vodoungnon · 7 months
Vrai et vérité sur le retour d'affection de ma femme, avis témoignage
Vrai et vérité sur le retour d’affection de ma femme Le Voyant Grand Médium Africain Vodoungnon Medjo est formidable et honnete , il ressent ce que nous ressentons. Il dit les choses comme elles sont .Ce Medium ne prends pas des gants d’ailleurs pour le dire mais sa franchise est une qualité car il nous dit toujours les juste choses. Il a vraiment sur voir le profond de mon problème et m’a aidé…
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geocitiesdig · 2 years
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"Anti-anime" site, from Geocities user gendo2000.
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lainalit · 2 months
Lucien when he becomes the next male love interest after seeing how Rhysand and Cassian treat their mates:
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beskarandblasters · 1 year
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
people acting like its some terrible shame that anyone was speculating about Kate Middleton's whereabouts now we know its cancer. Oh shame for ever making fun of shitty photoshop jobs, don't you know she has cancer??
Nah mate. She married into a rich and powerful family thats been leeching of the British public and wider world for decades, centuries even. She is going to be given top treatment, probably at the expense of others. Hell despite the cock up they kept her out of the public eye for months so that's not a big stress either.
I'm sure it sucks for her and her rich spawn. I might even say I feel bad for the younger kids. I dont wish cancer on anyone but Charles etc, etc.
But lets not act like she's some poor single mother waiting on the NHS. Struggling on benefits or struggling to work while on chemo. Trying to feed her kids during cost of living crisis. Trying to just find time to be with them.
Kate has all the money in the world, her kids are in top schools with lots of rich relatives. They could easily be taken out of school and taught by top tutors to be more flexible with her health. She will likely be fine. And even if she isn't? She'll have had the best chance out of anyone. She would have the most comfort possible and people around her until the end.
So no. I literally do not care. I have no guilt or grief over memeing the every loving fuck out of a PR cockup by a bunch of royal leeches. To act like I should is absolute bollocks.
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theamccafrey · 5 months
let me explain the difference between forced and genuine inclusivity
(a rant)
Most of the time, even if there is a character who is brown they are so very wrongly represented, like Parvati and Padma Patil in Harry Potter: the clothes they were wearing were not just plain; they were a cultural trainwreck
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Look at her dress.
The Ghagra or Lehngha (skirt), she is wearing had pleats in the front. These are usually worn in a sari which is a completely different dress. A ghagra is a very elaborate skirt, and has a gown-like fall
The blouse she's worn is practically a t-shirt, which doesn't quite resemble any of the Indian clothes. In a Kurti, the shirt-like top is much longer, and is anyway not worn with a lehnga. In a Ghagra Choli the top is a very short blouse.
Its like a *very bad* mix of like 2-3 Indian dresses
Also, Indian dresses are never so plain. Even day-to-day clothes have a pretty embroidery. My grandmom's tablecloth has better embroidery
Judging by the dress the costume designers were goin for, it should have looked like this
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I understand why a costume designer in the UK would not understand the specifics of Indian clothing, but it is funny how all other clothes were well thought out and this is just - not even culturally accurate.
I do not find somebody talkin in my language or eating my food cultural appropriation; it is encouraged infact. Insulting and not portraying that culture properly is the real problem.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 9 months
Story Idea:
22 year old Gotham University student Danny finds a Damien clone whose near death and saves his life, offering to let the kid stay with him in his crappy apartment. The clone accepts, thinking Danny seems like a tolerable chump to bide his time with as he builds his strength for another fight with his progenitor for his rightful place as heir to Batman. Danny absolutely 100% knows the kid’s a clone and that taps right into his childhood trauma, making him want to protect him all the more. (Up to you if Dani is alive but in my version she’s not). Over time, Clone!Damien becomes begrudgingly fond of his new caretaker, especially after Danny starts taking him on Doctor Who style adventures through time/space and the tamer parts of the GZ (there are none) as part of his efforts to build up the kid’s confidence (outside his overcompensating ego) and help him learn to grow into his own person.
Danny and Clone!Damien are the downstairs neighbors to none other than Jason Peters (aka Jason Todd). They both clock him as Red Hood pretty quickly, but it takes much longer for them to connect him to the Waynes, so he’s kinda just their marginally more normal neighbor who happens to be a crime lord and who, for some reason, tends to check up on them a lot. (Originally this was because RH thought Danny might be an upcoming villain, then because he didn’t understand how Danny was alive, and then Clone!Damien moved in and he started checking to make sure that he didn’t murder Danny in his sleep). Luckily, Jason is a fantastic cook, so they are both grateful (to varying degrees) for his nosiness. (Is this a Dead on Main situation, are they just good friends? Who’s to say? You. Or me. But probably you.)
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mr-president · 2 years
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College baseball au, calling it “Fuck It We Ball.”
I’ve already got a pretty good idea of sniper and pyro’s character with this: 2 kids who were raised by the older mercs and now are mature enough on their own
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uncle spy’s their least favorite, a la “look at that high waited man he got feminine hips” mutual hatred. but the two picked up baseball bc of his weird interest in it.
