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biggestdumbestduck · 2 days ago
No it’s not!!
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detailedart · 4 months ago
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Women who don't hold back their tongue vibe. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Archaic Words: Hate
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for your next poem/story
Bydryven - to commit evil
Deule - the devil
Deviltry - anything unlucky, offensive, hurtful, or hateful
Exheridate - to disinherit; to hate or detest
Eye bite - to bewitch an animal with the evil eye
Hain - malice; hatred
Hateredyne - hatred
Hatien - to hate
Hatous - hateful
Hatrex - hatred
Hazeney - to foretell evil
Hellhound - a wicked fellow
Hiessen - to forebode evil
Ivele - evil; injury; sickness
Lathe - hateful; also: injury, harm
Lether - vile; hateful
Limbo - hell; properly, the limbus or place where the righteous were supposed to have been confined before the coming of Christ
Lothe - perverse; hateful
Mysbreyde - evil birth
Onde - zeal; envy; malice; hatred
Pelsey - mischievous; evil; wicked
Quad - bad; evil
Quede - harm; evil
Quince - the king's evil
Slier - to look sly upon, but with some evil design
Spurn - an evil spirit
Toady - hateful; beastly
Tutivillus - an old name for a celebrated demon, who is said to have collected all the fragments of words which the priests had skipped over or mutilated in the performance of the service, and carried them to hell
Ungode - bad; evil
Yeffell - evil
Source ⚜ More: Notes ⚜ Word Lists ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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punkpinkpower · 2 years ago
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Wow what an interesting way to say "countries with strong employee protection laws aren't at the mercy of tech billionairs in late stage capitalism" but with a real boot licker angle.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
I really hated this girl in my class and we kept exchanging notes with various threats of violence on them but then on a Zoom call I saw that she kept a bunch of them pinned on her wall with little hearts around them and I got the biggest crush on her after that.
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t8ue · 2 months ago
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do i really need to caption this
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 13 days ago
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Princess Mononoke (Hayao Miyazaki, 1997)
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 5 months ago
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lylian333 · 3 months ago
~Yandere emperor x reader~
warning: read at your own risk, traumatizing, dark historical shits, noncon, force, many misunderstandings,sexual harrest , angst ,age gap, everything here is quite insane, historical au, he's fucking crazy, killing, insults, English is not my first langue(if there's any warning I didn't put, tell me)
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(this is not my art I found it on Pinterest, and in the comment section it's said that it was made by AI so💀)
Princess (y/n) Laurier has been best friends with Princess Alyssa Everett since you both were just 6 years old. You both have many things in common, such as interests, opinions, and much more.
You both would usually hang out around each other's kingdom; you don't have any issues with her except with her father, Emperor Edward Everett. He was the hottest, most handsome man you have ever met, and you still do now.
You have had a huge crush on him that felt like butterflies inside your stomach since the day you met him, but he always has that emotionless face and rarely smiles unless at his wife, your best friend's mother. You know this from Princess Alyssa; she would complain about how cold and serious he is.
You still ignore those and try getting to know him, but he just looks annoyed or just straight-up ignores you, but you ignore it and still continue liking him. Not only that, you're not the only one; it's obvious that everyone that has met him, females and even males, all drool for him.
You still have some sense in you, and you also have to respect the Everett queen and Princess Alyssa since she is your best friend. You can't just let some love ruin the relationship you both had. You can't. She is like a sister to you. She helps you when you're confused; she protects and defends you when you were getting laughed at; she is there when you needed someone the most. It's not worth losing a relationship like this, and so your liking toward his father slowly dies down.
But things change when you grow up and start having features and curves and in the end, you become a gorgeous woman, many people are jealous of you even Princess Alyssa confesses to you about it and some desperately want you. You reject all of them since none of them are worthy of you, and you're disinterested in them.
Your intense gaze and soft complexion, with your structured face and striking presence, are on par with an iconic beauty, paired with the warmth and softness in your expression, which are very delicate. You would struggle to not look at yourself when there is a mirror.
You still have some feelings toward Emperor Edward, but you manage to hide it and be able to not think about him when talking to him.
The worst thing that could have happened was that the Queen of Everett died from childbirth while trying to give birth to the heir to the throne, but it went to a disaster. It was devastating news to hear from everyone.
The emperor was absolutely devastated and even despised the child. From that moment on he would never talk to anyone unless it was part of a duty, but other than that he would ignore the servant's advisers and even his own kids, which left Princess Alyssa depressed since she had to bear her mother's death, her father's coldness, and the baby boy that her mother lost her life to.
