#tw traumascum
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strawberry-rainbow-pride · 2 years ago
just curious as to your reasoning to why 'alters' is endogenicphobic? im just a bit confused
because alters is used by a lot of tra*magenic systems
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pluraldeepdive · 9 months ago
Let's Fact Check: Was MPD renamed to DID for Harmful Reasons?
(Disclaimer: This post contains descriptions of ableism and disbelief in plurality. I do not condone any hatred towards any person mentioned on this post. If you see anyone attacking them, please report them for harassment! This post was made to spread awareness, not negativity.)
In this post, we will be investigating the claim that multiple personality disorder (MPD) was renamed to dissociative identity disorder (DID) for harmful reasons.
Origins of the claim
This claim most likely originated from a (now privatized) wordpress blog post made in 2019.
Click here for an archive of the blog post.
In this post, the author is discussing a blog post they found that's written by Allen J. Frances, the chairman of an outdated edition of the DSM. After reading his blog post, they came to the conclusion that Frances renamed MPD to DID out of malicious intent towards people with MPD because his blog post states that he does not believe in MPD.
This wordpress post was later linked on Twitter, where many users began repeating the claim. As it spread across Twitter and other social media platforms, the claim has adopted several variations. Some people claim that Frances attempted to get rid of MPD entirely, some claim that he renamed it as a scheme to erase all plurality, and some claim that “DID” is an ableist or offensive diagnosis because of all of this. It seems like most of the people spreading these claims do not have DID themselves, however.
Click here for a link to an imgur folder showing examples of this claim in online plural spaces.
The post by Frances
Now, let's look at the blog post that was cited as proof that MPD was renamed to DID for harmful reasons.
Click here to read his post (TW for fakeclaiming and ableism).
This post was written in 2014. In it, Frances is expressing how he doesn’t believe in what he calls MPD. He personally adheres to the debunked skeptical models which suggest DID is created through therapeutic suggestion or is a “fad”. He talks about how he wished he could remove MPD from the DSM-IV, but couldn’t do so. The next best thing, to him, was to allow controversial statements to be injected into the manual. These statements were removed in the current edition of the DSM.
Frances does not mention anything about the diagnosis's name change.
Addressing bias & concerning behavior
First of all, it’s important to look into the author of the wordpress blog to understand how reliable their word is. The author is a median system who I found out, from the blog, is @/multi_sapphire on Twitter. She also runs the blog @/acting-nt on Tumblr, which is a fact known by many in the online community.
At the time of making her blog post, she did not identify as having DID. She is openly anti-psychiatry, as well. While I don't want to make this a big focus, this system also has a history in the plural community of being very hateful towards the DID label. I have had to make a PSA about them before for posting hatred in the DID tags (source). They are the coiner of the term "traumascum" among other things (source). Many, many PSAs have been made about her by other systems about various concerning behavior (source).
Frances’ post can be easily triggering to anyone with DID, OSDD, or plurality. It’s understandable how a system, who was already unfavorable towards psychiatry, came to think that all of the changes made to DID in the DSM-IV were done out of malicious intent. Let's investigate that next.
Addressing how the DSM is made & who coins names
For anyone who doesn't know, "DSM" stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is a handbook used by clinicians to diagnose mental disorders.
The DSM-IV is an outdated edition that is no longer in use. It was published in 1994 and was replaced by the DSM-5 in 2013. While Frances was the chairman of the DSM-IV, he was kicked off the taskforce and has nothing to do with the current DSM. Most of the changes he made were completely reversed in the current manual.
The DSM taskforce is run by many people. Diagnoses are divided across different work groups who receive input and data from researchers that specifically research and work with people with those disorders. Suggestions are proposed from the researchers to the work groups, who then analyze this, conduct field trials, and propose changes that should be made to the DSM (source).
While Frances oversaw the taskforce, he is not listed as a member of any work group or researcher in the DSM-IV. This means he did not come up with any of the proposed changes to the DSM-IV.
