#teen talia Al ghul
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trust-and-jump · 1 year ago
here see some trash
teen talia and ra's behind with some poor dude who didn't know that this girl is demon's daughter
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+ Talia dying and I have no idea why the axe is in this dude that way I was falling asleep
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spocks-husband · 13 days ago
Do you think that Dick and Bruce hang out to discuss what it's like to have a wife who is giant and terrifying and could probably kill them in a second if they wanted and is also unfathomably pretty to the point where it's genuinely scary. Do you think Kori and Talia hang out to discuss their husbands that everyone thinks of as big and strong and scary but are really just sad wet cats wearing spandex who they keep in their pockets at all times.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 170
Once again on my Ras & Danny being training rivals thanks to time travel bullshit. 
Look, Danny knows about the league of Assassins, but he almost dies of laughter when he realizes it’s the modern name of the league of Shadows. He’s an adult now, has been for a while, he’s allowed to find the situation he’s found himself in amusing. Hell, his sparring buddy who is somehow still alive is laughing too. 
And no one else knows what’s going on, okay? This random man walked into their secret base, completely ignored the many assassins trying to stop him, and called their illustrious leader a “Little Bitch Man” and they are now fighting?
The fighting is familiar, but why the fuck is Ras cackling and saying things like “Ayreh Feek” back. Practically saying “Fuck you,” while laughing and oh Pit, they’re Bantering this is terrifying, why has Ras not won yet, why has this man not died yet and- bodies aren’t supposed to bend like that what the fuck- 
Ras on the other hand, has One friend, who is immortal like him, actually remembers the shit he complains about, is also down for saving endangered animals, and actually knows how to spar! It’s not a proper spar unless someone loses at least a hand that has to be reattached! And honestly, people nowadays should know that the proper greeting to an old friend is to instantly try to kill the other. 
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months ago
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mae-kent · 21 days ago
let me know if i forgot anyone!
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gothamite-rambler · 1 month ago
Deathstroke called Robin and Talia a whole bunch of offensive words and insults. Ra's chuckled walking past his daughter and grandson.
Ra's: You gonna learn today cyclops!
Deathstroke: What are you gonna do old man?
Ra's smirked, punching Deathstroke and then kicking him to the ground with ease. He raised his leg ready to kick the man again, but turned to Nightwing.
Ra's: Do you mind if I deal with him?
Nightwing: Me? Sure. Just don't kill him or whatever.
Ra's nodded then turned back to Deathstroke, a look of excitement in the old king's face.
Ra's: For the first time, I agree that death is too nice for you.
Deathstroke: Wait-
Ra's silenced the man and began beating him up as the Titans, Robin, and Talia watched amazed, shocked and slightly concerned.
Damian (recording the fight on his phone): This is the second time he's defended us.
Talia: I told you grandpa wasn't that bad.
Link to story when he defended them against the Court of Owls in my Masterlist
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ghurab-alzilal · 9 days ago
Damian, suspicious : Mother, WHAT are you doing here?
Talia, without looking at him : Silence, Damian. I MUST to talk to her.
Talia, in a imperative tone : Young lady, why is it taking so long?
Raven, with a confused gesture : Excuse me?
Talia, assertively : Hurry up and have intercourse with my son!
Raven, amazed : Just like that?
Damian, furiously blushed : Mother!
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kitschysandglass · 1 year ago
So, about earth 11 jondami (AKA Laurel & Talia)
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Laurel Kent & Talia Kane are the Earth-11 version of Jon & Damian. Most of their stories are from Multiversity: Teen Justice, if you haven't read it the team's pretty cute and these girls are insane.
Anyway, different from the main universe, it's implied that Laurel's parents are somehow reluctant to let their daughter befriend with Robin (unlike Supes and Bat who had practically set them up) The reason was never stated - well it's not like Laurel actually listened to them :P So she's still sticking with Talia probably everyday.
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Mom really doesn't appreciate their ✨friendship✨
As I had mentioned in the other post. Laurel can actually hear Talia calling out from the other side of the earth (or at least another continent) and locate to her whereabout only by her voice. Also to think Talia simply calls out Laurel's name, trusting that wherever she is she will hear her is absolutely insane...
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Laurel also flew over the whole continent in mere seconds (not looking where she's heading, solely by tracking Talia's voice) just because she thinks Talia sounded genuinely distressed.
And the way she immediately left without saying a word as soon as Talia called 👀
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“OVERWHELMING displays of physical force”im sorry but are you flirting
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Everyone is so tired of them went to secretdate I mean patrolling
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Talia has the access to Fortress of Tranquility's (basically earth-11 version of Fortress of Solitude) security cameras + matching mugs with Laurel (remember that Superwoman isn't actually thrilled about them hanging out together so LAUREL KENT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE).
