#you want her on you ibuki i know it
zeravmeta · 7 months
I hc ibuki as bi/pan bc of how she interacts with some of the male cast (imposter hinata souda etc) but I also always hold this image dear in my heart
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caramelmochacrow · 6 months
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how ibuki's voice changed (joke)
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
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Bullied reverse course darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Junko, Nagito, Ibuki, Mikan ]
[ Trigger Happy Havoc ] [ Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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This was really interesting to write! I think ultimate x reverse student is already an interesanting prompt!!
I had to left out Kyoko because i don't feel like writing for her, instead I made Mikan! Hope you don't mind
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Junko Enoshima
Junko is always looking for something that could bring her happiness through the despair, even if that mean putting into action the craziest plan. For you two to meet isn't too difficult because of this, although is probably that Junko won't be interested in you right away unless she senses the despair you are going throught
Junko's interest and obsession on you will grow really fast, once she notice the problems you are having with the bullying thay imediatly pick her interesant, she probably will watch you from afar but has no problem with going with you directly immediatly, she just wants to be able to observe you and find out how much this is affecting you. Junko is incredibly smart and observant so it won't take her much time before she gets all the information she can, how much students and who is bullying you, how much it affects you, what hurts you the most, what you do to cope with the bullying, and so on, she gets all the information until she is satisfied
Although, she will never really grow fully satisfied, the more she learns for you the more obsesive she grows, for what she just wants to know more and more about you. She started by just getting interested because of the despair but it slowly becomes to be interested in all of you, and no matter what you say or do her once Junko grew obsessed over you she will never leave you alone
Junko is well aware that her feelings towards you aren't exactly wholesome or normal, but she doesn't care at all, as long as it brings her happiness and joy to her life she doesn't really care for anything else, not even your safety, is almost as if you became her little toy to play without you being able to do anything about it
At some point, probably pretty soon, Junko will came to you and start befriend you, not really hidding her true personality but actually trying to be charming just to make sure you don't run away from her since the start. Junko is really smart and has a whole plan to charm you to trust her and let her in your personal life before she wins the full control of your life, although is probably that she puts her plan into action even after start befriending you
Junko is well aware that you suffer from bullying and is probably that she act worried or even offended just at first to try to lull you into her game, but she doesn't actually care much for the bullying, in fact is something she actually cheerish because it brings you despair and thats what she love the most
Even once Junko becomes closer to her darling and starting winning more control over their life she won't stop the bullying yet, she will even secretly encourge the bullies and indirectly give them information to bother you only for her to watch the scene amused. However even the bullying is something she wins control over it, she control when and how much you get bullied, she just let it happen enough for her to be satisfied by the the beautiful scene of you falling into despair, and her feeling of despair while watching someone else mistreaten her darling
Although, as much as Junko loves this situation she grows mad with your bullies over time, she likes that you are feeling despair but she should be the only one who makes you feel that way, so even if at some point she had encourage them now she despises them so she will take matter into action, no matter how hypocrite may be she will end up punishing your bullies in the worst way posible, enjoying every single moment of it while making them feel the great despair!
It isn't safe to say that you'll be free of the bullying, because even if your bullies suddenly disappear that will just give Junko free pass to be the only one giving you that sweet despair and no one will stop her from doing it, not even you
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Nagito Komaeda
It would be a little difficult for Nagito to even interact with reverse course due him despising them, he doesn't go out of his way to bullied them but he isn't kind whenever interacting with someone from the reverse course either
For you two meet, or well, for him to start actually interacting with you has to be because he has see you around the campus more than once, already seeing people bothering you but also seeing you still go on with your day or that he doesn't know that you are talentless, in any case it won't take much time before you pick his interest and he start to actively trying to learn more about you, either by watching you from afar or directly starting to talk with you (if he doesn't know you are talentless he will saying self-depracating things but not much since he isn't sure if you are an ultimate or not)
Nagito's ideals were deeply ingrained and he couldn't go against them, so for him to actually start falling for a reverse student has to be because he already knows your potential, after watching for a while and getting to know you better he will slowly get convinced that even if you are a talentless you are really hopeful, going to Hope's Peak Academy despite not having any kind of talent, getting constantly bullied by it and still always making your best to keep going, to keep attending to class and trying to have some peace shows the great hope inside of you
It take a while but once the simple idea of you being quite hopeful grows on his mind the idea will only grow more and more with time, from now on, in his eyes, everything you do is for the sake or motivated for your hope, no matter what you do nor what you think of himself that won't change the way he sees you now, or his growing obsession for you
He takes a little advantage of your position as a reverse course student to get close to you, interact with you and even being a little pushy with it if you don't seem too interested on him, even when he had started looking up at you he doesn't treat you as the hopeful deitity he sees you yet, you are still a reverse course student and it would take him a while for him to get used to that, but in the meantime he is acting really kind and friendly with you
He tries to spend all the time he can with you by the excuse of just wanting to be your friend, while, in the shadows he is just feeding more and more his believe of you having the potential to become the ultimate hope. Nagito lull you into trusting him and charm you with his friendly attitude until you two are really close, and then is when he start to show more his worshiping and obsesive tendencies because to that moment he already knows (or have convinced himself) how hopeful you are, even if you would find it weird or even disturbing there is not way to turn back down, he has found the ultimate hope and he must protect and serve them (even if he sees himself unwhorthy)
At first, the bullying you recived used to be something that he didn't care, but now that he knows how hopeful you are he can't just have that, he rather take all that hate and mistreat on himself than letting anything bad reach you, that is why he tried to protect you from the bullied by diferent ways, keeping you as far away from those people who just wish you ill and taking it himself (if he can), although he may even start thinking bad of them, even if your bullies are ultimates they aren't even close to be able to compare to you, so he may just teach them a lesson for even just thinking bad of you, but that would depend on what they have done to you and how bad do you feel about what happened, or if you ended injured (although, he is pretty easy to be trigger when it comes to you, specially if your safety is on risk)
Nagito is determinated to protect you and keep you safe from anything and everything, his own sanity slowly starts to depend more on you, that is why you being bullied start to make him feel paranoia, he already fears that you might end up hurt because of his luck but you being actively hurt by others just makes his worries be even worst, to the point where he just can't keep calm when it comes to your safety. If he is able to stop the bullying his paranoia won't grow much, but if his efforts fails and the bullies keep going he may just snap and do something serious against them or even just kidnap you
It sadden Nagito to be so far from you during classes, he can't just concentrate in anything else because his mind is just full of thoughts of you, from wondering if you are alright to feeling like a failure for not being there with you, or even feeling unwhorthy and thinking that probably you will be better if he just stays away from you and leave you be (although his paranoia won't let him leave you alone), he isn't able to calm down until he is able to see you again
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Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki is a really open minded and friendly person, she likes talking and making new friends so if she ever get to know you she won't think twice before already treating you as a friend, for her it doesn't matter if you are talentless or ultimate, she want to know your true self
She may don't fully get that you are being bullied if she doesn't see it personaly, but she does notice the little hints like being uncomfortable or even weird out by the fact that she is talking to you like a friend, she acts goofy and friendly but she is weel aware how a lot of people take advantage of the school system to pick on reverse students and that is why she tries to don't make a big deal out of it
It probably won't take much time for Ibuki to cross your wary walls and get right into your heart, even if at first is just by being friends, she is just happy that you finally accept her and from then she won't leave you alone never again
Ibuki end up falling for her darling because of her personality, no matter if you are introvert or extrovert she'll find you incredibly adorable and fascinating in your own way and that is when her obsession becomes, it grows so slowly and inconspicuously that is almost scary, and, since her whole behavior is always being affectionate, clingy and energetic it isn't that weird and can come across as normal when she start to become more and more clingy and invasive
Ibuki doesn't think bad of her feelings, she knows perfectly fine that she is in love with you, although she ignores the fact that the intensity of her feeling is abnormal and just accept them with open arms
With time Ibuki grows quite intense when it comes to her darling in diferent aspects, you suffering from bullying was something she used to find reprehensible, something really bad that must stop, one or other way, she wants to help you in a good healthy way but she is just too intense to the point were she grows even impulsive, she tries to distract you and comfort you while taking you away from the bullies, she hopes that that would be enough but if people insist on bothering you she will just step in and protect you from your bullies, confronting them and asking them to stop, but if they still don't listen then they left Ibuki without other option than taking action and punish them, is more likely that if Ibuki is pushed to her limit she end up just killing them with the excuse that is just for the sake of her darling (she doesn't regret it nor shows sorry for them, they were the bad guys anyways)
No matter what resources Ibuki is forced to use to protect her darling she will not stop being the smiling and affectionate person she has been with her darling since the start, even after killing she just came and act as always, although Ibuki's feelings will depend for what the bullies have done, if you are traumstized or they didn't stop in time Ibuki will just grows a little paranoid and end up insolating you (without even having to kidnap you), assuring you that Ibuki is the person you can trust with your life and even convincing you that she is the only one you can trust
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Mikan Tsumiki
It could be a little difficult for you to meet, even when Mikan doesn't mind at all the fact that you are a reverse student, but for her it would take a while to feel comfortable around you just because of her abusive past
You two can easily empathize with each other since both had being bullied (although, probably you haven't being mistreaten to the same point that Mikan had suffered but at least you can understand her), however she wouldn't take it too well at first, thinking that she is in a too shameful state and you are just pitying her if you ever mention it
For Mikan to grow obsesive over you it has to be because you seem to be liking to mistreate her and only her or being really kind towards her, and for being in a similar potition is more probably that you two become a comfort zone for each other, someone with who you two can just be without judgment nor titles, and that is how she becomes obsesive and even dependent on you pretty quickly
Is until Mikan grows obsesive that she starts to feel bothered by the fact that you are a reverse student, but it is only because that is the reason why she can't be with you all the time, leading her to feel more and more desperate with every minute that she pass away from you, the distress fullfiling her until she is finally to be able to see you, probably even cry a little and apologizing for being so needy and bothering you with her insistance (not matter how much you reasure her is the same everytime)
Mikan think of you as perfect, even if you are talentless she doesn't mind at all, and she wants to know everything she can about you, so at some point she will try to win the courage to ask you about your class in the reverse course for being actually interested more on your life, however she will quickly apologize the firsts times she ask because she fears you may think that she is trying to make fun of you
She won't know about you being bullied unless you tell her or she sees it, either by actually watching it happen or because she help you with the bruises, at first she was just feeling bad about the situation but as her obsession grows it becomes a topic that start to bother her more and more, it makes her feel helpless and usless, it makes her feel like she is being nothing but a bother for you since you already has to handle a lot with a rough academic program on the reverse course and also the constant bullying and now having to deal with her and her clumsiness, she feel really bad about it but everytime you do as much as smile at her she can't help but feel like with you is where she belongs, where she can be happy, even if you were just doing it for pity she wouldn't mind as long as you don't leave her
Everytime Mikan gets to see the hints of you being bullies (like being sad or even physicaly hurt) she can't help but feel even more usless, almost at the verge of tears, she rather have to endure the bullying you are suffering than leaving you suffer it, and it just gets worst when she saw it in front of her (that won't take much time before happening because of how clingy she is, to the point of becoming a stalker)
The moment she sees you being bullied she just froze and feel like if her entire world start to fall apart, she feel so impotent for not being able to do anything and so shameful that it would take her a while to finally look at you in the eyes again. If she ever gets to see it again it would be almost the same, until she finally win the courage to step in and try to stop the bullying, probably just offering to take your place
Mikan will just grow paranoid over time because of the bullying and how much time you two spend away, everytime there is evidence that you have being bullied or even saw it she treats it as if you were about to die, it causes so much distress that she end up taking things into matter and makes sure to take their life in her hands, that way they will never bother you again and she can make sure you are safe, she will finally be useful for you
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Requested by @justsomerandom4030
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jujumin-translates · 8 months
★ A3! New Characters "KICS" Details
Someone already TL'd these on Twitter but I figured I'd do my own TL over here for the Tumblr crowd!
