#tbh any character with a great voice has pretty good odds of making me go all heart eyes
championsandheroes · 2 years
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I got an ask about my thoughts about Rogue Trader and ended up having a little chat back and forth with Pyritea. I am now worried that, yes, the techpriest might end up being the right kind of weird because I know that he won't be a romance option. And then it will the same old story again. Truth be told, what I really, really want is to romance a space marine. Yes. The three meters tall, asexual murder machines. He has had a rough and violent life, let me give the big scary man flowers and dote on him.
If I were to say that there were no big scary men in massive armor over at Patreon, I’d be lying. The ones over at society6 and redbubble are, however, more of the qunari variety. For now.
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fic rec friday 20
welcome to the twentieth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics. 
1. for we are the beautiful thieves by @caimani-ao3
Keith and Lance go undercover (sort of) at General Iverson's gala to steal back an Altean artifact the general stole while treasure-hunting. Keith's job? Sneaking away in the middle of the party to find the artifact. Lance's job? Looking pretty in a dress.
love love LOVE adventure fics this shit ROCKS. voltron?? thief archeologists whose main goal is to steal artefacts from rich asshole collectors and return them to where they came from?? iconique!! klance playing the pretty distrction?? iconique moreso!! 
2. ring my bell by @dumdum692 [EXPLICIT]
And granted, Keith has always been a sore spot for him in this way; Lance has always felt at odds with his domesticated temperament, and Keith holds absolutely none of that. Keith doesn't give two whopping shits about getting pimples, or if Stacy in English class thinks he has bad breath. Keith isn't standing zombie-eyed in the purple lights of a party, plotting woe-is-me narratives of his own melancholia and loneliness, gazing detachedly into a red Solo cup full of jungle juice - he just is, and that's always made Lance, in equal parts, devastatingly embarrassed and devastatingly horny.
Sadly, this scale weights significantly more towards the horny end as of late, because Keith is developing quite a few, very distinctly Galra characteristics, and it's driving Lance absolutely buck fucking nuts.
Keith goes through puberty. Devastation ensues.
this fic is a proud truther of two important things: a) lance’s type is literally anyone who can kick his ass and look good doing it, and b) lance has a big vocabulary entirely so he can be as melodramatic as possible whenever he so pleases. and i for one am thankful for its service.
3. Cross My Path by @wittyy-name [EXPLICIT]
Lance owns a witch themed cat cafe that rescues black cats. Each one has a unique collar and color coded name to help tell them apart. He's not supposed to play favorites, but he's already adopted his favorite, Red, as his own. Cold and distant to everyone, Red is extremely affectionate to Lance. Needy. Clingy. Protective. But Lance doesn't mind. He makes Lance's home a little less lonely. He's a little weird, but aren't all cats? He loves his baby boy, and he's eternally grateful for the day that little black fluff ball crossed his path.
Lance doesn't think twice about Red's odd quirks. That is, until he wakes up with a naked stranger in his bed.
And hey! Turns out Red is actually a witch named Keith who's been cursed to be a cat for twenty years. A really hot witch who's still very affectionate towards Lance.
any fic that’s tagged with catboy keith is a winner in my book tbh. and this fic is AMAZING the entire concept is unbelievably cool and the storyline is adorable!! also healthy relationship boundaries and expectations for the win!! plus rough sex also!!
4. know by petalloso
Keith couldn’t feel his legs. Upon further realization, he couldn’t feel his arms either, or his hands. He could, however, feel Lance’s hands, and they were all over him, running up and down his chest in inspection, tilting his chin this way and that, pulling him up from the floor where he figured he’d landed probably because his knees had just given out on him.
“Stupid,” he heard Lance say. “You blew out your legs.”
those 2016 fics man!! they never miss they just dont!! insane to me that this author apologises for being ooc as if their portrayal of keith is not the most in character portrayal possibly ever lol. AND this fic has oldest child lance my beloved
5. stud by petalloso
Keith stops in his tracks, listening. The voice comes again, louder and more elongated this time, muffled behind the door.
“Ouch,” it says, and then, “shit shit shit.”
lance IS the type of impulsive dumbass to pierce is own ears, and i thank this writer greatly for pointing that out. this fic is cute and sweet and silly which are my three for three basically
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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anghraine · 8 months
I decided to watch Rings of Power and I still like it! General thoughts on the first episode:
This episode does a lot of heavy lifting to introduce everything in a somewhat rough and often disconnected, but engaging enough way.
The voice-over exposition at the beginning is obviously echoing the PJ FOTR one, but it's more awkward and sort of generically high fantasy. I still like it better because a) no Númenóreans were harmed in the making of this voice-over, b) retaining the Finrod-Galadriel age gap while simultaneously leaning into their sibling bond is really cute, c) Finrod using a heavy-handed metaphor in which the greatness of SHIPS figures largely seems entirely in character and also very Telerin (Eärwen's son!!!), and d) the overall story of how Valinorean Elves ended up in Middle-earth is so highly editorialized that it feels like the self-serving Noldor version of the story, which amuses me.
I enjoyed the introduction of present-day Galadriel. She's clearly the most impressive and competent person in the company she's leading while also being kind of unhinged, which I appreciate in a female protagonist. Good for her.
