#Love And Friendship Tips
emotionalwellnesstips · 5 months
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biscuitdolly · 6 months
cute birthday gift ideas ୨୧
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if someone's birthday is coming up and you're stumped on what to get them, here are some ideas!!
O1 , candles
O2 , nail polish or press on nails
O3 , stuffed animals
O4 , bracelets (or any kind of jewelry- doesn't have 2 be pricey!
O5 , face masks
O6 , perfume / body mists
O7 , lip gloss
O8 , crystals / gemstones
O9 , claw clips or scrunchies
1O , keychains
11 , candy / snacks , or you could bake them something!
12 , makeup
13 , stickers or other stationary (journals, pens, notepad etc)
14 , tote bags
15 , gift cards
16 , cute socks
17 , books , movies , records, or CDs !!
18 , makeup bag / pouch
19 , room decor (posters, figurines , etc)
2O , cute mugs
even a handwritten letter would be an amazing gift! and remember , don't feel pressured to get someone something!!
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cringefail-clown · 8 months
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porrim and dirk are so fucking funny in turnabout au you guys have no idea. theyre each others yes man in the worst possible way.
porrims like "i want to+ get a seco+nd to+ngue piercing, but i think it might be a little much..." and dirk immidiately shoots back "Nah you're fine. Sit down, relax, and i'll be back once i alchemize the piercing and ready the needle.". kankris having an aunerysm every time he sees these two talking to each other.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
maintaining/creating a social life⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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ok so i used to have HORRIBLE social anxiety and i think that the contrast between me with social anxiety and me now is INSANE. in a good way ofc. so im not going to talk about how i overcame social anxiety, instead im going to talk about how i created a social life ✨
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the science of making friends is simple and im about to explain it. so go to where there are ppl that u can relate to/want to relate to. example being school, clubs, etc.
next, observe who u want to befriend and make sure to start with a compliment. starting off by introducing urself just makes for an awkward conversation but starting with a compliment puts u and the other party at ease.
something thats rly important is ur CHARISMA and ur magnetic energy so be CHARMING ✨ if u find that the other party is not reciprocating its either they're uncomfy, uninterested, or just a weirdo. and in all cases, you should stop.
make friends with your friends friends -> make friends with their friends -> and so on and so forth. this is how you network and create a friendly status with lots of people.
if ur in a school setting like i am, make friends with people in ur own grade or in a higher up grade, i dont usually make friends with ppl in lower grades but ofc there are always exceptions.
making friends through friends is how u get invited to parties, have more opportunities be available to you, and ofc network for more connections. guys connections are literally EVERYTHING.
make sure to learn who u call friends. when is their birthday? do they have specific preferences? what kind of music do they listen to? knowing ur friends makes them feel special and thats how u learn to be a good friend. i can make a whole POST about being a good friend cuz i've learned and grown so much with that.
make it ur mission to give a compliment everyday cuz first off, being nice is HOT so pls be nice and second of all, if ur trying to talk to someone and u start with a compliment i promise that it'll go so much better.
if ur thinking "thats so awkward how will i do that" then the category dont be shy is one that u gotta read cuz girl 💀. if u need an example i'll provide one from my own experience so u can see the power of a compliment.
there was this girl in my spanish class and i always thought that she was so pretty and she seemed so nice. one day we bump into each other in the bathroom and i compliment her hair and makeup, she responds well. we continue to have friendly interactions throughout the rest of the school year and now we are good friends on and off campus.
when u make friends please please PLEASE work on ur confidence first. you need to be SURE of yourself. if not, when ur being friendly it could come off as desperation and ppl will humiliate, make fun of and take advantage of u. and thats NOT hot.
be CONFIDENT, you literally have nothing to lose. when u shed ur shyness (thru things like exposure therapy etc) a whole new world is opened up for u bcuz sometimes the only thing holding u back is urself and ur limiting beliefs about urself.
make sure that know ur own personality and from knowing that u can find ways in which u can make it shine. no matter what ur personality is though, something that i cannot stress enough is BE NICE.
be friendly and amicable with everyone and stay out of drama and if drama comes to you then stay unbothered 😭. dont try and uproot ur own personality to copy someone else's.
