#I’m going to go listen to good luck babe now and just overthink
valeovalairs · 2 months
That panic you feel when the girl that was literally your gay awakening walks into your place of work while you’re just. Swiffering. And you make eye contact.
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daisyful-gvf · 1 year
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✿ little wing ✿
part 3
pairings: jake x reader
word count: 7.5k
notes: finally!! god i love this chapter. and i can’t wait for the next :)
warnings: sexual situations, marijuana use, drinking, angst :(
playlist (which i’ve become rly attached to lol)
You’re insane if you think The Beatles are better than Cream
You laugh to yourself at his message. It’s a very Jake thing to say. Your answer is playful:
i think you’re just stubborn
It’s been nice texting Jake here and there. During the long stretches in the cramped sprinter van, between braiding Violet’s hair and plucking absentmindedly on your acoustic, it’s an exciting little activity. He’s witty, and also somehow awake most hours of the day.
That could be. But consider this:
He sends a Youtube link to a live performance of Crossroads, and you know before you even listen that he likely has you beat. You watch it anyways and smile at the thought that he shared it with you.
alright, i’ll concede
You answer. After another moment you add
for now
“What’s that about?” Paisley’s voice catches you off guard in the seat row in front of you. Her eyeliner is still half on from the show the night before, and she rubs at it as she smiles at you, “The giggling at your phone. Jake?”
If you act surprised, she’ll see right through it. You just nod, and try not to blush too hard. She offers you a knowing smile and you wave her off.
“I’m just saying…” she laughs and plays with the wooden beaded bracelets on her wrist.
“Well don’t,” you smile and pick up your guitar again, putting Jake out of your mind for a moment.
“Come on,” she grins, “What’s going on?”
The air seems stuffy in the van suddenly, so you crack a window. The summer Texas air is inviting on your skin and through your hair.
“I don’t know,” you sigh, “Truly, I don’t. I think we’re just friends, I think…”
She gives you an anticipatory look as you gather your thoughts.
“He’s a flirt, but he seems to tone it down with me. I think he’s just being nice. Professional, even.”
Whether or not she means for it to, the boisterous laugh that comes out pangs at your chest. As your face falls and you resort to playing a riff on the acoustic, she notices.
“Hey,” she soothes, “I’m not trying to be mean. I just wish I should shake some sense into you.”
You raise your brow at her as you play.
“I don’t know that even if I spelled it out for you, that you’d get it, babe,” she says gently, “But if he’s making you happy to be around, go with it.”
“Just don’t leave us in the dust for some rockstar dick, please,” Carol chimes in from the front. She gives you a wicked grin and then smacks her gum.
“Oh my god,” you roll your eyes, “It’ll never be like that.”
Paisley reaches over and ruffles your hair before she turns to lay her head against the window, and then you’re left with your own thoughts again. The buzz of your phone on your thigh startles you.
What do I get for winning? :)
You roll your eyes at his cheeky message.
well, what do you want?
He reads the message instantly, and after about a minute of silence your stomach starts to knot.
And then it hits you. You’re in it. You haven’t felt nervous over a text from someone in god knows how long, and it’s almost embarrassing how plain it is for yourself to see. And maybe, it’s not such an insane thing to like him. Maybe you’ll let yourself see where it goes.
Smoke with me again?
You don’t notice you’re smiling at it until your cheeks ache a bit.
if you insist, kiszka
The beds of your nail starts to bleed as you chew at the skin anxiously. You send the next message with your breath held:
time & place?
He answers quickly
After the show? I think our hotel’s right across from the venue. Meet me at the lobby bar?
Trying your best not to overthink it, you reply
see you then. good luck with the show tonight! big crowd.
Oh yeah? You think I need luck?
Your stomach turns at the playfulness of his response.
so humble, you are
The bubble of ellipses taunt you for a moment as he answers.
You stare at the small winking face for a while before you decide it’s probably bad for your cardiac health, and set the phone face down on the seat. The Texas wind knots your hair, but you smile as the breeze hits your face.
You find yourself in a trance as you watch the crew pack up Greta’s equipment from the side stage. Fog still curls through the edges of the room from the machines. After you let yourself watch for a bit, you take a deep breath and make your way back to the girls.
Outside by the van, you find Violet with a leg propped against the small metal barricade, puffing on a cigarette.
“Hey,” she says gently, “We’re gonna go get pizza I think. Coming?”
You lean into her and give her a sloppy half hug, shaking your head, “M’gonna go hang out with Jake for a bit if that’s alright.”
She grins like a cheshire cat and puts her cigarette out on her heel of her docs.
“It’s sweet, y’know,” he clears her throat.
“Mm?” you shuffle your feet around, acting oblivious.
“I can tell you like him. It’s sweet.”
You shrug and lean against the barrier, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
She laughs softly and leans next to you, “You don’t have to, that’s the fun of it. Just see where it goes.”
Her words seem so obvious, yet so hard to abide by in the moment.
You nod anyways, and then stand back up, stretching your hands up into the warm evening air. The crop top you’re wearing exposes your stomach to the breeze, and it’s unexpectedly grounding.
The rest of the girls round the corner and motion to Violet, and she leaves you with a soft wave and a smile.
After a deep breath, you turn on your heels and begin to walk around to the front of the venue, making your way to the hotel. The streetlights are warm orange against the dark sky, and it comforts you in an odd nostalgic way. The hotel is nice, a tall, shiny building, just a block away. You enter the lobby with your breath held.
He’s laughably easy to spot in a crowd. He’s in a black cutoff tank, and his brown hair spills in waves over his shoulders.
You approach the bar slowly and tap him once on the back. He turns with an already gentle smile on his face. He never seems caught off guard.
“Hey, little wing,” he grins and turns to bring you into a side hug,
You head reels, all at once hit with the smell of him, the warmth of him. In your head, his voice echos:
little wing
If he didn’t have a soft hold on your torso, your knees surely would buckle.
“Little wing?” you try to sound casual as you slide into the barstool beside him.
He nods, then is quiet for a moment as he adjusts back onto his stool.
“Seems fitting,” He finally says, taking one of the final sips of his drink, “That alright?”
You hum your approval, trying desperately to relax.
“I don’t have a nickname for you,” you blurt out.
He shrugs and signals the bartender for his tab, “You’ll think of one m’sure.”
“You want one?” your smile is genuine.
He smiles at his drink and takes the final swig, then shrugs as he sets it down and swallows. His eyes finally meet yours. “If you wanna give me one, yeah. ‘Course.”
“Hmm,” you bite your lip, “I’ll get back to you.”
He nods and takes the check from the bartender, exchanging his card and finally signing the receipt before he motions to you to exit.
You follow him across the white tile floor of the lobby to the elevator, where you’re met with a silence that is shockingly comfortable. Finally, he breaks it.
“Have a good show tonight?”
He’s standing in the opposite corner of the elevator, waiting your answer intently.
You nod, “One of the better ones actually. You?”
Instantly, he’s smiling, “Yeah, I felt good tonight.”
After you nod, he continues, “I watched your set.”
The comment makes your chest flush. You try to remember that he’s just a musician after all, too.
“And?” you bite your lip nervously.
The steel elevator doors creak open and he gives an ‘after you’ wave of his arm. He exists, then leads the way down the red-carpeted hall.
“I enjoyed it,” he answers, turning slightly to you as he walks, and he fidgets with his rings, “Your band is talented, that’s undeniable.”
You smile, thinking of the girls. The bond you all have is intense, and you can’t help but be proud on their behalves from the compliment.
“You especially,” he grins as he tugs his wallet from his jean pocket and retrieves the key card.
“Oh, please,” you roll your eyes.
“I’m biased, as a fellow guitarist,” he opens the door and lets you in, “But I’m serious. It’s good.”
You spin to face him once inside, once again taken by the slight smell of shampoo and moisture from his pre-show shower.
“Thank you,” you say genuinely, “Really.”
He hold eye contact as he nods and smiles, and you suddenly don’t feel so on edge. He’s sweet.
“So,” he drums the tops of his thighs and moves to sit on the bed, “You were crazy for trying to argue The Beatles over Cream, y’know. You had this coming.”
You laugh, turning to make your way to the couch, and then—
There is no couch. Just the king bed, large and white in the middle of the room. Your cheeks heat.
“You good?” He asks, as you’ve fallen silent. Your head whips back around to him and you nod.
“You’re gonna make your whole room smell like weed, y’know,” you say, trying to talk yourself into normalcy.
He shrugs, “I don’t care. Better weed than stale hotel.”
You smile and make your way to the edge of the bed. You sit on the very corner, unsure of what else to do. He giggles, you’re pretty sure at your nervousness, but then he gets up and goes to his bag that sits on the desk.
Out of it he retrieves his metal tin and a lighter. He also pulls out a small bag of starbursts, and when he makes his way back to half-lay on the bed, he extends the yellow package to you with his eyebrows raised.
“M’good,” you smile. He nods and sets them aside, opening the metal tin and pulling out a pre roll. He lights up quickly, and the smell calms you instantly.
“You can lay down if you want,” he rasps as he holds in the green hit, “M’not gonna bite.”
The laugh that trills out of you is loud, and it makes him giggle in response.
“I’d hope not,” you try to ease the tension, and then let yourself lay down. You face each other, propped up on your sides a few feet away on opposite sides of the mattress.
He hands you the joint and after you take it, he plops flat onto his back, sinking into the weight of the mattress. His eyes flutter shut for a brief moment as you inhale.
When they open, his eyes a bit sleepy, he feels his pockets for his phone. You watch him scroll through it as you take another deep hit, and then finally he sighs and sets the device aside.
“I know I said I don’t usually watch movies when I smoke, but I’m not really feeling music right now,” he says. He stretches for the remote on the nightstand, revealing a strip of his stomach above his jeans that makes you blush. “That okay?” he asks.
Nodding, you cup your hand under the joint as the ash accumulates. He notices and gets up to grab an empty cup from near the ice bucket, passing it to you as he settles back onto the bed. This time, he lays up by the headboard, an arm stretched up behind his head casually.
He looks so good. A glimmer of hope crosses you, that maybe he will take this further.
“You wanna pick the movie?” He says, clicking at
the remote, stealing you from your thoughts.
You shake your head, “Go ahead.”
He bites his lip absentmindedly, and yeah, this is bad for you. There’s no denying that you want him, but you know yourself, and you can’t make a move first.
“Pirates?” He smiles at you and points to the TV with the remote.
You swivel your head to find Johnny Depp’s charming, dirty face grinning at you. After a short laugh, you nod. Jake nods back.
Passing him back the joint, you roll to lay on your stomach, parallel to him.
“How you gonna watch the movie if you’re faced this way?” He smarts. You shrug, swiping your hand along the soft plush of the comforter.
“Maybe I just wanna lay here,” you counter.
“Fair,” he puffs on the joint. There’s smoke in the air now, clinging to the mild humidity that seeps in from the summer evening, “So when did you start playing?”
He nods, hitting it again.
“Mm,” you ponder, again and again brushing your hand over the fabric, “Maybe twelve or thirteen?”
He nods and passes you the joint. As he holds the smoke in his lungs, he rasps out, “It shows.”
You can’t help your eye roll—while it’s very polite of him, it’s comical in some way that you feel such validation from it.
“What?” he giggles.
“Nothing,” you laugh, “Nothing, thank you.”
“You have a favorite song to play?”
“On stage?”
He shrugs, “Anywhere.”
You scoff, “You should know that’s an impossible question.”
His giggle is effortless, and he shrugs again, “Maybe. Try.”
Taking your last hit, you answer him upon exhale, “Right now? Maybe Red House.”
“God,” his smile is wide and toothy as he takes the joint back.
“What?” You blush at his response.
“Nothing,” he parrots your earlier response, “Good song.”
He finishes off the joints and puts it out in the bottom of the cardboard cup; likely a fire hazard, but one that will be disregarded. He pops another starburst into his mouth.
“Right now it’s Orchid,” he smiles, as he talks around the candy “But it changes about every three days.”
“Mm,” you hum in acknowledgement. A gentle silence blankets the room, and in the background, Pirates plays on. You stare are your fingers, mostly, as they play with the edge of a down pillow now. Jake’s eyes flit between the screen and you.
It’s quiet for maybe ten minutes before he finally speaks, his voice now a little more hoarse.
“Wanna drink?”
You look up to him. His eyes are heavily lidded, and he looks relaxed. Only after you’re looking somewhere other than your hands do you realize you’re starting to feel the weed. You nod.
“Like water, or like whiskey?”
Blinking at him, you can’t bring yourself to decide.
“Whiskey it is,” he laughs, “Took too long, silly girl.”
Unable to help it, you bite your lip at the name. It’s laced with affection, or at least you’re pretty sure.
He slides off the bed easily, his jeans making a soft noise against the comforter. You don’t know how he’s always in jeans; perhaps for the aesthetic. The moment your set had ended earlier, you opted for some soft, flowy pants and a cropped shirt to cope with the temperature.
“Just one,” he’s handing you a can before you know it.
“This is soda,” you furrow your brow. He giggles.
“Not just,” he eases the can toward you, “There’s no more cups in here. I poured it in.”
The smell hits you then; the sweet dark liquor mixed with the sugary cola smell. It’s enticing.
You take a heavy swig, and yeah, he was right. He settles back on the bed, feet crossed, back against the headboard. You’re still parallel to him, you head about in line with his waist. As he sips from his drink, he plops his right hand down on the bed freely.
Quickly, his bracelets catch your eye. There’s four, a couple metal and a couple textile. You wonder how he came to have them, and why they all look like they’ve been on him for years.
“These old?” You ask, reaching up to tap one. Your fingertips brush his wrist, but he doesn’t flinch. Unable to think better of it, you continue to toy with one of them. It’s braided cord, very worn, frayed at most edges. Your trace the braided pattern over and over, occasionally bumping his skin. The feeling is electrifying, like you’ve just held hands with your childhood crush for the first time. He doesn’t seem to mind.
“Mmhm,” he answers. He takes another drink and then watches you play with it.
“Tell me about them,” you touch another one, a thin silver chain with a small gem pendant.
He takes a soft breath.
“Well. The cord one is from Josh. I’ve had it on about a year. Guess he thought it ‘suited my aesthetic’ or whatever,” he chuckles to himself, “The silver one is from my sister. Think I’ve had that one for three or four years.”
You nod and spin it around his wrist, all but holding his hand at this point. The weed has left you without embarrassment as a crutch, and it feels nice to let your fingertips skirt over his skin.
You point to another woven one, a blue and green friendship bracelet.
“That one is from some gas station in Michigan. A few months ago, before this tour started.”
You nod at his answer and point to the last one, a solid silver bangle with a small, ancient looking symbol.
“From my dad,” he smiles, “No idea where he found it. But I love it.”
The bracelets and your fingers graze his skin gently, and you wish you could stay in the moment forever. It’s tender, and it feels safe. You spare a glance up at him and he’s looking at you like he feels the same. Somehow, it’s more intimate than if he were to just kiss you.
“How bout you, hm?” He lifts his wrist and taps the small woven bracelet on your wrist, “Good story?”
“We all have one,” you say, and then realize that you’ve given very little context, “All the girls. Violet made them in the van during one of the rides in between shows.”
“That’s sweet,” he says softly. If it were anyone else, you’d think they were making fun of you. But not him, with the way he says it.
You nod and keep playing with the bracelets on his wrist, spinning them around and around, tracing them. You’ve mesmerized yourself with them. Eventually, the hair tie on his middle finger catches your eye, and you trail your finger down to circle that. His hand twitches slightly under your touch, but then relaxes.
It’s a natural progression, or at least it feels that way, as you begin to trace up and down his fingers with the nail of yours. The touch is gentle, and you intend for it to be soothing. Just when you’re unsure if it’s too much, and you consider stopping, he murmurs,
“Feels nice.”
You look up and his eyes are closed, his head leaned back against the wall. You take the cue and continue to trace over and over the tan skin with care.
Finally after five or so more minutes, you peek back up at him, and he’s grinning at you.
“Hi,” he barely gets it out before he giggles. You laugh back.
“I’m high.”
“I had no idea,” you burst into an uncontrollable laughter at the sight of him, eyes heavy. He laughs with you.
“Feels nice,” he says again, though you’re not sure now if he’s talking about the high or you touching his hand.
Your arms tired from propping yourself up, you slouch down against the bed, your hair brushing over his hand. Quickly, you realize you’re cold.
“Cold,” you get out, rubbing the goosebumps over your arm. He lifts his hand to skirt a finger over your arm and feel the goosebumps.
“Get under the blanket,” he says, as if you were dumb for not thinking of that solution. You eye him hesitantly, unsure if you should be reading into this.
“Little wing,” he sighs, affectionately rolling his eyes, “Just get under the fucking blanket. You think too much.”
A little shocked, you laugh, but do just that. You slip off the bed and he does the same, and as you both sink under the plush of the down comforter, you realize how close you are.
For a bit you try to focus on Davy Jones and Will Turner, but then the high leaves you craving to touch him, and you can only ration with your brain in its dazed state for so long. You’re pretty sure he won’t freak out, so you let your head fall against his shoulder.
You can feel and hear him inhale, and you brace yourself for rejection, but all he says is
It’s soft, and he’s easing his arm behind you, allowing you to sink into his side if you wish. You look at him, and he’s close, and he still looks very high.
“Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we just cuddled,” he says quietly, “S’no big deal.”
You wish he hadn’t said that, because you wish it could be a big deal. You wish it could snowball, with hands and lips everywhere, a culmination of all the little moments. But if he’s letting it be casual, so be it, it’s better than nothing at all.
Like you’ve just crawled through the desert, and like he is a pool of cool water, you fall into him, slotting perfectly against his side. His arm comes around you and rests on your waist.
“This okay?” He murmurs, barely audible over the TV and the blood rushing in your head. You nod against his chest. “You high too?” You nod again. “Good,” he says quietly.
Try as it might, the movie doesn’t hold your attention whatsoever. All you can focus on is the soft rise and fall of his chest, his body heat, his fingertips and their gentle pressure on your side.
It’s unclear when you drift off. When you wake, the TV is playing some 90’s sitcom at a soft volume. The blue glow from the screen washes over Jake’s face, which you’ve propped yourself up to look over.
He looks dreadfully sweet—lips parted slightly, eyelashes creating small shadows in their wake. His hair is messy, like he raked his hand through it shortly before dozing off.
Your eyes land on the digital clock on the nightstand to his side, where the time glares red: 3:34. Jesus christ, you have to be on the road at 7:30.
One last time, you look at him. The irrational part of you, the part of you that craves warmth, wants to curl back into him and say fuck it. But a few deep breaths later, you know that’s not what this is.
Carefully, you try to slip out from under the comforter, shivering as you slide the cover off your torso.
“Hey,” his soft voice breaks through the night air.
Blinking, you turn to make quick eye contact. He’s rubbing one of his eyes, stretching.
“I don’t know when I fell asleep,” you chuckle softly, “Sorry.”
“No,” he shakes his head and plops his hands back into his lap, “S’fine, I did too. You…”
He looks like he wants to say it, too: stay. Or maybe you’re delirious from the late hour. But he chews on his bottom lip a moment, and then pick back up,
“You gotta leave early too, huh?”
You nod, and he nods back.
“Let me walk you down to the lobby,” he murmurs, sliding one of his legs from the comforter. Then he stills.
Suddenly, like a wave of nausea, you are hit with an emotion so unpleasant you fight tears.
If he doesn’t do something now, with you in his hotel bed during the witching hour, craving his touch and so clearly willing, maybe he never will. Maybe it’s just not like that, and this intense and well-fed crush you have is girlish and dumb.
“It’s fine,” you choke out, quickly putting your feet on the ground and searching for your sandals.
“No, I can—“
“It’s fine,” you reiterate, finally kicking on your other shoe and pivoting to the door.
“Goodnight, Jake,” you get out, hand finding the room door in the dark only based on the rectangle of light coming from the hall.
“Little wing, hey—”
It’s the last thing you hear as the door latches behind you, and barely three steps into the hallway, the hot tears roll down your cheeks.
The bartender in the lobby gives you a concerned look as you rush out the front doors, where you walk a far too long twenty minutes back to your own hotel room.
When you sink into the bed next to Paisley, head pounding, sleep takes you quickly.
In the stark light of the morning, with your head against the bus window, Paisley nudges you about twenty minutes into the drive. Her grin is devilish as she whispers,
“Why’d you come back to the room so late?”
Her look is expectant, much like you were last night. You answer her shakily
“Just lost track of time. Nothing happened.”
She nudges you again and says, “Okay,” with a knowing tone. Instead of arguing, you let your head fall back again my the window. Two more tears escape you before you fiercely wipe them away, determined not to let it get to you. He’s just a boy.
You really should have just gone to the hotel tonight. The lack of sleep from the night before plagues you still after the show, especially on the adrenaline comedown.
But in the spirit of touring, you are convinced by Violet to accompany them to a bar, where you throw back a second vodka cran quickly and accept a hit of Carol’s cigarette.
And then there’s Jake. You can’t quite manage to peel your eyes away from the girl on the bar stool beside him. Her and her charming little grin, the way you can see her lipgloss sparkle from across the way.
Most infuriatingly, the way that Jake gives a wolfish grin back, and his eyes seem darker as he turns to her. The final blow is a flash of his hand skirting over her thigh, dancing over her skin.
Your head snaps to Paisley, “I need a fucking shot.”
She scans your face and seems to sense the panic, but like the sweet being she is, she places a gentle hand on your shoulder and gives a reassuring smile.
“Thought you’d never ask. Lemon drop? Green tea?”