Why MPD was renamed to DID
All of the dissociative disorders were renamed at the same time! All of them, except for DPDR, were changed to have the word “dissociation” in them. Researchers explain that they proposed this change in order to make the dissociative nature of these disorders more understandable.
Psychogenic amnesia was renamed to dissociative amnesia.
Psychogenic fugue was renamed to dissociative fugue.
Multiple personality disorder was renamed to dissociative identity disorder.
Atypical dissociative disorder was renamed to dissociative disorder not otherwise specified.
When it comes to DID in particular, there are two main reasons for the shift from multiple personalities to dissociative identities. Hersen et al. states the one of these reasons is that the term 'personality' defines "the characteristic pattern of thoughts, feelings, moods, and behaviors" of the whole brain (source). This is what makes alters identities rather than personalities. According to this definition of personality, having multiple personalities would mean having multiple brains! The second reason is that the older term emphasized the alters over the dissociation (same source).
In my opinion, refocusing on the dissociation rather than the alters allows people with DID to have the full spectrum of their symptoms recognized, and helps distance plurality from disorders. Many plural systems don't view their systems as the problem. Many systems don't have DID, either. The shift in this diagnostic language has made it much easier for that distinction to be made! It's very unfortunate that false claims have been made about this, casting more stigma onto both DID and non-DID systems.
To summarize everything:
The claim that MPD was renamed to DID for harmful reasons most likely originated from a 2019 blog post.
The author of the blog post was reasonably concerned about a figure of authority being ableist. However, their own biases against the DID label likely influenced their claim that the DID label was created by said figure of authority.
In actuality, that guy did not come up with the name "DID." Researchers are the ones who did.
MPD was renamed to DID in order to make it more understandable and put an emphasis on dissociation.
All dissociative disorders were renamed along with DID to include the word "dissociation" in them.
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cddboxes · 7 months ago
⌦ Introduction ⎙
Welcome to cddboxes, another blog for doing userboxes for CDD systems, sysboxes how it's called
⌦ Requesting ⎙
Requests are always open!
You can submit various requests at the same time, the limit is four requests in un ask, but you can send multiple asks if you want
You can als specified if you want some specific characteristics in your userbox as a picture, a specific color, a specific font, etc. Just put it in the request and I'll do it
All requests would have varios alternatives such as: part/headmate/alter and system/collective, if you want another term to be used or a more specific one you can request it, but by default all the userboxs will have this variants
I won't be doing any request that's targeting someone, that's hateful and discriminative, nothing very explicit (I might do some NSFW ones if I'm ok with them) or something related to endo supporting, outside of this you can ask if I'm ok doing certain kind of requests if you're not sure if I'll fullfit it
Please see this post for more information about requests
⌦ Boundaries ⎙
This blog is CDD systems exclusive, so if you're not one please go off our blog and don't do requests because we'll delete them, we won't hesitate in blocking blogs and accounts for the safety of the blog and its followers (This rule applies to non CDD systems and singlets)
This blog is a safe space and isn't open with syscourse, discussion nor debate regarding system topics. There can be some userboxes that mention or a are aligned to this kind of topics but it's not a discussion blog, so please take that in mind
If it's necessary add the corresponding TW/CW in the top of the request, this is to make sure people won't get triggered and are aware form what they're seeing
Basic DNI, non CDD systems, singlets, radical pro endos and anti endos, closed mind people, trans-id (Specially trans-plural), doesn't have system accountability, anti-recovery, syscourse blogs, say things like sysmed or traumascum, any kind of passive-aggressive people
The break of one of our boundaries will be an instant block
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troonwolf · 2 years ago
I found your blog going through the anti-endo tag (idk I get bored sometimes) and im sorry all this is going on. I hesitate to call myself a cult survivor because what I dealt with never felt severe enough to call it that and the “cult” word makes me flinch at times, but I do agree that the endo stuff that I’ve seen is atrocious and lines up with what you describe. I’m primarily anti-endo due to the whole “sysmed” concept and the harmful aspects of endos, before I ever found out I was a system.
