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irusanw4 · 21 hours ago
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nezumikozo6th · 2 days ago
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Nemuri Kyōshirō.The cover of Nemuri Kyoshiro: Calligraphy Copybook for a Killer.Art by Yuichi Okadaya.
The word of Kyoshiro's surname(眠) can mean "sleep" in Japanese,and his famous swordsmanship skill, the Engetsu-Killing Method,is described as "causing the opponent to fall into a sleep-like state of consciousness and lose the will to fight."
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les-angelic-stars · 5 days ago
Had a dream about an old f/o of ours+ and it's making us+ feel things........
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harrysaxonpm · 5 days ago
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This account has no reach but I am proud of the work I've been doing these past 2 years, so I'm posting out of context bits from my upcoming graphic novel that's going to be in Greek and no one will have access to.
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alwaysxinxtrouble · 5 days ago
Hush was the best Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode and you’ll never convince me otherwise
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carriecunt · 5 days ago
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dusty-rubies · 6 days ago
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happy cimmerian gets blown up by his girlfriend day
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up-in-flames-writing · 7 days ago
I think there are plenty of places/situations where transfems should be centered. The glass ceiling, the gender pay gap, murder statistics. Transfems have a unique experience of transphobia that many transfem writers & thinkers have spoken about before. And that's ok, because those are issues that center them.
But there are issues that don't affect them as much, that they aren't the main target of. Why is it bad to say that transfems aren't at the center of issues that don't apply to them? Why is it bad to say that they have their own issues they should focus on, but these issues right here are not their issues, and there are people who should be talking that aren't transfem?
A lot of people have a knee jerk reaction to being told something isn't for or about them. This is normal, it's part of our psychology to want to be a part of a group, to feel included. What isn't normal, is to have a knee jerk reaction to being told this about another group. Because then that's even less about you. You're not even in the group being told that something isn't about them! What gives?
But come on. Sometimes something isn't about you, or about your friend, or about your dog. You should act like an adult about it. I wouldn't expect to be centered in a discussion about testicular cancer, even though I'm a man & I feel terribly dysphoric when I'm excluded from male/masculine spaces. Testicular cancer is not a uniquely men's issue, because plenty of women & non-men have testicles. 'Men's issues' that deal with body bullshit that doesn't just apply to men shouldn't be labelled as an issue that just affects men.
We get this, correct?
So why can't this apply to 'Women's Issues'? Because women are not the only ones with bodies that work in this specific, particular 'female' way. & I understand the knee jerk reaction to being excluded from these spaces, because dysphoria is one mean sonuva bitch.
But 'Women's Issues' are not inherently about your discomfort from being excluded from the all girls club. Just like 'Men's Issues' are not inherently about me being excluded from the boys' club.
It is ok to not be the center of attention sometimes. It's ok to not center a specific group you've been told to support. And I think cis people, especially, should understand that when they try to make their spaces more 'inclusive'. You can support multiple groups at once. & you can support them in their unique issues. Capiche?
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Beating Conferring the Crown 03 this time
Here's how it went
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1. Nothing special, just Morvay to soak up Sinister steps and the followup this guy does. That being said, this was a battle of attrition. It took 38 fucking turns and on the last cycle, I had to start guarding my strikers because healing was getting pretty low. That shield that the new Yakumo gives did wonders for my survivability here, but it would have been less scary if he or Kuya were pot 9 or 10 for sure.
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2. This was the easiest one. Two cards that ult pretty hard, one healer, one buffing, and Blade doing both. For this thing to be viable, though, I defended with Blade for two turns after Sinister Steps. I did this for every other attempt from this point on because it's not hard to do and it takes care of the issue of the fight slowly lowering the party's recovery rate to anxiety inducing degrees.
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3. Okay so I was not sure I was going to be able to beat this one on this account because my only good nuke here is Quincy and by now I see that you either want two guys that nuke hard, or just one but with heavy ult support. I went with CS Edmond because he reduces the enemy defense, which is great because this dude raises it for the shield. Timing was super important here. Oli and TC Edmond had to ult on the turn before you have to break the shield to maximize the damage that's done to it. CS Ed defends in the same pattern as before and then ults with Quincy. Blade is constantly ulting because that's his gimmick. This comp has high survivability, but it breaks the shield just barely. Healer, nuke, and Oli are all max pot, the other two are at pot 11 with all attack multipliers already unlocked.
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4. Another one that was just barely enough but that confirmed my suspicions that the best tactic is probably two supports, two nukes, and one healer. Yakumo's potential is almost maxed out (only missing some health) and Quincy is on potential 12 with one investment into atk. Oli's atk can't go any higher either. The main issues here are Edmond at pot 10, and Garu at pot 11, and the fact they their passive skills and ults are really a good fit for this stage. This account is really poor when it comes to healers and buffers...
-Anyone who has not invested in Quincy should look inside their soul and ask themselves why. We know this game loves dps checks. This was inevitable.