And I like that she's clearly this ancient being and her fixation on FIGHTING EVIL FOREVER is, in part, a product of being old and immortal and stuck in a singular mode of being. However, she's also right and the comparatively young people around her are being condescending assholes (like Gil-galad, but especially that one guy who semi-mutinied against her and is prodding her on the ship).
(Oh, and she has great hair. I actually don't care if the entire wig budget went to her specifically.)
The only one who seems to really feel bad about their dismissive treatment of her is Elrond, which tracks. The hints that he isn't seen as quite an equal ("Elf-lords only") feels silly, but it's not a huge deal for me. And I like that he and Galadriel are bros alongside the tension in her relationships with basically everyone. S2 Celebrían plssss
I still think the complaints about costuming/hair, and incessant comparisons to costuming in PJ!LOTR/WOT/whatever are largely pretty absurd. I particularly liked Arondir's armor and how dissimilar it is from the aesthetic of the Lindon Elves, everything Galadriel wears, and the weirdness of the ritualistic armor removal as they approach Valinor. The Elves spontaneously bursting into unsettling song was odd but extremely on-brand for Tolkien, so it was fun to see it actually done onscreen.
I also think the show is quite beautiful in general and a pleasure to simply look at (no, not only because of the budget).
I don't like how heavily and visibly made-up the main female characters are, however, especially Bronwyn (who also has my least favorite costuming of any of the mains tbh). It reminds me a bit of how Padmé Amidala's heavy and perfect make-up in her death scene in Revenge of the Sith always distracts me from the pathos of the scene. God forbid she wasn't hot as she died, you know? I don't care about middle-aged and older men being cast as Elves, but I'd like to see more older actresses, too!
The Harfoot stuff has an interesting mixture of cuteness and underlying menace. It doesn't interest me as much as what's going on with Galadriel, Elrond, and Arondir/Bronwyn, but I like Nori quite a bit and the whole aesthetic they have going, so I don't mind spending time with them, even though it's kind of detached from what's going on everywhere else.
Speaking of Arondir, the Southlands stuff is interesting because there's so little to work with in terms of canon (even if they had rights to everything) and the canon that does exist wrt them is super racist. So having the textual racism towards Southrons actually be brought up in-story, and rejected by an Elf protagonist who is being played by a Black man, is like ... there's a lot going on there and other people are probably better equipped to talk about it.
Personally, I would have liked to see Arondir fall in love with Bronwyn rather than being presented with it as an established thing, especially with the conversation about how this almost never happens etc. His actor does a great job with what he's given, though, and I laughed at the other Elf who is like "do you know how rarely romances between Men and Elves ever happen? do you know they always END TRAGICALLY?!"
Arondir: mmhmm
Arondir gives off big "distracted by drawing hearts around Bronwyn's name in his Trapper Keeper" vibes in that conversation and, idk, it was just really entertaining to me.
Bronwyn herself is all right thus far. I did really like the moment when she's talking about how she's from the allegedly creepy village and the people there are her relatives and friends. By and large she seems the most normal person in the cast, honestly.
I also enjoyed how deeply ominous the "approaching Valinor" music was, lmao. A bit overkill by the end, but I rather like the idea of Valinor being scary if you're not supposed to be there.
ETA: cutting between the different plots via the Middle-earth map is a bit silly as well, but functional enough. Interesting to see Calenardhon on the map before Gondor even exists!
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grucylover · 6 months
Thoughts on DM3. Don’t hate me. 😂
DM3 was not a bad film, I have seen a lot worse and I even went to see it at the cinema a few times. I’d rate it a 6/7 out of ten.
The problem was with it, it felt outdated with an 80s obsessed villian. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bratt is a great idea and I get the concept of it but just maybe with his own film, not in DM.
Aswell, I felt they took a lot of things away from us that were just getting started.
- Agnes sold Fluffy the unicorn though in DM2 she would have screamed the house down if anything happened to him and he was such a big part of the merch. But no, gone, sold to some lil blonde.
- We didn’t see much of Grus freeze-ray nor his tank of a car. - not a big deal but these lil things make the film what it is.
-There was no Fred. - again like the point above. I would have also have liked to have seen Jillian, I thought she was a great and (annoying) addition to DM2.
-Gru didn’t really bother with the girls or interact with any of them, well a part from Agnes. He didn’t even put them to bed like he used to and just left Lucy to do it all. He didn’t really seem supportive of her with her trying to be a mum I thought. If that was my husband I would have kicked his arse lol!
- Margo got engaged to some weird kid and Gru was nowhere to be seen but in DM2 he was this overprotective dad that would have broke his nose or something lol! I know Lucy had it in hand but…..ya know. I wanted to see the overprotective dad mode.
- We didn’t see much of the house which we seen a lot of in DM1/2 and I thought that was such a shame. Why couldn’t Dru just come to Grus house or something lol
- I disliked how the writers wrote out Dr Nefario (we won’t mention the actors name and no one would of cared if someone else was voicing him) but what a lazy way to just freeze him in carbinite. Gru didn’t really seem that upset over it though the Dr had been like a dad to him. Like ?????
