#Middle East politics
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luminalunii97 · 6 months ago
Leftist on Twitter and Tumblr praising the Islamic republic of Iran for not targeting Israeli citizens is so funny to me! It compels me to pull my hair out!
Oh yeah, the IR regime of Iran is so noble and good they wouldn't hurt civilians! Really? where were you when Iran's regime was slaughtering thousands of Syrian revolutionaries in their own country, shaking hands with Bashar Assad? Where were you when they were opening fire on hundreds and thousands of us, Iranian citizens, in every protest for the last 30 years?
The thought of the IR giving a fuck about jewish lives in israel is laughable in a painful way. The regime that is notoriously antisemite! The regime that butchers its own citizens like it's nothing, is now a noble war hero! Y'all aren't funny!
Now let me give you alternative, logical reasons why no Israeli was killed:
Israel has strong defense means
Jordan helped stopping the missiles
Iran's offense military equipment is not that accurate and powerful
Iran's regime can't really afford a full scale war against Israel, who has a lot of support from west. That's why their tactic is proxy war through Hisbullah and Hamas
I'm not defending Israeli government actions or war crimes in any capacity. Civilian casualty shouldn't be dismissed like an unimportant number! But freedom for Palestinians doesn't come through a terrorist regime like Iran's. Considering some of the missiles hit Palestinians villages, it should give you an idea about how much IR cares about people's lives and freedom!
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edenfenixblogs · 10 months ago
Preface: Death is always a personal tragedy.
Even evil people who die are tragedies because they’ve wasted their lives toiling in hatred rather than loving others.
Which is why I will never celebrate a death. Even if someone is terrible. However, I will not make myself mourn for such people either. Please nobody comment here with either “oh? Are you sympathetic to a dictator?!” Or “I bet you’re sooooo pleased he’s dead.” Please do not read intent into my words that is not there.
I will only say as I have said of other men who have cause great harm to many: I mourn the loss of life and the waste of potential to do good in this world. But I do not mourn the man, nor do I rejoice at any death.
Is it confirmed that the president of Iran is dead? If he is dead, what does that mean internationally? Will his death create a power vacuum? And, if it does, is it likely to be filled by whichever extremist is most aggressive and violent? Or do experts think this will sufficiently destabilize the regime enough for the populace to take control?
Terrorist cells are known for being resilient and being able to rapidly reconstitute from within. But The Islamic Republic of Iran has been funding and supporting Hamas and trying to undermine the PLO for quite sometime. I think people are prone to think that the destabilization could be good for limiting Hamas’ attacks and funding.
But I’m really worried that the people who rise to power after this will instead make their names by being even more ruthless and channeling rage to the levant. I mean, TIR is really closely allied with ISIL, which, for those unaware, stands for rhetoric Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
I’m really concerned for what this means for the safety of everyone in the Levant. Anyone have insight into this?
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authormohamedcherif · 5 months ago
Chris Sidoti: Israeli Army Is One Of The Most Criminals Armies In The World.
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alex51324 · 11 months ago
Very important & informative article about developments in the Middle East peace process.
The key takeaway is that Saudi Arabia is close to being ready to offer Israel something they've wanted for a long time--normalization of relations between the two countries--in return for "meaningful steps toward a Palestinian state."
If you're in the US and thinking about the November elections, a key takeaway here is that Biden's strategy of trying to stay on Netanyahu's good side is still yielding some progress.
And it's absolutely vital to remember that it is a strategy: you can disagree about whether it's the right strategy, but he isn't just doing nothing. Biden has a lot of experience in middle-east diplomacy, and he thinks he'll get more results with soft power than with saber-rattling. I frequently have my doubts, but I certainly know a great deal less about it than he does, and every so often something like this story filters up into public knowledge, and shows that he is getting somewhere and isn't necessarily crazy to remain committed to this strategy--even though saber-rattling would get him some cheap publicity.
For everyone in general, who is trying to keep up with this topic, in all its complexity, what's under discussion here is the two-state solution, which both international experts and Palestinians who are not extremists generally agree is the most realistic path to peace.
"From the river to the sea" is not going to happen--it just isn't; there are whole books about how and why it isn't going to happen--but there could be an internationally-recognized country of Palestine, probably small, but completely separate from Israel. The US would presumably be involved, with some kind of agreement to enforce the agreed-upon borders: that is, if either country tries to grab more territory, the US will take the other one's side.
The two-state solution has seemed close before; what usually happens is that extremists on one side or another throw a fit and derail the process. With the US and Saudi Arabia involved, there are actually four separate countries whose extremists might decide that peace in the middle east would be bad for their personal brand--so, watch for that to happen, and pay close attention to who started it, if it does.
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I think Israel has lost the plot on how to get Liberal democracies to support their settler campaign when even the progressive left in response to drone strikes from a Conservative Shia Theocracy went “I’m not getting fooled here, that was a reactive response to you bombing their embassy and desecrating the lands of native peoples.
Like at this point Israel is running out of public international support so the war has moved on to “move fast and break shit”
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etccsy · 5 months ago
CSIORS Senior Advisor Issam Khoury Discusses Impact of Lebanon's War on Syria on CNBC
During a CNBC interview, Issam Khoury discussed Lebanon's ongoing conflict and its repercussions on Syria. Khoury highlighted the influx of refugees from Hezbollah-controlled areas into Syria, raising concerns about regional stability.
