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promovevendas · 1 year ago
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"Cacoetes" do jornalismo militante da Folha de Sampaio (vulgo Jornazistas).
Aparentemente, o ciclone e os ventos fortes, desviam de petistas e só atingem bolsonaristas.
Éh... e segue o jornalismo marrom impulsionando segregação humana no país, por ideias e crendices Socialistas Comunistas.
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brazaesthetic · 2 years ago
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Folha de São Paulo (1990)
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blogdorogerinho · 1 month ago
Críticas — Senna: O Brasileiro, O Herói, O Campeão (2010), Senna por Ayrton (2024), Senna (2024)
Senna: o último grande herói Eram tempos difíceis: a seleção brasileira de futebol não ganhava a Copa América há quarenta anos nem a Copa do Mundo desde 1970. Na economia, a inflação beirava 2.000% ao ano, noticiado basicamente pelos cinco canais principais de TV aberta: Globo, SBT, Record, Manchete e Band; além disso, os grandes clássicos do cinema estreavam no Brasil quase um ano depois dos…
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flashfactts · 4 years ago
Policiais do Deic são suspeitos de vender proteção a cassinos clandestinos em SP
Um grupo de policiais civis de São Paulo é suspeito de vender proteção a donos de cassinos na capital e Grande São Paulo. De acordo com o jornal Folha de S.Paulo, os agentes investigados trabalham em uma delegacia do Deic (Departamento Estadual de Investigações Criminais).
Os policiais também são suspeitos de criar um monopólio no setor de jogos de azar ao atacarem, com uma série de operações, endereços ligados aos concorrentes desses empresários. Conforme a Folha, um inquérito policial foi instaurado pela Corregedoria da Polícia Civil, que também afastou os agentes supostamente envolvidos no caso.
Documentos obtidos pelo jornal apontam que os policiais recebiam uma quantia superior a R$ 1,5 milhão mensais pelos supostos serviços ilegais de proteção. Além dos agentes, o inquérito também apura o suposto envolvimento do empresário Reynaldo Schulttais Junior.
Conforme as suspeitas, o empresário seria o responsável pela indicação dos endereços de concorrentes para serem “derrubados”. Ele também seria o encarregado da arrecadação e entrega da propina aos policiais.
Procurado pela Folha, Schulttais Junior disse desconhecer a existência de cassinos na capital e estranha o fato de o nome dele ter sido envolvido em suspeitas desse tipo porque não tem nenhuma ligação com jogos de azar. O empresário também disse não conhecer os policiais citados no inquérito.
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gastronominho · 10 months ago
Folhas de ouro é a novidade do Grupo Rão
Linha Gold estará disponível por tempo limitado e mira em experiência premium nas marcas da holding
Linha Gold estará disponível por tempo limitado e mira em experiência premium nas marcas da holding Seis marcas do Grupo Rão delas foram selecionadas para receber a chancela gold: Sushi Rão, Pizza do Rão, Najah Rão, Rão Burger, Rão Chicken e Ogro Steaks. Os novos produtos estarão disponíveis por tempo limitado no cardápio das redes e podem ser adquiridos tanto nas unidades que possuem lojas…
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edsonjnovaes · 11 months ago
O yügüh (chamado assim pelos povos pertencentes à família linguística Tupi-Guarani), também conhecido como yükuh, é um sal produzido pelos indígenas do Xingu, no Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul – principalmente Kamayurás e Yawalapitis -, a partir do aguapé, uma planta aquática nativa da Amazônia. Slow Food Brasil O “Sal de Índio” é um produto tradicional da cultura Xinguana, feito à base de…
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resilienciacoletiva · 1 year ago
@TheInterceptBr: Revelamos que a Prefeitura de @ricardo_nunessp pagou quase R$ 3 milhões à Folha, resultando em matérias elogiosas a seu governo. Depois disso, o veículo passou a alertar que esses conteúdos não são jornalísticos. Veja os documentos dos pagamentos.
Click Verdade - Jornal Missão 📰📰📰📰
Click Verdade - Jornal Missão 01
Click Verdade - Jornal Missão 02
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portaltributario · 2 years ago
SP Tem Novo Piso Salarial a Partir de Junho/2023
Por meio da Lei SP 17.692/2023 foi reajustado o piso salarial mensal dos trabalhadores do Estado de São Paulo, compreendendo os trabalhadores domésticos, cuidadores de idosos, entre outros, com validade a partir de 01.06.2023. O novo piso para as categorias especificadas será de R$ 1.550,00 (um mil e quinhentos e cinquenta reais). Veja também, no Guia Trabalhista Online: PISOS SALARIAIS…
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mira0000000-blog · 8 months ago
Quick international list to help Brazil
Please check if this is the latest version before reblogging! Thanks!
