#I blame the dragon prince
patfr8 · 9 days
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Stick of Truth changes my brain chemistry lmao
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zuppizup · 1 month
With the revelation that Rayla likes romantic books, coupled with Callum's love for non-fiction, I am filled with the sudden urge to write a Rayllum bookshop AU.
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celestialowlryx · 3 months
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Soren + being the voice of reason
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n1blakelover · 2 months
callum and rayla had known each other for exactly 2 months when she left. that means my guy was stuck on a girl, that he’d known for 2 months, for 2 YEARS. and he WAITED for her. and he LOVED her.
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potatounicoorn · 1 year
The thing is, Callum was not alone in Finnegrin's room. Bait, Stella and Zym were there with him. Which also means:
They saw him do dark magic.
And Ezran can speak to animals.
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sunfire-shield · 2 months
This season could just be summarised as: Janai and Amaya try very very hard to just have their wedding while the world implodes around them
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emletish-fish · 2 months
Leola has less than 5 minutes of screen time but has been haunting this narrative for six entire seasons. I'm going to have to rewatch to see the full affect. A + narrative haunting and A+ foreshadowing.
Damn this foreshadowing paid off!
(in the most intensely painful way)
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dcsmdcsm · 20 days
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Your honor, i'm a whore ...
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frozen-orbit · 4 months
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And now here's the girlies version ✨ Turns out they have even more in common than the boys.
Boys version
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fan-of-chaos · 4 months
Says the man committed to making the absolute worst decisions ever, in every single situation he is in.
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tategaminu · 3 months
Me looking at Netflix giving a ridiculous amount of episodes to terrible series while only giving TDP nine per season to the point the crew had to cut stuff from the original script because lack of time
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 3 months
Hey guys, what if when Aaravos inevitably possesses Callum, Rayla's wearing his scarf and he chokes her with it. Wouldn't that be messed up...
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apogean-tides · 11 months
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Anyone else obsessed with the way they cuddle on the couch?
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jamieedlund · 2 years
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🌸In the season of the white cherry, standing in full blossom🌸
retouch of last year spring doodle and a little doodle💗
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muffinlance · 2 years
Scaled Over 3: The Golden-Eyed Girl
Latest chapter || Read from the beginning
The privateer had found the prize of the pile: a solid black molt, buried under the more common blues and grays of her people. He rubbed its edge between his thumb and forefinger.
“Younger than I thought, with how few of these make it to market. A teenager around the prince’s age should be shedding more. Is… he getting enough to eat? …She?”
“I’m sure they are,” Katara said, trying not to feel her own skin crawl. It wasn’t impossible to tell a dragon’s age from the thickness of their molts. Obviously. But it was a skill that required a fair bit of hands-on experience.
Story Summary:
At thirteen, Zuko knelt on the Agni Kai field and proclaimed himself his father's loyal son. But when fire touched his face, his dragon form begged to differ.
Dragon!Zuko AU.
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kilfeur · 3 months
Vous savez j'apprécie comment Rayllum et Clauderry s'opposent l'un à l'autre. Ce qui a rendu la relation entre Callum et Rayla solide c'est qu'ils se rendent compte que leurs idées préconçues et leurs préjugés étaient faux. Et qu'ils ont pu apprendre à se connaître et s'apprécier en forgeant eux mêmes leurs opinions sur ce qui les entoure. Ainsi que leurs principes et leurs valeurs sont défiés tout au long de leur voyage. La scène où justement Rayla défend Callum devant Sol Regem montre justement à quel point leur relation leur a aidé non seulement à grandir mais aussi à changer.
En revanche Claudia et Terry ne changent pas, ils ne sont pas vraiment défiés concernant leurs points de vues concernant les elfes et les humains par exemple. On a pu le voir avec Claudia que même si elle aime Terry, elle a quand même un certain dédain envers les autres elfes. On sait pas exactement l'avis de Terry concernant les humains mais il ne semble pas les détester non plus, ce qui est déjà un bon point. Quand Claudia a annoncé qu'elle a un petit ami, j'avais plus l'impression qu'elle essayait de combler un vide avec Terry. Et il a toujours cru que tout ce que Claudia avait ses propres raisons pour agir ainsi. Terry a été une influence positive pour Claudia mais ça ne dure jamais très longtemps. Les interventions de Terry envers Claudia l'empêchaient justement d'aller trop loin. Il a été comme un ancre pour elle mais elle finit peu à peu par se rouiller. Et je crains que dans la saison 6, Terry ne va pas pouvoir atteindre Claudia cette fois ci.
You know, I like the way Rayllum and Clauderry oppose each other. What made Callum and Rayla's relationship strong was that they realized that their preconceptions and prejudices were wrong. And that they were able to get to know and appreciate each other by forging their own opinions about what surrounds them. And their principles and values are challenged throughout their journey. The scene in which Rayla defends Callum in front of Sol Regem shows just how much their relationship has helped them not only to grow, but also to change.
Claudia and Terry, on the other hand, don't change; they're not really challenged about their views on elves and humans, for example. We saw with Claudia that even though she loves Terry, she still has a certain disdain for other elves. We don't know exactly what Terry's opinion is of humans, but he doesn't seem to dislike them either, which is already a good point. When Claudia announced she had a boyfriend, I felt more like she was trying to fill a void with Terry. And he always believed that Claudia had her own reasons for doing so. Terry was a positive influence on Claudia, but it never lasts very long. Terry's interventions with Claudia prevented her from going too far. He's been like an anchor for her, but it gradually becomes rusty. And I fear that in season 6, Terry won't be able to reach Claudia this time.
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