These characters will appear in ACT4!, which is being released starting in spring 2024.
Towa Ichinoe (CV: Daigo Kato)
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An extremely puppy-like boy who loves all of MANKAI.
Occupation: 1st Year at Hanasaki Academy
A huge ultrahigh-intensity fan of MANKAI Company and and oshi of Spring Troupe's Masumi. He attended middle school in the countryside, but convinced his parents to let him move to Tokyo. He also lives with his aunt and works part-time for her at a flower shop on Veludo Way. He loves rice.
"Hey, hey, hey, could we take a pic together, please!?"
Ibuki Dozono (CV: Shuichiro Umeda)
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A high-energy genderless youth.
Occupation: 2nd Year at Tsukushi High School
They like to stand out and have become quiet famous! They started posting videos online that went viral due to their enthusiastic personality and they've become a bit of a celebrity. They're a happy-go-lucky person who lives their life by the mindset of "Life's a win if you enjoy it the way you want to!" They like potatoes.
"Huh~, so there's some people who don't know of THE Ibuki~?"
Keiku Karashina (CV: Hayato Dojima)
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A violent boy who's emotionally-lacking.
Occupation: 2nd Year at Ouka High School
A boy who has nothing in his life to be passionate about so he spends his days fighting instead. He's insensitive to both his own emotions and to the emotions of others. His favorite food is shortcake with strawberries on top.
"'It hurts' is easy to understand... ain't it?"
Kureha Nishiki (CV: Yuri Ise)
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A narcissistic boy who's 120% confident in himself.
Occupation: 3rd Year at Ouka High School
A super confident guy who thinks he be good at anything at all. He's an idiot who can't make up his mind during critical moments, but he's loved by everyone around him at school because of his natural cheerfulness. He's addicted to tea and works part-time at a cafe. He likes Western-style sweets.
"Just leave it to me and everything will be okay!"
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funishment-time · 6 days
i desperately want more spin-offs like UDG where we're given the events of DR through Very Different points of view.
one idea i always enjoyed is a Protagonist completely disconnected from the main cast, who does not know or care that the Remnants were once innocent kids and will once again be (mostly) innocent kids, who is not invested in hope versus despair or whatever the fuck. they see terrorists and suffering and they want the Remnants dead.
battling big-ass Nekomaru is cool and all, but i'm thinking boss fights to agonize the player where you're chasing down non-fighters like Ibuki and Mahiru and you see a flash of who they used to be before delivering the blow. each time the protagonist has to be convinced to only knock them out, to let the FF deal with them. each time the protagonist has to tell themself that the infinite layers of grief they see in those young eyes are manipulative, false.
you don't know who Sato or Natsumi or Chiaki are. you know half your friends are gone and your city's exploded and you haven't heard from your partner in two months. you're able to split up the yakuza couple and, heavily injured and unable to move, the bodyguard woman with the sword yells for her boss. what was it? Inuhiko? Fuyuhiko? she reaches out. you swing the bat.
because it doesn't matter what they were: it only matters what they took from you, the Protagonist
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa Characters Watching a Move (at the cinema)
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Eats all their food before the movie starts:
Akane - Foodie
Aoi - No self control when it comes to food
Hiro - Somehow accidentally eats it all
Kaito - Trips while walking up the stairs and spills it everywhere.
Nagito - Eats it during the trailers
Cries when the supporting character/animal dies:
Chihiro - Cries when the dog dies
Gundham - Also cries when the dog dies
Himiko - ALSO cries when the dog dies
Kaede - "They were such a supportive character *sniff, sob*"
Mikan - (She cried because the opening was too loud)
Peko - She cried when the dogs were separated in the street
Sakura - "What a loyal character"
Sonia - Cries when the dog dies
Monomi/Usami - "They didn't deserve that" <- Animal and Character
Nekomaru - "They took one for the team... that's loyalty... *sniffling*"
Throws Popcorn/Food at People:
Fuyuhiko - He hits the couple infront of him while they're kissing
Hiyoko - She dumps it on the people being too loud and laughs at them
Kokichi - Throws from far away, Kaito gets blamed and escorted out
Leon - Incredible accuracy, hits the screen when the characters talk, often lands "in their mouths"
Mondo - Throwing popcorn with Leon, missing most of the time, but still having fun.
Monotaro - Dumps it all on his siblings
Gets kicked out of the cinema:
Junko - Already got a permanent ban from it, escorted out on sight.
Kazuichi - Somehow accidentally does something really bad and has to be escorted out, he leaves with Kaito.
Mukuro - Saw the prices of her favourite slushie go up by 50c and threatened the cashier with a hunting knife.
Teruteru - He was innapropriate to the female worker/s.
Monokuma - Escorted out on sight, left right after sneaking in with Junko.
Talking the Whole Time (mostly gets popcorn thrown at them):
Angie - I don't know why, but I think she would.
Ibuki - Extremely loud and constantly gets "shushed"
Hifumi - Rambles about the actors and their voice overs in different anime.
Sayaka - Accidentally unaware, always notices easter eggs
Kiyotaka - Unaware socially and doesn't realise it's wrong
Tenko - Screams at the screen whenever a male comes on, gets shushed constantly and is escorted out to the lobby to wait for the movie to finish.
Monokid - He's just really loud.
Watching the Movie in Peace:
Imposter/Twogami - He's chill about the movie, eats his food quickly and constantly gets up to get more.
Chiaki - Relaxing, fell asleep after the first song/instrumental
Kirumi - Picking up rubbish/popcorn from the floor to help the workers. Stays late to assist with cleanup.
Korekiyo - Occasionally comments, but enjoys the movie nevertheless.
Kyoko - Still and silent, making sligh "huh" "ohhh" noises when she realises plot twists are coming up.
Monodam - Tells everybody to get along, sits with Monomi/Usami and tells the people around him to shush.
Shuichi - Done with everybodies shit by the end, but tolerates it for the other viewers sakes'.
Rantaro - He got no development, I didn't know where to put him.
Ryoma - Sits at the front because he can't see over the seats, quiet and isn't bothered by the others.
Spoils it on Accident:
Keebo - "I read an online forum" and then spoils the majority of the movie.
Mahiru - Searched all the actors on IMDB, watched trailers, found many full movie essay reviews on the movie before buying tickets, went on rotten tomatos for reviews. She wanted to get her moneys worth!
Makoto - Already seen it before because it was trending a week prior, accidentally spoils it but the people next to him don't mind.
Tsumugi - Got spoilers by Mahiru, was already in the fandom, came in cosplay and spoiled a bunch of it while rambling.
Gonta - "Gonta heard (spoils entire plot, then starts talking about the bee movie)"
Monophanie - "Hm I watched a movie like this... (<- It was the movie they were watching and she spoiled it all.)
Hajime - "Oh no... I'm a failure!" "Yes Hajime, a reserve course student hanging out with the Ultimates... you should be a stepping stone!" (<- He then gets mad at Nagito and spoils it to him purposefully, others hear though.)