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Secretly (blatantly) gossiping in front of the whole team
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And somehow they just need to snuggle together in a group photo session while everybody else is posing on their own 😭😭😭 JUST PLEASE
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ungodlybliss · 11 months ago
dc six fanarts challenge
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shakespeareallanpoe · 1 year ago
If this was from the DC universe you want to bet your ass who's voice you would immediately hear as soon as you hit play?
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Damian. 10000% Damian fucking Wayne. Do not tell me he wouldn't do it and program it to play over the school intercom because some kid in his private school openly mocked him about being a child out of wedlock and [insert extremist religious beliefs here]. Damian has no time for your bullshit Geoffrey whats-your-last-name but he's got 4 hours of bullshit to give to you. And on a silver platter so hope you're hungry
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Prepare to be patronized.
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fanfic-obsessed · 6 months ago
Pit Magic
This one…This one is going to start a little strange, and with a bit more world building than I let myself indulge in for my Tumblr ideas, but the set up is a bit necessary. As always there is no Canon to see here.
The first important note here is magic and how magic works. Magic here is both sentient and not. Magic does not necessarily have thoughts, but does have opinions about who and how it is used.  With Spells powerful enough to leave remnants behind, those remnants do not work well going against their original purpose or used by people whose intentions are too different from their first caster. All magic, after enough time, can be corrupted (made to work against its original purpose- so remnants of a spell made to kill used to heal would also be a corruption) but even corrupted magic is, for lack of a better term, protective of anyone or anything that matches the vibe of its pure form. 
This brings us to the Lazarus Pits. There is no recorded history of the Pits, with its mystical water that cures the sick and kills the healthy.  No one ever recorded its true origin. The truth is the original Lazarus Water was a non magical spring in a cave system in what is present day Turkey, a location that was long lost even before Ra’s Al Ghul began using the Pits.  This cave was the home to a small tribe in the middle of the last ice age. An illness struck this tribe, nearly wiping out the entire tribe in a matter of hours. All except the daughter of the tribe's leader, who had a natural magic. Though grieving, her main intention was to help, to save those she loved no matter the cost to herself. Her magic reacted creating a powerful spell to revive her tribe and kill the illness that afflicted them. She gladly gave her life so that they would live. 
The spell was so powerful it left long lasting remnants that sunk into spring water, turning the water of the spring into a healing elixir, the predecessor to the Lazarus Pits.  The spell also changed the tribe irrevocably, making them heartier, slower to age and more resistant to illness and infection; these resistances and the healing that came with them passed through the blood of the tribe, which then passed to most of humanity as the generations flew by.  Though no one had ever had cause to make the connection, the more of that lost tribe's blood that flows through a person's veins the better the Lazarus Pits work for them, the less the madness affects them.
By the time Ra’s Al Ghul took control of the Lazarus Pits, the original spring was lost to time and the remnants of the original spell were hopelessly corrupted.  
This brings us back to what this is setting up for.  Due to the nature of the League of Assassins, who their clients are, who their victims are, no one in living memory who had been exposed to Lazarus Water had come face to face with someone whose vibe matches the love and need to help of the original caster. This vibe check can only be done in person, not through surveillance equipment, or photos or reports. 
Until Jason Todd attacks Tim Drake at the Titans Tower.
Stubborn, self sacrificing, loving Tim Drake. Feral, protective, willing to do anything for his loved ones. And he loved so deeply, so desperately.
The exact match of a girl so long ago who poured everything she was into a spell to heal the people she loved. Who died gladly, with no regrets, creating a healing spell so powerful that it changed humanity itself.   
Jason Todd had broken into Titan’s tower, mind drenched green with Pit Madness, intending on hurting the little Replacement Robin. That is until he entered the room the Robin in question. The madness did not clear, instead it switched from Anger to ‘Mine! Protect!’.
The Pit Madness in Jason’s head screams that this is not a safe place for Tim (someone intending to hurt him had just broken in).  Running on adrenaline, madness, and an overwhelming protectiveness, Red Hood scoops up the little Robin and exits the tower stage left to get somewhere safe (depending on which is funnier, he either manages to escape with a struggling Robin over his shoulder-no knocking out Robin, that would be hurting him- , or said Robin figured out that Red Hood was Jason Todd and went quietly for ‘It’s Jason’ reasons).  Somehow Jason runs with his captured Robin straight back to the only safe place he can think of, Nanda Parbat. 
Later, after he is not running so fully on strange instincts, Jason would not be able to say how he got from San Francisco to the League of Assassins in the middle east, but somehow he did.  
