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solember · 1 month ago
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jenovacomplete · 2 years ago
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what the actual fuck
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fandomfuntimem · 1 month ago
Dp x dc: batshit crazy driver au.
Bruce hired a new personal driver for the Wayne's. He was a nice enough guy. His grades weren't great, but he was a great driver and very patient. Like, really patient. Like, he is so unbothered by traffic, stupid drivers, and villain attacks, its kinda scary. But all the background checks came back clean. Minus his mad scientists parents, of course.
Daniel (Danny) Fenton. He could relate to any of the Wayne kids and hold an intelligent conversation with Bruce. Bruce feels that he doesn't need to be all Brucie Wayne around the young man. He doesn't know about their nightly activities yet, though. They're not quite sure if he even needs to know.
The first sign there was something more to Danny happened when Tim was sitting in the passenger seat. Tim was struggling with a math problem. It was driving him nuts. It only took a quick glance for Daniel to solve it, though, "it's thirty-six"
"The answer is Thirty-six. You forgot to carry the three."
He was right, Tim made a simple mistake, sure. But that was advanced college level math. Danny was a straight c student and never went to college. It only took him a momentary glance to solve it. Tim, though suspicious, chalked it up to a simple case of gifted kid syndrome. He related to it and began to consult with Danny on some of his math problems. Danny was more than happy to help, for a price, of course.
Then, there was a villain attack. The villain's goons ran rampant through the city, terrorizing anyone unfortunate enough to be outside at the time. But not Danny, they'll tried, oooh they tried. But those goons swiftly found themselves zip tied, in the trunk of a car, and on their way to jail. All while Danny blasted some music by a small artist named 'Ember'.
Alright. He is in Gotham, and his mother was a black belt, so maybe he was just well trained. Its good to know how to deffend yourself.
Then, Damien was kidnapped. It was so fast they barely saw, but a white van sped by and grabbed Damien as he made his way tawords the car. Initially, Damien expected the chauffeur to panic and call the police. But when shouting and cursing were heard from the front seat, and the men in the back slipped the van door open to check behind them, it was revealed Danny had followed them and he had a gun.
What could only be described as an action movie chase scene ensued. Every corner they swerved, every shortcut they took, Danny was right behind them. Driving like a bat out of hell, he shouted and fired at the wheels of the van. Knocking one out, the van swerved and was forced to come to a stop.
A kidnapper grabbed Damien by the hair and held a gun to his head, but before the threat could even leave his mouth a bullet flew through his hand. He dropped Damien and fell to the ground screaming, clutching his hand.
The kidnapper in the van already took off running but was swiftly stopped by Redhood arriving just in time to see Danny helping Damien up and checking him over, profusely apologizing for "letting this happen."
When asked why he did all of it, his simply answered, "I don't think I would get paid if I let Mr. Wayne's kid die! I can't let a kid die in general!"
Bruce, of course, gave the young man a bonus and a few days off for the stunt. Accompanied wlth a few stern words about safety. What was truly remarkable was that there was not a single scratch on the car. Untouched, meaning he never hit anything during the whole ordeal. "I just learned what not to do from my dad!" He joked, but Bruce felt that, despite the clear joking tone, there was some truth to the statement.
The family is suspicious, very suspicious. The man they previously viewed as their simple and humble driver turned out to be a monster of a fighter, and they have no idea how or why.
A/N: Feel free to add onto this in any way you would like :3
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rainydropz · 1 month ago
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winter-wise · 4 months ago
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A Mourn Watch student finds out about Emmrich and Rook, 9:52, colourised
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marvelsgirl616 · 2 months ago
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leejungjaes · 2 months ago
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love that toxic old man yaoi
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softstrawberrycreamcake · 8 months ago
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heartorbit · 4 months ago
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florida3exclamationpoints · 4 months ago
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solember · 1 month ago
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aphwaph · 3 months ago
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this post was made by Jayce Talis gang
follow for more hexbangers🙏💯🔥😈💢💥
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queerdeans · 2 months ago
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superbat-love · 3 months ago
Batman may claim to have no powers, but Green Lantern knows better. He’s convinced that Batman’s cape is sentient.
Green Lantern has observed it on quiet nights in the Watchtower, when Batman thinks no one’s paying attention. He releases control over his cape, letting it unravel and float menacingly around him in different directions. It moves on its own, sweeping across nearby surfaces, carelessly knocking over items.
There’s one thing Green Lantern knows for sure—Batman’s cape has a sweet tooth. Every time Batman passes the candy bowl, it’s mysteriously emptied.
Even stranger, it seems to influence other capes. Once, while Batman was talking to Superman, their capes briefly touched, and Green Lantern saw Superman’s cape come to life—swirling and fluttering as though it had a mind of its own. Superman, unfazed, didn’t even react to the way their capes were flapping erratically around them. Green Lantern was relieved he didn’t have a cape.
He told the others about his theory, but they were skeptical at first. They eyed Batman’s cape with suspicion as he was distracted by a mission briefing with Wonder Woman. But even the Flash had to admit Green Lantern might be onto something when Batman’s cape swiped their feet out from under them, sending them both tumbling to the floor.
Martian Manhunter nodded sagely and agreed on its intelligence, having felt the minds of four little beings flitting around underneath Batman’s cape. Maybe one day they’d feel comfortable enough to run underneath his cape too.
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winter-wise · 3 months ago
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lucanis + the infamous grocery store text post
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slmckle · 4 months ago
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Rafe always knew his girlfriend was weird, but the day she bought the most vile, weird, grotesque stuffed animal was the day he knew she was superrr weird, but he loved her, nonetheless.
you were at the store with your boyfriend's sister, Sarah Cameron. she was the complete opposite of him, but that was good. she was a super sweet girl who loved you like you were her own.
as you two walked down the aisles you came across a green stuffed animal with squinted eyes and... human teeth??
"Sarah, look at this!" you said before turning to face Sarah with the interesting stuffed animal in your hands. she looked at you with a face of horror and mock disgust.
"y/n, what is that?!" she asked before taking it from your hands, inspecting it in all its creepy glory. "I do not know, but I want it...!" you said with a grin on your face
you grab the stuffed animal back from Sarah and begin walking to the cash register to begin checking out.
as you and Sarah get into the car, you pull out the stuffed animal and grab one of the protein bars Sarah bought and slide it in his arms, so it looks like he's holding it. you slide your phone out of your pocket and open the camera app and take a picture of it. you then decide to send it to rafe with the title, 'look what i bought'
rafe was lying down in his bed, wishing he could spend time with you on his day off, but sarah had gotten to you first.
he was about to drift off to sleep until he felt his phone buzz under his pillow. he grabbed it, turned it on, and smiled when he saw it was from you, your name marked with a heart in his notification center.
but his smile quickly fades when he sees the most vile, sickening, and disgusting creature on his screen. his face scrunches up as he types a reply.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” he frowns when he sees your reply. “it’s your kid don’t be mean??” he then scoffs to himself before typing, “that thing is NOT my kid.” he’s loving this playful banter between you two.
he wears a smile on his face as he sets down his phone once again, letting himself drift off to sleep.
god, he loves you.
sorry this was short :((
tags: @maybanksprincess
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