Your head is shaking before her questions are over.
She nibbles on her bottom lip and looks at you, and softly, she starts, “You okay?”
You shake your head again and she nods, going to fetch the shots as you take a shaky breath.
After one more fleeting glance at Jake, with his hand trailing over and over her knee, you swear it off the rest of the evening. There’s nothing you can do; there’s no need to stare at him and cause yourself misery.
“Cheers,” Paisley’s voice is in stereo as she swings around your right side, plopping 4 whiskey shots on the bar table in front of you. “Girls,” she says to get the other’s attention, divvying up the shots.
“Whiskey?” Carol scowls, holding it up in front of her.
“Oh hush,” Paisley smarts, “I said, cheers!”
You clink shot glasses and throw it back, willing the tears away in your eyes. The burn of the liquor does just that, and when you slam the glass down, a small smile finds its way to your face.
When you meet Paisley’s eyes, she’s giving you an inquisitive look. She must read your face.
“I’ll go get some more,” she says, turning back to the bar. You nod and take a sip of your third drink. You can absolutely feel it, so you should probably slow down, but it’s helping squash the anger that had bubbled up in you.
After Paisley returns with the second shot, and after it trials a warm path down your throat, you give her a wide smile. You feel fuzzy and nice.
“There we go,” Paisley giggles and tussles your hair, “Better?”
You nod, giggling.
“Good,” she smile. Her next words are softer, “Forget about him, babe. He’s an idiot, and you’re a hot rockstar.”
She means well, but it makes your chest ache a bit. You push it away with a nod as she pats your shoulder.
Not long after, the room spins. You really should have seen it coming, perhaps you even did, but it hits all at once.
“Paisley,” it slurs out of you, “Gotta go outside.”
Her hair whips everywhere as she spins her head to look at you, her eyeliner smudged and her eyes heavy from the presumable weed she smoked in the bathroom.
“Need me to come?”
You shake your head, giving her a salute as you back away.
“Be safe,” she points a serious finger at you, “Go straight to the hotel.”
Nodding, you make a swift exit into the warm air of the night. You’re somewhere in the desert now, and the air is dry and cool. You inhale it as deep as you can as you watch the neon from the bar signs across the street flicker. They’re pink and green, and it feels like outer space, which makes you giggle.
Willing the nausea away, you begin the short walk to the hotel, and try not to think about Jake. Inevitably, your inebriated brain does not listen, and you’re stuck between wanting to hate him, and wanting his hands all over you.
It’s still on your mind as you open your hotel door, as you slip inside the room and kick off your boots. You stare at the hotel bed, the empty, glaring white sheets. And you don’t want to lay in it alone.
Instead, you squint to look around the room for the ice bucket. You’ll waste some time getting ice and a drink from the vending machine, and perhaps by then, your mind will settle down.
Slipping the key card in the pocket of your denim skirt, you enter the hallway, barefoot and pleasantly drunk. You trudge to the ice room, offering the empty bucket to it for filling. Unable to resist the urge, you pop one of the cold cubes into your mouth and crunch. It’s refreshing, and you smile to yourself as you make your way back out.
There’s a figure in the hallway, about half way down and blurry, and you wonder to yourself for a moment if it really is him, or if you’re that drunk.
You turn to disregard it, to head to the vending machine, but sure enough;
His voice is warm, and so wonderfully gentle. You hate how gentle it is.
You turn back, against your own will. And there’s Jake, wandering the few feet down the hall to you, dragging his hand through his messy hair.
“Hi.” You answer back, popping another ice cube in your mouth. He stops a few feet ahead of you and gives you a once over, and that shit eating grin appears on his face.
“No shoes?” He nods down at your feet.
Swallowing the water in your mouth, you nod and hold up the bucket, “Just wanted ice.”
He nods and rubs his hand over his flushed cheek. He’s drunk too.
“Wanna come in? I have drinks in the mini fridge,” he jabs his thumb in the vicinity of his hotel room.
You are silent for a long time, far too long for a normal conversation. You’re attempting to weight all of the options: should you, shouldn’t you, who cares, should you care, etc, until finally he breaks the silence:
“I’m just offering you a nightcap, I’m not gonna eat you alive, doll.” He smirks, and jesus christ, you wish it didn’t make your stomach turn the way it does.
You try to stay upset at him as he winks. Reluctantly, with an eye roll, you move to follow him to the room. He holds the door open wordlessly.
“Did you have a fun night?” you ask with a tone, walking in and setting the ice bucket on the desk. Might as well get the dig in before the liquor catches up to you fully, and you’re too drunk to be witty.
He nods and throws his phone and wallet on the bed, “You?”
You give a curt not back.
“You want a drink?” He offers.
“No liquor,” you sigh, “Already drunk.”
He nods and starts to fetch a sprite from the fridge, cracking it open as he hands it to you. His hands are large, you notice for the hundredth time. His fingers are long.
“So, why’d you ask like that? He says, reaching for his own soda. You step close to him, probably too much so, but it’s like he’s got his own god damn gravitational pull. When he comes back up from the fridge, you’re a few feet away.
“What?” you ask.
“How my night was,” he clarifies, cracking his soda can open and leaning with one arm against the hotel furniture. He takes a long sip.
You shrug at his question, “Just seems like you had a fun time,” you raise your brows and take another sip. You’re being petty, but you don’t care.
He studies your face for a moment and scrunches his brow down, pressing his lips together. After a second, he shakes his head,
“Just say it, whatever it is you’re not saying.”
You blink at him. You should leave, probably. But the words pour from you before you can stop. You set your soda down on the desk with some level of aggression. He sets his down too, softer.
“You played with my hair,” you say, emotion creeping up in your voice.
He watches you, his lips parted, his drunk mind trying to understand what has just come out of your mouth.
“You said I have a sunset aura. We fell asleep together.”
The thoughts are disjointed, but it’s what comes to your mind.
“I thought you liked me,” you finally get it out—the meat of what you’re trying to say. You feel embarrassed, childish and petulant, “I thought—”
Your throat begins to shut as tears start in your eyes. The embarrassment is combusting into anger, fueled by the alcohol.
“I thought—”
“I do,” he interjects before you can say it again, “I do like you.”
You’re in stunned silence for a moment at the admission, but then the words find you.
“Then why the other girl?” You force the words out through your tight throat, though they wobble, “Why—why do that when I was in your bed last night? You had me.”
He winces at that, barely, but you see it. He licks his lips and furrows his brow more, standing with a hand hooked through one of his belt loops. He doesn’t seem angry, though, maybe confused.
“Little wing,” he sighs finally, with such a genuine regret in his voice that you almost soften, “I don’t know,” he rubs his face over his hand, “I just flirt, I don’t—”
“You could flirt with me,” you know it comes out harsh and borderline desperate, but the liquor has ripped down your walls, and your frustration is glowing hot at the surface.
“It’s not just that, I just—,” he sucks in a breath and shakes his head, “I’m fucking drunk, doll, I don’t—“
“Spit it out, Jake,” you have no patience for niceties.
“I just wanted a hook up,” he blurts, “But I didn’t, I mean, obviously, I’m here,” he holds his hands out at the room, “I just—”
“What is this, Jake?” Forget soft, you’re angry now, “You like me but don’t want to hook up with me? I didn’t ask you if you wanted to be friends, I asked if you like me—”
“I do,” His voice is soft and his eyes are sad, and as he says it, he steps forward and touches your cheek. Try as you might to maintain your anger, the touch takes your breath. You want it: you want him to be soft with you, to touch you like that.
“I do,” he repeats as he strokes over your cheek with his thumb, gentle as a breeze, “You do remind me of a sunset. Little wing, I fucking—” he laughs, breathless, and you can do nothing but watch, “I’m damn near obsessed with you.”
Out of your stunned silence, you manage a hushed response, “Then why not me? At the bar…I…your hand…”
He shakes his head solemnly and strokes your cheek again, “Because I don’t—I don’t know how to do that, doll. I don’t really…I just usually fuck girls and then that’s it. I’m not really used to much more, y’know, with the touring, and,” he sucks in a breath, collecting himself, “And I don’t want to do that with you.”
“I…” you search for words that never come, “Jake…,”
“You’re too sweet,” he’s suddenly so close, leaning in with whisky on his breath. His cheek nuzzles yours, “You’re so fucking…sweet, fucking beautiful, and feminine,” his lips drag over your cheekbone, “talented, special, pretty little thing…”
“Jake…” it’s all you can manage.
“And I can’t…” he nips at your jaw and your head is spinning, “Fuck, I can’t do… that… to you,”
“Why?” it comes out as a whimper, “Why can’t we?”
You can’t bring yourself to care about any of his cryptic warnings: you just want him.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t—I’m drunk, this isn’t—“ His hand leaves your jaw and he pulls away.
You tighten your fist into his jacket lapels, strangling the black leather fringe, and he suddenly comes to, his eyes locking on yours.
“What are you scared of?” You bite out.
He sucks in a breath and his eyes scan over your face.
“I’m drunk, doll, I really…we should really talk when I’m not.”
“Why? So you can phrase it better? Just say it,”
He licks his lips, “I don’t want to mess this up. I like my time with you, I like how we just…how easy it is. It’s sweet. I don’t wanna ruin it. I don’t wanna fuck and then never talk again, or make it all complicated, or…” he shakes his head, “I just wanted it to stay sweet.”
The admission is gentle, and you ease up on him, speaking softer.
“I didn’t take you as careful.”
“It’s just you, little wing,” his eyes scan your face, soft brown and kind, “Just with you.”
The silence invites a palpable tension, suspended between both of your anticipating glances.
As precautious as he speaks, it seems his body cannot help but surrender to the temptation, and he leans in again. Feather soft, his lips brush yours. You can feel his breath, and the scent of him is dizzying.
“M’sorry,” he’s slurring suddenly, “I’m—um…” he falls silent and he moves to rest his forehead against your temple. You can feel his shaking breath.
Your heads are pressed together, breathing against each others necks. In your chest, your heart is a drum.
You know you should be sorry too; this isn’t how you want to kiss him for the first time. But he smells so good, and his skin is warm, and his hands on your waist are making your spine tingle, and you can’t care about anything that should or shouldn’t happen.
“Jake?” you sigh.
“Yeah?” his voice sounds strained.
“Can you stop being sorry and just fucking kiss me?” you hiss against his jaw.
“Fuck yes,” he breathes, slamming back into you. His lips are hungry, and you’re needy.
His hands are against your bare ribs as he licks into your mouth, and his palms pressed warm against your skin makes a heat flare in your stomach.
He backs you up a couple feet to push you up against the wall as he kisses down your neck. His hands are wandering, skirting hesitatingly over your breasts, his thumb dips under your skirt hem into your navel and then retreats. His hand falls to your hip, flirting with the hem of your skirt. Your legs open for him and it makes him whine.
“Can I—“ he swallows.
His hand moves along the front of your thigh, and then it’s between them, his thumb rubbing over the soft skin slowly. Then, it moves up to your panties, touching softly over you.
“Warm,” he breathes, like he didn’t even mean to say it aloud.
“Jake,” you whine, “Please.”
“Oh,” it’s nearly a whine, and his eyes are squeezed shut, “Don’t say my name like that, doll, or this is gonna get out of hand quick.”
The words make your legs clamp together around his hand.
“You like the thought of that, huh?” He nips at your ear, “Don’t tempt me. Let’s not—“ there’s a sharp inhale as his thumb brushes the hem of your panties, nearly dipping his finger under the fabric, “Let’s not get carried away.”
“Why can’t we?”
“Jesus christ, little wing, you’re makin’ this hard for me,” he withdraws his thumb and skirts it over the front of your panties, “You don’t—“ his breath hitches, and he looks directly into your eyes, “You don’t wanna wait?”
“For what?”
“I don’t know,” he sighs, “I just—fuck, I just didn’t want it to be like this,”
“What do you want?” You ask, and you mean it. He draws his hand away from your thigh.
“I’m not good at this, like I said, I just—I don’t know what this looks like tomorrow if we do that tonight.”
“I want you to want me bad enough to not care about any of that,” it comes out of you before you can decide better.
“Oh, doll,” he’s breathless, shaking his head. He meets you in another desperate kiss, and okay, maybe you’ll believe him.
“I want you,” he says it with a shudder in his breath. The back of his hand graces your cheek, “God, do I want you,” he looks at your for a long moment in silence before he takes your hand and brings it down to the front of his jeans, where you can feel the hard warmth of him beneath the clasp. It makes your cheeks hot.
“See?” He slots your fingers with his, then, “ But I can’t not care…” he kisses your cheek, “Even drunk, I know that.”
“Please?” You give him doe eyes, and you reach for his hand, placing it back on the hem of your skirt, “Jake, I…please, touch me.”
“Listen to you,” his eyes roll back in his head, “Fuck, I don’t even recognize myself, I normally…mm, jesus you’re hard to resist,”
He takes a deep breath, and then removes both of his hands, holding them up in the air as he releases the breath. They come back to cradle your face.
“Doll…,” he says softly, “Not tonight. I’m sorry, I wish—“ he clears his throat, “You’re welcome to stay here, but I can’t do that tonight,”
He shocks you with the display of reservation, and suddenly you’re hit with a wave of embarrassment.
He can tell.
“Hey,” he kisses you softly, “It’s alright. Just—I can’t do that with you like this. It’s not fair to you.”
You nod softly and embarrassed tears begin to sting at your eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he wipes them with his thumb and kisses you again, so tender your heart aches, and you want to be mad but all you can do is kiss back.
“You can stay here,” he says against your lip, “I can hold you.”
The thought of laying there with him after all this makes you almost frantic, you wish it could go any other way.
For the second night in a row, he’s sighing as you turn away.
“Little wing,”
It’s sad, and in the pit of your stomach, nausea brews. You’re already walking away when he repeats it, and because your body cannot help it, you turn back to him.
“What?” it’s far harsher than you meant; you can see it in the way he recoils that it stings.
“You can stay,” he offers again, “Please—I—It’s alright, I promise.”
A thousand replies run through your mind, but you settle on a heavy breath. You don’t think even if you could put the disappointment into words, that he might understand, or that it might make any difference. You don’t want to spend the night chastely laying beside him while you wonder again if he wants you the same way you want him. So you don’t.
“Goodnight, Jake,” you say softly, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes.
And for the second night in a row, you let the hotel door shut as he’s saying the nickname again.
“Little wing—”
tag list <3
@starshine-wagner @dannywagners-chesthair @writingcold @kels-gvf @aconfusedhippie @fearless-wanderer @thehourbeforesunrise @madz-0217 @gretavanbitches @doodle417 @rhythm-of-space @milkgemini @st4rdust-ch0rds @myownparadise96 @gretavanfleas @josh-iamyour-mama @spark-my-nature @saltydogkiszka @jordierama @sammiejane22 @jakekiszkastaurussuit @jake-kiszkas-smirk @babyhoneygvfarchive @gabyvanfleet @gretavanslutz @dannyandthekiszkas @freckled-wonderland @why-ami-on-here @kay-jordan @pr41sethemoon @watchingovergvf2 @gretavandann @cornychip @gabbiegvf @almost-a-ladybug @gretavanbear @laurenlovesgretavanfleet @jaketlover @dykejake
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
Tumblr media
𝑺𝒆𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆
You were running a bit late to your boyfriend’s game, fighting a bunch of people just to enter the gymnasium and get next to the court. This was the very first time you will see him play in a official match against other school, and even if you knew that there were lots of people, it still surprised you seeing this crowd for a high school volleyball game. However, you were more than happy that they were coming to cheer Bokuto on, everyone deserves to see him enjoy something so brightly, but man they were making it hard to arrive there.
Once you came close you notice that Bokuto was uncharacteristically quiet, just jumping up and down before stretching his arms. Everyone in the team seem worried about it, until Akaashi notices you, pointing in your direction as he talks to his captain.
“BABY! YOU ARRIVED!” he came sprinting in your direction, visibly happier now
“Hi babe” you chuckle as he pulls you into his chest
“I’m so excited right now!! Since this is your first time in a tournament, I’m going to be extra awesome today!!”
“You’re always awesome babe” you caress his cheek lovingly, seeing how his hair magically starts going upwards “Are you nervous?”
“A little, its Itachiyama, they are too good. But now that you’re here I feel invincible!! I CAN DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!” he then looks at you, his smile growing bigger once he saw what you were wearing. Not even the sun was as bright as he was right now “Baby!! Is that my spare jersey?”
“Well, I need to let people know that I’m supporting such an amazing player that happens to be my boyfriend. You don’t mind, right?”
“Me? Minding seeing you in my clothes? Never! Can you wear it all afternoon?”
“Of course I can”
“YAY!” he takes you in his arms, spinning both of you around and causing a lot of eyes turn in your direction “Gotta go now, can I have a good luck kiss?”
“Since when you need luck for volleyball? You are good” you tease him, making him smirk at you
“True, I’m amazing, aren’t I? But I still want a kiss” he suddenly grabs your waist and pulls you into his body, pressing his lips on yours. After a few seconds he pulls away, smirking even more at your red face, the kiss was passionate enough to make people uncomfortable, but not too much to be a full make out “That´s better, gotta let people know that you’re mine. See you after the game. LOVE YOU!”
Today was the first official game with Akaashi being the captain of Fukurodani, the first official game in where Akaashi was going to play without Bokuto and the rest of the third years by his side, the first official match that he will have to play without having you as his manager and help him to calm down. These past days you have notice that he was getting much quieter and fidgety than he has ever been, but you just let him be in hopes they were just some random thoughts.
You arrived with Bokuto by your side, both of you made a promise to not tell Akaashi that you were coming to cheer for him, you blaming the chaotic university life while Bokuto said to have a try out for a pro team just that day. You could tell that he was sad by the news despite him telling you that it was understandable, and even if it broke your heart (and Bokuto´s) seeing him so nervous, you still went through it. That was until you saw him in the court with a blank facial expression, not listening to a single word people were telling him; so while Bokuto went to the bathroom, you decided to end your boyfriends misery
[You] “Hey” “You look like you’re about to pass out” “I’m right below your cheering section”
[Kei <3] “Don’t move, I’m coming”
And a few seconds later he was right in front of you, immediately putting his head in the crock of your neck. If it wasn’t clear that he was nervous before, the sudden PDA was more than enough to worry you. You play with the hair in the back of his neck as you hug him, making your breath slower so he follows it to calm himself down.
“Overthinking again babe?” you ask once he calm down
“Yeah, I never thought I would miss Bokuto-san so much, every practice went smoothly” he answers as he pulls away
“Well, the pressure is bigger now. Are you better now?”
“Yeah, what are you doing here? I thought you had extra classes today”
“It was a little white lie, I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t know you would react like this, I’m sorry” you say making his face scrunch in a slight annoyance, so you went to hug him as a sorry
“You made me worry for nothing”
“Sorry…you know that you’re just as good whether Bokuto is here or no, right? You are an amazing setter”
“I’m not outstanding or anything”
“But you still are good. If it helps, Bokuto came with me too, so we are here to cheer you up no matter what happens” you hear him sigh as he mutters something, clearly much calmer now “I’m always going to be here if you need me, no matter what”
“I know, thank you for the surprise, even though you lied to me for it” he chuckles when you hit his arm “Thank you for calming me down”
“Of course, go to be amazing, ok?”
“Ok, see you and Bokuto-san after the game”
You were looking at Kuroo annoyed as he talks to one of the ex-third years of Karasuno, someone called Daichi according to his scream, while you were waiting for the Nekoma match to start. He had offer himself to come with you to your first tournament so you can watch your boyfriend play; since you just started properly dating him a few weeks after his first Nationals, you didn’t particularly care much about seeing the sport before. Kuroo however, was making things harder for you by talking to a bunch of old players and starting conversations with them, leaving alone in the mass of people screaming.
“If you wanted to surprise me, having Kuroo come with you wasn’t the brightest idea” you hear the calm voice of your boyfriend behind you. You turn around only to find him smiling softly at you, a teasing look in his eyes
“And why is that?” you ask pretending to be offended
“Well, he´s the tallest person here, it’s hard not to notice him. Besides, I could hear his scream for the ex-Karasuno from the bench, he completely revealed your position” he chuckles at your face
“Well, I didn’t want to come here alone, you know that I’ve never been here before! Plus, he wanted to come too!” you pout slightly “I wanted to surprise you”
“I’m still happy that you’re here, even if you plan completely backfired you”
“KENMA!” you whine “I should have expected it, you’re playing against Karasuno, of course someone from the team will be here”
“See, you just needed to think a little more” he jokes squishing your cheek
“You´re the worst, and here I am with your jersey and all” you scoff playfully too
“You know I love you”
“You seem pretty calm, is it because of Hinata-kun? You always tell me how you like playing against him”
“Yeah, it’s fun playing with him. But now that you´re here I feel way more excited” he smiles at you once more before Yamamoto screams his name, calling him to get started “I´ll come here as soon as the match ends, gotta go to be a captain, I guess”
“Go cap, maybe we can have our own fun after” you tease him, making a blush appear on his ears
“We definitely will, see you”
Walking out of the bathroom you are trying to find your way to where Kita and Aran are waiting. You didn't knew if he expected you here, considering that the tournament this time was happening on the other side of the country; and while you have been dating for a while now, he still was knew to this whole relationship thing and didn't want to force you to come.
Everyone who looks at you will immediately notice that you were his girlfriend, considering that you were wearing the only Inarizaki t-shirt that only he had access to. You have already encounter lots of annoyed stares from other girls
“You are here?” you hear from beside you, finding your boyfriend looking at you up and down
“I am”
“I didn't knew you were coming”
“That was the plan babe”
“And you are wearing my t-shirt” he says still surprised
“You have working eyes, well done babe!” you joke getting close to him “What's going on?”