(last updated: 11/05/2024)
Donations( 1 USD=5 BRL / 1 EUR=5,47BRL)
MST pelas vítimas das enchentes RS
Cozinhas Solidárias (5 dollars are enough for 2 packed meals.)
-> They also have Stripe and Paypal alternatives linked in the donation page, but please only use them if they are the only viable option as those services have higher fees over the donations.
Brazil Foundation (tax deductible!)
-> For USA donators "Your generous contributions to BrazilFoundation – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit – are tax-deductible to the fullest extent possible. BrazilFoundation (EIN 13-4131482) provides a tax receipt for each donation received."
IFCR (priority is given to families that didn't get assistance yet)
GRAD Brasil (animal rescue)
->Donations for A maior campanha solidária do RS
Learn about it:
BBC Brasil video ( toggle on english subtitles.)
AlJazeera video
Folha de São Paulo English article
AlJazeera Article
NYT Article
Reuters article
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margensdeumdiario · 9 days ago
Cheguei tarde em casa ontem. Peguei a primeira linha do metrô, naquele horário em que os vagões ficam meio vazios, mas ainda têm vida. Um grupo de amigos falava alto, dando risada e bebendo cerveja barata, enquanto no canto oposto alguém lia um livro, tentando escapar do barulho. É engraçado como, no metrô, a cidade se mistura de um jeito que não dá pra separar. Todo mundo está junto ali, mas cada um no seu próprio mundo.
Desci na minha estação de destino e senti o ar da rua, meio frio e pesado, como só as noites de São Paulo conseguem ser. As luzes amarelas dos postes iluminavam as calçadas cheias de folhas secas e o cheiro de carne assada vinha de um boteco que ainda estava aberto. Eu quis parar, pedir uma cerveja e sentar por ali mesmo, mas continuei andando. A noite tinha aquele jeito de promessa, como se algo importante estivesse prestes a acontecer, mas nunca acontece de verdade.
Passei por uma banca de jornal fechada, com os pôsteres desbotados de filmes que nem lembro mais de ter visto. A poucos metros, um homem cuidava das plantas na varanda de um prédio pequeno. Ele tinha aquele jeito de quem conversa com elas, como se fosse sua única companhia.
Cheguei no meu prédio, subi as escadas de dois em dois degraus, como sempre. Abri a porta e a luz da sala me pareceu mais fria do que deveria. Joguei as coisas no sofá e olhei pra janela. São Paulo brilhava lá fora, e eu me sentia dividida entre a vontade de me perder na noite e a necessidade de parar. Mas fiquei ali, com a cerveja na mão e a cabeça cheia, ouvindo o som distante de uma sirene e o barulho de um gato que cruzava o telhado ao lado.
Algumas noites são assim, sem desfecho, como um filme que para na melhor parte. E talvez isso seja o que mais me fascina: a cidade nunca te dá tudo, mas também nunca deixa de te prometer.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 2 days ago
The junk and the jangada: a route for academic collaboration between China and Brazil
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The University of São Paulo (USP), a leader in scientific production in Latin America, and China, a global power in science and technology, share a common vision: That research and academic collaboration are the foundations for building a more equitable, sustainable, and innovative future.
This synergy takes shape at the USP-China Center, a strategic initiative of the USP President’s Office, aiming to strengthen the dialogue between the two nations, whose contributions to science and culture transcend borders.
This movement towards rapprochement takes place at a unique moment in the world’s geopolitical overlook, with territorial disputes and armed conflicts in different regions around the world and the recent victory of protectionist projects in countries with regional and global influence. In a recent article on Folha de S. Paulo Chinese President Xi Jinping invited Brazil to sail together with his country “under full sail”. But how can the Chinese junk and the Brazilian jangada sail together quickly and safely in such turbulent geopolitical seas? The way to go seems to be cooperation and multilateralism in academic relations.
China is Brazil’s main trading partner, and bilateral trade reached US$110 billion in 2024, resulting in a surplus of US$29 billion for Brazil. But the partnership between the two countries goes beyond trade and has immense potential in the academic sphere. China, a global leader in areas such as data science and engineering, finds in Brazil, with its expertise in sustainability, biodiversity, agriculture, and food safety, a partner of complementary strengths.
However, the enormous potential of the Chinese Brazilian partnership in science and technology faces substantial challenges. Language and cultural barriers still hinder academic exchange, and geographical distance imposes high costs on students’ and researchers’ mobility. In addition, the administrative centralization of Chinese institutions contrasts with the fragmentation of the Brazilian academic system, requiring coordinated efforts from both sides for more dynamic academic collaboration between the institutions of the two countries to flourish.
