#this post is too long
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
eri-lessthan3 · 1 year ago
Hey you
all of you complaining about tumblr live
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Seethe and cope 😎
Okay but seriously
Get yourself the Stylus extension For Firefox users: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/styl-us/ and for everyone else: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne
Get the Old Tumblr Dashboard Style: https://userstyles.world/style/11286/old-tumblr-dashboard-2023
You should get this stuff even if you don't plan to remove tumblr live :3 Now here is where the magic comes from:
Stylus allows you to add custom css styles to websites, and you can edit themes made by other people to fit your needs!
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See that little fucker? How about we fuckin g kill it?
Press f12 to open the Developer Tools (or however it is called lmao)
Click on this little guy
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Now you can select an element on the website, and it will show where it is in the html!
3. Point
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Click on it, and now we will see something like this in the inspector!
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Collapse a bunch of this stuff, since here we only care about the list items, or <li>
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These are the different buttons in the banner
Now, how do we fucking kill that guy?
There are a number of ways to do this, so let's start with the simplest one
Just select the list item that has the title "Live" and press delete!
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So it is gone now, right?
Well... not really. If you refresh the page, it is back. Which makes sense, since the only thing we did is remove that part of the "code" (if you can call html "code"), but when we refreshed it, the server gave us a version of the site that obviously had the button still there.
So what is a smarter way to get rid of it?
While you can't really delete a specific part of the site with just css, you can hide it! To do that, all you have to do is apply the style display: none;
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Like that! While it doesn't fix the problem with the refresh, it brings us closer to the solution.
Remember when we got Stylus? yeah!
Go inside of it (😳), and inside the Old tumblr dashboard theme (😳😳), and now we just need to apply the css style of "remove that fucker" to the specific list item. How do we do that, since we can't add it directly into html? We use the attribute selector, and we look for title="Live"!
Where do I write this????
Well, css applies the styles from top to bottom of the style sheet (usually, this post is already too long), and you see how the list item has a few classes assigned to it? It so happens that they also modify the display property, so we have to override it by putting our selector after those in the css sheet... so basically you can just write the thingie at the end 😅
Here is how the attribute selector works!
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the .IYr09 part is that specific class, so that if there is ever something on this page that has the title="Live" but isn't what we are looking for, it won't apply there (You don't need to do this, but whatever). The attribute selector is written in the square brackets, and you just... write the attribute that you are looking for there ;P
(I also did the same for the Explore button, but that can be an exercise for the interested ;P)
And now, BEHOLD
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(How am I so popular that I got dms during the making of this >.&lt;)
And it will stay like this, forever*
*except if something happens to the addon, theme, css of it or whatever, but you get the point!
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writingmia · 2 years ago
In defense of Jason Grace
I have seen many people through the years say they hate Jason, that Jason is their least favourite character in the series, etc. and all of their reasoning is because he's 'boring'. I admit, when I first read those books, I was feeling the same way. I wasn't the biggest Jason fan and I didn't think I would be. I even judged my friends for liking him, when there were other 'obvious' choices for favourite characters. Now, years later, I'm no longer 12 reading those books for the first time and I see Jason in a completely different perspective I would like to share.
Jason Grace was a child without childhood. He was taken from his family at two years old and taken to the Wold House, where he couldn't show weakness because then he would be seen as food - you cannot show weakness when you're being trained by Lupa. Which immediately strikes us with a, frankly horrifying, thought - Jason's first memories won't be of his mother, who wasn't the greatest parent anyway, or his sister Thalia, who loved him so much. It would be of what he was taught in a life-or-death situation, that you cannot show weakness. That's important to remember for later.
Jason also has had to carry an incredibly heavy burden since he first joined Camp Jupiter - he's the son of Jupiter, the King of the Gods. We have experienced first-hand what it felt like for Percy to have to go through being a child of the Big Three, but please keep in mind that when that happened, Percy was already 12 and he was a child of Poseidon. I'm not trying to say one of them had it harder than the other, because context is very important, but simply putting things into a perspective - Jason, a child who can't remember his family is put on a pedestal because of who his father is, with expectations being placed upon him immediately, as a, presumably, young child who has just been taught that life is either be strong or die.
