#90s robin
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where-dreamers-go · 5 months ago
“Lucky Together” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Here’s part four after “Teasingly Sweet” of 90s Robin and Reader. Robin had made a promise to visit Reader in his civilian attire, as himself outside of hero work. Is Reader ready for that step? Warnings: Use of (Y/N), slight angst maybe, and fluff. Word Count: 2,438 words)
Saturday evenings were as entertaining as ever. The first Saturday of each month, more specifically.
Decked out in your Robin fan club shirt, button badge, and bracelet, you snapped as a fan left the small stage after reciting poetry.
That was so cool, you thought from your seat by some friends.
Each meeting consisted of catching up with one another for a few minutes with light refreshments followed by updates form the leader of the Robin fan club. There hadn’t been too many things to officially discuss aside from an upcoming fundraiser and community projects. What came afterwards was open to the floor. Anyone could share something positive and Robin related.
It wasn’t all about gushing over Robin. Only sometimes.
“Would anyone else like to share anything?” The club leader asked kindly. She waited as always. Encouraging everyone.
When no one moved nor raised a hand, she said, “Thank you everyone for your creativity, stories, and updates. If you have any questions regarding the fundraiser next week, feel free to ask or call me. I’m happy to help. It’s because of our passion that we can help our Gotham City too.”
Clapping sounded in the rented room.
“Before we go.” She grinned. “I do have a special guest who’d like to say a few parting words.” She glanced toward the door and her grin widened. “Please welcome our hero, Robin.”
Gasps came from nearly everyone in the room as the door opened.
He’s actually here? You thought, gaping at Robin strutting to the front. Has he been here before? Have I missed something?
Beside you, your friends clapped along with other fans.
“Good evening, everyone,” Robin greeted.
Quiet overtook the room. Each person eager to hear Robin.
“I’ve heard of your recent fundraisers and I couldn’t be more proud. Gotham City needs more people like you. People who care.”
A shiver went up your neck and your gut feeling had you suspecting Robin’s gaze had found you.
“So I just wanted to come by and say thank you.” Robin smiled. “Stay safe out there and have a good night.”
The club leader returned his smile and said, “Thank you for coming. We know how busy you are.”
“Not a problem. Anything for the best fans.”
The room erupted in clapping and joyous exclamations as Robin bounded out the door.
“He’s proud of us,” your friend shook your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you breathed out.
After all of the excitement reached its peak, the club leader ended the meeting with a laugh. She must have known how many questions would come her way then.
You can’t just contact Robin, you thought. Well, my friend managed it for the costume party.
It didn’t take more than a glance to see the club leader being swarmed to give answers.
You didn’t need to be near that. It was enough to be questioned for half an hour during a meeting after your birthday. That story was a hit weeks ago. Just that one though and excluding the ending. The others you kept to yourself.
There was no chance in the world in which you’d give away such private details of you and Robin.
“Are you coming? She has to tell us how,” your friend stood beside you.
“No. I better head home. You guys let me know tomorrow. Okay?” You shrugged on your jacket.
Few headed out before you. The tease your club leader gave excited and tickled members’ curiosity.
Maybe it’s a good thing I haven’t told anyone about inviting Robin to my apartment. Half of my friends would think I’m kidding. You sighed, walking out into the hallway. It’s better this way. A secret.
Heading into the chilly night air, you were caught on your last thought. A secret.
Robin wants me to know his. To know who he is—his name—is huge. It’s his life.
Metal groaned in an alley you passed. Steps sounded rapid behind you.
It better not be some little punk. You glanced over your shoulder quickly and laughed.
“How’s my favorite fan?” Robin matched pace with you and smirked. Walking between you and the street.
“Glad to see you. Again.”
“Did I surprise you?”
“At the meeting? Oh, yeah.” You answered. “They’re still in there wanting to know details. Our club leader knew what she was doing.”
“I contacted her.”
Your jaw dropped open.
Chuckling, Robin added, “It was an easy way to find you and surprise them too.”