While not every Assassin in the League has had a dip in the Lazarus Pits, most have and every single one of them, from Ra’s Al Ghul to Talia to Damian to the lowest Assassin who had been dipped in the Pits takes one look at Tim Drake and go ‘he is our precious cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure’.  It should also be noted that they do not want Tim to become an Assassin, not even Ra’s; this really is a ‘we must protect the innocent boy from all the evils of the world’ kind of situation (Which is hilarious given the age difference between Damian-who has declared himself Tim’s personal bodyguard- and Tim).
So now Tim Drake has been abducted by the League of Assassins and they all want to give him…hugs? Like Tim knows he’s a bit touch starved, ok, but he didn’t realize it was so bad that an actual villain organization would get concerned.  And there is talk about how he needs to be protected. Yeah, they are not letting him contact anyone or leave, but they are also not torturing him or trying to kill him. It is a little strange that he is getting more maternal affection from Talia Al Ghil than from his own mother, who he is not even sure knows he is missing yet.  AND Jason Todd is there, which means Jason is alive, so Tim is trying to get Jason to come home. Tim is also trying to figure out if this made his life weirder or not.
Back in Gotham, Batman is losing his whole mind. He has video from Titan’s Tower of The Red Hood abducting Robin, now one has heard from either since. It has been weeks.  In addition no one has reported Tim Drake missing. It has been weeks and there is no one outside their nightlife that would notice if Tim disappeared? Bruce has been trying to get in contact with Drakes for all of those weeks (in between his frantic searching for Tim himself). The messenger he sent to find them, one of the Justice League undercover, was told essentially not to bother them about Tim, just talk to him directly and refused to listen when being told he might be missing. 
Listen when Bruce gets Tim back from wherever he has been abducted to, he is going to be concerned about the implications of his parents actions. Right now he and Dick are scouring all of their contacts to find their missing Bird. Crime is at an all time low in Gotham, in spite of the Bats not patrolling. 
There was precisely one(1) Arkham breakout since Robin went missing. Instead of the normal round up, where the various Rogues all had time to get to their preferred battlegrounds before being gently (and until that breakout none of them would have ever considered that the Bats were actually being gentle with them) recaptured, with fights that served as enrichment in all of their enclosures the four rogues that escaped that night were all put down fast, and with broken bones to would put them out of commission for months, by an impatient Batman or Nightwing.  Neither have time for the normal crime fighting until they bring Robin home, they are on a Mission.   And everyone knows not to bother the Bats on a mission.
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donnatroyyyy · 1 year ago
A (very long) list of my (semi) unpopular DC opinions
The Batfam shouldn’t work together as a whole big group as vigilantes. Whenever that does happen it ends up being character suicide for AT LEAST two of them and also usually ends up minimizing all of them to one of the skills/traits they’re good at (or the archetypes the writer wants them to be). The only exception to this is if it’s a long arc covering an actual catastrophe where each issue covers a duo or trio within the big group. Otherwise they should stick to no more than 4 ppl at a time in a team up. Also, this obviously doesn’t apply to them as civilians, they’re literally family obviously they’re gonna hang out as a group.
The Teen Titans (2003) is the best writing but (one of the) worst teams. On the other hand the original Teen Titans run and NTT run are the best teams (imo) but have either really bad or really mediocre writing. We as a society need an OG TT or NTT run written well.
Roy struggling with a heroin addiction has so many more layers and nuances to it than struggling with alcohol because as a non-meta hero most of his fights were against something drug-related. As opposed to alcohol which is now seen as a normal thing for soldiers/heroes/warriors to fall on as a crutch, this medium uses alcohol addiction with every other character. Roy’s addiction to heroin would literally be an opposition to all that he’s ever stood and fought for, all that his family and friends ever fought and stood for, and way more interesting because of that.
Garth (like Donna) is one of the most powerful and interesting characters but is never given enough panel time. However, unlike Donna, writers would rather write him out of the teen titans before they actually write a good interpretation of him. And I don’t know why but his role in the Aquafam too has been dwindling with time.
Garth’s openness about his inferiority complex and his inferiority complex in general need more panel time, it’s one of the most interesting thing to come out of the OG TT run
This is a complicated take because it’s literally two opposites in one take, but the main difference in characters as seen in old comics vs. now is two things. One, the writing of characters was much better, much more realistic, and much more nuanced in old comics. Two, when there is a well-written character in modern comics its usually a more show not tell character so everything is shown to us through actions and stuff rather than straight up words or them psychoanalyzing themselves in their speech bubbles and that just doesn’t work with modern audiences because media literacy is a dying art. Also, there’s the variable of the influence of fanon over how characters are written in comics but that’s a whole other post.
