#those deserve to burn
angelscatastrophe · 20 days
All my Desired Realities
I wanted to this for fun, also to organize them bc I'm terrible at organization..
Main = DR's that I will 100% go to and are my main priority
Secondary = DR's that I wanna go to, but aren't high up/aren't my main DR of certain realities.
Possible = DR's that I kinda want to go to but maybe not, need to think on it.
if u have any questions abt any of them my asks r always open
(pls I wanna rant abt the silly DR's /not forced)
'Main' DR's:
My Hero Academia (Doll DR)
Five Nights At Freddy's 3
'Jin' (An alt reality of this one)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Waiting Room
Below Human (aka self indulgent story I've crafted over the years)
'Secondary' DR's:
My Hero Academia UA (College DR)
My Hero Academia (Ex-Hero DR)
My Hero Academia (Civilian DR)
Five Nights At Freddy's (Based off fics & ai chats tbh)
Five Nights Of Flirting
Jujutsu Kaisen (Student DR)
1980's yansim
Blue Exorcist
My Babysitters A Vampire
Content Creator/Streamer
Our Life (both games)
'Reaction Series' (I'm addicted to these im sorry-)
Self Indulgent DR where my story is popular so I can see fanart and watch videos on it.
Waiting Room where my MHA DR Self is in the show
Possible DR's:
My Little Pony (iffy tbh. Could be fun, but idk if I wanna be a pony)
Supernatural (HARD MAYBE. Watching season 1 rn bc mumther got me hooked)
The Little Mermaid
How To Train Your Dragon: Race To The Edge
Iron Man (also hard maybe, need to finish the 2nd movie... and.. by god there's so much content in Marvel send help-)
Genshin Impact (x6, Not too into Genshin anymore, but I might come back to one or two of these)
Bungo Stray Dogs (this was gonna be a group shift w/ a friend, but we haven't talked about it in a lil bit)
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inkskinned · 9 days
one of the things that's the most fucking frustrating for me about arguing with climate change deniers is the sheer fucking scope of how much it matters. sweating in my father's car, thinking about how it's the "hottest summer so far," every summer. and there's this deep, roiling rage that comes over me, every time.
the stakes are wrong, is the thing. that's part of what makes it not an actual debate: the other side isn't coming to the table with anything to fucking lose.
like okay. i am obviously pro gun control. but there is a basic human part of me that can understand and empathize with someone who says, "i'm worried that would lead to the law-abiding citizens being punished while criminals now essentially have a superpower." i don't agree, but i can tell the stakes for them are also very high.
but let's say the science is wrong and i'm wrong and the visible reality is wrong and every climate disaster refugee is wrong. let's say you're right, humans aren't causing it or it's not happening or whatever else. let's just say that, for fun.
so we spend hundreds of millions of dollars making the earth cleaner, and then it turns out we didn't need to do that. oops! we cleaned the earth. our children grow up with skies full of more butterflies and bees. lawns are taken over with rich local biodiversity. we don't cry over our electric bills anymore. and, if you're staunchly capitalist and i need to speak ROI with you - we've created so many jobs in developing sectors and we have exciting new investment opportunities.
i am reminded of kodak, and how they did not make "the switch" to digital photography; how within 20 years kodak was no longer a household brand. do we, as a nation, feel comfortable watching as the world makes "the switch" while we ride the laurels of oil? this boggles me. i have heard so much propaganda about how america cannot "fall behind" other countries, but in this crucial sector - the one that could actually influence our own monopolies - suddenly we turn the other cheek. but maybe you're right! maybe it will collapse like just another silicone valley dream. but isn't that the crux of capitalism? that some economies will peter out eventually?
but let's say you're right, and i'm wrong, and we stopped fracking for no good reason. that they re-seed quarries. that we tear down unused corporate-owned buildings or at least repurpose them for communities. that we make an effort, and that effort doesn't really help. what happens then? what are the stakes. what have we lost, and what have we gained?
sometimes we take our cars through a car wash and then later, it rains. "oh," we laugh to ourselves. we gripe about it over coffee with our coworkers. what a shame! but we are also aware: the car is cleaner. is that what you are worried about? that you'll make the effort but things will resolve naturally? that it will just be "a waste"?
