL THE CRACK, Palps gets eaten by a Zillo beast
SUMMARY:After the Chancellor's death, tragically eaten by the Zillo Beast, the grieving Republic holds a funeral ceremony in honor of their regretted leader.
But not everybody attending is in the mood for mourning. In fact, the Coruscant Guard feels pretty great.
My thoughts: LET’S BRING BACK THE CRACK! Hilarious. Love it. Mace wants to put his head in his hands and laugh. A little humour after all the previous recs angst!!!
A Flint and a Fire – Meshurkaan
PAIRINGS: Fox/Rex, Jesse/Kix, one-sided Rex/Fives
TAGS: Training on Kamino, friends to lovers, First kiss, First time, Canon-typical violence, Post-first battle of Geonosis, Canon temporary character death, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Cloneshipping, Fix-it, Everybody lives, endgame Fox/Rex/Fives but that is later in the series, POV Rex, Not canon-compliant: The Bad Batch, A little bit of Mando’a, Drinking games, Clone trooper shenanigans, Drunken shenanigans, Fox’s bad taste in holodrams, Some angst
SUMMARY:Rex was engineered to be a perfect soldier, yet no amount of training could have prepared him for what he’d face on the battlefield (and off of it).
My thoughts: Oh look! I’m breaking my own rules again!!! The main POV in this is Rex, but Fox features heavily and HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS JUST GO FREAKING READ THIS FIC. I can’t WAIT for the endgame Fox/Rex/Fives!!! This is all SO DELICIOUS!
All Of Life Is But a Game (And I’m Winning) – rook (jsunday)
TAGS: Coruscant Guard, Clone troopers deserve better, Clone troopers need hugs, Engineers, And that is a WARNING.
SUMMARY: It had started, as these things tended to do, with a bad idea at 79's. When it came to the telling, there were as many variations of who was there as there were batches on Kamino, but most clones generally agreed on a core group: Quorum, an engineer with the 212th, with ideas bigger than the GAR budget allowed; Harris, logistics officer in the Coruscant Guard, who had more contacts than the city planet had levels; and Ponds, commander of the 91st, who had never met a bad idea he couldn't make worse, and held the power to sign forms permitting it.
In which an idea is had, and two million clones run with it. So much bangcorn is eaten.
My thoughts: Look, maybe Fox isn’t the ONLY focus in this one, but he plays a starring role damnit!!! And there’s an EXCELLENT follow up which focuses on him and the Guard! This is wonderful, humorous, and the clones basically create themselves secret sports festivals and art galleries. Somehow, this will save the Galaxy… IT’S AMAZING.
Blame – Jaigeye
TAGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Canonical character death, Grief/mourning, Whump/Angst, Character study, Introspection, Tragedy, Fox thinks about his choices, Clone trooper Culture
Summary: Thorn is dead. Fox isn't- at least not yet.
My thoughts: This hurts, in a dark, hopeless way. This and it’s follow-up fic are just excellent. Really well-written. Highly recommend.
Category 5 Shitstorm – cats_and_dr_pepper
PAIRINGS: Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
TAGS: Hijinks and shenanigans, Crack, Fox needs a nap, He technically gets one, Fox is so done, Mace Windu is so done, Fox and Thorn are not romantically together, it’s all a joke on Thorn’s part, Fake marriage, Grizzer is a good girl
SUMMARY: Fox clutched his cup of caf desperately in his gloveless hand. He still didn’t know where his vambrace was. Someone (Stone? Unclear.) was wearing his armor, and whoever it was didn’t have his vambrace comm either. He took a loud, slurping sip, and spat it back out immediately, directly back into the cup. Was this decaf? Disgusting. His day was getting worse.
“How,” he said, looking at each of the vagrants in front of him, “the fuck did this happen?”
My thoughts: OKAY. A THIRD ONE. I’M SORRY. But a, I promised I’d rec this one, and b, IT’S HILARIOUS Y’ALL. GO FREAKING READ IT.
The Graveyarder – Trixree
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. CG Dogma, CG centric, Post-Umbara Arc, Clone trooper reconditioning, Psychologicial horror, Psychological trauma, Memory loss, Sith are Eldritch horrors change my mind, Eventual happy ending, Canon-typical violence
SUMMARY: They call them the graveyarders.
They shuffle off of the transport, armor scrubbed shiny white and new, brains scrubbed just as clean. They move aimlessly, startle when spoken to, and don’t answer to any name other than trooper. They are the dead walking, coming back from the grave, and they aren’t the vod they were.
My thoughts: This fic is just excellent. I love it so much.
“May Those Who Defy Their Fate- - independent_variables
TAGS: Dialogue heavy, canonical character death, Angst with a happy ending, Guilt, Fix-It of sorts, Brotherhood
SUMMARY: Three days after Fives died, Kote visited Fox. 
―be granted glory.”
My thoughts: Excellent, short but sweet.
Sacrifice – cats_and_dr_pepper
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Character death, Suicidal actions, Angst, Whump, Grief/mourning, Hurt no comfort, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Mind control, Mind control aftermath and recovery, Unwilling sacrifice, Fox kills Palps, Manipulative Pals, Pals being an asshole, Protective Cody, Suicide attempt, Fox knows he’s going to die and damn it he’s going to get what he wants, Plo Koon is doing his best, Thire where did you get that slugthrower, Order 66, Order 66 Fix-it, End-of-life care, Vokara Che is so done
SUMMARY: Fox heard running footsteps from outside the office, getting closer and closer. He listened to the buzzing hum of several lightsabers and plastoid shuffling. There was a small army of Jedi and GAR outside the door, and Fox knew what he and his brothers would be used for.
Meat shields if they were lucky, executioners if they weren’t—and given that they still had their minds, he suspected it would be the latter.
“How could this happen…” Fox watched Kenobi whisper. “How could we forget?” .
“Ah, but letting them kill themselves would be too easy. It’s annoying when my little toys break themselves too early. Though, it is fun when it’s on my orders.” No, no, please, no. “Commanders, execute Order 66.”