“To find me?”
“Yeah. There’s no big event or gala happening tonight. Most of Gotham should be pretty quiet. Batman can handle it.” He shrugged. “So I was wondering if your night was free?”
Tonight? Your heartbeat picked up. As in civilian identity visit?
“I have to fold and put away some towels.”
“You need help?”
“What? No, no. It’s fine.”
Robin slowed to a stop and rested a hand on your arm.
You stopped.
“Is something wrong? My friend doesn’t have to visit.”
“No. It’s just
 I’m worrying myself.”
He frowned.
“You know my luck is questionable at best.” You whispered, “What if someone finds out? Or you get in trouble?”
“Hey. What bad luck have we had together?” Robin asked softly.
Any quick response stopped before they were spoken. Robin had a point.
Shoulders rising in a hunch, you asked, “Will it really be all right?”
“It’ll be better.” Robin promised.
You couldn’t help but to smile. “Your friend doesn’t need a mask. That’s a bonus,” you said feeling a bit more comfortable with the decision once again.
“And he doesn’t need a suit.” He winked.
Laughing lightly, you added, “Jeans and sweats for the win, Robin.”
“All right. Time for me to go.”
“Gotta fly?”
Robin shook his head as he fought off a smile.
If we can make this, here, work, why not something without secrets or masks?
✧ ✧ ✧
Well settled-in for the night, you watched a movie on the television. Alone and sitting very comfortably on the couch.
Maybe Gotham City wasn’t as quiet tonight, you wondered.
It had been a little over two hours since the end of the fan club meeting. Enough time to shower, fold towels, and decide to chill in pajamas.
If you were going to wait, you were going to be comfy in your apartment.
I hope he’s all right. You glanced to the curtains covering a window. I better not have jinxed him or something.
Grumbling into a throw blanket, you barely heard a knock on the door.
All building drowsiness vanished as you tiptoed over to the door, your blanket wrapped around you. There was no doubt within you who knocked. Excitement filled your limbs.
Don’t be nervous.
 Peering through the peephole nearly stole your breath away. The moment when your corner of the world changed.
Opening the door revealed a young man in a black leather jacket paired with jeans and boots. A motorcycle helmet was carefully tucked under an arm. Familiar blue eyes gazed back at you with restrained excitement.
“Hi,” you said, holding open the door.
“Trick or treat?”
Any nerves subsided as you grinned.
Robin stood before you without a mask or skin-tight suit. Definitely a new look you could get used to.
He lifted his left hand and revealed a chocolate Kiss. “A sweet treat for (Y/N).”
“Thank you,” you smiled, “but I’m pretty sure you being here is better than one little chocolate.” You stepped aside and beckoned him inside with a nod of your head.
Walking passed you, he shrugged off his backpack and pulled out a slightly crinkled bag. One with a familiar bakery logo on the front.
“What about some cake?”
The door shut as you observed his knowing smile.
He remembered the place?
“Okay, but,” you tightened the blanket around you, “depends on if you tell me your name, I think.”
“Dick Grayson.”
“Dick Grayson,” you repeated. “Nice to see you in cotton. Make yourself at home.”
After placing the treats on the kitchen counter, Dick put his backpack, helmet, and jacket out of the way by the dining table.
Knowing this young man in jeans was the very same hero you admired boggled your mind. Still new, but familiar. Dick Grayson had been underneath the dark mask when you had the unluckiest birthday and he made it brighter. This man had attended your friend’s costume party and made sure you made it home safe. The blue-eyed, smiling man did hero work at night.
And tonight he’s here with me.
“You look deep in thought,” Dick observed as he stepped up to you. “Anything you want to share?” His fingers skimmed across your blanket at your sides.
Good question.
“It’s cold outside.”
“Explains the blanket.”
“And my brain’s trying to catch up since seeing you without your mask,” you rambled. “I know it’s you and this is
more of you.”
His eyebrows lowered slightly in concern. “Is it freaking you out?”
