#tw fakeclaim mention
small system culture is being f@kecl@imed on tiktok because you only have 1 brain made alter and they never front ever 💀 (we're a system of 7)
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thecataclysmic6 · 1 year
I will never support fakeclaiming on this blog.
I can provide evidence, well reviewed studies even, on why fakeclaiming is a harmful practice that maliciously targets vulnerable people.
But there are far too many people who would rather disguise their ableism as activism than listen to a disabled person telling them that what they're doing is harmful.
Do better.
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Being a Ticci Toby introject and being a symptom holder w/ a body that has tics is a recipe for getting fake claimed </3
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snow-on-mtsilver · 2 months
i HATE posting about syscourse but like i need to address this
most (but not all, i get that) pro endo posts we see are like: haiii ^.^ we're pro endo/endogenic/not traumagenic/not disordered so pls do not interact if ur an anti!!!!
meanwhile most (again, not all) anti endo posts that we see are like: ENDOS FUCK OFF!!! ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT REAL ENDOS ARE NOT RE- ALL ENDOS ARE HORRIBLE PEOPLE!!! ALL PRO ENDOS ARE HORRIBLE PEOPLE!!! THEY WILL RUIN THE ECONOMY!!!! THEY ARE STEALING OUR RESOURCES(said resources most likely being either therapy which, not really stealing the resources since it's not exclusively for systems, pluralkit, which i'm 99% sure is pro endo, and simply plural, which i'm also 99% sure is pro endo (especially since they both use the term "plural" which i see much more commonly in pro endo spaces))
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delphientropy · 3 months
(i say "you" in a loose manner and do not actually talk directly to the reader most times. because what i say may be a little upsetting snd it looks like im yelling i just want everyone to be safe)
hey fucking DNI if you think its okay at any capacity to post me or other systems on systemscringe. fuck off. fuck. the hell. off. youre not high and mighty for gatekeeping system experiences. youre not better than anyone for claiming someone who youve NEVER FUCKING MET IN YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE IS FAKING SOMETHING. YOU CANNOT TELL. YOU CANT. END OF FUCKING CONVERSATION. YOU ARENT A PROFESSIONAL, YOU ARENT BETTER THAN ANYONE. IN FACT IM BETTER THAN YOU. I AM BETTER THAN YOU. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.
(this post isnt about endos. endos are not systems. theyre something entirely different and should not be in system spaces. stop forcing yourself in mentally ill peoples spaces and utilize your fucking block button instead of harassing me for dekais sake im sick of it.)
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puppyoclock · 4 months
average DID study: we assessed TWO people (representative of the entire DID population) who were diagnosed using the DSM negative twelve (which the dinosaurs used). we told a story and then asked them to tell us ONE thing about it, then gave them a score of how well they remembered the story based on the vibes of what they told us. they remembered anything at all, so the conclusion to take from that is that they were probably making everything up. more research needed
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ellipse-society · 5 days
So I think there may be some misconception about what can be considered ableism. The disorder itself doesn't need to be mentioned for what someone says to be ableist. For example with DID there are many misconceptions that people use to be ableist(cw fakeclaiming). For example it's just demonic possession, it's just a trend you are copying from social media, or it's iatrogenic(your doctor convinced you you have it). Any of those misconceptions can be used against you without the disorder being mentioned and still be ableism. If it is a common misconception about a disorder that is similar to what you are talking about experiencing there is a good chance that the way the person came to that conclusion is by thinking about the disorder making it still ableism.
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murielsbottombitch · 1 year
"you're faking your disability for attention"
why would I spend a bunch of money on mobility aids just for attention?
I could spend that money on an onlyfans model and get much more attention.
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the-100-percent · 5 months
Guess what (not out yet) endo system had to hold back tears when their mom was talking about how endos aren't real! 🤫🧏🎉🥰
Oh oh! And guess what? She kept bringing up "Alastor" as a sign they are faking being a system! And guess who was co-fronting with me when this was happening? 🥳🥳
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bread-werewolf · 7 days
Endogenic systems can have trauma. Endogenic systems can have those scary distressing symptoms of trauma. Endogenic systems can be unhappy with their systems. Endogenics can wish they weren't plural. Endogenics can have flashbacks and amnesia. Endogenics can have headmates who hate them and do bad shit.
Endogenics. Can. Be. Traumatised. Pretending like every single endogenic would clutch their pearls at "real traumatised people" is fakeclaiming and invalidating peoples trauma.
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Breaks my heart to see anti-endo kids
Most of the time, it's probably a case of "I'm suffering, and can only find peace in suffering, and anyone who says they're not suffering while having xyz must be faking/wrong/ect"
There's so much you guys don't know yet
It gets better, it really does
Closing your mind and heart off to others; you're only hurting yourself
There's more to systemhood and plurality than suffering
There's more to systemhood and plurality than "trauma olympics" and disorders
You deserve peace, community, and safety
I'm sorry you're so full of hurt that you can't accept plurals/systems that aren't the same as you, that you hate what you feel you can't have
I genuinely wish you all well; that you find healing in whatever form you need
- An endo-safe disordered traumagenic system
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poetic-bug · 12 days
It's funny to read how psychiatrists on forums talk about whether they 'believe in' DID and how they tell a system is 'real', as if they know anything about the experience of being a system. It really tells a lot about the inherent power imbalance that comes with psychiatry.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 7 months
Guys, apparently if you use neopronouns and you're a system you're faking )):
Sorry to be the one to inform you )):
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sappy-sabbath · 6 months
as a society can we stop making mental illness/neurodivergency trendy and romanticized. i know more mf who faked claim than ppl who actually had the condition. at the end it just makes the people who are diagnosed with the condition the butt of the joke or look disingenuous.
ALSO IF I MAY be real for a sec!!! it’s because of the “destigmatizing XYZ 🥺” tiktoks and self diagnosing that make this happen, i know they are good intent and not all people have resources but its one thing to be concerned about your mental health and another to claim to have a disorder that you haven’t been diagnosed with!
autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar disorder, psychosis, OCD have all became quirks than serious debilitating condition and as someone with ADHD and psychotic depression IM SICK OF ITTTT, it’s different with things like depression and anxiety bc you experience that at least once in your life but it’s getting out of hand
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antiendovents · 3 months
Hi it's us we were the last anon lol. This is the experience we mentioned.
Trigger warnings for death, harassment and fake claiming and other general things that are just vaguely mentioned
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shit, I'm really sorry that happened. I'm not sure what exactly to say but that is just so fucking frustrating. You didn't deserve any of that, everyone involved except for you was incredibly childish. Sure maybe going to her profile and laughing at her posts wasn't the best thing to do but she did it to you first. Don't start something if you know you can't finish it. That group and it's moderators are fucking pathetic too, harassing someone over a claim that had no proof to back it. They all seem like angry, bitter people who just want an excuse to be mean and to target people who they see as vulnerable. It's just so pathetic of them, for a group that claims to be anti harassment they're so quick to harass people over stupid shit
I really hope you're okay. You deserved none of this. You are awesome <3 (platonic)
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angrysystems · 19 days
Already blocked this fucking idiot for coming at me for no reason, BUT…. Surprise surprise! His entire account is full of homophobia, panphobia, disgusting takes.
Don’t fucking come at me if you’re nothing but a pathetic bitch who only complains about sexualities and systems. FUCK SINGLETS.
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You’re nasty as fuck and stay off my page. I don’t care for your homophobia, panphobia, fake claiming bullshit!!!
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