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enden-k · 2 days ago
saranvika hugging 🥹
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arcadekitten · 2 days ago
Tomorrow! My birthday is March 27th! Either way, thank you so much!! ♡
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macleod · 2 days ago
as a roboticist, I can confirm.
characters who are robots would get as much glee out of clicking the "I'm not a robot" captcha as you do from clicking "yes, I'm over 18" as a kid
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enden-k · 16 hours ago
Yuxuan drinking coffee or something and subtly glancing at his wife of ten years like he doesn't see her literally everyday (ten years is not, and never will be enough time to admire Napha to completion)
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he about to ask his wife if shes single HAHAKJBJKJC
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apricatt-art · 5 hours ago
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Do you have a favourite Critrole character to draw? And is it different to who your favourite character is?
Thank you!! My top favorite CR characters to draw are Jester, Kiri, and Essek! My favorite characters are probably Jester and Caleb, so not too far off 🫶
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faunabel · 2 days ago
omg its me. i can't believe i'm on tv,,, am i a celebrity now?
Trail cam catching a deer fawn with the zoomies
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worms-for-brains · 1 day ago
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Wolves are a race of warriors, tribes (or packs) that veryyy honour bound. They fight for the purpose of both survival and territory (much like real life wolves) They don’t often interact with others, preferring their own battle-packs rather than any sort of large civilization. They can also be seen as feared for their carnivorous nature, though it’s been long since they ate much other than fish.
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Goats or Rams, are somewhat the opposite. They thrive in community. Many might say they are “more civilized” than wolves, horses or deer because of the fact that they built some of the larger communities and structures. Their culture revolves around a central worship of Frost and Harvest. Gods of Death and Life respectively.
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Horses and Deer are nomadic, not necessarily bound by land markers like Wolves and Goats.
Deer are both warrior and gatherer, primarily using bows made of their shed antlers to defend themselves. They forage in the woods and survive off of berries and vegetables/grasses they can find.
Horses are slightly more settled than Deer. Mostly because they found use in living in Goat society. But before that they used to be more scattered, living on plains and large valleys.
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mulderscully · 6 months ago
What is spn
anon you have no idea how special this message is
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 9 months ago
Someday will you bring back Fat Cat Miku... that's my favorite miku fanart EVER... She's so Kitty
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zinderant · 11 hours ago
So this article is from 2014, and I think we can all agree that the making-friends situation has not gotten any easier since then. This makes it all the more surprising that Polly is basically saying to give up on making the kind of ride-or-die BFF that you'll take a bullet for. I get it, that kind of bond takes time to make, and no one in their late twenties has that time. Still, I wonder if it's really such a lost cause as she describes.
There are a few other things that resonated with me:
Aww. Poor me! But even though I was a socially-paralyzed shut-in, my standards were way too fucking high. No one was smart enough or interesting enough for me. No one was perfectly equipped to understand every inch of my tortured soul.
Honestly, this is one of the main reasons why I fail to make friends! I have made a lot of efforts to get out there and meet new people, but it is vanishingly rare that I meet someone and think, wow, this person seems cool and interesting and I'm excited to see them more often! It don't think this is because I think I'm too good to be most people's friend, it's just that I don't feel chemistry with them. And I didn't think I had extremely high standards either! When I was in university I very frequently met people that I felt excited about getting to know, and I am fortunate to still be in contact with some of them. And now, even though I'm literally still in academia, there were four, maybe five people over the past four years I met whom I was excited to hang out with more. (One of them is now my partner, so I have no reason to distrust that intuition.)
I don't know if it's more that I changed or my social environment did, but when I think about what I want to do on the weekend, asking one of the people in my circle of acquaintances for a social activity rarely, if ever, comes to mind. In other words, I am a natural shut-in who is not prone to getting lonely. The main barrier to making more friends is my own apathy! It's not so much that I need friends to be happy but that I think I'd be happier with friends, and I'm just not particularly motivated to work towards that additional happiness. I'm trying to work on that, but I'm also aware of the risk that I'm not gonna get any happier by pushing myself into friendships I'm just not that excited about.
For now I'm perfectly content just hanging out with some local people for board games because I enjoy that, it gets me out of the house, and I get to feel good about myself for making a positive difference in my local community. Any potential friends are just a nice bonus.
Ask Polly: How Am I Supposed to Make Friends in My Late 20s?
Is there any creature alive with higher, more impossible standards than a 28-year-old? The only difference between a 28-year-old woman and a 38-year-old woman is that one of them tries to hide how few friends she has, and the other will email you out of the blue and demand to hang out after meeting you for exactly four seconds in a room full of retired people and divorced people and new moms. The late-30s woman knows that it’s no big deal to want to make new friends. Maybe it won’t be a life-changing time, or maybe you’ll be acquaintances, or maybe you’ll be vacationing together down the road. It’s worth a shot. [...] So the second thing I want you to know is that, in order to make very close friends in a natural, organic way, you have to cast a wide net and be accepting and give it time. You can’t use the aggressive, early twentysomething’s tactics, because it poisons the whole process to believe that you’re trying to hunt and trap the perfect BFF. [...] Some of your closest, lifelong friends may not seem like close, lifelong friends for the first five or six years you know them. Seriously. It takes time to figure out who matters, who listens, who tells the truth, who comes through in a pinch, who’s down to earth, who appreciates you and accepts your flaws, who says the right thing at the right time, and who makes sense all around. [...] The more you try — without skyrocketing expectations, without circular thoughts that say YOU ARE A FRIENDLESS FREAK — the easier it’ll be. The more you do it, the happier you’ll be, even if no lifelong friends emerge immediately. You should do it now in order to prepare you for doing it 20 years from now, because you’ll ALWAYS have to do it. You don’t just get the big group of buddies and then sleepwalk through the rest of your life. Life isn’t like that. [...] This life is not perfect. This world is not a perfect place. Sometimes it’s nice to sip a drink, and repeat yourself, among people who aren’t perfect, and don’t expect you to be perfect either. Aim low, open your heart, and let them in.
selected paragraphs (speedrun) of an ask polly that changed my life a little bit // Ask Polly: How Am I Supposed to Make Friends in My Late 20s? by Heather Havrilesky
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britishmuffin · 8 months ago
Would love to see your take on kataang in their late teens or early twenties just being adorable!
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Here's a speedy doodle of them all a little older with some mild kataang, if that suits you, anon c:
The gaang is teaching Zuko how to have friends!!!
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zhampip · 3 months ago
Can u draw stone and robotnik hugging for realsies?? Pretty please with a cherry on top. Stone looks so cute receiving a hug from Ivo
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best they can do
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kinikxluna · 3 months ago
Why miss trylobites when we have isopods?!
i completely misunderstood this sentence on my first read
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airasilver · 23 hours ago
Oh, I love a spouse/partner but the money could help…So could the house…..
(also feel free in the tags to clarify Why you made the choice you made!! :0c)
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elbdot · 1 month ago
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LMAO SURE THING, HERE YOU GO! Please use responsibly, thank u 😌
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