When I did discover our system and they felt more comfortable explaining system stuff like that, one of our alters had came to the fore explaining their reasons for disliking them, which although we avoided endo spaces like the plague (anyone who calls a trauma survivor names like “sysmed” or god forbid, “traumascum”, is automatically horrifically awful), what we did read from accounts about people who were in endo spaces is horrific.
I don’t have much else to say tbh, just that I hope you have better days and nights ahead of you, whatever that means for you.
Thank you for putting in the effort to share this with me, anon. Especially since I know I do not come across as the most approachable person in the world when I'm stuck on frustration mode and questioning existence because someone annoyed me lol.
Your alter has such good instincts for immediately catching the red flags like that. Funnily enough back when we first got involved in all this (literally like a decade ago) although the discourse did exist in a lesser form, it hadn't become so vitriolic that people were being called "traumascum" and "sysmed". That part is honestly pretty recent. Back when I was on the endo side, we just called people "antis", which is like the generic moniker people on the internet use in general when they have discourse.
"Anti" is pretty neutral when compared to "sysmed" or "traumascum". What people don't realise is this is a purposeful manipulation tactic, so that people will associate this argument with trans people and transmeds. This in itself is literally a cult tactic and the only reason people don't want to call it what it is, is because it makes them uncomfortable. Not because it's not applicable. They think what they're doing is for good and justified reasons, but it's still toxic.
And it's not one or two or a few endos using this term. It's almost all of them. They will fight tooth and nail for the "permission" (for lack of a better word, sorry lol) to call anti-endos, who are often trans themselves and often have negative experiences with transmeds, the "system equivalent of transmed". They don't care if it's triggering or if it comes across as transphobic or ableist, what matters is it has the impact they want it to have.
The community has actively gotten worse and more extreme tbh.
The rest under the cut because it involves some details on my own trauma and I don't want people to accidentally skim and get triggered. Tw doomsday cult experiences.
When we first got involved with the endo community, we were literally fresh out of a doomsday cult. We were in it because of our mother, and it was the sort of thing that started off small and innocent seeming in early childhood, but became more extreme and dangerous as years passed.
I'm not going to get into too much detail, but eventually we were in a scenario where the cult had relocated to an isolated area in the middle of the mountains. The conditions were very bad. The things that happened there were very bad. It had already been bad but this was like, "oh someone is gonna fucking die" bad. (Someone almost did die eventually, because of the refusal to take them to the hospital. It turned into the sort of thing where it's considered a miracle they're still alive. Their sickness had become almost terminal due to neglect.)
Anyway, when we finally were able to escape, we didn't leave because we stopped believing the world was gonna end. We 100% still believed the world was gonna end. We just decided we would rather go down from the mountain, re-enter civilisation, and die there with the rest of society instead of being stuck on that compound.
We didn't tell anyone this though. Honestly we struggled for years to understand what happened to us and name it what it is. At the time, our mindset was that we were just going to live life in visible normalcy, and not mention to anyone the world was ending. We did this again not because we didn't think it was true, but because we wanted to spare everyone the stress of Knowing like we did.
It was during this period of being escaped from the cult but still not having shed our programming, that we found the soulbonding community. We had already worked out we were a system, but not really the specifics. And our prior history of being in a cult where medicine and psychiatry was rejected, and replaced with spirituality, crazy natural remedies, etc, meant some of us were very hesitant about the idea of DID or any other disorder.
There's a certain alter in here who is the most programmed out of the rest of us, and it was him who immediately became attached to the notion of soulbonding. At first he didn't really care TOO much about it, but constantly having it drilled into him that "soulbonds" (and then "endogenics", when that term was coined) were "real people from other dimensions" and that "DID alters are just symptoms", appealed to the same fantasy-based programming that had already been coded into him. Us being naive, we didn't do anything to stop him at first. It was only when we'd finally begun to detangle our cult programming and trauma, that we were also able to detangle the terrible mindset that he'd been influenced to adopt.