Spoils it on Purpose:
Byakuya - Ruins the fun for his own enjoyment
Monosuke - Just wants to be annoying
Celestia - Somebody annoyed her because they took too long to order tickets, she got mad and spoiled it for the rest of the cinema loudly when she walked out of the movie.
Miu - Does it for shits and giggles
Toko - Depending on her mood. She gets mad at somebody next to her and yells at them.
Maki - Was in a bad mood when she walked in, only spoiled it because Kaito was escorted out due to Kokichis bad behaviour.
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anonzentimes · 2 months
*guy who loves talking about despair disease voice* wait can we talk more about despair disease. i have so many thoughts on despair disease and esp how it pertains to nagito
i feel like when a lot of people first play/watch the games they see nagito as someone who lies to manipulate people, which while i can’t super blame them for thinking that way bc of how hajime tries to reconcile his conflicting feelings over nagito, i get SO frustrated when ppl call nagito a liar bc no!!! no he’s not!!! you’re falling for other characters’ perceptions of him!!! nagito almost never lies and when he does he’s either really bad at it (cough cough final FTE. “i got it all from a book” you are not slick buddy) or comes clean as soon as he’s achieved his desired outcome- it’s more bluffing than actual deception, and one thing he’s especially sincere in is his beliefs and admiration for the people around him. and the despair disease PROVES this without a doubt!!
ok. i know in-text the despair disease is described as “reversing people’s personalities,” but i’ve always interpreted it a little differently. ibuki isn’t the opposite of gullible, akane isn’t the opposite of a coward, and nagito isn’t the opposite of a liar. to me, it’s always seemed like the despair disease gives its host the trait they’d most hate to have— whatever trait would instill in them the deepest despair. ibuki hates conformity- stick her with a disease that makes her blindly follow whatever she’s told. akane hates showing weakness- force her into a state of constant crying. nagito hates the idea of deceiving his classmates- make him incapable of being sincere. this interpretation makes mikan’s disease make a little more sense too imo, since remembering her brainwashing isn’t exactly reversing her personality but instead literally filling her to the brim with despair. ANYWAYS.
nagito Actively Despises not being able to tell the truth. he hates the despair disease, he sees it as a complete waste. in the ult. luck and hope and despair mangas, we actually get to see some of his internal monologue right before he passes out, and he is In Hell. he’s pissed that he can’t serve as a proper stepping stone in his state, he thinks the whole disease is stupid, and he gets so frustrated about not being able to properly encourage the group that he Literally Starts Foaming At The Mouth ????? like if you EVER wanted undeniable proof that nagito is sincere look at the despair disease. it’s basically a roundabout truth serum for him and that’s a huge part of why it’s one of my favorite motives
sidenote i feel like the despair disease has a shit ton of analysis potential in general just bc of how it turns characters into what they hate the most!! i loveeee brainstorming what symptoms certain characters would have gotten were they to get infected. hajime especially. maybe he’d get a fawning disease where he starts praising everyone nagito-style (this would highlight their bystander parallels and also make hajime feel MISERABLE bc he fucking hates when nagito points out how similar they are lmao). or maybe he’d get an apathy disease that’d essentially izuru-fy him (wonderful foreshadowing potential there, not to imagine the incredible angst of izuru being the thing hajime would hate to be most in the world.) alas i am not a fanfic author so i will sit with my concepts but it is a wonderful daydream with any dangan characters i’d highly recommend it :]
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! I SCREAM IN UNISON WITH YOU I LOOOVEEE THE DESAIR DISEASE!!!!! MAN… I’M SO OBSESSED WITH HOW YOU INTERPRET AND ARTICULATED THE DESPAIR DISEASE💗💗💗 The Despair Disease is genuinely so good for analyzing I really do believe Danganronpa 2 Chapter 3 is the best Chapter 3 out of the franchise. I think the reserving of their personalities truly meaning the traits they would hate to have is soo good I’m eating up, sealing it in my heart, and using it forever such a delightful way to explain it. The interpretations on what disease Hajime would get is so fun, I’ve seen some people interpret him getting the honesty disease which is fun in concept but I don’t think it works as well as other ideas could, y’know? Your ideas for a potential apathy or fawning disease are really fun to me, I like the idea of the fawning disease tapping into how much of a realist he is and giving him the opposite attitude Lol. Thank you so much for sending this it’s so fun I’ll be thinking about this forever, I wish I was a fanfic writer aha! I really want to become a fanfic writer, soon with time I suppose. Thank you again for sharing your daydreams with me, you’re very right it does have a lot of analysis potential! :D
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m-y-fandoms · 2 years
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Reader - Marshmallow Hell Scenarios
Details: For those who don’t know, Marshmallow Hell is an anime cliche/trope where someone falls face first into/is smothered by someone’s breasts. Also, this is for anyone with breasts, no pronouns are mentioned
Warnings: language and lewd suggestive scenarios but its kinda PG-13/Teen
SDR2 spoilers in some sections, but some will be implied to be Island Mode/no despair
Word Count: 4.5K words - around 500 for each boy
Byakuya Twogami
It was normal for you and all of your classmates to convene in the hotel restaurant every morning. You ate breakfasts handmade by the Ultimate Cook, discussed the day’s plans, and just caught up with each other. There were already cliques and little sub-groups within the whole - people who favored each other. Nekomaru could often be found getting stronger or training with Akane, Sonia and Gundham spoke of their interest in the occult, and Hajime and Chiaki had grown quite close. Ibuki had developed a fondness and sort of infatuation for the group’s self-appointed leader: Byakuya Togami. It seemed natural to want to be closer to someone titled the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, as he held wealth, status, confidence, and yet a bit of mystery. Ibuki, however, seemed to take to him more than the others. She was constantly asking him questions, playfully praising him, following him around.
This morning in particular, you were minding your own business, in the corner talking about beach-going plans with Chiaki after having just finished your breakfast. Ibuki, loud and boisterous, was trailing behind Byakuya, asking after what their esteemed leader had planned for the day, and Hiyoko, short-tempered as ever, was slowly losing her patience with the noise so early in the morning.
You actually had to commend Byakuya on his own patience. For someone who would be easy to judge as pompous and stuck-up, he actually was quite good at keeping his cool and naturally taking up his post as leader. He passed by Chiaki and yourself on the way back to the kitchen of the restaurant, and you nearly felt bad for the man who appeared to still be groggy from sleep and yet was being bombarded by conversation. He handled Ibuki well. Hiyoko, however, had enough it seemed.
“Ugh! Shut the hell up! I just woke up and you’re being annoying! Go talk to Mr. Ham Hands in your private cabin if you wanna suck his gross, cheesy dick that bad!” Clenching her teeth in frustration, Hiyoko reached out and shoved Ibuki as hard as she could with her angry little hands. The strength such a hateful little body could produce was actually quite surprising. Ibuki screeched, stumbled abruptly forward into Byakuya, who, taken by surprise, tumbled forward onto you. Like a stack of dominos you all went down with quite a bit of commotion.
With the hefty size and height of the Affluent Progeny before you, you were easily taken flat to the ground with a gasp. Everyone turned to look at the situation: Ibuki collapsed across Byakuya’s ass and legs, and Byakuya smothered head first into the plush front of your breasts. Time seemed to stop for a second, and Byakuya raised his head, cheeks aflame with embarrassment at the undignified position. You looked back into his eyes with just as much shock. Hiyoko covered her mouth with both hands, holding back how devilishly delighted she was at the chaos she’d just caused.
“Well, well! If the big rich boy wanted some play that badly, he probably could’ve just asked (Y/N)! I must say, I’m quite jealous of his position!” Teruteru teased, wiggling his fingers, imagining himself switching places with Byakuya.
Byakuya scrambled to his feet, lifting himself off of you in a hurry while sputtering defensive, angry retorts about how a gentleman of rare stock such as himself would never stoop so low and something about not being a common rake like the promiscuous chef.
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru was playful, unserious, relaxed in most aspects of his life and personality. However, you noticed he was fiercely serious when it came to cooking. It was his passion, his life’s work, something he didn’t play around with. You admired how much time and effort he put into his craft, and loved to watch him work. He spent every breakfast, lunch and dinner period making a literal feast for all of his classmates, and you often liked to either watch him work his magic in the kitchen, or get more hands-on and actually help him. You found him funny and knowledgable, and liked learning little recipes and cooking methods as much as eating the finished works. However, it was nice to be complimented, compared to delicious dishes and praised for your cooking assistance skills. You found yourself having a lot of fun with him.
At the moment, you were helping Teruteru in the dining hall of the old building by the hotel. Your class had prepared a little party of sorts for tonight, a little feast and get-together to chat, have fun, and just be carefree for a night. Now done with the dishes, it was all about plating and arrangment. He wanted the dining hall to stun your peers when they arrived in the next ten minutes or so.
He was up on a ladder, piling up a tower of sashimi and nigiri a mile high. You spotted him, nervous about the height he was at, especially with his short frame. You had your arms out in preparation, ready for any spills or to catch stray strips of fish meat. Everything had to be perfect. He took pride in that. Ice on the bottom, a cold room, fresh meat, the proper placement.
Teetering to place a bit of yellowtail and red snapper on the top of his masterpiece, you heard him gasp a bit, one foot stumbling over the other on the top step of the ladder. Determined not to crash into and therefore ruin his mountain of fish, he quickly shifted his weight, twisting so he instead fell away and off of the ladder and unfortunately, onto his gracious helper. You grunted with the impact, slamming flat onto your back on the hard floor with Teruteru on top of you. With his height and the angle of the fall, his face planted so very conveniently into your breasts.
