#there is no context for this. well non that doesnt work in every context (the context is my crippling fear of outliving anyone i love)
cat-with-a-keyboard · 30 days
please god let me die first
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puzzlekinq · 11 months
pls write anything for edward ily
using this as an excuse to post horny eddie headcanons >:3 (i love you too!!)
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edward nashton x gn reader nsfw headcanons
amab reader inclusive !!
cw: pegging, power dynamics, dacryphilia, orgasm denial, jealousy, possessive behavior.
♡ okay first off. its 3 inches soft, 5 inches hard, pink tip, very thick. stretches you out very nicely.
♡ frequently jerks off. (insert paul dano chronic masturbater image) he has to beat his meat at least a couple times a day. plus i think he'd wake up with morning wood constantly. he has to crank one out as quick as he can if he doesnt want to be late for work, or else hes going in public with a hard on. (he's done it before and it was agony. its your fault he was hard. what have you done)
♡ he would never tell a single soul what kind of porn he watches. but i will, because im the one writing this post
♡ hes embarrassed about how much he enjoys the idea of you pegging him if ya dont have the necessary bits. the first video he watched of someone absolutely railing a guys ass, he got so painfully hard in an instant. ended up not being able to keep himself quiet as he furiously stroked his throbbing dick while he clamped his hand over his mouth for some sort of noise control.
♡ the first time he tried to fuck his own ass was a challenge. yes, his fingers sufficed, they were long enough to reach the right spot, but he didnt know lube was necessary (inexperienced virgin moment) so he just stuck them in dry, and that along with the pain of stretching himself open made for an unpleasant insertion. but he eventually got the hang of it and shot a massive load all over his stomach in like three minutes.
♡ huge praise kink. i'd say he has more of a thing for being praised than degraded, although he likes both. nobody has said a kind word to him in his life, rarely even a simple "thank you". he needs you to tell him hes good, that hes doing so well taking your strap, devouring your cunt, sucking your cock- anything. he just wants to hear that hes doing a good job, and that someone thinks positively of him for once, in a non-sexual context as well.
♡ but he also enjoys when youre a little mean to him in the bedroom, of course. he fucking loves being manhandled, choked, slapped, spit on, or having his dick or ass used just for your pleasure.
♡ LOVES EATING PUSSY!!!! the taste, the smell, the slick and cum all over his face while he grinds against the mattress, getting off to your moans- its all so incredibly hot to him. he'll literally beg to eat you out.
♡ loves sucking dick too!!! he loves taking your cock as far down his throat as he can, usually ending up gagging on it, but hes trying his best. and you know, practice makes perfect, and god, does he love practicing on you. your groans as you push his head down further onto your dick is enough to make him cream his pants. loves when you cum all over his face!!!! he prefers tasting you though.
♡ will cum too fast if he doesnt control himself, and thats why he'll edge himself for as long as you need. the overstimulation from edging feels so fucking good to him, so he really doesnt mind at all if chasing your orgasm takes a while. he gets so drunk off fucking you, he could spend the entire day rutting into your slick warmth.
♡ he can simulate that fantasy by letting you cockwarm him all night, or while hes doing paperwork, or just when youre cuddling on the couch. he cant get enough of being inside of you, he always wants more.
♡ sometimes he'll have to pull out of you and squeeze the base of his cock while he takes slow breaths to stop himself from cumming, his bottom lip crushed painfully between his teeth as sweat drips from his forehead, eyes squeezed shut while he lets out several high pitched whimpers at every exhale. its a pretty sight.
♡ hes veryyy vocal. even if he tried to be quiet he cannot shut up to save his life. has to at least whisper frantic, slurred praises into your ear about how good you feel, how beautiful/handsome/amazing you are, and how you take his cock so well like your holes were made to fit him inside of you, like a puzzle piece- his way of putting it into words.
♡ you were the missing piece in his life for so long, being inside of you is the closest he'll ever get to becoming one with a devine being such as you. he truly does worship you.
♡ hes even louder when hes close, rambling about how bad he wants to fill your tight little hole with his cum, and how good you feel milking his cock.
♡ he loves to edge you as much as he does to himself. your desperate pleads and whines for release, the release that is in his power to take away from you, gives him a blissful feeling of control. he'll make you beg for him to keep fucking you with his fingers, stroking your dick- whatever it would be, he wants to hear you cry for him. he thinks youre so lovely when you cry.
♡ he can be mean about it too. sometimes he'll listen and keep pleasuring you, but goes agonizingly slow, just to hear you beg for it harder, faster, just to make your pretty eyes gloss over with tears. he'll just giggle at you looking so pathetic under him, the knowledge of the state you're in being because of what hes doing to you gets him so excited.
♡ wipes away your tears with his thumb while mockingly cooing about how he knows it hurts, but youre just not asking nice enough.
♡ it honestly just gives him a major power trip. he's like this more often when he's in his riddler getup. you know, the thing about being his true self under the mask, no shame, no limits, blah blah.
♡ not to say he cant be submissive when hes the riddler. because you can totally make him drop the scary, dominant act in like 2 seconds. hes not as tough as he feels in the costume.
♡ but if you let him indulge in his heightened ego he'll make sure you cant even stand up for a couple hours. he got too sillygoofy (wrecked ur guts with his dick) sorry
♡ he's so easy to turn on. it's he really just you being you that gets him so worked up. woke up to your sleepy, angelic self cuddled up next to him? horny. you gave him a hug that lingered for too long? horny. youre wearing his jacket that looks adorably big on you? MEGA HORNY.
♡ he just likes when you wear his clothes in general. he'll take any opportunity he can to offer you his clothes. he thinks you look really cute and hot in them and it gets him all flustered.
♡ he cant pick between chest, ass, or thighs. all of them are so good to him. his head between your thighs, or shoved in your chest with his tongue lapping at your nipples, or having his palm full of the plush flesh of your ass while he fucks you from behind- its all so heavenly to him.
♡ hes a tummy guy too. if you have a chubbier tummy he'll go SO nuts over it. he needs to squeeze your love handles or he'll die. he loves tummy rolls too!! he is GOING to drool over your body no matter what size or shape you are.
♡ speaking of your tummy, he likes having his hand on your stomach while he fucks you. its like a reminder of how deep inside of you he is. he loves having you full of him.
♡ loves the idea of breeding you and getting you pregnant, but if you cant, having you full of his cum is still his way of reassuring himself that you belong to him.
♡ hes very possessive when it comes to you. youre the one good thing hes ever had, and hes not letting you go. ever. and he lets you know that with the way he repeats the word "mine" like a mantra against your love bite covered neck.
♡ he gets extremely jealous easily, and the best way to make him feel better is to let him bury himself inside of you and mark up your body to alleviate his insecurities. he'll leave bruises and hickeys in very noticeable spots, and be like "oops, sorry 🥺" but hes absolutely not. he did it on purpose as his way of telling all of gotham "fuck you, theyre mine."
oki doki im gonna stop there or this post is gonna be way too long . i have lots of Thoughts about this guy bfgdudhdh i hope this is like. good. or decent
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Hello this is basically a long post about me sorting through my feelings about bad buddy and why it means so much to me.
