#they spell “glow”
xitty · 20 days
fine 🎆
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glamourwxtch · 6 months
a magical toner for love and beauty
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i love glamour magick and i've noticed such a huge difference in my appearance and love life ever since i started using it on a daily basis! you only need 3 ingredients and it's very easy to make.
all you need is;
moon water
dried rosebuds/rose petals
dried jasmine flowers
i use 10-15 rosebuds, 1 cup of moon water and 1 tablespoon of jasmine and i boil it on low heat for around 15 minutes.
when it's done just let it cool, strain it well and transfer it to a spray bottle or a jar. you can even put your own sigils on the container to make it even stronger!
i suggest making a small batch every 7-10 days and keeping it in the fridge so it doesn't go bad.
i use it every single day on my face, my whole body and even in my hair while repeating my affirmations and i've noticed a huge difference. i look and feel more beautiful, i'm more confident, my skin is glowing, i keep hearing compliments everywhere i go and i feel adored ᥫ᭡
some of my favorite affirmations i like to repeat during my daily beauty rituals:
ᥫ᭡ i'm beautiful and loved
ᥫ᭡ i love myself and i love the way i look
ᥫ᭡ people love spoiling and complimenting me
ᥫ᭡ i'm confident and i know i deserve nothing but the best
ᥫ᭡ my hair always looks perfect
ᥫ᭡ i keep getting prettier and prettier
ᥫ᭡ i love my body and my body loves me
both roses and jasmine have very strong love, confidence, self love and beauty properties and jasmine is also an aphrodisiac so if you affirm for it it can also make you more sexy and magnetic and it can really improve your love life and your sex life!
sending you all love and light 𖹭
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stupidcowboykid · 1 year
yeah yeah. i hear ya.
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gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Thundaja
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I’m a sucker for little details and Dead Boy Detectives does that SO WELL SJSJ
So without further ado here’s a not-so-comprehensive-or-complete list of my fave little details from the show (and if you haven’t seen it yet. GO GO GO)
1. Edwin and Charles’s movements. The way they mimic each other, tilt their heads at the same angle at the same time, the silent conversations, UGHHH
2. Charles finding Edwin in Hell EXACTLY MIRRORING Edwin finding Charles when he was dying (ie the dying one turned away, wrapped in a blanket with no hope and the saviour standing above them looking like a goddamn angel, holding a lantern)
3. I didn’t count but I bet if I did I would see exactly 147 cats (King included. When I do my rewatch I’ll count for sure)
4. The music choices!!! I knew this show would steal my heart when they played Hang On To Yourself (one of my favourite Bowie songs OF ALL TIME) in the first episode, and I was EVEN MORE SURE when they played Disorder (also one of my fave Joy Division songs)
5. The cat king wearing a skirt :)
6. Any nod to the Sandman honestly I loved that show too I was so hyped when Death and Despair popped up
I’ll def update this list on my rewatch but pls pls reblog with ur own favourite details so I can look for them!!!
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helium-stims · 2 months
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John Constantine (DC) Stimboard
x l x l x
x l x l x
x l x l x
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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shisasan · 3 months
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twinsoftriumph · 3 months
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"Irusin (they/them) is a "trader" who resides in Golden Wasteland. To the unsuspecting traveler, they are timid, jumpy, and hoping for a quick supply trade to make it through Wasteland's danger. In reality, they are a sharp, silver-tongued liar who deals with the trading and theft of questionable goods. They particularly favor spells; Irusin will modify their acquired spells with dubiously-collected light and magic and sell them back to others. Whether or not these potions work as intended is mostly irrelevant, and Irusin certainly does not stick around to find out."
here's their art fight page :)
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anders-hawke · 9 months
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GALE in BALDUR’S GATE 3 (2023) - [16/∞]
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amendokat · 3 months
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Rune magic was so underexplored in mlp
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amaranth-aether · 2 months
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localguy2 · 1 year
Dragons Rising Lloyd rant
Okay okay, I think we can all agree that Lloyd in Dragons Rising is done really well, it's his best characterisation yet and it feels like a natural progression of his character in Seabound (not saying crystalized, just no, I hate crystalized Lloyd and a lot of other characters as well)
Wildbrain Lloyd's character was "attempting to be responsible while also being sort of irresponsible at very rare times", that's the vibe it gave off at least
But in Dragons Rising, his character is more of "Responsible and relatively healthy young adult" type, because for all his skills and expertise he is still learning new things, particularly about beint a mentor and Master for Arin and Sora
The most obvious example is not being able to properly grade Arin's and Sora's performances on the Course, he's trying to use Wu's methods but it's ultimately not working as well as he had hoped
Most importantly tho about his characterisation though is that... He's just having fun
Like no really- in most times where he's surrounded by the ninja or Arin and Sora, you can see the smile on his face, and the occasional chuckling as well, it's not that big of a detail but it just, such a brilliant detail in my opinion!
Because although it doesn't say it, it shows us that Lloyd has grown A LOT in the years since (and probably before) the Merge.
You know it sort of almost feels alien, seeing him go from his angry, and somewhat snappy self in Crystalized (weather his anger was justified or not in some situations is a topic for another time), to his... Much calmer, relaxed and stress free self in Dragons Rising.
And seeing him acknowledge how he and the other ninja were sometimes a pain in the ass for Wu, and understanding where Sora and Arin are coming from when they snuck out to the Crossroads Carnavel is just such a fantastic way of actually showcasing his character
Because yes while Arin and Sora disobeyed him, he and the others disobeyed Wu as well, a LOT more Arin and Sora currently
And the best part is, it all worked out in the the end, since they ended up busting Dorama's operation
Dragons Rising Lloyd is a perfect example of how you should further progress an old character in new intertsing and natural ways, either directly and obviously through dialogue and tone and method of speech, or through indirect and subtle ways such as small details and expressions
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I sat in this hole for thousands of years, thinking of nothing but redemption, of reclaiming my good name. I thought of nobody, no cause, other than my own...The only thing that matters in the end is the mission -- protecting those who would not and cannot protect themselves --the humans. None of us is bigger than that -
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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Here are Luke and Leia again, this time attending a ball on Naboo from chapter 12 of @spell-cleaver‘s The Protégé!
This one was quite a treat to draw, especially since I’ve had this image in my head for some time now: the twins fitting together like puzzle pieces (and also holding drinks loll). So I was happy to finally use it for this fic!
Luke is described as wearing a yellow-brown frockcoat, but for the sake of imagery, I gave him a more gold-like palette (and Leia calls him “a man made of gold,” so that all worked out XDD); and I also ended up including the sun/moon imagery attributed to them! All in all, I’m quite proud of this piece, and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter has in store!! :DDD
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jamiethebeeart · 6 months
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47th (?) coloring submission for @green-with-envy-phandom-event with lineart by @foxyteah
.... was i thinking up a whole plot for this au while coloring? yeah. yeah i was.
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