#while Jon is hand
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moonsun2010 · 9 months ago
5 June - The Dracula Drought begins
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a redraw of this art from DD2023!
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aphemera · 2 months ago
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had to draw her pointing like the ace attorney guy
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orderforbrian · 11 months ago
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@jonmartinweek Day 5 - cryptids | webs & weaving
when i saw the prompt webs & weaving i immediately thought about web!martin weaving spiderweb into jon's hair -- unbeknownst to jon who is just too blissed out by getting his hair touched, and apparently too asleep to notice his boyfriend has four hands (and also the, uh, spiders). the progression of gray in his hair is just subtle enough that jon can't make the connection which is perfect for martin who needs to keep track of him
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[START ID: Two drawings in purple hues of Jon and Web!Martin from a Web AU of The Magnus Archives. Jon is a thin Persian man with medium length, curly dark hair and a beard, all hair streaked with gray. Martin is a fat mixed Polish/Korean man with shaggy dark hair, a streak of white in one of his bangs, and several beauty marks on his skin. 1st image: Jon lays asleep on top of Martin's chest, his head nuzzled into the crook of Martin's neck. One hand is curled to his chest and the other rests behind Martin's head. He smiles blissfully, feeling perfectly safe while asleep. Martin looks down at Jon with a smile, one eye a bright magenta with a slit pupil. The other side of his face is obscured by Jon's head and shadow. One of Martin's hands holds Jon's hand on his chest, the other draped around Jon's low back. His other two hands have spiderweb wrapped around his fingers, the fingertips pointed into sharp claws. One is close to the nape of Jon's neck, the other held above Jon's head, both with shining white web pulled and connected to the greys in Jon's hair. Jon's hair lifts slightly in the back with the pull of the webbing, other parts curled around Martin's fingers. Several spiders crawl around Martin's skin, notably one across his cheek. Martin says in multiple speech bubbles, "Jon...Jon? Are you asleep? There's spiders in your hair...I'll take that as a yes" with a heart at the end. 2nd image: A simpler drawing, Jon looks into a mirror aghast at the amount of white in his hair, three exclamation points by his head. His arms hover around his hair, and he frustratedly shouts, "Where do all these grey hairs keep coming from?!!". An arrow points to a small drawing of Martin's head, looking to the side with a W smirk, now with eight eyes, says, "I dunno...hehe". End ID.]
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aspennntree · 12 days ago
i love that mag 91 and 92 take place on my birthday. i can’t stop thinking about it
happy birthday !!! jonathan sims is having the worst fucking day of his life.
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themoonofblueside · 1 month ago
i wish stannis was not such an annoying stubborn asshole at the start of adwd, he really could have actually helped with the food and fighting and reserve management for the night's watch and him and jon could plan for the best outcome for both sides. if i was jon and i had a mister siege-management right beside me who not only knew how to work through scarce food but also had enough men around him to command and group soldiers to find or hunt for food but all this dude did was grind teeth, insult me, and burn people i'd kill him in the first week
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cern1cal0 · 10 months ago
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izzy140105 · 4 months ago
Screw it - imma be horny...
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fae-morrigan · 3 months ago
yo just a reminder again: I know damijon is very popular, but for the sake of fans of either character who don't like it, please remember to tag your posts as ship so our blocklist works.
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abelllia · 2 years ago
[From MAG 92]
Elias (Statement): -if I leave a letter here, in your institute, you might find it, you might be able to save me. I have no other hope. I have no other hope. Please, Jonah, if you have any compassion within your heart, you will not leave me in this place. Your loyal servant, Barnabas.
Elias: Jonah Magnus did leave him in that place, Jon. He got the letter, oh yes, and was on good terms with Mordechai Lukas. He could have interceded, perhaps even saved him, but he did not. And it was not out of malice, or because he lacked affection for Barnabas Bennett: he retrieved those bones sadly enough when the time came. Bones that you can still find in my office, if you know where to look.
No, it was because he was curious. Because he had to know, to watch and see it all.That’s what this place is, Jon, never forget it. You may believe yourself to have friends, to have confidantes, but in the end, all they are is something for you to watch, to know, and ultimately to discard.
[From MAG 159]
Jon: Martin. He’s gone, Martin. He – he’s gone. 
Martin: His only wish was to die alone.
Jon: Tough. Now – listen to me, Martin. Listen.
Martin: Hello, Jon.
Jon: Listen, I know you think you want to be here, I know you think it’s safer, and well – well, maybe it is. But we need you. I need you.
Martin: No, you don’t. Not really. Everyone’s alone, but we all survive.
Jon: I don’t just want to survive!
Martin: I’m sorry.
Jon: Martin. Martin, look at me. Look at me and tell me what you see.