And then, despite all of that, he decides that he will join the Fifth Cohort because he wants to write his own destiny, and because he wants to restore their honour. He's not only going against what others would expect from him, including his father, but he's also claiming a goal others perceive as impossible just to prove a point. Not a very boring thing to do, is it?
To continue adding to the list of things that Jason has done to prove that he isn't the prince-like, spoiled boring white guy some people in the fandom see him as, I want to talk more about the things Jason cannonically does at Camp Jupiter. He becomes friends with the 'least popular kids' because everyone else expects they would have to treat him like royalty, he goes on small quests that don't mean much because he doesn't want to be that hero and savior that's expected of him. He follows rules as to not appear spoiled, and even with his rule-following he appears to be 'unconventional' by Roman standards. He's the son of Jupiter, who's doing everything in his power to not conform.
And despite all that, he still manages to use his status to do what he thinks is right. Despite his efforts, he still ends up being the undoubted leader while everyone else is a follower. He listens to all sides, he tries to mediate to the best of his abilities. In his attempts to make everyone else an equal, he puts himself above them and makes them look at him for mediation and decision-making. For the twelve years he spends at Camp, he has eyes constantly on him, judging him, expecting things from him.
Now remember when I said that Jason tried to go to meaningless quests? Yeah, you can guess that didn't really work for him. Canonically, he has gone to many quests, including some that had been appointed to him by gods, such as Bacchus, so he was fairly unsuccessful there as well. And remember when I said that he was raised by a wolf to not show any weakness? I feel like at this point it should be pretty clear he internalized that, a lot.
I get why the debate 'who's stronger, Jason or Percy' happens in the fandom, but it doesn't mean it annoys me any less. Because most of the time, the only arguments are pointing out Percy's strengths and we're forgetting that Jason does some pretty incredible things as well. Jason, like Percy, also fought a Titan single-handedly, and won. What we know from canon about it, it's that he did it with sword-fighting and, interestingly, hand-to-hand combat, which is what the books mainly focus on when talking about his feat. Jason went up against a Titan and smacked him with his bare hands enough times that he won. And in the entire fight, Jason using his powers is not mentioned once. Which is a pretty constant thing, if I might add, but I'll delve into that more later.
Again, a common mischaracterization I see in the fandom is that Jason is this strictly rule-following, rigid, stick-in-his-ass guy, when he really isn't. One of the main things about him is that he's too relaxed for Camp Jupiter. After the war, when he tried to change things about Camp, he was unsuccessful because Camp Jupiter is too traditional and Jason's ideas weren't conforming to that.
And of course, it was Jason who welcomed the two kids of Pluto (Hades for Nico but you get my point) to Camp. I feel like it should be pretty clear to you why at this point, but let me repeat - Jason knows the pressures of being a child of The Big Three, and Jason isn't afraid to be friends with the 'not cool' kids, with the people who are looked at as weird or that are treated as outcasts. He does some of it out of spite, yes, but he was what, fourteen? Thirteen? At the time. That level of emotional maturity for a barely teenager is surprising as is.
Also, can we note that Hazel describes Jason as closed-off, hard to read and 'more of a legend than a man'. This thirteen/fourteen year old? This should be enough to tell you how Jason was treated and raised and why he is the way he is. 'Boring', because this child needs to be an example for an entire camp that has placed him in that position he didn't want in the first place but felt guilty and responsible to take. When Percy was thirteen-fourteen, he was being an ass to Tyson (which he later regrets, yes) and fights with Thalia (which they stop doing, yes) and Camp Half-Blood still sees him as more of an annoyance than a hero at that point. That doesn't change for Percy until The Battle of the Labyrinth. Jason never had that. He was spotlight leader from the second he was at camp.
He also didn't have an Annabeth and Grover, at least that we're explicidly told about, and his closest person was Reyna, who also had a crush on him, so who was Jason's platonic best friend in Camp that he could rely on for anything? We don't know. Maybe because he didn't have one? I'm just putting that idea out there.
Now, I will try to be more brief on Jason in the series, but with the speed with which we're going, that is kind of unlikely. First and foremost, Jason is an amnesiac who never gets his memories fully back. I want to focus so much of your attention on this. Jason wakes up and he doesn't remember, excuse my swearing, jack shit. He doesn't know who he is, what's his favourite colour, what music he likes, nothing. Nada. He is then told, again, he's the son of Zeus, he is sent on a quest with people who don't actually know him but have expectations for him, while he still doesn't remember anything. He is also fifteen. He is a child that people are judging for being 'too boring' of a character. Well excuse him for not having any memories so he can have a proper personality!