“Sorry, I'm a little shock right now, you look great with my name on you” he quickly recovers, looking at you with a mix of shyness and playfulness
“Thanks, I wanted to come and see you win”
“Nah, I think I will lose. You can't just come here, wear my clothes and expect me to not just look at you. Atsumu will kill me and it will be your fault” he says pulling you closer
“You are such a drama queen, I'm sure you'll be fine” you roll your eyes, making him chuckle
“I might need a good luck kiss, maybe like that I won't miss a spike and make Atsumu piss off” he says getting closer to your lips, suddenly both of you forgetting that you weren't alone
“Well, I want you to stay alive” you finally bring him in, closing the space between you in a deep kiss. Once he was satisfied with it he pulls away, smirk appearing
“While I love how you look with my clothes on” he gets closer to your ear, whispering “I think I will love it more with them on my bedroom floor”
“SUNA RINTAROU!” you scream as your face get beet red, him laughing happily as he walks away
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 5 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem! Reader
This is a big one babes!! Hold on tight!! 
Read previous chapters of this fic here!
Contains: canon-typical discussion of violence, soft aaron hotchner supremacy 
wordcount: 1.8k
You barely saw Aaron on Sunday, despite being in his house the whole day-- Jack was practically buzzing with excitement the moment you came through the door, pulling you down to his height and wrapping his arms around your neck to squeeze you in a hug.
“Hey, little man, I’ve missed you!” You said enthusiastically, returning his hug. 
“I missed you too. And so did Daddy. He said you were sick so I drew you a feel better card,” he told you, dragging you over to the coffee table and brandishing the  piece of computer paper he’d folded in two to form a card. 
“I love it so much Jack! I feel better already. Let’s put this on the fridge, yeah?” You said, standing up and shooting Aaron a smile as you crossed the kitchen. 
“Can we play legos now?”
“Buddy, give her a second. She just got here.” Aaron tried to calm Jack down, but you waved him off. 
“Just let me put my stuff away, and I’ll meet you in your room, okay?’ You told Jack, who scurried off towards his bedroom.
Aaron must have found some other way to entertain himself, because you and Jack spent the whole morning together, only taking a break after lunch when it was time for Jack’s nap. He insisted that you put him down, and after three readings of Curious George, he was finally asleep. When you turned to leave, you saw Aaron sitting in the door jam watching you.
“He was so excited this morning you would have thought it was Christmas,” He remarks as you meet him in the doorway. 
“He’s a good kid.” You whisper, slipping out into the hallway and pulling the door shut behind the two of you.
“I’m lucky.” He agrees with you. 
“Come on, Hotchner, it’s not all luck.” You tease him good naturedly as the two of you move back to the kitchen. He saw you headed for the sink, full of dishes from lunch, and sped up to get in front of you.
“Ah, ah ah. It’s naptime.” He told you, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around. 
Before you could stop yourself, you stomped your foot, not entirely unlike a child who needed a nap. “Hotch, come on!” 
“We’re probably getting called on something tomorrow, and sleep will be hard to come by, and you’ll wish you’d listened to me.” He tells you.
“You’re acting like you aren’t going to bench me, regardless of whether or not we get called on a case.” You accused of him, and he at least had the good grace to try and look sheepish. “I’m not tired. Can we just watch a movie or something?” You offered a compromise, and he nodded, leading you to the couch. 
You plopped onto the couch and picked up the remote as Aaron crossed the room to grab a throw blanket for the two of you to share. He spread the blanket across the couch and sat down, and you tucked your feet underneath you, unintentionally leaning in closer to him as you flicked the TV to a movie channel. Aaron stretched his legs out in front of him, extending one arm across the end of the sofa and the other arm around the back of it, conveniently making more space for you. As Hotch had suspected, it wasn’t long before your eyelids started to get heavy. 
“The dishes…” you mumbled sleepily. 
“I’ll take care of them.” He whispered, leaning in closer so you could hear him. 
“Later. It’s naptime,” you reminded him, your head resting against his chest in sleep. His arm came to rest across your shoulders and down your side, drawing you into him. He inhaled deeply, trying not to overthink. 
You’re her superior. His brain screamed. She loves Jack, not you. She loves Jack, but that doesn’t mean she wants to raise him. You’re too old, too cranky, too much baggage. This isn’t what you think it is. As much as he wanted to make himself believe all of that, as much as he wanted to accept that even if he knew he would go through hell and back for you, he could never have you, all he could focus on in that moment was the steady puffs of breath coming from your nose and landing on his chest. He realized, with a start, that it felt like walking into the wrong classroom your senior year of high school and locking eyes with the woman you knew you were going to marry.
  Aaron’s prediction had been correct-- Monday morning had found you jetting off to Kentucky, for the murder of three county paramedics-- by the time your plane had landed, another body had dropped. A firefighter. You all climbed into SUVs from the airstrip-- Hotch and Rossi off to examine the bodies, Morgan, JJ and Prentiss to the most recent crime scene, and you and Reid to the police station to the police station to work on the geographic profile. Normally you’d be off with Hotch and Rossi, and examining a body wasn’t technically field work, but you went with Reid with minimal pouting, knowing you were lucky that Hotch had let you leave Quantico at all.
You decided to let Reid drive, and you were fiddling with the radio when he spoke for the first time. 
“I keep… thinking about what there is to say to you, to communicate how much we’re all here for you, how much we all love you and we all want what’s best for you, and it feels like everything just falls short. I have an IQ of 187 and I still can’t find the words, but I can’t say nothing. I was scared for you. I’m proud of you, and if you need anything I just want you to know I’m here. I might not have the right words but I promise to listen, and to make sure you feel heard.” The words stumble out of Spencer awkwardly, but still strike you with their sincerity. You sniffle a little before responding. 
“I know, Reid. I know how much you all care for me. I’ve never doubted that for a second. Thank you.” You tell him, your voice thick with emotion. 
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I am.” You tell him with a confident nod. “Or, at least, I’m getting there. I did the hard part. I got out.” 
A few hours later, you were at the police station with Reid, narrowing the geographic profile and spitballing with victimology, when one of the local officers poked his head into your makeshift office-space. 
“Another body dropped. The town librarian.” 
“Two in one day?” You asked. 
“He’s spree killing now. He’s devolving.” Reid supplemented. 
“Do you think it was random? He was killing first responders. The librarian doesn’t fit.” 
“Could be,” Reid agreed. 
“Have you called the rest of our team?” You asked the officer. 
“Not yet.” 
“We’ll call.” You told him, and he nodded. You pulled out your phone and dialed Hotch as Reid crossed the room to call JJ. 
“Hotchner,” he said into the phone. 
“Hey, it’s me. Another body just dropped.”  
“He’s devolving.” Aaron sighed
“It was the local librarian.” 
“But he was killing--” He started, but you could hear the words he was going to say before he even thought them.
“First responders, I know.” 
Aaron let out a deep sigh. “If I take Reid off of babysitting duty, are you going to behave?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Sure, but I reserve the right to bitch about it when this is over.” 
“Noted. Tell him to meet us at the next scene, please?” He asks of you.
“Will do. Stay safe out there.” 
“You too.” Hotch said before hanging up. 
You sent Reid off to meet up with Hotch, and sat back down in front of your case files and notes, determined to find something written between the lines. After a tortuously slow thirty minutes, a thought occurs to you. You step into the police bullpen and get the attention of one of the officers. 
“Hey. Does this town contract out its EMS services?” 
“No,” the officer tells you. “They’re all employed by the town. They’re paid with a mix of taxpayer and grant dollars.” 
“So they’re government employees?” 
“Yeah.” The officer confirms, and you pull your cell phone out of your pocket, heading out a side door to get a little bit of air and some better reception to call Garcia. 
“What’s new bugaboo?” Garcia asks as she picks up the phone, and you can’t help but smile. The sunshine felt warm on your face as you paced the empty back lot of the police station. 
“Hey, Garcia. Is there any way to track if anyone in town has some sort of anti-government bias?” 
“I can look for fringe political groups-- if the unsub is a member, that might help, but it would take me days to just search through every resident’s social media.” 
“That’s okay, start there. Look for white men between 23 and 45. If I think of anything else that might weed it out I’ll let you know.”
“Okay, kitten. Are we talking strict anarchists here, or should I be looking at groups like--” 
Garcia continued, but you couldn’t hear her over the sound of a gun cocking and the sensation of cold metal at the back of your head. You gasped. 
“Sweetie? Did you think of something?”
“It’s time to put the phone down.” A voice said from behind you. You took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. 
“Who was that? Are you okay?” Garcia asked.
“Go on,” the voice said. “Hang up the phone. Don’t be dumb.” 
You hung up the phone without saying another word to Garcia. The man dragged his gun down your spine, resting it against the middle of your back. “To think, I came here thinking I might kill a couple of cops, and I ended up with an FBI agent. Talk about an upgrade.” You tried to subtly reach for your gun, but it was useless. He strikes you in the head with the barrel of his gun before you can react. “Come on, sweet thing. I told you not to play dumb with me.” 
“You really think you can kill an FBI agent outside of a fully staffed police station without getting caught? And you’re going to call me dumb?” You asked, hoping that he couldn’t hear the fear laced in your voice.
“Who said anything about not getting caught?” He chuckled. “We all die eventually. Might as well make it worth my while.”
tagging:  @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13 @wanniiieeee @hotforhotchner11  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner @zheezs14​
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
pleeeease write a blurb where the girl's a member of little mix and they do an award show performance, so tom keeps hyping his girl up and recording stories, just being a supportive bf 🥺
Thank you so much for requesting!! I’m so sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it💞 I know you said you wanted a blurb, but I could never write short things, I’m always too damned detailed and shit, I’m sorry😭 Happy reading🥰
#1 Fan
Based on Little Mix’s 2019 BRITs performance of Woman Like Me, I suggest watching it to understand Tom’s insta story💞
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“You’re going to absolutely smash it. All of you are.” Tom encouraged you. His large hands grasp onto yours comfortingly. The two of you were currently backstage at the BRITs in your and the girls’ shared dressing room. Tonight was a big night for you all, as you and the girls were nominated for two awards: British Artist Video of the Year and British Group of the Year. Additionally, the five of you were going to be performing your latest single, “Woman Like Me”.
To say that you were jittery was an understatement. You were terrifyingly nervous, it made you feel nauseous. Your stomach was a jungle of butterflies, fluttering nonstop as the time to perform grew closer and closer. You glanced at the clock and took a deep breath. The pink latex bra you had on felt as if it were getting tighter and tighter around your chest. Tom notices your slight discomfort and glances at the time, “How about we sit? You’ve got plenty of time to relax before you all go on stage.”
Tom wraps his arm around your waist and leads you to the couch in the dressing room. He settles beside you and moves his arm to rest across your lap, his hand interlocking with yours. You leaned back into the seat and watched the girls make last minute touches to their hair, face, and costumes. Tom squeezes your hand, bringing your attention to him. Your eyes shift to meet his warm chocolate brown ones. A soft smile grows on his lips, “Hey.”
You reciprocate his smile with a smaller one, “Hi.”
“What’s wrong? You rarely get jitters before going out on stage.” He asks you quietly so only you could hear. You stare down at your lap and fiddle with his fingers.
“I-it’s just different from what we’ve been doing lately.” You start, glancing at Tom. He nods for you to continue, “We just haven’t been doing live performances for such a long time. Like on tour, we’re usually performing in front of our fans. Not the entire British music industry or live television.”
Tom brings your hand up to his lips and presses a gentle kiss on it. “There’s nothing to worry about, darling. You—and the girls, are going to do amazing as always. You guys are the best at live performances. The amount of work and dedication you girls put into this is going to pay off, I swear, it’ll be a standing ovation. Everyone’s going to love it.”
You smile at your boyfriend’s support for you and the girls. You couldn’t help but peck his lips, to which he replied with a lovestruck grin.
“I’m just nervous that I’ll mess up. Like what if I miss a step of the choreography—or stumble on my words while I’m singing? Oh god, what if I forget the lyrics—“ Your eyes widen in horror as your head generated all the worst case scenarios that could happen on stage. Tom shushes you and gingerly cradles your jaw, being careful of the makeup on your face.
“Listen to me.” He levels his eyes with yours to make sure your attention is on him. “You’re not going to mess up or forget a line—none of that nonsense is going to happen. It’s a load of bullshit. You wanna know why? Because you’re (y/n) (l/n), a member of one of the biggest girl bands of the world, you’re my girlfriend, and you’re the most beautiful and talented girl I’ve ever met. You’re just overthinking. I know you, (y/n). Once the music starts on stage you get lost and start singing your heart out, the crowd just disappears from existence. It’s only you and the girls up on that stage and you’re going to make one hell of a performance. I just know it and so do the other people waiting in that audience.”
You stare at him, stunned by his sudden motivational speech. “Since when did you get good at pep talks?”
His mouth gapes at you, “Uh—stan Twitter? The fans? Is that seriously what you got from all of that?” You shook your head and wrapped your hands around his wrist. “No, I heard every single word. I guess I’m feeling a bit more better now, so thank you, Tommy.” You peck his lips again, despite the fact that your lip gloss was getting on his lips. Though he didn’t care, as long as he was kissing you.
“Still got some nerves?”
“Just a little bit. But I’ll be fine, especially with you in the crowd.” You interlock your fingers with his and glance at the clock. Only 10 more minutes till you were all going to perform.
Tom’s face lights up, “Front seat babe, I got the best seat in the house. I swear, I’m recording the whole performance on my phone. I already got Harrison to help me take Instagram stories for me at the same time. I need every angle.”
Jesy takes that as her cue to join the conversation, “My goodness, you’re such a dork.” She reaches her hand out for you to help you get off the couch.
Tom fakes a dramatic gasp, knowing Jesy didn’t really mean her jab at him. “I don’t know what you’re taking about, I’m just being a very supportive boyfriend. AND Little Mix’s number one fan.”
You dust your pink pants off and take a look at yourself in the full body mirror. You did a little shake too loosen your limbs out and did some breathing exercises. Tom lets you do your pre-performance ritual while he talks with the girls.
Perrie crosses her arms, amused at the younger Brit, “Are you seriously competing against a bunch of teenage girls to deem yourself as our number one fan?”
“Well are they dating one of the members of Little Mix? I don’t think so. You know who is? Me.” Tom gestures to himself sassily. “I even get to hear all the new music earlier than everybody else and get good seats at concerts.” He bragged while one of the members on your team helped you place your in-ears.
Jesy rolls her eyes before gesturing to the door, “Right, I’m calling security. Apparently we’ve got a crazed fan in our dressing room.” Jade and Leigh-Anne stifle a laugh at the bickering.
“You can’t kick me out, I have backstage access.” Tom defended himself with crossed arms.
“No seriously, babe. We’re about to perform in five.” You join the conversation, finally feeling your anxiousness start to fade away. Tom blinks at you, “I’m being kicked out by my own girlfriend?”
Jesy laughs at Tom, taking the piss out of his offended expression. A sly smirk grows on your face. You hold your hands out for him to help him off the couch, “If you want to record every second and angle of our performance, I suggest leaving now.”
Tom straightens out his suit before interlocking your fingers with his. He leans forward and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re gonna be great. I love you.”
You giggle, eyes beaming up at his warm brown ones, “I love you too. Now get back to Harrison, you’ve left him alone for too long.” Prior to leaving, he stops in his tracks and manages to gather you and the girls into a group selfie. He wishes you all good luck and leaves, making his way back to his seat in the audience.
While he walks back, he posts the selfie you all took onto his Instagram story with the caption, “Good luck to these beautiful ladies! Tune into the BRITs to see their performance, you don’t wanna miss it!”
He gets back to the table designated for you and the girls to see Harrison with an unamused face.
“What?” Tom asks him, confused at his friend.
“You left me here by myself, you div.” Harrison quips. Tom cringes and apologizes to his friend.
“You’re still gonna help me record the performance, right?” Tom sheepishly asked gesturing to Harrison’s phone.
“Yes, Tom, I’ve told you multiple times that I’ll record it.” Harrison held his phone up getting his camera ready. Harrison was about the rant about Tom and how whipped the boy was for you, but was sushed by his best friend.
“SHUT UP IT’S STARTING. HARRISON START RECORDING!” The lights dimmed while someone announced you and the girls. Harrison had his phone already filming while Tom held his phone up, ready to start recording things for his Instagram story.
Tom’s Instagram Story:
“HOLY SHIT!” Tom screamed behind the camera as he recorded the opening of the performance.
You and the girls were stood up while the dancers were on the floor thrusting up at you all. The camera flips to Tom, who’s mouth was agape, “THAT SHOULD BE ME.”
The camera is back to the stage, where you and the girls are doing the choreography with the chairs. Tom whoops loudly in the background and yells, “THAT’S FUCKING SICK—HARRISON LOOK AT THEM.”
“YESS! THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” Tom screamed, thrusting his finger in your direction when your part of the song came on.
Tom zooms in on you as you strutted alongside the girls on the stage, he flips the camera back to him and a smirk is on his lips. He nodded before telling the camera, “That’s my girl.”
Tom forgot to turn his camera around and ended up recorded himself reacting to the performance. A proud smile is on his features while his eyes lit up as they followed you on stage. He leaned closer to Harrison and says, “She looks stunning, mate, my god.”
The stories cut to him and Harrison dancing and singing along to Woman Like Me.
The camera cuts back to you. You’re singing your part in the chorus and you hit a certain note that stuns Tom. He flips the camera to himself, a shocked expression on his face while he hyped you up.
The colored lights reflect onto Tom’s face, his mouth widens when he realizes you and the girls included a dance break in the performance. He flips the camera back, making sure all five of you were in frame.
Tom cheers in the background along with the audience when you and the girls finish your performance.
An unbreakable smile is on Tom’s lips, “There you all have it, I tried to record some parts just in case you all missed it—But that was probably one of the greatest performances they have ever done. I feel so honored to be here.”
Tom leans over so him and Harrison are in frame, “What did you think of the performance, Harrison?” Harrison grins, “I thought it was out of this world, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Tom’s face is hovered above the camera, “I just wanted to let you all know, that after tonight, I am officially becoming a Little Mix fan account. Follow me for more insider updates on Little Mix.”
You come back to the table to see Tom, Harrison, and the girl’s dates beaming at the five of you. You’re all greeted with congratulations and hugs. When you finally reach Tom, he crashes his lips onto yours and lifts you up.
You giggle against his lips, “Hello to you too.”
He pecks your lips twice more before placing you back down, “You were—I don’t even know how to describe it. You were fucking amazing up there.”
You whine, the blush growing on your cheeks while you hid your face in his neck, “Well, I couldn’t have done it without your little pep talk. So thank you, lovey.” 
Tom waves you off while helping you into the seat beside him, “That was all you, darling.”
You and the girls settled down as the awards show continued on. You were drinking a glass of water and reached out to check your phone. Tom stops you, grabbing your wrist. You shoot him a look.
“No—just, don’t watch my Instagram story. Please.” He asks you with a sheepish smile. A loud roar of laughter is heard from across the table, making you all look at Jesy. She simply holds her phone up, screen facing you all, with Tom’s story playing on it.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hi hi hi! I just recently came across your blog and I’m loving it!!! Maybe an Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Kageyama scenario where their S/O is a cheerleader and gets jealous when their team can’t take their eyes off them maybe?
Thank you for the request!! Oh, and btw you guys, I’m trying to do my requests in the order I get them and I usually have enough energy to do maybe one a day, two at most:(
Also, I switched up the character selection a bit so we could get more of the teams! Hope that’s okay!
Jealous Boys with a S/O who’s a cheerleader (w/ Akaashi, Kuroo, Kageyama, and Iwaizumi) 
“You’re cheering for us today?” 
“Yep! It’s my first time at one of your matches, I’m so excited!” You grin at your boyfriend, shaking your pom poms brightly as Akaashi bites back a smile, allowing you to plant a kiss on his cheek lovingly before moving to run back to your girls. 
“Good luck!” 
“You too.” 
“Y/N, you have to take your jacket off!” 
“Oh shoot, yeah oops.”
Akaashi stalls, glancing back as he heard that conversation. His eyes widen when you unzip your team jacket, revealing your cheer uniform. Your uniform hugged your breasts appreciatively, and it wasn’t good that he found it hard to breathe when he saw the length of your skirt. 
Who? Just who makes skirts that short? He thinks irritably before you suddenly turn to him to catch him staring. He gulps when you wink flirtatiously, blushing when your friends seem to make a comment about him to you as you wave them off, making a motion like yeah, that’s my boyfriend. 
Akaashi shakes his head. Cheer is what you do, who was he to make a comment at the...choice of attire? 
Clearing his head, he jogs back to his team, ready to warm up to play his best in front of you until he hears Konoha whistle appreciatively along with Komi, obviously eyeing up the cheerleaders. 
Akaashi blinks. It was fine, right? There were like, eight of you, they wouldn’t single-
“Bro, that (H/C) one though? Damn, she’s something else.” Komi blushes as Bokuto suddenly sweat drops.
“Thank god for mini skirts, looks like we’ll have a pretty nice view for when we play.” 
“Konoha, you’re such a perv.” 
“Sarukui, you just don’t know the ways of the cheerleader, observe the (h/c) one for instance, see her thighs? I would kill-” 
“Uh Konoha, I think you should stop-” 
“What, Bokuto? Aren’t you the one who’s into this kinda stuff too?” 
“No, but I am.” 