So over the past few weeks ( i first watched the show 7 weeks ago) ive been trying to figure out what exactly about bad buddy and patpran in particular have got me so inexplicably fond and devoted to them and apart from the usual answers of great writing, directing, performances and the best most electric chemistry and banter known to humankind, i did arrive at couple of other answers too.
First of all pat and (especially) pran are deep and well rounded characters.
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Their worlds feel lived in and real.
Their feelings and thoughts and motivations are of course excellently portrayed by both ohm and nanon. and they gave representation to queer people everywhere. pat being the pan/ bi king he is and pran being the gayest babyboy warrior poet ever. pran especially given his repressed nature and emotional closed-off-ness is somebody a lot of people surely saw themselves in, including myself. seeing myself represented like that starting off the way he is and then taking small steps one by one over the course of the whole show (and over years in the show's universe) to arrive at the more assured, more open, more ready to be vulnerable (but still very much the pran we all loved in the first episode itself) was so wonderful to see.
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The fact that the show happens in a non homophobic universe doesnt take away from just how special it was seeing queer characters fall, be and stay in love. and most importantly that they got their happy ending (i wont be hearing anything against this cos the ending was happy, despite the slightly bittersweet tinge of it, it was happy and there shall be no counter arguments begone i cant with that)
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That episode 12 gave a glimpse of their future.
A world where pat will one day be able to sit with pran in his house eating food made by dissaya. that pran and pat's mom work on a common hobby together cos why not. a world where they no longer have to hide, a world were they could well and truly thrive.
Its so so important as queer people that we get representation and that in a world that is often cruel to the likes of us especially here in asia, that we see happy adult queer lives, where they can be in love in the most mundane of ways.
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Patpran and bad buddy gave us that and i will forever be thankful for it.
That still doesn't capture exactly why i rate them as a couple so so highly in my head.
So i thought of patpran in the context of all the other love stories i could possibly remember watching. i thought of some of my top favourite couples - mondler, phil & claire, schmidt & cece, peraltiago, leslie & ben, jack & rebecca, randall & beth, simon & wilhelm, jaeyong & sangwoo, ji hyun & jaewon, bai lang & xun an, tara & darcy, sumi & rimjhim and so so many more and what stood out for me when it came to patpran was that they were the one couple out of all these couples i adore who didnt let anything get between them once they got together.
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Every other couple among the ones ive listed have had jobs or other relationships or distance or parents or workplace rules /etiquette or circumstances or the royalty standing in between their love and as a result causing the couple to break apart ( a couple of episodes for mondler to seasons of confusion for peraltiago and schmidt & cece etc) even if briefly.
Except for phil & claire (who btw wasnt even sure about marrying phil when she did) almost none of these couples got together and stayed together throughout their relationship. and yes i agree that a lot of these obstacles and circumstances are very real and taxing and no wonder people chose their own peace at least for a while to deal with everything BUT i just cant help feel more appreciative of pat pran even more cos these two 19 year olds figured this whole thing out faster than any of those full grown adults did.
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And yes its fictional and maybe even unrealistic (given the kind of relationships i see irl) yet patpran really do deserve all the love they get. they do deserve a lot of props.
Its not like they didn't have adverse obstacles standing in their way, they had to fight against their families years and years of lies and all the intergenerational trauma and their faculty rivalry and a shitty friend who outed them and any single one of these should have caused at least 12 episodes worth of conflict and miscommunication in any other couple.
And yes i do recognise that bbs didnt have the luxury of time or multiple seasons but they could have kept them apart for a whole episode at least, i was convinced we were in for that at the end of episode 8 as the aftermath of wai outing them. like there is no way the relationship comes out of it unscathed ( i thought! ). and while im sure they personally were rattled and betrayed (pran more so), instead of blaming anybody else or each other they actually chose to handle it together, they worked together and chose to move forward together.
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The fact that such a terrible experience instead of breaking them apart actually reaffirmed to both pat and pran just how much their relationship means to the both of them, that they come out of it actually stronger??
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i was friggin shook to my core.
And then came the gunshots and the family finding out and the running away and the coming back and the fake breakup and the pressures of all of this should have been enough to drive a serious wedge between any two characters, especially at their age and lack of experience. and yet??? and yet at each obstacle they get up, they draw the other closer and they get down to working on it together again.
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Over and over and over and over again.
So for me what separates patpran from everybody else is the fact that ever since they got together, they have chosen eo, intentionally, that has made the difference.
Pat and pran's story may have been destined ( i personally don't know if i believe in destiny). they may have been born neighbours and felt unexplainable intense feelings (that later turned to love) for the other but when it came down to it, at its core, bad buddy soars when the two come together and they choose to keep being together, despite everything that stands in their way.
Love is a choice. love is a sacrifice. but its also a sacrifice and a choice they made for themselves and for each other and above all for their relationship.
Almost all the couples mentioned above arrive at similar destinations but they arrive at it with years of experience and years of struggle. i just cant help marvel at our teenagers who did love better than whole ass adults double their age could.
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And more importantly above the awe i feel inspired and hopeful because they showed me that there's always a choice. thats there's always another option. you dont need to get out of your comfort zone. but you also dont need to be in the comfort zone always. you dont need to keep lying to yourself. you dont need to hide every single part of you. there are always other options. there is always a choice.
That hope is not just a noun its also very much a verb. That you and i and each one of us can make that choice.
That if ever i choose to partner up with someone and if we do proper healthy communication (patpran invented healthy communication and consent btw, they deserve EVERYTHING for just that but thats a whole other post) prioritizing the relationship where it mattered, i too could have something ( even remotely) like their love.
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For the first time in my life probably i felt like that kind of love was attainable for me if i wanted to pursue it. They gave me hope. and they gave me joy. and i will never not be unbelievably grateful for it.
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Thinking abt cheongryeo
dod spoilers!
Keep in mind i dont know a lot abt the related industries this is all opinions
Cheongryeo himself is such an interesting character. I find that he is so incredibly well written and thats amazing.
Usuallg people depict a lot of psychos as the innocent ^^ expression guys. And thats fun and all and i very much still enjoy him being depicted that way but i love that he definetely gives of more :) energy to me.
Like hes not mean? Hes actually pretty nice to people around him as far as it seems with how positive his image is that people are comfortable featuring him with puppies. You dont do that with people known to be cruel as far as i know and hes actually overall quite a decent and nice guy. And he has had a long enough career that even after the regression time period he could get ruined.
And his relationship with his members arent hostile either! Theyre have a bit of distance between them but its not because hes particularly mean. His dynamic with them is just more so of a leader and normal members in the sense of the person in charge + everyone else but not to the extent of a boss or superior.