Or, it's difficult when you realize that your actions have consequences. Permanent ones.
My thoughts: Folks, the tags are NOT MESSING AROUND. This is dark, and it’s painful. It’s also, fucking excellent. And something I could absolutely imagine Palps doing. You should read it.
The Cadaver Remains – menphina
TAGS: Suicidal thoughts, Suicidal ideation, Depression, Angst, Heavy angst, Hurt/comfort, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug, Fox needs therapy, (Fox does not get therapy)
SUMMARY: Fox was fine, most days. He went on patrols, chipped away at the mountain of datawork in his office, delicately soothed the egos of ruffled Senators. (Helped the medics forge decommissioning certificates. Went on missions for the Chancellor that left him shaking apart in the sonic.)
And on the days that Fox wasn’t fine, they had a system.
My thoughts: The Corries support their Fox. Especially when he’s breaking at the seams.
If Somebody Loved You They’d Tell You By Now – weareallstardustfallen
TAGS: Hurt/comfort, Angst, Abuse, As usual Fox is having a very bad day, sibling relationships, hurt Fox
SUMMARY: Thorn hesitated. Fox gave him a narrow-eyed squint, waiting for him to spit it out.
“Also Commander Wolffe’s here,” Thorn said, purposely casual.
Fox sighed. “Here, picking his problems up from the tank, or here, he wants something?”
“Here, he got his boys out already and he’s still waiting around,” Thorn said apologetically, and then with an amused tilt of the head, “We told him you were busy and he said he’d wait until you were done working.”
Fox snorted. Fox, just like Thorn and the other Guard commanders, was never actually done working.
Or: Fox is maybe not okay, and Wolffe is maybe not okay with that.
My thoughts: The series for this is brilliant. Again, I love Wolffe and Fox interactions. Especially when Wolffe sticks his stubborn little heels in and refuses to give up on Fox.
I’ll Take My Heart Clean Apart (If It Helps Yours Beat) – shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
TAGS: Episode s03e10 Heroes on Both Sides, Angst, Hurt/comfort, Blood and injury, Mental menipulation, Poisoning, Hopeful ending, Brotherhood, Family, Clone trooper-centric, Clone troopers deserve better, Clone trooper dehumanization, Nightmares, Hallucinations, Fox needs a hug, Protective Fox, Protective CG, Fox is the best big brother, But he needs to take better care of himself let’s be honest, Fox whump
SUMMARY: Fox tried to not think about the destruction that was waiting for him, or how the medical team was having trouble triaging all the injured clones and civilians, or how the Coruscant Security Force was as usual almost no help because, after all, this had been a Senate bombing and outside of their jurisdiction, or how— How the whole thing was Fox’s fault. If he just hadn’t let those cleaning droids in, they could’ve avoided the whole thing. ... “I just—I don’t know how—“ Thorn blew out a frustrated breath. Fox cracked his eyes open and saw him shaking his head to himself. Thorn's fingers were curled around Fox's armor. “One day you’ll see that taking care of yourself takes care of us, too.” ... In which everyone blames Fox for the Senate bombings. Everyone except his brothers, who, almost frustratingly so, keep trying to convince him otherwise.
My thoughts: I can just imagine fox eating himself alive over the results of this episode. Loved this.
Mindless Shadows and Puppet Strings – WitchDetective
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Fox needs a hug, Fox needs a nap, Tired Fox, Fox is not okay, Palps being an asshole, Manipulative Palps, Clone troopers speak Mando’a, Clone troopers deserve better, Ep s06e04 Orders, Overworked Fox, Heavy angst, Canonical character death
SUMMARY: Fox has been miserable since the start of the Clone Wars, but he at least thought that his life couldn't get any worse.
He was sadly proven wrong when a blackout caused him to have possibly the worst night of his life; one where he made a grave mistake that he will not be able to fix no matter how hard he wished he could.
This time, even his Corries might not be able to stop him from spiraling.
My thoughts: Fox aaaaangst. I love it. Not gonna lie. It gives me LIFE.
Redemption Inside The Grave – kakashikrazy256
SUMMARY: Fox and Thorn have a conversation after the mission on Scipio.
My thoughts: I re-read this quickly because I was having trouble remembering what it was about and Y’ALL. I cried. This is heart-breaking.
Life During Wartime – Chermit
WORDCOUNT: 63,750 9/? chapters
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. AU – canon divergence, Fix-it, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/comfort, Suspense, Murder mystery, Mind control, Memory loss, Implied/referenced suicide, Cognitive dissonance, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Fox needs a hug, The Corrie Guard is Freudian slip central, and Fox is the doublethink KING, Post-episode s6e4 Orders, Sporadic updates
Summary: Commander Fox has a lot on his plate: managing his Corries, filling out piles of forms, dealing with obnoxious Senators, and not thinking about the way he keeps waking up covered in other people's blood. All that considered, he really doesn't have time to deal with being investigated by the Captain of the 501st and the Head of the Jedi Order for two separate murders he (probably) didn't (want to) commit. But Fox is a soldier, and good soldiers follow orders, so when does he ever get what he wants?
My thoughts: I wish to make this fic into candy and eat it. OMNOMNOM. Brilliant. Will sit on the edge of my seat waiting for more. Deeeeliiiiccciiious
The Last Reason – Meerlicht
PAIRINGS: Fox/Quinlan Vos
WORDCOUNT: 89,170 13/? chapters
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Fox needs a hug, Mind control, Suicidal thoughts, Implied/referenced abuse, Minor character death, Platonic relationships, Fox is an unreliable narrator, Alcohol abuse/alcoholism, Dissociation, Panic attacks, Body dysphoria, It gets worse before it gets better, Miscommunication, Rated M for violence, Slow updates, Platonic cuddling
SUMMARY: Cody has a scar now, and it’s the only thing that differentiates him from Fox appearance-wise. For one, they both have the same circles under their eyes. Fox assumes that’s what comes with being a Commander. Their hands are the same, too, damaged and bruised at all times.