It was almost a little too perfect of a scenario for someone like him, and you flustered up immediately, questioning if he’d done it on purpose as he took his good old time getting up. Of course, lewd remark after lewd remark ensued, as he took advantage of the situation fully. How often would he get an opportunity as lucky as that?
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru had many more positive traits than negative ones. You absolutely loved spending time with him, as he radiated positivity and pushed all of those around him to be their best self and train their bodies and minds. He was all about mental and physical strength, as was expected of the Ultimate Team Manager. Nekomaru trained champions, and so he could never just let his friends go without realizing their full potential. You very much enjoyed his presence, his overwhelming energy, hearty laugh, encouraging personality.
Spending time with Nekomaru often meant also spending time with Akane. The two walls of muscle often bonded over their shared interest in being strong in body and mind, and today you’d agreed to train with them. Nekomaru was good at reading people’s insecurities - better to help overcome them - and today, he insisted on honing your senses, as the killing game left you feeling vulnerable and even a bit useless. There’s no one you trusted more to help you get out of those feelings. It was good to get your mind off of things while training to become less of a target for a killing. Two birds, one stone and all that.
Nekomaru had all four of you blindfolded: you, Nekomaru himself, Akane, and Hajime Hinata, who often got roped into silly activities with whoever seemed to be available to hang out that particular day. Nekomaru insisted he could use the training as well, so here he was. The next hour or so was spent dodging light attacks, relying on hearing and sensing danger when sight was not an option. Nekomaru always went easier on you and Hajime, saving the harder hits for Akane, who would never accept any less. Out on the beach behind the diner, you felt the sand between your toes, the wind on your face, the blindfold forcing you to perceive your surroundings in a whole new way.
You swivled on your heels, hearing someone new approach from the south, and you assumed everyone else heard them, too. It was Ibuki, as you easily reognized from the voice.
“There you guys are! We couldn’t find you for like, forever! Anyhoo! Teruteru sent me to round y’all up! Soup’s on! Come on back to the-” before Ibuki could even finish her words, Akane was bolting, blindfold still on, toward the first island, and only Ibuki would actually see what happened next:
Akane, all speed and no sight, plowed into Hajime and pushed past him. He yelped, splatting onto the ground at full-force.
“Ouch! What the fu- ah!” Hajime was cut off as Nekomaru, who also was now heading in the same direction as Akane, tripped over Hajime’s prone body on the sand, tripping face forward onto you, innocent of the chaos and unsuspecting while still blind to the world around you.
“Gah!” Nekomaru’s deep voice rumbled, clumsily taking you down with him, his huge mountain of a body easily smashing yours into the sand below him. Ibuki could only laugh at the cluster-fuck in front of her, the chain of events that lead to Nekomaru face planting directly into your chest. His exclamation of surprise was muffled into your soft mounds of flesh. You were speechless, just wondering what the hell was going on.
“Aww man, sorry, Hajime!” Nekomaru, hearing Hajime yell out beforehand, assumed it was the skinny brunette crushed below him. He reached up for the blindfold, lifting it and immediately feeling a rush of embarrassment set his cheeks ablaze. The tips of his ears were on fire and his heartbeat was racing, now making eye contact with you.
He wasn’t oblivious to his size, knowing whoever he’d fallen on top of was almost certainly pinned and unable to get up until he moved, so he scrambled to is feet, apologizing profusely and helping you to your feet while Ibuki made teasing remarks just a short distance away.
Gundham Tanaka
It was a rare stormy night on the beautiful tropical island. All outdoor activities were off the table, and so you and your good friend, Gundham, decided on spending time in his cabin. It had taken a lot of work to get Gundham to this point, where he let a “mere mortal” into the safe space of his private quarters, and he was still closed off in some ways. He had walls up: about his heart, his past, his Four Dark Devas, and you’d slowly broken many of them down. He still was his own quirky, awkward, edgy self, but around you, he was slightly more relaxed. He didn’t usually let others interact with his Devas, and he still insisted they could turn on even himself in a moment’s notice as they were powerful beasts and truly their own masters, but he was more comfortable letting you hold and take care of them than anyone else. You’d earned that right. You were worthy in his eyes.
You loved his personalized cabin, overrun with hamster tunnels and pet care items. It was so cute and cozy, a stark contrast to his own presentation to the world. Tonight, he regaled you with embellished and dramatic tales of his past feats while the Devas crawled all around you. One was under the collar of your shirt, trying to siphon away your body heat, another used your shirt sleeve like a tunnel. One sat in your lap, eating a seed you offered. Gundham’s storytelling was so entertaining to you because he was so effortlessly good at it. It was an accident that he was so alluring.
Without warning, lightning cracked outside and the lights went out. It was pure black all around you, and you assumed your peers in their own cabins were experiencing the same thing.
Freaking out a bit, Gundham yelled for his Devas, calling them back to his own side. Again, though he trusted you, and didn’t want to admit any faults in his breeding and training methods, at the end of the day, the Devas were animals with instincts and wild at heart. He feared them panicking at the sudden darkness and lashing out to scratch or bite you. He could handle it, as his bandaged arm proved, but he didn’t want that happening to you.
He reached out frantically for the Devas in the dark, lunging forward, scrambling and stumbling until he accidentally toppled you over. Clumsily, he fell forward onto you. You yelped at the impact, not seeing but feeling the Devas scramble for cover away from you before they could be crushed by their owner. Now flat on your back in the darkness, you smelled a masculine, fragrant gel product as a coif of hair tickled your nostrils. Quickly you realized that Gundham Tanaka had pinned you, his face smashed into your bosom.
The monitor that adorned every individual cabin flashed on, the monochromatic, evil bear appearing with a sheepish look across his mischievous face.
“Sorry there, kiddos! Backup generator comin’ at ya!” As if he even cared in the first place, he giggled before disappearing off the screen once again.
The lights shuttered and then flashed back on, Gundham now able to fully take in the situation. His eyes met yours, and widened in absolute horror, mouth agape. He shoved himself off of you immediately, crawling back to his side of the floor and gathering his Devas into his arms. He preferred to pretend the whole thing never happened, hiding his now tomato-red face behind the folds of his scarf.
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito was acting weird. Like, weirder than usual. You were all in the hotel restaurant for your morning meeting as always, save for Fuyuhiko, who was in the hospital after Peko’s trial the day before. Nagito was a clammy, sweaty mess, ranting and and raving about the most random things, and just… lying a lot?
You knew Nagito a little better than the others in the group, actively choosing to befriend and get to know him as much as he would allow, but one didn’t need to know Nagito well to know that he was lying. He was saying the most outlandish, obvious lies in rapid succession.
“Nagito, is this a joke? What are you up to, now?” Hajime, ever cynical and suspicious questioned the pariah of the group, who held himself in a crazed embrace, arms wrapped around his shaking form as he rambled on.
You also knew from spening time with Nagito that he was ill, extremely ill. He was so physically ill that it extended into affecting his mental and emotional wellbeing as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t lie to push his own goals from time to time, but this was different. Something was wrong. You’d all observed that Ibuki and Akane were acting strange as well, and so Hajime, kind of the default leader of sorts, put his flat palm to each of their foreheads and found them ablaze with heat. Ah ha! So there was an illness on top of the illness. Nagito was lanky and pale as it was, but today, he was a ghost of even that.
The group discussed what to do, trying to figure out what was wrong with your three obviously ill classmates, when Nagito, chuckling in a frenzied, unstable way, started to wobble on his feet. You saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he stumbled, beginning to drop. You swept forward and moved to catch him before he could hit the floor and take some real damage. With someone as sickly as him, a good fall would probably mess him up big time. Losing consciousness, his dead weight fell face forward, directly into the cushion of your breasts. You fumbled with his weight, struggling to keep him up while he nearly suffocated into the plush surface that smothered his face. You panicked, looking around for help, humiliation in your expression. He was heavier than his gangly frame suggested.
Hajime Hinata
You had the despair disease.
And you had it bad.
Forced into the hospital on the third island, you, Nagito, Akane and Ibuki had been quarantined, separated from most of your healthy classmates. Only Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Hajime visited the four of you on a day-to-day basis, both to care for you until you were better and to protect you from being victims of the killing game. Hajime, being closer to you than the others and someone who considered you a true friend, also just wanted to be there to keep you company. If he caught the disease trying to protect and visit you, so be it. He wasn’t really worried about it.
Little did Hajime know, you very much saw him as more than a friend. Although you’d never admit it to him, you were head over heels for your intelligent, perceptive, caring classmate. Your crush couldn’t have been bigger. When the disease first began to manifest and you were in the more mild stages of it, you tried to keep him away from the hospital, because it was clear to you which form of the disease you’d caught.
Akane had cowardice, Nagito lying, Ibuki gullibility, and you… 
It was most definitely love… or lust, or infatuation… you couldn’t quite tell. You’d like to think it was love, because if it was just lust or infatuation, you’d think you’d be climbing all over Fuyuhiko and Mikan when they came to visit, too, but so far, your grabby hands had only been reaching for Hajime. Your mind had been infected with an all-encompassing passion for Hajime Hinata, and Hajime Hinata alone.