But the thing is that they are also quite intimidated by him. I think part of it at least is unconciously or conciously his single minded drive to be the best idol for the longest time possible. Its not bad... its just unsettling and we as the reader know for a fact why but they dont at first so its like they just see a guy with such a single minded driven focus that has probably made a lot of unreasonable decisions that help them unexpectedly and he doesnt seem to care for much else.
He had no life outside of idol work and not in the same way as moondae who seems to merge idol work with his life. Moondae tends to more have his idol life bleed into his non idol life and that develops into less idol life and more his general life and thats a great comparison i think to cheongryeo who literally only has idol life. It seems explainable to us because we know the context but to them they see a guy not just buried in work but have a complete lack of life outside of it. (And i know context makes a difference because of the impact it has in mostly later chapters but ill get to that later)
And he doesnt even know what to do outside of idol work when he starts to learn to be a person again! I think thats very telling of how he acts. Because he has based every bit of himself on idol work he has nothing left and has no idea where to start. And its probably a bit unsettling to have someone so focused on their career that they have just nothing else. Not in a oh no this was like his like shtick thing way but just completely non existent.
I think that single minded focus is at least unconciously intimidating or unsettling even if they dont notice. Because people are like plants with several branches, grows in unrefined and crossing over each other and changeable with sticks but cheongryeo only has this one branch, his idol life, and its his everything. He doesnt even seem that connected to the metaphorical trunk which would be his pre regression time! He has this one branch with these few sticks because he keeps cutting off everything he deems 'trash' (as like his characteristic). He only stops after his forgotten 101th probably because of his subconscious making him redo a large part if not his whole perspective. And even then its still just a single branch, still just his idol life. He only really gets other branches in his life after all his regressions when he gets kongi. (I could elaborate more but again later)
This leads me into his obsession. Because idol work was literally his entire life and has been his actual lifeline for so long he knows nothing else. So when he finds out the next person (moondae) he obsesses over it. Because in a way he is still obsessing over a perfect idol career even if hes not working on the assumption that he would return too.
As long as someone can go back even if its not him he would always have a chance to perfect his idol career.
Eugh i have so many thoughts that intersect with each other but im hungry so im going to continue another time
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gothhabiba · 1 year
(fountain anon) I guess the best way to say why I dont understand fountain is that I dont understand why people are so angry at it. Because that seems to be the crux of the piece, the negative reaction to it that continues to this day (part of the reason I find it hard to try look into is that it seems like every second result is some rant about how it should never have been made disguised as an actual article). Its like you say that it rubs against their idea of what art is, but I just dont get that. Even is someone dislikes it as a piece I dont understand why someone would say it doesnt get to count as art, which I guess does tie into the AI stuff as well. idk how well I've articulated that but thats one of the main things I dont understand about fountain, where that response seems more important than the art object itself.
Theres smaller things I dont understand which together make a large hole of many smaller questions but I cant list well all of here, like one being if the whole point of the work is that its "readymade" then why do the institutions seem set on preserving that one specific urinal like a holy relic but from your first response it seems like you have thoughts on that yourself.
If what's confusing you is why someone would get so up-in-arms about this, or insist that they get to dictate what counts as "art," then the context that's probably missing is an idea of how powerful the cultural and institutional orthodoxy surrounding "art" was at the beginning of the 20th century.
You could probably analyse that in a few different ways. To me, the crux of the matter is just what I've been pointing out—a capitalist understanding of "value" relies on a concept of "labour hours" and the attendent concept of "exchange value" in a capitalist market—plus, in the U.S., capitalist ideology and Protestant ideology are often entwined with each other insofar as Protestant ideology glorifies work and suffering as essential to moral "worth" or "value."
@auntbutch points out that the matter of who gets to decide what "art" is is a matter of power. In a concrete sense, the (majority of the board of the) Society of Independent Artists had the power to hide the piece during the Grand Central Palace exhibition despite the fact that the artist had paid the requisite fee to have the piece displayed, which constituted a rejection of the idea that the piece could consistute "art."
In a conceptual sense, the idea that there is "art" and there is "non-art"—because it relies on a distinction between the "artistic" and the "everyday"—must therefore rely on an idea of "value" that is conveyed by scarcity (see again: capitalist exchange value). Put another way: if everything is art, nothing is.
In order for art to have "value" (exchange value, moral value, "artistic" value), it must be (in comparison to the numbers of objects in the world) rare; in order for artists to be fundamentally different creatures than the rest of the masses of humanity, they must be rare.
You can ensure that artists remain rare, and that art consumption remains the province of the wealthy, by insisting that the production of "art" requires a good deal of time, and anything which did not require a good deal of time to produce (in addition to time spent learning the skills required to produce it, time spent networking and paying your dues before you are enabled to proceed in the field, &c.) is therefore not "art."
cut for length:
You can also ensure that "art" remains rare by insisting that art must not be useful. The early 20th century is a bit out of period for me, but I know that the concept of "l'art pour l'art" ("art for art's sake") had come into popularity at the end of the 19th century in reaction to a general culture that insisted on the moral value of art and its "purpose" in shaping minds and leading to good, moral habits.*
Where these discourses agreed is that "art" was not held to have physical, quotidian uses: a working-class woman knitting stockings for her family to wear because they could not afford to pay someone else to do it was not an artist, no matter how much time and skill and aesthetic sensibility went into their production; nor were any of the world's Indigenous peoples who were producing e.g. pottery, or ornamenting various other everyday objects.
This is the inherited distinction between "Art" with a capital "A" and a "craft." This keeps women, the working class, and non-Europeans out of "art," because they do not have the time, the distance from the everyday business of the maintenance of life, or supposedly the intellectual capacity to produce "real" art.
So art did not have a physical purpose. Rather, the purpose of art was to "exalt the senses"; to create exquisite sensations in the viewer as a result of the aesthetic skill of the artist. Depending on how overtly moralist a given theorist was, they might say it was to improve upon what had come before and thereby build on our (read: the white races') inheritance of the best impulses and accomplishments of humanity. (Actually Victorian concepts of eugenics had a lot to do with aesthetics—the purpose of art was to advance the (white) race morally, and thus to improve the hereditary material that they passed down when they reproduced.)
Granted, the context in which Duchamp first attempted to display "Fountain" was one in which you had had some heterodoxy of content—cubism, for example, which the Society of Independent Artists did seem to like. But ultimately, though cubism probably angered a lot of people for its loose approach to representation and thus the potential danger it posed to the future of "art" (again, not really my area), it was something that the Society could nevertheless recognise as "art," because it was clearly an object that the artist had spent time creating and that fell into a previously understood medium of "painting" or "sculpture" (not a lot of heterodoxy of form). Despite the fact that the Society's exhibition was supposedly "open," and that they were supposedly an "avant garde" group, it went too far.
The challenge that readymades posed was that they asked people to consider something that was not created but merely chosen and recontextualised by the artist as "art". They affronted the notion that art required time and skill (on the part of the artist) and therefore had a natural inbuilt assurance of scarcity.