- Dru wasn’t bad, it was kinda nice seeing Gru have some male company as if he was down the pub with a mate but I also found it odd they had all of a sudden put on him the temptation to go back to villainy when in DM2 he had that temptation but he wasn’t interested in the slightest. He just wanted to be a father, get a job, get his girl and that was it. Every scene was perfect, the actors, writers etc put all there heart and soul into it and you couldn’t have put anymore into it really, even if you tried. Gru was really at his peak in DM2. Maybe I’ve got it wrong. Idkkkk.
- I didn’t mind the Minions and personally I never do, I think they just add to the film and I don’t find them annoying. I actually liked the prison scene, I thought that was a pretty good idea tbh.
It even felt like at times the animated characters didn’t want to even be doing the storyline in DM3. 😂
3 obviously made a lot of money because everyone was still hyped around DM2 but came out of the cinema or wherever they first watched it empty handed.
Yes it’s ok chucking in a scene here and there with a treehouse or an Agnes and Gru moment to put in some heart but it was almost forced. The writers said themselves they struggled and just wrote for themselves which I found really sad as there is so much you can do with this franchise I think.
I’m ngl, I am a bit nervous about DM4 as I think this will be its last chance to survive but the trailer looks amazing and I’m already won over by the baby Gru Jr. I wanted them to have a baby in DM3!!!!! Really DM4 should have been 3.
Should have rhey aged the girls up. Yes and no. Maybe a bit? Tbh personally, I don’t really care. It keeps there innocence but I would like to see Gru bonding with them again.
It wasn’t all bad though, I liked Lucy trying to be a mom and the animation has definitely stepped up a notch to the point that Gru is pale AF now and they all look a bit different. Aswell the actors, Carell, Kristin did a great job as always.
This is all my own opinion so don’t come at me 🤣.
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the-sugary-falcon · 2 years
I was tagged by @litho-sphere <3 for these questions!
Are you named after anyone?
Pretty sure I was named after like my great uncle or something from my dad's side? I met him like once and he had a cool like twirled mustache.
2. Last time you cried?
I cried quite a bit a few weeks ago when my cat unfortunately passed away.
3. Do you want/have kids?
I don't currently have any kids. For whether I would eventually like having a kid, it depends on my partner and if we both feel comfortable with raising kids together. Not against it at all though.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I kinda do but only when it's going to be very noticeable and funny and won't go over anyone's head because I'd hate to come off like an ass lol.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
I generally tend to notice people's hair first, because that's usually the main thing that I care about with my own appearance. If this is about what I recognize the most easily with people, its generally their voice tbh. Many many times, I'll think about voice actors sounding very familiar and will always look up their whole acting history to see why I recognize it.
6. What is your eye color?
I have dark brown eyes!
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
That's honestly a very odd question, cause I mean like scary movies can absolutely have a happy ending! Horror does not mean that it will absolutely end unhappy, even just ending with that a character survived generally feels like a happy ending in my books. Yeah it's not as great as it can be but the fact is is that it's over. The kind of ending I definitely don't prefer is when the movie ends on the threat just being revealed to not have died because I mean it just doesn't feel satisfying to me to end on an "it was all for nothing" when it took so much.
8. Special talents?
Uhhhhh I mean I've been told by a few of my English teachers that I'm very good at writing essays so I'm kinda proud of that! I'm pretty good at shooter games idk lol
9. Where were you born?
I was born in the U.S.
10. What are your hobbies?
I play a lot of video games <3 I like writing occasionally but only really when I'm bored in school and not doing anything. I do read occasionally too! I just bought a bunch of books and have to start making some progress in them!
11. Have any pets?
I have two kitties and a german shepherd who is kind of a brat and he is very large. And I would die for any of them.
12. What sports do you play or have you played?
I played baseball and soccer when I was like 8. Otherwise nothing really, I was in choir throughout highschool competitively if you count that!
13. How tall are you?
I'm 6'3"!
14. Favorite subject in school?
English has generally had the classes I enjoyed the most overall, I had a history of rock music that was also very fun! My Biology classes have been very fun but oof a lot of work lol.
15. Dream job?
I want to be an ornithologist! I would love to work in a bird sanctuary or work with any kind of research for avians! I think some sort of game development would be pretty fun but I also haven't made any sort of progress towards that as an occupation lol
If you feel like doing this then I will tag @frogkimmy @dapper-lil-penguin @yaspup9000 @it-is-no-use and @hippiejunk or anyone that would like to participate! <3
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Transformers Siege (WFC) character review!(1/2)
Instead of separating from decepticons and autobots (mainly because of the Predacons and maximals), I’m going to put them in order of which bots I really feel like talking about the most! So, here we go!
*watch for swearing, spoilers, and possible thirst.
/Also, alt modes will NOT be available for this series. They kinda don’t transform too much, and when they do, they hardly let me get a shot, sooo/
Optimus Prime!!; 
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This Optimus did a full 180 for not only my opinion, but for his own characterization. This Optimus started out as impulsive, reckless, ignorant of other’s opinions, and quite frankly, was just frustrating to deal with. He was the one who essentially sent the Cybertron into a total fuck storm, and as such, doomed MANY lives, including the one of his love, Elita one. Honestly, Optimus is kinda. Dumb, honestly? He literally sent the live source of Cybertron into the vastness of space, just to keep Megatron from winning the war. Literally, EVERYONE hated him at the start, from Bumblebee to Ratchet. Then, get this- he learned from his mistakes. From Skylynx, to the Optimus Primal, to the soul of Elita, to Optimus and Ratchet and even Megatron- he had so many influences telling him what he did wrong. Towards the end of the series, he became the classic, noble, somewhat self conscious mech we all grew to know and love. Honestly? 9/10. He isn’t perfect. Far from it, but damn Optimus KNOWS this, and that’s so great- I can go all day, you guys (also that one moment where he asked Megatron to forgive him at gunpoint, such a good fucking scene).