Again, when you were more conscious and healthy at the begginning stages of the disease, you could recognize the involuntary increase of feelings swelling in your heart. You tried to warn Hajime to stay away, fully aware of what was happening to your body. He insisted on taking care of you just as he would help Mikan take care of the others, regardless of your warnings. As your fever burned and the sickness ravaged your body, you found it harder and harder to not grab at him when he approached, to not flirt shamelessly, to not look him up and down and imagine him without his shirt on. On days when the island felt hotter than usually, you subtly even suggested that he just be rid of the white uniform shirt altogether. Hajime had been a blushing mess around you all week, but had done his best to ignore the touches and advances, as he knew you weren’t in your right frame of mind. Though he secretly liked you more as a friend as well, he’d never take advantage of your predicament.
On this day in particular, the disease seemed to be at its climax. Your body was going through waves of heat flashes, sweat pouring from your hairline and onto your face.
As soon as Hajime opened the door to your hospital room, you leapt out of the bed before he could even speak a word. Your heart burned with affection as you latched onto him, jumping into his arms and smushing his face into the crevice of your breasts, very much on purpose.
“Hajime~ I missed you~” You crushed his nose into the sweaty cleavage of your bosom, wanting him to feel the warmth and love you held for him.
“(Y-Y/N)!” Hajime sputtered, stunned at the surprise attack, could barely breath, smothered into the embrace.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
You really admired Peko for her strength, skill and silent grace. She was strong and knew she was strong. She didn’t boast, she was confident in her art form. She was truly the Ultimate Swordswoman. Although it was quite hard at first, you’d managed to get close enough to her to consider her a friend. Being close to Peko by default meant you’d have to get a bit closer with Fuyuhiko as well. The pair were inseparable it seemed, and you didn’t mind that. Fuyuhiko, despite his fiery, spiky exterior, was actually much more thoughtful and kind that most people knew. You’d grown to realize that those who earned a modicum of his trust and friendship would not be disappointed in the type of man he could be. He often tagged along, pretending he didn’t want to be there when you hung out with Peko.
You stood on one side of the beach with Peko across the way on the other side. Peko took up an offensive stance, preparing for a head-on attack. She’d agreed to teach you some swordsmanship and martial arts basics here and there after seeing your interest, and so here you were, on your third lesson. Today’s learning goals included the basics of defensive stances, blocks, counters.
You weren’t picking up the skills as quickly as you’d like, though Peko always encouraged you to press on in her sisterly, stern, blunt way. Fuyuhiko stood nearby, reading some old book from the enormous library while leaned carelessly against the outside wall of the diner. He looked up occassionally to watch you two and comment, to scoff or tease when you messed up or express concern begrudgingly when he felt like Peko was going a little hard on you. Though she was supportive verbally, it seemed that she sometimes forgot her own strength compared to a beginners when it came time for action.
Frustrated with your own skills, you spaced out a bit, sighing and dropping your guard for just a moment, the wrong moment. Peko surged forward for an attack, noticing your lack of focus just a second too late.
“(Y/N), block!” Peko spoke curtly as she approached. With that wake up call, you brought the practice sword up at the very last second, just barely avoiding a head-on attack from the master swordswoman, one that probably would’ve knocked you out cold. Your pathetic excuse for a block took away a bit of the brunt impact, but Peko’s pure strength had you stumbling back still, knocked backward off your feet.
Fuyuhiko, softer in the heart than he’d like to admit, looked up upon hearing the commotion and, in an instinctual moment of reaction, dropped his book and lunged forward, ready to break your fall, if even just a little. You made eye contact with him on the way down, dropping hold of the sword and twisting to grab onto his petite frame. 
You easily tipped over his small body, taking him down with you. You instantly smothered him - your chest lining up perfectly with his nose and mouth - cutting off his airways as you two hit the ground. You were crushing him.
Profanities and protests fully muffled against your chest, Fuyuhiko struggled and swore, insulting you and hurling hateful curses from his compromising position.
Kazuichi Souda
You were making your way to Strawberry House from Grape House. In the elevator beside you was your good friend, Kazuichi, or just Kaz’, as you’d affectionately taken to calling him. You two often moved together, hanging out nearly every day, and now that you were all locked inside the funhouse, nothing had changed. In fact, with the danger of the killing game motive, you probably spent even more time linked at the hip with Kazuichi, as you liked to have each other’s back. He was a true friend to you.
Not only did you find Kazuichi’s unique style intriguing and his personality hilarious, but you really respected his unmatchable skill in engineering. He was a master, able to fix, take apart, and fix again nearly every machine or piece of tech that was thrown at him. He often, in fact, didn’t see just how amazing he was. Sure, he bragged at times, but you sensed a lot of insecurity under the surface, like he would never know just how valuable and important he actually was. You would often ask for his help fixing things or beg him to teach you some of what he knew.
On what you expected to be a short ride in the elevator, you were chatting it up with your best bud, complaining about the lack of food and the eye-strain caused by the bright walls of the fun house. One thing you two loved to do was complain together. You both just seemed to get each other.
Quite suddenly, the elevator stalled. Stopping mid-sentence, you grabbed onto Kazuichi’s forearm for reassurance as the elevator shook and thrusted to an abrupt halt with a jolt, knocking you into him. The lights flickered and went out.
“This is my worst fucking nightmare…” You chuckled nervously, grabbing onto Kazuichi tighter. He was panicking too under the surface, but being the Ultimate Mechanic, knew he was well within his skill set to fix the situation. Grumbling in displeasure, he sighed.
“Yeah, this fuckin’ sucks, but…” he started reaching out in the dark, looking for some kind of control panel or buttons, “I can probably get us outta here. Shit! If only I had just a speck of light!” You relinquished your hold on him so he could crouch, looking for some way to start his work. The panic was starting to really set in for you. What were the odds of this happening?
With a groan, the elevator lurched and shook again. 
“Kaz’!” You shrieked in the dark, leaping forward to grab onto Kazuichi, not caring one bit if you were impeding on any progress he had made. He yelped as you suctioned yourself onto him, tackling him to the ground.
“H-hey!” Kazuichi’s voice was muffled below you. You could barely make it out. “I can’t breathe!” He struggled beneath you, locked in your vice-like, terrified embrace as you ashphixiated him into your chest.
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A Pile Of Canon Divergent Danganronpa Headcanons:
The students absolutely did not get along when they first enrolled, they were all legit getting on each others' nerves and every other day was a shouting match.
Byakuya doesn't mind Ultimate Impostor's presence most of the time, but there have been times when he was seriously creeped out by Impostor.
After they adopted Kotoko, Hifumi collected all his loli/shotacon and invited Kotoko to help him burn it. Seeing the damage adults did to Kotoko has him rethinking his tastes in manga altogether.
If Kiyotaka catches anyone running in the halls he will drag them to that person's starting point and make them walk back to their destination.
When Gonta inevitably found out that Hiyoko liked squishing ants, he sat her in front of the biggest anthill he could find and unloaded ant facts on her. This bored the habit right out of Hiyoko.
Everyone has accidentally locked themselves out of the school at least once.
Over time, everyone noticed that Mikan was tripping over less and less. Though she attributes it to learning balance from Sakura, she subconsciously knows it's because she doesn't need the attention anymore.
Mikan wants to cure Nagito's terminal illnesses, but fears that Nagito's luck would kill him if she does so.
Mikan cares deeply for the Warriors of Hope, and is a key player in their rehabilitation.
The virtual Jabberwock Island from Danganronpa S is still there...but the students actually built it to get away from their oppressive dickhead superiors that they hate. It has the 50 day summer camp mode for all of them, or a solo mode for anyone to set a specific amount of time within the virtual world to unwind.
[Very slowly lays hand on Masaru's head as to not trigger his trauma of being slapped] This boy can fit so many cuddles and kisses.
Jataro won't just let you hug him, the little mf will let you s q u i s h him into your body with all your love and might. As long as he can still breathe he will be happy and let you hold him.
Kirumi cracks pretty easy under stress. She doesn't lash out at everyone so much as she curls up against the nearest wall and rocks herself.
Don't ask Kirumi to reenact Jackass with you, or she will absolutely overcomplicate the assignment and seriously injure herself. She does not comprehend physical comedy, much less the line where physical comedy becomes everyone around her fearing for her life.
Ryota straight up lives in the walls along with the balding Monokuma from V3. Junko and Ultimate Impostor are the only ones who know, but neither of them have been successful at getting Ryota out of his shell.
Korekiyo has been given an intervention by all the girls at Hope's Peak. It ended with eight hours of group hugging. Korekiyo is feeling better now.
Korekiyo and Kirumi have routinely fought over the air conditioning.
Masaru will bite anyone at least once, but for reasons only known to himself, he likes biting clowns the most. He will hunt down any clown that appears in his field of vision and not stop until he gets a bite.
If Gonta finds any insect traps or insecticides, he throws them down the garbage chute.
Hajime is still Izuru, but it's an open secret. His classmates love him no matter what his identity is. <3
Reserve Course students weren't so chill about Izuru, however-they wanted Jin Kirigiri's BLOOD. And the Ultimates just kinda let them do it for treating their friend as a lab rat.
One winter when the heater broke everyone slept together in the gym until it was fixed. We're talking a pile of blankets that was three feet thick.
They legit would not trade each other for the world except for Kokichi and even then Suichi would still be sad about it
Mahiru doesn't like taking pictures of Ryoma because his weirdly large eyes reflect all the light and the result always looks terrifying.
Someone kept leaving a stuffed toy clown in random places around the school...until they adopted Masaru and he promptly bit the shit out of it.