Excuse me, I'm getting a bit heated here. I feel I'm making valid points though. Because Jason's story keeps repeating - he goes to Camp, people start looking at him like he might become the new Percy or some variation of that, he has these friends with false memories of him, he is also trying to save the world in the meantime. I'm very sorry he doesn't have time to figure out his personality in the meantime.
This is what I think is the most tragic about Jason's character - he doesn't have the time to figure out who he is truly is because he's too busy helping everyone else, even if what he's helping with is stopping the end of the world. He is a hero of the Great Prophecy, which again links with his destiny and how there's no escaping it and he, again, doesn't have any choice in what happens. He was unconventional for Camp Jupiter because of his disregard for tradition, but he's not fully accepted in Camp Half-Blood either because he's still a Roman demigod.
And then the Burning Maze happens and we don't talk about it because Uncle Rick hates us. I refuse to read that book because if I don't, then Jason is happy and alive.
We should note, though, that Jason and Piper have broken up. And I believe the only reason they ever dated was because Piper had that expectation of Jason, and we've already established how he was raised. He is a people-pleaser because that's what he's had to be for his entire life. He can't disappoint people, because then he would feel guilty, and so I believe he gaslit himself into thinking he liked Piper romantically because otherwise he would have to hurt her. And I do believe Leo and Piper are the first real friends Jason has made, at least those who see him as truly human, and so he didn't want to lose Piper. So, he made her and himself believe he liked her and started dating her. I think he would've done the same with Reyna if he'd remained in Camp Jupiter, for the same reasons - expectations. He also has raging abandonment issues, so. Double fuck there.
In summary, because of his personality and parentage, Jason has never had the choice to put himself first. He hates the framework in which he's put by being the son of Jupiter, but he swallows that for the sake of others.
Well that was quite the rant. I have more to say, but this is already too long. After this post, I have become a Jason Grace stan. If, one day, he has no fans, it's because I have died. Jason Grace is my son and he's very much alive, thank you (not you, Rick Riordan. I don't thank you). Anyway, please like this post? I would super appreciate it. I would also love a discussion! - mia
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kyalarys · 5 months ago
(sorry to hijack the post)
This made me think of something I talked with a colleague yesterday
So I'm a developer and the dude is the one in charge of our dev quality. He's rigorous, takes his job at heart, and has put a lot of process in place so that we don't get bad things in production. He's also a little shit that yells a lot and if you work with him you have to learn to bite back, which isn't to everyone's taste (tbh he's a bit more sensible than people give him credit for, and he adapts to the ones in front of him. I told him that I wasn't comfortable with him saying some things about my work and he's working on that)
The root of the talk was "I'm sick of people saying niceties, if I don't like something I don't like it and if you ask me I will tell you"
Right now you might think he'd be really bad and we would hate him or whatever
But no. First thing is he takes 1 day to explain the project to everyone that comes onto it. Then he'll take at least an afternoon to explain our front end framework. He even taught JavaScript to one of us because the other had never done it and he was going to work on a hard task.
Anyway. If you try he's happy, if you're struggling he'll just be pissed if you don't ask for help.
Last time we had to deliver a version, he noted that the dev quality was subpar. He was a bit annoyed, and then sent us an invite for a meeting about it.
He then spent an hour and a half teaching us what he wanted us to be vigilant about, because "we all learned that one aspect on the job, and I figured that's why we struggle with it". (we're not talking about him writing that at 2am the night he decided to do it because he's very much not supposed to do that lol).
Ok I went offtrack lol.
What I mean is, your criticism doesn't even have to be kind to be good. It has to be constructive. Sometimes people won't like something, and that's ok. Doesn't mean what you did is trash.
Also back to the work aspect, but I used to work with people who wouldn't give me feedback or hard tasks to do, because they were afraid of losing time and money while I learnt. They then put me aside from interesting tasks because I didn't progress as fast as I should have.
Let's just say that they were kind but they almost made me quit development. A few years later, I have feedback, I'm encouraged to take up hard things, and right now I'm doing a fucking hard task and I've never been more proud of my job.