Elita one!!; 
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I love her. SO much. She’s a QUEEN. She has been ignored, she has been held hostage, she’s been punched and kicked and shot at-my girl has been through hell. And she carries it WELL. Not only is she FINE, but she is bold, smart, and she is STUBBORN in her beliefs. She is also a natural born leader, and I honestly and really appreciate her. Her death was honestly one of the sadder moments, but her soul’s reunion with Optimus was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. I wish we saw more of her, honestly and desperately (plus she has so many character interactions, there’s SO many ways you can go about her character, it’s incredible). 10/10 my girl is a fighter and she was so ride or die for Optimus (even though I lowkey ship her with those three little cons, ya’ll know the ones) 💕.
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Every Megatron has something different about them. For example, this series has two Megatron’s (three because Galvatron), but we’re talking about the Megatron that we start the series with. The sort of ‘G1’ Megatron. This Megatron has a few...issues. Lips aside, this Megatron has a few things I’d change about him. He’s insane, he’s incredibly selfish, and honestly? His character interactions leave something to be desired, in my opinion. However, he does have a blend of good traits. You guys remember Prime Wars Megatron? How this man refused to go down without being ‘fuck you’ to his opponent? This Megatron had those moments, telling Galvatron right the fuck off when he tried to present him with a decision to join him. I love a Megatron that refuses to back down. I also appreciated the regret he clearly has for stuff he did (we all remember what happened to that one power plant), and I appreciate that In a Megatron. Couple that with the pompous villain aesthetic (he had his own pictures hung up on a wall for fucks sakes). However, he isn’t my favorite Megatron (that’s a tie between Prime/Prime Wars Megatron). 7/10. Fun in some cases, but not someone I think I’ll deem my favorite Megatron.
Megatron!!(beast wars);
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This Megatron was kinda doomed from the start. From the issue with his VA (not everyone can be David Kaye, but still), to the odd way he simped over the other Megatron, kinda made me dislike seeing him on the screen. Don’t me wrong, he wasn’t AWFUL, and like everyone else on the show he LOOKED good and his VA did...okay. Listen, he had a REALLY good simp voice. But beast wars Megatron actually saw the old Megatron as an old fool. Now he suddenly worships him? It kinda makes this Megatron look pathetic, and I’m not really into it. 4/10. I’m sorry, but I appreciated him more when he wasn’t on screen.
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He did like. Nothing in this series. He only really spoke to tell Optimus what he did. He’s just so cute and I liked hearing him speak. Not the same Ironhide voice, but still I love him terribly 10/10 he is but a baby waby.
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He did like, two things in total in this series, and BOTH made me feel something. He also misses his brother Sunny and it honestly hurt me. Someone hold and support him, 8/10 this precious bundle of red-
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This Skyfire actually starts off as not only a decepticon, but a HIGH ranking decepticon, pretty much Megatron’s second hand. He was pretty decepticon motivated, up until Megatron decided the whole genocide of an entire race was too much for her. Honestly his role was a LOT like MTMTE Impactor in this series. A close believer changed to the opposite side, because Megatron’s dumbass got carried away. This Skyfire died, but up until that, he was determined to help the cause. He was literally willing to have a bomb implanted into him just to prove he was with the autobots. He was bold, stubborn, and everyone he interacted with was GREAT. 8/10. Tbh, probably my second favorite Skyfire (hard to compete with Cyberverse).
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Pretty much the first time I’ve seen him in a show (at least noticeably) and I appreciated his little debut here. Impactor betrayed the decepticon, and in the best way possible. Not because he thought the cause was wrong, but because he got a super hot medic boyfriend, who JUST so happens to be an autobot. Seriously, ratchet fixed his booboos and Impactor just went ‘Listen I’d die for you’. Did anyone but Ratchet trust him? Nope. Did Mirage like him? Nope. Did we give a shit because he was very literally, ride or die for Ratchet? Also nope. Like this dude deadass was willing to go through the ‘we don’t trust decepticons’ bullshit, JUST because Ratchet swept him off his feet. 10/10, Impactor didn’t deserve to die, he deserved to be the hostile gay to suit the hostile lesbian that was Blackarachnia. 💜
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This Ratchet was like. The ONLY Ratchet I’ve ever seen, who just fucking hated Optimus. Seriously, this dude just wanted to be alone with his husband. Wanted NO part of Optimus, no part of Bumblebee, NO ONE. He’s sarcastic, bitter, and he WILL give you shit over Impactor or any of his patients. He’s a sour/sweet old man and even though I wish I saw him more, I love him and adore him with my big ol’ heart. 9/10, everyone can eat my ass I’m not over Impactor still.