and what i'm right. what if we're already seeing people lose their houses and their lives. what if it is happening everywhere, not just in coastal towns or equatorial countries you don't care about. what if i'm right and you're wrong but you're yelling and rich and powerful. so we ignore all of the bellwethers and all of the indicators and all of the sirens. what if we say - well, if it happens, it's fate.
nevermind. you wouldn't even wear a mask, anyway. i know what happens when you see disaster. you think the disaster will flinch if you just shout louder. that you can toss enough lives into the storm for the storm to recognize your sacrifice and balk. you argue because it feels good to stand up against "the liberals" even when the situation should not be political. you are busy crying for jesus with a bullhorn while i am trying to usher people into a shelter. you've already locked the doors, even on the church.
the stakes are skewed. you think this is some intellectual "debate" to win, some funny banter. you fuel up your huge unmuddied truck and say suck it to every citizen of that shitbird state california. serves them right for voting blue!
and the rest of us are terrified of the entire fucking environment collapsing.
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hualianschild · 4 months
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to think that everyone rejected him treated him harshly yet xie lian was the one to hold him gently and said it's not his fault (yeah let me go cry in the corner again)
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wackyart · 2 years
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Still thinking Jaskier and Yennefer had more chemistry together than Yennefer and Geralt but yeah-
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You can read the decision here, via Deon Osborne.
The court ruled 8-1 to uphold a July 2023 decision that dismissed the case.
The case is considered to be the last opportunity for the survivors of the massacre, Lessie Benningfield Randle and Viola Ford Fletcher, to receive compensation for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre that occurred over two days in the city’s thriving Greenwood District, also known as “Black Wall Street.” A white mob killed hundreds of residents and burned down homes and Black businesses.
“There is no going to the United States Supreme Court. There is no going to the federal court system. This is it,” Attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons told CNN in April.
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agir1ukn0w · 7 months
this is probably a really stupid idea but hear me out: what if lucy gray actually does make it out of Panem and finds the free people living in the north and she ends up falling in love with a boy who looks like this
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datchscursedblog · 2 months
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So... about the Gmod thing.....
(Based on a post made by @bluefever I thought it was silly)
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m-art77 · 8 months
Do you guys ever think about how if redeemed!Durge pulls out of Gortash’s alliance after returning with Orin’s Netherstone that Gortash literally cannot rationalize their betrayal (and them now trying to kill him) by blaming their urge? Like how much of a complete mindfuck that would be for him. The Dark Urge just told him they’re 100% cured and now they’re trying to kill him? You know, the person who’s always been by their side, their partner in crime, their equal, and their (potential) lover; and now they’re trying to murder him. And prior to the amnesia, Gortash could always rationalize that if The Dark Urge tried to kill him one day that he could hand wave it as “they just couldn’t help themselves anymore” because of Bhaal’s hold on them. It doesn’t mean they wanted to.
But now, Bhaal is gone and The Dark Urge is moving in to kill him. There’s no way to rationalize it as anything else. The only person who ever cared about him is going to kill him, and he’ll die knowing everything they once had is completely gone. The Dark Urge doesn’t remember him. Their love for him died the moment Orin split their skull. The urge isn’t the reason they’re doing this. He’ll die knowing that they hate him.
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so I just finished rewatching volume 2 and a lot of what I kept thinking about is how before they kissed, yang told blake “I like that you’ve never been intimidated by me… even when you didn’t like me very much” because it is so so interesting rewatching w/ that in mind. just like. the way blake seeks yang out in the emerald forest because she is drawn to her strength (even when she is still a little wary of people). and in volume 2 I think you can really start to see how much yang likes that, how much she likes her: up until burning the candle, yang’s arc is essentially just chasing blake around and trying to make her smile, trying to get her to like her back — from “whatcha doing?” to the Lost Cherry Stem Footage to “i love it when you’re feisty!” and right up until she insists she WILL get blake to the dance. I wouldn’t be surprised if she orchestrated the whole food fight to try and make blake laugh tbh — she is that smitten and that extra!