“You’re sure?” His hands found your hips and tugged you forward.
“Now you’re teasing.” You swatted at him with the blanket.
“Because I know you’ll get used to this. If you like where this is going.” Dick rested his forehead against yours.
“Where is this going exactly?” You asked in a whisper.
“To the couch—”
“Oh, boy.”
“—then maybe sharing the cake.”
“I like that.”
He smiled and continued, “We could see each other before dark. Go on a date.”
“That,” you grinned, “I would really like.”
Closing the small space between you, you pressed your lips to his softly. The familiar sense of excitement and wonder appeared tenfold as the kiss played out longer than intended. A strong sense of interest felt, no doubt once more.
“I like being with you,” Dick murmured.
No longer fussing with the blanket and keeping it in place, you freed your hands to hold his face gently. To finally touch him without the underlying fear of crossing the boundary between hero and secret identity left you lighthearted.
It’s crazy how real this is, you thought before kissing him once more. Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson.
“Dick Grayson.”
“Hmm?” You blinked out of your daze.
Shaking his head with a grin, Dick lead you to the couch. An action he did similarly the last time he was in your apartment.
It lead to reason why butterflies erupted in your stomach at the memory.
Oh goodness.
Dick sat on the couch and pulled you with him; right on his lap.
Last time, the pair of you had stopped a heated time atop of the cushions, however this time you could continue. If you chose to.
“Dick,” you placed both hands on his chest.
“What is it?” He asked, trying to rearrange the blanket over you both.
“Is it okay if we
cuddle? Watch some TV?”
You sat back a little, giving distance. Unsure of his reaction. Your hands falling to your lap.
Instead of looking disappointed or even shocked, Dick smiled. Purely genuine and not at all teasing. He peeked over your shoulder.
A movie still played on the screen. One you rented for the weekend.
“I didn’t know you liked fantasy movies.”
“And some science fiction,” you added. “The fun ones.”
“Sophisticated and cool.” He tilted his head while studying you. “You’re full of surprises and treats.”
“Mostly treats.”
He tugged at the blanket, saying, “We can have cake later. For now,” Dick patted your side, “let’s get comfortable.”
After minutes worth of scooting, pulling the blanket, and adjusting leg positions the two of you were laying together across the couch cushions.
This is how you spend a Saturday night, you thought with a smile. Funnier even because I went to the meeting tonight. And it’s okay. They’ll never know. He’ll be safe. I have to have good luck at some point.
A kiss was pressed to the top of your head.
If this could be a new normal, I’d be more than okay with that. You covered Dick’s arm with your own close to you.
Wrapped up in a blanket all snug together, the pair of you spent hours on the couch. Too cozy to move as end credits rolled. Midnight had come and went not long beforehand. A cake long since eaten.
Behind you, Dick stretched his limbs.
“Did you enjoy the movie?” You asked as you craned your neck to look at him.
“I did. I mainly enjoyed watching it with you.”
“Yeah?” You smiled sweetly.
“Darn right. It beats getting punched any day. And this isn’t something I get to do with my free time.” Dick patted your hip. “But now I have to get going.”
“I wish you could stay.”
“Who said I can’t? It’s your place. If you want me to stay the night I can hardly say ‘no’.”
Your heartbeat picked up.
He wants to stay over. Just sleeping. We’re sleeping.
“So?” Blue eyes studied you once more.
“Do you need pajamas?”
Laughter was shared before the two of you had to stop the white noise of annoyance coming from the TV. The tape had reached its end.
Getting ready for bed with someone you had only imagined without a mask was a surreal experience. One minute you were brushing your teeth and the next you forgot to turn off a light because he smiled at you. You had not imagined being bashful.
Yet you could hardly contain a smile upon seeing Robin—Dick Grayson—making himself comfortable in your bed. Fluffing up pillows, arranging blankets, and all the domestic actions. It was cute too.
The man, the hero, in between your bedsheets was all smiles. He truly liked you.