And as I mentioned in my other post, it really did negatively impact him and the system in many ways. After seeing what he/we went through, there's no way anyone can convince me endogenic beliefs aren't inherently damaging and cultish. Any belief that rejects medicine and tries to replace it with some woo-woo shit that has no basis in known science or known reality, is damaging and cultish.
This is what I'm trying to explain to people, but no one is reading what I actually said lol. If you are raised in certain kinds of environments, even environments that aren't as extreme as the one I outlined, you can be prone to fantastical thinking and toxic spiritual programming, which is the same kind seen in endo spaces.
Meaning that, you may have DID, but like my alter here, you are unable to unpack that, and when you come across an ideology that feels more comforting than the truth, it's easy for prior programming to sway you towards that ideology. If you have already been programmed, you can be programmed again very easily if you're not aware of your own programming and how to overcome it.
People think me calling them a cult means I'm calling them all malicious abusers, when the only people acting like that's what a cult is, are the people vaguing and attacking me. I genuinely feel like all I've done is try to raise awareness on something obvious, for the benefit of survivors of spiritual abuse inside and outside the endo community, but because of a petty little word choice like "cult", no one will even read what I said to hear where I'm coming from.
People have also tried to use the existence of cult survivors in the endo community as a way to dismiss me, But That's Literally What I'm Saying! Of course there are cult survivors in the endo community! WE were a cult survivor in the endo community! Endo beliefs appeal very strongly to certain kinds of cult programming, that's literally what I'm trying to say my mans!
And no matter how well-meaning someone is or believes themselves to be, that programming is still unhealthy. They don't understand that, because of their programming, and that programming causes harm to others due to the spread of the ideology. That person is still a victim of programming, and their programming causes them to unwittingly create more victims. That's how cults WORK.
All this nuance can indeed exist at once, and everyone would know that's what I'm saying if they actually read my posts.
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ultrabright-flashlight · 3 years ago
One of the most disgusting words I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. I don’t understand how endos think they aren’t ableist when they use it. Traumatized scum? Words can’t do justice to explain how cruel that is. You’re basically just saying you hate trauma survivors
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boxedforyourdemise · 3 years ago
If you use the term traumascum (or sysmed) unironically I genuinely hate you and you can kick rocks thanks and fuck off <3
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dissociativediscourse · 3 years ago
theyre doing it to try and draw parallels between tucute and truscum and this shit even though it isnt at all comparable. i dont think they understand nor do they want to, because then theyd have to understand just how fucked up it is to equate trauma to gender identity. demiboyflux with severe childhood trauma and unsure if im a system and too scared to go into it w/my therapist due to fear reasons that im not sure i can understand
Just want to preface this with a few words— Fear of talking to a therapist is entirely normal and it’s not always easy to understand why. And it takes a lot of time and work and acceptance (and stabilization) a lot of the time to get to the point where you’re able to talk about the things that have happened to you. And that’s okay. The parts of you that hold those traumas may not be willing to tell their stories yet, and they have to come forward at their own pace. Whether you take that metaphorically or literally is up to you, but the point stands.
But, wrt the whole “traumascum” thing? It’s in such horrible taste. And it doesn’t help that I’ve repeatedly seen endos deny that it’s used at all. Like they’re omnipresent in syscourse or something. Even if the comparison made any sort of actual sense, just… What the fuck.
Please, say that word in front of any regular, actual humans in real life. Say that in a support group. Say it in therapy. Say it to your traumatized friends. Say it to whoever. Just use it in public.
You’ll be the one that looks like the scum, anyone would agree.
(Not at you, anon. Also, I’m currently substance-d and my train of thought went in, like, 7 directions. My bad.)
