#Anti S8
sharpbutsoft · 19 days
Okay but what if Bobby’s on the set of Hotshots when he hears about the Beenado and gets possessed by the spirit of Buck 1.0 into stealing the 119’s fire engine to come help save the day?
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makorragal-312 · 14 days
*Gerrard existing*
Buck: I'm gonna fucking kill this guy.
Eddie: DON'T. He's not even worth it.
*Gerrard gerrards in his general direction*
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2sw · 7 months
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stagefoureddiediaz · 17 days
Initial thoughts on that article - I’m excited! I mean the journalist needs to do a bit more homework (I’m looking at you sentence about Eddie kissing Kim!) and I’m always going to take anything Tim says in an article with a giant handful of salt, but by and large all he said is telling me that the arcs for all our characters seem to be interesting and varied.
This got so very long so it’s going below the cut - but if you only want to read the buddie stuff then start reading where I’ve changed the text colour (so you can find it easily - because I’m nice like that!) 🐝🐝🐝
I love that Tim described madney and henren as being a family unit outside of the firehouse and I’m really excited to see that built upon - I loved that we got more hen and Maddie interactions last season and I want more of it. So I’m looking forward to seeing that dynamic develop as part of the Mara arc.
Ortiz hs so much potential to be a truly great villain - with a more sustained arc - something the show hasn’t ever really done and I’d like them to. Ortiz v Hen as a half season or more plotline would be so good and exploring corruption in politics and how it corrupts other public systems and services would be such a great thing to explore (and Aisha would knock it out of the park)
I’m going to say here that season 8 is very much screaming season 3 redux at me - all of the things we know thus far all seem to parallel season 3 events, even down to the bee-nado - which is starting to sound more and more like a mirror of the tsunami - in that the tsunami wave itself was only a brief thing, but the aftermath was where the major incidents and action was for all the various characters and the set up of their arcs. And Tim saying the bees set up I’m super excited for that as a concept.
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Since we first saw them filming on a plane I’ve been wondering if we were going to be seen if another 70’s disaster movie homage and it seems I was right - my money is on Airport 77 being the movie in question
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And I’m really interested in who it’s going to showcase and what part of her history were exploring. I would really love to see them exploring the Jeffery arc and her trauma from that, but I’m not sure that’s what we’ll be getting (Jeffery being dead doesn’t negate this exploring that part of her story I just don’t think it’s where we’re going)
My feeling is it’s connected into Emmett in some way. It was ‘resolved’ in Athena begins and then never really spoken of again, so maybe we’ll be seeing Dennis Jenkins (the guy who shot Emmett) as one of the prisoners on the plane and Athena will have to confront her remaining trauma there and possibly the damage arresting DJ has had after all that time he passed.
On to Bobby - what can I say technical consultant bobby is going to be perfection. Bobby has had some heavy arcs over the past couple of seasons so it’s pretty obvious he’s got the comic relief arc for at least 8a. I’m really looking forward to seeing Bobby being done with Hollywood etc. And I’m really excited to see how they get him back to the 118 where he belongs.
Onto the bit I know most of you are reading this for!!
The Buck arc is screaming lawsuit redux at me and that ties in nicely to Bobbys arc. Instead of Buck being stopped from returning to the 118, this time it’s Bobby. Gerrard is the Chase Matthew’s of this situation and so I remain convinced of my assertion that buck (having learnt from the lawsuit arc) is going to initially fail against Gerrard before he figures out getting close to him and therefore being able to figure out his weaknesses is the best way to get rid of him and get Bobby back.
The Buck T*mmy section in the article of it all has me laughing so very hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Look, this ‘relationship’ is still fairly new and they are still in the ‘getting to know each other’ phase, so I wouldn’t be expecting Tim to start waxing lyrical about them as a couple, but saying this;
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To describe the first queer relationship of one of your mains, whose entire storyline last season was his bi awakening, when it’s at the point when everything should still be new and exciting isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of said relationship.