Before sleep welcomed you both, kisses and more cuddles were exchanged.
You couldn’t remember being happier going to sleep.
✧ ✧ ✧
Despite tall buildings and morning fog, sunlight peeked into the bedroom. Sunday had arrived with new experiences and surprises.
Soft pressure was felt on your head and you kept your eyes shut. Warmth was pressed to your neck and your eyes snapped open.
Wait, you thought sleepily as memories of the night before reemerged. Oh.
Dick Grayson’s lips traveled to your shoulder.
He’s still here.
“Morning,” he kissed your temple sweetly.
You smiled into your pillow. “Good morning.”
“I could get used to this,” he murmured into your skin. One of his hands found yours and intertwined them.
“Maybe if we’re lucky, we can do this again.”
“I work late nights.”
“Some nights I go to bed late,” you mused.
He brought your clasped hands up and kissed your knuckles.
“Can we go on a date first?”
You grinned.
“Luckily for us. It’s my day off.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
90s Dick Grayson Tags: @ghostcastaway @theroyalmanatee @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
38 notes · View notes
starspilli · 20 days ago
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9K notes · View notes
frownyalfred · 3 months ago
Bruce, teaching Jason meditation in the Cave: “The point of this next mental exercise is to retain serenity both on, and off patrol as you—”
Jason, scoffing: “Serenity? I saw you crash out and try to throw Penguin off a roof yesterday.”
Bruce: “
Are you done?”
Jason: “How does throwing Penguin off a roof fit into this then?”
Bruce, gritting his teeth: “Jay.”
Jason: “It doesn’t, does it?”
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abisalli · 3 months ago
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Some Tims! I haven't read any current comic runs in forever so someone please tell me they aged my boy up
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batfambyval · 2 months ago
*At the Watchtower for some huge meeting*
Superman: hey Red Robin! Happy belated birthday! It was last week right? How old are you now?
Red Robin: 17.
Nightwing: 20!
Everyone: *stares*
Nightwing: RR, we talked about this. You can’t just decide to stop aging. That’s not how it works. You were born 20 years ago so you are 20 years old.
Red Robin: no. I’m 17 and I really need you to stop saying I’m not.
Impulse: Yeah! We’re 17 Nightwing! We’re never gonna be older than that!
*yj core four gather round Red Robin menacingly*
Superman: what?????
Nightwing: *sighs*
Batman: *dissatisfied grunt*
Red Robin: we went through a lot of bs to become eternally 17 and I won’t let you ruin our hard work!
Wonder Woman (eternally young and suffering for it): why? Why would you do this?
Superboy: if RR is doing it we’re gonna be right there with him!
Wonder girl: *nods*
Red Robin: believe us, you don’t want to see what happens if I lose my youthful optimism.
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timbit-robin-art · 2 months ago
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So. Them.
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lixiedrakelies · 2 months ago
Reminder that tim canonically used to consult a book called "how to be a detective" whenever things got too confusing for him
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lonelyzarquon · 1 month ago
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The Craft (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming
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junkfoodcinemas · 11 months ago
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The Room (2003) dir. Tommy Wiseau
Troll 2 (1990) dir. Claudio Fragasso
Batman & Robin (1997) dir. Joel Schumacher
Samurai Cop (1991) dir. Amir Shervan
Fateful Findings (2013) dir. Neil Breen
Miami Connection (1987) dir. Y. K. Kim, Park Woo Sang
Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010) dir. James Nguyen
Tammy and the T-Rex (1994) dir. Stewart Raffill
Mac and Me (1988) dir. Stewart Raffill
Super Mario Bros. (1993) dir. Rocky Morton, Annabel Jankel
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duplexbiscuit · 1 year ago
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Attempted teaching moment
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where-dreamers-go · 11 months ago
“Teasingly Sweet” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Here’s part three after “Lucky Treat” of 90s Robin and Reader. What happens when Robin thinks he’s the one having bad luck? Also, do they know what’s even going on between them?