But "Fountain" is by far the most famous amongst the series of readymades that Duchamp exhibited, probably because there's something about its being a urinal that is pretty confronting (whether it reads as "gross" or "disrespectful" or what have you). It lacked respect for the effort that "real" artists put in and the art world that circulated and displayed "real" art pieces and the seriousness with which they took their mission to uplift or express or represent humanity or whatever it was that they insisted art must do.
"Fountain" looked at a whole culture of people who deeply felt that they were doing something important to the fate of humanity—and, in some cases, had made careers and money out of creating and stewarding and judging "art" (not just artists but critics and museum directors and curators and the board members of independent societies of artists)—and said "actually, art is a receptable for piss."
You can see this same sort of attitude today very easily by scrolling through a few replies on any of my posts asking people to reconsider their easy equation of "time and effort" to "value" in their evaluation of art. A lot of people (especially people with money on the line) are very affronted by that request, and insist that art's function as something that binds humanity together and creates wonderful feelings in the viewer (sound familiar?) is dependent upon its requiring "effort" to create.
The museums that treat this specific urinal (actually a few approved replicas, the original was lost, my bad) like a holy relic are, in effect, absorbing (neutralising?) the critique that "Fountain" was levieing without 'understanding' it or behaving accordingly. Really, a museum can't 'understand' a critique of this nature or behave accordingly, because the critique cuts at the very concept of what a museum (or an art exhibition, or an art auction, &c. &c.) is for in the first place.
The climate surrounding art (in the circles of the intelligentsia, art students, rich people who want to be 'cultured," various other groups) has changed significantly in the intervening 100+ years since "Fountain" was made, to the extent that "modern art" frequently comes across critiques along the lines of "my kid could have painted that" (from the non-art-educated "public," who don't have the sometimes enormous amount of information needed to contextualise a given piece or movement. So you have a split between different groups' concepts of "art," where for a lot of people today it's still "looks nice and required effort to make," while a lot of the art-educated have moved on).
However, despite the fact that e.g. a readymade may be "easier" and take less time to create, the museums that feature them still rely on scarcity! Because their value proposition is that they collect and curate and display objects of extraordinary artistic or cultural or historical "value." What's inside of them must be different from what's outside of them for them to be worth keeping the lights on and employing staff and paying an entrance fee and accepting government culture grants. It's just that the scarcity may come from different sources (it's a rare artist who has the right connexions to get a piece or an exhibition accepted; it's a rare piece that has caused enough controversy to be historically significant enough to be "worth" displaying).
As far as I'm concerned, museums' accepting "Fountain" into the fold of "real" art by exhibiting it (putting money into storing and moving the original replicas and displaying them, putting the weight of their institutional cachet behind it, &c.) is one of the greatest ironies of the piece. Pinoncelli, who has attacked "Fountain" exhibitions with, on two different occasions, a hammer and his own urine, got much closer to the spirit of it.
*You can probably just about figure what these "moral" habits are: heterosexual marriage, the maintenance of virginity especially in women, adherence to the nuclear family, a sense of emotional "sympathy" for other people as strengthening the body politic, refraining from "indulgence" in drinking and gambling, avoiding miscegenation, &c. &c.
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2383-lines-of-code · 5 months
internet linguistics are interesting bc it develops differently depending on the fandom/app you’re on.
like blorbo, bias, fav, ult, and stan are all ways to refer to your favorite person/character/thing but often times there is a “correct” one to use.
(all of these examples are just based on my personal experience with the general usage of these words, so there could easily be words/fandoms/usages I haven’t come across)
for example when talking abt my favorite bsd character on tumblr, i could use fav or blorbo and no one would bat an eye, but it would be weird to use the term blorbo on insta or tiktok. this is probably because the word blorbo originated from a tumblr meme so other social media platforms have no context for the word or its definition/use. altho there are no strict rules for it blorbo seems to generally but used to talk about fictional characters from any type of media while on tumblr.
bias is rly interesting to me bc it seems to pretty much only be used as a synonym for fav within the kpop community (obv im not in every fandom ever so there could be an example im missing but im talking abt general use here) using bsd as an example again, i would never unironically say “Sigma is my bias” regardless of which app i was using because Sigma isn’t real, he doesnt care what i say about him, whether he’s my fav, idc abt him, or i hate him, but artists are real people who can be affected by hate, so bias at first glance appears to be a way to say who your fav irl ppl/celebs/artists are without causing any misunderstandings. (ex. saying “Yeosang is my bias” is a way to say “Yeosang is my fav ateez member” without unintentionally implying i think negatively of the rest of the group) however looking further into it, it for some reason sounds off if someone were to say “Margo Robbie is my bias” even tho it would imply you prefer her work over the work of other actresses. My guess is that within kpop there are set bands/groups with consistent members, so saying “Yeosang is my bias” means “out of these specific 8 people I like, my favorite is Yeosang” meanwhile “Margo Robbie is my bias” is too broad. There are countless actors/actresses you could pick from to compare her to, all of which work on different projects with different genres/themes, think of them as their industry’s equivalent of solo artists. You can have a fav solo artist but the word bias doesn’t tend to fit as well because you’re not saying “I like the group and I prefer _____” youre just saying “I like _____” bias appears to stay a consistent part of kpop culture no matter what platform you participate on.
the last word I wanna throw in here is fav. fav is like the baseline. no matter the app/fandom fav is the simple/non-offensive way to say “I like/prefer this thing” even if it can sound a bit odd sometimes and ppl may say “hey in ____ fandom we use _____ to say fav” no one gets mad or upset when fav is used. since it’s just shorthand for favorite, it’s like the base point that all these other words have evolved from
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cypreus-and-willow · 4 months
2, 8, 29, 43 For the fic asks if u wanna
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Honestly, just from random places. I tend to theorize a lot. But sometimes the theories border on headcanon and are kinda whack (hence my other name 'The Crack Theorist') even tho they're mostly based on actual observations. For example, my Digimon Survive Highschool gang came to me when I was wondering abt the job of Shuuji's dad - is he a doctor? A politician?
Then i remembered his dad tells Shuuji he doesnt have the 'qualities befitting a Kayama son'. So I thought well what are the opposites of Shuuji's natural qualities? Possibly strength, ruthlessness, cunning, blah blah. And the stupid area of my brain concludes that his dad works for the mafia. And thats how the Gang AU was born.
As for my non AU fics, I try to stick as close to canon as possible... but they're still centered around some headcanons.
29. What's something about your writing that your proud of?
That they're self indulgent. Ive spent a lot of time, worrying abt word count thinking that its only good if its 1000+ words every chapter.
But now, esp w/ my shorter fics, i try to just write whatever feels right for the story. To let a story end at 300 words because its what feels right to me. Sometimes I sit down to write one memo and 2000 words come out and its fantastic but Ive stopped trying to force that feeling every time I write.
(And also that I can somewhat effectively mix purple and biege prose together even tho ive never heard of those terms until recently)
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
Coffee Shop AU? Or maybe the florist and tattoo artist? Lol
Im mostly an angst writer. So sometimes I get curious abt what its like to write the cheezy cliche stuff. It doesnt have to be romance, I just want them to be happy.