Roy and Donna are literally THE OTP like I don’t even want to hear it, they’re literally DC’s percabeth.
Every single Teen Titan had an inferiority complex, some were just easier to see.
Selina and Bruce and Talia and Bruce are two very different relationships that can’t be compared. Also they will always live side by side till the end of comics, this love triangle was one meant to last, and it will.
Jason Todd as we know him right now should get the YJ Roy Harper treatment, we need to find out that he’s a clone and the real JT is somewhere in Africa working for UNICEF or something, that’s the only way to fix his character.
Also, ignoring the top one, if DC doesn’t want to commit to that because they’re cowards, they should at least not make him a part of the Batfam yet, it’s too soon for either side.
Kara Zor El is the perfect character to be a white lantern, her arc literally matches up perfectly with each of the rings, and she’d wield it incredibly
Kyle Rayner is top 3 GLs
In my opinion, Diana is best written when the most important thing to her in the world is the world itself. Like, usually I hate the whole “hero would sacrifice u, villain would sacrifice the world” thing cuz it mostly doesn’t really apply, but to her it absolutely does. Diana would sacrifice the closest person to her for the world in an instant if it was for the sake of the world. And this isn’t like an angst thing because they all know it and are all ok with it.
Also, Diana is one of the most if not the most powerful characters in all of DC, if DC did a Deadpool kills the marvel universe kind of thing they should totally use her because she is sooo powerful. (Afterthought: that’s why I hate most of her appearances in anything JL because they underpower her soooo bad)
I say this as a batfamily Stan, the batfamily is the worst family in all of DC and sadly the one that gets the most attention.
The OG TT are the epitome of superheroes in the sense that each and every one of them defines every part of a superhero spectacularly and always has.
Kory needs an arc where she leaves everyone and everything for a while because as of right now, not only do the writers only ever see her in relation to others, but she sees herself that way. She needs an arc where she finds herself in relation to herself, who SHE is. Away from the love triangle, and the titans, and the Titans, etc.
Babs is a better character outside of the love triangle than she is when she’s in it. (Also a better character as Oracle but that only really unpopular amongst writers)
Every single woman character in DC is written in relation to the men in the comics, even WW. The only exception is Oracle, not Babs, but Oracle, which is actually so twisted considering that the creation of Oracle as a character came hand in hand with an event that literally inspired the cloning of the phrase “fridging”
BOP is one of the best teams
Harley Quinn shouldn’t be a hero yet, she was abused for over a decade, we need to see more of her struggle to undo all of the manipulation and heal from the abuse as well as try to undo all the damage she’s done. The Animated Series is the best version of her arc but it’s still not good either.
We as a fandom(s) need to normalize the ability to consume and enjoy things we don’t necessarily agree with. For example, as I’ve stated before multiple times, I absolutely hate any kind of abusive Bruce, however, I still read those long posts about it and I still read fics where dck punches him cuz he’s an abusive asshole, it’s okay to consume media that you don’t necessarily agree with. And same with fanon versions of characters, I HATE coffee-addict Tim, I’ve still enjoyed hundreds of fics with him in them though.
Damian Wayne is the most compassionate member of the batfam and one of the Keats likely ones to willingly kill
Blue devil and kid devil have arguably the most interesting story and tragedy in all of DC and the only reason they’re not given a lot of attention is because their tragedies have to do with something we don’t like to see: the wrongdoings and flaws of heroes, especially ones we like.
Speed Saunders should’ve continued as a character
Hal Jordan should’ve stayed evil for a while, the end of the parallax arc sucks and is a stupid cop out because they weren’t ready for a fully new GL. I don’t think he should’ve stayed the villain forever, but maybe for a few years, especially if that meant they would’ve ended the arc better.
Mera is more powerful than Arthur, always has been and always will be.
Wally West does see Barry Allen as a father figure and vice versa, it’s okay to see someone as a parental figure when you still have parents, especially when your parents are (canonically) borderline emotionally abusive and/or neglectful.
Any iteration of ANY hero being abusive is the worst writing ever because what the actual fuck, I’m sorry, but what happened to the whole they’re literally fucking heroes part??