It’s entirely possible to gush about a relationship - especially one that is essentially groundbreaking on your show - without giving any plot away or making it seem like they’re endgame.
More comfortable together is the only thing you could come up with to describe them as a couple? - what does that really mean? Comfortable is how you describe a pair of slippers or an old hoodie that’s all worn in and soft. If you’re using more comfortable as one descriptor in a longer sentence with other descriptors that shows the development of said relationship then that’s totally acceptable. But to use it as the only one (aside from saying they’re a couple), well that screams of a relationship that is a plot device.
And you know what else backs that up as a concept - Tim proceeds to use the rest of his answer to the question about Buck and T*mmy’s relationship to talk about Eddie and Eddie and Buck and their relationship. So what I’m getting is that Eddie is still at the centre of things within that relationship - just as he has been throughout the entirety of s7 - where Buck and Tommy managed to have a grand total of 3 scenes out of nearly 20 together where Eddie wasn’t either present or spoken about at length (and one of those was literally just a scene of them kissing!)
Even using the word comfortable again to describe Buck, Tommy and Eddie hanging out together (anticipating some sort of scene that echoes the karaoke bar scene - where we get petty jealous Eddie and I can’t wait!). Which means comfortable is a very intentional word choice - not one that bodes well for the longevity of the reltionship.
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So what I’m getting from that. Is that ‘more comfortable together’ means boring and that Tim is using the relationship to create the same distance we saw between Buck and Eddie in season 3 during the lawsuit arc - the distance that ultimately brought them even closer together and led to Eddie changing his will.
Season 3 was when the show really established buddie as a thing - they lay the foundations in s2, but s3 was when they tested and then built the walls of that dynamic ready for the pieces to be put into place over seasons 4 & 5 so they could make buddie canon.
This BT relationship is literally being used to put Eddie in the same space he was in in s3 - isolated (thank you Ryan for that word choice!) because Buck is not available to him as much (or at all in the case of s3) so he spiralled out in his grief over Shannon’s death and joined a fight club.
All this to say that the chess pieces are being manoeuvred in a really positive direction on the buddie front and I expect to see 8a following a somewhat similar pattern as 3a did - big opening disaster which sets up the various arcs, which includes being shown buck and Eddie’s closeness initially, only to separate them off for a bit so Eddie can have his gay awakening (fight club minus the fight club) and Buck can do some more figuring out about what he actually wants of his own (lawsuit without the law suit) and then bring them back together in time for Christmas - which they will spend together with a newly returned Christopher (mirroring s3 Christmas perfectly) and the rest of the firefam.
Even the Eddie question backs up this as a theory;
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I’m fully expecting to get Eddie having conversations with his parents - via call and FaceTime - but not with Chris because he still won’t talk to his dad. The choice to say everything has been stripped away from him except his job is also giving some echoes of s5 - juxtaposing when Eddie essentially had everything else except his job which lead to his breakdown. Tim is a master of deploying subterfuge whilst also using very intentional words - so this comment is making me excited. It’s (to me at least) saying that Eddie is secure in his job and there is not really going to be any drama on the job front. That in the past eddie connected his worth to whatever job he was doing (army, his three jobs in El Paso firefighter) so when the job was taken away he had no worth and that therefore meant he was a failure as a father and a husband - so he spiralled out. Now he has his job and he’s in a good place with that and knowing how his worth as a person isn’t tied into that job. Now instead he has nothing else - all the things he’d tied his worth onto away from his job are suddenly gone so he has to go back to the drawing board and this time look at himself and who he actually is and why he wants.
The choice of the word ‘hell’ is also a choice - ‘who the hell he is’ - season 7 laid the groundwork for edddies reckoning with the catholic faith (former nun Marisol, Eddie talking about being a lapsed catholic and catholic guilt and bobby giving Eddie the bible etc) and we know they’ve been filming in a church. Hell as a word choice is just backing that up and hinting at the idea that Eddie figuring out who he is and choosing living his life as his true self would damn him to hell in the eyes of his religion. So gay Eddie here we go!!