(I cant believe Pet Shop AU is canon in TokRev - I feel blessed)
Oh, I was watching the first Pacific Rim the other day and wanted to write something on that. That drift compatibility is really something huh?
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip
CW mentions child death
The boy of red hair and twenty years looks up to the sky as a creature of thundering swords swoops down from the heavens. The strike of his blade cleaving the ground in two. From afar, he watches Ifrit crawl with the last of his strength towards the open ground bubbling with grief's plague. Raindrops hang on the tips of red eyelashes. Refusing to blink as the water falls over smouldering rock. There he sees the body of his keeper burning atop the lifeless earth. And remembers the day they drowned his mother. Fire is the essence of life in Solheim. In the temple of Ifrit, his mother taught him the ways of fire. Of healing warmth. Water. Rain. Is the herald of death. “Tianna.” “Yes child?” Though now his height inches over hers, she calls him child all the same. And it gives his heart comfort that some things remain the same. Even in this strange new world where fire burns under the rain and children are taken from their beds to their graves. “Stay with me.”
From the first ever fic I wrote in June 2018 but never published. I wrote like 3000+ words in one night. Also based on a crack theory.
Tho maybe I misunderstand this question...
Spoiler: Aoi slaps Shuuji’s brother while saying "How f*cking dare you"
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euclyta · 1 year
Well since you asked (and I've kinda been wondering about it) — what's chocobo's mystery dungeon like, especially compared to the pmd series?
im putting this under a readmore because i (redacted)
so i gotta give a bit of context first: there is an entire spin-off series of final fantasy games all protagonized by a tiny little chocobo. i bring this up first because there were two dungeon crawlers on the playstation- these set up the regular returning elements of the chocobo series (namely some main characters), and it even runs with the trend of having cid in every ff game!
the specific one i love is Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon, it was on the wii and its a very basic dungeon crawling, PMD-esque game, with a hunger meter, monster houses, etc. i think the thing that sets it apart from other dungeon crawlers gameplay-wise is that it has a job or class system much like mainline final fantasy games do, in which you unlock access to eight different jobs that completely change up the playstyle AND the difficulty of the game due to their own niches (my favorite job for example, white mage, is very high difficulty until endgame)
for me the main reason why i want more people to know about it and try to give it a chance even if its just via an emulator is the story. i might be biased here but i first played this game when i was 9 years old and it still lives rent free in my brain to this day (im 21 now for context)
to not give any spoilers, the main premise is that chocobo and cid are treasure hunters looking for a gemstone; upon finding it, they're suddenly transported to a town in seemingly a completely different world where the citizens constantly lose all their memories everytime the belltower rings
the very first night they spend in this world, a meteor crashes in from the sky, turning out to be an egg from which a baby is born. this baby then proceeds to somehow start bringing people's memories back by allowing chocobo to enter their minds
this is also why i think its such a cool concept, because it uses memories and people's minds as the main set up for dungeon crawling, even representing memories as scattered puzzle pieces. and everytime you are inside someone's memories, you can hear snippets of their thoughts as you go along, ending in the full memory being fully restored when you exit
there are a ton of memory dungeons, one for almost every npc in town, and they introduce a thing called "special rule" dungeons for non-story ones where you have to play with certain gimmicks the whole way through (1 hp, perma blindness, enemy gauntlet, stuff like that). and every single one has those snippets of lore and foreshadowing you gotta piece together, little by little, to understand the truth behind the town
for the characters, the cast is very colorful and i think everybody genuinely feels very human. granted the voice acting isnt the best but it adds so much to the charm of it. plus the designs and all the official artwork there is is just breathtaking (ive only now been noticing there are a few elements in my own art that are subconsciously inspired from this game's artstyle)
i HAVE to mention raffaello here because now that i have a bigger understanding of how tropes and storytelling work, i can say for sure that he is just so, SO crazily well written; its not all in the text, but all the worldbuilding comes together eventually and that's when it really hits
and of course i gotta bring up the soundtrack- its almost entirely comprised of arrangements of older final fantasy songs and each and everyone of them is MAGICAL. its remained as one of my favorite soundtracks for years, so much that i realized that the official disc release was incomplete and went out and put together all 42 songs in the highest quality i could to make sure it doesnt become lost (this is a very reocurring theme with this game in particular)
i want people to play it and i want to talk about it. partially its because this is my favorite game. but also because its been THIS close to being a major case of lost media. there are SO many things that have been lost to time because they were japan only or they were overwritten on the internet (including the entire japanese chocobo series website portal, thats like three different unique websites with tons of never saved artwork they nuked). so much of it i still remember but i have zero way to access it anymore and it eats me from the inside out.
its a common theme of things being lost to time with this game but its also incredibly sad and funny because the entire theme of the game is things being lost to time. ouroboros. time is a flat circle.
and... here is where i come in talking about the remake- chocobo's mystery dungeon everybuddy and why i heavily recommend the original over it
so... the original wii game had a japan only ds port with some new elements and stuff. but the main thing with it is that they changed a LOT of the story; same plot, different execution, to fit in with a ds format. the problem with this is that the remake was based off of this version and not the original one, which leads to a LOT of serious and emotional moments being gutted and sped through.