The whole team pause, glancing over at the quiet setter who had his brows furrowed in an obvious expression of distaste, blue-green eyes seeming to blaze directly into his teammates as Konoha quirks an eyebrow playfully, drawing up to the setter before Bokuto could stop him. 
“Huh? You too Akaashi? Which one’s the cutest to you, huh? Tell us~” 
Bokuto palms his face at the situation Konoha was digging himself in, deciding it was a lost cause before Akaashi scoffs, his lips pulling up in a slight snarl as he pretends to think. 
“Hm. That’s a tough one.” 
The Fukurodani team all exchange inquisitive looks with one another when Akaashi’s feet suddenly bring him to your position in front of the stands, bouncing up and down with your other cheer friends. Your eyes brighten when they see Akaashi, breaking out of the practice formation to jog up to him. 
“What’s up, love? Don’t you play soon?”  Akaashi puts both hands on the sides of your face and tilts your jaw upwards, his lips falling gently on yours before moving at a pace that was strangely possessive as your cheeks begin to burn. You knock on his chest with your fist as Akaashi kisses you harder, only letting you go when your breaths turn unsteady. 
 He had done that. In front of both your teams. 
Your boyfriend pulls back, blue-green eyes seeming to blaze as he swipes his thumb at the lipstick stain he had left, ensuring it was off before nodding once to you and beginning to walk away. 
“That one on the cheek earlier wasn’t enough luck.” Akaashi shrugs to you as he walks back to his gaping team, clasping Konoha on the shoulder as he swipes at the slight amount of lipstick on the corner of his mouth. 
“I don’t know, I think that one’s pretty cute.” 
“Akaashi, I didn’t know-” 
“Well, it’s a good thing you do now.” 
The Fukurodani team all shiver once in unison. Akaashi, the usual calmest member on the team, seemed the most dangerous when pissed off. 
“Good luck today, kitten. Try to cheer for me only, okay?” 
“You’re the one doing the hard stuff.” You grin up at your boyfriend as Kuroo smirks down at you, leaning to press a quick kiss on your forehead lovingly before pinching one of your cheeks, causing you to pout. 
“You’re really pretty, you know that?”
“Go! You start soon, dummy!” You blush, pushing your boyfriend forcefully away when his team enters the gym, running away from your boyfriend’s smirking figure in slight embarassment that his team almost caught the two of you like that. 
Kuroo strides up to his team, hands clasped around his neck before taking a seat on the bench as Kai and Yaku begin to go through the plays, not noticing the way Lev and Inuoka both shared small gasps. 
“Whoaaa, so we actually do have cheerleaders?” 
“H-How am I supposed to focus?” 
“Lev, just focus on the game.” 
“That (H/C) one is the prettiest!” 
Kuroo quirks an eyebrow, diverting his gaze. That caught his attention. 
“Uh, Lev, I wouldn’t-” 
Kuroo covers Kenma’s mouth, a sly grin making its’ way onto his face as Yaku and Kai both exchange looks knowingly. Before either of the third years can stop their team captain-
“Oh? What’s so pretty about her?” 
“S-She’s on par with Karasuno’s manager.” Yamamoto stutters slightly as Kenma shoves off Kuroo’s hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Someone like that goes to our school?” 
“Ne, Inuoka, do you think if I play good enough she’ll notice me?” 
“It wouldn’t hurt to try, Lev!” 
“Yep, it wouldn’t hurt to try.” Kuroo’s tone seemed to turn slightly sardonic, his grin never leaving his face as Kenma rolls his eyes, turning away from the situation to pull his phone out and shoot a quick text. 
Y/N-san, please come over here before Kuroo kills one of my teammates.
Just please come. 
You blink, making sure to note how much time you had left before you had to be in formation before beginning to walk over to where Kenma was, noticing that your boyfriend had his chin resting in his hand, his signature smirk resting on his lips as he listened to whatever his teammate was saying. 
“Shoot! Shoot, I think she caught me staring!” Lev looks down quickly after seeing your approaching figure, pom poms hanging loosely by your side as Inuoka clasps his shoulder. 
“Lev, you should talk to her!” 
“Yeah, Lev.” Kuroo grins as you come closer, Kenma sweatdropping at the fact that him asking you to come over wouldn’t bring understanding. “You should talk to her.” 
“Uh, Kuroo?” You tap your boyfriend’s shoulder nervously, trying not to make direct eye contact with any of the staring team. You shift uncomfortably as your boyfriend glances up at you, eyes playful yet kind of annoyed. 
In the next moment, Kuroo had pulled you into his lap, leaving his teamates (The ones that didn’t know already) with their jaws agape you yelp and try to break free. 
“Babe, I came over here because Kenma said you might kill someone!” 
“It’s a good thing he did.” Kuroo nuzzles his face into your neck, opening one eye posessively as the first and second years begin to stutter out apologies. His hands trace over your bare thighs as you flush, hiding your face with both hands. 
“Everyone, meet (Y/N). My totally pretty cheerleader girlfriend who just so happens to be on par with Karasuno’s manager.” 
“Knock it off.” You force yourself out of his hold as Kuroo pulls you back down to kiss your forehead quickly, putting the cherry on top of the situation before you dash back to your own team in embarrassment. 
“Kuroo-senpai, I-” 
“It’s alright, Lev!” Kuroo smiles a little too nicely at the first year’s stuttered apology. 
“Just make every single receive and we’ll call it even.” 
“W-what if I don’t?” 
“You better hope you do.” 
“Look, I won’t embarass you, so just focus on your setting, okay?” You smile up in reassurance at Kageyama’s blushing figure, his blue eyes struggling to stay on your face because of your cheer uniform. He thought you looked amazing of course, but- 
“T-this is just the first time you’ve been at one of my matches-” 
“And I’m sure you’ll do great. So don’t overthink it, alright?” 
Kageyama’s eyes lock with yours before he nods once, turning around in a stiff posture away from your giggling self at how cute your boyfriend was. The dark haired boy jogs back to his team, all of whom had hardly realized the quiet setter’s disappearance. 
“Where’d you go, Kageyama?” 
“None of your business, boke.” 
“The cheerleaders are here to cheer for us! Noya-san, which lucky one shall we make fall today?” 
“You haven’t made any of them fall-” 
“That’s what you think, Suga-san.”
“Have you...ever seen her go to our school before?” Noya stares in awe, pointing directly at you shamelessly as Tanaka rests his elbow on Noya’s head for support, the same expression on his features as you giggle and jump with the rest of your team-
skirt flying high and all. 
Kageyama doesn’t look up, sipping from his water bottle as the comedic duo nearby him ogle the cheerleaders, noting it was just their nature before- 
“I think her name’s (Y/N)? She’s a first year.” 
“Are first years allowed to look that cute?” 
Kageyama’s grip on his water bottle tightens as Daichi gives them his signature stern glare, pushing the two towards the center of the gym. 
“If you have time to drool, you have time to warm up.” 
“W-wait, just let us try to talk to her-!” 
“Oi, Kageyama, we’re about to start, where are you going?” 
The blue-eyed boy had abandoned the clenched water bottle on the bench behind him, walking up to your giggling form with the most confidence he had ever mustered. 
“Kageyama!” You smile brightly, waving your friends to keep practicing without you before slow jogging up to your boyfriend. “Did you need some-?” 
The expression in the usually awkward’s boy was foreign to you as he spins you around by the shoulders so your back is facing him, pulling your hair out of your tight ponytail. You blink as his fingers run through your hair, gathering it all up to put it up again.
“I didn’t mention it earlier, but it’s messy.” 
“I could’ve-!” 
“It’s fine.” Kageyama cuts you off, slipping your hair through the tie perfectly as you touch your hair for good measure, turning your head to smile sweetly in thanks. 
“This is new. But I like it. I like it a lot.” You say a bit shyly, looking down at your pom poms before Kageyama suddenly embraces you from behind, hugging your back into his chest as you flush at the strange affection he rarely showed. It only lasted a mere few seconds, and you laugh at how red his cheeks had turned, not being able to resist placing a kiss on the side of his jaw. 
What you didn’t know, was that you were just adding on to the show that Kageyama was putting on for his team, staking his claim. As you waved him off, cheeks pinkened from the foreign actions, you then notice the slacked jaws of the Karasuno team. Hesitantly, you offer an awkward wave as most of them awkwardly wave back. 
“Kageyama, you could’ve just said that she was-” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Since when do the cheerleaders come to the volleyball games?” 
“Since today, apparently.” You cheekily grin at your ace boyfriend, Iwaizumi rolling his eyes in turn as you pout. “What, are you not happy I’m here?” 
“No...I just don’t want to get um, distracted.” 
You blink, glancing down at your cheer attire before smirking slightly. “Oh? And what would get you distracted?” 
“Cheeky brat.” Iwaizumi mumbles in slight irritation, ears reddened as he pinches your cheek, causing you to whine. “The other fools in the stands might look at you.” 
“Wow, babe. I’m suddenly glad you don’t come to watch me cheer.” 
“Nothing!” You chirp, pulling Iwaizumi’s collar down to meet your lips quickly as you take off running before he can scold you, leaving the third-year a blushing mess at the hands of a first-year. Scowling, he turns back as his team joins him in the gym, pumped for the next set. 
“Oho, is the reason I think you went before us the correct one?” Oikawa’s smirk is infuriating and knowing, Iwa shoving him in his shoulder with his own. 
“Shut it, you piece of trash.” Iwa warns, beginning to stretch his legs before he pauses, seeing you take off your jacket from across the court along with your other teammates, feeling his breathing hitch. 
Damn did you look good in uniform. 
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who thought that. Oikawa’s low whistle from next to him was enough for Iwa to “accidentally” throw his water bottle over his shoulder, feeling satisfied with the sound of pain that came from his best friend. 
“Hah, I’m so nervous...” 
“Is it because of the cheerleaders, Kindaichi?” Kunimi sighs, wrapping his fingers as Kindaichi scratches the back of his neck, cheeks flushed.
“W-well, yeah...plus (Y/N) from our class is part of it.” 
Iwaizumi stalls. 
“Yeah. I get it. It’s totally different seeing her in uniform.” Kunimi shrugs, not looking up from his taped fingers. Iwa feels an emotion he can’t describe rise in his chest, the breaths through his nose starting to become ones to control his breathing. 
“Whoaaa, lemme see!” Yahaba pushes Watari’s head down, smirking slightly as his eyes trace shamelessly over your exposed skin from a distance. “She’s a first year? Damn Kindaichi, have you made your move yet?” 
“W-WHat? I don’t like her, I heard she’s dating a senior! It’s just new seeing her so...” 
“Exposed?” Kunimi offers, still not noticing the amused team captain and deadly aura their ace was giving off as Kindaichi nods brightly to his friend.
“Yeah! That.” 
Hanamaki and Mattsun both take careful steps in front of the first years, being sure that they’re blocking the view from the now pissed-off ace. 
“Now, Now Iwa...” 
“We need them for when we leave, please don’t hurt them.” 
“Uh...senpai? Why-?” 
The humorless chuckle that slips Iwa’s lips is able to silence the whole team, sending shivers down the underclassmen’s backs as Kyotani watches on, indifferent.  
“You wanted to know why, right Yahaba?” 
“U-um..yes?” The last part comes out as a squeak as Iwa’s suddenly lifting himself out of stretching position and walking up to you, fire on his heels. You yelp when Iwaizumi’s strong grip clasps on your forearm, careful not to hurt you but still being a tad forceful about it as he pulls you away from your now confused team. 
“Iwa?” You blink as Iwa jerks his jacket off his body in hasty movements, dark eyes brimmed with a possessive kind of feeling as he wraps it around your upper body, not even letting your arms through the holes as the sleeves hang loosely at your side. 
As he’s zipping it up, his dark eyes are stare into yours with an intensity that made you gulp.  “I’m suddenly glad I’ve never come to see you cheer.” He grits out, fingers lifting your chin upwards so he could capture your lips aggressively, leaving your breathing unsteady when he pulls back, a bit of your lipstick on the corner of his mouth as he smirks slightly at your dazed features. 
“Good. Now they know.” 
You blink, still in a daze as you adjust Iwa’s jacket so that you could wear it with the sleeves, turning back to your shocked team with widened eyes. To your dismay, they were all giggling and motioning you back into the circle to tell them what had just occurred, your friends already fixing your lipstick for you as you try to hide your face in embarrassment. 
Oikawa’s amused grin for once, doesn’t piss off the ace as Iwa goes back to stretching as if nothing had happened. “Iwa, you’ve got a little something-” 
“Leave it.” Iwa doesn’t look up from his legs, his tone taking on a chilling one as he taps the lipstick mark on the corner of his lips once. The underclassmen all share a shiver as Iwa lifts his head, dark eyes spinning with triumphant rage as Hanamaki and Mattsun sigh. 
“Just in case they forget.” 
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
birthday forgotten - tsukishima kei x reader
REQUEST: “Hi babes! Another Haikyuu writer here! I saw you posted about doing requests and I was hoping on giving you one! Maybe an angst with fluff at the end fic where it’s the reader’s birthday (who is the karasuno manager and is also dating Tsuki cause I love that man) and they (the team) all forget, and when they find other later they feel bad because she has always made their birthday’s special. Then ending in fluff of them trying to make it up to her. Sorry if it’s not good I usually write and don’t request lmao. Hope you see more of your stuff in the future! - @nataliahaslosthershit “
A/N: I seriously can not thank you enough for sending in this request(deadass cried about it for a whole 10-15 minutes LOL - because i thought this blog was gonna flop ._. ) but thank you again for sending this in and i hope i didn’t disappoint you or anything!
WARNING: Angsty but with a fluff ending!
WHO: Tsukishima Kei x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Morning Tsukki!” you smile at your salty dinosaur who had just entered the classroom. You followed him to his desk where he sat down and placed his bag, taking a book out.
“Morning.” Tsukishima said while giving you a small grin and paying attention to his book.
“Whatcha up to?”
“Oh- uhm, do you want me to stay here or like?” You said as you were about to get up and leave though Tsukishima’s hand held onto your wrist.
“No no, it’s okay. You can stay here.” He looked at you with his norm straight face and you nodded sitting back down.
“I heard it’s a special day today...” you hinted. Today was your birthday and you were really hoping your salty dino got the message.
“Oh really?”
“Yup!” your eyes beamed with sparkles as Tsukki didn’t pay attention. “Hey are you ignoring me?”
“What? No! I was listening still. Keep talking.”
“Oh uhm, well today is a special day! A very very special day.”
“Is that so?” his eyes stayed on the book as he turned the page.
“Yes it quite is.”
“Well if you’re going to say something that mentions about practice then I think you’re mistaken.”
“No, silly! It doesn’t have to deal with practice. Something more exciting!”
“What is there to be excited about?” ouch.
“Well I don’t know, it seems that I am forgetting something...” you mumbled but screamed in your head to shout out the answer to your question. As much as you love this dinosaur, he sure is dumb to recognize the importance of your birthday.
“Well all I know is that today’s a normal and regular day, and there isn’t something special that I remember happening today.” suddenly the words Tsukishima was saying faded into a fuzzy noise. No longer were you able to connect back or hear anything around you, all you heard was the sound of your heartbeat slowly beating and your hurried breathes.
“Y/N? Hello? Are you okay?” Tsukishima snapped you back into reality.
“Huh? Oh yeah... I’m fine. Class is about to start, I’m going to head back to my seat and I’ll see you later yeah?”
“Okay, see yah.”
Class ended awhile ago and it was break. You had just left the washroom to see Kageyama and Hinata together bickering.
“What are you two boys bickering about, today?” as you walked up to them.
“Kageyama is calling me an idiot.” Hinata shot a glare at him.
“Again?” you chuckled.
“If you hadn’t ruined my favourite sweater Y/N got for me on my birthday by puking on it I wouldn’t be holding such a grudge.”
“HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY SORRY!” Hinata jumped up and down.
“It’s alright, Kageyama. I’ll get you another one on your birthday!” you said with a small smile and Kageyama’s eyes lit up.
“Wait actually??? Th-Thank you.” he gave you a small bow and you laughed.
“WHAT? NO FAIR-“ Hinata started saying but you interrupted him.
“I’ll make your birthday even more special, Hinata.” That’s all it took to have stars shine in Hinata’s eyes.
“NOT FAIR-“ you probably shouldn’t have mentioned or said that as they continued to bicker.
“Hey- BOYS!” you stopped them and they apologized. “Get to class, you’ll be late.”
“Yes, Y/N.” as they trudged back to class. Hinata had turned around.
“Oh by the way, Y/N.” maybe he would remember or say something about your birthday.
“Yes, Hinata?” you waited for the words to come out.
“Are you ready for-“
“Yes! I am so ready and excited!”
“See Kageyama, I told you Y/N would be excited to see our quick.” wait-what? I thought he would say something or remembered.
“Tsk, whatever.”
“See yah Y/N!” Hinata waved. You tried not to look upset and waved back with a small smile.
“Bye, Hinata. Bye Kageyama. I’ll see you two at practice.”
You knew these two boys would be forgetful. What type of hope did you clutch onto? If Tsukishima didn’t even remember your birthday, how would the others?
“Oh hi, Y/N!” Sugawara had said.
“Hey! Where are the others?” you said as you saw Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka.
“They’re just coming.”
“Ahh I see.”
“So are you doing anything after practice?” yes, I’m going to celebrate my birthday by myself.
“Uh, just studying for an upcoming test. How about you Suga-san?”
“Good luck with that! And uhm.. I don’t think I have anything in mind today. Maybe just take a shower and sleep when I get home.” Suga laughed and you chuckled a bit before putting a small smile hiding away the pain. 
Even Suga forgot your birthday... This is honestly one of the most heartbreaking thing because he’s never the type to forget things. Especially when it comes to birthdays...
“Takeda-sensei, I think I’ll head out first. I still have homework to work on.” You said.
“Okay, thank you Y/N for coming.” He said before turning around. You went towards the door to open it quickly as tears were streaming down your cheeks already and you didn’t want to be seen with such emotion displayed on your face. You accidently hadn’t seen where you were going as you bumped into someone.
“Oh Y/N, are you okay?” Kiyoko asked. You wiped the falling tears from your eyes quickly and inhaled a breath of air before facing her.
“Huh? Ah, Kiyoko-san, yes. I am alright. I’m just going to leave early because I have homework to finish.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yep! See yah!” As you quickly turned away from her and walked your way home continuing to have tears stream down your face. The slow mind process of doubt, and overthinking started playing in your head as to how this could have led you to such event.
“Alright everyone, good job today! Make sure to rest up well, eat a well balanced dinner and get enough sleep.” Coach Ukai had spoken before continuing to speak, “Where’s Y/N?”
“She said she had homework left to do.” Takeda-sensei spoke out.
“Shoot, I wanted to gift her this.” Coach Ukai was holding a bag of your favourite snacks from his store.
“What for?” The team questioned.
“For her birthday... Why else?” Coach Ukai looked at the team in confusion looking at the faces of shock and guilt before widening his eyes.
“Did you idiots forget it was her birthday?!?!?!?” Coach Ukai slightly raised his voice making everyone panic.
“Wait- what? It’s today?” Tsukki checked his phone and spat out his water.
“Holy shit, I’m a bad boyfriend.”
“Tsukishima! How could you forget!?!?!” Yamaguchi yelled at his best friend before slapping him on the back of his head.
“So that’s why she was crying...” Kiyoko spoke out and everyone froze.
“S-She was crying?” Tsukishima’s eyes enlarged before grabbing his bags and heading towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Daichi asked stopping at the door.
“To go apologize to my girlfriend and to spend the rest of the day with her, why else?” As Tsukishima stared down at his captain. 
“We should all go and make it up to her. We as a team forgot so we shall go do what’s right.” Sugawara had spoken as Tanaka and Nishinoya had aggressively nodded their heads.
“Let’s go to Coach Ukai’s shop to purchase more snacks and drinks.” Hinata said while looking at Kageyama. “I’ll beat you there first.”
“Not unless I do it first!” As the two started sprinting towards the doors and to the shop.
“You sir,” Tanaka and Nishinoya said while looking aggressively into Tsukishima’s eyes, “Need to be a better boyfriend or we’ll take your girl.
“As if you can.” Tsukishima smirked heading outside before dashing to your place.
You were laying in bed after finishing your studies and staring at the ceiling thinking about how today turned out. 
“Am I not important? Do they even know when my birthday is? I mean I had mentioned it before. Does Tsukki even know it’s today? Am I not special enough?” all these clouded thoughts were blocking out the noise around you but suddenly your phone vibrated next to you snapping you out of your thoughts. The caller ID showed a picture of you and Tsukishima on your second date at the park mindlessly being slight idiots at night.
“Open your door.” Tsukishima’s voice said.
“Huh, why?” As you got up and walked towards the front door.
“You’ll see.” The call ended and you stared at your phone questioning what Tsukishima meant.
You opened the door revealing your boyfriend.
“What are you doing here at this time?” You said looking up at your boyfriend and tilted your head in confusion.
“Hold on, you can come in guys.” Tsukishima mentioned and you cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” Hinata came in giving you a plastic bag. In came the rest of the team and you were suddenly now holding plastic bags and poorly wrapped gifts in your hands as each of them said happy birthday to you.
“What is this..?” you chuckled nervously looking at them all for an answer.
“We felt really bad for forgetting to say a happy birthday to you. Mainly that tall blonde over there.” Tanaka said and Tsukishima sent a glare to the older boy.
“Aww thank you guys... I will admit I was a little upset, but that doesn’t matter anymore because you guys are here now! What are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!” you exclaimed and their moods brightened.