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severussnapemylove · 6 months
If I was Lily and saw the Marauders attacking my best friend…
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fulgurbugs · 13 days
How do the travelers celebrate their birthdays 🎂
this just turned into a kind of less directed kind of general birthday hcs thing but lol. Also if I contradict something in canon w the months we picked uhhh oopsies
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This topic actually;lt came up a while ago w my bestie so uhhhhh. Lore?
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madame-helen · 4 months
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izzy140105 · 3 days
Alicent Hightower they could never make me like you...
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
I get being upset about Bonnie not being invited to the Mikaelson ball, but here you go once again, blaming Caroline for a choice the writer's made, something she had no part of. People are getting weird AF with their anti Caroline stance and it's getting ridiculous.
Here you go once again, putting words I didn't say in my mouth.
Does it upset me that Bonnie wasn't invited to the ball? Yes. Does Caroline being there make me mad? No. Do I think she shouldn't have come? Yes, I certainly think so.
I complained about Caroline and Matt being there because plot wise it was absolutely stupid and it made no sense. They didn't add absolutely nothing to the events developing there, and their presence was completely unneeded: Caroline and Matt were there solely because of Klaus and Rebekah/delena. This was the moment the showrunners decided to start writing klaroline, exclusively and only because the fans liked their first scene together, so they decided to have her going to the ball just to have their "romance" developing, which made no sense for her at all;
Klaus literally tried to kill her a few episodes prior, he had Tyler bite her on her birthday leaving her on the brink of death and then he showed up to heal her. Where is her self-preservation? Wasn't she scared of him at all?
It's funny to me that she only accepted to go because of Rebekah inviting Matt. Did she thought he was in potential danger? Did she decide to go to try to protect him? I get she was worried about her friend, but this is slightly strange.
Matt was just there for Rebekah and to make Damon and Elena fight because of his altercation with Kol, nothing else, and his presence and the issue he caused wasn't that serious because they made up an episode later. Why would he go? He was a human on a house full of the oldest vampires to ever live, and he was aware of this. I'm aware Matt isn't the brightest person to walk the earth, but everybody knows a human shouldn't be around bloodthirsty vampires.
Again, just stupid. Caroline and Matt shouldn't have been at the ball, that's all. Elena and the Salvatore going made sense: she was the doppelgänger, Stefan had story with them and Damon wouldn't allow her to go anywhere without any of them.
Bonnie, however, had every single reason to be there:
She was Ayana's descendant.
Esther would want to meet a Bennett witch, seeing she was best friends with one once and she knew they were powerful allies.
She had been more close than anyone to killing Klaus: the fact that he didn't try to seduce her or try to kill her was ooc, especially because he befriended witches before klaroline came in.
Kol loved witches and this bitch knows everything about everyone. It surprises me that he didn't try to get her on his side or at least use her to try to take down any member of his family.
The Bennett bloodline is far more powerful in magic terms than any other family could ever be, their blood was needed for like half of the most powerful spells and the fact that not a single person thought about getting on Bonnie's good side is completely stupid.
What is ridiculous is that people dickride 3x14 to hell because of the fanservice. I love this episode, but calling out it's flaws it's not a bad thing.
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zestyxwesley · 3 months
hey yall
wesley/viagra here
since kosa on twt is kinda dead as hell rn ive decided to come to tumblr for the time being (still follow my twt for updates and reminders @/zesty_wesley_)
i have this to say:
tags are to boost it across everything
i want the word to spread like wild fire in a dry field of wheat
and above all else
panicking will make matters worse for all of us and will only cause mass hysteria
calmly and firmly stand your ground so they listen
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lycoperdales · 5 months
Is Scott a hero just because he’s a protagonist?
Okay so I’ve pulled an all nighter just reading teen wolf meta after meta (because I am obsessed and have issues) and a common theme was that Scott was a bad hero because heroes sacrifice themselves and Scott didn’t do that.
But why is Scott labelled as a hero in the first place?
Teen wolf wasn’t a marvel series about a boy with powers trying to be a superhero. It was about a him trying to regain control over his life.
He had debilitating asthma but decided that it would not stop him from being an athlete.
We was attacked in the woods and turned into something unrecognisable but still fought for the right to have a regular teenage experience.
He was defensive over Derek’s new betas and Jackson because he knew that they’d never be able to experience a normal life ever again.
He had a month long mental breakdown for not being able to save the chimeras while his body was once again falling apart on him.
He goes through the process of hating being a werewolf for changing his life, to accepting it, to defending his right, and the right of other supernaturals, to live.
Have y’all seen the werewolf movies that teen wolf references? The entire premise of all those movies is that a young man is turned against his will, loses control and kills a loved one, then spends the rest of the movie trying decide whether life like that is worth living at all.
The only time he actually assumes that hero role, is when it’s pushed onto him. Like in season one where Stiles gets mad that Scott didn’t prevent the Sheriff from being hit by a car, or in season 3A when he HAS to break the mountain barrier or their parents literally die.
Scott just wanted to live his life bro, is that really so bad?
(I could also talk about how Scott does in fact sacrifice himself but that’s for a later date)
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washmchineheart · 9 days
are the consequences in the room with us right now?
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