the gameplay itself is fine, they actually made it even more pmd-like by adding a companion system, and they upped the difficulty a lot if you dont know what youre doing. but the story changes genuinely kill it for me if im being honest. they retconned what made me sad about the ending at the cost of everything else (and even then im angry because that took away from the intensely emotional ending that still had me crying like a baby LAST WEEK)
in general though. i just think this game is so beautifully crafted. this game originally came out in 2007 and it still holds up SO well. the graphics are very cute and stylized, but everything is so detailed that every single part of the world feels lived in. the town is very small but i think its why it always feels like coming home. huge recommend and i refuse to die until ive convinced at least one person to play it through to the end (its been 12 years and im still trying)
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violentviolette · 1 year
In the context of supply and narc rage, do you have any thoughts on “narc highs”/“narc crashes”? Is there maybe a better way to phrase those? Are highs/lows/crashes just better off being described rather than used with short hand, regardless of whether or not we tack on the word “narc(issist)”. Actually, another addition - is there an aspd/bpd equivalent to the phenomena of emotion-specific buzzwords that don’t actually Help the person? So far, it seems like people latch onto emotion-buzzwords the most when it comes to npd. (I mean, maybe aspd/bpd rage but supply is almost always associated with npd.). I like reading your takes on this stuff
i think high/low/crash/spiral are still all fairly useful words, their meanings are used in many contexts and stay consistent across the board and do describe their specific emotional circumstances well. it's definitely always good to expand further on that for ur own sake, what kind of spiral, is it shame, embarrassment, failure, ect. but at least in my experience those havent had the same kind of negative or dehumanizing connotations that words like supply do. probably because they are used by so many other disorders as well, so it's harder to isolate and pigenhole them like that. but i do think adding "narc/narcissist" to them does kind of pathologize it a bit but thats a minor gripe and really moreso depends on the context of how its being used
i havent seen quiet as many buzzwords for aspd and bpd, but i think thats because most of the npd buzzwords were ones that got a lot of traction in narc abuse spaces and got popularized that way, and there isnt really the same kind of organized cult surrounding hating aspd and bpd. while narc abuse truthers do definitly go after people with aspd as well and rant on and on about "psychopaths" and "sociopaths" their language isnt as targeted towards aspd the way it is npd. there isnt quiet the same obsession with pathologizing and demonizing every single emotion and thought that ppl have, which is how u get so many buzzwords i feel like
cause i think that's really what differentiates something from being a useful new term to describe a unique experience, and a negative term that pathologizes every emotion and others/dehumanizes ppl. like, for example the word splitting for bpd is a much more universally accepted (at least from my understanding) term within the bpd community, and thats mostly because it originated with borderlines trying to describe their extreme emotional state. it's rooted in an emotion anyone can have, suddenly having ur emotions or feelings for someone change drastically, but the way it manifests and the intensity of it is unique for ppl with bpd and linked to their disordered and dysregulated emotions, and thus is a useful term. it describes what their emotions are doing, as opposed to describing some inherent negative need that only they have
whereas with something like supply, that isnt rooted in a human emotion or experience, and it forcefully dehumanizes the other non-npd person in the conversation which demonizes the narcissist. it has a negative connotation that says that what we are experiencing in that moment isnt a disordered or dysregulated emotion or an interpersonal dysfunction, but is instead a harmful need that cannot be fulfilled in a healthy way because the need itself is wrong. because "supply" as its defined is inherently harmful to the non-npd person, therefore ppl with npd should be denied it. but saying "actually supply is a human need that everyone has" doesnt really work, because it isnt. because the understood definition of supply is inherently disordered. it describes the shallow and often maladaptive attention and validation that we seek out in negative nad harmful ways out of desperation because we dont yet understand how to ask for, receive, and give ourselves, healthy validation and attention. supply as its understood is inherently harmful to the people its being taken from. and so u cant really disentangle it well in order to use it positively or in a way that promotes healthy growth and healing for ppl with npd. it's not a word that actually helps us describe our experience
and so to me i think thats why u dont see as many of these kinds of words surrounding other disorders, because for npd specifically, these words are being created with the intention to negatively pathologize and demonize all of our emotions and motivations in a way that dehumanizes us
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scriptflorist · 2 years
This is less of a flower specific question and more of a writing question but what do you think of authors who mention direct references to which flower language was used? I’m working on a fanfic that has uses the hananokotoba flower meanings. The original work is an anime & Japanese mobile game so I’m hoping the Hananokotoba meaning is sort of implied. But outside of your blog and the Hananokotoba website, I’m not sure if they will encounter the meaning I intended or if they may encounter the Victorian meaning instead which has a much different meaning (even the Hananokotoba website has a single English page thats lists all its flowers with the Victorian meaning by default though it doesnt say its that meaning. And you have to either read Japanese or use google translate the flower’s detail page to see its different Victorian and Hananokotoba meanings). I’m thinking maybe I should mention the flower language or even the exact meaning I used, or would be considered faux pas for spelling it out to the reader? Sorry if this different from the usual asks but I would like to know you or your followers’ thoughts. Thank you.
There is no real right or wrong in answer to this question. Instead, it’s more of a question whether it fits your writing style, the story or the narrator, so let’s break this down.
If your writing style is very detailed to the begin then it might look out of place not to mention which flower language the meaning comes from, and perhaps even how the character knows in the first place.
However even if your writing style usually isn’t chock full of details about every little bit of information perhaps it is very relevant to the story or the specific scene, and can be included based on that.
The third reasoning here relies entirely on the narrator or the scene and potentially the character’s knowledge if they are separate entities. What it comes down to is whether the narrator knows, and whether they know for certain or are just guessing – the information can then be included with regards to that.
And unless you know all of your readers that well or can draw from experience with previous fics, there is likely no way of knowing whether they will like being given that information. However based on the average person’s flower language knowledge, which is practically non-existent, there is a good chance they will appreciate it if you volunteer the information.
Also, if you have a specific meaning and flower language in mind, especially for a flower which has multiple, stating it will largely be beneficial to the understanding of your story and scene. There is something to be said here about foreshadowing but we’re not writing your story, so of course there is the possibility that you have left enough clues beforehand to leave the meaning unequivocal at the point of the appearance of the flower. And now it’s becoming an issue of context. Has your story provided the context it needs to be understood without specifically spelling it out?
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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echoesofadream · 2 years
Hi hi! I just wanted to expand more on the post you reblogged from me ☺️ honestly there really isn’t a problem with boycotting it—I don’t have a problem anyway bc I understand that the conditions are horrible and all. My problem comes from the fact that people are only calling jungkook out and not the other artists that perform. There are other big names performing at fifa but everyone is only focusing and calling jungkook out. Imo performing at fifa or at a soccer/football game isn’t the same as condoning the actions of a country’s government. If that were the case then bts wouldn’t be able to perform at any country, especially in the US or Europe since they have done so many atrocious acts as well. For me, the hypocrisy truly bothers me and that’s the entire problem with it. Because a lot of western fans only care about calling out the non western countries and forget about the atrocities of their own/don’t boycott those either. They only care when it comes to minority countries, which we should still call them out on ofc, but the hypocrisy is truly what’s disheartening. Also, they’re not calling out any of the football players that are already there or the other performers, just jungkook. I understand wanting to boycott it and all, really, but personally I’m mad at the hypocrisy that some fans show and not the actual boycott itself.
Sorry for this long winded paragraph! I just wanted to explain my own viewpoint! I understand if you feel differently ofc! Just wanted to expand on some points more 🥰💜
Hey sorry i missed this. Thanks for responding to me i appreciate you taking the time to type this out
To be honest i havent seen any real criticism towards jungkook and honestly i have missed that kind of very valid criticism from army who in my eyes just uncritically praise anything the boys do. And then there are the antis who ofc use every chance they have to smudge the names of members who arent their favs especially popular ones like jk. I think its natural if army are disappointed in jk in particular rather than the other celebrities performing. Now if people who arent even fans of jk or the boys only criticize jungkook then thats obviously very weird and suspicious of being anti asian racism (idk what other big names are performing).
My point wasnt that performing in a country means condoning the actions of that countries government, even though i honestly dont see the problem with critisizing that either if you have valid arguments for it. Real world issues are more important than kpop.
That said, this is not that kind of situation. People have DIED when working for this particular sports event and someone in the notes of that post were talking about ”selective activism when it comes to jungkook” hello??? Even if that would be true it doesnt take away from the cause of boycotting this. If that is your reaction then you should think outside of fandom dynamics for once. Even if people are using this against jungkook that is SUCH a non issue in the context of this. I understand and appreciate being protective of my favorite kpop boy but this is just a very disrespectful and flippant response.
