#syspunk is anti endo
delphientropy · 3 days
(i say "you" in a loose manner and do not actually talk directly to the reader most times. because what i say may be a little upsetting snd it looks like im yelling i just want everyone to be safe)
hey fucking DNI if you think its okay at any capacity to post me or other systems on systemscringe. fuck off. fuck. the hell. off. youre not high and mighty for gatekeeping system experiences. youre not better than anyone for claiming someone who youve NEVER FUCKING MET IN YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE IS FAKING SOMETHING. YOU CANNOT TELL. YOU CANT. END OF FUCKING CONVERSATION. YOU ARENT A PROFESSIONAL, YOU ARENT BETTER THAN ANYONE. IN FACT IM BETTER THAN YOU. I AM BETTER THAN YOU. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.
(this post isnt about endos. endos are not systems. theyre something entirely different and should not be in system spaces. stop forcing yourself in mentally ill peoples spaces and utilize your fucking block button instead of harassing me for dekais sake im sick of it.)
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gremmything · 7 days
Alright let's review notes:
- if endos aren't disordered they don't belong in disordered spaces
- if endos have no trauma they don't belong in spaces made for people who do have trauma
- being a system is both a symptom of a disorder, and a disorder in and of itself, you cannot be a system without being disordered
- being a system is specifically a symptom of and a trauma disorder, therefore you cannot be a system without trauma(you do not have to REMEMBER the trauma. But it has to exist)
• side note: trauma does not have to be "severe" because trauma is subjective.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Unless I see more content that pisses me off, hopefully this will be the last post I make on my syscourse spiel and I can continue using my time to hyperfixate on royale high
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shattered-system · 19 days
Yes, punk is about going against the grain— sometimes
As in, discrimination against minorities is not punk
As in, abelism is not punk
Therefore endos aren’t punk
Hope this helps! ❤️
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supernova-starss · 19 days
it’s not punk to mock survivors of extreme trauma and romanticize their disorder. stop being self righteous
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sovereignsystem · 18 days
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urennaisms · 13 days
Threatening to take away traumatized people's safe spaces and causing them to become unbelievably paranoid because they want a space of their own and you're upset about it is actually really fucking weird behavior ngl
Edit: Intentionally TRIGGERING people's paranoia is ableist as shit dude, FUCK Sophie and I'm horrendously sorry for anyone that spirals from her stupidity
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zetasystem · 7 days
Can anyone who is anti endo reblog this so we know we can trust you? Endos are harassing us on here, breaking dni and we need support from real systems and people who actually give a shit about trauma survivors singlet or not.
I also wanna take this opportunity to coin a new anti endo tag "wild rose" which is the rebel password in final fantasy 2.
Please note we are not looking for sorce mates. Please be nice to us, we have had a rough couple of days with endos invading our space without permission.
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(Please follow this dni too.)
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endogenic-cringe · 13 days
Breaking my own rules and posting OPs account name because they are a goddamn monster. Make sure to block them. And never forget this is what endos want.
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system-positivity · 16 days
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Reminder that your trauma WAS and IS enough.
There isn't a scale dictating who had it worse and who has it the best.
If you're experiencing trauma responses, it was, in fact. Bad Enough. It was, in fact. Traumatizing Enough. You aren't faking. It is not all in your head. What happened to you was real, and you're allowed to feel however you want about that.
You're allowed to be angry.
You're allowed to be sad.
You're allowed to wish for things to be different.
You're allowed to be bitter about what happened - and in general, really.
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delphientropy · 3 days
ive been walking for 15 minutes and my legs are already stabbing me. what the fuck man.
25 minutes. i feel like collapsing this shit is painful
annnd im a minor and my dad just thinks im a whiny bitch and i just need to get out more when i literally walk every single day in the form of pacing like. i stay in bed all day because MY FEET HURT!! FOR NO REASON!! AAUUAUGRGHHHH AND I CANT GET ANY HELP. BECAUSE MY DAD NEVER FUCKING BELIEVES ME ABOUT MY MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH I MEAN I UNDERSTAND ITS NOT ALWAHS THE CASE BUT DUDE!! PLEASE!!! I AM!! IN!! PAIN!!! *collapses*
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gremmything · 16 days
I'm negl I've had most common endo tags muted for forever so luckily I don't see most of their bs but the fact that it exists and I have to do so in the first place is fucking ridiculous.
You cannot have a trauma disorder without the trauma. YOU CANNOT HAVE A DISORDER. WITHOUT BEING FUCKING DISORDERED.
Fuck you.
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poolboyservice · 13 days
Not as much as a positive post like previous one but !!