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#This Time He Ordered The Pizza And Gave Him A Tip
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prettyinaccurate · 5 months
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if ANYONE knows what this is from....... lets kiss with tongue.
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positivelypositive · 7 months
a small reminder that...
...not every problem can be solved instantly.
...not every problem is real.
...not every problem is a roadblock.
some problems can be temporary. others can be based on our assumptions, while some can be a blessing in disguise.
take a deep breath. you've got this ✨
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being-addie · 7 months
Let's talk about friendships.
Company matters. If your friends are out smoking during work, bunking classes and partying, you will either
a) break under peer pressure and follow them
b) be miserable if that isn't the lifestyle you want
I want to say I've never been in that situation, but I was. This is why I can empathize with you, and tell you that you need to leave friendships like these ASAP.
My "friends" did not respect me. Because I let them. They would talk over me, make plans without me, leave me behind at gatherings, had absolutely NO boundaries. It took me a painful experience to wake the fuck up and leave them.
In my room, I cried. I screamed. I raged about how unfair all of this was. But the issue wasn't them it was me. I was the one who didn't set the boundaries. I was the one who let them disrespect me over and over. The moment you do not stand up for yourself, it's over. Its hunting season, and people will tear you to shreds.
It took me a while to heal, but when I did end up making new, better friends, I realised the vast difference between my friend groups. When I was with my old friends, I was constantly stressed, I had incomplete assignments, I would go out all the time, and I'll be honest I was really bitchy. With my new friends, my god how things changed. New study habits, healthier choices, laughter, love.
I didn't realise how long I hadn't been myself. The people who you surround yourself with have a huge effect on you and your life. And trust me when I say if you feel the need to hide parts of yourself and fake shit to be around them, you will NEVER be happy around them. True friendship flourishes around authenticity and confidence.
Company matters. Know who your real friends are.
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corvase · 2 years
platonic soulmate prompts
these came from my heart and a past friendship of mine. enjoy and feel free to use :)
“you’re my sister, my love, and my best friend. thank you for existing.”
holding hands <33
hugs !!!!
long distance friendships </3
but if they’re long distance they can send each other packages n stuff
“you mean the world to me. did i ever tell you that?”
if one of the characters doesn’t have a father figure, what if their friend walked them down the aisle
“STOP LAUGHING I DONT KNOW WHAT TO GET YOU FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY.” “whatever you get me, i’m sure i’ll love it.”
“i love you.” “don’t make me cry.”
the moment they have their first real conversation and they’re both so much like “THEYRE JUST LIKE MEEEE” and they know right away this is going to be a forever friendship
“this is so weird to say, but i’m so glad i met you.” “that’s not weird to say at all.”
“you’re so freaking cool.”
“i feel like we haven’t talked in a minute. how are you?”
“i love you. i don’t think i can say that enough.” “i’m pretty fond of you, too.”
“i feel like, id give my heart to you if you were about to die.” “…….. id pour water on you if you were on fire too, i guess.”
“you’re a nerd.” “you’re a dummy. now what?”
giving each other life advice
^ “i know it may not help now, but honestly, what’s meant to happen will happen. what’s meant for you will find you.” “i guess that’s why you found me.”
“if you don’t go i’m not going.”
“you know that guy i was talking to?” “which one?” “STOP.”
them saying things at the same time and then being like TWINNNN
“i get to tell everyone my best friend is a [profession]… sounds like a win to me.”
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
the art of conversation (from a professional yapper)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍉
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just wanted to preface this by saying that NOT everyone is extremely sociable and thats totally okay. this post is to help improve ur conversational skills and charisma ✨
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social skills are literally the FOUNDATION of effective communication. its important bcuz it allows u to build meaningful relationships, express urself, collaborate with others etc.
when ur learn how to be an effective communicator u can connect more deeply with the people around u. being more social can also provide u with opportunities, and in general make ur life SO much easier. not to mention u have a lot more fun.
an inferiority complex is the feeling of inadequacy, an insecurity that ur not on the same level as someone else. a superiority complex is the opposite, u can come off as smug or condescending. both are bad in their own right.
the way that u can combat this is by adopting the mindset that you are neither below or above anyone else, and no one else is above or below you.