There are so many characters that deserve solo series (or even mini series) but don’t get them because all the series are already being taken up by bigger characters (looking at you batfam)
So many characters get mischaracterized for the sake of other character’s stories (again, looking at you batfam)
Anyone who thinks Superman is boring either doesn’t understand him as a character or hasn’t read enough stuff with him in it (I recommend All-Star Superman and/or American Alien)
Anyone who relates to the Joker needs to turn themselves in at the nearest police station. (Unless it’s LEGO Joker, we like him)
The LEGO Batman movie is unironically some of the best DC media to ever exist
Atlantis and Paradise Island should be allies (especially once Diana, Arthur, and Mera come into the picture), I don’t know why they’re not
Lex Luthor is one of the most despicable villains because he’s a realistic villain, which is much scarier
Kon should be the next Superman
Connor Hawke should’ve stayed Tim’s age and Tim’s friend, it makes the most sense timeline-wise plus I think their dynamic was super cute.
Comic writers not making Roy openly refer to Ollie as his dad even though they’ve been father and son since they’ve debuted basically is actually so crazy to me
These next few are about Talia Al-Ghul because I love that woman:
Talia Al-Ghul Pre-Morrison was one of the best and most interesting characters in all of DC and that isn’t just my opinion, she was really popular amongst fans and writers for that exact reason
However, Morrison’s damage to her is near irreparable
BUT, if DC did want to repair it, I genuinely believe she’d be the best character they’d have character-wise and it would probably pull in a bunch of new fans
But even if they don’t, Talia Al-Ghul is one of the most important characters in all of DC and comics in general because she’s literally the documented history of WOC in media (especially Arab and Asian women) as well as their relation to white men in media. Her character and how it changes is directly tied to mainstream views on WOC at the time.
Talia Al-Ghul is literally of “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski, personified
Dinah Lance is the perfect example of a complex character done right and interpreted wrong/not interpreted enough.
If anyone should be the therapist within the hero community it should be J’onn or Red tornado, those are the two that make the most sense.
Helena Bertinelli is more important to the batfam than Jason Todd is.
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be portrayed as mute anymore, it doesn’t make sense for her character or her arc.
The worst thing to happen to Poison Ivy’s character is Harley Quinn.
Mera is made to be a mother, whether to her own kids (Garth included) or as a mother figure to other kids.
On the other hand, Stephanie Brown wasn’t ready and doesn’t/didn’t want to be a mother, she gave up her baby willingly and will almost 100% not go out to look for her.
Lady Shiva’s appearances 99% of the time are out of character for her, the whole “training with Shiva” thing is also OOC for her, and Cass even existing is OOC for her. The reason that this continues though is because she’s been transformed from an actual character into a character tool.
Stephanie Brown and Cassanadra Cain are a good duo and anyone who hates on one but likes the other misunderstood both of their characters.
Dick hating Jason for what he did to Tim IS in character of him, and, in my opinion, correct of him
The rise in people who don’t like heroes’s pacifism is concerning. People calling Bruce a bad person because he doesn’t kill is concerning. People viewing Clark as boring because he’s a good person is concerning. People liking straight up villains more than they do heroes is concerning.
Anyone who recommends mister miracle should also tell them about the TW in the first few pages
Kingdom come isn’t that good, especially to non-Christians
Big Barda needs her own run. We need a Bug Barda run that covers everything from her origins to where she is now, and we need it done by a female writer who’s good at complex and heavy stories
Some of the most hated comic writers are some of the best at what they do
Chuck Dixon is just as much a blessing to any character he writes as he is a curse
Marvel’s comic writers and artists 80% of the town do a better job with their characters and their arcs than DC writers and artists.
DC should have sensitivity readers because the amount of racism in these comics is insane
It’s okay to put down a comic/run because you don’t like the art, it’s your time no one’s gonna judge you
Alex Ross’s art is actually nice, people just like hating
The Trinity should never be shipped with one another
Steve isn’t important to Diana at all, he’s barely in any of her comics actually, he’s less important to her (or at least to her character) than fucking swamp thing
Batfam is better smaller
It’s better to read the first appearances of characters, it helps you understand them better.
Lois Lane is the DC version of Susan Storm, aka the blueprint of women in that company’s comics, but also one of the most forgotten women in that company’s comics
Comics aren’t going to go anywhere arcwise for the characters long term, that’s the whole point. Batman will always have a robin. Love triangles will always be love triangles. They will all always stay young.
Old campy comics were better than modern comics.
Cheshire isn’t a redeemable character and shouldn’t be one. Women in comics should be allowed to be straight up villains and stay that way.
Cheshire having Lian is OOC. Cheshire leaving Lian is a racist trope.
Asian and Arabs are treated horribly by DC.