But the biggest difference Fox sees when he looks at Cody isn’t the scar. It’s the rage. Cody doesn’t wear that same rage.
Fox’s hands ache with the need to punch something.
Or: Fox dealing with Senators, little brothers, the terrifying ordeal of asking for help and a menace called Quinlan Vos.
My thoughts: Oh this is beautiful. And so, so painful. This is very much angst focused in the beginning, and it’s not afraid to show the worst side of things. Brilliant fic.
And I Turned ‘Round and There You Were – never_going_home
WORDCOUNT: 3,666 2/5 chapters
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Fox needs a hug, CG deserve better, CG VS GAR rivalry, Implied/referenced sexual assault, Implied/referenced animal death, Fox-centric, Fox whump, Fox has anxiety, Trans Bly, Angst, Angst with a happy ending
SUMMARY: Fox wakes up face-down in a pile of flimsi with his hair in his mouth. This in itself is not particularly unusual, because he’s been sleeping at his desk for the last—five months? Six months? He doesn’t care enough to recall. Whatever. Point is, it’s been a long fucking time since he’s bothered to drag himself into his bunk. His steel desk chair is comfortable enough to while away the four hours he has between finishing paperwork and starting his first shift.
(This is a lie so fucking big it beggars belief. Fox’s steel desk chair is the stuff of children’s nightmares and one day, if the war ever ends—if he lives that long—he’s going to take a great amount of pleasure in attaching several detonators to it and throwing it in the ornamental lake of the Supreme Chancellor.)
Fox hasn't been doing well. His batch notices (eventually).
My thoughts: Really enjoying this fic. All the delicious angsty-ness I hope for from Fox whump!
Why Not’s and How To’s – Trixree
PAIRINGS: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul, Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Clone trooper characters
WORDCOUNT: 68,091 11/17 chapters
TAGS: Legally Blonde Jedi AU, Lawyer Obi-Wan, Clone trooper angst, Clone trooper emancipation, Clone trooper-centric, Darth Maul redemption, Polyamorous character, Open marriage, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Flashback heavy, Obi-Wan Kenobi is not a Jedi, Anakin Skywalker is not a Jedi, Angst and hurt/comfort.
SUMMARY: Two months after the Guard officially moves to Coruscant, the lawyer shows up.
In which Obi-Wan Kenobi never returns to the Jedi order after the war on Melidaa/Dann and instead finds another way to follow the Force's will. Namely, by fighting sentient-rights abuses all over the galaxy and emancipating the Grand Army of the Republic, one clone trooper at a time.
My thoughts: Fox-centric I said… Okay, but hear me out! The POV changes regularly in this, and Fox is absolutely one of the POVs! It’s sexy, and fun, and I’m not gonna lie, I love it! If Obi-Wan’s not your thing, probably better to steer away!
Unexplain the Unforgivable – always_a_slut_for_hc
WORDCOUNT: 22,556 14/15 chapters
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Imprisonment, Coercion, Mind control, Torture, Dehumanization, Clone troopers deserve better, Fox whump, AU – canon divergence, The Fives incident, Clone trooper reconditioning
SUMMARY: Fox shoots - Fives lives. The commanders of the Coruscant Guard are arrested and taken into custody by Captain Rex and the rest of Torrent Company.
Something is rotten in Coruscant, and Rex thinks it's Commander Fox's heart.
My thoughts: Fuuuuck. This is another, just excellent fic. What if Rex did arrest Fox after he shot Fives? I don’t think Palps would like that very much, DO YOU???
My Star in the Sky – Gravitymay
WORDCOUNT: 29,980 8/? chapters
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Hurt/comfort, Misunderstandings, Blood and injury, Whump, Protective Alpha-17, Fox needs a hug, Sheev Palpatine being an asshole, Medical procedures, Fluff and angst, Minimal fluff, maximum angst, Planet Kamino, Fix-it of sorts, Anxiety
SUMMARY: commander cody, through careful investigation, uncovers disturbing information about the coruscant guard. he takes it to one of the few men he trusts to do something about it - alpha-17.
cody's trust is well placed, and what alpha finds is worse than either of them imagined.
My thoughts: This is mainly from Alpha-17s perspective, but I have been thoroughly enjoying this so far. It’s another painful, angsty one (it is my leaning, sorry!).
For your Protection – cats_and_dr_pepper
WORDCOUNT: 30,253 6/?
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Beskar, Mandalorian culture, CG trooper-centric, CG troopers as family, BAMF Fox, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Fix-it, Everyone is sassy, Everyone is gay, Angst, Whump, Eventual happy ending, Anxiety typical of an overworked soldier in the military, It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you, Sleep deprivation, Din’s covert lands on Coruscant, Military lingo, Food issues, Planet Aq Vetina, Chatlogs
SUMMARY:Mando’ade were personally offended by their existence on all fronts, and it didn’t matter what faction. Kyr’tsad hated Jango, the Haat Mando’ade hated what the clones meant for them, and the New Mandalorians hated war and all its pieces. The last thing Fox needed was another shipment of empty, bloody plastoid delivered to the bricks.
There really was no telling which one sent the package.
A whole squad.
Fox hoped they were dead. Anything else was too painful to think about.
Or; Fox finds a huge cache of beskar. The potential ramifications of this do not escape him. And then a new faction of Mandalorians arrives on Coruscant. Fox decides he's too tired to deal with this shit anymore.
My thoughts: SO. FREAKING. GOOD. Yes. Excellent idea. Love it.
But Oh, Don’t You Know How It Goes (We Are All Walking Each Other Home) – Anonymous
WORDCOUNT: 108,245
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. Cyborg Cody, Emperor Cody, Dark Cody, But there’s some nice bits too!, Brainwashing, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Non-consensual body modification, but also consensual body modification, Medical procedures, Cybernetics, Mind manipulation, Running an empire is a lot of work guys, Medical experimentation
SUMMARY: After the highly public and highly violent execution of Emperor Palpatine, the Sith Empire is under new management. It doesn't make much difference to Fox whether the Emperor is an evil murdering Sith Lord or an evil murdering cyborg, but as Fox accompanies the Emperor throughout the early days of the new Empire, he realizes there's something--or someone--strange hiding under that faceless armor.