This was supposed to be a quick ‘ooh I’m excited everything is being perfectly set up’ post and then I did my usual thing and write a mammoth essay 🤣 so if you’ve read all of this - thank you and I love you and I hope you enjoyed it - can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
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itswellya · 2 months
I keep seeing lots of fanfics or ppl wanting bucktommy to break up bc buck realises hes in love with eddie. Dont get me wrong, i really love that and if it does happen then hell yeah however it implies that if it werent for eddie, bucktommy could have worked out. So i would much much rather have buck realising that tommy isnt for him and breaking up with him and then facing his feeling for eddie Give me a casual bucktommy scene (like they're just doing random things) where buck is infodumping about something and tommy makes a "god you're so loud" comment And then buck stops infodumping not only arounf tommy but also around everyone else and the 118 notices. Especially when they go on a call about something buck is really interested about and he doesnt give any fun fact or make any comment about it And then they confront him about it and he tells them its all ok but he starts to realise its not and then all by himself he decides to break up with tommy bc he isnt good for him also during that time, eddie gets his life back together and gets mentally ready to be in a relationship bc no way this boy is gonna be ready to date anyone at the start of s8
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serendipity0930 · 8 months
I hate how some people act like, when dean disappeared at the end of s7, sam just dusted off his hands, went “oh well,” and immediately got with amelia?? like just because they didn’t show him going through it on camera doesn’t mean that didn’t happen. or that the months of grieving were any less real. this man had just recovered from months of hallucinating the devil and then lost his only connection to reality and is always always always canonically suicidal whenever dean dies. he didn’t want to take his brother from (what he thought was) a better place and just did what he thought dean would’ve wanted. just because sam didn’t kill himself to tear dean from (what he believed to be) heaven doesn’t mean he wasn’t devastated over the loss of his brother.
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babybells123 · 4 months
So I came across this post on reddit from seven years ago regarding a (brilliant) Jon x Sansa theory and I’m genuinely surprised by the reception on it , which is mostly positive !! Isn’t it interesting how people were more open to Jonsa theories in the past but now it’s shunned, vilified and called crack? What’s up with that? It’s really odd fandom behaviour. I mean this post even talks about Sansa’a flowering following Jon hearing the Blue Rose story, and commenters were pointing out what a good catch that was. Speak it now and you’ll be told you’re stealing from other characters and making connections where there aren’t any.
Anyway I just thought it was very telling that the fandom seemed more open to discussing Jonsa theories in the past, but have this major aversion to it now. It’s unfortunate - because the metas are so well thought out, logical, and concise and track well with the themes, characters, and GRRM’s subversive foreshadowing style.
If I were to say, post a theory on reddit today though? Oh god help me.
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bibuckaroo · 2 months
I FINISHED 911 and i can safely say…
eddie diaz is a good dad and i’ll fight you if you say otherwise, but also in wanting to give chris space, i fear he may be enabling him.
i hate what the diazes parents did, like they were just gagging to take chris away and like who does that to their own child? they made me sick.
buddie was absolutely on point ofc, i feel like while this episode was a total hot mess, it’s one of the episodes that we see them as a united front the most? like, the whole time they were in that, together, from the bobby situation to the chris situation and I LOVED IT! and i can totally see chris not going to buck this time, even though in the past he did (with ana and eddie’s breakdown) because it was very clear this time that he didn’t want to see eddie in any circumstance and he knew that if he went to buck, they’re a package deal.
and finally… i’m pretty much on the dislike scale of the whole bucktommy ship, if i didn’t already dislike tommy, maybe i would be indifferent to them but nah, i dislike firmly because i also don’t like the way he acts around buck and their dinner scene? with him wanting to play the victim role regarding gerrard again? miss me with that bs.
also, gerrard is back so maybe there’s going to be a connection with that in s8? i hope so because i want STORYLINES TO GET RESOLVED, they just keep on piling up shit.
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Been talking to a bunch of people about a bunch of things since that episode, and despite how mad I am, I still have hope. (Foolish? Quite possibly).