Ibuki tried playing from the rooftop once. It took 8 hours to find her, 4 hours to coax her down, and 2 hours to soothe her afterwards.
Nanokumas like to move things around when nobody's looking.
All Ultimates are prone to getting the zoomies. It ranges from Leon running around in circles to Sakura almost leveling the school.
Reserve Course students like to observe the Ultimates because Ultimates are all stupid fucking dorks and watching them accidentally stir up chaos is great entertainment.
Hope Fragments appear when a student feels their happiest. It forms within the body and gets hacked up like a hairball.
Gonta routinely has nightmares about being caught in a venus flytrap.
Fuyuhiko has become aware of Yasuhiro's debt to his family, and holds it over his head.
Peko wonders if her parents know about her becoming an Ultimate.
Junko is trying really, really hard to feign apathy towards her classmates in the name of Despair, but no one buys it.
Mukuro and Peko like to spar together, and they're pretty evenly matched.
Miu is soft (by Miu standards) towards Chihiro.
Miu becomes very anxious and needy at the mere thought of graduating from Hope's Peak and moving away from her friends.
More to come when my brain cells wake up and remind me who these people are
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Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki reacting to their S/O casually walking in with severe injuries and when asked they respond: "Tis but a scratch"
I absolutely LOVED writing this, it really let me go all kinds of crazy, especially with Cammy's part, allowed me to tap into the more unhinged side of my writings.
Now, that aside, your wish is my command!
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When you barged into the garage, drenched in blood, and looking like you just walked out of being a no name extra in a Tarantino film who existed only to be shot, stabbed, and otherwise beaten to death, Juri was rightfully concerned.
Doubly so when you started tearing the place apart and asked, in a voice that was WAY to calm for someone who was in the condition you were in “Where the crowbar was”.
Now, Juri likes to think she is a pretty brave lady.
I mean, she’s done all kinds of crazy things that have her skating the edge between life and death before.
Right now however, she got the feeling that she wanted no part of what was going on with you right now.
It also didn’t help that she was more than a little bit scaroused by this.
So, she handed you the crowbar and asked.
“So… you… uh… good?”
“Never been better! Why do you ask?” you responded as a pool of blood started to form under your feet.
“Well all of… that.” Juri stated as she gestured to all of you with her hands.
“Oh don’t worry, it's not mine. Most of it at least.Tis but a scratch! As they say.  Anywho! I’ll be back before dinner! Love you!” You exclaimed as you turned on your heel and walked out from the way you came, leaving Juri standing in the middle of the garage.
“Yup, definitely scaraoused.” Juri declared to herself before turning on her heel to return to what she was doing beforehand.
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Cammy was not the type of person who shook easy.
However, the person she loved bursting into the home the two of you shared, drenched in blood and covered in wounds, was more than enough to leave her… concerned.
Doubly so when you took a kitchen knife and made your way back the way you came.
Luckily, she managed to catch up to you beforehand.
“Oh! Heya Cammy! How are you doing dear?” you asked her, completely ignoring your wounds.
“I’m doing… fine. How about you?” Cammy asked, deeply concerned for your state right now.
“Doing great! And don’t worry about all this, Tis but a scratch!” you exclaimed with a smile as you moved to move past Cammy who stopped you.
“How about… we take a little trip to the hospital first!” Cammy suggested as she wrapped her hand around you and gently took the knife out of your hand.
“Oh, okay, but I… I uh… I had something to do first, there was this blonde guy in a mask, a real weird guy. Had this claw, real, real strange.” You muttered, the blood loss already getting to you.
“Yeaaah… we’re gonna be taking a nice little trip to the hospital. They’ll have jello!” Cammy exclaimed as she wrapped her arms to guide you out the door.
“Ooh! Jello!” you happily stated with a smile.
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The last thing Ibuki expected to see after finishing her training for the day was you, covered in blood, a knife sticking out of your back, knuckles bleeding heavily, blood pouring down the side of your face, and you carrying a metal bat as you walked down the street.
Ibuki, being a semi-normal person and excellent girlfriend, found this a tad concerning, and so, decided she should probably check up on you.
“Uh… hey there.” Ibuki greeted, the concern in her voice completely unmissable.
“Hey Ibuki! How’s it going?” You asked, paying absolutely no mind to the condition you were in at the moment.
“Good… it's uh… going good. You know you have a knife in your back right?” she asked you, growing more and more concerned with each passing second.
“Yup! Hurts like you wouldn’t believe! But don’t worry, Tis but a scratch! Now, if you’ll excuse me! I have some ruffians to finish speaking to in this parking Garage.” you happily exclaimed before walking into said Parking Garage.
Shortly following this, Ibuki heard the sound of a metal bat cracking open someone’s skull and a scream of pain, followed by the sound of a metal bat breaking bones, and just causing a great deal of unpleasantness to a fairly large group of people.
A very short ten minutes later, you walked out of the Parking Garage, your formerly pristine bat now blooddrenched and dented in several places.
“Now then Ibuki, what were we talking about before?” you asked, a massive smile on your face.
“I… think we were talking about… going to the hospital!” Ibuki exclaimed.
“Really? Well then! Let's go!” you declared joyously.
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nica-my-beloved · 5 months
Ikemen Men In Ikemen Series
(Ikepri, Ikevil, Ikegen)
Sueharu: "I love women."
Silvio: "Women are bitches."
Jude: "Women should be respected!"
The Kings
Gilbert: "I'm a King."
Akihito: "Me too."
William and Elbert: "So are we"
Poster bois
Leon: "Ofc that's me."
Yoritomo: "Originally it's me, but my brother gets more spotlight from fans."
William: "I'm a poster boi as well."
Leon and Yoritomo: (Why does he have white hair?)
Tsun Tsun bois
Yves: "Want some cake?"
Shigehira: *Ahem* "Not like I'm dying to eat it or anything. But since you asked, as a decent person I'll have some.......Mm....Ahhh, it's so delicious"*starry eyed*
Yves: *blushes* "Hey! Stop making that face! As if you're enjoying my cooking!"
The ZzzzzzZ
Luke: ".....zzz....Honey...."
Yoichi: "....zzz..Young..zzz...master..."
Harrison: ".....zzz....Liam...."
That guy
Nokto: "Hey, how is that girl!?"
Jin: "Yeah. She's cute but the boobs aren't big enough."
Sueharu: (At least I'm decent than these two-----Ah! Yoshino's boobs!)
Best big brothers
Luke: "I'm younger than Emma but I still treat her like my younger sister."
Harrison: "I'm not even a big brother type. I simply got added here because Kate thinks I am one.
Morinaga: "I want to see Yoshino as my little sister but I can't help it. I get these indecent thoughts about her sometimes."
Luke and Harrison: "You need help."
The most beautiful ones
Azel: "Hah. I'm a god. Of course I'm the most beautiful."
Tamamo: *flips his hair* "Hmph. Well I lived here for more than 800 years. I'm the most beautiful one."
Elbert: "..............................."
Alfons: "Lord Elbert. No." <- not included in this category, just came here to avoid potential murder.
The babies
Luke: "Believe it or not, I'm the youngest prince."
Ellis: "Nice to meet you guys too. I'm the youngest villain."
Shigehira: (Wow...they are so tall and...those muscles...)
Someone from the audience: "Don't worry Shigehira, Yoshino still loves you."
Shigehira: *blushes* "Shut up!"
The unreasonable brats
Kurama: *points his fan* "Hey! Give me everything you're wearing right now. Yes, those shiny necklaces, bracelet, rings and also the shiny items in this room. Actually, give me your whole palace. Give it all."
Silvio: "Huh!? Who the hell are you? A thief?"
Kurama: "How dare you call me a thief. Do you wanna die you bling bling covered sleazeball?"
Silvio: "Who the fuck told you that name!!?"
Kurama: "Hm? A girl looking like a brown rabbit."
Silvio: "That bitch! I'm gonna kill her for sure!"
The most loved ones
Yoshitsune: "I don't know why everyone loves me. They say I have a very innocent personality but I don't understand."*cutely tilts his head*
Jude: "I'm most popular because everyone here likes to be choked for some reason." *rests his head on his fists looking bored*
Gilbert: "Well, I'm here because I'm so handsome and everyone falls down on their knees as soon as they see me."
Yoshitsune: "Why is that?"
Jude: "Obviously because-----forget it. I was paid by a blonde guy to not taint your mind."
Chevalier: *ignoring all of them because he's listening to an audiobook*
The villains
Ibuki: "I heard you love manipulating people for fun."
Gilbert: "I heard that about you too. Looks like we're...."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Kindred spirits" *fist bumps*
Ibuki: "I have a kid."
Gilbert: "I have raised a kid too."
Ibuki: "I have tried manipulating the evil fox princess to break her heart."
Gilbert: "I too have tried tainting little rabbit's heart."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "But I failed."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "........!"
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Hahahahaha!"
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koki-hai · 1 year
i’ve been missing nagito lately so can i request a nsfw nagito x fem reader fic with a pervy nagito and a little noncon🤭 any scenario is fine i’m desperate
You ask and I shall answer!
Now keep in mind I don't do much cc x reader only because I'm kinda bad at it but it's Nagito and I can't pass up that now can I (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Content Warning: non-con
Summary: You go into the beach house to dry your hair when you run into a horny Nagito.