“I’ll go set up the board games.” Daichi said with Sugawara following behind. The rest of the boys went to set up the snacks meanwhile you went to your room and placed the gifts there before heading to the kitchen to get some cold drinks.
“Y/N...” Tsukishima said out of nowhere scaring you.
“Tsukki, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” you said as you placed a hand over your heart chuckling.
“I’m sorry.” your chuckling stopped.
“It’s okay, babes. You didn’t know.” you said placing the drinks onto the kitchen counter.
“No, it’s not okay! Today is significant and an important day. I am so stupid for forgetting that it was your birthday.” Tsukishima looked down. This wasn’t like your boyfriend. The Tsukishima you knew wasn’t all apologetic and or so soft?
“Tsukki, it really is okay...” you went over to him and stood right in front of him before wrapping your arms around your salty dino.
“But it’s not.” he said mumbling. You sighed before bringing your hands to Tsukishima’s cheeks pulling him down a bit and bringing your lips together for a light kiss and going back into a hug position.
“Baby, it’s okay. I already forgave you for coming and you guys making it up to me by purchasing all this stuff and bringing all this stuff too. I promise.”
“Really? Cause I feel like a shitty boyfriend right now.”
“You will if you keep being all pouty and soft. That reminds me, since when were you so caring and soft?” you push your head away from Tsukishima’s chest giving him a puzzled look before he placed his hand on the back of your head and pushed you back to his chest.
“Shut up.” he grumbled while blushing and you giggled.
“WOAH- TSUKISHIMA’S BEING ALL CUTE IN THE KITCHEN WITH Y/N!” Sugawara said telling the group and from there started chaos.
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sixmapleleafs · 3 years
Can you please write 9. “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” with Freddie "The Great Dane" Andersen? 😘💕
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Sweat clung to your body as the sun beat down on the house you had rented with your friends for a few weeks to kick off the summer. The drinks had been steadily flowing all day and the sun was still floating in the sky, showing no sign of going down any time soon as you all lounged around by the pool. You were lost in a new book by one of your favourite authors when all of a sudden a shadow was cast over the page, something blocking the sunlight from above where you were relaxing on the sun lounger. Looking up in confusion your eyes met Fred’s.
Ah, Freddie. The Great Dane who had stolen your heart ever since you first met him and his teammates at a bar back in Toronto after a big win. Your best friend and (unfortunately) roommate had really hit it off with Auston and they quickly started dating, which meant you were often dragged to games or the bar with them and also meant you got to know a few of the leafs quite well.
Freddie was different though, he was intimidating but sweet, and not to mention a hell of a lot taller than you plus the crush you held on him didn’t exactly help - he made you feel like you were in high school again. You’d be lying if you said your eyes didn’t linger on his shirtless figure through your sunglasses when he would step out of the pool or play basketball with Mitch and Auston, he had you hooked but you would never be able to work up the courage to tell him.
“You mind if I join you?” He asked gesturing to the empty sun lounger beside you, he had an easy smile on his face, one that told you he was relaxed and enjoying himself.
“Of course not” you smiled sweetly feeling your heart begin to beat a little faster and a heat rising to your cheeks. A few minutes went by as he got comfortable and threw a couple of chirps Auston’s way as he and your best friend emerged from the house.
“Hey, you’re coming golfing tomorrow right?” He asked out of nowhere and you turned to make sure he was talking to you and when you met his eyes you nodded, suddenly not being able to find any words. His smile was brighter than you’d ever seen and you heard him mumble “good”.
The next morning you got ready with your best friend and Steph before heading out to the golf course.
“This is your chance, good luck babes” your best friend said to you and Steph sent you a wink before the two of them quickly grabbed their boyfriends and headed towards their golf carts.
“What?” You mumbled mostly to yourself, but Freddie’s voice behind you caused you to quickly turn around and that was when you put the pieces together.
“Looks like it’s just us two” he smiled in your direction and you nervously smiled back, internally cursing the girls for putting you in this situation - this had your best friend written all over it.
Spending time with Fred was easy, even though he was intimidating, he was sweet and easy to talk to even when your nerves were clouding your senses. The golf part, however, was not going so well. To put it lightly, you sucked.
“Don’t even” you laughed turning to face Freddie after a particularly bad attempt where you managed to miss the ball entirely. He was desperately trying to contain his laughter but put his hands up in mock surrender at your warning.
“Let me help you” he said moving from where he was leaning against the golf cart. “Can I?” He asked before placing his arms around you over yours when you gave him a nod of permission.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought he might actually be able to hear it as he moved your hands to the correct place and did a few practice swings with you, you really tried to focus and listen to what he was saying but it was hard to focus when the smell of his cologne surrounded you.
“You wanna try on your own?” His question snapped you out of your thoughts and you nodded, taking a deep breath before trying to replicate his movements as closely as possible, and sure enough the ball went flying (in the right direction this time) and you couldn’t help but let out a squeal of excitement and jump a little at your achievement. Your cheeks hurt from how big your smile was and Fred let out a cheer and gave you a mini round of applause upon seeing your excitement. His smile mimicked your own as he brought you in for a celebratory hug and it was only as you were pressed against his chest that you realised just who it was you were hugging. A nervous laugh fell from your lips as you pulled away only slightly awkwardly but Fred didn’t seem to notice.
“You’re the smartest person I know, I told you you would get it” his praise brought a flush to your face and you couldn’t fight the smile on your face.
The sun was just as unrelenting as yesterday as you and Fred followed the other couples around the golf course, you were fanning yourself and drinking as much water as possible but nothing was helping the heat.
“You ok?” Fred asked as he drove the golf cart up a particularly steep hill back to the country club main building.
“Yeah, just too hot. I must look awful I’m so sweaty” you laughed.
“Well, I think you still look beautiful” you choked slightly on the gulp of water you were taking, your eyes darting over to his face to make sure that you heard him correctly. He just smirked and pulled up in the cart parking area, stepping out to greet the others.
Now you were really confused, there was no way he was flirting with you but those few comments had your head spinning, they were things you just didn’t say to a friend.
By the time you made it back to the house, plans were being made for dinner and you all decided that a local tapas place sounded good so you showered and changed into a light sundress, perfect for the evening heat. You all piled into the ubers and shortly arrived at the waterfront where the restaurant was located. Your best friend and Auston were walking ahead of you holding hands, Mitch and Steph in front of them looking equally as loved up. Freddie was walking beside you, the two of you choosing not to third wheel either couple but you couldn’t help but be a little sad that you didn’t have a relationship like them, you were elated for both couples but it was still a tough reminder that you still hadn’t found that kind of love yet.
“Everything ok?” Freddie said quietly from beside you, “you look a little lost in space there” he laughed but you could still see the concern written on his face.
“Yeah…sorry you got stuck with me today” you tried to change the subject.
“Don’t be, I got the prettiest golf partner out of everyone there” he smirked in your direction and you stopped dead in your tracks, causing Fred to stop and turn to face you, looking a little worried, like maybe his comment had crossed a line.
“This is going to be really embarrassing if I’m wrong but, are you flirting with me?”
“You finally noticed?”
You’re pretty sure something along the lines of “huh” fell from your lips at his boldness but he approached you before you could say anything.
“I have been since we got here” he laughed now looking nervous himself, he brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck, “I’m sorry if I crossed a line, it’s just-”
“Don’t apologise” you cut him off, surprising yourself and him. “I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page and I wasn’t overthinking it” you laughed nervously and a smile of relief fell on his face.
“Does this mean I can take you on a proper date tomorrow?”
“Yes, it does” you giggled at his goofy grin and hopeful tone. Before you could register what was happening his hands were cupping your face and his lips were on yours, you fell into his embrace letting your feelings show through the kiss.
“Hey lovebirds!” You heard Mitch shout down the street, “stop making out we’re hungry”. The two of burst into laughter before Fred placed a quick peck to your lips and you slipped your hand in his to continue the short walk to the restaurant.
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Roommate (Suguru Daishou x fem!Reader) College AU
Warnings: some teasing, my bad writing but other than that none
Word count: 2371
Authors note: and this too was written back in October LKADNHDJF Im so sorry but this just had to be posted here at some point, so why not now? *proceeds to lip bite* Anyways lmao skdnnf I think suguru is so damn underrated and he isnt even as bad as people might think he is so yeah, here is my oh so badly written suguru fanfic. Enjoy!!
(2 months ago)
It was Friday evening, a day you and your roommate usually binge-watched movies and series, but not today. The sudden change in plans was a change you didn't want. After all, the change of plans meant helping your roommate to pack his stuff and help him bring it into his new Unit. A Unit that was far away from his previous one and it made you feel dejected. You wouldn't be able to see him that often anymore and for once you grew close to someone outside of Japan.
, Ow c'mon Y/N. Don't be sad. I bet your new roommate will be nice as well.'' You let out a grown as you let yourself fall down on your bed. , Yeah but he's not you and you're like my only friend here in the Unit.'' Christian let out a chuckle and then suddenly got up from his kneeling position, getting his backpack and suitcase. , Well, you'll be alright, '' he threw some of his last stuff in his backpack. ,,After all my new Unit isn't even that far away.'' - ,,Christian, what is 'not far away' about 30 fucking minutes?'' you huffed in annoyance, sitting up again death glaring your 'ex' roommate. His laugh filled up the room as he threw his backpack over his shoulder, it was time for him to go, and then again you felt miserable. You wanted him to stay, but it was his decision after all. After two full years with Christian you knew you weren't the reason why he left, he left for other plausible reasons.
,, Alright let me help you then.'' You announced, grabbing one of his bags opening the door for him. A smile was plastered across his face as he walked past you with all his belongings. Letting out a last sigh you followed him, hoping your future roommate would be as subtle as Christian...
After helping Christian carrying and unpacking his stuff in his new Unit, you just made it back to your Unit. You were tired and felt like a piece of shit. Christian was one of the only people you interacted with on campus and the only one in your unit. The rest of your friends attended Universities in Japan, mostly in Tokyo or Osaka, just the minimum was somewhere outside of Japan, including you. Moreover, it was hard for you to find friends since you lacked in social skills. And having a new roommate would totally throw you off, you didn't even know how you wanted to welcome him, you were just too socially awkward for this.
So when you finally opened the door to your little 'apartment' and discovered a new pair of shoes next to all of your shoes, you freaked out. He was already here and you literally had nothing to offer him. Not even goddamn chewing gum. This would most definitely turn into some second hand embarrasment, you were sure about it. You closed the door when you suddenly heard footsteps slowly coming your way. ,,I'm really sorry that I just barged in but you weren't here so I let myself in.'' There he was, standing in front of you. You recognised him right away. Suguru Daisho, the high school rival of a friend of yours. ,,Well well, if that isn't our Miss Nekoma Manager, Y/N it is, right?'' he leaned onto to wall, giving you one of his smug smirks.
,,Of all people, it really just had to be you, huh?'' you spat out ironically, slipping out of your shoes as you walked up to him. ,,Ouch Y/N, you hurt my heart.'' Letting out a fake sob, he touched his chest and tried to look as hurt as possible which made you sigh out in annoyance, so you walk past him showing no reaction. ,,Jesus, you're no fun.'' - ,, Never intended to be fun, especially when it comes to you.'' As you replied to his complaint, you just plopped down on the little couch, already missing Christian. You really were so close to just change units as well. It hadn't even been 5 minutes yet, but here you are already considering to move out. What an awful day you had. And your next years in Uni would get even worse with him as your roommate.
But things turned out quite differently.
You imagined living with Suguru must be the most annoying thing ever, but you were so wrong. First, you really thought he was just trying to get on your sweet side and then act like an asshole again, but you started to reconsider when he brought home some chocolates for you. It wasn't just that, no he did so much more for you, and all of that in just two months.
He cooked for you, whenever he had time. When you woke up every morning, there was breakfast on the table. He helped you with studying and kept his distance whenever he knew you needed some time for yourself. And most importantly, he never invited friends over, since it didn't take him long to find out you just couldn't interact with people. Of course his teasing side would come out sometimes, leaving some comments here and there, but he changed and not only by a bit no, he changed a lot and even for the better.
Living with him was easier than you thought.
And yet, yet the old things would obviously come back because today you wanted to tell Kuroo, who was and still is one of your best friends from high school, that Suguru was your roommate. God, you were nervous. You knew Kuroo has always hated him and he will most definitely not stop hating him, even despite the fact that you grew quite close to him.
So when you pressed the 'call' button on your laptop, you really just didn't want to tell him, but you had to. Even if you wouldn't tell him now, he would find out somehow. You really wanted to tell him in person, rather than him finding out and then getting mad at you as well.
Once his faced showed up on your screen you smiled and waved, shoving away the nervousness you just had. ,,Hey Hey Tets!'' - ,,Hey! How're you doing over there?'' he smiled, taking a sip from the cup wich was located right next to him. ,,Well Im doing pretty good! How're you and the boys doing?'' Kuroo's face turned dark, making you worry, but once you've heard his answers you couldn't have expected less from such an idiot as him. ,,Well we're all doing pretty good.... and yet I feel broken, Kenma's ignoring me once again.'' He sobbed ironically, making you smile in an instant. You had to admit it, you missed the old times. The time you guys were still in Highschool, enjoying life and just having fun. But over all you just missed your friends, you always see them hanging out with each other, going on trips together while you were stuck with boredom and nothing but schoolwork. Of course your friends were part of the University life as well, however it seemed like they had much more time than you. Less worries than you.
,,You know Tets... I miss you guys a lot.'' You whispered as you nervously played with a stuffed animal, that was standing right next to your laptop. Showing affection wasn't really your thing, yet you missed your group of friends way too much to just ignore it like that. ,,Awe Y/N, we miss you too! Once you're back we're definitely going out somewhere! Oh and you should bring Christian as well!! Come to think of it.... where is Christian?''
You chocked on your saliva. ,,Oh god are you okay?'' Kuroo worriedly stated as you coughed. Why now, you had nearly forgotten about it, and yet all of the good had to come to an end. So when you finally stopped coughing you assured your friend that you were okay, but you most definitely weren't okay, you didn't even know where to start. You couldn't possibly just go ,,Ah yeah forgot to tell you, but Christian changed units. Suguru and I are now roommates.'.There was no way you could tell him. Literally no way.
But while you were overthinking this whole situation, suddenly Suguru made his entry.
,,Eyo Y/N can you-'' - ,, What is he doing here?'' Kuroo frantically yelled as he regocnised Suguru, pointing at him through your screen. Great, you thought. This could've gone better if you had the guts to bring it up earlier, but of course your friend had to find out like this. Luck was definetily not on your side today. ,,Oi roosterhead, still lying about your height huh?'' Suguru smirked as he placed himself right behind you, moving closer to the laptop. ,,Get lost.''Kuroo scoffed and now looked at you while still pointing at Suguru. ,,Why's he here?'' he repeated himself, not leaving you out of his sight once. Yet you looked away, trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible, you would even prefer hiding behind Suguru than sitting here. ,,He's my new roommate... Christian changed units.'' You whispered slowly looking back to see if he was still watching you.
Suguru took his chance and moved closer to you as he purred. ,,Wait, you didn't tell him babe?'' Oh god you forgot the petnames he had for you and you hated him for using them on you now. After he moved in and you finally got along pretty well, he started with all these ridiculous pet names, just like honey. And oh god...this was definitely not going to end well.
,,Can you tell him to fucking leave?'' Kuroo asked, seemingly annoyed of your roommates presence. ,,Alright alright I'll leave, just don't forget our business later.'' and with that he left your room.
The sudden awkward silence that was between you and your best friend was more than just uncomfortable for you. In fact, you hated it, you just wanted to disappear. ,,How long?'' He was the first one to finally break the silence and you knew he was upset, after all Suguru just walked in and you didn't tell him at all. ,,Two months..'' you whispered, full of regret. Kuroo then sighed, hand on his forehead as he leaned back to process what he has just heard. ,,Two months? God.... why didn't you tell me?'' - ,, Listen I was scared.... I know you don't like him but we got along so well..'' you stuttered, trying to avoid his gaze again. Honestly you were scared. All this time you were scared that you might lose your friend, although this might be a stupid reason to end a friendship, you were still terrified.
,,Hey that's fine Y/N, liking each other and having a relationship is fine! Im not even mad I promise!'' You looked at him as he smiled, to let you know that it was fine. All you could do was smile back and be thankful that he wasn't mad at you. ,,Oh and we're not really in a relationship..'' You stated and let out a nervous giggle. Kuroo on the other hand leaned in closer and then whispered. ,,Yeah right hon.'' - ,,Kuroo.'' You warned, holding up your finger just as you were about to scold him. ,,Anyways, seems like you have some unfinished business with the snake, so go for it.'' You huffed, ready to protest that there was no business to finish, but before you could tell him otherwise he disappeared from you screen.
Sighing out in annoyance, you got up from your chair to go scold your roommate for his bold words he has spoken during your videocall. So when you saw him doing some schoolwork you seated yourself in front of him, death glaring him. ,,Just what exactly were you thinking?''you hissed in such a sharp tone, that even suguru backed off for a second. But he quickly collected himself and leaned in closer just to smirk at you. ,,What do you mean babe?" he asked, his voice soft and unbothered. You groaned again, leaning in closer as well. ,,He thinks we have a thing." - ,,So?" his reply was bold, just like as if he didn't care about your current situation at all, which was weird to you since he usually never acted or talked to you this way.
You answered him, voice quiet. ,,So you're just going to leave it there?''
The confusion was plastered all over his face. You didn't really know what left him so confused, but you needed answers and as for that you waited for an answer. ,,Wait wait wait.'' he said, holding up both his hands. ,,Is that disappointment I hear?'' - ,,Never.'' You leaned back, looking away and thinking how to continue this conversation, which obviously seemed pointless to your roommate. But it wasn't pointless to you, your friend literally just hung up on you just because of this stupid statement the guy in front of you had made. ,,Why did you say these things? What did you even mean by unfinished business? That's not appropri-'' you got cut off midsentence. ,,We still haven't decided what we wanted to cook this weekend. That's what I meant babe.'' he stated, as he held up a paper with an amused expression.
,Oh' you mouthed, sitting there in embarrassment as you tried to avoid his gaze. The embarrassment just grew bigger as you realised what you were actually thinking about.
,,Well well, it's okay to have these thoughts about me. But next time you might as well share them with me.'' His grin grew bigger, putting down the paper he just lifted up a second ago. That's it, you thought, he has crossed the line. You then suddenly stood up, cheeks flushing red as you huffed out in annoyance once again. ,,You're the worst.'' you muttered, stomping away to your room in an instant, shutting your door. But something was odd. No, you... you felt something odd happening to you.
You then realised your fastened heartbeat, your hot cheeks, still flushed in a light pink shade,you...you were confused.
Just.... what... what was this feeling?
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missjanjie · 4 years
Writing Prompts #12
this is a sentence + au/trope one, so, send a number and letter with the ship!
“Don’t just run off like that, you scared me.”
“I’m clearly not meant to live alone.”
“You made that from scratch?” 
“Nobody listens to me like you do.” 
“I feel the most like myself when I’m with you.” 
“So, you’re just gonna leave me like this?” 
“I haven’t slept in two days, I can hear colors.” 
“That is definitely going to backfire horribly. Good luck!” 
“Don’t let one mistake tear us apart.” 
“I don’t want to feel this. I just want to be numb.”
“You missed a spot. You missed a lot of spots. Just let me do it.”
“Oh, we’re so fucked.”
“If you don’t shut up, I swear to god…”
“My back is killing me. Can you rub it?”
“Please tell me you’re still in love with me.”
“Let’s run away. Tonight.”
“At some point, you’re gonna have to let it go.”
“How does that not hurt?” 
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you smile like that.”
“Get out of my fucking sight.” 
“You can’t hold your liquor for shit.” 
“How can someone be so sexy and so annoying?”
“I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
“It’s a little late in the game for you to act shy.”
“I thought I lost you for good.” 
“You’ve been crying, your face is a mess.” 
“I just want to see you happy.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Can we have this conversation when I’m not naked?”
“I can’t focus while you’re around.”
“I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
“Give me one reason why I should stay.”
“Did I ever even matter to you?”
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“This isn’t a fucking game to me.”
“If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.”
“You make me want to be a good person.” 
“I don’t care if you’re busy, baby.”
“Why do you keep letting them hurt you?”
“No, this isn’t what I wanted.” 
“I can see directly up your skirt, just so you know.”
“They cheated on me!” 
“For once, think of someone other than yourself.” 
“I could give you some fun animal facts to distract you.” 
“See? I’m smiling.” 
“I didn’t know who else to turn to.” 
“Look, I just need some rebound sex. Are you in or not?”
“You ruined everything, you stupid bitch.” 
“Just let me hide here for a few minutes.” 
“Wait, you have a crush on me?”
“You’re just as fucked up as I am.” 
“I’m not leaving now, not a chance.” 
“Life is cruel, but we don’t have to be.”
“Ugh, get a room.”  
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?”
“I lose control when you’re around.” 
“Baby, let’s try not to argue.” 
“Let’s do something stupid.” 
“I think I’m ready for love.” 
“Are you tired of me yet?” 
“I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“We haven’t had ‘normal’ in a long time.” 
“You’re not actually interested in studying, are you?” 
“You look like shit.” 
“It’s okay to be scared.” 
“Explain it to me like I’m five years old.”
“Don’t make me come in there.”  
“You’ve made me realize I’m morosexual.”
“Quick, kiss me so they’ll leave me alone.” 
“What is your damage?” 
“You’re skating on thin ice, babe.” 
“No, you can’t just walk it off. We’re going to the hospital.”
“It’s like you want me to yell at you.” 