Someone hauntingly familiar.
Dead Dog (Bye-Bye Baby Blue) – batchmates
PAIRINGS: Background Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
WORDCOUNT: 48,875 4/? chapters
TAGS: CREATOR CHOSE NOT TO USE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE. Angst, War, Politics, Conspiracy, Brainwashing, Manipulation, Graphic violence, Force-sensitive Fox, Mandalorian clone troopers, Canonical character death, Implied/referenced sexual assault, POV multiple, Additional warnings in author’s note, Dark, Dialogue heavy
SUMMARY: The way it happens is simple: at some point during your service in the Guard, you’ll lose time.
The thing wiping the Guards’ memories gets sloppy and Fox remembers the order not to let Fives leave the surface alive. It changes everything and nothing at all.
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge – yellow_caballero
TAGS: Time travel, Fox snaps like a rubber band, Fox and Leia have become unstuck in time, Fascism: good or bad? And other moral questions, The mortifying ordeal of working retail under totalitarianism.
SUMMARY: SUBJECT: Regarding Senate Guard Objectives For Today
This is a polite reminder to all guardsmen that patrol schedules for the Senate vote ratifying dictatorships are posted in the breakroom. I am also issuing a warning to linear time that days should follow sequentially and are not intended to repeat. Please cease repeating. I am getting a headache.
Additionally, I'd like to remind all guardsmen that it is illegal to harbor invisible women in the Senate. If you see a ghost claiming to be Leia Organa, please remove her from the premises. She will be making a scene.
Thank you for your cooperation in preserving the peace of the Republic, and all hail the Empire. FOX
Invictus – Airlock_Failure
PAIRINGS: Riyo Chuchi/Fox, Embree Spicer/Dawn, Talon/Malice
WORDCOUNT: 118,993
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Hurt/comfort, Slavery, Torture, Suicidal thoughts, Suicide attempt, Clone trooper decommissioning, blood and injury, Amputation, Drug use, Sleep deprivation, Political unrest, Near death experiences, Chronic illness, Injury-recovery, Force-sensitive Fox, Force-sensitive Slick, Asexual Fox, Fox needs a hug, Fox needs a nap, Workplace violence, Violence, Espionage, Clone trooper inhibitor chips, Clone troopers deserve better, Clone trooper relationships, Clone trooper emancipation, Clone trooper medics, Cloneshipping, Implied/referenced child abuse, Implied/refered rape/non-con, Implied/reference abuse, Panic attacks, Anxiety attacks, AU – canon divergence, Minor character death, Implied/Refered character death, Kidnapping, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Unprotected sex, Angst, Fluff
SUMMARY: The most decorated soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic doesn't care about awards or medals. Commander Fox cares about keeping his soldiers operating at peak performance. He cares about keeping the civilians of Coruscant safe from anti-Republic attacks (even if those same citizens spit in his direction on the street). Above all else, Commander Fox cares about his men, their well-being, and keeping them safe from a predatory system designed to churn them up and spit out their carcasses.
He can manage. He's fine. Really, he's great.
Except he can't stop dreaming about Kamino. And he can't help but feel like he's drowning.
SEVERAL PEOPLE RECOMMENDED INVICTUS. I can’t believe I’ve never read it somehow!!!
Corrie Red Taints Your Soul – Lia_ka2020ad
PAIRINGS: Fox/Thire, Thorn/OFC, Fox/Wolffe
WORDCOUNT:205,891 62/80 chapters
TAGS: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, RAPE/NON-CON. Fluff and angst, Hurt/comfort, Smut, Pain, PTSD, Everyone is mentally ill, Malevolence Arc, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug, Fox is a little shit, Fox deserves better, Implied/referenced sexual assault, Suicide attempt, Dead Dove: Do not eat, Substance Abuse, Clonecest, Palps being an asshole, I ship everyone, Clone trooper decommissioning, Clone sex, Clone trooper culture, Clone trooper speak Mando’a, Mando’a language, Childhood memories, Clone trooper training on Kamino, Politics
SUMMARY: Fox exists, awesome. He has brothers that he loves and even unlimited access to drugs, even better. Work is still shit though, and his mind constantly tries to murder him. Luckily his brothers are annoying bastards doing everything to keep him alive, and maybe he can even find a way to silence the voices. And to figure out how in all nine Corellian hells he is supposed to serve the Republic when it's drifting more towards Authoritarianism every day.
A Secret Third Thing - Apollotaire
TAGS: Autistic Fox, Trans Fox, Meltdowns, Stimming, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, In the form of, Self-injurious stimming, Autistic burnout, Internalised ableism, Gender identity, Non-binary Stone, Non-binary Fox, Autism, Hurt/comfort, Emotional hurt/comfort, Dissociation, Echolalia, Cody's name is Kote, Fox-centric, Autistic Cody, Trans Bly, Mentions Murderbot Diaries, Post The Clone Wars, Fox needs a hug, Fox gets a hug
After the war, the effects of four years of pretending to be the perfect Marshal Commander catch up with Fox. Luckily, Fox has an amazing support system. - “I love Fox, she’s my best friend, and they love to read Murderbot. Fox is kind to those he commands, and xe secretly has a soft spot for shinies. Ze is very loved, and I am happy to be helping hir.”
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franticmelody · 10 days
Water levels have been rising in Sonic's world, sending the planet into turmoil. Amidst trying to figure out what's going on, Knuckles is contacted by a figure he hasn't heard from in a long time, who reveals to him that Chaos has descended back onto the planet once again. At the same time, Blaze the Cat is being plagued by horrific acid rains in her own dimension, and summons a god, Sol, to fix things. Sol goes rogue, sending Blaze flying into Sonic's world! Sonic and Blaze must work together to gather the Chaos and Sol Emeralds to put a stop to both creatures, all while trying to work out what has made Chaos angry in the first place- and even stranger, why has G.U.N. finally arrested Doctor Eggman?
