#fnaf retold
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fnafretold · 6 months ago
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I love this meme so much I made 4 versions of it!
(Note: I’m currently struggling to make posts idk why. Mobile is being weird)
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midnightgorefest · 6 months ago
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take my hand, take my life
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pharrell-the-formation · 1 year ago
The film based on the franchise was very good, I had a great time. I recommend it to everyone, especially long-term fans of games.
And the drawings from the post actually don’t relate to this matter, they were just finished the other day.
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Freddy and his leadership methods, Chica and her long arms.
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writerwrightlegend · 1 year ago
Spooktober Day 1.
Title:Bittersweet Reunion.
August Robinson finished setting up the newest animatronic for his pizzeria. Well, he shared ownership of the place with Michael, but he was only here during the night. He stepped back from the stage to inspect the new animatronic.
It was a black bear with a light orange eye. He seemed to be missing one of his eyes, but August could get it fixed if he found the right part. He also had red eyelids and cheeks, and there was a yellow star on his chest. He wore a red top hat and red bowtie as well as red knee caps. In his left hand, he was holding a yellow microphone.
"You look a lot like Rockstar Freddy, heh, maybe I should've put you with the rest of the rockstar animatronics."
"Then again, there isn't much room on that stage for five animatronics."
August sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"And I'm talking to myself again, great."
He walked past the office and saw that it was unlocked.
He went inside to investigate. While he was in the office. Lefty went online, and he began looking around the place.
"Does this place seem familiar to you, Charlie?"
A little ghost of a girl appeared next to the bear. She had on a mask that resembled the Marionette.
"Yeah, it does, I wonder if my friends are here."
They got off the side stage and went to the main stage. They saw the rockstar animatronics. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. All of them were here.
"Guys, wake up!"
After Charlie said that, four other ghosts appeared. Three boys and one girl. Each of them sported a mask that resembled a different animatronic. Gabriel wore the Freddy mask. Jeremy had a mask of Bonnie. Susie wore a Chica mask. And Fritz had on a Foxy mask.
"You're okay!"
"We were worried about you!"
"Did you find Cassidy and Evan?"
"Yeah, they're here too!"
"Come on out guys."
A golden version of Freddy appeared in front of everyone. With him were two more spirits. A boy and girl. The boy wore a mask that looked like a shadow version of Freddy while the girl wore a mask that looked like Golden Freddy.
"Yay! We're all together again!"
August came back out of the office, and he was stunned. He saw all of them, the robots and the ghosts. He wanted to run away but he also wanted to know if it was really them.
"Is that... August?"
Evan went over to where August was standing.
"Auggie? Is that you?"
"Evan... Are you really here?"
"Yeah! We're all here."
"Wow, he's so tall now!"
"I'm happy that the bad man never found you."
"Yay, we're glad you're okay!"
August couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were all here. All of them. His friends that he made at the various Fazbear locations. He thought he'd lost them all when they died. Their deaths drove him away from this place out of fear. Yet, something kept telling him to go back. Something told him that they were looking for him. He didn't think that he would ever find them yet. Here he was, talking to them. He couldn't help but start crying. He was finally seeing his friends after so long.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you all."
As they were talking, the Mediocre Melodies came into the main room. They also had ghosts with them, and they wore masks that resembled the toy animatronics. Luke, Samuel, Tina, Danny, and Billy. August was happy to see them, too. The group was so busy catching up that they didn't even notice that the building had been set on fire. It wasn’t until August smelled smoke that he realized what was really happening. Henry brought them all together, and he was going to save all of them. August thought about running, but he chose not to. He wanted to be with his friends one last time before he died.
The souls tried to urge him to leave.
"You need to get out of here!"
"It's not your time to go yet!"
"We don't want you to die!"
He gave his friends a soft smile as a tear slowly creeped down his face.
"It's okay, it's going to be okay."
"I wanna be with you guys, one last time."