I don’t think yang quite realizes why she’s so drawn to blake until burning the candle… but she definitely realizes she has a crush then.
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that's Her. that's the oh moment.
and again, I think a part of what draws yang to blake here is that blake isn’t afraid to push back against her. like, yang is pretty pushy with her, but blake is able to hold her own even when she is at the end of her rope. I don’t think yang is used to relationships where she is able to relate to people like this without having to soften herself — not with ruby, who she is half a mother to, not to tai, whose emotional shutdown after summer died had to be pretty formative for yang. but blake? blake is her partner, and yang can meet her on equal footing in a way that it probably more intimate than anything she’s known before now.
and god bless yang because she IMMEDIATELY shoots her shot afterwards with a saucy little wink and a saved first dance. she's still got eight years to go, but she's got the spirit!
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hussyknee · 2 months
Y'know, when the choice is between voting for one of two tyrannical war criminal genociders and overturning the government, the "lesser evil" is, in fact, overturning the government. That's the difficult but necessary choice, especially since your country is holding most of the world hostage to its interests. Libs just know that their own lives might be part of the collateral, and worse, that their comfort will definitely be. That's what this is all about. After decades on decades of sacrificing Black and brown people in exchange for the stability of their power structures, they've realized that it's finally their turn.
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butchscientist · 8 months
I do not think violence being "less personal" makes it any less depraved or evil. I refuse to concede to the idea that killing someone by bombing them is any less murderous than shooting them point blank. The idea of bombing someone to death should produce just as visceral reaction as slitting their throat does.
We should view killing someone from a distance, from relative safety, as just as depraved, visceral, shocking and violent as killing someone from close proximity. This idea that it is somehow less violent to bomb someone than it is to stab them only serves to justify and excuse massacres, and we need to be willing to challenge it. It is a way to paint the violence of the powerful as less severe than the violence of the powerless - even when the body counts are much higher.
Bombings are not sterile or impersonal, they are violent, they are gruesome, they are horrific. Casualties are not "collateral damage", they are inescapable and intended consequences. Being able to distance yourself from the violence you commit does not make you a better person.
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mintivee · 2 years
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"what if mob" this "what if makima" that well what if reigen took the kids and makima fucking exploded
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the-genius-az · 2 months
I apologize for how long this one gets!
A couple of details about The Boiling Rock: it doesn't change at all in the "death by heartbreak AU", but in the "Maizula endgame", the betrayal is even worse. It's kinda clear that Azula is not even aiming at Mai, she's aiming at her feet to scare her. Like canon, Azula didn't expect any conflict, so she's not in battle mode. She's angry that Mai is choosing Zuko over her.
(If I age them up and make it a situation where Mai's pregnant, Azula is just threatening her, she has aim good enough to shoot close but not close enough to hurt.
If it's a situation like that, Azula's reaction is much more feral.)
Azula doesn't know that Mai's goal is to slow her down, distract her long enough so she doesn't kill her own brother. In canon, Azula's mental breakdown starts to build up when Mai & Ty Lee betray her, in here it starts when Zuko betrays her by leaving – it comes back to platonic mates. It comes back to her doing everything she can, going out of her way and putting her own life at risk, to bring him home and keep him safe. Then he just leaves. He leaves again and now Azula is older, her connections and her reactions are stronger. The little pack, in her alpha brain, is her, Mai, Ty Lee and Zuko. A member leaving means the alpha will be hurt.
So. Azula's clearly not fine, she has her issues, of course she interprets Mai's action as breaking the pack apart even further. And when Mai says the "I love him more than I feat you" (without noticing that maybe that's the last thing she should tell Azula), Azula partially ignores her instinct to never, never harm her omega.
Still, Azula wouldn't hurt her, not really. But then there's Ty Lee right there and she can smell so, so much anger and ferocity. She can't smell the distress underneath because it's too subtle. She reacts on impulse to chi-block Azula.
It's that, taking away Azula's bending – even temporarily – that breaks the pack. That breaks Azula.