So yeah, even kind criticism can kill someone's spirit. Basically don't imply that someone can't get better.
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thankstothe · 3 months ago
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folk hero really
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tawnysoup · 2 months ago
Found my fav Slay the Princess route recently. Dragon my beloved. Your horrifying beak mouth was an impossible-to-refuse lip syncing challenge 💖
Shoutouts to @blacktabbygames for making such a cool game!
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yumenikkii · 6 months ago
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just another average day in gravity falls
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months ago
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tried to tell my faithful eunuch Tucker that he was basically tumblr famous, but he was too focused on defending the homestead to care
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monstermonger · 1 month ago
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i love when i look into a window and find a cat there... | minizine ♡
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flame-shadow · 2 years ago
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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mangozic · 10 months ago
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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everwalldigan · 3 months ago
Hear me out: Robin Dick would be the biggest Bruceman supporter and shipper.
This boy hates any of Bruce’s love interest with a passion because then his dad guardian spends less time with him and that’s obviously UNACCEPTABLE, SCANDALOUS even, so when rumours start circulating that Bruce Wayne is in a relationship with the Batman, he jumps right on the wagon.
Reporter, thirsty for a story: Mr Grayson what do you think about the rumours that Bruce Wayne is dating the Batman?
Dick: What do I think about my dads you mean? My very married very taken dads? My very faithful to each other plural dads?
He would fuel the rumours both as Robin and as Dick Grayson, punching criminals for talking bad about Wayne enterprises as Robin (“THAT’S MY STEPDADS COMPANY YOURE TALKING ABOUT!”). He would be on online forums all day talking about how Bruceman is the only Batman ship that makes sense and Doxxing people who disagree.
Bruce is so exasperated because this is happening at a time where only Alfred and Dick know his real identity so he can’t even do anything with ANYONE without making either Bruce Wayne or Batman look unfaithful.
Throw Reporter Clark Kent into the mix who has been sent to scope out the Bruceman story, who Bruce makes the mistake of flirting with at a gala. Both Clark AND dick are scandalised.
Bruce, sighing: Dick-
Dick, tugging on Bruce’s suit and looking up at him with fake tears in his eyes: Dad, are you and dad getting a divorce? :(
Bruce, crying in the corner: he called me dad
He would even go as far as insisting that Robin is his step sibling
Principal: how do you explain that whenever Robin is injured, Dick fails to show up at school the next day?
Dick: Robin and I are twins :) so when he’s injured I’m injured too and we have to stay home together!!
Bruce, whispering: I’m sorry, they’re not really twins but neither I or Bats have the heart to tell hem
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jojaxcola · 2 months ago
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Sam has really grown up since I left. He's a man now. I wish I could've been there for him.
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gongyussy · 2 months ago
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deepthroating a gun without breaking eye contact...... he put his entire gongyussy into that | SQUID GAME 2
+ the video because the sound he makes when he puts the gun in his mouth? [redacted]
update: he improvised that. the man really said i'll go full slut.
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freddiecorleone · 2 months ago
I don't care how gay the wicked movie is or whatever this site can't gaslight me into taking ariana grande seriously all of a sudden
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adyophene · 1 year ago
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Husk's secret weapon
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violent138 · 4 months ago
Bruce showing someone his kids' pictures from when they were little: "And this is Jason--"
Jason: "That's a picture of Tim, actually--"
Bruce, fumbling with his wallet: "This is Barbara when she was younger--"
Babs: "Steph isn't even a redhead, how are you messing this up?"
Bruce: "This is Cass--"
Steph: "That's literally a cropped baby picture of you. What are you doing?"
Bruce: "You can't see it fully but this is Alfred with Dick--"
Damian: "That used to be a picture of me and Grandfather."
Bruce: "Here's a picture of Tim."
Batkids: *examining it*
Tim: "That... actually could be anyone."
Damian, simultaneously: "It's not ugly enough for Drake."
Bruce, oblivious to the fight breaking out: "And this is Duke."
Duke, spitting out water when he sees it: "How the hell do you have that?"
Dick: "Well at least he's two for ten."
Jason, going through the photos: "Why are some of these fucking stock photos?"
Dick: "You think that's bad? He's got a picture from the circus with Tim circled in the crowd."
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