#also shooting blanks
prettylittleproblem · 1 month
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feluart · 5 months
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I just need him to be happy thank you
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
personal sperm donor soap x reader because IVF is expensive (craigslist ad. everyone else thought it some FBI scheme but you just want to start a family minus the male relationship) thank you but once the dick appt comes, it turns into ghoap cuz johnny just had to bring his boyfriend to donate sperm too. higher chance of a baby
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robiinurheart33 · 6 months
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Haha wdym no I didn’t read the chapter almost one month after it came out wdym that’s crazy haha
ANYWAYS NEON VOID BRAINROT ANYONE?? As usual a magnificent read what can I say @sugarpasteltmnt is SO SO talented after I read this chapter I stared off into space for like a solid minute before laughing hysterically like Leo because MY GOD the adrenaline rush is so real. What compliment can I say that hasn’t been said about this fic. It gives me such goosebumps and the action sequences are just. Muah. Breathtaking. I cannot wait to read the next chapter and keep up the good work!! /lh /all pos
(Clicks for Palestine!!!)
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I know surge and kit are meant to be reflections of sonic and tails but to me surge is for amy what shadow is for sonic and i am just. so correct about this. you just have to trust me
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vampire-rodeo · 4 months
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bonus one
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
Gotta love how the locals ALL react to Jonathan. They see him head to the wolf's jaws, one who is known for his taste for youth and go "oh that's a baby... I must give up my OWN good luck charm for this kid!"
Jonathan's whole beginning is such innocence facing its first big experience. Very first step out of the hearth.
It also juxtaposes with Jack, Quincey and Arthur, who are experienced men who have had many adventures overseas already!
Jonathan being a child in the eyes of the locals is something that has been discussed a lot, but I still feel for them. Because in a way, Jonathan is still a child, he is away from home, fresh from exams and with a fiancee, to have his first job in the field.
So the locals see this young man who doesn't even speak their language, but is polite, and has the kind of freshness that only inexperienced young people have in his eyes. They don't think much of it until he tells them (in broken german) where exactly he is going. Then, after Jonathan's revelation what the locals only see is a walking corpse, or worse another young soul trapped for eternity.
What the inkeepeer's wife sees is a lonely mother in a candle lit home, waiting and waiting for any kind of news of her son, looking at the window for hours so she doesn't miss the arrival of that young man she raised, and sent to a foreing land.
What the locals see is another victim. It seems that horrible being lost the fascination for the taste of their young (or has already devoured so many), and now he is bringing more innocent young people to his cursed tomb of a castle.
So they try, and try to keep that young man away, but he is a stubborn english man (it's his first job he can't mess it up).
They see the determination of his eyes (or desesperation and confusion), and let him go.
Maybe if they give him some protections he can put the clues together, and survive (it's impossible). Maybe if the coachman goes faster than that devil he can make the young man wait for tomorrow.
Compare Jonathan to these charming men, older than him, who had already seen so much more. The three of them have the kind of "mindset" that Jonathan lacks when it comes to danger. However, I think that even with all of their experience, none of them would have survived what Jonathan has been through in the course of these days.
I know it sounds unbelievable, or even cruel. Still, based on their characters, and the kind of masculine archetype that each of them represent, would Arthur, Quincey and Jack see through Dracula? Absolutely they aren't fools. Would they survive the kind of game that Dracula has been playing with Jonathan? I don't think so.
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appendectomy · 3 months
im not going to lie its getting harder to stand with my cancelled wife armand when the issue at hand regards claudia. its getting dire
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chrliekclly · 1 year
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jst realized i cn post this whole page now since i didnt draw n e thng while we shot mental health day, so heres all the doodles i did on set to try to remember things this season!
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ahamkara-apologist · 14 days
Do you believe Lightbearers are changed biologically from before they became Lightbearers?
Can't believe I forgot to answer this- I genuinely thought I did until I was scrolling through my inbox and saw it pop up again. Oops.
Anyways, my headcanon is that yes, Lightbearers are biologically different than non-Lightbearers- they become so when their ghost is rezzing them for the first time. During the first rez, their bodies are essentially restructured to better suit being a vessel of Light, with far greater phsyical resiliance, capacity, and overall durability being granted as a boon from the Traveler so that they're not torn to shreds when using even the most basal abilities. Even Lightless, they're still much stronger than a baseline human, they cannot age (their telomeres simply do not degrade and their DNA repair kit becomes more accurate, so they don't incur the gradual DNA loss/nonspecific remedies that lead to the maladies of old age), and they're still paracausally sensitive, even if their conduit for channeling the Light has been cut. Outside of the never-aging and paracasal-sensitivity thing, the effect isn't drastic, but they are still noticibly hardier than a person who'd never directly touched the light of the Traveler would be. Eris, Zavala, and Osiris could be beaten by a sufficiently strong mortal in an arm wrestling contest, for example, but they're all able to learn to use Darkness/walk off injuries with an ease that a Lightless mortal cannot.