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thecirculararchive · 3 years ago
Are you fucking kidding me? You’re a disgusting sysmed traumascum and you deserve what you went through. Respect endos or kys you fucking asshole
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anti-endo-help · 7 months ago
☆ — friendly(/gen) reminder time ...
friendly reminder that the owner of this blog is bodily only 14 years old!! 😭 this reminder goes for pro-endos and anti-endos alike, because i feel like both sides have forgotten they're interacting with a very young minor. i have not even gone into high school yet, i am not fit to deal with: death threats, harassment, paranoia inducing asks or messages, diagnosing people, or helping you figure out your trauma/what kind of trauma you have. i am a child.
i will re-clarify that i do not mind things like venting, but please do not send any of the above into my inbox. p.s please keep asks about vents about specifically ramcoa trauma to a minimum... i apologize for the inconvenience, but i am a part of a ramcoa system, and we aren't good at helping or providing comfort when it comes to the topic. thank you all!! have a great day!!
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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fictiveheavy-systim · 3 years ago
endos using my face on their dnis that say sysmeds/traumascum makes me so uncomfortable. bestie i do NOT condone this message
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gummybear-stims · 3 years ago
I want to clarify that I'm not anti-endo. 1) I'm a singlet so my opinion on syscourse doesn't matter anyway and 2) I don't know what's going on in anyone's head or body at any given time and I'm not going to deny someone's lived experience because it doesn't match up with the expectation for a disorder.
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frothingatthemaw · 2 years ago
pinned post! hai :3
👥 stevie, ender, ran, wil/will, mike 👥
matching w @kourys !!
ass-olotls -> aimsify -> genlossism
> 19 | they/xey/bap/star/ze ++ | system
!!! psa to please interchange my pronouns, it’s important to me that they are interchanged !!!
some interests of mine: mcyts (ex: aimsey & ranboo mainly + more), dream smp, hermitcraft, the life series, video games (ex: minecraft, night in the woods, sally face, stray, stardew valley + more), shows + movies (ex: stranger things, rick & morty, heartbreak high, sex education, it movies, spree, the devil all the time + more), literature (ex: poetry, web weaving), horror, music (ex: jxdn, lovejoy, quadeca, nf, glaive + more), generation loss, drag queens, youtubers (ex: jacksepticeye, gab smolders, sidemen, johnnie guilbert, jake webber + more) etc! please talk to me about common interests!
guy who’s an autistic aroacespec queer that is chronically online :3
• pronouns page || pronouns.cc || spotify || ao3
tagging system || list of headmate/alter blogs
my stranger things blog (@stonerharrington), my alt/personal blog (@igotpapercuts), where i rb stuff for mutuals (@ass-olotls), catkin blog (@kittybaps), for when i hit post limit (@ender-in-idiot-jail), our system blog (@originssystem), love-centric, webweaving blog, & aesthetics blog (@loverstained), rarely used age regression blog (@starshapedblue)
last date edited: nov. 12, 2023
times i’ve hit post limit (for fun): 1
more under cut!
additional interests info: LISTED THINGS ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONLY WHAT IS LISTED, i watch mainly mcyt content creators (ex: aimsey, ranboo), but i’m also interested in the dream smp (please ask me about headcanons of characters), the life series (3rd life, last life, double life, and limited life), hermitcraft, and empire smp. i mainly watch grian or scar for hermitcraft; i watch grian, scar, and jimmy for the life series; and i watch jimmy and fwhip for empires (i’ve only seen season 2)! i’m also very autistic about genloss so please—i beg you—talk to me about that :] i like an abundance of other video games besides minecraft, so feel free to ask about those as well!
do not spam me unless you are spam reblogging my writing or art! do not rb my neg posts without permission. do not rb my goodnight posts.
softblock to unfollow!
dm me or send an ask for me to tw something, or dm me/send an ask if i’ve done something i need to be held accountable for. also please do not dm me to chat if we are not mutuals.
DNI: tulpas, transmeds, sysmed/traumascum (sysmed reasoning here), terfs, map/pear/radqueer, radfem/tradfem, kink/nsfw blogs (i literally post about minecraft), blank blogs, ddlg blogs, discourse blogs, proship, irl shippers (especially minors), pro-ana/ed blogs, fakeclaimers, anti mcyt, c!dream apologists & cc!dream supporters, dteam/dream team supporters (yes, dream, george, and sapnap). people who sexualize and/or post nsfw of wilbur soot, harry potter stans, you break boundaries, sexists, ableists, racists, part of poppytwt/poppyblr, truthers.