That week she came crying to you when you came to visit her and attended the funeral of the Everett Queen death. You decide to stay at Everett Palace for a few months before going back to Laurier Kingdom.
You promised Princess Alyssa that you'd take care of her and her baby brother, and so you did. After all, back at your kingdom and your family, you have 6 siblings, plus you, and you are the third eldest, which makes you the middle You have experience with babies after the experience of you sibling that you swear are more naughtyer when you take care of them.
In those months of staying, Emperor noticed that you had to take care of the baby boy and Princess Alyass when he found you singing a lullaby for them to fall asleep.
At that moment something in him awoke, something dark, horrible, and disgusting. He knew this was wrong, but who was there to stop him? Not even himself could do that.
From that moment on, he would try getting close to you and getting to know you better; by that, he would call you into his office or into his chamber. When talking, he would get close to you, too close, to the point that he's invading your personal space by burying his face in your hair, breathing in that sweet, gentle scent, or sucking and biting your earlobe.
You knew this was wrong. You both knew this was wrong, but you guys still continued. Your brain keeps telling you to stop and that this is your best friend's father, but your gut tells you to continue. For your best friend Princess Alyssa's sake.
At one of those meetings, you confess to him that you don't want to continue these "meetings" to respect your best friend Alyssa and her baby brother Prince James.
But when he hears that you swear you could feel the air getting tense and his face looks tense as well, and with clenched fists, he looks like he could kill someone that might have been you or others.
He then pushes you onto his office desk and forcefully rips your clothes off. All you can remember that day was just horror, pure fucking horror. It haunts your dreams, memories, and everything that you see that can somehow be related to the day you and he were together.
The cherry on top is Emperor Endward sends an arranged marriage to your kingdom between you both; you pray that your parents would reject this offer, but no. Instead, they accept it and send you a letter telling you the reasons that this could help our kingdom very much and this could give you a better future and more, but all you care about is that you're trapped with him. They also added in that they would be unable to see because of the distance of the two kingdoms and that it is time to set you free.
Oh, how you wish it were true to let you spread your wings and have your own freedom.
You hated everything, mostly yourself. You hated yourself for not being more alert and not telling anyone, not even your own family or close ones; you—you can't even describe the feeling that you're feeling at that point. You quite literally were disgusted by yourself.
You cry all day long to the point where Princess Alyssa hears it and finds you, and you vomit out all the things that happened while still crying. You wish the earth could just eat you whole, make you disappear from the earth, from this world, from this life.
You keep pressuring yourself that this is your fault for days till your hair has a few strands of white hair that you have noticed.
The wedding was within the week, and you both got married and wed. That very day and night of the "honeymoon," he slams you against the bed carelessly and forcibly spears open your legs with his hand while another pins both your head on top of your head.
You whisper near your ear,True to be told, I have actually noticed that since you were just a little girl, you always had a crush on me, so technically you wanted this to happen, so don't cry like last time, dear."
Your eyes go wide when you hear that he actually noticed. He knows that you have no words—absolutely no words.
That night was as horrible and traumatizing as the night you both had together. Princess Alyssa personally tries to help you escape; even after the marriage, she still supports you, even knowing the fact you are technically her stepmother.
But she accepted you, and you were quite stunned at how she handled the situation. Even though it was like hell, she still helped, whether by holding you while you were crying or whatever she was still there. It felt like she was starting to take care of you instead of you taking care of her like how you first promised.
In one of the many attempts of you trying to escape and her helping you with it, you both were caught, and Emperor Edward decided to punish you by isolating you and sentencing Princess Alyssa to be beheaded, his own daughter.
And you were forbidden to give her any visits after the situation. You didn't get the chance to even give her the last hug or talk or anything, not even a goodbye. You even threatened to kill yourself if he didn't allow you to see her, but he just laughs at you and tells the guards to throw you inside a dungeon where there's nothing, not even a window, so you have to rely on the fire outside.
Just like that, she's gone forever. You cry for days and refuse to eat, sleep, or even drink. The king himself has to personally force-feed you so that you don't die. You even scream and beat him as hard as you can in rage whenever you see him, but he just stands there, not unbothered. You might as well think that he doesn't even care or feel anything anymore, no remorse, no nothing, just disgusting lovesick eyes looking at you.
"I just can't get enough of you, love~"
Your life goes on until you have had enough, like enough one more year of this. You seriously don't think you want to be reincarnated into another life. You desperately want to feel things instead of being trapped in the shared chamber all day long, only allowed to go out to the garden for 1 hour to get fresh air with a few ladies in waiting and your own trusted servants near you to keep being aware of you and make sure you're not doing anything harmful to yourself or escaping.