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Chaotic bastard. Smartass, dumbass, gay ass, and the first character to say ‘ass’, I love him. He doesn’t play much in terms of actual plot stuff (he’s like, a support character tbh) but the few times he was on screen, I loved him. It was like someone gave Danny Devito a PHD. 8/10, just needed to be able to give more one liners like he deserved.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 318 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 309 Responses
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Overall the episode was a hit with viewers, with the majority ranking it a 4 or higher. Over half of all respondents rating it a solid 5. The hype is real!
I thought this was a great episode. A lot of hype moments and the CGI worked for me, for the most part. Looking forward to the next episode!
All around exceeded my expectations if mappa keeps this up this will go down as the best anime in history
Chef's KISS!!! 10/10 episode, i was extremely hyped the entire time. 
It was amazing and I hope MAPPA keeps up with the same quality for future episodes
Amazing episode really hype
I thought the voice acting was amazing! :)
Great episode, not perfect but neither was WIT. No adaptation is perfect. This was fantastic.
It was pretty good just maybe good have been done better but I’m just happy it was done at all.
I’ve lowered my expectations to rock bottom at this point
An enjoyable time.
I think it was great! I was very excited and left me wanting more tbh
It was a very good episode!! I'm so happy to see the survey corps again!
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Mikasa’s reintroduction to the series takes the largest piece of the pie, with 31.6% enjoying the scene the most. In second comes the coordinated attack from the Survey Corps against Porco, with 14.8% feeling that scene really brings the hype. At 10.3%, Levi’s first appearance in the season takes 3rd place, and with 9.7% is the overall fight between Eren and the War Hammer Titan.
Ackermans ran this episode as they should. They're on a whole different level. 
Why isn't the Sasha-Gabi moment in the list of favourite moments? That's my actually favourite moment. Gabi seeing Sasha through the fire and smoke, Sasha's reflection in her eyes...chilling.
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In general, the fandom appears to be understanding of MAPPA’s usage of CGI, with 38.2% being completely unbothered by it, 20.1% feeling that while it’s not ideal, it could be much worse, and 18.8% not particularly caring for it but not faulting MAPPA for it either. A handful of people just wish that there would be more appreciation that it’s getting animated at all, while others continue to be a bit salty about the usage of CGI this season.
Did people forgot the god-awful Colossal titan's CGI from WIT? Well, I didn't so I wasn't surprised by the same level of CGI in Eren's scene (thankfully just one of them). I rarely have issue with CGI in SnK except for truly awful looking ones so like couple of times in the season, usually. 
I honestly wouldn't even know there's CGI if everyone wasn't complaining about it. I honest to god can't see where they use it.
It's mostly fine
I thought the war hammer titan looked AMAZING, the only CGI that looked odd was the scouts in the background, but that’s really it...?
A few sore spots (e.g. Erens titan looked kinda off this ep), but it's not season-ruining yet. 
CGI Titans >>>>>>>> CGI Survey Corps
It works fine for titans that already look somewhat mechanical (Armor, Jaw), but it looks incredibly awkward for the others, to the point of taking me out of the story. 
Sometimes great sometimes shit
Maybe I've been spoiled by studio orange and the previous seasons, but I know for a fact that they can do better. This is not a new anime, this is the final season of one of the greatest anime of all time, so yeah I expected much better CGI, it was poor and unecessary.
i think it’s gr8/unnoticeable,,,,,like we all put up with the colossal titan in s1-3 lmao
Some Titans like Eren and Beast look a little weird but I just really like how they made effort to make it blend with the art style. Maybe if they had found a way to cut the animation down to 12fps it might not look so bad? Anyways I think it’s good for what it is, MAPPA is doing their best!
I barely noticed it. The animation looks BOMB. Top 5 episodes of the whole series for me and BEST action episode of AOT easily.
I'm always going to prefer 2D but I understand why they're using it. Still sad about what could've been if they were given enough time to work on the season. Definitely going to lower my expectations.
My dumbass wouldn't even notice, I just want to see the pretty people
I think the CGI for the Titans is completely fine. It's the CGI for the Scouts that was a bit off putting for me. Still, not enough to ruin the episode. And if we continue to get animation of this standard I will be fine with it. 
At this point after episode 7 onward eventually AOT CGI is going to be worst than EX-arm's CGI 
I love it because it makes the titans scarier and more eerie? I also miss the 2D ones because they feel more natural. Overall, I think it's fine!
I think the CGi is well executed (for the most part), I just don't like that they had to use it so much.
It's a great job. They manage to execute it very well and go to a normal animation when it's needed. It doesn't bother me tbh
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Eren’s dive in the anime was a bit different than in the manga, but it seemed to get a few laughs out of the fandom, so we asked you all to rank it. 58.3% felt it was the most beautiful dive to have ever dived, while only 5.5% think Eren really needs to work on his form. He did his best.
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Mikasa stole the show this episode, with 53.5% enjoying her entrance the most. Levi wasn’t too far behind though, with 29% of respondents hyped over his return. 11.6% were very happy to see Sasha again, while smaller chunks were glad to see Jean and Connie.
They massacred my Jean-boy’s entrance 🥲
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We got a more colorful and evened out pie for this question. Overall the largest chunk, at 24.3%, are enjoying MAPPA’s take on Eren’s iconic “hobo chic” look. 21.1% think Sasha looks the best out of all of them, while Mikasa trails just behind her at 20.1%. 16.1% are grateful for Connie’s design, leaving 9.5% favoring Jean, and smaller handfuls appreciating MAPPA’s take on Levi and Floch.