Later, post-war and healing, it's a happy ending but not perfect. Azula was betrayed and abandoned by way too many people, hurt way too many times. She can marry, mate Mai, have a kid or two – she refuses to have that litter of pups she dreamed of as a kid. But a pack? No.
Part of her doesn't even fully claim Mai, because what if she does and Mai chooses someone else over her again?
Her bond with Zuko and Ty Lee is permanently broken, she can be civil, even friendly, to them, but nothing more. She might be kind of friends with the Gaang, after being redeemed/healed, they want to include her but she rejects the bond.
Azula feels safer as a lone wolf, no pack. A mate with a half bond, a kid or two, because if she ever feel a bond break again, she knows she won't make it.
Both Mai and Ty Lee will regret for the rest of their lives. Mai thinks a lot about what she should have done differently, said differently to slow Azula down but not hurt her this much. Ty Lee thinks a lot about the way that maybe, just maybe, chi-blocking Azula wasn't the right choice.
I just made The Boiling Rock much more heartbreaking, I think.
- Ash 🔥🍌
Thanks for this, Ash!
She's angry that Mai is choosing Zuko over her.
Annoyed? No, she is sad and hurt because her Omega chooses someone who is not her.
If I age them up and make it a situation where Mai's pregnant.
Oh gods! Do you want to kill Azula?! Why do you seem to hate her, Ash! 😭
She's not only losing her entire pack and her Omega, but her cub too!
And when Mai says the "I love him more than I feat you" (without noticing that maybe that's the last thing she should tell Azula).
Obviously he shouldn't have said that! It seems like everyone hates Azula! Does Mai really love Azula? or do you just use it?
It's that, taking away Azula's bending even temporarily - that breaks the pack. That breaks Azula.
Ash, that destroys anyone, even me! And I know that one day the vipers in my house will leave me!
post-war and healing, it's a happy ending but not perfect.
No, that's not a happy ending, just for the others but not for Azula.
They basically subject Azula to living with an Omega who doesn't even love her and living with people who break her again and again.
Part of her doesn't even fully claim Mai, because what if she does and Mai chooses someone else over her again?
I literally feel a tightening in my heart, you understand, Ash? You hurt me.
He married Mai and has two children, but he will never have his mark, seems ALMOST fair to me.
I wonder what Mai's reaction was when Azula denied claiming her completely, even when she asked her to.
Her bond with Zuko and Ty Lee is permanently broken, she can be civil, even friendly, to them, but nothing more.
I understand getting along with Ty Lee, or at least having a civil relationship, but Zuko? He is literally the person who took everything from his life, and he has to live with the torture of all the traumas that were caused to him.
He's even inside his house forever and doesn't see anyone except his kids and Mai is a mercy.
She might be kind of friends with the Gaang, after being redeemed/ healed, they want to include her but she rejects the bond.
I can already imagine the reaction.
Gaang: Do you want to be part of our pack?
Azula: NO, NEVER, EVER. 🏃‍♀️
Ty Lee:...
It's obvious to the Gaang that Azula is completely traumatized by the entire packs and bonds.
I hope Mai, Ty Lee and Zuko are ashamed of that.
Azula feels safer as a lone wolf, no pack. A mate with a half bond, a kid or two, because if she ever feel a bond break again, she knows she won't make it.
I won't make it if you keep this up, Ash. 😭
Both Mai and Ty Lee will regret for the rest of their lives.
I'm glad, I just hope Zuko dies slowly and painfully.
Does Zuko regret ruining his Sister's life?
I just made The Boiling Rock much more heartbreaking, I think.
You just put a rope around my neck, you'll be happy, Ash.