“You’re not exactly subtle, you know.” 
“I can see you overthinking this, just trust your gut.”
A. Soulmate AU
B. Enemies to Lovers
C. High School AU
D. Fake Dating
E. College AU
F. Bed Sharing
G. Stripper/Porn Star AU
H. Secret Admirer
I. Crime AU
J. Historical AU
K. Tattoo Parlor AU
L. In Vino Veritas
M. Bakery AU
N. Accidental Baby Acquisition
O. Summer Camp AU
P. Party Games
Q. Canon Compliant
R. Hurt/Comfort
S. Royal AU
T. Trapped Together
U. Hospital AU
V. Arranged Marriage
W. Vampire AU
X. Green-Eyed Epiphany
Y. Childhood AU
Z. Author’s Choice
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anisstories · 3 years
I Don't Want This
Chapter 3
What I Say
“That is correct Anakin, our companies would be safest in your hands,” Cliegg said. Y/N abruptly stood. “I’m sorry but I am not a DOLL to be played with! Papa, I haven’t even finished my Master’s in Aerospace engineering! If I could finish, I would bring so much to the com-" ''Y/N you do not need a Master’s to be a good housewife.” Andrew said in a stern voice. At this Y/N lost her ferocity. She sat back down. Here was her father telling her that all she was good for was a housewife. Cleaning floors, cleaning clothing, and cooking. That's all he ever saw in her. She tried to see her hands through a blur of tears. "Well Y/N we could always-" "No it's alright Cliegg, she doesn't have to finish her Masters," Andrew stated, that was the end of this discussion. "I'll take my leave now," Y/N said as she stood up "Thank you for visiting us, Mr. Lars." Her voice cracked. She left the room with her head hung low.
Stupid girl. She thinks that by raising her voice she can get anything she wants. Anakin scornfully looked at her receding figure. "Anakin, I'll finish business here. Why don't you get to know her a bit more?" Cliegg said. "Sure"
As he stepped out, he heard sniffling to his right. She was sitting on the floor with mascara running down her cheeks, nose red, and eyes puffy. "Hey, Y/N-" "Leave me alone. Father probably told you to come out. I don't need your pity." she rose, ready to leave. "What is wrong with you?" disgust laced in Anakin's words "I wanted to be nice, but I might as well go talk to a wall." Y/N was at her breaking point "THEN GO TALK TO ONE SKYWALKER AND STOP BOTHERING ME" she screamed. Anakin was annoyed. He did nothing to deserve this attitude. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. He didn't care if he was hurting her. He entered an empty room and pushed her onto a chair. "NOW YOU LISTEN HERE. YOU MIGHT BE DADDY'S GIRL AT HOME BUT WHEN YOU ENTER THIS BUILDING YOU ARE HIS PAWN. YELLING AT HIM WAS THE STUPIDEST SHIT YOU COULD HAVE DONE. WE COULD'VE FIGURED A WAY OUT OF IT BUT YOU MESSED IT UP WITH YOUR RASHED ACTIONS. SO FROM NOW UNTIL THE WEDDING, YOU LISTEN TO ME." Anakin bellowed. "I don't take orders from the likes of you. I bow to no man." Y/N spit. "Well, you better start bowing before you fuck us over even more." And with that Anakin made his exit. As he was leaving he looked at Y/N's wrist. It looked like it was bruising up. Shit, maybe I was too rough. I should start controlling my temper.
Y/N saw Anakin looking at her. Her wrist hurt a lot but she wasn't going to let him see her cry…. again. After he left she rushed to the cafeteria and grabbed some ice.
Later that day Y/N received a text message:
Ahsoka 💞: Hey Y/N, Obi-Wan and I are going to the bar. Do you want to come along?
Y/N never really drank but today she would make that exception.
Ahsoka 💞: By the way, that guy I was gonna introduce you to is coming also. You don’t mind, right?
Ahsoka 💞: Great I'll pick you up in 5. :)
K :))
5 minutes and a 10-minute drive later they arrived at 79’s, the busiest bar in Coruscant. As they got closer they saw Obi-Wan waiting for them outside. “Anakin said he’d be running late. But he’ll be here.” Obi-Wan said. “Ugh, Skyguy’s always running late. He’s making us look bad with Y/N” Ahsoka whined. “Now Ahsoka he probably has a good reason, let’s just wait,” Obi-Wan said calmly. “I’m sorry, but what was his name?” Y/N prayed it wasn’t who she heard. “Anakin, he’s a good friend, you’ll like him” Ahsoka reassured. HE isn’t the only one named Anakin. I mean Anakin’s a common name. I think? Y/N tried her best not to freak out, but it was hard. I blew up at him this morning and he blew up at me. Hopefully, things don't get awkward. I’m overthinking, maybe it’s not the Anakin I know. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a car park right behind them.
Anakin was so mad. How dare she get mad at him. He didn’t want this either, so why is she painting him to be the bad guy? Then he received that text from Ahsoka and he couldn’t have been more excited. He needed some drinks. His phone was ringing it was Padme:
Babe, when are you coming over? I miss you.
Sorry, I can’t go today.
You said that yesterday!
My friend invited me over. I'm going with them to a bar.
Then take me along.
Sorry, it’s just for us to hang out.
Are you cheating on me !?
You know what. This is the third time this week you’ve told me that. Call me when you get back to your senses. Goodbye!
Anakin don’t you han~
Anakin turned off his phone and threw it in the backseat. He reached 79’s parked his car and slammed his door. “Woah, someone’s cranky,” teased Ahsoka. “Not now, Snips,” Anakin laughed. “let’s go get a dri~” he stopped when she turned around.
She was ready to start crying. It was him. She had turned when she heard his voice. Wanting it to be a different person, but luck was not on her side. Anakin looked shocked. He ran up to her and hugged her. She didn’t know how to react. “Hug me back” he whispered. “You guys know each other?” Obi-Wan asked.
Anakin mentally scolded himself. Why did I run up to hug her? I always do rash things when I get nervous. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka weren’t even looking at me. They were looking at my car. I could’ve covered my shocked face. “He’s my fri~” she started. “You don’t have to lie Y/N, we are among friends. She’s my arranged fiance, you know the one I was telling you about.” Anakin said. “We should go inside to our booth, you have to explain to me what is going on. ” Ashoka said. As they were walking in, Anakin smirked and mouthed I’m the boss remember. Follow what I say. Y/N was furious. And she became more so when he wrapped his arm around her waist.
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eatfishies · 4 years
champagne problems
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summary: “Your mom’s ring in your pocket, my picture in your wallet, your heart was glass, I dropped it. Champagne problems.” note: features time skip! kageyama. all characters in the present timeline is 21+. slight spoilers from the manga. fem! reader. she/her pronouns. song: champagne problems by taylor swift word count: 1,800 words warnings: alchohol use genre: angst arthie’s note: a fic for the capricorn baby ~~ happy birthday kags!! initially i didn’t plan this out however i’ve been listening to taylor’s new album on repeat and one of my favs from her album is the song “champagne problems” hence the title *wink wink* anyways, this is rlly sad and i hope all of you like this as much as i like writing it hehe ~~ ♡(。- ω -) ↳ main masterlist ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Hugging herself tightly, clutching onto the thick jacket to shield herself from the chilliness, watching as the pearly white snow cascade onto the wooden floor, evaporating into liquid. “Y/n?” He calls out making her head turned, gazing at him fondly. He walked towards her, handing a glass of champagne which she thanked for the gesture. They both indulged in the alcoholic drink as they watch the snowfield scenery before them. It was Christmas Eve and they just had gone and celebrate Kageyama’s 24th birthday. After bidding farewells to their guests, the couple took the time to unwind outside their rented vacation home, sitting atop of the snowy mountain. Kageyama had insisted to stay here for a few weeks until Christmas or possibly till New Year’s. Now that they had the house all to themselves, he couldn’t help but feel more anxious as time goes by, side-eyeing his lover who seemed to be immersed on admiring the beautiful frosty landscape from a distance.
He had memorized the details of his properly thought-out plan, wishing all of his luck that nothing ruins it. God, knows how long he spent dwelling over it and fretting about the worst possible outcomes that could come out of this. However, his friends had reassured him multiple times that it would go as smoothly as he hopes it to be. Feeling the presence beside him made him fully aware of how in awe he is with her, his ethereal partner who is ever-so kind, thoughtful, supportive, patient and understanding of every part of him. She even knows how to manage his short-temper and often gives him space whenever he needed it. Looking back on their relationship definitely confirmed of how utterly in love he is with her. Shaking his head, quickly diminishing any thoughts that would turn into a session of overthinking— he gently intertwines their fingers together, the cold emitting off of her as she blinks at him innocently. “Babe, are you okay?” She asked, concerned underneath her tired, soft voice. He gave her a small smile, gripping her hand to assure her, “I just feel lucky to have you.” That caused her to broke into fits of laughter, he furrowed his brows. “What’s so funny about me confessing what I truly feel?” She can hear the tiny hurt evident in his voice. She cooed, caressing his cheek, “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just.. so weird of you to suddenly make a proclaim that you love me when you’re usually so standoffish.” He averted his gaze, pondering over her words. Quickly sensing that he might go into overthinking mode, she held his face, staring into his crystal azure eyes. “Kageyama Tobio.” She started off, watching him gape at her. “You are the most loving person ever. It doesn’t matter that you don’t often express your emotions but your actions speaks louder than those words. So please, don’t be sadden over what I said. It’s a part of you that made me love you and I don’t mind that at all. In fact; I love every single thing about you.” Hearing those affirmations made his heart sparked with elation, gingerly bringing their faces close as he tasted her lips that escalated into something more as he drowns himself in her love with the tang of champagne filling up his mouth every time he kissed her. He’s so desperately, maddeningly, in love with her. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ The bright sun peeked beneath the curtains, signalling them to wake and start their day. He awoken to a pair of arms wrapped around him, soft breathing from his lover as she sleeps peacefully. He smiled, gleeful of her declaration and what the future has in store for the both of them. Carefully removing himself from her embrace, he walked towards the kitchen, preparing them both breakfast before heading out. They took the train to visit their families, beaming at everyone and its cheerful atmosphere that makes him feel warm. He recalls the moment he told his family about his “plan”, they were all thrilled and couldn’t wait to hear the news. Her family had been delighted as well, noting that they were both good for each other and is a perfect couple. Knowing that he has permission to make his move, he feels himself getting more eager to execute his plan. The reunion with families had left him content and all of the anxiousness is slowly dissipating away as they strolled around the park, stopping at the middle where a massive Christmas tree was placed, decorated with glimmering ornaments and festive lights all around. It makes the ambience more fitting with what he’s about to do. Throughout the entire day, he had observed his partner, imprinting her facial expressions into his mind and the way she communicates. Kageyama has always been observant— he just paid extra attention to his lover than anything else (except volleyball). He knew she is the one when she didn’t fuss or get annoyed with his obsession over volleyball even if his career comes first, she never minded and persuaded him to go follow his dreams. He reciprocated that with her too; often checking on her to make sure that she doesn’t overwork herself and celebrated every milestone and promotions she achieved. He knew how important it is to her for her ambitions to come first; they’re both alike yet different in many ways which makes them work well together. Her eyes gazes at the bright lights, awe of the stunning decorations. He fidgets with the box inside his coat pocket, biting his lip as he tries to shake off the anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. With his heart hammering against his chest, he bent down to one knee and pulls the box out of his pocket. Noticing his actions, she widened at the sight of him. He opens the box, revealing a dazzling gold ring. She covers her mouth, stunned. He exhaled, staring at her with so much honesty and love. “Y/n… we’ve been together for the past couple of years. You’ve stuck with me even through all the highs and lows. You comforted me during hard times and knows how to deal with my sensitive yet childish behaviours. You never once doubted my love for you and supported me through all of my endeavours. You were never upset with how ambitious I am for volleyball and always cheer for me throughout every game I’ve had. You made me the happiest person alive and God knows how much I love you with all my heart. I’m never one to rightfully express what I truly feel therefore here I am, pouring all of my feelings for you. With that being said, will you marry me?” Tears prickled on her eyes as she stared at the man whom she knew she loved… yet she doesn’t feel right by saying yes. With a shaky breath, she solemnly responds. “No.” Shocked upon her answer, he looked up at her in disbelief. Hurt plastered all across his face as he slowly stood up. He inched closer, “What do you mean… no?” He whispered, his voice brittle due to her statement as he can feel the void inside his chest. Breaking off the gaze, she closed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry Tobio but.. no. I can’t. I’m not ready for it.” She admitted, scared of his reaction as she gripped her jacket tightly. “I— you could’ve just told me. I would wait for you and—“ “No. Tobio just.. please don’t make this harder than it already is.” She cuts him off. “I’m sorry but I can never see myself being tied to someone.” He can feel the ache in his heart, “Even me?” He asked painfully. Finally opening her eyes, she nodded sullenly. “Yes.”  She gently holds his face, pulling him into a chaste kiss. “Goodbye, Tobio. I’m sorry.” With that, he lets her hand fall just like how she lets his heart shatter against the floor, as she disappears into the sea of strangers. The crowds bustling around him as he feel his heart broke into a thousand pieces. The ringing of his phone startled him from his stupor, he answered it without needing to check. “Mom.. she said no.” He breaks the news forlornly, allowing the tears that he held back stream down his cheeks as his chest ache dreadfully. The night had never seemed so dull for him as he lies his head against the train window, watching the constellations dim from blazing so brightly. He cried and cried until he couldn’t. He didn’t care if anybody stared at him sympathetically, all he knew and felt on this somber night is heartbreak, swallowing him whole as her crestfallen response plays in his head over and over again. He can tell from the moment he stepped inside their once-shared house that she had left and brought all of her belongings with her. Officially leaving him to wallow in his own sorrow. The box which the ring sits prettily at is tossed aside, he considers burning it or throwing it away but decided against it as the ring belongs to his mother whom got engaged with the said band.  A picture of her grinning happily as the wind blows her hair is tucked safely in his wallet, he glared at the memory before casting it into the fire, watching it burn and turn into dust. From that night— he closed himself off from everyone nor did he ever catch a sight of her again. It was as if she had vanished into thin air or perhaps she moved to a new country. He stored away all of the memories they had with each other into the back of his mind, never wanting to relive it. Years had flew by and he not once got an answer or a hint as to why she had so readily rejected his proposal. He long accepted their fate and the love they once shared was nothing but a memory of the past. She was just a stranger he used to loved. As he makes his way towards the figure standing in front of him, he smiled and bent down, reenacting the bitter scene yet again. His new lover sobbed happily as she joyfully accepted his proposal. Her picture in his wallet as he slips the ring onto her dainty finger, noting her wide grin. Little did he knew— his past lover is observing the scene from afar, smiling sadly at the exchange. She sighed, knowing that she deserved to be hated for what she did as she walks away, wishing them nothing but the best for their future.  Maybe someday, she can tell the tale of someone who was dear to her to her grandchildren and to never make the same mistake as she did. 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Santa Ana Winded (Gottrosé) - Joley
Summary: Rosé is visiting Los Angeles just as the infamous Santa Ana Winds are kicking into high gear. On paper, that’s fine, but staying with Mik certainly isn’t going to make handling the potential effects of the ‘devil winds’ any easier.
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“Where are you staying, again?” Jan asked as he helped Rosé finish packing.
Rosé smiled as he propped the suitcase against the wall. “I’m staying with Mik. You know, he lives in that fancy house with all those influencers, and he was so insistent with that cute, little LA vocal fry, it’s impossible to say no to.”
Jan arched his brow – he knew his friend and he knew that smile. “You better watch yourself, sis,” he warned. “Especially going this time of year, that’s when the Santa Ana winds start hitting hard.”
“Why is that relevant?”
“They call them the Devil Winds,” he explained. “It’s known to cause weird dreams, usually about your deepest desires and fears. It also triggered the shit out of my allergies, but that’s not the point. It might cause you to act a little impulsive, is all I’m saying.”
Rosé’s brows rose in curiosity. “The fuck were you dreaming about at summer camp, huh?”
Jan blushed and cleared his throat. “It doesn’t matter because unlike during season twelve, I wouldn’t have had the chance to even consider acting on it, and I was having normal dreams on the plane home,” he said flatly. “You, however, are going in a lot more vulnerable to those devil winds,” he teased.
He scoffed. “Fuck off, I don’t even have allergies. And I think I’ll be able to control myself… you know, as long as I don’t drink,” he murmured. He was well aware that Jan and the whole internet knew what happened when he and Mik were left alone with alcohol.
“That’s a tall order for you, babe. Good luck.”
By the time Rosé landed in LAX, he had stopped thinking about Jan’s warnings about the wind. Jan was known to be dramatic, after all. He was sure his friend was just getting him riled up for no reason, or using it to justify whatever sex dreams he’d had about a certain other NYC queen, not that he was going to name names, but he could’ve.
It didn’t take long before he spotted Mik, but he’d only taken a few steps in his direction before the other queen came barrelling towards him at full speed, launching himself into Rosé’s open arms.
“Hi, baby,” Rosé greeted with a fond laugh, picking Mik up and spinning him around quickly, then carefully setting him back down. “I missed you.”
“I missed you so much, gorge,” Mik grinned as they made their way out of the airport. “This is gonna be so much fun. We should go live, the fans always go nuts for that,” he suggested. Once they stepped outside, he winced. “Fuck, it’s still windy as hell.”
Rosé nodded, “ah, the infamous Santa Ana Winds,” he observed as he loaded his luggage into the trunk of Mik’s car. “Jan gave me a whole warning about them. Do they actually fuck with your head and all of that?”
“I guess it, like, depends on your mental state or whatever. Last year we had to talk Gigi out of buying a plane ticket to Missouri, she was feeling it real heavy, like, she was either going to pull some teen romance stunt with Crystal or murder her boyfriend,” he explained with a casual flippancy as they made the drive back to his house. “Why, you worried the devil winds are gonna come for you?”
He clicked his tongue and shook his head, gaze avoidant. “No, just wanna be prepared for whatever chaos I’m walking into, you know? Knowing you, I could be walking in on an orgy or a crime scene.”
“I don’t see the problem here, gorge,” Mik retorted flippantly as he pulled up in front of the house.
Rosé laughed softly as he got out and grabbed his things. “Of course you don’t,” he retorted with a dry laugh as he followed him inside.
As it turned out, Rosé’s resolve not to drink was weak. He wouldn’t claim that he gave in to the peer pressure of a group of young twenty-somethings, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t allow himself to give in so his mind and body would shut up.
But he had fun, Mik was a good time and the group of them knew how to party without being over the top. Nothing happened between him and Mik throughout the night beyond some too-close, sloppy, dancing, so he went to bed that night considering it a success.
It wasn’t long before Rosé fell asleep, the powerful gusts of wind serving to soothe him. The way the palm trees creaked and rattled from the relentless devil winds turned into little more than white noise. The dream that followed, however, played out what he had prevented in reality.
The dream wasn’t coherent and linear, but the content was clear – he was in bed with Mik, both of them naked. Their hands and mouths were all over each other, moans spilling from their lips. It felt real, too real.
When he jolted awake, Rosé swore he could still feel Mik’s fingers lingering on his skin. His face and chest were bright red and his breathing was heavy. He looked under the covers and groaned at the tent that was pitched in his boxers.
Before Rosé could address the situation at hand, he heard the bedroom door creak open and he quickly repositioned himself on his side to cover his erection. “Mik?” he squinted his eyes as he tried to see through the darkness, adjusting enough to make out the familiar frame.
“Oh, perf, you’re awake.” Mik’s voice normally had such a casual nonchalance about it, but when he spoke this time, there seemed to be a mix of both strain and relief. “Look, I know this is gonna sound fucking lame as shit, but I had a, um…” he shook his head, just getting the words out was impossible with the strength of his pride.
“A dream, perchance?” Rosé chuckled softly and ran a hand through his hair, “because that would make two of us.”
The tension left Mik’s body and a spark of confidence took its place. “So, you feel it too,” it was somewhere between a question and an observation, but he didn’t wait for Rosé to clarify. He crawled onto the bed and straddled his lap, his eyes instantly going wide. “It really was the same dream, huh?” he smirked.
Rosé couldn’t even be embarrassed when he met Mik’s eyes, the lust he saw in them erasing any emotion beyond unbridled desire. Logic and reason were gone with the wind and the next thing he knew, his hands were on Mik’s face and he was pulling him into a kiss. It was deep and heated, their tongues swirled together and their hands tangled in each other’s hair.
Very few words were spoken – if they talked, they might start overthinking and psyche themselves out. They were already in too deep, there was no turning back now. It was too fast, fervent, clothes were being tossed aside in every direction. The only time they came up for air was when Mik reached into the end table drawer to grab lube and a condom.
They switched positions, Rosé rolling on top of Mik. He took the bottle of lube and slicked up two fingers, working in one, then another. His eyes were trained on Mik’s face, watching for any expression that he should stop. Instead, he watched his face contort in pleasure and listened to the moans that spilled from his lips.
Mik took the condom that was still on the bed and tore it open with his teeth, then rolled it down Rosé’s length. “This is your last chance to back out,” he warned, though there was a clear, unspoken ‘please don’t’.
“I’m not,” Rosé assured. He had already gotten to this point and god, he was aching to see it through. He carefully eased into him, one hand guiding his length while the other steadied himself by holding onto Mik’s waist. He let out a grunt as he bottomed out, then slowly picked up a steady thrusting pace.