And I hear you, you are more mad about the hypocrisy, not the boycott. I agree and I think it is completely valid to critizice and boycott anyone who is involved with this, whether its the football players, other artists, etc etc i know nothing about football. If not boycotting means directly supporting what is essentially modern day slavery.
And yes, you can always take it one step further. While this is directly supporting it you could take stands against indirectly supporting atrocity committed by different governments etc. But i dont believe in using a variant of ”there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” (or in this case rather imperialism) argument when it comes to a migrant workers dying so that some people can kick balls into nets and artists sing and the crowds just cheer. I think that is pretty straight forward and not some ethical dilemma.
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babyfaramir · 8 months
i genuinely didnt realise how difficult working with an extremely high need autistic child would be. as someone who considers themselves well versed in SEN training and autistic self-advocacy, nothing can prepare you for actually working with a child who will physically hurt you, has zero control of their bladder or bowels, refuses/is unable to engage with any task or comprehend any communication afaict (some mild success with visuals of certain toys he likes, but generally nonresponsive).
and none of this is at all his fault in any way of course, the kid is 5 and also has autism which, in a completely non pc way i can only describe as severe (yes ive had substantial training on pc language surrounding autism but i genuinely dont know how else to get across the intensity of his needs). all the compassion, knowledge, training, patience etc is actually quite a small thing when youre sweating and nearly in tears, and you do it every minute of every day.
it also doesnt help that i work with this boy one to one, but also within the context of a group of around 20 equally high need SEN kids. one of them like to wee on the floor or worse. another one screams constantly, and yes i mean constantly, unless he is allowed to hit the computer. one poor girl is terrified of a boy in the group because of his tendency to bite, so she weeps if she sees him. and they are all completely non-verbal, all are in nappies. and we all are in one tiny classroom.
tldr my job is hard, even though there are so many parts i love and find so so rewarding, and im glad i have tomorrow off LOL (im still going to work but its an inset day so therell be no kids just ppa). i earn £10 an hour bro
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midsummerpuck · 3 years
hey could i be healthy for FIVE MINUTES
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Okay you know what, I’ve held this back far enough
Why I hate canon Kailor sm
Tw:// misogyny ment, incest ment
Im not gonna tag Kailor on this for obvious reasons plus this is kinda a long post, I don’t mind fanon Kailor mostly because tbh I don’t think it’s really a big thing and most I have seen of it is fine. Don’t read this if you like Kailor and don’t want to hear it bashed
Okay listen, s4 is my favorite season out of all ninjago, but if theres one thing I hate about it the most is Kailor. This ship has always been really annoying to me throughout the show, and I’ve hinted towards that in my blog. But why?
1. It’s basically jaya redone
Kailor brings nothing new or interesting to the table because honestly? It’s literally just the same dynamic as jaya. Socially awkward guy simps for usually unimpressed girl until she eventually caves in and they start dating.
Not only has this already been done before with jaya, but is also completely out of character for Kai to do.
While I admit seeing Kai as a flustered dork is kinda funny, once you realize the context of the situation that they���re in it’s pretty clear that Kai would never actually do this.
Reminder: Kai JUST found out his dead friend is alive and is forced to recognsizle with friends in order to get him back
Usually when Kai is presented in a situation like this, what he normally does is set himself dead first on the task at hand and usually ignores any distractions. He’s mostly distance and seemingly uncaring
((note this is after Zane died and Kai ran away from the ninja because of cole and jays bickering, knowing him he wouldn’t be the most excited to be back. His arc should have revolved around coming to terms with lost friendships due to death or distance but that never happens)).
What Kai DOESNT do is immediately fall head over heels for a girl he JUST meet to the point where even when he sees his DEAD FRIEND ALIVE AND WELL he completely ignores that for a girl he meet less then a week ago
This is something JAY would do, not KAI, Kai is a loyal friend who do anything to save his friends, he cherishes them and would fight god to help them with anything they need, he doesn’t forget them for someone new
It also does skylor unjustice as well, but we’ll get there when we get there
2. It adds nothing to the characters and is otherwise never mention again
You know how bad you fuck up a relationship if the best aspect of it is how it’s rarely on screen
Even considering the fact Kailor is just jayas dynamic, the connection between skylor and Kai feels completely non existent or one sided
Most of Kailor revolves around Kai simping for skylor
They have no common interests, common goals, they rarely actually talk outside of lloyds plan to overthrow chen
The whole relationship feels forced every time it’s brought up because of how disconnected they both are to eachother, Kai only likes skylor because she’s hot and that’s it, nothing else about her is actually interesting to Kai in anyway ((again sort out of character for him in this situation))
Skylor and Kai don’t form any genuine bond with eachother, it feels hallow and empty
Let’s compare this to lava, wait no that would be to easy, let’s compare this to pixane
Pixal and Zane both genuinely like and respect eachother, they both share bonds outside of being robots, they both care about eachother enough to know when they’re uncomfortable or need help
Kailor is barely mentioned past s4 and most of it in s4 is Kai being a creep
Oh yeah let’s get to that
3. It’s really really creepy
Im sorry I don’t find incest jokes funny ninjago, it’s just really uncomfortable and creepy
Hopefully this goes without saying but Kai thinking skylor is hot, figuring out they might be related and no longer finding her hot, and then finding out they aren’t and thinking she’s hot is really weird and creepy
Not to mention scenes like, Kai looking into her room without her knowledge or consent
Or Kai fighting people for her when it’s not necessary
Or him trying to impress her everytime he sees her
This isn’t cute or funny, it’s gross, privacy invading, and overall just very creepy and uncomfortable and most definitely not healthy
Again, this is REALLY out of character for Kai, Kai knows when to back off and respect people’s privacy
Literally the season before this he didn’t get involved in the love triangle probably because he knew that would make Nya’s situation worse
So for him to suddenly become this privacy evading perv is so grossly out of character for him and makes the whole relationship feel off and unhealthy
And finally
4. The whole thing is misogynistic
During this entire thing skylor doesn’t get a choice in the show once, she follows the commands of her dad before Kai tells her not to like her dad and follows his lead.