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strwbrryfire · 4 days
something something charles constantly being a sacrificial lamb placed upon an altar decorated and embellished just for him, but his blood still spills and he still comes back again, again, again—next time will be different, it has to be, surely the hand that feeds me will be gentle! surely the knife won't cut too deep! and it does, it does..,..pitiful predestined how i wish they would love you the way you love them
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epicfirestormer · 1 year
Me: I'm fine
Also me: Six getting his memory erased in "Six Minus Six" and Rex trying to make him remember is meant to parallel just how terrifying it must've been for Six and Holiday when Rex would sometime lose his memories before canon started. We know from what Tuck told Rex that he had lost his memories so many times, he would keep a notebook on him to make sure he would remember. How many times had this happen, for it to be a habit. How many memories did Rex lose when he was in Providence. How much of his own life does Rex actually remember during those years. Did Rex and Six bonded and got close before Rex inevitably blacks out and forgets everything again. How absolutely horrifying is it for Rex, a child in everything but title, to wake up with no idea who he is at a goddamn government facility and treated nothing more than a weapon. How heartbreaking had it been for Holiday, a mother figure who treats Rex like a child- how he should be treated- to see him not recall anything about her. How absolutely soul-crushing had it be for Six, who had taught this kid to survive and how to stay strong, to see that same kid act in fear. Did Providence did something similar to what Rex did, keeping a log of everything about him so he could know right away. How awful is that. How absolutely batshit, fucking insanely immoral it is that a child have to go through. To lose memories and be conditioned about waking up a military base. But in the eyes of Providence, he isn't a child. He's a weapon, an asset at best, and a monster at worst.
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pythiaswine · 1 year
CAN I JUST TALK ABOUT HOW BAD I WANTED LMM TO LEGITIMIZE LAMS but i kept being let down over and over again like ughhhh. first he gives the Angelica relationship a whole song and subplot and yes it was great, the whole musical's a lyrical, compositional, choreographed masterpiece BUT WE AREN'T HERE TO DISCUSS THAT. we are here to talk about how his source material was biased because Chernow gave breath to the Angelica thing, as improbable as it was (especially compared to the probability of the Laurens/Hamilton relationship? homophobia.) but then picture it, I'm a young, naïve teenager, I'm very fixated on lams and history, I loved the Hamilton musical, was a Hamilton teen and that part of me is irreparably burned into my brain. then LMM drops this sneaky little tidbit like the beacon of wisdom his fans see him as bc he wrote a historical self-insert fanfic for broadway, he says the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real. great! but he didn't actually put it in the musical and that disappointed me. And damn, okay, he had a few lines here and there in the off-broadway version that were cut but maybe that wasn't his fault or maybe he planned on fleshing it out more and had to cut it down to make it more palatable for the people sponsoring his ride to broadway, a pathetic excuse but it could make sense. For all that, I could have forgiven, forgotten, etc etc... but I will NEVER forget naïvely believing during the year the Hamildrops were released that we'd finally get a Laurens/Hamilton song. In April it didn't happen, I thought okay, maybe pride month. Didn't happen in pride month. Didn't even happen in September or October, or as a last-minute gay reveal in December. It just didn't happen at all. We even got some covers of songs that already existed without notable variations on the lyrics and it's like... bro couldn't have done the bare minimum and had a Laurens cover of Satisfied? That's the moment I was let down for real. I had truly BELIEVED that because he said himself that the Laurens/Hamilton relationship was real, he'd actually follow through on something that could be digested by the fans more than a forgotten tweet. but damn it hurt. absolutely no queer representation in a musical about Alexander Hamilton. bro. to play devil's advocate, there is no way to "prove" hamilton wasn't straight (eye-roll) but it's not like Hamilton: An American Musical is historically accurate in the least. It's embellished, fun, glamorous. It paints people in their best (unless you're charles lee lol) considering it's about a bunch of people who definitely were not kickass abolitionist BIPOC, but because LMM found it important to represent America today, he made the cast very inclusive to cultures and ethnicities of those these historical figures oppressed. so why can't he fictionalize the story a bit more? it's not even FICTION BRO it's literally more provable (and less problematic and more interesting) than the Angelica/Hamilton affair so WHYYYY. all i mean to say is, i was very let down and i can't appreciate the musical or LMM the same as I did when i was younger because now it gives me the straight-man ick. the "yeah they were gay!" for ++ points with the lgbtq+ fans but a severe lack of action. i hate that shit. real allies would say "fuck your homophobia, i'm publishing my art as it is even if i face backlash and censorship," because that's how shit gets done. it really really let me down, that's all, good night.
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