Sonic Together: Chaos and Soul is a script format fic connected to the Sonic Together world, but is an isolated mini-series, requiring no prior reading of Sonic Together to enjoy!
WOOOO IT'S FINALLY HERE! The reason Sonic Together updates have been almost nonexistant: Because here are 6 brand new episodes, all at once, as a mini-series! This was written for the @sthbigbang and I really really do think this is some of my finest work. Please check it out!
This fic, as it was created for the big bang, also received multiple art pieces from some wonderful artists! Please check them out!
ARTISTS: @larabar / piece @lalaland-e / piece @altinyns-multimedia-museblog / piece
And as always, a huge thank you to my wonderful Beta Reader, @regulatedstrawberry!!! Check out her fic, Reaching New Heights. It's great!
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vampvannie · 3 months
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also updates on chapter 7: I AM WORKING ON IT!! I’m really fucking sick rn though but I really am trying to get it done I SWEAR RAGAUDNJESJ
more morse code yall woooo!!!! (diegolego91 I see you GET OVER HERE)
I will not be elaborating on the lore but keep this in mind this piece will be REALLY important in the story later (especially with the protect choose obey caption up top + the morse code) also,,, ignore that there’s a very specific number of eyes,,,,, sshhhshshshshshshshshhs blows up
anywayysssss that’s all lolzies :3333 (it’s 1 am)
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Chapter 14 - The Curse
Cyberpunk AU update woooo!
And we're back to Hong-er's POV because I said so
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A little sneak peek^^
I feel the need to reiterate that the age gap in my fic is only two years lmfao.
Also do be warned that the cliffhanger here is fucking catastrophic. Please read my notes at the top of the chapter.
I wish you luck, dear reader, for I have concocted unbelievable horrors (they will have such a happy wholesome ending eventually I promise on my LIFE).
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also just wanted to say the story is progressing sooo good, I loved playing the match on this update and can't wait for the next one, thank you very much for this! hope you're doing great 😊
WOOOO!!!! Feral sam anon, I take your approval of the Sam kiss scene as the final word :)
P.S. I've also re-worked the scene a little bit based on feedback, so I hope everyone thinks it runs a little more smoothly (and gives more butterflies) than before—as for Sam and what they've been doing in high school, there'll be a POV / heartfelt convo on that over the weekend (in game time!)
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ros3ybabe · 9 months
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Daily Check-in: October 12th, 2023 🎀
Today has been a lazy yet somewhat decent day? There's not much to complain about. Besides the fact that I didn't do a single homework assignment, I'm exhausted, so that's alright. I did do a decent amount of Japanese studying today though I didn't open up my Genki Textbook like I had wanted to but oh well, there's always tomorrow!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Brunch - Spaghetti with ground Turkey and meat sauce
Dinner - Taco bowl with ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream, a small dollop of avocado, and red salsa with 1.5 low carb tortillas
Snack - bunny tracks ice cream, 16oz bottle of Dr pepper
Extra - 4? cups of coffee (or 5, I can't remember)
I was not very productive today in terms of academic progress, but I still feel like I did what I could given my energy levels. (and caffiene intake). Did not eat the healthiest, but I listened to my body, and honestly, not every day will be perfect, and that's okay!
🩷 Personal Achievements, Oct 12th -
cooked ground beef (leftovers woooo!!)
washed dirty laundry
put away all clean clothes
did my therapy phone call
video called my boyfriend
morning + night skincare
completed 2 duolingo lessons
completed 1 busuu lesson
completed 3 kanji lessons
typed up one draft for upcoming blog post
I had heard about an app called Kanji that teaches you kanji based on JLPT Levels, and I actually really like it, so I bought access to all levels for 11$ USD!! feel like that's a fair price for over 2000 kanji, and I'm excited to start expanding my Japanese knowledge. Also, I am trying out the LingQ app. It's pretty interesting and seems useful for reading practice! I don't know why I got such a kick to study japanese but I am not complaining!!
No Academic Achievements for Today
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 13th -
Review previous 3 kanji lessons
Complete 1 duolingo lesson
Complete 1 busuu lesson
Continue Genki I Lesson one (?)
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal
morning workout (at home)
make bed
read 1 chapter of atomic habits or other self help book
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 13th -
Culinary Chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventory Assignment
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Chapter 9 Quiz Psyc
Attend Psyc Lab
Attend Anatomy Lab
Using Credit Personal Finance assignment
module notes fitness health and sport
module quiz fitness health and sport
work on component 2 for psyc paper
Giving myself a lot of school work to complete tomorrow but that's okay because I have the day off from work so I know I'll be able to get a lot of it done, if not all of it! I'm hoping I sleep decently tonight so I can wake up ready to rule the world tomorrow. My goal is to wake up early, workout, shower, do some makeup and get ready, and be on campus early to get back into the school mindset because I know I've been slacking these last two days. I work a double shift on Saturday, so tomorrow is really the ideal time to finish everything as much as possible.
🩷 Song of the Day: Fearless, Jp Version - Le Sserafim
This has been my anthem lately. It's catchy, and I kind of prefer this to the original version in Korean, but that's a bit biased on my end as I am studying Japanese at the moment.
🩷 Tomorrow Morning Workout - Pilates
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Even if I only finish the first video, I will be proud of myself. It's the effort that counts, and it's definitely gonna be a start! I will be posting an updated current workout schedule with routines soon!!
That's all for now! I will update tomorrow night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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daniel-nerd · 13 days
mojang: release a crazy new structure, with a few new mobs, redstone features and a whole revamp of the technical aspects! and even a50%* off for like a month
mc player: nooooo!! we want moreeeee!! give us all mobsssss!! ms ruined minecraft!!! waaaa!!!
wube: we some spend time and money on technical improvements and optimizations, also we never go on sale, and the price continues to increase the more we develop the game, also also you’re not going to recive the update yet.
factorio players: woooo!!!! yessss!!!! optimizationsss!!! keep up the good work!!! take my money!!!