BYF: i will post a lot of ranboo and aimsey, as well as other featured mcyts. i post about ranboo an abnormal amount and i do not tag it (i probably should at this point). i’m not a huge fan of quackity or slimecicle, but i will not post neg about them. i will post hermitshipping and not tag it. i don’t watch streams that often & i stay off of tumblr in general while streams are going on (usually) or i just ignore liveblogging. going off of the previous statement, i will liveblog me watching vods sometimes. i tend to spam rb and not queue. i swear and do not tag it. i use contradicting labels (ex: aroacespec and hyperromantic). please tag mcyt neg. you will be blocked deliberately if i find a reason to block you. WE ARE A SYSTEM WITH LOTS OF INTROJECTS, DON’T BE WEIRD!
[please like this post after reading!]
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selfdxculture · 3 years ago
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about the blog
dividers by @sweetmelodygraphics
This blog is centred around self-diagnosis and anything to do with it!
The format can be anything from; "self-diagnosed autism culture is", "suspected ocd culture is", or "questioning adhd culture is"
We can do our best to provide sources for self-diagnosis, but we make zero promises in the ability to provide the sources you are looking for. If asked, we can find information about symptoms, their DSM criteria, and if possible, blogs centred around the disorder requested.
We will accept any and all, types of asks, we just ask you add the correct trigger warnings to match the content involved if applicable so we can appropriately tag and monitor the asks.
This blog is run by a single person.
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tag system
Trigger Warnings - #tw [...]
Boosts - #blog boost or #bono boost
Vents - #vent , #tw vent , #negative and whatever tw's applicable
Inspiration / Positivity - #inspirational quotes , #self-diagnosis positivity , #positivity , #affirmations
Resources - #mental health resources , #self-diagnosis resource , #diagnosis criteria's , #resource , #mental health positivity
All forms of discourse will be trigger warned and tagged individually, we will not attach disorder tags to disorder-based discourse (Ex. no DID tags on a syscourse post)
All posts will contain either #personal , #self-diagnosis culture is or #not a culture ask
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please dni
Pro non-traumagenic systems (tulpas, endogenic, willogenic, etc.)
Use the terms sysmed or traumascum
Any form of bigotry (ableist, homophobic, racist, etc.
Transid (transabled, transage, transrace) [people with BIID may interact]
Demonize intrusive thoughts/Believe in thought crime. Yes this includes ALL intrusive thoughts, I believe in anti-contact paraphiles
If you believe fake claiming helps anyone
Anti-self-diagnosis.. obviously
Believe in disorder abuse (e.g narc abuse, borderline abuse, etc.)
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about the mod
We are a minor-bodied DID system, please call us Lacuna, Lacuna Plague or Pepsi! We use he/they/it and identify as collective male.
We are entirely anti-endo, and pro-good faith identities, we have no strong stance on shipcourse and prefer to stay out of it, our belief is harassment will never help people improve.
Base Account: @awkwardlyqueer
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Inspired by: @ndcultureis @cluster-b-culture-is @queercutlureis @aego-culture-is @narcissisticpdcultureis
Boosts appreciated!
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debunkingsystemscringe · 3 years ago
!!!This blog is not meant to harass anyone, and any usernames will be censored!!!
Welcome to debunkingsystemscringe, where we look at posts on r/SystemsCringe and similar places, and debunk the reasons why the poster/comments believe that a system is "faking" or "cringe"
This blog is currently run by the Neon Garden (@welcometotheneongarden, #neon mods) a monoconscious, introject heavy system, and the four winds collective (@killerrqueztt / @the-real-wispetzz ) #4windz mods , a potential P-DID fictive heavy system.