“Fuck…” Mik exhaled in a breathy moan. His hips bucked up, picking up the rhythm of Rosé’s thrusts and writhing in tandem. He didn’t realize just how deeply and intensely his lust for him ran until it culminated in that moment. His fingers dug into the flesh of his shoulder blades, blunt nails still leaving indentations.
Even during sex, little was said between them beyond whispers of praise or dirty talk. Their moans and whines were loud and passionate, culminating sharply when they rode out their orgasms in tandem.
Rosé had to catch his breath before he pulled out, rolling the condom off his length and throwing it away. He laid back down and stared up at the ceiling, heavy breathing and wind blowing the only noises remaining.
Mik shifted over to Rosé, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on his chest. “I know what you’re thinking,” he murmured. “Just… don’t say it.”
And Mik was right, so he didn’t.
“You’re looking pretty guilty,” Jan observed as he sat with Rosé during the uber ride back from the airport. “I don’t suppose this has anything to do with a certain LA-based season thirteen drag queen?”
“Nope, I didn’t even see Symone.”
Jan crossed his arms and arched his brow. “Come on, Rosie…”
Rosé groaned, getting out of the car and grabbing his luggage from the trunk. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he insisted before they walked up and took the elevator into his apartment. It wasn’t until they were alone in his bedroom that he sighed and confessed, “I had sex with Mik.”
Even though Jan suspected as much, hearing his friend make that confession still caught him by surprise. “Oh shit,” he gasped softly. “What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t fucking know!” he ran his hand through his hair as he paced back and forth across his bedroom. “How am I supposed to explain that I ignored the very clear instruction of ‘do not hook up with Mik’? I know being stupid is part of my brand, but this is crossing a line that I don’t know if I can bounce back from if I even deserve it.”
Jan stopped Rosé by grabbing onto his shoulders. “Listen to me, whatever happens, however it turns out, I’m gonna be here for you,” he promised. “I’ve gotta head out now, but I will drop everything in an instant if you need me, okay?” and after they exchanged goodbyes, he was on his way.
Rosé rubbed his face and stared at himself in the mirror. He shook his head, then his heart dropped to his stomach when he heard the front door rattling, then opening. “I’ll be right there, baby!” he called out, then refocused his gaze at his reflection. “You ruined everything, you stupid bitch.”
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pinkja · 4 years
Waiting (Nora Harris x Female Reader)
Nora promised you a night of romance, but you’ve been left waiting, and your nerves are quickly rising.
(P.S., Nora’s southern in this bc of wish fulfillment)
Tw for cursing, and suggestive themes.
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You would never say it aloud, but feeing Nora’s arms around you when you woke up was one of the best feelings in the world. You loved feeling her fingers trace patterns on your stomach, a habit developed after a lot of sleepless nights. You loved the feeling of her breath on the back of your neck like a ghost, little snores leaving her mouth every so often, which she always denied when you asked.
It wasn’t often that you woke up to Nora next to you, her busy schedule keeping her away from your sight.
Today, however, you felt her grip on you tighten as you awoke. A small groan passed her lips as she sat up and leaned over you, planting a kiss on the corner of your mouth. You gave her a small smile, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“Nora?” God, your voice sounds horrible in the morning. You cleared your throat and spoke again. “What are you still doing here, baby?” You placed your hand over the one on your stomach and laced you fingers together. Looking over at your alarm clock, you checked the time and looked back at Nora with furrowed eyebrows.
“Just wanted to spend some extra time with you, ‘s all.” Nora whispered in your ear, planting another kiss right below it. Goodness gracious, Nora and that accent of hers really did do something to you.
“Mm… you’ll get in trouble. You know the raid’s coming up soon…” You reminded her, causing Nora to frown.
“Let’s not talk about work right now.” She turned you towards her and pulled you close. “Please, bae?” She added for extra effect. You smiled at the pet name and nodded.
“Well, I can’t say your gesture has gone unappreciated.” You rubbed her back and tickled her side a bit, causing Nora to giggle and push your hand away. “I just wish we could do this everyday…” You pouted, giving Nora a kiss on the nose.
“I can’t promise you that. However, I can tell you that I have a surprise for you.” You perked up at the statement, leaning your head on your hand.
“What is it? What is it?” You repeated excitedly, and Nora found comfort in your smile.
“Can’t tell you.” She said cheekily, and you wanted to hit her with a pillow. She saw you deflate and let out a laugh. “Aw, hun, don’t worry. If it’s any consolation, you’ll get your surprise tonight.” You groaned and pushed her shoulder.
“You’re such a tease, I swear.” Nora started drumming her fingers on your hip. “Can I at least get a hint?” You pleaded, staring up at her with wide eyes.
“Hmm…” Nora looked up in fake thought. “Fine. The surprise is somewhere in this place.” You gave Nora a wide smile and went to kiss her, but she held you away by your shoulder. “But you can’t have it until I get back.” You pursed you lips in dissatisfaction. “Don’t worry, baby. Tonight it’ll be just us. No interruptions. No work. Just you,” she kissed your left cheek, “and me,” then your right. You couldn’t help your growing smile at her words.
“Promise?” Nora nodded, pushing stray hairs out of your face.
She placed her lips close to your ear. “I could always give you a preview of what’s in store, y’know…” Her voice got dangerously low, and before you could even register what was happening, Nora pushed you flat onto the bed and hovered over you, kissing you with fever and passion. You relished in it, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her ever so closer. You wrapped a leg around her as she moved her hands downward. With a slip of her tongue into your mouth, Nora was so close to pulling your shirt off before the ring of her alarm sounded throughout the bedroom.
“You sure I can’t tempt you to stay?” You murmured against her lips, stealing another kiss from her.
Nora separated from you with a groan, placing your forehead against hers. “I’m sorry, baby…” She placed a hand onto your cheek and you leaned into her touch.
“It’s ok. Besides, it’s only a preview, right?” Nora gave you a smile full of gratitude and rolled off of you, shutting the alarm off as she got out of bed. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and when she got back, you watched her get dressed in a dark cami, a green hoodie with cut off sleeves that you always loved seeing her in, some dark cargo pants, and her signature boots. She smoothed her hair out in the mirror before walking back to you. Kneeling on the side of the bed, she ran her fingers up and down your arm.
“I love you, (y/n).” She gave you another kiss, quicker this time, but she still lingered after a few seconds.
“You ok?” You asked her, a bit of concern present in your voice. Nora nodded, a smile creeping it’s way onto her face. You loved her smile so much.
“I just love you, ‘s all.” She gave you another kiss before standing back up.
“I love you too, babe. Now hurry up. You’re already running late and I need your day to be over so I can get my surprise.” You pushed her playfully towards the door.
“Yes ma’am.” Nora let out another laugh and left you alone with a promise that she’d be back as soon as she could.
You slept until the afternoon, but found yourself thinking about what the surprise was. Nora aught to know you enough by now to know that you were going to look for her gift while she was gone, so she must’ve left it in the house for you on purpose. The question was, where?
So you searched. It didn’t take a long look in the nightstand to find a note stuck to the back of the drawer. You removed the tape, freeing the note from it’s captivity before opening it. There was a 1 on the top left corner.
It was Nora’s handwriting, no doubt about that.
Hey baby. I know you were going to search for my surprise for you, so I set up this sorta in-house scavenger hunt to set everything up! You should be finished with it by the time I get back, but please don’t try and rush yourself! Your next clue is somewhere we spend a lot of downtime.
(Also I suck at clues so good luck!) Love ya!!!
You smiled at your girlfriend’s self awareness, wondering when she had the time to set this whole thing up without you noticing, and placed the note on top of the dresser.
A place you spend a lot of downtime. You thought about it.
Well, there was the bedroom, but you doubt that she would put two notes in the same room.
It could be the bathroom. You did like spending a lot of time doing Nora’s hair and vice versa. You walked into the bathroom, opening the cabinet under the sink, only finding hair products and sanitary items. With a huff, you closed the cabinet and searched through the medicine cabinet next. As soon as you opened it, another note fell out. You picked it up and opened it with a wide smile, eyes landing on the number 2 at the top left corner.
So you’ve find my next note! Maybe a little too quickly T-T… But never mind! I just want to remind you how pretty and beautiful and kind and smart you are and how I love you with my entire heart! For your next clue, you’ll need to think back to the first time we danced.
Sorry about the many, many times I stepped on your feet,
You smiled once again, thinking back. The first time you and Nora ever danced was when she took you on your first date. It was years back, when you were both silly teenagers with blooming crushes on each other, too shy to say anything. You two had found an old music shop, and after clearing the area of Infected, you sat in there for hours, listening to old vinyls and wondering about the world before. Nora had suddenly stood up and asked you to dance, and you could still remember the look on her face. The way she avoided eye contact, rubbed the back of her head, and held her hand out with a face hotter than the sun. You accepted, and you both danced clumsily, but you had fun, and that’s all that mattered.
“I don’t think she’d want me to travel all the way to that same music store. She did say it was an in-house hunt after all.” You tapped your foot on the floor. Then it came to you. “The record player!”
You went into the living room where the record player sat, waiting to be fixed by Nora. You remembered how happy she was when she brought it in, gushing about how she couldn’t wait till it was done so you two could listen to old jazz together. By the looks of it though, she was done with it. You opened the box and picked up the note that was neatly placed inside, the number 3 waiting on you at the top left.
Yay! You found my note again! I hope you like the record player. I stayed up all night last weekend to finish it. Feel free to use it however you like, it is for us after all. Your next clue is easy, but to get it, you have to eat something first! And relax! Don’t worry about me. I’ll try my best to eat something at work. Just focus on taking care of yourself, baby.
I can’t wait to dance with you again!
Your heart swelled at the care your girl had for you.
Deciding to listen to her, you went to go take a bath before eating, finding yourself too preoccupied with waiting for Nora to be hungry. You sat in the tub for a while, once again thinking about what Nora had in store for you.
She hadn’t been acting strange lately. She wasn’t sneaking out at night or being secretive.
You two haven’t been able to spend much time together since Isaac was planning on raiding the Scars, but you never once complained, at least you think you didn’t.
Maybe this was just a way to make up for that. Maybe it was Nora just being kind and wanting to make up for not being there for you. She probably just wanted you to have a nice, relaxing day, and you’re just overthinking things like you usually do.
Realizing that you would just overthink yourself to death, you decided to focus on something else, like the first time you had sat in this tub with Nora.
It was one of your truly intimate moments together, holding each other close and realizing just how much you loved one another.
Nora had a simply awful day and you could see it in her eyes just how tired she was. So you decided to be bold and plan a bath for her. It wasn’t anything fancy, limited resources in the stadium making wasting them on simple things like that a bit difficult, although you wouldn’t really refer to it as a waste. You lit a candle in fair condition and did your best to make Nora comfortable, helping her out of her clothes and giving her a massage to ease her ever growing tension. With a red face and a stutter in her voice, she had asked you to join her, and you happily obliged, holding her close to your chest once you were settled comfortably. She ended up falling asleep in your arms, a content smile on her face.
That memory is something that you’ll forever be grateful for, always willing to take a chance and make Nora’s life a little bit easier.
With a groan, you pushed yourself out of the bathtub and emptied it, drying yourself off with a towel as the water drained. Your feet made soft pats on the floor as you walked into the bedroom, scouring through Nora’s drawers for one of her oversized jackets, your need to have something of hers while she was away quelling just a bit as you put it on. You grabbed a pair of underwear and sweatpants from your drawer and put them on, placing your towel on the bed and leaving to the kitchen to continue your scavenger hunt.
Opening the fridge, your eyes darted all over, either for food or another note, and you happened to find both. A note was attached to a bowl of grapes, the number 4 waiting on you. You removed the note from the bowl, popping a grape into your mouth as you opened it.
Hi, bae! I hope you relaxed a little bit and you are enjoying your food (if not, I will know and I’ll be upset). I know I’m not one to talk but you have to take care of yourself, and I don’t want you stressing out over this whole thing. Your next hint is easy. All you have to do is take 3 steps back.
Make sure not to trip,
You placed the note on the counter next to the fridge and took three steps back, as instructed.
On your left was the dining table. You crouched down, looking under the table for the note. It was on top of a folded white sheet. You dragged the sheet from under the table, placing it on top and taking the note with the number 5 in your hands.
Congrats! You’re almost done with the quest! I’m so proud of you! I should be home soon, baby, so don’t be too impatient. I can’t wait to show you your surprise! Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.
I love you with all my heart and soul,
Your hands moved quicker than your mind, putting the bowl of grapes down and pulling at the edges of the sheet to unravel it.
This time the note was folded. In big letters it read: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL NORA SAYS SO.
Wanting to respect the woman’s wishes after she went through all of this, you sat down with a heart beating fast enough to burst through your chest. Eyes glancing at the clock on the wall, you watched as 7:40 P.M. stared right back at you.
So you waited, preoccupying yourself with the remaining grapes in the bowl.
You waited, foot tapping onto the floor, fingernail scraping at a black spec on the wooden table.
You waited, putting a record in the player, even though you thought your first listen would be with Nora.
You waited, humming the tune of the song that you realized was the first song Nora and you listened to together.
You waited, eyes darting from the table to the clock on the wall back to the table and to the door.
You waited, staring at the setting sun in the window.
You waited, staring at the empty bowl as the record stopped for the umpteenth time.
You waited, anxiety rising and passing through your veins with every passing second.
You waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But Nora never came. She never walked through that door, a smile on her face after being away from you for so long. She never kicked off her shoes with a claim that she was going to pick them up later. She never scooped you up in her arms and gave you a billion of kisses with a promise to give you a billion more every single day for the rest of your lives.
She never came home.
You tried to think about something else, excuses as to why she wasn’t here. An emergency. Another influx of patients after an ambush. A cut, a bruise, a broken bone. Something! Anything! Another excuse, another reason, each one worse than the last. But never that. You could never think about that because it could never happen. Not when Nora knew you were here, waiting on her and missing her and wanting her in your arms and wanting to feel your skin on hers.
You chewed on your bottom lip, stealing another glance at the door, then at the clock. 1 A.M. It’s not like Nora hasn’t come back later than this. There were days where things just didn’t go as planned and she had to just stay at work. But you would’ve heard something about it by now, right? One of your friends would’ve given you a heads up on Nora’s behalf, and you’d say it was alright and tell them thank you for going through all this trouble just to reassure you. Maybe they’re all busy. Maybe it was a really big emergency that no one had time to take a breather. Maybe she was just caught up in something, and would be home with a wide smile.
Maybe, maybe, maybe! All of these damn maybes weren’t getting you anywhere, and it wasn’t doing anything to help this nervous fucking energy that keeps building up inside of you and threatening to explode.
She had to come home! She promised she would! She promised!
You tried to think about her behavior over the past few days, Hell weeks and months! She hasn’t been acting weird, as far as you could tell. Sure, she left for a while around Christmas, and when she came back she was a bit shaken up, but that was months ago! Have you done something wrong since then? You don’t think you have.
Maybe you’d been acting a bit bratty because of how busy she was, but you swore you would apologize for that thousands of times over and a thousand times more if it meant she’d come home.
So you prayed. You’d never considered yourself a devoted person, but this was your only option!
You prayed and prayed and prayed to whatever fucking deity was out there that your Nora would come home and she would stare at you with that sheepish smile and apologize so profusely for being away so long. You would cry about how worried you were but you’d tell her that she’s forgiven as long as she doesn’t do anything like this again.
It didn’t work. It was 3 A.M. and she still wasn’t home. You were pacing by then, and was sure that you’d walk a hole into your floors, so you sat at the table again, sleep dragging your eyes down but anxiety keeping them wide open. Your gaze darted all over to distract yourself once again, eyes finally landing on the note that your girl had left for you.
Maybe, just maybe, it would tell you where Nora was. Maybe this was all some sick joke that Nora was playing to get back at your for your bratty behavior. Maybe, maybe, maybe…
Shaky hands snatched the note up, almost tearing it as you opened it up.
Once you read it, dread filled your entire being as you shot up, chair scrapping against the floors and landing on the ground with a bang. You ran into the room to grab your shoes, barely having them on by the time you were well outside of the door. The door slammed shut behind you as you left the apartment with tears streaming down your face.
On the table, you left a note that was written in red ink. The number 6 was in the top left corner.
Will you marry me?
Love, Nora.
32 notes · View notes
thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
For the meet ugly prompts: #27? I feel like it has a lot of potential to be really funny for the OT4 :)
27: we have one night stands with roommates and sneak out of the house at the same time.
I interpreted “sneak out” kinda broadly. This is right on the line between SFW and NSFW: No sex, but it gets hot and heavy at the end.
Duck wakes up under moth-patterned covers, rubs his forehead as he grabs his phone from his pants on the floor. Shit, he didn’t mean to sleep this late, that could make things awkward if the guy from last night wanted him gone.
The bedroom door open and closes and Indrid, his hookup, enters in a yellow and pink bathrobe, holding a silver packet. 
“Good morning.”
“Mornin’. Uh, sorry, guess I was real tired.”
“We did do rather a lot last night.” Indrid grins, sitting down on the bed next to him, “here, my roommate is making breakfast sandwiches. I had him make you one. Do not take the pack as a sign you must leave, I just asked him to wrap it in case you were in a hurry.”
“Thanks. I should be gettin goin’, Winnie’s probably missin’ breakfast.” 
“One musn’t keep such a noble creature waiting.” Indrid hands him the sandwich. He’d shown the taller man photos of his cat last night both because he dotes on the flufflball and because it got Indrid to scoot closer to him. 
“Yeah, she can get in a mood....uh, you seen my underwear?”
Indrid scans the room, red glasses sitting on his forehead and giving Duck a perfect look at his brown eyes. 
“Ah, here we are.” He reaches under the small desk covered in art supplies, “my, those got some distance.”
“You were naked, I was in a hurry.” Duck mumbles, making Indrid bark a laugh as he brings him the rest of his clothes. 
When he steps out of the bedroom, he spots a tall man with a short, coppery beard standing at the kitchen stove. That must be the roommate, but Duck’s eye is drawn to the man exiting the other bedroom. His short black hair is mussed, there’s a pillowmark beneath his high cheekbone on one side, and his dress shirt is rumpled. 
The other man does not seem pleased to be seeing three people in front of him instead of one.
“Oh hey babe, you’re up.” The roommate turns, beaming, “made you breakfast, do you want some coffee? I can put it in a to-go up if, uh, if you need to leave.”
“Yes, thank you. I, um, I should be going.” 
The roommate smiles, quickly puts together a sandwich and coffee cup, complete with cream and sugar. The other man sips it and sighs, “you remembered.”
“‘How do you like your coffee’ isn’t just a cheesy line for me, babe. Gotta make sure you enjoy yourself start to finish.”
“Damn, that was smooth” Duck whispers as Indrid walks him to the door.
“Agreed. Though I rather enjoyed your one about pollination last night. By far the most creative response to these I’ve received” he points to the tattooed moth just visible on his shoulder. His wide grin goes shy, “I did really have a wonderful time, Duck.”
“Me too. Lemme, uh, lemme know if you wanna meet up again?”
Indrid nods, waves goodbye as Duck heads off the porch and down onto the sidewalk. He eats as he walks, decides Indrid has good taste in roommates because that one makes a mean breakfast sandwich. 
He gets to the bus stop, late September morning still crisp with the coming fall. Pulling out his phone, he discovers it’s dead. He did use it a lot last night, on their date, but only because Indrid was so clearly interested in what he had to show him. Why a guy who does tattoos for a living thinks a fella who’s a nerd for plants is interesting, Duck will never know. He’s just glad he does. 
Music out of reach, he sits and listens to the cardinals and kinglets calling in the trees. Someone sits down next to him, aluminum foil reflecting the sun off their hand and into his face. 
It’s the guy. The one from Indrid’s apartment. 
Should Duck tell him he has a big bruise on his neck? He probably knows, right? Then again, he was in a hurry?
“Hey, uh, don’t mean to be weird or nothin’, but you got a little uh-” He taps his neck and the man whacks his hand over the mark. 
“Someone you’re worried’ll notice?”
���What exactly are you implying?” The man glares at him, blues eyes going from charmingly flustered to suspicious in an instant.
“Nothin, just seem real worried for somethin that happens to almost everyone some time or another.”
“I like keeping my private life private. I don’t want random people knowing what I like in bed.” He snaps
“Okay, okay, jeez man, sorry I mentioned it.”
They fall silent as Duck’s bus approaches, and both stand to board it. Just his luck, this is route to the capitol square with the massive farmer’s market, so he and the mister touchy end up squished in next to each other. 
Two stops in, the man murmurs, “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rude. I’m, uh, I don’t usually do things like, well, like hooking up with someone I meet on Grindr.”
Something about the way he says it, like he’s afraid he’ll get in trouble, brushes away Duck’s annoyance.
“No shame in havin a good time with someone. Wait, shit, was it a good time? Did somethin happen?”
“Oh no, nono,” the man hurriedly shakes his head, “it was just what I needed. Barclay is a great guy. I just feel like it was too easy, that getting that lucky on my first try is a sign something will go wrong.” He gives Duck a resigned smile, “in case you havent noticed, I’m an overthinker. Are you, damn it what’s his name, Indrid’s boyfriend?”
“Nah. He comes to draw in the arboretum where I work, we been kinda flirtin the last few weeks, and yesterday I finally said fuck it and asked if he wanted to get a drink later.”
“He’s certainly...distinct looking. In a good way, I mean.”
“Yeah, he is.” Duck smiles, thoughts drifting off to the memory kissing him gently as they finally fell asleep, his face captivating in the dim of the room, “probably see him again. Assumin’ he wants to see me, I guess.”
“I am supposed to wait until he arrives home to text him, correct?” Indrid pushes his phone as far away as possible to remove temptation.