Pervy Nagito Komaeda x Reader Smut
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You were playing with your friends, Chiaki, Mahiru, Ibuki and Peko in the water. You guys were slashing each other and laughing. You felt nice under the kiss of the sun and the light breeze feathering your exposed skin. You trip on the shallow water while horseplaying with Ibuki and both drop to the floor. After a bit of a laughing fit, you groan a bit, feeling your damp hair sit on your shoulders. A blood curdling scream erupted from Ibuki.
"Oh my my! Ibuki is so sorry! Please y/n! Throw me into a volcano and watch me burn!" Ibuki apologizes profusely to you while her hands are together, praying for an apology.
"Hey Ibuki it's okay don't worry! It's okay! It's just a little water" you try to calm her down as you get up, "It's no biggie! Trust me!"
"But y/n wanted to leave your hair dry! I'm truly sorry!" She insisted as she shakes your shoulders. You smile at her irrational self but try to reassure her. You grab her wrists and pull them down and look at her straight in the eyes.
"It's okay I promise! I mean I started it so it was coming! I'll just go dry my hair in the beach house and hang it up! Don't worry! I'll come back for round 2!" You say to Ibuki, comforting her. She gives you a nod and she tugs at your hair, wringing most of the water out to help you some. You smile and walk away from the group of girls and head to the beach house.
You walk inside the beach house and notice Nagito in there.
"Oh hello there y/n.." he says waving at you, "what are you doing in here? Already leaving?" He asks innocently as he was applying white sun lotion on his even paler white skin, applying it unevenly.
Weird.. you didn't see Nagito around before coming. And he somehow knew you guys just got here 10 minutes ago? You brush this aside these thoughts and just try to focus on drying your hair. "Just here to dry my hair.." you answer curtly.
You take out a towel from the towel rack to wring out your hair some more... Only that there wasn't any towels there. You could've sworn there was. None of you brought towels because you just assumed there would be towels here. No biggie. It is an island after all, not a huge deal seeing people dripping and in swim suits.
You look around and think to yourself for a moment. You see Nagito, his back facing you, applying sun lotion on his legs rather sloppily..
"Hey Nagito.. you know where the towels are..? You were here before me, right?" You ask awkwardly, playing with your damp hair.
After a few seconds of silence just watching his stange behavior, he turns a little bit in your direction, and see he had a small grinnon his face on his side profile.
"H-hey.. um.. is that a yes?" You ask "Y-you were here before me right?" You ask again, feeling way more uncomfortable than when you first arrived.
"Of course I was in here before you girls, y/n! I don't knew where the towels are but it would be a shame if there was however! It's a beach.. you're supposed to get wet right? It's no biggie.. it's an island!"
He says casually as he closes his bottle of sun lotion. His words scare you a bit. Almost as if he read your mind the moment you opened the door. "Right.. well I want to keep m-"
"Oh of course! I think there's a small hand towel in the bathroom you can use.. hopefully that'll be enough!" He says happily. Shivers crawl down your spine. Has he been listening to your guys' conversation?
By this point you were getting creeped out so you walk in to the bathroom after thanking him. Not to mention the guy had a very noticeable tent under his swim trunks. Which was probably why he was turned away from you.
As soon as you walk in you notice it was oddly darker than usual. The only hint of light being from the small window at the upper top of the room. Naturally, you try to look for a light switch. You opened the door more, letting the natural light from the main bath house in so you could look for the switch.
Once you get the light open Nagito suddenly appears, looking at you with an innocent smile. "Do you need help y/n?" He asks, "I can help you with your hair!" Nagito declares.
"Oh um.. sure.." you say, too scared to object. He snatches the small hand towel and begins to dry your hair roughly with it. "Don't go.. um too hard.." you say feeling a bit uncomfortable. He nods and rubs the towel a bit gently.
After a while it actually starts to feel nice, but you were still uncomfortable by the entire thing overall. He was being a little forceful admittedly. When you were lost in thought, you felt a hand touch your exposed right side slowly. He rubbed your side, as if you were a pet. You start to feel worse and tried to shift to the left but he grabs your waist tightly, restricted your movement. You can feel his breathe, heavy and steamy. He moves his hand down to your lower stomach. His fingers start to tease right at your bikini line. His fingers swiping up and down at the area.
You felt like such a mess. You got yourself into this. You thought you could trust nagito. Of course not. If only you weren't stubborn to just let your damn hair not get wet. You tried to move again when you feel him get close to your crotch. He drops the hand towel and uses his left hand to grab your shoulder tightly. You nearly jumped out your skin when you feel someone wet and smiley on your tongue. He started to kitten lick it and then started nibbling at it.
That's when you felt it.
His sharp teeth on your neck. You could feel everything. His heavy breath, his tongue, everything. Both his hands grab at your hips, keeping you still and lowering your posture. He begins to dry hump you.
"Ahh~... ahhh.. y-y/n... ahhh.. you feel so fresh~.. so nice~.." Nagito moans in your ear.
You tried to make one more attempt to leave when you felt the repeating motion on your backside. You make a run forward to the door. Nagito growls in anger and he runs over and pushes you down to the floor. You catch yourself on your heads and land on your knees painfully. He gets on top of you, doggy style and dry jumps you repeatedly while holding onto your hips tightly.
"D-dont fucking try to leave.. you'll only make things.. ahh.. w-worse for yourself y/n~.." he whimpers as he humps you at a faster pace, "it makes you all the more desirable.."
You feel his heavy and strong body on you. You were almost surprised by his strength despite his skinny figure. You gave up all your attempts to escape because you didn't want this to escalate any further.
"O-Oh my god! You're so soft! You're so fu-fucking soft~!" He humps you faster and faster like an animal in heat. He was going insane and you couldn't do a thing about it.
"Nagito! Please stop! Please! I've had enough!" You beg, not knowing what to do at this point. You knew your begging wouldn't do anything. You were in denial about it all. But it wasn't like you could leave.
"Yes! Y-yes~! Please beg! Please!" Nagito moans in his sick, raspy voice, "More! You sound so desperate~!"
After a few more grueling minutes of this unwanted treatment, he stops for a minute, staying still, and then twitch his whole body. He pushes your body down flat onto the ground. Your face hits the cold hard floor and feel Nagito's weight on top of you, his body going limp on yours.. He pants in your ear excessively. He was holding onto your waist with the little strength he had left.
"y-y/n.. you were so g-good~"
You feel tears stream your cheeks. You bite your lip harshly until you could've sworn it'd bleed. All you could think of was why? Why you? Why did he have to stalk all of you? Was he planning this? Was he going to do this with any other girl?
As you were lost in thought again, he hear him start to snore softly. His sweaty hair all over the side of your face. You were too afraid to move and just lie down there with him. You were scared he'd try to do something even if he were asleep. You're eyes close slowly as you try to imagine what you could've been doing right now if it weren't for Nagito.
(Hopefully you guys liked it. I'm trying to work on my writing skills and I accept all constructive criticism! :))
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izicodes · 1 year
How I pinkify my code editor/IDE!
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Continuing on posting about how I making my coding experience more fun, I'll be going to show you what I did to pinkify my:
code editor (VSCode)
IDE (Visual Studio)
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Visual Studio
So, let's start with Visual Studio because I use that the most because of work! I installed themes to it (here is a post I made on how to install the exact ones I have (install once, comes with lots of themes)) and I changed the fonts!
Best you follow my installation post, as the themes I will list now will be from that exact theme set I installed (called "The Doki Theme"). I'm a fan of Light themes more than the Dark ones for VS:
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♡ Natsuki Light (the theme in the pictures + my favourite) ♡ Beatrice ♡ Mai Light ♡ Miia ♡ Mioda Ibuki Light ♡ Nakano Itsuki ♡ Nakano Nino ♡ Ram
Themes 'Beatrice' to 'Ram' have pink in the themes but it's not the main colour of the theme, if that makes sense, but still cool to me so I switch to them every so often! ヾ(^-^)ノ
Sometimes I get tired of the monospace font on my code editor. I know it's almost a crime to change the font of your code editor/IDE but I get bored so easily, a well-known trait of mine, and want to spice things up again so I change the font! As well as that, my eyes have a hard time reading the code after a while because of the monospace font! I still sometimes use it though~! (´;ω;`)
But first, for those who don't know how to change the font + font size (if you want also) in Visual Studio:
♡ Toolbar > Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Font
Okay, so I split my chosen fonts so you can pick according to your font style taste~! :
Sans Serif
♡ Bahnschrift SemiLight ♡ Calibri ♡ Gadugi ♡ Segoe UI Semilight ♡ Segoe UI Historic ♡ Yu Gothic
♡ SimSun
♡ Modern ♡ Terminal
That's it for Visual Studio!
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Visual Studio Code
These are my favourite themes and the first one is the one I am currently using! To learn how to change the theme on VSCode: here. Now my chosen themes:
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♡ Cute (no. 1 shown) ♡ Fluffy Theme ♡ Huacat Pink Theme ♡ Light Pink (no. 2 shown) ♡ PinkyBoo ♡ Tinacious Design (Light) from Tinacious Design theme ♡ Dark Pink from Light Pink Theme (no. 4 shown) ♡ Her. ♡ Kawaine Theme ♡ Pink Cat Boo ♡ PinkBlue from PinkBlue Theme ♡ Robot Light Pink (no. 4 shown)
The current font I have on VSCode is Trebuchet MS. But the font mentioned before are the ones I used in VSCode as well! To change the font in VSCode:
♡ Settings > type in the search bar 'Font' > Editor: Font Family
That's all!