Hold onto your hoola hoops folks, this is long lol.
I'll start with the issue that affects the most characters: our beloathed bigot, Captain Gerrard. He has something against each and every one of the characters: race, gender, sexuality, what socks they wore on Thursday. This jackass hates everyone.
Judging by the still Tim shared, Ortiz had a hand in putting him in charge. It's honestly the most logical explanation since we could've easily had Hen or even Chim as captain again if push came to shove (and captain Han again could've been really interesting considering 6x14 but I digress). Regardless, he's there. And he's going to make everyone's lives misery. And no one is going to let him. He's intruding on a family. Not one of them is going to willingly stay silent. It's much more likely they'll have to hold each other back.
The one person that likely won't stick up for them? Tommy. Don't attack me yet, hear me out. We know how he was in the Begins episodes. But when he came back in 7x03 he had a dry sense of humor and an attitude that could've mixed well with the 118 (I'll admit it. I liked him in 7x03). But 7x04 emphasized not only Buck's jealousy that Eddie was spending time with Tommy, but also Tommy's jealousy of Buck and the fact he has a family at the 118 and with the Diaz boys. He has high expectations and gets pissed when they aren't met (re: expecting Buck to be completely comfortable and out for their first date just days after their kiss and then leaving him on the curb when he wasn't). He dismisses Buck's wants and concerns (not even trying for the bachelor party and then waving off Buck's worry over Bobby because his real dad's alive). That last bit, that 7x10 scene was quite deliberate.
I'm not going to get into the kink joke. That's not even an issue. But Buck was worried about his surrogate dad and wanted someone to lean on, only for Tommy to dismiss said worry and then spin it to be "woe is me" about how he didn't have that found family, or a real family. The jealousy he feels towards present day 118 keeps on being addressed. Any topic Buck discusses with him is waved off as if it means nothing. What does that mean for Gerrard being back?
Well. Tommy's "tough luck kid" attitude towards Buck isn't likely to stop. They've made no move to suggest it will. So when Buck wants to vent about how bad Gerrard is, Tommy is going to dismiss it. "I had to put up with it too, ya know." No empathy, no support, just diminishing valid worries and making Buck the butt of the joke, as always. (Side note: see a pattern? Any specific characters ring a bell... at all?)
Why does this matter? Jealousy started this relationship. Jealousy will end this relationship. Just like Abby finding herself started and ended that, Buck's job started and ended Ali, Taylor's job started and ended that, and Buck's death started and ended Nat. Jealousy (in general and involving Eddie) started BT. Catch my drift? When Tommy gets jealous that the 118 stick up for one another and support one another and when he sees Buck and Eddie lean on each other more and more, he's not going to stick around long. Will it be a confrontation? Most likely. Unless he gets the LI treatment and it happens off screen. I think it would be more fulfilling on screen and show the most growth from Buck, like the Taylor breakup did.
As for dealing with the bigot himself, he's either going to be reported, replaced, or rigor mortised. I see Bobby having to do some intense healing both physically and mentally before he returns either to work in general or as Captain (I really have no idea whether they'd basically demote him to have Gerrard or not. I don't get it pero ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯). Also, his heart stopped for 14 minutes and he just walked away?? Sure, Jan. But maybe it's a 911 miracle. Or it could be like Buck in 3x01. An injury you think is completely fine only for it to come back to haunt you. But considering Bobby mirrors Eddie, it's much more likely his mental health takes the biggest hit and gets to heal (unlike my poor Eddie. I'm still so pissed. More on that later). He also resigned. That has to be fixed. He'll probably be forced into therapy, either by the department or Athena (who should go herself and I'd be incredibly disappointed if she didn't suggest he see someone). And once that's all dealt with, he'll be back to work. How long that will take? Don't know. Whether he directly replaces Gerrard or if the jackass is already gone when he gets back? Also don't know. (Little side note that's totally unrelated: I want to see Eddie as Captain at least once. It would be interesting to see).