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), slight angst maybe, spicy times of a makeout session, and fluff.
Word Count: 2,321 words)
Gotham City had its fair share of people. Even masked heroes and creative villains who had eventful nights compared to their civilian days.
You, on the other hand, were having a pretty tame evening. The day had been productive, however nothing was too much to handle. A really decent day that lead to you grabbing a well deserved treat from a confectionary in the city.
Street lights and buildings kept the streets lit well enough.
You kept an awareness to your surroundings. Keeping your mind mostly on what moved around you and partially on ideas of what a certain masked hero could be up to.
Hopefully, Robin is alright, you thought as you held a light box of delicious treats close. He usually is. That we know of. You kept your jacket zipped up, an extra layer against the chilly night air.
After deciding to take a detour to avoid the growing crowd at a coffee shop, you annoyingly realized there was even more activity down the busy street. Lights flashed and news vans lined the road to boarder the sidewalks. Much too close for you to ignore.
Really? You thought, I don’t need this today. Pivoting on the spot, you turned with every intention of squeezing passed the line for coffee on your route home. Safety first.
You had very good intentions and determination to avoid any trouble. The good luck you were having again recently was not going to be thrown away on your watch. No way. There were treats to be had.
Just keep walking and you’ll be fine. No big deal. Average Gotham City night.
Average night, was it?
Was it not uncommon for a crook to flee from a police car?
Was it also the usual night for a crook to head straight toward you without your knowledge?
Definitely not.
Heavy footfalls came in rapid succession behind you.
Alarmed, you turned to the noise and saw a person, wrists cuffed, headed your way. Despite the initial scare, you were able to see a positive. Another person coming your way.
Robin sped forward, almost flying across the concrete to intercept the crook. Cape rippling behind him, your hero launched himself through the air.
You watched on in awe as Robin flipped over the guy and took him down in the process.
Oh, dang.
Hopping back to his feet, Robin spotted you as the crook peered around in a daze.
“Close call, sweets.” Robin said, looking you over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” You clutched the dessert box in your grasp. “You?”
“I’d be better if this guy didn’t run off, especially too close to you.”
“I’m okay.”
“Good. How ab—hey,” Robin held the guy more firmly as he struggled against the hero. “I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” You stood quietly beside a building. The chill in the air made you shiver slightly.
All the movement remained about seven yards away, reporters trying to get closer to Robin and the dark looming figure of Batman stood by officers. Quite the sight really. There was no way you would want to be tangled up in that mess, even if it was under control.
Taking the time to check around, you deemed the area around the sidewalk boring and safe. Almost an oddity for Gotham City.
Can’t believe how fast Robin got that guy, you thought. He just
flipped and
 Did he use his legs? I don’t know.
In less than about five minutes, Robin strutted towards you. Really heroic in that cape too. Yet he wasn’t smiling as you thought he might.
Is he okay? Did something else happen?
“Hey,” you said softly, “are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just
a lot of little things going wrong. Nothing I can’t handle, but it’s irritating.”
“Bad luck today?”
“Yeah,” he laughed half-heartedly. “You know a bit about that, huh?”
“A bit. But I know what can make it a little better.” You smiled as he perked up at your words. “I have some ice cream at my place and cookies, if that’ll make it any better.”
Robin smirked, “Are you inviting me to your place?”
“Yeah. If you want,” you shrugged, shy. A little nervous perhaps considering how much of a fan you were of Robin.
He’s walked me home before, you thought, and drove me home on his bike. Plus we’ve
 Woo. Yeah. Okay, this could be interesting.
“Sounds better than how my night’s been going so far.” Robin replied.
“It can be my gift to you.” You quickly added, “You’ve helped me before and now. Why not give you something? You do so much already for everyone.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
You smiled. “I was headed home now. If you’re not through crime-fighting, I won’t take the ice cream out just yet.”
“You’d wait for me?”
“Yeah. It— Is that weird?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m flattered, but you shouldn’t have to wait that long. Give me a minute.”