Continue reading.
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sussurros-do-tempo · 9 months ago
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Qual seu nome?
Entre linhas e sombras, as palavras dançam, Procuram abrigo na pena, sedentas de esperança. Insensíveis, ecoam apenas um eco distante, Sussurram o vazio de um amor ausente.
Em cada traço, teu nome se entrelaça, Na melancolia que a saudade abraça. As letras, prisioneiras do sentimento, Contam a história de um lamento.
No papel, ecoa a tua ausência, A solidão trama sua presença. Palavras, como lágrimas silenciosas, Caem na folha, memórias dolorosas.
Ah, como as letras são cruéis, Recordando o que o coração não quer. Insensíveis, no papel elas repousam, Guardiãs de um amor que já não flui.
E assim, a melancolia se tece, Neste poema triste que a alma estremece. Palavras, fiéis confidentes do sofrer, Traduzem em versos a dor de te perder.
Paulo de Brito
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ariel-seagull-wings · 7 months ago
@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @piterelizabethdevries @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench @tamisdava2 @princesssarisa
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Monica's Gang (Turma da Mônica in Portuguese), also known as Monica and Friends, is an ongoing Brazilian comic book series, created by Mauricio de Sousa.
The series was originally based on a newspaper comic strip in which the protagonists were Blu (Bidu) and Franklin (Franjinha), launched by the newspaper Folha da Manhã in 1959. Over the years the series has been gaining a large audience, with new characters constantly being added to the lineup. Jimmy Five (Cebolinha) and Monica (Mônica) were eventually given their own comic books, hence the title "Monica's Gang." The characters and comics were eventually adapted into films, video games, TV shows, theme parks and a wide range of products.
The stories revolve around the adventures of Monica and her many friends in the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo. The neighborhood was inspired by the neighborhood of Cambuí, in Campinas and the city of Mogi das Cruzes, where de Sousa spent his childhood. However, the comic books do not simply revolve around the stories of Monica and her friends.
The Monica's Gang series has an extensive amount of main and secondary characters. It has as main protagonists Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, Maggy and Chuck Billy (the latter derived from Chuck Billy 'n' Folks) and each has its own comic.
Other characters from other series created by Mauricio de Sousa are also included on Monica's, making crossovers or quotations from each other in several stories,among several other characters. The main setting of the stories is the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo.
Most stories focus on the daily lives of the main characters and occasionally on the secondary characters; the humour usually uses various types of repetitions, allusions, appeals to the nonsense, paranomasias, sarcasm and metalanguage. The stories with Monica and Jimmy Five revolve around the conflict between the two. Jimmy Five is a troublemaker
who always tries to scold Monica or steal her stuffed bunny to give knots in its ears (usually having Smudge or another boy accomplice), always having Monica get her revenge by hitting him with her stuffed bunny, often leaving him bruised and with black eyes. Often Jimmy Five makes plans against her with various traps, sometimes using Franklin's inventions or talking Smudge into helping, but he always loses to Monica at the end.
Smudge's stories usually focus on his penchant for dirt and mess and his fear of water, without ever having taken a bath in life, and constantly being threatened by villains or his friends to take a bath whenever he gets away with a result at the end of the story. The stories with Maggy generally focus on her gluttony, with a superhuman ability to eat more than a normal person without ever getting fat and sometimes stealing food from her friends.
Among the villains are Captain Fray, a supervillain with the power to control garbage and dirt, and Lord Big Rabbit, a space bunny whose first appearance was in the movies. Lord's design was inspired on the iconic Star Wars' villain and main antagonist, Darth Vader. A joke often breaks the fourth wall.
So, I learned to read and became a lover of comic books due to Monica's Gang and its several spin-offs.
The writers used the medium of comics to branch into the most varied genres with the same characters: gags, slice of life, horror, sci fi, fantasy, action, adventure, parodies of classic literature, TV shows and movies, and of course, romance.
While usually the main characters went trough the Will They or They Will Not melodrama, we saw side characters who lived long love stories that overall, while not necessarily without disagreements, could still enjoy peace and comfort in a romantic relationship born of great respect, friendship and complicity, and there two pairings I would like to highlight.
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Tia Nena and Tio Pepo were created in 1989 at the launch of Maggy's magazine to be Maggy's permanent great uncles.
Tia Nena is a great cook, considered by Maggy  to be "the biggest chef in the neighborhood". As time went by, the scriptwriters began to give her an extra layer, revealing Nena to be a good witch.
Her husband, Tio Pepo, is a carpenter, ready to make toys for the neighborhood kids.