-Bringing a guardian is a waste of time and patience. Sorry Morvay, but when a guarding striker/buffer/sabo can do your job by defending, you're gonna have to warm the bench. Anything above 6700 HP is damn solid, although I think it's possible to get away with closer to 6000 if it's a support (unless it has elemental weakness, obviously)
-Max pot Oli is love, max pot oli is life.
-This one is a number's game. If you can't bruteforce it, bring out the calculator. Even then, it might not be enough. It wasn't designed to be fair.
-Also this was the first event that didn't let me throw OG Eddie and DN Yaku at the problem and just get it done with. I deeply resent it for that...
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inurclosets · 8 days ago
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blank space.
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wallys-left-eyeball · 9 days ago
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my socials rn
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trinityprocessing · 9 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hans Capon/Henry Characters: Hans Capon, Henry (Kingdom Come: Deliverance), Vauquelin Brabant Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, First Kiss, During Canon, Claustrophobia, Panic Attacks, Slight Religious Guilt, Takes place during mission: Taking French Leave Summary:
”Together they walked through the dark corridor. The air smelled moist and unmoved, as if no one had been here in decades. Of course, Henry had walked this exact path just one or two hours ago, but the chill of the stones crept into his bones like long dead spirits. Back at Trosky castle, Henry hadn’t believed the tales of demons living in the thick walls, climbing up from deep underground and stealing the innocent souls of the inhabitants. A gate to hell itself opening up under the castle. The only thing that story had been good for was to rile up Hans. There were no such legends about Maleshov and yet… Hans was still holding his hand. Well, if any demons wanted to take him tonight, they would need to get past Henry first.”
While trying to escape Maleshov they get discovered. So they take the tunnel.
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flauntyourfoolishness · 10 days ago
thinking about two yandere possibilities with weird lil sis and jock (stereotyped ig)
weird yandere!lil sis with a jock big bro, frat boy type. the latter has a lot of expectations from everyone towards him, always have had, so he can't help but be pulled in by the only one who seems to see him as more than what he has to offer, to see him as a whole person, to feel the need to undertand him, to listen to him, to give him comfort and warmth. oblivious that as much as his lil sis loves him, her weird, loser self dreams of attending to his every need in much more ways. to degenerate, twisted, nasty levels. she wishes to offer more than her shoulder for him to cry, the only shoulder he ever cries on, bc of the pressure he is under, and that no one in his circle would undertones, more than cuddles during late night talks or movies sessions so he can de-stress and not need to perform masculinity as much, to give him more than hugs and prep talks. sure, she could also massage his sore muscles, wash his sweaty hair from gym or training... but she wished she could be the one he goes to when he is in serious need of relaxing dreaming of taking his mind off all of the tension in his life by edging him so all he thinks about is his need to release or overstimulating him until he pass out,,giving him the best aftercare so when he wakes up, all he can feel is pampered, taken care, looked after, for a change. she wishes he will come to her whenever he is feeling hot and bothered or just bored,, so she will give him whatever he wants. whatever. even if what she wish, when looking at him from afar, beavy of big shots around him,, she wishes he would,, in family or postgame gatherings, or even in parties, drag her somewhere, preferably in a tight space, that they could be alone, so he could press himself all over her, making her aware of his strength, overpowering,, overwhelming presence, that he would grope her body till she is whimpering,, that he would press her against the wall, throw her around, manhandle her,, she wishes he would use her as his fleshlight, no regards for her comfort, putting her in a headlock, pretty veins strained, with his thick thighs or muscled arms, until her eyes rolls back to the back of her skull,,,,,,, she wonders if he would treat his lil sis this bc he would cherish her support to the point he thinks he owns her something in exchange, something wrong and sinful but felt as necessary, be it pleasure orrr if he would feel so disgusted by her he would see her as nothing more than a freak,,, and if he feel betrayed enough he would go fully jock bully mode, the type that is out to teach weirdos a lesson, to straight them out,,, he would teach her like the slut she was! towering over her intimidatingly, mockingly slapping her around to make her feel small and maybe even spitting on her in hopes she will see that's not how his lil sis is supposed to behave,, see how whores are treated? she wonders and worries about how all of it would take her to a point of no return
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girlboytroylougferd · 11 days ago
I NEED TO ULTRAKILL MYSELF <- cant kill this fucking lobster
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hards-world · 12 days ago
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sunlessea · 12 days ago
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" ... master nests." what a rare sight, indeed! for the rather princely princess of london, forgotten daughter of queen victoria the traitor, to take company in another person while dressed so proper. nary a translucent nightgown in sight, traded instead for ruffles and skirts, though a great many less layers than that of her family's preference. in truth, it's less a matter of personal dress, and more a case that she'd be likely to pass out if she bore weight too heavy 'pon such sickly frame. nonetheless, it must be quite the occasion.
and it is, though the object of her affectionate requests for the evening had little warning of them coming.
"i would like you to take me into london this eve. i've heard whispers that the feast of the rose has begun, and as i have never experienced it in all the years we have been here, i would like to see it for myself." it makes sense, then, why she would ask its presence. such a brittle thing needed protection. yet she's not so calculative, in truth. "you're the only person i know, but my heart enjoys your company regardless. might you dote on me, then? just a little."
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@londonfallen / mr nests
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