#Live In Nottingham
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feelingsofaithless · 2 months
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defensivelee · 4 months
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"What would you do if I slept with someone off the clock, sir?"
"Well, I'd break their fucking face."
"Hahaha! Maybe I'll hate-fuck someone to get their ass beat..."
I finally designed Nottingham ✊😭 I've decided he is going to be Shrewsbury's Madame here (Madame being the religious term for a pimp in this verse, in case you don't remember). The vaguely historical fit is traditional for them!
Finch is a little too protective here, but generally out of concern than any possessive feelings. He first met Talbot in a... less than stellar state, having just recovered from having sulfuric acid thrown on his face by a very salty spirit (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)
They both work for the Disciples. Finch is less devoted to it than he is to his line of work, but he'll kill a bitch if he's ordered to.
Talbot behaves something of a brat now and then, but generally he's very obedient and always very happy to please his masters :)
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natequarter · 9 months
medieval/early modern history is a fun game of "Where Did That Earldom Go?" where you have to follow a chain of biography citations, genealogical trees, and wikipedia pages for old men who died childless to figure out where the hell that earldom got to, and if it even remained an earldom
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scavengedluxury · 2 years
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Greetings from the Dubai of the Midlands
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sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
WAITYOU'RE A HISTORY FAN what would be your ideal time period for a loki episode like a specific apocalypse sylvie might hide in or something this might be too ambitious of an ask lol
ohohohoh, little did you know that i have had the wikipedia article "list of disasters" saved in my bookmarks for about a year now for JUST this purpose!!
let's consult it again...
in the show, i love that they chose pompei. it's a solid pick, but we only see a glimpse of it. i feel that it is good because it's a look into a different culture so it's fun and fresh, but also it's not too recent in cultural memory for there to be sadness associated with the disaster. i mean it was a long, long time ago, so that makes it easy.
or more in the classical way of thinking: why not show her in the riots post caesar's assassination? or in carthage before rome arrives? or in any of the many, many places alexander the great took over? or in western europe right before the romans arrived? the classical world can be our sandbox! imagine the costuming!
(the TVA defines an apocalypse as an event with zero survivors, but i feel that we ought to have some creative liberty!)
in a similar vein to pompei though, with there being enough distance for the audience to not feel like it is insensitive to explore as a tragedy, i've always daydreamed about her using a tempad to get on the titanic for a few days, dance around, live the high life. maybe engage in a quick romance that she knows is doomed, just to keep herself going. and a hasty tempad exit when things start going south. i thought about writing a fic for it, but i actually don't know much about the titanic! i've never even seen the famous movie.
i think the french revolution would be a fascinating setting to explore her character and the extent of her anti-authoritarian tendencies. but i feel that she would try her best to not draw attention to herself, so that monologue would be more internal. if she wants to fly under the radar, she'd probably have to stay in the crowd. but hey, lots to see, with the guillotines and all. again, enough distance there for us as an audience.
i thought about the russian revolution as well, but i'm not well-versed in russian history. so: maybe? i could see that being used in a similar fashion to the french revolution arc i imagined for her; the bolsheviks purposefully emulated the french in certain regards, but in a totally different form of society/envisioned end goal. the fervor of the masses finally feeling that their voices count, revenge on the elites, the zeal at initial attempts of shaping a new world that eventually turns to its own corruption and sorrow.
i think placing her in the wake of some of the yellow river floods could be really interesting, as well. or in the face of an oncoming mongol conquest! oooh, what about right before napoleon rolls up?
throw her in the donner party!!! see what happens!!
now, if i were to rewrite s2 and put them in any time period at all, no apocalypse necessary- like how we saw them running about the world's fair- i mean, i'd still be partial to antiquity. but the roaring 20's anywhere could be fascinating. such an interesting and dynamic time, you'd have so much to explore. also, 60's counterculture could be really cool; i'd love to see sylvie get mixed up with the rise of new age spiritualism given that she wields magic (classic spiritualism really kicked into gear in the late 1800's- throw her in there, too, let her make a buck off of pretending to be a medium when it was all the rage)
and i think tokugawa and meiji era japan are absolutely fascinating, so if i could think of a way to stick the gang in there, i would.
how did i almost forget: VICTORIAN LONDON! so much awful stuff was going on there. so glad smog is much better now and we put far less arsenic in books <3 but the aesthetics were sick, you cannot deny. the people were sick too. on account of the fumes. you could say victorian london is overdone, though, and i would hear you out. loki could pretend to be all upper class and assimilate into the niches of high society that fit him like a glove, but sylvie would not find this as simple, especially with their cult of domesticity. let her rage a bit if she needs and give their ideas of propriety a good shaking. it's good for the soul.
put her in the 90's. give her a blockbuster movies account and a dream.
i get excited about these things!! putting my girl in situations AND talking about my love of history!! and i will probably brainstorm a million more ideas after i hit post. this is such a thoughtful ask; thank you for thinking of me! <3
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amzyspinkarch · 11 months
In Nottingham, a popular nickname to be called is “duck.” Duck…ducklings…juniors.
Do with that information what you will.
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moonauu · 7 months
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pastelstarmie · 1 year
Hey Tumblr! Do you like rowdy queer trashy folk punk with political messages and too many instruments? You should check out the band I play banjo in called cheap dirty horse! We just released our first single called Hate Song, and have more coming soon as well as spoofy streaming in the near future (only on bandcamp right now, sorry!!!!)!
Please check out our bandcamp and find us on insta to learn about our shows if you like it!
Future releases include: washing machine and protect trans kids!
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bangmelikeyourdrums · 2 years
The 1975
At their very best
Photography by me
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feelingsofaithless · 1 year
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ohhtobeagooner · 2 years
no guardian live updates for this assna match throwing the toys out of my pram rn what else am I supposed to do
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sunny-daysss · 2 years
I looked this up for fanfiction reasons but apparently both Stoke-On-Trent and Nottingham are 3 hours away from Crawley????? Like Murdoc really took a 3 hour detour to pick 2-D up and then drove another 3 hours to do burnouts in a random parking lot like bro 6 hours of your day just driving what are you doing
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millythegoat · 7 days
ipswich vs. brighton? jamez milnerinho vs. mckenna?
oh...if liverpool wasn't playing at the same time i would tune in just for the ultimate lolz this is going to give
milly is sadly still injured. Fabian said they are unsure how long he will be out, it can be 2 weeks or even a month, he didn't want to rush him, which I really appreciate 🥹.
IKR!!! McKenna was approached by Brighton and turned it down as he is committed with Ipswich then they got Fabian which also a huge win! It's gonna be fun match with such decorated young managers facing each other! 😍
I will keep an eye with LFC of course. I mean, I am pretty sure they will win it, although for sure our boys will make it hard on themselves, but they'll pull it through!
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stubborngods · 11 days
added pages for anthony and reed to my site. currently writing more bios and trying to finish my page for cass :)
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bongavideochat · 17 days
Find Your Perfect Match with Athena Reed, Free Video Call in Nottingham, United Kingdom
Find Your Perfect Match with Athena Reed, Free Video Call in Nottingham, United Kingdom Who’s looking for a free video call with Athena Reed from Nottingham, United Kingdom. She’s looking for someone who’s in to some kinks as joi, cei and a little bit cbt. If you’re nearby and interested in something exciting and fun, She’d love to get to know you better. You can test the the water by a free…
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