As the fire got worse, August struggled to breathe as the smoke filled his lungs. His coughing got more and more painful. At one point, he coughed up blood. It dripped down his mouth and hand. As he sat there, a familiar figure looked over him. The greenish fur with white eyes and a rabbit ear. He might've looked different, but August knew exactly who he was.
"Hello Spring Bonnie, or is it William Afton?"
"Well, well, it's you, the little boy who couldn't mind his own business."
"You killed them, why?"
"I had my reasons."
"Jealousy, revenge, immortality."
"My motive seemed to change over time."
"You caused so much pain and suffering for them."
"Do you think I cared about if the children were suffering or not?!"
"Ha! It didn't matter, as long as I harvested their remnant to remain immortal."
"You cared about Evan and Elizabeth, and both were killed by your creations!"
"That was a long time ago, I'm not that man anymore."
"That man, the business owner of Fredbears Family Diner, is long gone."
He got onto the stage and slashed through his stomach with the axe that he had found.
August struggled against the axe as it dug into his belly. He managed to pull the axe out and rip it out of Afton's arm.
"I think the devil is waiting for you."
With whatever strength that August had left. He tackled Afton to the ground and began hacking away at his body with the axe. He tore Afton's new body apart till there was nothing but his head. With one last swing, he dug the axe deep into his head. He stumbled back onto the floor and looked up to see Charlie, reaching out her hand towards his. He reached for hers, but it fell to the floor as his vision went black and his heartbeat faded away.
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hearts401 · 1 year ago
How does one come up with cool fnaf retold au lore I WANNA JOIN IN SO BAAADD
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smak-annihilation · 1 year ago
Okay so I watched the fnaf movie with my friends and I must say we had a blast lol. I can see why the critics wouldn't like it and I see exactly why the fans (mostly) liked it. As a movie it wasn't great but as a peace of fazbear entertainment media it was awesome. It doesn't follow the deep and extensive lore but I don't feel it needed to. If it just retold the events of the games it would be kinda boring for the fans, and since this was clearly made FOR the fans it did a solid job putting a new spin on things. It wasn't much of a horror, in fact I would say the comedy parts were more prevalent, like midway trough it just became a family comedy when they all gathered beneath the tent and was half expecting The Rock to show up and give us a one liner about the animatronics getting quirky at night lmao. The few gore parts that there were were solid, especially the bite, although there could have been more. Me and all my friend lost it when Mat Pat showed up and fully lost it when he said it's just a theory. The taxi scene was funny as well and Cory did a great job with that one. Shame markiplier wasn't there but hey we can't have everything can we. Also there should have been at least ONE exotic butters joke since that was like the main fnaf meme for a year or two.
All in all I had a fun time, 7/10
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askfoxythejokerfox · 14 days ago
FNAF RETOLD by Fera Animations
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itsamepatches · 7 months ago
wips status!
VT "Our Story's Goin' Out with a BANG!" - Chapter 8 of 8 "LB and the Distraught Director" - Chapter 3 of 6 "The Show Must Go On!" - Chapter 5 of 7 "Tech Whisperer - rewritten" - Chapter 1
Chipspeech "DELTREE" - Chapter 5
Vocaloid "They're a Work in Process" - Chapter 2 of 4
Animal Crossing "Deserted-Island Package Extravaganza!" - Chapter 2 of 6
Zelda "Phantom Hourglass Retold" - Chapter 3 of 10 untitled Ganonbeck SSBU fic
FNAF "Ye've Taken Me Hand, and Now Yer Comin' For Me Heart?!" - revision and possibly Chapter 4 of 6 "Now Playing: Bonnie Bound, Foxy Found" - hiatus, might be remade in the future
Non-written stuff:
FNAF "Dead Foxes Tell No Tale" - pages 3-4
MLP "Ponyville Petal Panic" - general plot, etc
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little-eldritch-gremlin · 2 months ago
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(and they never even finished HN2 despite them saying they would! i love tinybuild so much you guys! /sarcasm)
Not gonna lie tho for me it also does bring up the question “where the fuck are they gonna get the budget for this?” Like is TB just gonna pool all of their resources into this and dig themselves into a deeper financial trouble? (yes. definitely. absolutely—)
Surprisingly I do know what you mean by the FNAF movie thing lol- (I have the same sort of feelings towards the Mario movie with crisp rat)
And for the plot, If you’re right and they essentially just retell the first game with book elements and HNAS elements I GUESS that would be fine just would be frustrating for me lowkey since its like you said, it's been retold quite a few times at this point and personally all I really want is answers for what the fuck happened to the characters between acts 2 and 3 since it's been a good few years at this point and we still have no clear answer for what happened to them besides Nicky kind of- (and I don't want to look in the direction of Reset Day sorry-)
Also, thank you for letting me yap on your blog, that means a lot lol
I'm honestly surprised I didn't ask this before, but...