You came up with the stupidest and most shameful idea. You decide to frame yourself for cheating on Emperor Edward and confess to him that you cheated. Making up fake clues for others to notice and gossip about, but the emperor refuses to believe it, so you told him personally.
"I cheated on you, Edward."
"You must be joking, dear. How would you even be able to do that, hm?"
but you just keep repeating the sentence, "I cheated on you."
This makes him overthink and triggers him, and he ends up struggling with you to death in the process. You still keep repeating the sentence, which forces him to grip your neck even harder till you are no longer breathing—not even a single movement, just soulless eyes staring straight.
When he realized that it was too late and there was no turning back, he let go of your neck, and you collapsed onto the ground, dead. He kneeled down next to you; finally, at this moment, he felt guilty for everything. He reflected on the things he had done to you, the amount of damage. Why didn't he think about this earlier? Maybe that could help him.
No, it's your fault for cheating on him. How dare you filthy women cheat on an emperor that has done everything for her sake? To this day he still blames you, but part of him does regret not caring what you felt and thought. He only treated you like a toy, a glass doll that would easily be broken. But he just couldn't help but love you with all his might, even if it meant hurting you.
He tried to keep your body from decomposing and rotting and would soak you in water to slow down the decomposing. He even went mad and brought you to the throne room for events, dressed you properly, stuffed you with cotton to keep you looking more alive, and said to others, "My wife is doing well; look at her, she's such a sleepy head; look at her sleeping, hehe…"
Sadly, eventually, he had no other choice but to finally bury you because your body was decomposing and smelling really bad. At the funeral, he gives a speech on how she was in his life and how he can't believe she died before him from 'sickness' and oh how sad he was and how he saw her glowing up into an elegant woman and more.
Prince James also gave a speech about how you try helping out, that he always sees her as a mother figure, and how (y/n) has always tried her best. He was innocent in all of these; as well, he even balled his eyes out when he found out that you died.
At the very last moment of seeing your face, he cupped your cheek one last time.
"Oh, how much I will miss you oh how I wish that I could go with you as well, but it's fine you don't need to worry love In my will, when I die, I'm going to be buried right next to you." He says that while chuckling while feeling remorse.
omg, there are so many things I want to comment on but erm yeah this is how it is??? it could have been worse
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tide-draws-stuff · 1 month ago
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This is not a monstrous nightmare. This is a winged red lizard. This creature is cumbersome and unintelligent. It holds none of the terrifying grace and agility of a true monstrous nightmare. This bulky lizard could not run and climb and jump across an arena. It could not think about anything more than a snail. Its tail is stiff and rigid, incapable of expressing the animals intrigue or joy. Its talons are that of any generic dragon, instead of the iconic large hooks of a nightmare. Its stance is stuck low to the ground instead of the wide ranges of posture a true nightmare could take on. It angers me.
This is how a true monstrous nightmare is. Its body is large, but light. It has fluid movements and eyes that are not dead with cgi. It is agile and strong, capable of running and leaping and scaring the shit out of anyone. Its eyes are forward facing, indicating its stance at the top of its food chain. You can see the cogs turning in this animals head. Its slightly askew proportions make it expressive and interesting to watch. It is active and quick and intelligent. This animal knows and is aware of what is going on. This animal is terrifying.
Call me negative and unappreciative or whatever you want, but this:
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Will always pale in comparison to this:
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floatyflowers · 10 months ago
Dark Dracula x Wife Human Reader (Things he would say to you)
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"I am a jealous man, and no one will take you away from me."
"My dear, you will not walk away from me again or I will place you in my coffin"
"My beloved, you are my property and my heart."
" I would rip a thousand lives out for you."
"You have no business outside my sight."
"I will hunt down that man for thinking about touching you"
"I shall mold you in my image and then I will make you my own."
"You are not to step one foot outside this castle unless I allow it."
"You are mine to touch and mine alone; I will have my way with you whenever I desire."
"The more you resist, the more I will take from you."
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des-vanecido · 8 months ago
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Ojalá amor, ojalá
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philosophybits · 5 months ago
We are mistaken as to the degree to which we believe ourselves hated or feared: we ourselves may know very well the degree to which we differ from a person, tendency, party, but others know us only very superficially and therefore hate us only superficially.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human, 337
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thewindowofthesummerhouse · 6 months ago
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The Night of the Hunter (1955)
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n-u-b-e-s-n-e-g-r-a-s · 1 month ago
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