#Mewtwo pokemon
phlurrii · 8 hours
so Unrelated but is Circe's future partner a shiny Latias?? :0 if so, can i have a tid bit of lore if that doesnt involve any spoilers? :D
Been working on this like a mad man to condense it, the first draft was way too long XD
Okay for for context, Citrine is a shiny Latias that will eventually become Circe’s partner down the road. This was based off the fact when I was shiny hunting Mewtwo, I couldn’t find it in the wormholes in USUM, but I did find Latias! So I took a break to shiny hunt her instead. I found her 7000 encounters in and then found Circe 2-3k encounters later after finally tracking her down X3
The two girlies are a sapphic couple, they won’t adopt or have any kidlets, but will be the type of aunts that show up to family events, spoil the niece’s and nephew’s, then dip after hyping them up on sugar.
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Some old art I made of them a while back for visual enjoyment, but onto to explaining for how Lati’s work in this world and where Citrine and Circe come into play amongst it!
Lati’s are a companion based species, requiring a partner to survive whether platonic or romantic. Otherwise they are known to decline both physically and mentally, eventually perishing from loneliness. They also require a partner to reproduce, however both genders can lay egg making the sex of the Lati companions irrelevant. Due to being hunted by humans and predators alike, as well as Latias’s bright red colouring making it easier to spot has greatly reduced the number of their population. Causing even more to die from being unable to locate a partner, resulting in their very culturally strict mating/breeding habits.
Lati’s often pair up into larger pods in order to ensure survival of their chicks, of which are always guaranteed to be twins! However, if a Lati couple fails to produce two living, healthy kits they will be ejected from the pod. This is because:
1) They fear the miscarry was a genetic flaw and will be carried down by the chicks.
2) It causes an uneven of Lati’s, guaranteeing it or another will struggle to find a companion.
Ejecting the family removes the threat of tainting the gene pool and prevents a guaranteed uneven spread of Lati’s! As while more chicks can still die from illness, hunting, or accidents, it’s not a guarantee. The pods do everything in their power to prevent it, given to reproduce its required to have 2 Lati’s of which can only produce 2 chicks in their entire lifetime. Making uneven numbers very dangerous! Since every pair can only reproduce once.
Ejecting a family is treated as a death sentence, as often without the assistance of the pod it becomes difficult to raise and care for the chicks. The parents splitting up as one cares for the babies and the other provides. However if one parent is ever picked off by predators, it forces the remaining parent to risk leaving the chicks alone. All accumulating to a higher chance of the family perishing all together.
So how does this all affect the gals? Well, Citrine is shiny, that’s a problem for Lati’s.
Shiny’s in my story, by admittedly accident, usually spell a bad omen or follow up a tradegy, a death, or a life altering event. Citrine continues this trend.
She was born alongside her twin brother we’ll just call Latios for now. Latios was a normal, non shiny Lati, while Citrine was bright gold/yellow. Upon their pod seeing this, her family was ejected from the pod and forced to live on their own. Her parents did not abandon her and happily, albeit struggling, raised her and her twin brother despite the HEAVY judgement from other pods. Given Shinys were ejected not because of any inherent defects, but rather because they were infertile.
Shiny Lati’s cannot produce offspring, and given it takes two Lati’s to make a kiddo, if one can’t contribute their side of the equation, their partner can’t have the chicks either. They are not asexual reducers and require the both partners to be fertile!
So upon seeing Citrine was a shiny Latias, her family was ejected due to the guaranteed inability for her to pair up. And whilst her family did successfully raise both her and her brother to adulthood. Even in lone Lati’s search for companions, no one will take a shiny. Which is a shame, give shinies are often larger, bulkier, more powerful, and their colors help them blend in BETTER then normal Latias’s especially. Latios’s stay generally the same with colour camp shiny or otherwise. So despite this, Citrine has a very good chance at surviving on her own!
If dying slowly from loneliness and depression was a thing.
Cue Circe.
Circe finds Citrine very much on her last legs, the will to move or find food is all, but gone. So she’s wasting away on a cliff face near an ocean. Circe, a shiny herself and having 0 concept of Lati’s or most Pokémon for that matter, helps her and slowly nurses her back to health. Her disregard for shinies, their status in the general population, and genuinely caring for Citrine as she is and not what she is ends up being the first time she ever has someone really look beyond her colours. Breaking out of a toxic mindset her species imprinted on her due to fear and desperation to keep their species alive in the first place.
From there it’s a very classic lesbian love story. No one confesses for 8 years and eventually they realize their “friendship” is very, very, very, very much not a friendship anymore and hasn’t been for a while ;]
Anyways YAY INFODUMP!!! I’ve sat on this info for months and developing An entire Lati side story for ages. I love those goofy jet plane birds.
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iizubuzu · 4 months
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my ko-fi!!
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pokemonlolitaproject · 5 months
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As requested by acidphosphorusofficial a coord inspired by Pokemon #150 Mewtwo
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uchihanitro · 19 days
- Mewtwo -
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neurotoxinart · 29 days
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xblueberrylemonx · 3 months
Watched Detective Pikachu and felt like drawing Mewtwo
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fluffymuffincentral · 4 months
Could I maybe get a crackship with #3 Geneva and my girl Six? o: My crackships aren't officially open rn, but I could do one for you regardlesss if you like!
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Dude you have no idea how flattered I was when I saw you sent me an ask lmao
I had a lot of fun drawing these :D
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I forgot to label which belongs to which. Razzle (left) is mine and Dazzle (right) is yours
also bonus doodle because I feel like this would happen if our characters interacted
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Geneva crackships are served with an oversized side of salt
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foundfamilyhq · 8 months
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exiledsummer · 8 months
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me and my pet cat on a mission for world domination 😋 (you decide which is which.)
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creator-ammy-tdm · 8 months
More fan art for @cinnatwo :P
I like to imagine that this is how the first chapter looked like
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corethetrueidiot · 1 year
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a quick little mew doodle to celebrate tomorrow
y'all ready to get your ass beat? cuz I sure am!!!! hahaha!!!!!!! 😇😇
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plus this one doodle comic because I was bored. wish me luck to beat that mewtwo's ass
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phlurrii · 5 months
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Lightly edited base from @mewtwoandme kickass art style~
Was in a Circe mood ;3
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pokemon-icon-factory · 5 months
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Mega Mewtwo Y icons — requested by no one
Free to use, but credit is appreciated
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miksy-the-51st · 2 months
imma drop this right here
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Ok have a great rest of your day :)
Also Happy Birthday to Huey, who belongs to @xxtc-96xx
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churchydraws · 4 months
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some Mewtwos using only the colors from various sprites. part one anyways. ngl I kinda ding the peach-ish colored tail on the Green/Red and Blue sprites. and my little edits came out well on them, not so much on the Yellow sprite XD
it's also fun using this as a way to study how the design changed. obviously what comes to mind the most are the legs and head, but the tail has been through some changes as well, with the end eventually having the signature rounded bit as time went on as well as getting longer overall
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 4 months
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It is Dark Mutant from Palworld against Mewtwo from Pokemon!
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