And then there's Ortiz, the supposed puppet master. Drama for the sake of drama. I think they just couldn't have more than two or three happy characters in a finale so they decide to traumatize the children and torture Hen and Karen as usual. I hate it. But I'm focusing on what they'll do with it. I've hated storylines before and some have been resolved, some have been dropped (for now). But what they'll do with this woman? I don't know. Will she find out Madney has Mara and go after them? I don't know. Her end goal and their plan for her is the one thing I simply cannot figure out (yet).
And the most heartbreaking and infuriating of all... My Diaz boys. I cannot begin to tell you how upset I am over that. I can't. There's so much they could've done instead and so much I hate about what they did. These boys have been fighting since day one to heal and as soon as they take a step forward, they're yanked five steps back and punished for being in pain. I cried twice yesterday talking about Chris. So I won't get into all that. My anger is not the point.
Right now, Helena is the victor. She proved herself right. Eddie is unfit, incapable, unstable. She didn't want Eddie to drag Chris down with him and Eddie has spent the entire time since she said those words preventing it. He's tried to show Chris they're enough just the two of them, that no one can tell Chris he's different, that people do stay, that running from the problem won't sto-
*Record scratch*
Eddie learned from experience that the Diaz way of handling everything (re: not at all) doesn't work. You can't run from the problem and expect it to go away. That's how you start piling up those boxes Frank warned him about. He knows that running doesn't work, and he (and Buck) have consistently shown Chris that staying is what matters (insert Buck's definition of love). But Helena and Ramon just showed Chris he can run from his problems.
Now, Chris is a smart kid. Like Carla said, I think he understands a lot more than we'd like him to. 7x01 broke my heart when he admitted that love didn't matter because everyone just leaves anyway. He's still in the mindset that whether or not you stay makes no difference. He's going to realize that, in fact, it does. Because the way Eddie loves him is vastly different than the way his grandparents do. And it won't take long for him to realize that. The only way Helena will see that Eddie is a good dad is if Chris confirms it.
Whether or not he and Eddie will have patched things up by the time he wants to go home is still up in the air. I think I would personally prefer to see the work they put in to repair this. I love how Eddie and Chris communicate. No matter the issue, they always talk about it eventually. It may take a little bit for them to get to that point, but when they do it's beautiful to see (the skateboard, Eddie's therapy, Chris' independence).
And speaking of communication, can they please clarify that Eddie only hugged Kim???? Everyone acted like they found them in bed together! I need that cleared up because the reactions from the others were disproportionate. (Chris I understand, but Buck implied Eddie and Kim slept together and so did the parents. Bad editing. Happened a lot this season).
As for buddie, I have no complaints on them this season at all. The communication, the openness, the vulnerability they had with each other was remarkable. We made headway this season. And now, for however long Chris is away, Eddie and Buck will only be BuckandEddie. They are the only thing each of them is allowed to have, and I'm really hoping they actually lean into that. Feelings realization on one part at the very least. What sparks it? Who knows! It could be Chris' absence making them reexamine their relationship, Tommy pointing out their bond, one of them getting hurt and the other absolutely losing it (Drown Buck 2024/ Trap Eddie 2024). (I have way more buddie specific specs but here isn't the place for them all lol). The possibilities there are endless. And I am excited for it, despite of- and in spite of- that finale.
Am I still incredibly pissed at the episode? Yeah. Was the season lackluster overall? Also yeah. Ten episodes and constantly changing plans doesn't make for a good season. But I'm still going to stay hopeful. It's a beautiful story and I'm letting them tell it, but these bonkers decisions really need to be fixed. And soon.
Anyway, if you read this I love you 🩷 (and tell me your own specs/ hopes for the next season!)
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rynnthefangirl · 2 months
I rarely wanted to slap a character more than when Sansa Stark disrespected her Uncle Edmure in the GOT finale. It’s so incredibly emblematic of the problem with Sansa in the last two seasons of Game of Thrones: she makes objectively poor political choices, but it’s framed as smart and good because she sounds confident and badass about it, and the show protects her from facing any consequences.