You nodded and watched as he returned to the busy press-filled sidewalk.
I can’t believe this is happening again, you thought, feeling your heart rate pick up again. But
inside my apartment. I’m so glad it’s not a mess.
After wrapping up business with Batman, Robin jogged over to you with a charming smile.
On the way to your place, you two talked, caught up on anything new, and were very close. For chilly weather reasons, obviously. Robin was easy to talk to and wasn't completely full of himself. He knew what he was capable of and he didn't flaunt it.
Entering your apartment, you kicked off your shoes by the door.
“Make yourself at home.” You said as you set down the box of treats on the counter.
“Thank you. Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you smile warmly to him and walked over to the couch a few feet away to unzip your jacket.
“Is the box off-limits?” Robin asked, coming to stand by the end of the kitchen counter.
“Sorry, it is. This was for a well-productive day. From me, for me.”
He hummed in appreciation, “Is it cake?”
No.” You turned away slowly and took off your jacket.
It was then that you realized what you were wearing.
Crap, you thought and tried thinking of a way to hide the prominent ‘R’ decorated on the upper left of your Robin fan club shirt. Be subtle about it.
Left arm raised, pretending to scratch your neck, you attempted masking some of it from view as you walk back into the kitchen.
“So, uh, you can pick whichever cookies you want out of the pantry there.” You offered and quietly sighed as he did so.
“Hmm.” He turned around with a sleeve of cookies. “Sweet as you.”
“Gotta have some on hand in case of a bad day,” you shrugged.
“I’d say my bad luck has disappeared at the sight of you.”
Smiling, you replied, “I could say the same. You did show up when I was having a terrible birthday.”
“And how’d that go?” Robin smirked.
Like he doesn’t know! You flirt.
“Well, after a really nice walk, I got a gift from you. So, I think it went really well.” Moving in the kitchen, you reached into the top cabinet, grabbed two bowls, and turned to set them onto the countertop. No clumsiness included.
“Did you like your gift?”
Oh, now he’s full on teasing.
“Very much.”
He smirked, happily confident. Blue eyes sparkling in the warm light.
Opening a drawer, you took out two spoons and quickly set them by the bowls. “I hope you don’t mind (flavor) ice cream.” You said and stepped to the refrigerator.
“I don’t mind any flavor you give me.”
After nearly choking on spit from Robin’s words, you pulled out a carton of ice cream with images of its contents all over. The thin ice coating its edges relieved some the heat radiating from your hands.
I’m going to be fanning myself with a magazine if he keeps this up, you thought.
Leaning on the counter, Robin watched you prepare to bowls of ice cream with a smile. Every move he caught with curious and attentive eyes.
“Is this good?” You asked, spoon in hand.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Robin walked over to stand beside you and took up the second spoon.
“Beats running around outside?”
“I’d take being here with you over chasing down some guy determined to ruin people’s day for the thrill of it. This is more fun.”
Apparently smiling while eating ice cream was a minor challenge. The two of you took that challenge with ease. Ice cream with good company definitely brightened both Robin’s and your day.
It was a wonder how you were comfortable enough with him to invite Robin inside. Then again, you were a fan and had gotten to know him quite a bit during your last two meetings. You were proud of yourself for asking.
Why shouldn’t you gift a little with whatever type of relationship you two had going?
What’s he thinking? You wondered as you saw him looking at you with your peripheral vision. I mean, he probably has to leave soon. I guess. You quietly set your spoon down in the empty bowl. I wish he could stay a little longer.
“You know,” Robin started as he put the spoon down, “I owe you a ‘thank you’ for your gift. Inviting me in and treating me to ice cream and cookies. You didn’t have to.”
“It’s about time I gift you something. Something other than one piece of candy.”
“And about thanking you
Robin’s gloved hand pulled you in by the waist. A move he definitely perfected as he instantly kissed you. Stealing your breath, Robin kept the pace slow as his lips pressed against yours. Dizzyingly passionate as he curled his other arm around your back.
