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He/him. I do art. PhD in doodlin’.
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timbit-robin-art · 4 days ago
What's your favorite Marvel ship?
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Is this just a grand conspiracy to make me doodle more Spideytorch? Hmmm…
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timbit-robin-art · 4 days ago
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Scoobert Doobert Doo.
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timbit-robin-art · 7 days ago
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Quick doodle of Spideytorch breaking it down Calvin and Hobbes style.
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timbit-robin-art · 10 days ago
omggggggggg how you draw peter as a lil creature perched on ben means so much to me... what a little guy
Bahaha, yessss. I’ve recently been rewatching the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon, and watching him crawl around and crouch and stuff is so fun. What a critter.
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I bet he would feel much more comfortable acting like a weird critter in the Fantastic Five AU simply because of how powerful Scott’s autistic aura is. It forcefully unmasks him the moment he swings into the Baxter Building.
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timbit-robin-art · 12 days ago
I’m sure you’re asked all the time…
But do you have any favorite queer/lgbtq marvel ships you like :3
I like Spider-Man/Human Torch myself
You and I are in agreement;
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(Can you guys believe that the Fantastic Four rap is technically the catalyst for one of my top Marvel ships of all time.)
Other queer/LGBT Marvel ships I enjoy are Kitty and Illyana, Steve and Bucky, Jean and Ororo, Steve and Bruce, and Clint and T’Challa (those last two are mainly focused on EMH). I also can’t tell if I enjoy Sam and Bucky romantically or not. Maybe they fall more under the queer category than the LGBT. A friend of mine is currently making a great case for Scott and Gambit, too. I’m hearing them out.
I actually have a lot of hetero ships that I view with queer context, like Romy and Buckynat. My aspecification beam has touched these two ships, mwahaha. And then Hank and Janet from EMH have some gender spectrum queerness happening in my brain-hole. The X-Men also are just generally a queer thing to me. They cannot be a normal flavor of straight.
But, yeah. Those are the ones that stand out to me. I think Spideytorch is actually my current number one Marvel ship right now. They are my stupid disasters. I like it when my brain thinks of them as Johnny being an oblivious bi and Peter being a confused aspec queer. How does that work? Simple: it doesn’t. They still don’t know they’re madly in love with each other and it drives everyone around them insane.
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timbit-robin-art · 13 days ago
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Fantastic Five. Plus one.
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timbit-robin-art · 18 days ago
Pro internet tip: if someone posts about a character/ship you don’t like, you don’t have to make your opinion known in the comments.
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timbit-robin-art · 24 days ago
(kicks door down) spare dc/marvel sexuality hcs good sir?
Wahhh, my door…
(One quick Google search to make sure HC means what I think it means later…)
Honestly, I don’t think I have very many of these. I like to ship whatever/whoever I want without ever thinking of the consequences, so anyone can be anything in my silly little playground. It’s also hard to have fun with this when there’s always someone acting like you’re trying to change canon as we know it. Canon can stay as canon. What I do with my silly toys won’t overwrite what’s real.
(And speaking of which, I don’t trust a single comic book writer to actualise my headcanons to begin with. They’d fumble so hard.)
But anyways. A lot of these have basically no canon-basis. My source is that I made it all the fuck up.
I just want to get this one out of the way: congratulations to everyone who’s a bear Wolverine truther. You guys have posted so many things about him and Deadpool in the minivan that it subconsciously convinced me he was an old gay man. When I eventually got to the Uncanny X-Men issue about Mariko, I actually had to do a double take. Well played. Gay Wolverine it is.
Ever since I started liking Dinahbabs, I haven’t been able to unsee girlkisser Barbara. We’re going full-on lesbian Barbara in this house, baby. While I’ve personally never been a fan of Dickbabs, I think the idea of them trying to date only for Barbara to come out after they break up is extremely funny. Then that idea evolved into all of Dick’s exes coming out as lesbian. Maybe Dick has super gaydar because of this. “She looks like a girl I would date” is his code word for “she’s 100% lesbian.”
Zatanna being a lesbian is an idea that actually carried over from the YJ cartoon. It’s been a headcanon I had before I even knew what gay people were, baha. Both her and whatever Roy and Kaldur had going on made young me think to myself, “is there a word for same-gender-kissers? Because that’s what these characters are.” She’s also the reason why I headcanon Zachary as gay. I just think it’s funny when a family has multiple gay cousins. Or maybe the implication is that being a magic-user puts you at a higher risk of The Gay. Who knows.
Dick and Kori are bi4bi. No notes for this one.
Honestly, I’m just generally in agreement with the popular bisexual headcanons. Maybe it’s because my multi-shipping ways makes me see characters as bi by (hehehe, bi by) default, but yeah. Lots of bi’s. If you point to a character and say, “bisexual,” I’ll just stare for a couple of seconds and go, “yeah.”