“Maybe? I dunno man, all those rules about texting and shit are designed to sell books and bad youtube channels.”
“But I don’t want to come off as possessive or clingy.”
“Believe me bud, I know.” Barclay turns his phone around so Indrid can see the two lines sitting in the “draft” section, “I’ve been writing and re-writing this for five minutes because I want Joseph to know I’d for sure be down to see him again but there’s no pressure.” He sets Indrid’s refilled coffee down on the table. They trade a look, then burst out laughing. 
“Fuck, guess we both had a good time last night huh?”
“Very. Duck remains as wonderful as I hoped and I have not enjoyed sex that much since, hmmm, well, since the last time you and I were together.”
“That poor desk.”
“May it rest in peace.” Indrid sips from his mug, “Joseph is quite charming. You have excellent taste in men.”
“That a compliment to him or to you?” Barclay fluffs Indrid’s hair as he passes by him. 
“Mostly him.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, little moth.” A kiss on the head this time before Barclay heads to the shower. Indrid gets his sketchbook, turns on some mindless cooking show and settles on the couch.
Eventually Barclay calls from his room, “Indrid? Been about forty-five minutes, bet he’s home by now.” 
Indrid springs up, grinning, and grabs his phone. 
Duck was out downtown when the rain started, which is why he’s now hunkered down in the cafe by the capitol in hopes of waiting out the storm. He’s not the only one with this idea, and he’s made sure to make the chair across from him obviously empty in case someone needs a spot. 
“Hello again. Do you mind?” It’s the blued-eyed guy again, dressed for work in a suit and dress shoes. Duck hasn’t seen him since that first morning, in spite of going back to Indrid’s place multiple times over the last three weeks. 
“Go for it.” Duck scoots his coffee to the side so the man can set his mug down. He pulls out his phone, but can’t quite focus; he keeps wanting to look across the table. 
“How are things going with Indrid?”
“Real good--wait, how did you know he an I were still-”
“Barclay’s mentioned you once or twice. And your name is pretty memorable.”
‘It’s a nickname.” 
“That makes a bit more sense. Mines on the other end of things; there are a lot of Josephs in the world.” He sips his cinnamon-scented drink, sets it down again, “so, what do you do?”
“I’m a ranger over in the arboretum. You?”
“I work for an organization that checks up on businesses to be sure they’re meeting worker health and safety laws.”
Duck watches the rain out the windows, wondering if Joseph wants to keep talking or is just being polite. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Did Indrid tell you about him and Barclay?”
“Yeah, ‘bout a week ago. He said he was hopin’ he and I could get more serious, but that he wanted me to know the two of them had a sorta, uh, fuckbuddies thing goin’ so I could make an informed choice.”
“That’s more or less where Barclay and I are at. Um, how do you feel about it?”
“I’m okay with it. I ain’t interested in anyone else right now, but when I thought about it, Indrid havin a thing with Barclay ain’t stopped him from bein’ amazin’ to me and I’m fallin’ hard for him. I don’t feel like some kind of side piece or whatever. I just feel like I’m headin for somethin good with a guy who has a casual partner. Did it bug you?”
“No” Joseph shakes his head, “which confuses me. I, um, I have trouble releasing control in much of my life. I assumed it would freak me out to learn I wasn’t the only partner in someone’s life. But when Barclay told me it didn’t really bother me. He even offered to talk to Indrid about being only friends if that was what I needed. It’s been awhile since someone was so quick to think about my wants and feelings when dropping unexpected news on me. Plus, I’ve spent a little time with Indrid when we’ve been over there, and I like him. He clearly cares about Barclay, just like I do, and in some way that makes me happy. Is that weird?”
“Not really an expert on weird. But I think you’re overthinkin’ things again.”
A small laugh, “True. Help me think about something else. Tell me...tell me what your favorite part of work is.”
Duck’s surprised at the interest, but gets glimpse of pleading hope, og someone a little hungrier for connection than he’s letting on, and finds no desire to refuse.
“Prairie restoration, it’s fascinatin….”
Duck’s not surprised to see Joe’s name come up on screen; the two of them have been hanging out more, both as friends and on double dates with Barclay and Indrid. He’s learned that his friend is a stealth-nerd beneath his professional veneer, that he likes game nights as much as Duck does, and that he makes a certain sound when he cums (that last one he learned on accident; he was snuggled up with an under-the-weather Indrid in the living room when Joe and Barclay got home from a date).
Joe: Are you busy tonight?
Duck: Nope. 
Joe: Do you want to go to the “Adult Swim” at the children’s science museum? I got tickets a week ago, but Barclay got called in to work tonight.
Duck: Sure, sounds lie a good time. 
Joe: See you at the museum at 7?
Duck replies in the affirmative, goes to pick out something less grubby than his crossfit clothes to wear. Maybe the short-sleeve button up with the whales; Joe mentioned he like it. 
His phone buzzes.
Sugar: Busy tonight?
Duck: Yeah, going to the museum with Joe since Barclay has to work. 
He realizes how this might sound, begins rapidly typing several explanations or offers to not if Indrid doesn’t want him too, but his boyfriend beats him to it. 
Sugar: Oh yes, I remember him mentioning that. Good, I’m glad the tickets won’t go to waste. Have fun, my sweet, please take picture of any interesting bugs for me if there is an entomology section <3
Duck: Will do, sugar.
He signs with a kissy face, gets two black hearts and a kissy face back. 
The Adult Swim is wonderful; the museum is artfully lit, there’s snacks everywhere, and even a fancy cocktail included with admission. He and Joe clink glasses, wander through the exhibits, laughing and playing with the interactive exhibits. There are no bugs, but Duck takes pictures of the light exhibit, which feature interesting color patterns he might like for tattoo inspiration. 
They’ve just finished fucking around in the paleontology exhibit, and Joe is looking through a viewfinder that shows him how a triceratops saw the world. Duck sneaks up behind him, growls in his ear, “didn’t spot the t-rex in time.” 
“If you plan on eating me, we should at least head into the bathroom.” Joe winks as he turns, heading out onto the balcony to look out on the city. Duck knows that if he follows him out there right now, he’ll kiss him. 
“Be right out, gonna go grab some more of those mini-pies.”
Joe nods to show he heard him as he pushes open the door. Duck hopes he doesn’t see him take several deep breaths to get his imagination under control before he goes off in search of an edible distraction. 
“Doors open!”
“Oh, hey man, Indrid home yet?”
“No, it’s Thursday the 12th, so the studio is prepping like crazy for tomorrow.”
“Shit, that’s right.”
“Cookie? I just made them.”
“Thanks--holy shit that’s good.”
“Thanks, I’ve been trying to nail the chocolate chip and potatoe chip recipe.”
“Think you might--aw fuck, ‘Drid just texted, he’s gonna be another hour.”
“You can chill here if you want. Uh, I’ve got Super-Smash Bros, if you wanna play.”
“Aw hell yeah.”
“Good morning, Joseph.”
“Gahoh, hi Indrid. I’ll be out of your way in a few minutes.”
“There’s no rush. I certainly don’t mind your company. I believe there are left over cinnamon rolls in the fridge, if you would like.”
Joseph gathers a coffee cup and a roll on a plate, sits down on the couch, and finds his pocket buzzing. 
“Here” Indrid takes the plate.
“Thank you. Looks like it’s my sister...oh, she got a new dog, do you want..” He stops as Indrid holds out a piece of the cinnamon roll on the fork. Hesitates, then opens his mouth and lets Indrid feed him. He starts showing him pictures as he does, Indrid commenting and laughing and, every so often, murmuring, “good boy” when he takes a bite.
“Ohfuck, shit, sorry!” Duck covers his eyes as Indrid quickly closes the front door. 
“Nono, fuck, sorry, that’s on us, thought you guys weren’t home until later.” Barclay’s apology is underscored by the sound of a zipper closing. 
“It’s quite alright, no harm done, Joseph you look very nice like that, carry on.” Indrid pulls Duck into his room, both of them snickering and blushing as Duck pushes him down onto the bed.
“My my, someone’s wound up.”
“Makes two of us.” Duck grinds down on him, Indrid gasping and grinning as he arches his back. 
“Indeed. Now get that handsome face down here. I have some things I wish to do to it.”
The giant stop motion monster continues rampaging on the screen as Duck loops his arm over Indrid’s shoulder. The first snowstorm of the year has come early, so they opted to switch their double date to a monster movie double feature (curated by Joe) in the apartment. Beneath their shared blanket, Indrid’s hand strokes his belly, skating down to the front of his jeans in teasing bursts. 
On the other side of the couch, Barclay has started kissing Joe’s cheek, the blue-eyed man sighing and turning to kiss him back. 
This is not a new situation for them. The last few weeks they’ve gotten more comfortable cuddling and making out in the same space as each other. Duck’s not complaining; hearing both Indrid and Joe gasping and sighing near him makes him hotter than a July afternoon. 
Indrid bumps his cheek with his nose, and Duck turns for a kiss. He gets one, but he also gets a firmer stroke down his cock, making him moan. Indrid smirks into the kiss, does it again, then a third time, Duck gripping the front of his white tank top with a groan. 
“Maybe we, uh, should dip out on the movie.” He murmurs. 
“We can” Indrid purrs, kissing him again, “but Joseph seems to be enjoying the show.”
Duck whips his head around; Joe is looking at the two of them as he leans against Barclay’s chest, between his legs, expression moving from desire to surprise to hope over and over again. Barclay, unbothered, continues kissing his neck and murmuring in his ear, the blush on his cheeks rising each time the larger man does so. 
“Or perhaps he’s envious?” Indrid cocks his head, “would you like your hand to be here instead of mine, Joseph?”
Joe’s normal eloquence is nowhere to be found, his eyes flicking between the three other men so quickly Duck worries he���ll sprain something. 
“I asked you a question, pet.” Indrid sharpens his tone on the last word and Joe whimpers. Duck has zero interest in Indrid ever calling him that name; but hearing it in his lilting, gently demanding tone directed at Joe sends desire zinging through him. 
“C’mon, babe, be a good boy and answer.” Barclay nips his boyfriend’s ear.
“Yes. Or, or, more accurately, I’d trade places with either of you. If that’s, would it be, do either of you?” He looks back at Barclay, who smiles tenderly and runs a thumb up his cheek. 
“Okay with me if it’s okay with them.”
“Do you want it as well, my sweet?” Indrid tilts up his glasses so he can look Duck in the eye. The affection in those brown eyes makes the T.V, the moon, the stars look dim. 
“Hell yeah.”
Indrid crooks his finger and Joe clambers the short distance on the couch to kneel by Duck.
“How shouldMMmmmmm!”
Duck gets a whiff of aftershave as Indrid yanks Joe forward by his shirt, kissing him and squishing Duck between them. The angle is awful but he doesn’t give fuck, buries his face into Joe’s neck, kissing the point where he feels his pulse moving like mothwings, mouthing and nipping at the skin as he slides one hand up the front of his shirt and the other down the back of his pants. When he squeezes his ass Joe squeaks and Indrid breaks the kissing, laughing. 
“I didn’t know you had such noises in you, pet. It’s quite endearing.”
“Indrid, Duck, please, I want, I want to, oh fuck it.” He pulls back just enough to not jab his knee into Duck’s belly as he falls on him, kissing him so hard and so long Duck’s chest tightens and his vision narrows. The taller pulls away long enough to breathily moan his name before feasting on his mouth again. 
“Yes, he does elicit such feelings, oh, hello.” Indrid giggles, and Duck can just see that Barclay is now on the floor, kneeling before the pale-haired man, kissing the skin exposed by his shirt before rubbing his beard across it, making Indrid laugh harder. 
“Can’t let you have all the fun, little moth.” Barclay rumbles
“I can think of many things you can let me haveAH, oh, oh goodness, I forgot how much you like to bite.” 
Barclay growls, reminding Duck of something important. He pushes Joe backwards, clambering atop him and pulling his shirt up as he does, stuffing the hem of it between those perfect lips. 
“Christ lookit you” he runs his palms up Joe’s body, the man arching and writhing beneath him, “you look like a goddamn fuckin centerfold, you’re so fuckin perfect.”
Joe’s moan is loud even through the shirt, and much needier than before. He grins, crawling onto him , “guess I ain’t the only one who likes praise in bed.”
Joe shakes his head, whining eagerly through the make-shift gag. Duck growls again, attacks his chest with bites, leaving an especially hard one when Indrid grabs his ass without warning. 
While Joe clearly enjoys the increase in pain, his responding thrash is sudden enough to send him and Duck rolling off the couch in a jumble. Someone’s foot catches Barclay in the shoulder, knocking him back onto the rug. 
“Whoops.” Duck says to the ceiling, laugh bubbling up from his chest and bounding about the room. 
“Sorry.” Joe says to the floor, chuckling as he sits up.
“That was very graceful.” Indrid teases from his spot on the couch, only for Barclay to rear up and pull him down on top of him, the thinner man squawking indignantly. As they all disentangle and sit up, Duck looks around their little circle of flushed skin and mussed clothes.
“So, uh, that happened.”
“Indeed.” Indrid scoots next to him, resting his head on his shoulder. 
“Is everyone, like, okay that it did? I mean, we seemed okay and said yes and shit but is okay in like a bigger sense?” Barclay holds out his hand and Joe takes it. 
“Do we, uh, wanna talk about what this is gonna look like?”
They all nod, and spend the next two hours hashing out the details of their newly forming polycule. Duck and Barclay agree they’d rather be metamours, everyone else will be partners, and that everyone should probably get some sleep before diving into the do’s and don’ts of what they each want from sex. 
Barclay and Indrid build a makeshift bed on the floor by the T.V, Joe and Duck on the inside with Barclay and Indrid on the outside. 
Duck drifts off to sleep with his head on Joe’s chest and Indrid’s arms around him. He knows they still have things to work out, that there will be hiccups. But for now, he’s happy to lay here, safe and loved, with his boyfriends. 
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x-lulu · 4 years
gurl 1-99 I dare you😄
haha no if that's too much just 1, 2, 24, 32, 77, 85, 95
well I finally answered them all babe, took me a week haha 💗
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? world away by tonight alive, you give love a bad name by bon jovi, amnesia by five seconds of summer, had enough by lower than atlantis, take it out on me by thousand foot krutch, if I could fly by one direction, I just named the first that popped in my head
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? YOU
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17? a wind came in off the harbour, bringing the smell of the sea
4: What do you think about most? I’m an overthinker with anxiety so yeah I think about everything a lot, so I wouldn’t know what I think about most
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? just an okay haha
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with, an oversized shirt and underwear
7: What’s your strangest talent? latin maybe?
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) I don’t know rock? I’m not really the kind of person that puts a gender in things
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? uhm I don’t think so, now I feel unimportant haha
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? I’m more an using a hairbrush as a microphone kind of girl
11: Do you have any strange phobias? probably, I’m scared of a lot of things
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? don’t think so
13: What’s your religion? officially I’m Christian, I’m a bit searching for what I believe in tho, I do believe in jezus but not like walking on water and coming back from the death, I might believe in the Greek gods and nature gods
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? enjoying the fresh air, going for a walk/ride and look at cute animals
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? even if you kill me I don’t know what band to say
17: What was the last lie you told? I lied about not being sad
18: Do you believe in karma? I don’t know, sometimes, but like there are people who’ve done terrible things, where is their karma?
19: What does your URL mean? it’s just my nickname, I didn’t want to make it fandom related because I’m a multi fandom and I didn’t want to have to change my url a lot, I also didn’t want to put my real name because I don’t want people to find me who I know in real life haha
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? my insecurity is my greatest weakness I think, I don’t know my greatest strength... maybe being a person who people feel loved and welcome by? Idk if people feel that way and idk if it’s a strength. If I’m gonna be poetic I have to say my greatest weakness and strength are both that I love someone with my whole heart, when I start loving you, I love you so much, I would do anything for you, but when someone fucks up, I’ll still love them even tho they don’t deserve it, so that comes with a lot of pain so yeah a weakness and a strength
21: Who is your celebrity crush? rudy pankow and dylan obrien
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yes
23: How do you vent your anger? I keep everything to myself till I explode and start screaming
24: Do you have a collection of anything? music records, stones and just memories from places I’ve been to
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? neither? If I’m comfortable I do enjoy video chatting especially in times like these where you can’t speak in real life
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? this is hard one, I’ve never been happy with who I am, I do like me better than who I used to be
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? sound I love is when you’re walking trough the woods just the birds, can’t think of one I hate, I definitely have some they just don’t come to mind rn
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? what if I keep going through and it doesn’t get better
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes/maybe
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. my laptop and my pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? flowers
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? xanten
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? uhm west coast? Idk haha
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? harry styles is the first one that pops in my head
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? to find love, can be someone something, experience things that make you happy, enjoy it, learn, better the world
36: Define Art. creating something, it can have a meaning but it also can’t, a lot of people give it a deep meaning, which can be it, I just think art doesn’t always have to be deep are spectacular it can be someone making something because they have so much going in their head and they find peace in creating art and get inspired by their own experience, people also can it just do for fun, there are so many different kind of art and artists, I don’t think it can’t be defined
37: Do you believe in luck? I don’t know
38: What’s the weather like right now? rainy
39: What time is it? 9:54 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? no licence
41: What was the last book you read? a fanfic on Wattpad fight or flight by ffsumth
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? yes 🙈
43: Do you have any nicknames? lu and lulu obviously, loesje , samantha, pinguïn, polar bear, you called me lulu bear hehe
44: What was the last film you saw? I don’t remember...
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? uhm ive broken a few things, my toes and my arm, but nothing really bad actually
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? no, I don’t want to, I have seen some really close, they’re beautiful
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? again you haha, but like all the stuff I post on here are my obsessions
48: What’s your sexual orientation? I don’t know, I think straight, but I don’t know for sure
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? yeah
50: Do you believe in magic? I’m not certain, maybe I do :) I do live by the saying ‘just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist’
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? sadly yes, like I won’t be mean to you or anything, but I will never ever trust you again, if I’m hurt I’m hurt and sadly I haven’t found a way yet to leave it behind, so I’m feeling a lot of pain and I’m never gonna forget that pain, so yeah...
52: What is your astrological sign? capricorn
53: Do you save money or spend it? uhm both? depends on how I feel and what time of the year it is, I have the bad habit to save it for a few months and then spend a lot of it
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? a apple pen so I can start trying digital art
55: Love or lust? love
56: In a relationship? with you hehe
57: How many relationships have you had? none official relationships, I’m just not lovable okay leave me alone haha
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no oops
59: Where were you yesterday? home, school, therapy
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? a pillow
61: Are you wearing socks right now? no
62: What’s your favourite animal? polar bears
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? no idea haha, I don’t have one
64: Where is your best friend? at home, like 20min away
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. this is hard so I’m just gonna name the first five that come in my head @nxsmss @rafej-cambanks @thegreatestofheck @chrlsgillespie @nedleed
66: What is your heritage? I don’t know 🤷‍♀️
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? sleeping, I had to get up early today
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? never thought about it
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? no
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Is it bad to say yes? I mean I hate myself but I do think I’m a good friend
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? save the dog obviously!!!!
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I think I would tell people, I’m not sure, but like so have people got the time to say goodbye the way they want to, I would travel the world I think, do everything on my bucket list, maybe some illegal stuff 🙈 (where no one gets hurt tho obviously), I don’t think I would be afraid... I mean I’m suicidal, I’ve literally been connected to death my whole life, if you understand what I mean
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. uhm trust I think? If I would have love but don’t have trust I wouldn’t really feel loved anyway, I do really want to experience how it feels like to be loved tho...
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? the first song that came to mind is love my life by Robbie Williams, I rarely listen to it, but the lyrics really gives a boost of happiness and confidence
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 51 54
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? loyalty and trust, you don’t have to agree on everything or be interested in the same things, you do have to be there for each other
77: How can I win your heart? YOU ALREADY HAVE
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? yes I think so
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? to get dogs
80: What size shoes do you wear? uhm 38 eu, 4,5 uk and 7 us
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? a loving ... I hope to be a loving daughter, friend, wife and mother, someone who was always there for others
82: What is your favourite word? fuck haha, no idk but that is definitely a word I use a lot
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. pain....
84: What is a saying you say a lot? enjoy the little things
85: What’s the last song you listened to? ignorance by paramore
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? uhm I do love black, I also like pastels and like a turquoise kind of colour
87: What is your current desktop picture? me and my friend
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? no one, there are a lot of people who did wrong, the need to be in jail, but I’m not saying someone deserves to die
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? what goes on in my head, how I’m feeling
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? scream probably haha
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? teleportation, I would travel the world haha
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? when I was in Ireland by the cliffs of moher
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? uhm this is a hard one, maybe seeing my father almost dying? (he is okay btw, we were lucky), I’ve had nightmares and anxiety ever since
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I find this so weird to say for some reason... if I have to give a name it would be harry styles I think, because damn look at that man, but I don’t know, I would rather be friends with him than sleep with him tbh, I know you can do both haha, but idk I’m not like yes I want to sleep with him haha, I think I’ve read too many fanfics about him that I would find it awkward
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? ice land or canada
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? don’t think so, not close ones anyway
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? no, I got out in time haha
98: Ever been on a plane? yes, when I went on a trip to georgia in west asia
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? you’re all ignorant assholes haha, no idk what I would say, there are a lot of good people on this world I know, but man there is some fucked up shit, so maybe I would educate some people or it would have something to do with mental health, maybe about loving yourself or that it’s not a sign of weakness and that we should be treated as equals to physical pain, we should be taken seriously... I don’t really know, there are so many things haha
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