Nena has a very maternal personality and genuine affection for those she loves, always protecting them with her heart as sweet as the delicacies she makes.
Even with her graceful manner, Nena always keeps an eye open towards some people, especially knowing that she is the target of malicious actions due to her magical powers, serving as a wise, ruthless and comical "fairy godmother", always willing to end injustices with your courage and determination.
Maggy's sweet and caring great-aunt has a long line of Moon witches in her family. She uses her magical knowledge to prepare delicious recipes and protect her loved ones. It is known that she has had powers since she was little and, with a touch of humor and wisdom, Nena guides Maggyon her journey of discovering magic, teaching her valuable lessons about family, friendship and the power of love.
Pepo is very kind, naive and affectionate, he has a childish soul and no evil in his heart, he is the typical little man who tries hard to please everyone, especially children. Since he was little, he was someone creative, who looked at the world through the eyes of a child. He knows about his wife's magical abilities and participates in fantastic events together with her. 
Love is something that builds over time. We usually are led to assume is only resumed to the conquest leading to the wedding.
Tia Nena and Tio Pepo show us that the building of an affectionate relationship goes beyond that, always expanding independently of age. And trough their companionship and love, they not only enrich each other's lives, but are inspired to always make the world a better place for all the people around them, and that is why I find them wholesome.
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From the light hearted teenager and young adult focused Tina's Pals magazine, comes the couple Puff (Pipa) and her boyfriend Steve (Zecão), the best friends of protagonist Tina.
Puff is very cheerful, passionate, super humorous and happy with life. She is the classic goofball when it comes to friendships, because she makes everyone and everything happy, always with the right opinion to give at the moment.
Quick on the verbal trigger, she doesn't let anything go unnoticed and is quite intelligent, a classic colleague who never lets you down, as she understands the value of companionship.
Because she is chubby, she keeps trying to go on a diet with a "deadline", but cannot resist a good chocolate bar, generating themes of body acceptance and self-esteem.
Despite her extremes, such as judging a lot (even without intention) or her insecurity (a result of her appearance, but she always tries to deconstruct this), she is a good confidant, well, just to vent, but one must be careful because Puff loves gossip and, from time to time, ends up releasing one or another valuable piece of information. Sincere, polite, but with a loose tongue, she is not afraid to express herself and say what she feels, especially to her boyfriend, Steve.
Despite working, Steve is a loose boy who likes to just spend time with his group of friends. He hates extending conversations or taking serious responsibility, but when he strikes a mature pose, he tries to show confidence.
He is absent-minded, carefree, calm and relaxed. This sometimes ends up hindering his relationship with Puff, as she, on several occasions, becomes frustrated with the coldness with which Zecão treats her weight and beauty (always, unintentionally), describing her as something that does not need to receive attention (even more so when others are around).
Steve has a huge passion and admiration for Puff, who is his opposite because she is very energetic and has an extroverted personality, always knowing how to start a conversation, unlike him, who doesn't even know how to answer clearly what people ask him.
He doesn't care that Puff is chubby. He loves her and is an incredible confidant. He has flaws, but he always decides to fix them, trying to be the best version of himself, without completely letting go of his essence as an individual.
Meanwhile, while Puff comits mistakes from which she has to grow and learn, the main lesson she learns from being with Steve is to take what she sees as "defects" in her, and start to see them as her best qualities.
In the world of Tina's Pals, Mauricio de Sousa reverses the roles imposed by society, as the main character Tina, who is tall, thin and determined, never finds someone to have a romantic relationship with and who would actually do her good, while Puff, in her conditions, dates Steve, who accepts her the way she is.
Showing once again that you maybe can lose weight if you want to or not, but in Mauricio's world, your way of being, thinking and acting guarantees you a happy ending.
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u-mspcoll · 8 months ago
Welcoming the Marcelo Mirisola Papers
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Article at Folha de São Paulo praising the release of O Herói Devolvido (2000), Mirisola’s second book of short stories
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Padaria e Confeitaria Pirâmide-Luminosa, S.A. (unpublished short story, circa 1991)
It is with pride and excitement that we announce the acquisition of the Marcelo Mirisola Papers – an archival collection that comprises 8 folders of materials produced in the Portuguese language by renowned Contemporary Brazilian author Marcelo Mirisola during the first 15 years of his writing career (1989–2004).
The finding aid for this collection is now available!
Read more!
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ora-321 · 2 months ago
Efeito TRUMP - Folha de São Paulo publica texto do Bolsonaro!! INÉDITO!
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o-druida-ebrio · 1 year ago
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— Walt Whitman, no livro “Folhas de Relva: Canção de mim mesmo”. Trad. Bruno Gambarotto. São Paulo: Hedra, 2011.
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