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
So I saw this post and decided to jot down every ambient line I heard during the party in Anderson's apartment. I haven't got any of Ashley's, but I may update when I do a new playthrough. I chose an energetic party. I'm not sure if it changes if I have a more relaxed party.
Also you may notice there aren't any for EDI or Miranda; I could've been silly and not heard it but I didn't notice any ambient dialogue from them. And the lines I do have written down, I may have misheard. In any case, here they are. Enjoy :)
Looks broken, I'm sure Shepard won't notice.
Any chance I get.
Wouldn't you like to know?
Won't be going back to ryncol anytime soon!
Then the hanar says, 'get out before I strangle you!'
*wheezy old man laughter*
Every chance I have.
I told them I was Archangel... end of discussion.
Okay, that did it. Where's my sniper rifle?
Don't make me come over there.
Give me one, too.
I'm hungry. :(
Get the stronger stuff.
What's this?
You guys, I love you guys. No, listen. No. Really.
The kids? They're kicking ass.
Reminds me of Omega. Good times.
Didn't think I'd see you here. You not dead yet?
Yeah, yeah. Just kiss and get it over with.
Oh, yeah. Work it!
Hell yeah!
Not bad.
Get me two. What? Cause I got two hands, dumbass.
This is dangerously close to actually being a party.
That's what I'm talking about.
Shut up! Haha, seriously?
Here, let me get that for you.
I love you, man.
Cerberus? Ha!
Hang on, wait.
Then he says, 'I was talking to the duck.'
Now this is just the best. I mean, best.
If that's the way you wanna play it, I'm game.
You are NOT serious.
No. No, no, no, no. Noooo!
That is NOT what I mean.
Ha, I love you guys!
I danced at my sister's wedding.
Checking out the waterfall. Who's in?
Hah, not if I can help it.
*actually laughing*
The Prothean will rule all of you once more.
You can with four eyes.
Back when asari were creepy.
They'll never know what hit them...
Glad you're on our side, man.
Damn, this is good.
Hell yes I'm having another.
I'll let her know you said that!
Kick ass.
Now THIS is shore leave!
Why didn't I think of that?
Glad you came up for air.
And then she says, 'I was talking to the goat!'
Hah, you're absolutely right.
Forget I said anything...
Own it! Embrace it!
Pizza? Pizza? Hey, you want pizza?
Anyone else?
*dad laughter*
I love you guys!
I-I need another one of these. Anyone else?
Who's humbered? I mean hammered?
I could talk weapon optimisation all night. All night!
Hey, who's starving?
I need another one of these. Anyone else?
Love it.
*in a bathroom* Occupied!
*materialising on a bed* How many bedrooms does this place have?
*outside the front door* You should really upgrade the security.
At least they're clean.
I saw one on Illium.
I'll have one!
You... love it.
If you say so.
What did you think it was?
Look, look, look! He's doing it!
Bottoms up!
Oh, bugger!
Help! My glass is empty!
Okay, I drank.
Ohoho, I'm going to remember that.
What was that? It was good.
Quantum entaaaanng... god, I'm drunk.
Yes, I will have some of that.
I was saying how good it is to see everyone.
You're hilarious.
Please, I've asked you to step back.
This is unexpected... and fun.
No, he's like a brother to me!
You got it!
Good to see you.
Whoa... did this apartment just bank hard to starboard?
I do, I mean it!
Oh, come on!
I'm gonna feel this in the morning!
What the hell? Why not?
*old man laughter*
Now that's a tasty shot!
You could roast a whole pig in that fireplace.
What? You're crazy.
*witch cackling*
I'm going to regret this later.
Don't stop on my account!
Krogan sex. Best in the galaxy! Just saying.
If I took that the wrong way, it's your fault.
That tickles.
*dad laughter*
Come closer and say that.
I ought to SMASH you.
To Tuchanka!
Shut up and punch me! Harder!
I've had fifteen. How about you?
Now, you, I like.
I'm not as old as I look.
Oh, shut it!
Come here and say that.
Hey, sweetheart.
I said, you're beautiful.
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sparrowposting · 8 months
TUMMY HURT which is no surprise after literally 36 hrs of near constant panic attacks and barely being able to eat. Pf last night was maybe the first not crying I'd done all day INCLDUING literally having a meltdown AT CHURCH where I had to hide in the bathroom woooo
Pf was great. A delight. As always. Perfect no notes I wanna go to a fey rave and get a magic cat and also maybe the god of chaos and nature is shipping this nerd gf/jock gf wizard relationship
Related to panic. Trying not to think abt tattoo shock and commitment issues and whether I fucked up by doing smthn that I wanted deeply but didn't turn out perfectly and I'm DISTRESSED and STUPID and I'm gonna stop talking before I send myself into another spiral. I told myself I have to leave it a few weeks to heal and settle before I can even think about having changes made & 6-8 months before I can decide if I truly hate it or it's an manifestation of my anxiety about risk taking and things being less than 100% perfect. But. I'm still not convinced I like the way it turned out. And somehow this feels (irrationally) like a life ruining decision + moral failure. And I really have to stop before I spiral again
The weather is killing me I am so miserable and sleepy
Got an interview for that job except it's mid December and AN ALL DAY AFFAIR and I am stupid and shy and apparently an idiot how am I supposed to do this I'll have to miss my current job to go to this fancy thing and I'm too dumb for this I am good at my job but extremely bad at social cues interviewing in a very formal environment
Have I mentioned the 3 week long headache
At least my current work is somewhat interesting?? I'm actually getting to do shit I like for once??? In my field???