We aren't experts on plurality, so if we missed anything when debunking posts, feel free to reblog/send an ask if you want to add anything
DNI: If you think that all systems are inherently medical regardless of if they're disordered or not, anti endo, anti tulpa (the idea of tulpas specifically, if you're against the term that's fine)/willogenic/thoughtform or use ""demo systems"" to hate on the endogenic community, if you use the term "traumascum", if you use any subreddits we debunk or support their ideas, anti xenogender/neopronouns, transmeds, and TERFs
Join the official discord here
Blog info under cut!
#important post: this tag contains information about this blog and a reblog thread how to report subreddits (specifically r/SystemsCringe)
#our asks: asks of ours to other blogs
#not our post: reblogs of posts that don't belong to the mods are tagged with this
#not debunking: any posts that aren't debunking are tagged with this
#ask response: asks are tagged with this
'#r/scringe debunking' and '#r/fdc debunking' are used for their respective subreddits (r/SystemsCringe and r/FakeDisorderCringe)
Current trigger tags are: #tw sysmed mention, #tw vent, #tw rant, #tw trauma, #tw exotrauma, #tw swearing, #tw sex mention, #tw fakeclaiming, #tw rape, #tw sa, #tw eating disorders, #tw ableism, #tw threats, #tw torture, and #tw abuse
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unrealrealms · 3 years ago
tw for weed across my whole blog.
i'll tag posts specifically, but i do smoke daily so bear this in mind.
dni: pronoun policers, believers in reverse racism or transandrophobia, tru/meds, anti-antis, users of the words "sysmed"/"traumascum" (youre just ableist and shitty to traumatized ppl? like sorry i was abused, cunt?), ppl who use closed culture names, ppl who use "___ bodied" terminology (you ARE white, its not just your body), and "tulpamancers"
howdy! im peter/eddie and im 21 years old, bigender, bisexual, and biracial (mestizo/white). i live with my bf of seven years, our rats, and our roommate and i may post about them occasionally.
im also professionally diagnosed with DID! i have about 25 alters (and counting, everybody On The Inside tells me its closer to 50 but i'll know it when i see it.) and most of them will not post here and if they do, likely they'll not know who's fronting enough to say exactly and it will be their best guess.
i almost exclusively use i/me pronouns even for memories that arent mine and in reference to my whole self. do not they/them me ever, if you want to refer to me on the whole, im peter. im not multiple, i am not plural, i would barely even consider myself traumagenic in the way the plural community uses it, im just a guy full of trauma and made other, worse, guys because of it.
i dont super care about endo systems but i guess you can call me anti endo or syscourse unaligned depending on whether you think "endo systems may or may not exist, i just want DIDOSDD specific spaces" is something.
an incomplete alter list:
peter: me! i basically own the body at this point and everybody identifies as me. i use him/her pronouns
gad(reel): new host, fictive of gadreel from spn. uses him/her/it/any neos. used to be host about a decade ago and isnt really connected with being a fictive anymore. definitely still an angel, though.
eddie: the nighttime alter, he's less bubbly and has court jester energy. hes also a ghost and vehement ghost-hater. he uses he/it/dae pronouns and has trouble using proper grammar, feel free to ask for clairification.
adipocere: angry but working on it. trauma holder and disliker of most things. hes also eddie's older half brother. he uses he/it pronouns.
harv/harvey: everybody's best friend and manifestation of all love shown to me. he looks and dresses like a cacophany of people who've shown me kindness, mostly family and my boyfriend. he uses he/him mostly but anything used with love and respect is fine.
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anti-endo-help · 7 months ago
Is ROMCOA/OA/Programmed alters/systems a real thing? there's so much misinfo and contradictory stuff about it online and im really confused. While I get that cult abuse is obviously very real, i dont understand why a abuser would want or attempt to give their victim a mental disorder, since i dont think giving someone trauma has a guarantee to give someone [insert mental disorder]. thanks if you reply -k/a
hi!! you're talking to a RAMCOA system... so i'd damn hope it's real. 😭 if you need somewhere to start with research, visit the link below!!
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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