In this scene, Sansa’s goal is establishing an independent North. For her to achieve that goal with the least amount of difficulty, she needs the acquiescence of whoever is chosen as King. Edmure proposes himself. He is Sansa’s own uncle, a non-greedy, non-conniving man, with a decent sense of honor and (most importantly) a history as an active supporter of Northern Independence. If Edmure becomes King, Sansa should have a pretty easy time becoming Queen in the North. This is a choice that benefits her political goals
And how does she act? She basically tells him to shut the fuck up. Now, is Edmure the best candidate? No. He is a bit of a fool and has made mistakes. But he is a decent man. He is also a long time prisoner of war who suffered immensely as a result of him covering for Sansa’s brother’s political blunder. He fought, bled, and suffered for Sansa’s family and deserves basic respect. But Sansa has no respect. She just insults him, even though not only was it unnecessary, but it is also against her own interests. She shuts downs a candidate who will give her exactly what she wants, presumably because she is so filled with smug superiority that she just can’t help but diminish people that she sees as beneath her.
She can probably get away with it to Edmure, who is family and not the type to hold a grudge like that. But when she does that to some other lord with no reason to support her? It’s going to make an enemy rather than make an ally. And that’s what Sansa’s entire approach to politics in season 7-8 is: making enemies rather than allies.
It reminds me a little bit of Aegon III shutting down and dismissing Torrhen Manderly. But the key difference is the histories acknowledge Aegon’s coldness towards his subjects as the major flaw of his character, the thing that held back his rule from being as well regarded and successful as it could have been. But with Sansa, there is no criticism. It’s framed as just her being a cool badass. It doesn’t matter that she rudely and stupidly shut down a candidate that aligns with her goals, because guess what? Tyrion happens to nominate her brother for king, who will also give her whatever she wants. Sansa had no way of knowing that Bran would be king, she certainly didn’t suggest him.
It’s understandable for Sansa’s trauma to manifest as coldness, suspicion, and unnecessarily antagonistic behavior. But we see with Aegon III that when those traits go too far, it becomes a hinderance rather than a strength. But precious Sansa is spared from such consequences. She can treat anyone as rude as she wants, and it’s fine. It’s just her being smart and shrewd and playing the game. Because playing the game at the expense of honor and compassion and fighting the true threat of the white walkers is bad… unless it’s Sansa doing it.
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catofoldstones · 5 months
Listen I know I like to shit on the Game of Thrones show since I started reading the books but nothing, and I mean nothing, tops Bronn as Lord Paramount of the Reach, because the Tyrells are all dead, as one of the scenes that sends me up a wall on all fours in a rabid rage, hanging onto the ceiling with nothing but my teeth
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makorragal-312 · 1 month
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Imagine if this is what finally gets Buck to tell Tommy to stop calling him "Evan."
Like, he just had to go through another shift of Gerrard berating him and his family while calling him by his birth name and he vents to Tommy about it. And Tommy just goes "What's the big deal? I call you 'Evan' all the time."
And Buck just snaps and goes.
"I know! And I hate it!"
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kinardsboy · 1 month
I really can’t feel bad for buddies when they continuously set themselves up for disappointment over and over again instead of just enjoying a fanon ship
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malewife-cas · 12 days
Is it a healthy relationship when he calls him “kid” or says “god i hope so” when Buck asks if he himself has daddy issues?? No
i’ve said it once and ill say it again, i don’t fuck with T0mmy.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
This is what gets me when people write in depth analysis about how dumb they would be to not go there with queer Eddie and with Buddie. Like yes, I agree it would be incredibly stupid and bad writing - unfortunately as much as I want that to reassure me(and I’ll admit some days when I’m sad and need to not be I pretend to let it), it doesn’t. Just because it would be stupid and bad writing doesn’t mean they won’t do it. We’ve seen this show repeatedly make bad writing choices before. I’ve watched TV shows time and time again screw things up in the eleventh hour, I’ve seen so many shows set things up and then take a hard left turn into the dumbest plots in existence. And they get backlash for it but still do it. So as much as I want to believe that because logic and basic literary analysis says Eddie is queer and Buck and Eddie are each others’ best match - that isn’t a guarantee of anything. I’m also preparing myself that if we actually do get a queer Eddie storyline and buddie canon - there is a high possibility that they stumble through it in a ridiculous and poorly written way. I want more than anything for that not to be true but it is still a very distinct possibility.