After the first rez, additional permanant change is possible, but it requires either paracausal alteration (such as wounds created by Darkness, wounds that were earned and began healing in a no-light zone, or subconcious paracausal alteration, where the Guardian's own body rejects the touch of the Light), or deliberate ghost manipulation. I like to headcanon that by using the Light in much the same way that they would heal, Ghosts can learn to tweak parts of their guardian's bodies to be altered to their liking, which is a method by which transitioning post-rez occurs, in the instance that one was not an exo or did not medically transition before death. It's extremely delicate, but all they have to do is use their bond and the Light to go 'hey, you're missing something, you need to make more of this hormone or grow more of this tissue to fully heal', and bam, gender transed :) This fully depends on the skill of the ghost, however, so its a slow process even if it can theoretically lead to a full transition over time, and certain tissues can only atrophy so far before they need to be cut off. In the case of exos, all the ghosts need to do is block the mental disconnect between the body alterations and the perception of what those should be, and that's about it
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fellhellion · 1 year
sorry i need to expel the demon that is comicsverse thoughts from my head w a weirdly structured ramble ive been trying to articulate fdsjkfhkjds
-> miguel is initially alienated from his body post transformation - not just due to the nonconsensual nature of being spidered - but because he views the transformation as alienating him from a claim to humanity
-> however, the identity of spiderman and the ideals that represents seems to be in big part the means by which miguel reconciles himself to the nature of his physical body. not only do his abilities become naturalised to his understanding of himself as Miguel (rather than being thought of as alien) but they enable spiderman to be that force for good and change that miguel so desperately wants to see in himself
-> but miguel simultaneously depersonalises himself from his spiderman identity. he thinks of it as the better half of himself, as something almost ephemeral, that he doesn't quite have a claim to or is able to reconcile completely to Miguel The Human Being and all his associated baggage
-> and that's an interesting internal conflict to have when he simultaneously can never escape the lived reality of his own body and where it diverges from those around him, even as that lived reality eventually becomes something he can reconcile himself to far more easily
-> and what overhangs across this entire discussion is context of (and thus how Miguel would be influenced by) Nueva York's hypercapitalist society and thus the understanding and conception of your physical body in that lens. how much or little your body is owed by you yourself. the access you are told must be permitted to it by others/corporations. how the physical body is policed and politicised. the commodification of the body in the most literal sense via Vulture's cannibalism.
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Yes-Man resents a lot of things but I feel like he kinda liked Benny. It’s never implied Benny had the knowledge to continuously upgrade or update him after Emily so I like to think Yes-Man respected Benny enough to adopt some of his opinions willingly.
Like personality wise, Yes-Man is like if Benny was forced to be a kiss ass; he’s equally pointed and jerky even if unendingly helpful. No matter if you spare the Great Khans, Yes-Man dislikes them and is kinda violent about things. What this says about Benny and the way he talked about things behind the scenes is one thing but the other is Yes-Man ingrained it enough to keep it.
I can imagine Benny mentioning Vegas was for them and while Yes-Man is logical, as any machine would be, I think it’s sweet if the personable part of his programming was looking forward to running Vegas with his “creator”.
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valeovalairs · 2 months
That panic you feel when the girl that was literally your gay awakening walks into your place of work while you’re just. Swiffering. And you make eye contact.
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siobhans-roy · 1 year
no but for me it’s the way even though no roy sits in the ceo chair in the end it all stills boils down to “she’s the bloodline” and literal succession of it all….. like no, of course shiv didn’t want it to be kendall, but she agreed, up until the next morning when she learns it’s tom. then she wobbles. she has to pick between two different cages, she’s trapped either way, but she still picks the father of her child. not to mention how in the last moment they dropped that about iverson also not being kendall’s biological son and the subtle implication that that may be because kendall is sterile (and what logan’s opinions on that obviously were. another reason it could never be him, maybe). being a roy is not in the name it’s in the blood. like the poison is their blood. idk.
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foolsocracy · 4 months
A quick question, do you take any commissions by any chance?
If so, how much?
And sorry for earlier!😭😭😭
I've never actually done a commission before actually! I'm a hobbyist through and through
It's mainly just because I'm so busy with school and whatnot, but if you've got something specific in mind you can shoot me a DM and I'll let you know if I could possibly give it a go
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shermangepherd · 8 months
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happy birthday cater ‼️4️⃣💎🃏
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