The New 52 is actually a good place to start for new readers, it was a good idea, but it should’ve just been an alternate universe (like mcu is to 616 kind of) or something (and it should’ve been down with the supervision of anyone who isn’t Dan didio)
DC has some of the best world building in the history of modern day media/literature especially considering how many facets of this world there were/are to build
Team rosters that are constantly changing are better than stationary ones unless they change too much/too fast
Canon is hypocritical 90% of the time, most times canon clashes and crashes and doesn’t make sense, so don’t worry about it, read a comic, count what you want to be canon as canon, throw the rest into to the “never existed” pile
I’m sorry to tell you guys this, but it isn’t an opinion, it’s an unpopular canon fact, one that even I don’t like: Dick Grayson likes pineapple one pizza
Something that I hate that been on the rise a lot lately is the fact that the fandom is so okay with character being sexualized just because they like how the characters look, I feel like we should keep our stances on this as they are with all over-sexualized characters.
Villains of the week are actually so fun, even more then the big villains sometimes.
JSA needs a comeback please and thank you (I’m begging atp)
Cassandra Cain shouldn’t be Orphan, ever, it makes no sense for her to take the name of her abused. The same way it doesn’t make sense for Jason to become red hood.
Complex characters who are dumbed down once can be dumbed down and mischaracterized every time after that, and this has been done A LOT.
The YJ shows is very much overhyped
The fact that DC overpowers their characters makes them more interesting, not less
Selina was right and in character when she left Bruce at the alter. She was not right and in character when she hid Helena from him, she wouldn’t do that.
Bruce Wayne is more fun to read when he has a pipe and fun colored robes, please give him back his pipe and his fun colored robes.
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batfsm · 9 months ago
@fanaticalthings @imma-dragon53
I wrote it!
It kind of got away from me but it’s done. The link leads to the AO3 page but it’s also under the readmore.
I hope you both enjoy it. 😊
Security Blanket
The first thing Jason saw and felt, before even he saw the coffin or felt the sides, was his blanket.
The first thing Jason saw and felt, before even he saw the coffin or felt the sides, was his blanket. He couldn’t remember where it came from or how he had it with him but he did.
Jason kept it behind him, making sure it didn’t get ruined as he clawed his way out. He kept it in his hands, refusing to part with it even as he got hit and went to the hospital.
They tried to take it while he was in a coma but couldn’t pry it away. When they finally did, an intern went to sneak it out but got caught and the blanket was given back to the comatose boy. The boy was agitated but as soon as the blanket was in his hands again, he calmed and fell deeper into his coma. No one tried again and the intern was looked into and then let go because they had taken other things from patients.
When Jason woke and walked away from the hospital, he only took his blanket. Clothes were stolen from trash and other things but he always cuddled with it every night.
Fights broke out but the others on the streets quickly learned that while Jason would fight for the things he picked up, his blanket was the one thing he would tear someone apart for. (It only took one person having their throat ripped out for the streets to learn that.)
The blanket went with him when Talia picked him up. Talia, knowing exactly what the blanket actually was, having seen the original Robin’s when it was being made, warned her people not to take it. No one listened and one person found out exactly why she had warned them. She didn’t bring them back; they stayed dead as a warning to the rest of the assassins.
Ra’s, when he found out, wanted to look at the blanket and so he ordered Jason to show it to him. Jason did but refused to hand it over when Ra’s ordered him to. Ra’s found himself having to come back and any sanity he had disappeared.
Talia, fearing for her sons lives, stole them and Cass and went to another league location. Cass, who had been about to leave, stayed and was soon a part of the family. Talia would walk into her rooms and not be surprised to see her children cuddled underneath Jason’s blanket.
The blanket was so big that even when Jason came out of the Lazarus Pit, it still covered him and his siblings. Ra’s, after he got some of his sanity back, was not surprised that when he came to visit the others, Damian was covered by the blanket and Ra’s was not allowed to hold his grandson.
Jason hissed at his grandfather and turned his back on Ra’s, making sure Cass was covered and, to the two adults' surprise, Talia also. Talia and Ra’s had known the blanket was huge but they didn’t realize how big until it covered a child, two teenagers, and an adult with room for another person, if not two.
Ra’s never apologized directly for the way he responded from the first time he met Jason and ordered him to let him hold the blanket, but he did in his actions later on. It surprised the children but not Talia.
Members of the Teen Titans had been captured and Ra’s called his daughter and grandchildren back to Nanda Parbat. Jason was asked to be Ra’s bodyguard when they came back and Jason agreed.
Ra’s teased the Titans and then motioned to an assassin who brought him Damian. Cass followed the assassin and yanked Damian away. Damian let out a loud scream and held out his arms to Jason. His scream and arms being held out, caught the attention of the Titans.
The Titans gaped at the sight of the children. Jason took his brother and held him close while making sure his blanket covered all of Damian. He fussed over Damian and Cass, who also found herself wrapped in the blanket.