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I hope this was a fun read and helps someone! Make you're coding environment fun! (and pink) 🥰💗
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foryoupeko · 8 months
I have an idea that borderlines Hiyoko slander? Idk
[Tw: violent intrusive thoughts]
I was trying to figure out who would suffer the most from intrusive thoughts after NWP and I think it would be Hiyoko. So this is the scenario that everyone wakes up form the NWP and stays on the island for the unseeable future
At first it would be thoughts like “I should punch Mikan in the face” or “Kick Teruteru in the dick”, which would be misinterpreted as thoughts you naturally get when you’re trapped with a bunch of idiots
When they get more and more violent, she keeps it to herself. She already have a reputation of being a giant bitch. Why exacerbate it more?
But things change when Peko gets pregnant and Hiyoko has the strong urge to push Peko in hopes she has a miscarriage. I cannot stress enough, HIYOKO DOES NOT WANT THESE THOUGHTS. IT SCARES HER.
She avoids Peko in fear of hurting her. It helps that Mahiru is also against the idea of Peko having a child (that’s a different story of Mahiru thinking it’s incredibly selfish to bring a child into a world you ruined).
It comes to a head where Peko finally has the baby and Hiyoko can’t even be in the same room as them. It would be so easy to twist- NO NO NO.
Hajime was letting this go at first, let Hiyoko and Peko settle their own problem, but it was getting out of hand. Hajime tries to talk to Hiyoko about this.
Hajime: Hiyoko, I understand you never fully forgave Fuyuhiko and Peko after the NWP, but I thought we agreed to be civil. You can’t leave the room whenever they enter.
Hiyoko: Why? It’s insufferable around them. You know they only had that baby for attention. Or maybe Fuyuhiko wanted his own chance to groom a baby to be his tool*?
*(At this point, Hiyoko is under a lot of mental stress but even she doesn’t know why the fuck she said this. Another intrusive thought?)
Hajime: That’s terrible! Why can’t you just be nice?
Hiyoko: All you want are nice girls! I can’t be another nice girl for you to jerk off to! I’M NOT CHIAKI!
Hiyoko would stop in her tracks when she sees that she genuinely hurt Hajime with that comment. I think at this point, Ibuki comes in because she heard it with her super good hearing. Seeing Hajime and Ibuki both very disturbed, Hiyoko breaks down and starts to cry.
After that the group helps Hiyoko with her intrusive thoughts, with ways that I’m not qualified to get into.
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yukiwhitetm · 5 months
DR Characters Assigned DC Roles
The main premise of this is that Shuichi Saihara as Robin 3 is both dating civilian Kokichi Oma as Bernard Dowd and flirting/being flirted with by his alter ego Stray. Shuichi has no idea Kokichi is Stray but Kokichi definitely knows Shuichi is Robin 3. What order do these events happen in? Who knows!
The Bats and Birds
Batman (The Bat): Kyoko Kirigiri
Agent A: Makoto Naegi
Robin 1, Nightwing: Kaede Akamatsu
Robin 2, Red Hood: Hajime Hinata
Robin 3, Red Robin: Shuichi Saihara
Spoiler, Robin 4, Batgirl (Batboy): Kaito Momota
Robin 5: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Batgirl, Oracle: Chiaki Nanami
Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan: Maki Harukawa
Batwoman: Aoi Asahina
Signal: Yasuhiro Hagakure
The Cats
Catwoman: Celestia Ludenberg
Stray & Bernard Dowd: Kokichi Oma
The Rogues
Joker: Junko Enoshima
Punchline: Mukuro Ikusaba
Harley Quinn: Toko Fukawa
Poison Ivy: Komaru Naegi
Blackmask: Mondo Owada
Penguin: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Scarecrow: Miu Iruma
Bane: Nekomaru Nidai
Mr. Freeze: Teruteru Hanamura
Riddler: Hifumi Yamada
Mad Hatter: Angie Yonaga
Deathstroke: Tsumugi Shirogane
The League of Assassins
Ra's al Ghul: Haiji Towa
Talia al Ghul: Korekiyo Shinguji
Prudence Wood: Peko Pekoyama
The Outlaws
Starfire: Sonia Nevermind
Arsenal: Nagito Komaeda
Bizarro: Ibuki Mioda
Teen Titans
Beast boy: Gundham Tanaka
Raven: Himiko Yumeno
Wonder girl: Tenko Chabashira
Superboy 1 a.k.a Conner Kent (Supergirl): Akane Owari
Kidflash: Mahiru Koizumi
Cyborg: K1b0
Aquaboy (Aquagirl): Hiyoko Saionji
Superboy 2 a.k.a. Jonathan Kent: Masaru Daimon
The Justice League
Superman (Superwoman): Sakura Ogami
Wonder Woman: Kirumi Tojo
Green Arrow: Byakuya Togami
Aquaman: Leon Kuwata
Martian Manhunter: Ultimate Imposter
Green Lantern: Kazuichi Soda
Captain Marvel: Nagisa Shingetsu
Flash: Chihiru Fujisaki
Zatanna: Sayaka Maizono
Black Canary: Mikan Tsumiki
Most of these characters have been assigned DC roles based on their personalities, regardless of gender (except for Superboy and Bizarro since they're clones of Superman so have to be the same gender as him)! I included some Rogues, League of Assassins, Outlaws, Teen Titans and Justice Leaguers because the Batfam interact with them a lot.
In my mind, Kyoko Kirigiri is together with Makoto Naegi and has been for the long term but her as the Bat and Celestia Ludenberg as Catwoman share some flirtatious banter.
Hajime Hinata as Robin 2 died and came back, and when he did he came back different. How much you want to lean into Jason Todd's backstory or Hajime Hinata's and whether you want to include Izuru Kamukuru is up to you.
Kaito Momota may or may not have had an unsuccessful romantic relationship with Shuichi when he was Spoiler and Shuichi was Robin 3. This can be prior to Shuichi meeting Kokichi or Robin 3 and Stray could have had some playful banter going on during this time (this works because Shuichi actually dates civilian Kokichi, which could be after he and Kaito break up). Kaito could be with Maki now!
Yes, this character assignment does mean that Masaru Daimon is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu's best friend. Yes, that is hilarious.
I was running out of DR characters near the end so I started swapping some around to find suitable Justice Leaguers. Masaru was originally Captain Marvel but then that only left Kotoko Utsugi as an option for Superboy 2 and I thought Fuyuhiko would hate her. So, Masaru became Superboy 2 and Nagisa Shingetsu Captain Marvel. Byakuya Togami was originally assigned as Lucius Fox, the manager of WE, but I had to swap him to Green Arrow because he was just too perfect for that!
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and reblog. Your support is much appreciated.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Opinions
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(I mean none of this with offense and I'm not targetting in any way shape or form btw-)
. Chihiro is VERY overrated.
. Off topic but it's canon Taka can sing, he wants Sayaka to teach him to sing so he can project his voice, and his Japanese VA is amazing at singing, and his English VA is Kinger in TADC (which I don't know much about but heard a song and imagined Taka singing it - which made me laugh -)
. Sayaka is underrated and over hated.
. Some of the executions aren't that good, and Celeste's was good and theatrical, but she (technically) killed 2 people and deserved to suffer a bit more.
. Toko is bad in THH and highly overrated if people like her and haven't seen her in UDG.
. Kiyotaka is annoying and loud even in his FTEs (He's like... my favourite character but I HAVE TO BE HONEST I WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM IRL-)
. Byakuya and Kyoko are EXTREMELY OVERRATED!!!! (If Byakuya has no haters I'm dead-)
. The survivors were so uninteresting, Hiro did almost nothing the whole time, and after Chapter 4 Aoi seemed to outlive her usefulness. She's still cool though, but also overrated.
. 11037 is still kind of funny, but only in context and not for making fun of Leon as a character.
. Sayaka haters are just mad for no reason... leave her alone gang-
. Junko was a terrible choice for a master-mind, they should've given fake Junko more development before killing her off. I forgot about her after Chapter Two.
. Byakuya x Anybody is a terrible ship, especially Makoto x Byakuya.
. Celesgiri have chemistry, but no interactions that make us ship them.
. Nagito is actually kind of annoying... he was better in Chapter One, but he did make the game 10x more interesting.
. Nekomaru > Ibuki
. Peko is a cool character but not as loveable as the fans see her to be.
. Hinanami is ONLY platonic, nothing else.
. This may be exclusive to me but Trial 4 was stupidly difficult (I knew who the killer was and didn't get it because I'm a fucking moron.)
. Mikan and Hiyoko are both equally as annoying as eachother, but Hiyoko is much more upfront about it.
. Souda x Gundham is a bad ship... even the Voice Actor of Tanaka says so.
. Chiaki is slightly overrated.
. AI Junko is mid.
. Kamakura should have gotten more development, and is overrated.(I haven't seen the anime)
V3: (Updated version btw)
. I love V3, it's the best game
. Maki>Kyoko
. They shouldn't have killed Kaede off early, for her development as a character, but it was necessary to do so.
. Rantaro's overrated and him and Ryoma NEEDED MORE DEVELOPMENT.
.Tsumugi best mm real???
. Gonta is overrated.
. The Motive-Video for chapter two is a reused from chapter one THH, did they run out of ideas? If so, how did they recreate Danganronpa 53 times without the audience getting bored?
. Traffic Light (HimokoxAngiexTenko) is a bad ship because though Himiko cares for them both, Tenko doesn't like Angie much. (from what I've seen)
. They should've gotten in some new VAs for V3, I love Shuichi but I can only hear Leon in his voice...
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