As aroace myself, I have a lot of a-spec headcanons that are purely just projection. Characters like Tim, Peter, Gambit, Jaime, Bruce (Wayne and Banner), Bucky, and more. The Seal of Aroaceness is the highest honor I can bestow upon a character.
Those are all that I can think of at the moment. Some of these might contradict each other, but that’s the beauty of having a multiverse in my brain. I get to do whatever I want.
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timbit-robin-art · 25 days ago
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Accidentally made a tiny comic for the Drake Brothers.
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timbit-robin-art · 27 days ago
The people have spoken, Gambit and Bucky would eventually bond over cats
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What an interesting turn of events.
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timbit-robin-art · 27 days ago
omg hai i have to come here n say that ur bw is literally so pretty holy shittttt. like,,, u make her look so ionic and i was scrolling through ur blog for funsiess and like,,, i rlly appreciate how u make bw, jean grey, and mj look different form each other. i have such a hard time telling them apart in comics 😭😭😭 idk if thats just me but like,,, its the redheaded characters specifically for me. they all just look the same 😭😭😭
idk if thats a weird thing to say sorry if it is. but ya i love ur beautiful women and goth mj is peak.
Hello, thank you so much. That’s very nice to hear. I’m under the impression that you mean Black Widow when you say BW. I’m very bad with figuring out acronyms.
I have a very similar issue as you, baha. I’m told that my face blindness is horrendous, so I don’t know if that comes into play a bit, but I do have trouble with telling who’s who in comic books sometimes. Is this man with black hair and blue eyes Bruce, Dick, or Clark? I guess I’ll figure it out at some point.
This ask has inspired me to make a quick reference for myself on how I differentiate my redheads. I threw in Barbara as well.
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While I miss the more recognizable/defined features of older comics, I guess the ever changing/vague features nowadays for comic book characters grants fans some artistic liberty to create their own version. It’s especially fun when you get to play around with the hair. And because it feels like modern day comic books know nothing about fashion, I get to imagine how they would dress. That’s how I get to make goth MJ and fem punk Barbara, yay.
I have a whole style break down for a lot of characters, but I don’t want to just yap and yap. I have a habit of going on tangents and not really knowing where to stop, bahaha.
(A little off topic, but MJ has been popping up a lot for me today. I guess that’s what happens when you decide to do Spider-Man art for a day.)
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timbit-robin-art · 27 days ago
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I have recently been reading the 70s era of comics.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month ago
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This is what’s going on in the background of my Drake brother AU, by the way.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month ago
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What if uhhhh, Gotham but Amrev.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month ago
Originally saw your lovely art of the avengers. Tagged for Hank Pym (a fave of mine lol) then saw you liked a heck lot of stuff I know and knew this was ment to be. I’m glad I’m following now! I want to try be active on here again it’s sad that has gone a long time ago. It’s nice to pop in occasionally tho.🥰 to see artists like you!
Yayyy, another bug boy enjoyer. Hank is definitely a favorite of mine. His autistic loser swag is a lot of fun, and I kind of wish there were a few interactions between him and Bruce Banner for maximum autismness.
Thank you very much for the kind words. It’s very funny to think there’s someone out there with the same oddly specific interests as me. Like Marble Hornets, I see. Such a good series. For some reason, I always get the sudden urge to rewatch it around March. I don’t know why. Something about Marble Hornets is a spring show for me, bahaha.
I hope you enjoy popping into my silly little corner of the internet every now and then.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month ago
you got into emh???? what did you think of it???? :33333
I’m actually kind of nervous to answer this, bahaha. There are a lot of people who would cook me alive for the opinions I have on superhero cartoons. But I guess I’ll try to get my thoughts in order.
I’m very mixed on it. I love the characterizations and the universe so much, but I felt like the execution was meh. I think part of it is the fact that everyone hypes it up to be a god-tier show, so I was going in with higher expectations than I probably should’ve. That’s definitely on me.
While I know it got canceled and left a lot of unresolved plot threads, I personally think it has a YJ seasons 3-4 problem, where the writers bit off way more than they can chew. They’re setting up too much for future plot lines that it kind of messes with the flow for me. It’s hard to focus on the dynamics and developments of the main cast when the over-arching plot’s a little bit all over the place. And also when there’s a world-ending threat every other episode. I was a little bit annoyed with that.
For me, the show really shined in the character department (even when it felt like the writing room really didn’t like certain characters, but that’s a rant for another day). They all have such distinct personalities with amazing character arc potential, and I wish we got more smaller-scale threats with the episode focusing on one or two Avengers. Give me more Clint and T’Challa shenanigans, damnit.
I have much more thoughts, but I don’t want to come off like I’m totally trashing the show. I know this is a classic childhood cartoon for a lot of people, and I can see why. I just want to go into the writing room and be like, “thanks for the amazing idea, but I’ll take it from here.” Now I have new toys to play with.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month ago
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Marvel media dump.
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