Dick took a step forward and made an abrupt motion but quickly got himself under control. Ra’s laughed and told the siblings to go to the Titans. Cass stared at Ra’s but when Talia joined her father and nodded, Cass led the way to the Titans.
Jason slipped in front of Damian and Cass who he made sure were covered fully, when they got to the Titans. Dick looked at Ra’s as the captured Titans joined them. Ra’s sent a smirk at Dick as a letter was handed over with the order to give it to Batman only.
The Titans left with their members that had been captured and three more. They went back to the Tower and called the Justice League. As they waited, DNA was taken from the trio that came with them.
Bruce walked into the Titans Tower and into a miracle. The cape he was wearing was taken off and wrapped around Dick and Tim who joined it with Jason’s blanket. Bruce joined his sons and his newest children in a hug.
Bruce had made his children a promise. They would always be safe and loved as long as they were in the blanket/cape. While the safe part was not always true but the loved part stayed true.
Two years later Talia and Ra’s got a package. It had a note thanking them for caring about his children. It also had a gift.
A blanket he made for them. Smaller than his childrens but still one for them.
Every single child that Bruce brought into the family or came to him got a blanket that Bruce handmade them. They aren’t all black like his capes. They are in the children’s colors if he can do so. The only exception is Dick’s whose blanket is in all the Robin colors. (No one tells Bruce, he knows though, but Dick’s blanket is the children’s favorite. Jason’s blanket is the next favorite. It had been Damian and Cass’ favorite but then they got to use Dick’s.)
Bruce made six blankets for his children but only two for adults. Alfred and Talia and Ra’s shared one. Bruce never made himself a blanket. His cape was his blanket and when they were out, became his children’s.
The blankets were made with love and affection. They were security blankets for the children. Security blankets that were kept for the rest of their lives. Blankets that showed how much their father loved them.
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renta-bat · 3 months ago
This short series about Jason and Dick getting hit with like a truth serum thing is very good, and very intense
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nighhtwing · 10 months ago
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cloakedsparrow · 9 months ago
Jason’s Attack on Titans Tower Aftermath AU Ideas
1) Initially upon coming back to life (and then again after regaining his mind due to Talia dipping him in the Pit), Jason had a lot of nightmares about his brief but terrifying time captured by the Joker before his death. The nightmares had subsided to the point that he only got them a few times a month before he attacked Tim. Afterwards, though? He has nightmares every night for the first several weeks (and often enough afterwards), wherein his memories of being beaten by the Joker alternate between the memories of him beating Tim. The comparability makes him sick. He’s wracked with guilt but doesn’t know how to fix it.
When Tim recovers enough to return to his regular Robin activities, Jason avoids the kid like he’s still carrying the apocalypse virus. He doesn’t want to remember how much he hurt him or how much he enjoyed it. He’s afraid the kid will flinch away from him in fear and he has no idea what he’ll do with himself at the reminder that he probably scarred a child nearly as much as the Joker scarred him.
Tim finds this behavior suspicious because plenty of Rogues have nearly killed him and never avoided him afterwards. Therefore, he figures Jason must be plotting something and he won’t be caught unaware again. Jason does not understand why he cannot avoid the walking reminder of his guilt Robin all of a sudden.
The eventual confrontation does not go as either of them expected (Tim was not expecting self-awareness, chagrin, and remorse; Jason was not expecting easy forgiveness, understanding, and a borderline blasé attitude about the whole thing).
2) Some of the Gotham Rogues who like the third Robin (such as Poison Ivy, Riddler, Catwoman, Azrael -who is technically more of an anti-hero but close enough) learn that Red Hood had gone after the boy twice, and very well could have killed him on both occasions. They make it their personal mission to be as much (if not more) of a pain in Hood’s ass as they are in Batman’s. Hood has no idea why they all seem to have a personal beef with him at first and is surprised to eventually learn it’s because they all have a soft spot for the kid. He eventually learns why some of them like the Pretender and is so annoyed to learn that he’s actually a great kid and an excellent Robin. Now he can’t even misdirect his anger at the little shit.
3) Similar to the last, only it’s some of the street-level criminals who learn the Red Hood has temporarily taken Robin out of commission twice now…and could’ve taken him out permanently because slit throats and beatings that end in unconsciousness can easily go bad even when you know what you’re doing. They remember (with a healthy dose of fear) what Batman was like after the second Robin died. They remember (with no small amount of respect) what it was like when the third Robin was still reeling him back in. They all keep letting Hood know -in no uncertain terms- that no one is taking that kid out unless they take the Bat out first because no one wants to go through that hell again.