doing so can kind of even the playing field of conversation in ur mind and make sure that ur not feeling some kind of way before going into a conversation bcuz when u let ur superiority/inferiority complex go by un-fixed it can sabotage communication and not give ppl the change to get to know u.
first u gotta start off with thinking about ways that shame has influenced ur thoughts or actions. an example that im sure a lot of us could relate to is the whole cringe concept.
to help unlearn shame i recommend journalling, therapy, and mindfulness so that then u can let urself ENJOY things again, without having the looming fear of the judgement of others.
also no genuinely happy person is going to take time out of their day to shame u, only a loser would do that. and if ur the one shaming others for liking something bcuz of ur own insecurity, get that fixed and get a life.
when approaching someone or starting conversation with someone for the first time, a rly good way to start it is with a compliment. dont start it by saying hi cuz i think thats so awkward 😭
compliment them for something, their response can also tell u a lot about them also bcuz some ppl will take the compliment well and some ppl will serve u a dirty look and that alone can tell u if u rly wanna be conversing with that person.
since we've already talked about why learning to not feel embarrassed about every little thing is important, here's what to do when something like that comes up. literally laugh.
for example the other day someone whom i've never spoken to before came up to me and started talking to me so familiarly, like with their arm around me and everything and i just went with it 💀 until he noticed that he had mistaked me for someone else, but its okay cuz now i have a new friend. LAUGH ABOUT IT.
dont take everything so seriously, being able to enjoy and take a joke is what makes conversation so much fun. note, do NOT mistake taking a joke as taking disrespect bcuz u should not take that, there is a distinct difference.
the biggest advice i can give as a yapper is to be more lighthearted and not take everything seriously. bcuz i feel like when we take everything so seriously we become rigid and thats not hot, be a breath of fresh air instead ✨
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Girl Talk: How To Properly Hold Someone Accountable.
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“You know that I love you, that’s with a passion but I’ll hold you accountable for your actions”
— ‘Accountable’ by BLXST
☕️ Let’s Have a Girl Talk:
In a society that often perpetuates toxic behaviors and fosters a culture of disrespect, it is crucial to explore alternative approaches to accountability. The Black Feminine Society embraces the idea that we can hold individuals accountable with love, genuine respect, and compassion, without resorting to demeaning and disrespectful tactics.
By confronting issues with a solution-oriented mindset and fostering progressive conversations, we can pave the way for positive change and growth.
This blog post delves into the power of accountability, the role of love and respect, and the importance of proactive engagement.
Accountability, by definition, involves acknowledging our mistakes, taking responsibility for our actions, and making amends where necessary.
The Power of Accountability:
Accountability is a fundamental aspect of personal and societal growth. It involves taking responsibility for one's actions, acknowledging the consequences, and actively working towards healing and restoration. Within the Black Feminine Society, accountability is approached as an empowering tool that encourages individuals to reflect, learn, and evolve. By holding ourselves and others accountable, we create opportunities for personal development and collective progress.
The truth is, genuine accountability is rooted in love, respect, and compassion. It is about holding our sisters accountable without demeaning them, without disrespecting them, but instead, acknowledging their potential for growth.
Tough love is not about harshness or severity. It's about transparency and honesty, delivered with good intentions and from the heart. It's about acknowledging the issue at hand and addressing it directly but kindly. It's about making the other person understand that they are loved and respected, even when they are being held accountable.
However, the reality is that holding someone accountable can often be challenging and uncomfortable. It becomes even more complicated when we want to ensure that the process is filled with respect and compassion, instead of negativity.
So, what actions can we take to encourage compassionate accountability in our society?
🩷 Understanding & Empathy:
Recognize the individual's experiences and feelings and validate them. By doing this, you're telling them that their perspective matters, and you're willing to walk alongside them on their journey to improvement.
👄 Speak from Love, Not Anger:
It's crucial to communicate from a place of love and genuine concern, rather than anger or frustration. This doesn't mean you shouldn't express your feelings; it just means you should do so in a way that doesn't belittle or disrespect the other person.