Chubby Floch
Here I am watching the trailer all over again because that's probably the only way to see Jean animated handsome and with his actual manga face. MAPPA what happened?
Levi has a thicc ass
I’m a big fan of all the time skip character designs, it was hard to pick just one favourite :) 
Jean looked stupid... Floch too but that's not important.
OG characters designs feels a bit off to me. I understand why they use CG for some parts and I have mixed emotions about it. I hope they won't rely on it too much on the upcoming episodes.
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One of the most anticipated scenes of the Marley arc was the return of the Survey Corps and the way Mikasa paves the path for their reintroduction. The fandom appears to be very happy with MAPPA’s execution of the scene, with 60.9% of respondents rating it with a 5, with 27% rating it a 4. 
Mikasa! Mikasa! Gosh love her!
im so glad mikasa is back owfejgrnrkdfs
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The series isn’t known for having too much filler, but typically what filler does exist seems to be appreciated by the fandom, and this was no exception. 56.8% of respondents were happy for a little more fleshing out of Willy’s character (also learning that those kids were his!) and being able to sympathize more with him. 19.7% appreciated the more sympathetic addition until they remembered he was willing to throw Liberio under the bus for his plan. 13.5% are appreciative of any and all additional Willy content. A small amount didn’t like the filler and would rather have had MAPPA put their effort into other things. 
I liked it. Got to see more of his fine ass. lmao
Don't add extra 2d animation if You can't even handle what's in the manga
It would've been better to show before he was dead. Fleshing him out after the audience already know he's dead doesn't hit as much imo
Wasn't one of the scene itself, but then again I'm always interested in scenes I haven't seen yet.
I am so grateful, willy for is one of my favourites and omg we got to see his family and how is he a lovely papa 😭💕 I can't ask for more bless you MAPPA🤘
fuck them kids
Why should we feel bad for him? He tried to unite the world against Paradis. He got what he deserved.
this was a benefit. as manga readers, we had time to know willy. anime onlies will only ever have these 2-3 episodes and it was very humanizing
How is that possible that Tybur little kids in few seconds were louder nad more chaotic than THE WHOLE CITY DURING THE ATTACK??
It's very regrettable he left so many children fatherless because of what he chose to do. Really saddening..
I’d have rather seen more of the manga animated 
I knew why they added it, but I (personally) think willy is crud. Not mad it's there tho!
He did his duty as a Tybur to the very end. Honestly I wish he could have lived longer, he’s a really compelling and interesting character.
I feel like some viewers have carelessly misunderstood Willy because of that scene in the carriage. They're like 'wow, he really hates and shames his own people huh?' but at the beginning of the episode we all saw his abundance of children. Would it not have been extremely contradictory if he had truly wanted the extinction of all Eldians and then at the same time did the complete opposite by mass-reproducing a small army of Eldian children? Maybe that's why that scene was added to the start of the episode, to keep people away from mischaracterising him. Unfortunately, this may have simply been missed or overlooked by some. 
they should had polish the damn episode instead of fillers.
Loved it! Mappa is killing it with the episode additions 
Reading the manga, I truly didn't even consider the possibility that these were Willy's children because he is so obviously a ~*bachelor*~. Like, it didn't even cross my mind that those children weren't his little nieces and nephews because he is suuuuch a Theater Gay. Nothing can change my mind.
Wait a minute, are these the kids in that ending slide from season 3?
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A minor dialogue change didn’t seem to have much of an effect on nearly half of respondents, with 47.5% saying they’re indifferent to the change. 43.3% like the change much better, feeling that it works a lot better with future story developments and makes more sense. A handful didn’t care for the change and felt it tampered with Magath’s overall characterization. 
I think the change was logical and more consistent with the story, but I'm naturally skeptical of any AOT manga-to-anime change.
I forgot this.
It ovewrites the flaw of Magath's original plan. Even if I think its unfitting of him, it makes sense.
I'm not sure what I feel about it. Kinda like how they added Falco having a dream back in episode 1. For now, let's just see.
I suppose the new change is a little contradictory because Magath dislikes Marley’s reliance on Titan power and rather just wishes th ey had prowess in other ways. 
Realistically eating him makes more sense for them to eat Eren so they gain control of the Founder but I think Magath accepting the age of Titans is now done for is more in character.
It obviously makes more sense logistically, but I think it's important for Magath to stand opposed to Marley national policy on this front, like, symbolically.
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Though they are minor characters, the anime seems to have made some of the fandom a bit more fond of them. Still, 38.5% wouldn’t change anything about their fates, stating that they were necessary for Gabi to develop further as a character. 28% would rather neither of them died and are curious about how they would have developed if they lived to see another day. 23.7% say if they had to pick only one of them, it would be Udo due to his relevant commentary. A handful leaned toward Zofia, wishing they could have learned more about her. 
Udo. But at the same time Isayama can barely handle all the characters that are still alive so Udo probably wouldn't get a lot of screen time anyway.
Zofia. I didn't care about her while reading the manga, but in the anime she was more unique. I liked her stoic voice a lot. Zofia and Gabi should have switch the places. 