Jason needs some alone time to process the fact that his dad apparently lost his shit after he died and that Tim probably went through hell bringing the man back to something resembling his old self.
4) While he’s healing up after the attack, Tim has plenty of time on his hands to replay the whole thing in his head over and over again. He realizes that Jason is under-informed about the aftermath of his murder. Someone needs to fill in the blanks for him and, well, Tim already dragged one reluctant Wayne back from grief-fueled rage, why couldn’t he do it again? So he sets out to correct Jason’s misunderstandings, address the glowing green elephant in the room, and bring the undead asshole back home.
Jason is not prepared for the concern-fueled, unrelenting determination of his brilliant but somewhat feral little successor.
Bonus: Alfred, Barbara, and Helena are the only ones Tim allows to learn anything of his plans/doings. Alfred figures it out on his own and Tim doesn’t deny it. Alfred believes in the boy and he would very much like to have Jason home, so he just keeps his mouth shut and subtly prepares Jason’s room. Barbara, Tim figures would probably be the most likely to notice something, so he tells her what he’s doing. She understands Jason’s rage and decides to help cover for Tim in the hopes that they can stop Jason from doing anything worse than what he already has. Helena, Tim brings in because he needs someone more mobile than he is while he’s healing, she doesn’t have any history with Jason, and she’ll be less judgmental about some of Red Hood’s methods. She helps Tim because she doesn’t want him getting hurt trying to do it all on his own. Plus, she understands family.
5) Dick learns about everything. He’s pissed that Bruce didn’t tell him about Jason right away. He’s devastated over Jason attacking Tim twice now. He’s also overjoyed that his little brother is alive. All of these emotions lead to him deciding to confront Jason himself.
No plan. No backup. He’s just gonna find his wayward brother and wing it.
He does. Emotions run high. Words are exchanged. Several blows are, too. But in the end, he has his little brother back and taught him a lesson about hurting their baby brother. He’s calling it a win.
The boys all recover together at Dick’s place and don’t tell Bruce anything for weeks.
6) Red Hood: The Lost Days/Red Hood and the Outlaws/The Return of Ra’s al Ghul crossover. In which Talia decides to intervene after Jason’s attack on Titans Tower.
She’s seen Jason using his detective skills and inborn compassion to help all along. She knows he’s not a lost cause like her father. She’d tried using training and suitable targets for his rage to distract him until he can calm enough to think clearly, but if he’s attacking innocent kids at this stage, then she needs to step in more firmly. Either he had some sort of set back and will never forgive himself when he regains his senses and realizes he hurt a child… Or he’s becoming like Ra’s. In which case, she definitely has to stop him.
The confrontation doesn’t exactly go smoothly, but Talia’s not Bruce nor is she a fifteen-year-old. She can handle anything Jason throws at her. And she’ll persevere because failing this boy simply isn’t an option for her.
Once he’s burnt himself out, she gives him more information she managed to dig up on Tim Drake. She can’t tell him exactly how the boy came to be Robin, because no one other than Batman and Robin likely know, but she can drive home the point that he’s an innocent child who is just trying to help people, the same as Jason had been when he was killed. Jason is horrified once that sinks in.
He asks Talia for help. Different help than what she’s been offering so far. The kind that will help him control, if not be rid of, the rage that his murder and the Pit left him with. So she takes him to the All-Caste. He trains. He heals. He teams up with some old friends and becomes a different kind of hero than Batman or Robin, but a hero nonetheless.
When Ra’s returns and decides he needs Damian’s body after several others fail to contain his tainted soul, Talia asks Jason for help. He agrees to take Damian to Bruce. Of course, he doesn’t realize what a spoiled brat the pre-teen is until they’re already on the way. Or that he’s Bruce’s biological son.
7) The other Teen Titans don’t take kindly to Jason drugging them and attacking one of their own. Instead of leaving it for the Bats to handle, they decide to track Jason down themselves. Kon, Bart, and Cassie naturally focus more on the whole ‘you hurt Tim again, we hurt you’ angle. Vic and Kori are cautious (they aren’t going to let any of the teens get hurt on their watch again) but a little more understanding. They want to protect the Teen Titans, but they also want to help Jason.
They explain that they didn’t put a statue of him up because of how much his death hurt Dick. They didn’t want him to keep seeing it and being reminded of the little brother he believed he failed. They tell Jason about the fights he and Bruce got into. Of the attempts both of them made on the Joker’s life. Of the way Dick feared he’d lose his father as well until Tim came along to save him.
Finally, they invite him to join the new Teen Titans, with the understanding that he isn’t going to be left alone with any of the younger members for a while, and under the condition that he agrees to see Kori’s psychiatrist in Metropolis.
He agrees.
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