Martin: I see…
I see you, Jon.
I see you.
Jon: Martin.
Martin: I… I was on my own. I was all on my own.
Jon: Not anymore. Come on. Let’s go home.
Martin: How?
Jon: Don’t worry. I know the way.
End Transcript
Going insane about this for a multitude of reasons
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ghostrob · 2 years ago
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Jon Kent Prince wip 🚧
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fissions-chips · 1 year ago
Evil Polycule AU but Tim and Butler are monsters and Jon is just the unfortunate dude who winds up helping them out.
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warpweight · 9 days ago
ill clean up post flurry in the morning but right NOW oh my GOD. the phantom of the opera. what the fuck did they put in this show to make it inspire such dementation
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neriumdelusion · 4 months ago
Michael distortion was described as having hands that feel like “a wet leather bag full of heavy stones. Sharp stones” and later, one of michael’s victims describes his hands as “Its hands were swollen, and bits of them jutted out at annoying angles.” He also uses his hands as a tool to remove a wasp larvae that has burrowed into someone’s body. So they’re sharp and weird. Helen would also have hands like this when she became the distortion. You’re welcome <3
getting fingerfucked by the distortion would fix me i think
anon you have no respect for your own intestines but go off. you do you
anyways i’m not tumblr user magpod-confessions why are you telling me this
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mxwhore · 9 months ago
Do you think Jon/martin were thinking of kids names back in the archives?
In general, i think Martin and Jon headspaces in the archives wouldnt have allowed thoughts of that kind. At this point, Martin has already put his own egg donor at a home so im guessing he must have had a lot of Thoughts about parenthood as a whole; and Jon, I dont think the concept of kids ever grazed his mind at this point in time. I do think he could've considered honoring his parents/grandparents while naming his kid though
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the-fyre-flie · 24 days ago
Bruce and Clark Family Swap Au (aka Clark having to manage like a dozen Robins and Sidekicks while Bruce has a perfectly okay time with Kon, Jon, and Kara)
Bruce is well liked by Jon, obviously, and thus Jon is very well behaved for his best friends dad. Kon and Kara are chilling mostly. No metas in Gotham means the Kyrptonians are tasked with just laying low and hanging out until the families swap back. The most exciting thing that happened is Jon hanging out with the Batcow and Bruce taking photos.
On the other hand, Clark is struggling. Dick and Jason have decided that pissing off Tim is their life goal, Damian has tried to fight every villain they come across, Cass and Steph have been missing the entire time and when Duke is questioned, he shrugs and says "snitches get stiches". Despite none of the kids having powers that would make them hard to catch, Clark just can't keep up with a bunch of acrobat and combat trained teens/young adults. He resorts to a bunch of those toddler monkey backpacks, and by the time the families swap back, Jason is ducktaped to a wall, and there are reports of Cass being found in Italy.
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sophiasrant · 1 year ago
hc that no one on the JL (or any of the teams) will let bats do the heavy lifting, ever
Like one day they need to carry an unconscious Flash after a battle and someone else (who has a broken arm) is like “who is well enough that they can carry him” and Batman, ceo of ignoring his injuries™️, is like “I got this” but his mouth starts leaking blood while he’s carrying flash. Superman (who was holding up a building) x-rays him & is like “YOU HAVE THREE BROKEN RIBS AND INTERNAL BLEEDING. WHY ARE YOU CARRYING FLASH?” “…I am well enough to carry flash”
anyway this applies to all bats. Someone asks if someone else can volunteer to help them lift something and, no matter what, Kon puts his hand over Tim’s mouth bc of the broken leg incident™️. Tim will never even be allowed a chance to make a case or attempt to answer the call.
Someone asks if Robin can help to carry something and Jon immediately replies “no he can’t. I’ll do it tho.” bc Damian once tried to conduct cleanup (lifting pieces of broken buildings and concrete) post alien-invasion with a stab wound (it was multiple stab wounds but only Jon figured that out)
Someone asks nightwing if he can carry stuff to the car and all of a sudden you have eight people shouting “NO” bc he once offered to carry someone’s old 60 pound box TV to storage while he had a gunshot wound. They only learned about the gunshot wound after he fainted & the tv fell on top of him.
Jason leaves before anyone can ask him to help with anything
Steph and Cass fight over who carries the thing for the other person, but usually neither of them volunteer. They're gone the second the battle is over. Babs never has to carry shit even if it's a loaf of bread because she goes "wow, really? have the wheelchair bound girl carry shit for you, sure" so the person stammers and she gets away with it every single time.
Duke is allowed to carry things. (Other teams have yet to find out about his injuries.) In fact, they compliment him on being responsible enough to not over-exert himself. He smiles back. (He's trying not to laugh.)
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