🩷 Focus on the Issue, Not the Person:
When holding someone accountable, concentrate on the behavior or action that needs addressing, not the individual. This approach ensures the person doesn't feel personally attacked, facilitating a more open and productive conversation.
✨Propose a Solution:
Confronting someone about an issue is the first step, but it's equally vital to present a solution, plan, or support. This positive action sets the tone for a progressive conversation and shows that you're invested in resolving the issue together, not merely pointing out faults.
🩷 Give Them Space:
After the confrontation, give the person some time and space to process the information. It's important to respect their need for reflection.
Join the sisterhood, Follow us on INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK
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newrelationshipgoals · 7 months
Love alone is not enough to develop a relationship, you also need an important ingredient called friendship to make the relationship blossom.
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positivelypositive · 6 months
send this to someone...
...who needs to know their value in your life.
the one who helps you keep going. the one you're grateful for. the one who's your unpaid therapist. their presence in your life has only made it brighter.
you're amazed by them, everyday and hope you can bring some light to them too ✨
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varyathevillain · 10 months
Sebastian Vael would've been such a better character for the Dragon Age fandom to enjoy if in act 3 instead of the shitty "here, have a Leliana cameo and another proof there's Blood Magic Everywhere in Kirkwall, go fetch!" quest, we had a different one.
Let's say... Hawke has an option of investigating a weird deal between a chantry sister and a Starkhaven diplomat, and during it you uncover that the chantry has been embezzling from Starkhaven's treasury, as well as putting "former chantry members" (read: malleable or outright Chantry puppets) in the ruling circle which is currently holding Starkhaven afloat in absence of Sebastian as their Prince.
If Sebastian is not in the party as you uncover this, you have an option to either tell him about it, or investigate the questline further. If he is, however, in the party as you find the first notice of something being wrong between Chantry and Starkhaven relations, Sebastian will exclaim that this is a mistake, someone posing outside (or within) a Chantry to implicate either Starkhaven royalty, or Grand Cleric Elthina, and reference Sister Petrice. The moment you involve him in the questline, however, he'll be locked in for the investigation missions, and start getting special points in the code, one for each encounter (including the very first one starting the questline), for the final confrontation of the questline. The same happens if you start involving Sebastian at any other point of the questline, but with less and less points available.
As you progress, there would be three more quests to go through, one of which even takes you to either the outskirts of Starkhaven, or to the busy streets of it, allowing 1) to show another city state of Free Marches, 2) where Sebastian comes from, 3) actually be worth your money for the DLC, if ideal DA2 still had him as a DLC companion. Which I still hate with burning passion a decision, same with Javik being DLC in ME3.
The questline has chantry sisters and nobles implicated, Flora Harriman reaching out to Hawke about weird decisions made in Starkhaven politics, resembling what her mother did, and at a second quest there's even a possibility of you uncovering a chantry brother in a contract with a Desire demon. It seems like it all leads up to corruption in the political sphere and stragglers in the Chantry circles, right?
Except. On the final quest. It is revealed that Elthina, in her own handwriting, no forgery as confirmed by any rogue in the party, has forced Grand Cleric of Starkhaven to resign, installed her own puppet (one of the chantry sisters you might see in Act 1) as a new Grand Cleric, all for a bid of "uniting the Free Marches under the Chantry banner". It also implies that Sister Petrice was telling the truth, and that Elthina was, in fact, more involved with the unrest against Qunari than one would believe in the base game (I believe she was involved, but it's not majorly pertaining to this post in particular). There's a letter that implies Lady Harimann was allowed to do what she did, because Elthina believed she'd be able to manipulate Sebastian in favour of the Chantry. It also unveils how many people of Starkhaven were hurt by this. Turns out, a lot.
Then, you can go about this questline ending several ways.
This is where the points counting in the background come into play.
If you did not bring Sebastian alongside you on any of the missions, or if there aren't enough points for you to sway him... Sebastian will claim the evidence as plot against his support of the Chantry and Elthina specifically, and burn the letters in particular, calling them a "bad replica of what sister Petrice tried to do". Elthina, on prodding, feigns innocence, or if you have not talked to Sebastian yet, calls him in to discuss "this silly accusation", which gives +15 rivalry if you're not in a locked relationship with him. He still burns the letters, and accuses you of believing the conspirators, or even being one of them. There are some undertones in Elthina's dialogue to imply she's ready to blackmail you back if you press the matter, and Hawke has no choice but to back off.