My immune system is shot to hell as is and I'm supposed to get my flu AND covid boosters this week and rlly I am going to beg my boss to wfh the day after BC I'm going to be running a low grade fever no question about it
finished my hote reread and so it's off to atfots but I am SO nervous and worried (also read the feonie short story for the first time and screaming at the fact that everyone in the royal household can see that kip and fitzroy are in love except the two idiots themselves. Slow burn to the max. Also Victoria Goddard delivering on my fave kind of hard to define relationship that is deeply romantic and intimate and yet completely chaste and yet it's the MOST important thing in the world to each other. I'm. Going to throw myself into the sun. Pun intended)
Need to transform my artistic impulse into smthn tangible BC apparently all I do is make bad decisions that I hate and hate myself for and it's just ahhhhh
Snk finished and I still can't bring myself to go past erwins death I'm. I'm.
Also on the last chapter of mzds and I'm UNWELL abt that as well
Also I'm out of granola and was too much of a mess this weekend to make more and now my morning routine off. Not to be kuzco but actually if my groove is thrown off I May Perish
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2-kamikou-1 · 2 months
isat update!!!! after talking to the people around town they’ve almost all wished for vanguard to be saved . and since no one did the ritual it shouldn’t work but the head house maiden had a theory that bc it was so many people their belief was enough to make it work. and also the house maiden knows stuff about wish craft. so siffrins gonna go talk to her this time. but kiki also had a theory about the loops, that they only happen when siffrin can’t continue. but they happen when his emotions get high too, when something happens where he doesn’t die but it’s a big event. their theory is that the loops happen whenever siffrin *feels* like it’s the end and they won’t be able to keep going, like when isa rejected him, or bonnie died, etc. and then they ask if anything around the house maiden made siffrin feel like it was the end. which. ahem. if you ignore the entire party getting ready to part ways and saying “wow this is the end huh?” nothing at all why would they think that :) /sar. anyway siffrin. loops again when the topic turns to that. and now after fighting the king AGAIN i’m abt to talk to the house maiden rn once i start playing again. woooo
OOOOOGH...i live for the correlation of magic and feelings dude it makes me go FERAL
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theoasiswinds · 2 years
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Hey darlings~! A quick update I am feeling NO PAIN~! WOOOO!!!!
So happy, I havent felt this good in about 4 years! I am also on updated medication for my Hashimotos and my new endocrinologist is AMAZING~! 
I just need to keep an eye on symptoms and take my meds daily and so far all will be good~!  Today is day 1 of my body being quote on quote normal. 
So now I will get back to work with art~! 
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angst-in-space · 6 months
december '23 writing progress (and yearly wrap-up!)
december progress:
words written: 19.4k
most words written in a day: 1.8k
least words written in a day: 0
yearly total: 187.2k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
misc notes
works published in december:
december goals [i did not complete a single one of these LOLOLOL]:
write ~1k a day (except on holidays)
write like 100ish words of other projects a day (fics, planning projects, etc.)
write about 33k total (to meet my yearly wc goal of 200k)
finish…..ya sci-fi book rewrites… please….
finish editing ch 10 of sylvix dreamscape (idk if i’ll be able to post it by end of the month/year but… maybe lol)
finish edit letter for friend
january goals:
sigh. finish ya sci-fi book rewrites. please. please i'm so fuckin tired.
start working on line edits?
work on query package
errrrm maybe send out like. one query. just for funsies.
edit sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10
finish edit letter for friend
maybe work on outlining adult sci-fi wip again
well uhhh uhhh i did not meet a single one of my december goals. so that's....not great! i had really hoped to finish my ya sci-fi book rewrites by end of the year but alas, i still have 9 chapters left *sob* (i thought i only had 7 but recently realized i need to add two more chapters. cool. cool cool cool coolcoolcool.) but it's fine!! it's fine!!! i rewrote about 14k of my book in december and i'm finally entering the final arc so AAAAA. IT'S HAPPENING.
that is still gonna be my main priority for january (rewriting my book, that is). i'm hoping i will FINALLY finish but then again i've said that for like the last six months so we'll see lmfao. and if i DO finish rewrites, hoping i can delve into line edits woooo!!!
i'm hoping to also start doing a bit of querying prep this month (*screams internally*) by which i mean i just wanna at least start refining my query package—i technically have one already that i used to apply to mentorships and whatnot, but it's badly outdated now so uhh need to fix that! i had told myself i'd start querying by end of this month (even if it's just like, sending out One Query for the heck of it). not feeling like that's very likely but... who knows!
but also....i've been so burnt out on my book lately, i really just wanna write at least SOME fanfic this month. i want to write things for fun again, i miss it. :(
2023 wrap up:
total words written: 187.2k most words written in a month: 25k (november) least words written in a month: 9k (october)
works published/updated:
"are we going somewhere" ch. 2
"you're a dream, i'm never waking up" ch. 9
"altea rising" ch. 15
other wips:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
adult fantasy book
sylvix pacific rim au
mathablossom bedsharing fic
red skies ch. 8
altea rising (editing ch. 16 and writing ch. 19)
planning sapphic princess/pirate book
planning adult sci-fi space western dads book
kazurei post-canon fic
2023 goals:
write every day
write at least 200k words
finish more drafts of my ya sci-fi book
send ya sci-fi book to betas
start querying ya sci-fi book
make progress on adult fantasy book (possibly try to finish a first draft)
outline another book
finish editing/posting sylvix dreamscape fic
finish editing/posting renga fic
finish writing altea rising and maybe start posting the unpublished chapters
start working on red skies again
work on sylvix pacrim au
work on at least one of my wenzhou fics
finish at least a draft of matchablossom bedsharing fic
keep working on twiyor practice kissing fic, maybe finish a first draft?
a huge maybe but perhaps start sylvix 50s/spy au if i have time/energy
*scratches head* well uhhh damn i did not really...do anything i wanted to get done this year.... LMFAO. and even the few things i checked off are things i like barely worked on/started. so, ouch 😅
in my defense... i did not foresee how much work i'd have to do with my book revisions this year. at the beginning of the year i thought i was going into line edits—but around april i realized i needed to do a full rewrite. so i essentially had to start over, and rewrote *checks notes* roughly 83k of it so!! as you can imagine...that was rather time consuming and i did not have much time to work on anything else.