Date: October 21, 2024 Issam Khoury, Senior Advisor at the Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies, provided an in-depth analysis on the recent developments in Lebanon and their repercussions on Syria during a televised interview with CNBC. The segment aired on October 21, 2024, where Khoury discussed the strategic and humanitarian consequences of the ongoing Lebanese conflict and its broader…
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lightningmonarchda3 · 1 year ago
france: iran, don't get involved in the current israel-gaza war
*one hour and a half later*
iran: if isreal doesn't stop, we WILL get invovled
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mysharona1987 · 1 year ago
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commiedervish · 2 years ago
With conflicts resolving and relations being reestablished between neighboring countries, this year's Arab Summit marks a turning point in the future of our region, and so far the largest nail in the coffin of America's foreign policy toward destabilizing the Arab region in turning it into a battlefield for its own interests.
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awesome-fangirl33 · 1 year ago
Lol love how Biden is taking the credit for sending humanitarian aid to Gaza when it's Egypt that's been fighting them to send it since before mid October. Like, love the hypocrisy.
I can't imagine the audacity he has for him to take credit for something like that while sending more missiles, bombs, and funding for Israel to continue their genocide all in the same breath.
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mediagraph · 2 months ago
Joe Biden Refers to Hamas as ‘Hezbollah’ in Gaffe During Ceasefire Deal Announcement
In a moment of confusion, U.S. President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to the Palestinian militant group Hamas as "Hezbollah" during an announcement about a ceasefire agreement. The gaffe occurred during a speech to the press in which Biden was addressing the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas and efforts to bring about a ceasefire. His slip of the tongue quickly drew attention from political analysts, journalists, and global observers.
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Hamas, a Palestinian Sunni Islamist organization, is primarily known for its control over the Gaza Strip and its longstanding conflict with Israel. On the other hand, Hezbollah is a Shiite militant group based in Lebanon, backed by Iran, and recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and several other countries. While both groups are considered enemies of Israel, they are distinct in terms of ideology, leadership, and regional influence.
Biden’s verbal misstep was widely reported, with many questioning whether the mix-up was simply a slip of the tongue or if it pointed to deeper issues in understanding the region’s complexities. The White House later clarified the President's remarks, stating that it was a "mistaken reference" and reaffirmed the administration’s commitment to addressing the situation with Hamas.
The blunder comes at a sensitive time, as the U.S. is involved in diplomatic efforts to broker peace and secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Biden has been under pressure to balance U.S. support for Israel’s right to defend itself with calls for a humanitarian ceasefire to address the ongoing civilian toll in Gaza.
The slip of the tongue, however, raised concerns about the President’s familiarity with the complexities of Middle Eastern geopolitics, especially regarding the delicate relationship between various militant groups and regional powers. While the error may have been unintentional, it nonetheless sparked further debate on how U.S. leadership engages with such complex international issues.
Despite the gaffe, the Biden administration has continued to push for diplomatic engagement and a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The mistake, while momentarily distracting, is unlikely to derail ongoing efforts toward securing a ceasefire and reducing the humanitarian impact of the conflict.
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new25us2 · 2 months ago
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How the Israeli system actually works (or fails) may surprise you - opinion
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mymainstreamblog · 3 months ago
I just woke up and I need to cook something. Before I drift back to the sleep, I would like to hear a nice bedtime story.
I wish to hear the story of one, 1, Palestinian family who has resisted the genocide, escaped Gaza and rebuilt their lives. Tell me about a family who does not have to live in the slums of Egypt, forever stuck without statehood or work permits. A family that escaped beyond a refugee camp where the only improvement is lack of bombing, everything else just as miserable as before. A family who has income other than begging or illegal work. Tell me about a single child who got shrapnel removed from them before it was too late. A child who is not denied education for being Palestinian. Or just someones grandma crossing to a country that does not let Palestinian refugees die to treatable cancers. Just some place with basic human decency, a place where Palestinians are allowed to live.
I wish there is a single light in the darkness.
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narrative-theory · 3 months ago
U. S. Middle East Strategy: Burning the Region Down? – Brian Berletić
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latestnews-now · 4 months ago
The International Criminal Court's arrest warrants for Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant have triggered a major political clash in the United States. Republicans are outraged, calling for sanctions on the ICC, while Democrats stay mostly silent, with a few exceptions. Watch our detailed analysis of the reactions and what it means for international law and US-Israel relations.
Subscribe now to stay informed and never miss a beat on what’s happening around the globe!
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pier-carlo-universe · 5 months ago
Rubrica Controcampo: “Le menzogne su Israele” – Analisi e Contesto del Conflitto con l'UNRWA. Un’analisi della posizione israeliana e delle critiche rivolte all'UNRWA, tra politiche internazionali e realtà sul campo
L’articolo “Le menzogne su Israele” di Andrea B. Nardi, pubblicato su italianewsmedia.com, presenta una visione critica e articolata sulla decisione di Israele di interrompere le relazioni con l’UNRWA, l'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati palesti
L’articolo “Le menzogne su Israele” di Andrea B. Nardi, pubblicato su italianewsmedia.com, presenta una visione critica e articolata sulla decisione di Israele di interrompere le relazioni con l’UNRWA, l’agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati palestinesi. La questione è complessa e polarizzante, intrecciando aspetti politici, sociali e di sicurezza che coinvolgono Israele, i Paesi arabi e la…
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