What's the general opinion regarding the upcoming Hello Neighbor movie? Do y'all think it'll flop? Will it be good?
I mean, given the context behind it, I wouldn't say I'm hyped nor do I think it will be a masterpiece. At best I'll watch it and give my own rating. In general, my expectations are low.
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fazbear-retold · 2 years ago
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Meet the Aftons! All is well here, I promise :)
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glitchyred · 2 years ago
Funniest knowledge I have is Retold!RED's canonical voice claim which I had in mind from the moment I started writing his dialogue
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fnafretold · 7 months ago
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Last little page of this short
This’ll go up fully on Webtoon
He’s fine y’all don’t worry 😉
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midnightgorefest · 9 months ago
“You can only reach heaven for so long.”
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sbrt chapter 7 hype chat let’s gooooo (it’s almost done and will arrive soon :3)
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pharrell-the-formation · 1 year ago
In my head, Glamrock Freddy is a much bigger dummy than he really is.
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He is like a comic relief who believes he is a main character. Not literally, but similar concept.
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mutifandomlover · 1 year ago
The first short story is here! Go check it out. This is based on an au that I'm making where it's the story of fnaf, but from the perspective of a new character named August Robinson. I hope you enjoy it!
Spooktober Day 1.
Title:Bittersweet Reunion.
August Robinson finished setting up the newest animatronic for his pizzeria. Well, he shared ownership of the place with Michael, but he was only here during the night. He stepped back from the stage to inspect the new animatronic.
It was a black bear with a light orange eye. He seemed to be missing one of his eyes, but August could get it fixed if he found the right part. He also had red eyelids and cheeks, and there was a yellow star on his chest. He wore a red top hat and red bowtie as well as red knee caps. In his left hand, he was holding a yellow microphone.
"You look a lot like Rockstar Freddy, heh, maybe I should've put you with the rest of the rockstar animatronics."
"Then again, there isn't much room on that stage for five animatronics."
August sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"And I'm talking to myself again, great."
He walked past the office and saw that it was unlocked.
He went inside to investigate. While he was in the office. Lefty went online, and he began looking around the place.
"Does this place seem familiar to you, Charlie?"
A little ghost of a girl appeared next to the bear. She had on a mask that resembled the Marionette.
"Yeah, it does, I wonder if my friends are here."
They got off the side stage and went to the main stage. They saw the rockstar animatronics. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. All of them were here.
"Guys, wake up!"
After Charlie said that, four other ghosts appeared. Three boys and one girl. Each of them sported a mask that resembled a different animatronic. Gabriel wore the Freddy mask. Jeremy had a mask of Bonnie. Susie wore a Chica mask. And Fritz had on a Foxy mask.
"You're okay!"
"We were worried about you!"
"Did you find Cassidy and Evan?"
"Yeah, they're here too!"
"Come on out guys."
A golden version of Freddy appeared in front of everyone. With him were two more spirits. A boy and girl. The boy wore a mask that looked like a shadow version of Freddy while the girl wore a mask that looked like Golden Freddy.
"Yay! We're all together again!"
August came back out of the office, and he was stunned. He saw all of them, the robots and the ghosts. He wanted to run away but he also wanted to know if it was really them.