If you bring Sebastian along and your relationship with him at this point is so-so, neither a full friendship or a rivalry, you'd need at least 3 points with favourable dialogue, this makes Sebastian question the Chantry, even Elthina. You'd need all 4 points (bringing him from the get go in your party when they rock up to the start of the questline) without going further into discussion for him to buckle. With friendship, you'd need to bring him on at least 2 missions, or 3 with favourable dialogue. With rivalry, however, you need for him to be brought only on one mission with favourable dialogue, the final one, after which he'll even say that "You (Hawke) were right about me needing to step up and rule Starkhaven". On two missions if you want to bicker with him throughout the quests instead.
If you would manage to sway Sebastian by the end, you'd have one final choice: support him in standing up and demanding answers from Elthina, or asking him to forgive her involvement.
Supporting him on Friendship is the simplest, but supporting him on Rivalry ends up in Sebastian switching to Friendship, like with Merrill reversing her Friendship in Mirror Image if you don't give her the Arulin'Holm. This ends up in a calmly voiced, but very angry Sebastian Vael, pure venom in his words, listing how Elthina has abused his trust and his people by using faith in the Chantry, and manipulating a Prince of a sovereign nation for her own means. If you supported him on Rivalry, he'll have additional lines on how you've challenged him to see problems with Chantry and Templar order, as well as to come back to Starkhaven, and outright thank you right in front of Elthina, whose eyes will throw daggers in your direction. At the end of the speech, Sebastian will actually start removing pieces of his armour, them clattering to the floor at Elthina's feet, and walk out alongside you out of the Kirkwall chantry.
However, if you ask him to forgive Elthina, he'll have the biggest rivalry (+30) jump in the game if you aren't in a Friendship, and will briefly lash out at you, saying that complacency with his devotion to the Chantry is what got him and his people into this mess. On Rivalry, it's worse. Instead of a calm but angry and vicious reprimand of Elthina's actions, Sebastian will SCREAM at her, throw evidence in her face, and then scream at you on Rivalry for good measure, about how you can't simply forgive someone who would seek ruin his city, and is actively ruining Kirkwall. How he was blind to Elthina's actions, but sees now that blood magic isn't the rot at the city's heart that is dividing the Circle and Templar order, it's Chantry politicians like Elthina. And instead of armour pieces clattering to the ground, they're thrown at the feet of the Andraste statue, while Sebastian outright declares that if Elthina doesn't cease machinations in Starkhaven, he'll rage war against her, specifically, and everyone who would support her. Then, he storms out, alone.
You can insert either a "there's nothing to talk about" with Elthina afterwards in both endings of this form, or promises of Hawke "never holding a position in this city aside from carrying the Amell name".
After that, you can find Sebastian, clad in a new armour (simple, reminiscent of what Alistair wears in his introduction scene in DAO, only with the Starkhaven symbol emblazoned on an archer chest piece), with a box in his arms, on the steps out of Hightown into Lowtown. He jokes about how his whole life in Kirkwall can, at the same time, be put into a small box like this one, and be something world encompassing. After a dialogue, where he tells you he is going to live in a small hovel in Lowtown, since he doesn't want to even see the chantry building, or talk with nobles who'd gladly eat him and people of Starkhaven alive, until the moment Kirkwall unrest is over, since he wants stability for you and your city as well. Also, he'd rather spend money on his people and those in need, not himself.
If romanced, or with certain persuasion options, you can invite him to live with you. You can still try to invite him with a couple of options, but he'll deny them for various reasons. After that, he'd live near the market; or, if you managed to convince him, in Hawke's mansion.
If in a romance, there's a hot makeout scene in the library which fades to black implying a proper sex scene. If not, he'll have amusing additional scenes with other companions, especially other love interests, with a bit of hostility from Isabela and Anders, and a lot of genuine fun from Fenris and Merrill.
When you talk with him alone (at either Lowtown hovel or at home in the Library), Sebastian discusses, on Friendship, how he is still Andrastian, even if Chantry failed him and his, or on Rivalry how he feels that blind devotion blinded him to Chantry mistakes.