but... i'm trying to look on the bright side: the reason i started over is because of how much i've learned about writing from my mentors and my critique group etc. and looking at my draft from last year vs. this year, i can see a huge improvement! there is still a lot of work to do on this book—but i do feel like in 2023, i fell more in love with the story and characters than ever before (like to the point where i essentially have brain rot for my own ocs... LOL). and i feel like after 2.5 years of hard work, i am starting to see the "real book" starting to emerge from the chaotic mess it was before. so, that's very exciting!!
which brings me to: i'm hoping to maybe....MAYBE...dip my feet into the querying trenches in 2024. i had kinda hoped to do this by end of 2023 but...once again i grossly overestimated how ready my book was at the beginning of the year lololol. but i do feel like once i finish this big rewrite, i'll have less structural/overarching things to fix and more scene-level and line-level edits which (fingers crossed) hopefully will not be quite as involved as, yaknow, rewriting my entire book word by word! SOOO i may be sorta sending out the occasional query as i work on line edit-y stuff (esp bc querying is so slow nowadays haha) so yeahhh haha *sweats profusely*
there are a few other original projects i hope to make progress on this year. firstly, i'd love to continue working on my first draft of my adult fantasy arctic monster wip (maybe...finish a draft? i kinda doubt it but maybe!!). i also hope to keep working on planning a couple other projects, including planning sapphic princess/pirate wip and space western dads wip—both of which i'm very excited about. :)
AAAAND I WANT TO WRITE FIC AGAIN!!!! i really neglected my fic writing in 2023 and i miss it terribly. 😭 i have a lot of wips i want to continue/finish—but i think main priorities will be editing/publishing the last chapter of sylvix dreamscape fic, trying to finish posting at least one of my other ongoing multichapter fics, working more on sylvix pacrim au, aaaand... finishing a draft of one of my other wips perhaps? i don't know, i'm trying to be gentler with myself since i think i had too many specific goals for 2023 and could not meet any of them haha. sooo re: fic writing the general goal is "just have fun and see what happens."
here is to more progress in 2024!!!! 🥳
2024 goals:
finish ya sci-fi book rewrites/edits
work on query package
send out at least one query
start a writing blog/newsletter
continue first draft of arctic monster wip
finish outlining space western dads outline (and start a draft?? maybe?)
continue planning sapphic princess/pirate book
post last chapter of sylvix dreamscape fic
update one of my other ongoing multichapter fics
work on other misc. fic and JUST HAVE A GOOD FUN TIME!!!!
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xamptx · 6 months
Life update!! + Bluesky
Before you read this whole mini essay, if you're a mutual of mine and don't have a Bluesky code and want to join Bluesky then dm me please! I have a ton of codes collecting dust. c:
I know I haven't posted in a while and I don't know why I feel compelled to post any update at all lol I just feel like it. I've been really busy with work for the last half of the year plus my family got sick (except me somehow) so I had to take care of some extra things. Plus I just wasn't very happy with my style and I honestly didn't know what to do.
I felt compelled to make fanart but also I wanted to share lots of original art but I felt like no one really cared. And frankly I've been thinking of devoting more time to more mature works (will Tumblr snipe this post if I say ns-fw? Idk I'm scarred from Twitter) so I was in a constant battle with that. Not to mention I run a full DND campaign (forever DM woooo)
Oh I also turned 26! 🥳 So there's that too!
So I decided to go on an unannounced hiatus until the New Year (which is literally this Monday so happy new year) and let myself just exist. I never stopped drawing too, I drew I just didn't post it on the Internet. It was nice but I'm missing the interaction with other people over silly art and I've reworked my art style slightly.
I'll probs be devoting more time to my NSFW work then sfw. I've been scared to devote any of my time in NSFW just cause the Internet doesn't have a ton of spaces for NSFW artists but I figured I might as well give it a shot anyway. I won't be posting it to Tumblr thou that's for sure lol maybe some teasers idk. I'll be posting lots on Bluesky too, so if you have a Bluesky find me @ xamptx over there.
But ya that's about it, I hopefully can stay more active once the New Year hits. Everyone have a nice and safe holiday and stay frosty!
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f0xgl0v3 · 7 months
Feeling great guys, it’s been raining cats and dogs out where I live and I just had to walk back in it.
I worked a little more on the map and I made the wonderful choice to just giggle and see how it would work if I used Octavian (with my height hc) as a ruler for the walls (if anyone asks, I imagine they tower over people, it’s very hard to free climb them just because of sheer height. They’re as tall to keep monsters out or at least slow them down- probably more on that when I talk about sentry/guard duty in Camp, since camp doesn’t get to be included in the safe bubble.)
But this is how it turned out,
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I include this update purely because it’s so funky looking, but if anyone would want to know I used the idea that Octavian is at least 6ft here (*insert my various ‘Octavian towers over everyone else and whenever there are camp photos where everyone’s gathered up his head is either always cut off in the pic’ I say at least 6ft because I put him on the taller side of the 6-6’11 range but for the ease of the number I chose a nice round 6ft*)
But that makes the concept wall (that I think is at least like 50 ft. No I won’t be converting that to anything more useful, feet is the only measurement that makes sense in my brain) but that makes the ‘wall’ (big purple blob) in the photo around 36ft tall. Which.. I’ll be honest I have no sense of scale but that seems very small. I think the wall is at least maybe 54-ish feet. Or 9 Octavians if anyone is wondering.
But working on that… instead of layout. I have it roughly figured out but I don’t want to draw it yet, maybe I will in a little but not right now.
Okay uhhhh. I started TSOA and it’s such a nice cool-down read, it’s really light and easy to blow through and after spending my days with they Odyssey and Iliad it’s a nice change of pace. I’ve been working on some of my PJO oc’s so I’ll probably throw them in sprinkled throughout here and there. Also I’ve decided to try and play around with a newer art style. And I might get out some more Centurion stuff, or the security of Camp Jupiter (That, that is what I will be working on) because it’s great.
Okay I gotta get ready to go to one of my friends choir concerts and I don’t want to arrive looking like I just fell out of my window and fell asleep in the rain.
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