this is exactly my feelings- like one of my biggest pet peeves are people making posts as if buddie is 10000% happening and there is absolutely zero possibility of it not going that way which i’m sorry to be a debbie downer once again but that’s just not true
what kills me is everyone in the fandom keeps talking about “it’d be so ooc for _______”, seemingly forgetting the fact that s7 was ooc for so many of the main characters to the point that we were all ragging on the writers about it… like if they were able to write a season so sloppy and terribly ooc what makes you think they won’t continue to do so, especially after tim just said “i don’t like to plan out seasons”
ooc writing happens in tv shows all the time. just because something wouldn’t make sense for a character/plotline doesn’t mean they won’t just do it anyway. like I’ve said before, tim has shown us that he only cares about shock value and drama- telling us himself in a interview that “i can’t just let them be happy, then no one would watch” (which is such total bullshit but this is the man who decided to make eddie have an emotional affair with a doppelgänger of his dead wife rather than just, yk, confirm his queerness)
i get it. it’s disappointing. you don’t want your favorite shows/characters to tank and go off the rails. but unfortunately, it has happened time and time and time again in network tv, and 9-1-1 is not immune to this.
i fully agree with the posts and analyses that detail how the show has set up buddie being the only satisfactory endgame relationship between them, and how it would be foolish and bad writing for them not to, but unfortunately (as you said in your ask) this show has made god awful writing choices frequently (literally the entirety of s7 is proof of that) and they have jumped through hoops to avoid buddie canon countless times— there is nothing stopping them from doing it again.
and this idea that just because they’re talking about buddie openly must mean they’re going canon is ridiculous. the short is reaching the end if it’s run; if it even gets renewed past s8, it’s very unlikely that they’ll go past s10 at the longest. they just moved to a new network, baited the fuck out of buddie pre-s7 and then didn’t give us anything and people are still watching. they know that as long as people think there’s a possibility of buddie canon that they’ll watch the show— it’s textbook queer/shipbaiting. 9-1-1 is not immune to this just because they’ve said “we don’t want to be accused of queerbaiting” in the past. we’ve reached a point where the network queerbaiting won’t cause enough backlash to warrant them being cautious anymore. it’s a dick move, yeah, but these creators are in this job for one thing: money. they have proven they don’t actually give a fuck about meaningful storytelling. it’s why they rely on cheap drama and shock value to get by bc they know people will tune in anyway.
i completely understand wanting to be hopeful and optimistic. i will forever be hopeful for the day that buddie finally go canon (although i hope they ditch the mustache before then because i don’t want to think of my alcoholic uncle when i see eddie kiss buck for the first time) and when it does i will be so fucking happy after waiting for 6 years.
but that’s the thing. i have waited for 6 years. i’m tired of getting my hopes up each season bc “guys this is literally the closest we’ve ever been there is no way they aren’t going to go there now” just to get slapped in the face by the showrunners and writers. i’m not going to get my hopes up about it just to be let the fuck down once again. and frankly, i don’t wanna see the fallout when we are let down again because people decided to convince themselves that it was 100% for sure set in stone happening when in reality it’s really not.
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(Mild spoilers for 8x01, I will tag it with 911 spoilers, but this is your warning if you don't have the tag filtered!)
Am I supposed to be upset that Tommy had one scene and like three lines? Because I'm not.
The scene was Eddie's scene, because it showcased the way that Eddie and Chris are still having problems and how Chris is still mad at Eddie. Also brings up the way Helena acts with Eddie.
Tommy was just there to remind the audience he's dating Buck. He didn't even do anything substantial in that scene.
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