Banter between party members also changes, with one dialogue from Merrill implying that Sebastian is now helping refugees and the poor, Fenris talking about his efforts in making an organisation for former templars/chantry members expelled for one reason or another, Anders being surprised at a late night visit where Sebastian covered in blood (not his) brought him herbs and potion flasks as a peace offering, et cetera. There's still tension over Sebastian belief in the Chant and Andraste, but it's not anymore about him having to perform for the Chantry and his public image.
If you don't complete the quest with this ending, Sebastian Vael still demands Anders to be executed, or he'll wage war. But if you do... he confesses that Anders has asked him to warn as many people in Lowtown and Darktown not to come to the Hightown and chantry, but assumed this would be because of Meredith and Orsino outright fighting in front of Elthina, not this... murder.
He will, however, draw his bow and point an arrow at Anders, saying that this was not the answer to help his cause, and Anders needs to pay now. Hawke can allow him to do that, or step in.
In a so-so relationship, if you choose anything else but "I will execute him myself" or relent to Sebastian's demand and let him shoot Anders? Vael will spit at your feet and leave your party and the conflict, resulting in a very similar ending to his character as in the original DA2, just less anti-mage and pro-Chantry.
However, in a Friendship or Rivalry, it's very easy to convince him to still stay at your side and see it through. With his unknowing help, many innocents of Kirkwall were saved, and now he has to stick around to help as well, and to either see Anders pay for his crimes with work and healing, not redemption through martyr-like murder, or to understand that this, inadvertently, would be every city across Southern Thedas, including Starkhaven, if Chantry dogma supported by Templars will continue murder, physical and emotional, of mages. He'll have additional dialogue depending on whether you're a mage Hawke, or if Bethany died/is in Circle.
In Romance, Sebastian will lower his bow immediately as Hawke steps between. You'll have to mess up really badly in dialogue for him to storm out.
#Varya rambles#Dragon Age#DA2#Dragon Age 2#Sebastian Vael#Dragon Age II#text post#Varric's additional dialogue actually becomes more ANGRY with Sebastian if he's moved to Lowtown#and completely VICIOUS if Seb moves in with Hawke on friendship basis#he's like. THAT'S MY BESTIE/WORSTIE!! HISSSSS. he'll probably throw something alike to 'GET OUT OF MY TOWN' at Sebastian#who'll ABSOLUTELY consider that flirting. and on some level? he's so right#anyway. don't mind me. I'm going insane in the middle of DAI replay. it sucks SO BAD!! gimme Seb I actually love him#i also just think that Scottish-coded person in the party being a 'pro Chantry in the government' *stinks* of UK conservative politics#but as someone who's not one in any way shape or form i cannot personally judge how bad is it#...hey anyone up to writing this as a fic or like. outright throwing DA2 act 3 into garbage fire and remaking it with this as a questline?#this version of Sebastian in my brain that I cherish I am kissing on the tip of his nose#gd the Western Approach and just the sheer 'GAME SCENERY GO BIG' sucks so bad. I literally closed the game to write this post instead#long post#btw this way the funniest outcome of Inquisition (or something replacing that game) would be 'Starkhaven declares democracy'#'Varric who's about to be viscount of Kirkwall would you like to be friends and unite the Free Marches in democracy :)'#Varric. visibly seething he didn't realise this is the funniest way to NOT be viscount but also to still have a hand in handling Kirkwall:#'yeah fuck it Choir Boy let's do democratic union of Free Marches and put up a big middle finger to Orlais and others'
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chloecouture · 12 days
Bonjour, Chloé Couture here
I have abandoned this blog for a little while…
I don’t have a set date for when I will come back but regardless I want to talk about something quickly.
Don’t stay with people who you know don’t like you. This might sound simple but for a lot of people this is hard, especially in friendships.
There isn’t an easy way to leave people but there are these energy sucking vampires out here who just don’t want to see you happy, those aren’t people you should hang around.
If you don’t feel comfortable let them know.
I just wanted to share this with all of you since I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while and wanted to post something here.
I hope I can be back soon.
-xoxo Chloé
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