Another kiss for the record.
Eyes shut for a moment, you broke for air. Your hands finding purchase on his biceps.
Even with his knee-shaking kisses, you needed to know something. To ask one thing.
“Is this...casual for you or
?” You left the question open ended.
How do I even ask this?
Robin took one of your hands and pressed it against the pulse point on his neck. A rapid pulse. “Lately, I've been wondering the same thing, but... I think I only want this from you.”
“Your heart racing?”
“It can be calm too. But not when I think of seeing you again. You’re all I can think about some times.”
“Just me?”
“You and me.”
You pulled him in for a hard kiss. Fingers in his hair, you deepened the kiss with all you had. In turn, Robin held you impossibly close to his body. Both of you expressing what you wanted and tasting of frozen dessert with no signs of stopping. 
Neither of you had to be anywhere else.
Leading you backwards through the apartment, Robin continued pressing his lips to yours. You stumbled to keep up, not knowing where you were headed when you mind was on how he teased your lips with his tongue.
Your world turned sideways and Robin was all you could feel as you landed onto the couch. The cushions softening the fall onto your back. His cape covering you both as limbs entangled.
Time passed further into the night. Both you and Robin showed no hints of leaving the couch. If anything, it appeared as if you two would remain there much longer.
Panting breathes were exchanged between wet lips and heavy gazes. It was getting a little hot in the apartment.
Hands intertwined tightly over your head, neither of you dared break contact.
“We should probably stop,” you murmured.
“Probably,” Robin said into their neck. He rolled his pelvis onto yours. “Ahh. I should go.”
You bit your lip, keeping yourself quiet as your legs instinctively hugged him closer. Fingers still locked together with his gloved hands.
Robin. Oh, please. You thought as you felt your mind slowly floating away with pleasure, of being with him.
Placing another kiss on your neck, Robin kept a slow and sensual pace with you. His eyes fluttered shut as the two of you continued.
No thoughts of responsibilities or anyone else. No worries of where either of you should or should not be. Only thoughts of being closer together and all of the feelings that came with it all.
“Robin.” Back arching, his name escaped you like a plea.
Above you, he stopped completely and released your hands. “We can’t. As much as I really, really want to
” He looked you over in your half blissful state as he blinked away his own fog of pleasure. Shaking his head, he added, “Not while I’m like this
as Robin.”
You nodded, processing his words. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Yes,” you kissed his forehead.
Smiling, Robin kissed you again. Much shorter that time, but with no less affection. He pulled you up with him into a sitting position, chuckling at your disheveled appearance.
“And maybe we can pick up on where we left off?” He lightly pulled at your shirt and added, “With your fan shirt.”
“Sure. Maybe without your mask and cape?”
His hands held you to him, “More cotton and less
“Whatever this is made of?” You knocked your knuckles onto the front of his suit. “As long as it protects you, it’s fine.”
“It does the job.”
“Good.” You pecked his lips.
Reluctantly, the visit had came to a close as you walked him to the door. The pair of you shared one more kiss, a promise.
“Good night,” you murmured.
“Good night. See yah soon, (Y/N).”
Robin left your apartment quietly and went off into the night air.
What have you two gotten into?
Was he, the Robin, really going to reveal his civilian identity to you?
Was that even allowed?
Was it safe?
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: @
90s Dick Grayson Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
61 notes · View notes
yjcorefourenjoyer · 6 months ago
Impulse: “I have a spaceship”
Random hero: *look of shock* “how did yo-”
Robin: “we’re in the middle of a mission can we just say ‘Classic YJ mission’ and move on?”
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eternalmoonlight19 · 1 year ago
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All of Dc comics is actually a sitcom.
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mysterycitrus · 11 months ago
save me 90s tim drake with the stupid hair
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months ago
Dick: Damian isn’t great about expressing his emotions.
Damian: If I say how I feel, people will say how they feel, and I don’t care.
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fishyfcuk · 12 days ago
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robin 1993 #67
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