None cus i don't like Gabi
Both or neither. One would be just a third wheel to Gabi and Falco. I would love to see more of Udo and Zofia but I think their deaths were important
Udo and zofia's deaths hurt so bad. I didn't particularly care for either of them when reading the manga but i grown attracted to them in the anime. Udo's in particular breaks me. He was such a energic kid and he... got trampled to death. I'm just...
Neither. Both were serving an enemy nation and deserved what they got.
They weren't important to me so I don't really care
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47.1% of respondents didn’t want to pick sides, stating that the attack was tragic in both mediums of the story-telling. 25.8% felt that it was much more devastating in animated form alongside the sound, music and voice acting. 18.3% felt a bigger impact while reading the manga. 
Both versions are devastating, but Manga hit harder bc I just was so confused and couldn't stop trying to figure out wtf Eren was doing and why. Watching it knowing what I know made it somehow more devastating and yet also more palatable (bc I have a better understanding.)
It was more devastating in the manga. Especially Udo's death scene 
I think I have to wait until the battle is over. So far it's alright.
Loved it
It gave me more emotions in the manga. 
They got what they deserved
It was far more devastating in trailer 🙄
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One of the few characters left with no name after the large guidebook released a few years ago, Lady Tybur was all we could call her (aside from fan-given names). Now she has an official name! 26.7% found it neat that we finally got this official detail. 25.4% feel that now they can finally sleep at night. 17.6% are forever grateful for the name drop and hated waiting so long for it. 15.3% don’t care at all and 11.7% feel this confirms that Isayama is a fan of Tomb Raider.
Not what I was expecting and wasn't expecting her to get a name. At least people can stop calling her Emma or those other dumbass meme names.
Cool. Next up: names for the Blouse kids, right? Right right?
I'm not kidding when I say I literally jumped up and screeched "SHE HAS A NAME!!!"
she didn't need it. she was the mysterious lady t. 
Lara was more lucky than Traute, who got more panels in the manga but her name was mentioned only in the guidebook. 
Still died
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Of all the shots in the preview, 45.1% of respondents were most looking forward to Levi’s staged attack on Zeke. 17% favored seeing Mikasa assist Eren, 15% were most looking forward to seeing Falco emerge from the basement to see the carnage outside. 10.1% were stoked to see Pieck enter the battlefield. The episode has aired as of the publishing of these poll results - we hope these scenes lived up to the hype (even though we guessed one wrong lol).
I enjoyed the episode very much. I felt that the CGI was handled fairly well given the time restraints. However, there were a few instances where it was a bit jarring like Eren eating Willy, Eren pulling the WHT's cord, Mikasa landing on Eren, and Jean climbing up on the roof. Also some of the CGI models looked a bit weird for the scouts. I'm hoping some of these issues can be improved on in the Blue-ray version. Overall, these issues were noticeable but didn't take too much away from my enjoyment of the episode.
As much as I don't like the CGI, episode was great.
Just that it was fantastic and I can't wait for the next one!
The music is top notch. I love it. Especially the new version of XL TT near the end
After re-visiting the trailer we got for this season, it's just....saddening. Everyone was wondering how Mappa was gonna animate AoT and after seeing that trailer, all that effort by the animators, I thought "it's in good hands!". Now that we're getting the episodes and it's underwhelming. I don't blame the Mappa animators at all and cgi is unavoidable at some moments. But whoever are the higher ups who said "animate this in the shortest amount of time" ARE the assholes. It's so upsetting for this anime and the workers of it to be brought down like this :'(
Continuing to enjoy the pictures on the page come to life in the anime.
It was pretty amazing, I was waiting for so long to see this part animated! Aaand I'm so happy I got to see again the scouts! (expecially Connie, my personal fav)
Erwin should had lived instead of Armin, so Erwin can nuke Marley dropping from a blimp
I really liked it! I don't understand all the critics about the animation. It looks really neat and smooth
the SC backlit in that final scene was sickkkkk
It was different from the manga, but all the differences just improved the storytelling and fleshed out the people in Marley. Well done, MAPPA!
I’m just grateful Mappa actually gives a shit about adapting the story properly. That alone makes this season a 9/10 for me cause that’s rare to see in the anime industry these days.
Gabi's voice acting was amazing this episode ! Also, it feels good to hear the ODM gear sound effect again. The CGI didn't keep me from enjoying the fight, we got awesome camera movements and good choreography, I'm very hopeful for next episode ! Also best boy Onyankopon might appear soon ?
I seriously do not know why people are complaining. It was amazing! Can't wait for the next episodes, it's going to be action-packed and intense!
I don't know if I liked the episode or not. I usually prefer manga so even episodes I like I prefer their manga versions but there is something in off with the episode and usually, Titans fight are more excited but this one Nah it was not at all. War hammer was great in animation it served a better understanding of its powers but the fight, in general, was like boring?? idk maybe because I am a manga reader so the titan power/character's introduction was not as thrilling as they were when I've read the chapters. anyways, there is still more of the attack on liberio in the next episode so I'll give my final thought when we conclude the arc
I really enjoyed and the CGI doesn't bother me.