"Is that... August?"
Evan went over to where August was standing.
"Auggie? Is that you?"
"Evan... Are you really here?"
"Yeah! We're all here."
"Wow, he's so tall now!"
"I'm happy that the bad man never found you."
"Yay, we're glad you're okay!"
August couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were all here. All of them. His friends that he made at the various Fazbear locations. He thought he'd lost them all when they died. Their deaths drove him away from this place out of fear. Yet, something kept telling him to go back. Something told him that they were looking for him. He didn't think that he would ever find them yet. Here he was, talking to them. He couldn't help but start crying. He was finally seeing his friends after so long.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just happy to see you all."
As they were talking, the Mediocre Melodies came into the main room. They also had ghosts with them, and they wore masks that resembled the toy animatronics. Luke, Samuel, Tina, Danny, and Billy. August was happy to see them, too. The group was so busy catching up that they didn't even notice that the building had been set on fire. It wasn’t until August smelled smoke that he realized what was really happening. Henry brought them all together, and he was going to save all of them. August thought about running, but he chose not to. He wanted to be with his friends one last time before he died.
The souls tried to urge him to leave.
"You need to get out of here!"
"It's not your time to go yet!"
"We don't want you to die!"
He gave his friends a soft smile as a tear slowly creeped down his face.
"It's okay, it's going to be okay."
"I wanna be with you guys, one last time."
As the fire got worse, August struggled to breathe as the smoke filled his lungs. His coughing got more and more painful. At one point, he coughed up blood. It dripped down his mouth and hand. As he sat there, a familiar figure looked over him. The greenish fur with white eyes and a rabbit ear. He might've looked different, but August knew exactly who he was.
"Hello Spring Bonnie, or is it William Afton?"
"Well, well, it's you, the little boy who couldn't mind his own business."
"You killed them, why?"
"I had my reasons."
"Jealousy, revenge, immortality."
"My motive seemed to change over time."
"You caused so much pain and suffering for them."
"Do you think I cared about if the children were suffering or not?!"
"Ha! It didn't matter, as long as I harvested their remnant to remain immortal."
"You cared about Evan and Elizabeth, and both were killed by your creations!"
"That was a long time ago, I'm not that man anymore."
"That man, the business owner of Fredbears Family Diner, is long gone."
He got onto the stage and slashed through his stomach with the axe that he had found.
August struggled against the axe as it dug into his belly. He managed to pull the axe out and rip it out of Afton's arm.
"I think the devil is waiting for you."
With whatever strength that August had left. He tackled Afton to the ground and began hacking away at his body with the axe. He tore Afton's new body apart till there was nothing but his head. With one last swing, he dug the axe deep into his head. He stumbled back onto the floor and looked up to see Charlie, reaching out her hand towards his. He reached for hers, but it fell to the floor as his vision went black and his heartbeat faded away.
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zayamoone-old · 4 years ago
Hey, remember how I made a whole post on my TF2 AU? Yeah, it’s been a while, and now I have an entire FNaF AU planned out that has torn my attention away from it. This is something I am much more passionate about, so I’m gonna try to post about it here. I don’t have much to say about it at the current moment without going on an entire rant about it, so I’ll just explain the general concept of the AU and open up the floor for asks.
So, my AU is called Fazbear Retold. The premise of the AU is that it’s essentially a retelling of FNaF 1-6 (hence the name). It keeps the general story, just changing, removing, and adding some aspects to it. Not all of the characters are included, either. But that’s okay; my goal with this AU was to just simplify the FNaF story and universe. I do have some character designs finished already, which I will attach to this post. I don’t want to say much in this one post, so I urge you guys to please submit asks asking literally ANYTHING about the AU and I will answer it to the best of my ability ASAP. Not only does this let me tell you guys about my AU directly, but it really helps me when it comes to worldbuilding :)
I have a lot of cool ideas in store for this AU, and I can’t wait to share them with you guys. So, that being said, ask away!! Remember: you can ask ANYTHING about the AU!
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