To those who have read Sophie's (the tulpa/endo account) post, just remember:
They cannot hurt you, they will not hurt you, nobody is going out to get you. Your therapist is not going to be pro endo or try to backstab you for being anti endo. Your family and friends do love you. Syspunk and any other system safespace will not be taken over by endos.
I'm sure I'm forgetting other things they said, but the bottom line is: You are safe, no one is out to get you, the endos will not win, and most importantly: you are loved, and it's going to be okay <3
Try to get comfortable, maybe wrap yourself up in a blanket, and just take deep breaths. You are safe, I promise.
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the-alarm-system · 19 days
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Systempunk: A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry. We're outspoken on how the psych community mistreats us and how we will force the breaking of the chains that continuously fakeclaim or harm us whenever we do something singlets/psychiatrist do not like. We have been silenced and told that if we are open, it is a sign of us lying. We have been forced to follow the strict guidelines of the dsm5 in order to avoid being told that our experiences are false. We have been forced into psychiatric wards and abused because we are not singlet. We have been the face of the liars for too long, plural liberation is something we must push. The future is plural.
Meaning of the flag:
Brown and Black: The POC-bodied systems who are put down by both the community and the society around them. POC-bodied systems who have had their diagnosis's rejected due to their race. POC-bodied systems who have a cultural origin or connection and are hurt because of it. POC-bodied systems who are appropriated by other systems and are not listened to. POC-bodied systems who are hurt by the white dominated psychiatric system. POC-bodied systems who deserve to be heard and understood.
Purple stripe: Endogenic Solidarity, allyship, love, liberation. Endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry, are against the liberation of plurals, and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others. Endogenic systems are also used in a lot of fakeclaiming content made by singlets and psychiatrist despite the research that supports their existence. It's because singlet society hates plurals and hates any form of existence we have. Love your endogenic siblings. They are the diverse experiences of plurality, they have helped us through so much.
Yellow Stripe: Disordered and traumagenic system solidarity and liberation. Disordered systems are horribly abused by the psych system, we make up most of those hospitalized and we are put down as too crazy to make our own decisions. Even if our existence is from trauma or a disorder, we shouldn't be forced into a singlet cure, we deserve autonomy.
Pink stripe: Abolition of psychiatric wards used to abuse us, hide us away, and silence us. Our autonomy is stolen from them, we deserve resources that help us instead of force us into a place that fucking hates us.
White stripe: Psych-critical beliefs or Anti-psych beliefs, despite their differences we still stand together against the harms of the psychiatric system. ACAB included in this.
Barbed wire: Anti-fakeclaim culture, systems deserve to be believed. Pro-plural protection. Protect another no matter your beliefs, cops and psych wards fucking hate us and want us dead, protect those you love. protect the closeted, protect all systems.
Fangs: Fight for your existence, be loud about it, write essays, make art, do whatever you can. Force plural liberation down the throats of singlets. Force the future to be plural.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
"There's no scientific backing for endogenic systems and tulpas" says the Lemur Therian
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize Mr. Lemur that you needed scientific evidence to support people's identities and experiences.
So um, just for the rest of the class, @that-lemur, can you show us the proof that you are, in fact, a lemur internally?
Because without scientific backing, I just don't know why anyone should believe you, by your standards... 🤷‍♀️
Oh wait.
When it's your identity, your position is...
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Got it!
Anyway, reminder that the Alterhuman community is inclusive. It has always been inclusive since the term was coined, including plural and walk-in identities. (Walk-ins generally referring to a type of spiritual headmate who walk in to a system.)
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So yeah, if you're routinely posting in inclusive spaces, people will probably assume you're inclusive and safe to interact with.
Now, I find it pretty ridiculous that someone in the alterhuman community is using a lack of scientific basis to argue someone's identity is invalid.
But I also need to say that this factually incorrect!
Practically every source, including dissociative experts, have confirmed that endogenic and non-disordered plurality exists or at least may be possible. Anti-endos have yet to produce even a single doctor who has said otherwise.
And more recently, there was an AMA with psychiatrists researching tulpas in an fMRI study for Stanford University. One of their big findings was changes in the brains of tulpa systems during possession of limbs.
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This is actual, neurological data.
Beyond that, here's a big document of other research and studies related to endogenic systems.
I could go all day with pro-endo sources. But here's the bigger thing you need to understand.
Bigotry like this has no place in the alterhuman community. Because if you decide that someone's identity isn't valid because they don't have "scientific backing," others will see that as permission to say the same about you.
The system medicalist ideology of requiring scientific validation is harmful to all alterhumans, not just endogenic systems.
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punks-against-endos · 14 days
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neoglowratz · 7 days
friendly reminder RAMCOA is real and exists. there are plenty of systems out there who have suffered this abuse and live their lives with the consequences.
i just think people need to remember them sometimes because they deserve to be acknowledged and feel seen too.
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