She doesn’t come to disliking her dad by her own thought, she was told to by Kai
She doesn’t get to do anything that SHE actually wants to do until LITERALLY the VERY END
She’s told by guys around her what she should do constantly, even without her being a love interest that’s just screams misogynistic to me ((Afab speaking anyways))
Everything about her character, down to the way she talks, who she’s allied with, and even sometimes how she looks is determined by male characters
If canon ships were shrek movies then kailor is easily shrek the third, a constant tired unfunny mess that caused everyone to think that these ships were shit ((to be fair Jaya is kinda bad to but at least it tired to get better))
There’s nothing redeeming about it to me, every time it’s viewed in a romantic setting it makes me groan or upset
What’s even more frustrating is how people constantly say lava can’t be canon because of it
Im going to go on a side tangent so you can just skip this part as it doesn’t add any actual substance to my argument
But it’s so frustrating to see people say that
Cole and Kai have had a much healthier relationship and would be a lot better for there characters
But no, this stupid misogynistic creepy ship where one side isn’t even consententing to it half the time is the one that has to stay canon because “it’s what the creators intended”
Lava isn’t the superior possibly canon relationship because it’s gay, it’s superior because it’s closer to a healthy working relationship in show then kailor has been ((fanon lava and kailor doesn’t count here because they’re isn’t any better fanon ship, Im just talking about in show))
But no it can’t be canon and it’s unfair for people to want it to be canon because tommy created this rlly shitty straight relationship for Kai instead
TLDR; fuck kailor
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necronatural · 3 years
any theories on why madatobi is so popular? to me it makes no sense. very little canon interaction (I mean not that this matters) and also like (and this goes to show how little Im aware of the fandom lmao) I always thought izuna & tobirama / madara & hashirama relationships would be more popular bc of the in text structure theyre given… so the prevalance of madatobi absolutely came out of left field for me. have to say I wish I was still ignorant
enemies to lovers babyyyyy
they're very, very, VERY good character types for the juiciest enemies to lovers tropes; tobirama is a mean little cunt and a realist while madara is a boisterous bastard and emotionally driven. fundamentally they go great together. for people who love E2L hashirama doesn't really 'click' because he doesn't believe they are enemies until madara starts attacking the village which isn't really a great jumping-off point. as for fandom archetypes people prefer balls of sunshine with loudmouths when they're not enemies or the loudmouth is a lone agent :( rip king you could have friendzoned him so good
the problem for me is that the text does not support it to the point it's comedic its like
1. madara already has a senju he has a fraught frenemy relationship with that canon made really really gay at least on his end even though i dont think hashirama will ever love him sorry king. sorry. hes gonna friendzone you man.
2. while their personalities go well together socially madara and tobirama are both the types of dudes to talk past people; they don't have any chemistry they would obviously just not pay attention to what the other is saying... its like...boring enemies
3. the battle is one of obligation the stakes aren't personal they don't even fight each other ever. imagine like idk enough iconic enemies with weirdly detailed pasts together... uh... ok forget that hashimada are homoerotic for a sec but imagine cloud and sephiroth battling to the death and sephiroth decides to hook up with tifa or barrett. like man. are you sure?
ok pre-game events sephiroth/barrett would be like crazy... um... i guess tifa in this case since she's younger and not a structural element
4. just give izuna madara's fanon personality are you crazy. he doesnt have a personality you can do this. this is why izuna is treated like a spare tire you took away his purpose (to stand next to tobirama)
5. in order to escape the antichemistry of the context they exist in people defang their dynamic and make tobirama the victim, make the uchiha the heroes, or both in order to get the awkward non-enemy thing out of the way so it's a more digestible "tobirama doesn't trust uchiha and the uchiha don't trust tobirama but they're willing to work together" kind of setup. which is good but it demands a softness that undermines the power of their cunty archetypes a little. i can't fuck with it but that's my preference i've said before i only read character stuff so "softening archetypes" sounds evil to me
every time people ask me about fic stuff i sort of cringe at how picky i am LOL...its fic...and i act this way. read more books maybe. anyway
6. people wont let them be toxic unless it's for sexual sadism reasons. i follow madatobi artists and fic writers all the time and they're all people who get that if you crash against someone you have no chemistry with specifically because you have no chemistry with them and you need that. and you discover you are capable of developing chemistry as you throw shit at each other. the magic fucking happens.
also full madatobi aus like modern aus or whatever tend to be waaay better but i love how fucked up founders era is so i won't read modern stuff for a ship i dont like LOL. and youkai aus are better but like...the prose in these trying to make tobirama seem ethereal always inventing a new kind of racism for albino people. buddy you wouldn't do this to jiraiya. stop
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actualbird · 2 years
Honestly I feel a lot of Korean things got popular around 2017 out of seemingly nowhere. I try to pinpoint when and how they became popular and come up empty. It's kind of strange. Definitely not complaining though because a lot of it is very good.
Yeah I imagine soju still tastes strongly of alcohol because I can very much smell it. Even when the other flavours are added and I can smell other stuff it only makes my brain associate it with scented soap which is extremely sad because I do want to at least try it. I might try your suggestion though, it sounds quite interesting.
The sped up timeline kind of hurts. I felt my soul leave my body for RRG part 1 because I had been aiming for Vyn's RRG card and all the anniversary cards but now potentially a lot of time to save s chips just got taken away. I mean it was kind of for nothing when Skadi rolled around because apparently I don't like really romantic lines unless Vyn says them and the twitter preview kind of bit me there, but still. I should be able to get bday 2 though because not many of these year's banners interest me which means I'll absolutely have enough s chips unless one of the cards has a ton of lore.
With gacha games I've kind of developed this strange habit of absorbing spoilers from everywhere else but waiting to see the nuances in the actual story. It's definitely served me well because stuff like Luke's Shape of You ending hit harder when I read it for myself with the context instead of seeing it posted without context but it very much gets in the way when I have bad luck and cards don't come home. I'll probably cave for Vyn's RRG if I don't get it honestly, that card feels too important to skip.
MARIUS ROLLING A D20 DFJXG. Does he just roll it every time he visits Vyn until he gets the nat20. Honestly it might work a nat20 makes you feel invincible sometimes. Whenever you write that dnd au I will very happily read through and scream about it.
a lot of it is very good!!!! maybe theres a reason, maybe theres none, but either way, i am thankful for soju entering the global market HAHA. and YEEEAA it's a great drink mix!! theres like, set recipes online for the ratio of sprite + yakult to add to the soju, but i just mix by taste. i personally put a looooot of sprite cuz i like the sweetness haha. if ever u try it out, i hope u enjoy it :DDD
also apparently soju has a shitton of alcohol content in it based on ihavenotfallenyet's reply KJBKJSDK I HONESTLY DID NOT KNOW
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my siblings drink soju on its own holy fuck. theyre so strong, stronger than i ever will be
the sped up timeline hurts me too :(((( not so much bc of s-chips tho bc im not too bothered honestly about not getting cards even if i want them since like, all the story will be available on yt after a day (thank u uploaders). im mostly hurt bc the out of order events jarred me irt to story development, MOST ESPECIALLY WITH MARIUS. i swear, when i was playing his route in RRG i was like. what. whats going on. why r u so nice, why is MC SO NICE, i know theyll get to a point i their relationship that is this point, but the necessary build up (which happened originally in xmas partyland and skadi that originally preceded it) hadnt happened yet ksjdbgksjd
ohhhh same-ish feel on wanting to go thru the story urself!!! same same!!! i just have a non-existent impulse control JKBKSJKGS back in like, october, i said to myself "okay im not watching any of the cn server future content" and then i broke after 1 week. not too bothered tho, that was my own doing sjdksdjks
and marius rolls the d20 he keeps in his pocket at all times for like, whatever random reason. he likes rolling high but even when he doesnt, he has confidence in his base charisma score
sucks for him tho cuz that wont always get him out scot free since im preeeeetttyyy sure that
vyn's perception modifier is high as it can possibly get
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