I think the reason Attack Titan looks a bit off is it looks a bit thinner! Warhammer looks amazing because it's a true copy of the manga. If Attack Titan was a bit buff, I think nobody would have that much of a problem. Overall the chapter is amazing!
as much as i adored everything else i must admit... what is wrong with the character design? what happened to everyone's jaws?? i think jean, mikasa and pieck were the worst drawn. in the manga, they look flawless. 
I just hope we would get actual discussions in the sub instead of circle jerking or bitching about the cgi/ost etc.
The soundtrack was epic as hell
Mappa is doing a good job, with the little time they had. But sadly, they had the capacity to do way better and I will always regret this situation. And the Jojo memes on Mikasa are on point: in that specific panel, she looks ugly and unlike her cute face in the manga. For the rest of the episode, she's well portrayed
I think this episode is a taste of what is to come. It’s one thing to read still, silent pictures of complete devastation, and it’s another thing to hear the explosions, the screaming and crying. Seeing the blood painted red instead of black and white. When Eren rumbles the world, more people will realize how evil it is, how completely irredeemable. Less people will be #teameren once they get to see it in the anime. I can’t wait to see what MAPPA has in store.
So many nice details in the battle that weren’t there in the manga, the war hammer animation was particularly great
I feel bad complaining, but this was the first episode of the season that has disappointed me at all. Every other episode I feel has elevated the manga. I don't want (and never expected) to be that person, but the CGI, especially on the humans (WHY??) was so awkward it was distracting. We also lost a little bit of expressiveness from Eren, which is kind of a big deal when there's so little from him to begin with. 
Soundtrack was lit!!!!
It is what it is. But after I finished the episode I went back to watch the trailer and got sad that the season just isn't going to look like that. It's not bad by any means and I understand that these are people, not robots working on this with an extremely tight schedule. This entitled fanbase is super embarrassing with it's behavior and harassment of the people working on it. I kind of hope the final arc doesn't get animated now because these people don't deserve it. 
Awesome! I was a bit distracted how the pacing was, cutting a bit weirdly from one episode to another, but I really enjoyed it!
That closeup of Eren's Titan after he nom'd Willy is NUTS. 
It was emotionless and almost boring. The sound director keeps fucking up big time. I didnt feel anything close to the hype I felt watching the Armored/Colossal reveal animated. There were no exciting goosebumps, or tears. Nothing. Also the CGI was terrible. There were good things, but I expected much more for suck a climatic episode
It was a good episode after all, graphic was ok but i think that if they continued with the same titan 2d animation of first episodes and maybe changed a bit some sound it would have been waaay better. Still a good episode imho
The episode was very average. I'm not trying to complain, I know that the anime is mostly for anime-onlines, while we have a manga, but I expected better. I imagined the titan fight to be smooth, but in reality both - WHT and AT - moved like two, fat elephants. In the manga I felt that WHT was fast like a wind. In the anime Lara was slow, she looked like she had a hard time to even hold her hammer. The moment between Eren and Mikasa was disappointing. In the anime when Mikasa was upset about Eren's actions, he was completely unfeeling, while in the manga we see him being full of emotions and almost crying. I know he will turn into a cold bastard but MAPPA shouldn't dehumanize Eren so much now. I was surprised by Connie's glow up. MAPPA has done better job with him. In the manga he still looks like a kid, while MAPPA made him more mature-looking and masculine. That's good for underrated Connie. I'm grateful for the scene between Willy and his children. This way he feels more sympathetic and isn't ""just a guy who declared a war and was eaten by Eren"". 
I really like how the warriors and Marleyans seem to be getting a somewhat equal amount of screen time as the scouts have gotten after they've come into the picture. I hope this helps to make clear for the anime-onlies that understanding the experiences, emotions and the development of the other side is just as important as understanding those of the scouts/Paradis.
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 260: GOD IS A WOMAN
Previously on BnHA: Virtually all of the known pro heroes in existence split into two big groups (each with its own weenie hut junior subgroup) to launch a massive surprise attack on the League of Pliff. Endeavor’s group, in Jakku, stormed the hospital where Ujiko works, which amazingly seemed to catch him completely off guard, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile off in the woods somewhere, Midnight’s group (ostensibly this is Edgeshot’s group, but I call it like I see it guys) prepared to attack the villains’ main HQ at the Overlook Hotel, while my infant son Kaminari Denki complained too loudly about being stuck on the front lines. Meanwhile the rest of 1-A (sans Tokoyami) is either tucked away safe in the woods, or perched just outside of Jakku ready to begin the citizen evacuation. I suggest that everyone enjoy this brief period where the good guys appear to be safe and victorious while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: MIRUKO!!! Okay lol. A lot happens in this chapter. Aizawa uses his quirk on Ujiko, who immediately starts melting away into a crispy-fried old man because apparently this motherfucker had the immortality quirk all along. And then Mic and Aizawa yell at him, and the other doctors are all “pardon us but what the fuck” and the heroes are all “NO TIME TO TALK, HE’S EVIL” and then we find out that Ujiko is a fucking Twice clone, so that’s just great. And the real Ujiko is of course down in the basement, along with LORD EVEN KNOWS HOW MANY HIGH END NOUMUS, and for a moment it honest to god looks like we’re screwed. But then MIRUKO, YOUR NEW FAVORITE CHARACTER, KICKS DOWN ALL THE FREAKING DOORS AND FLATTENS POOR JOHN-KUN AND IS ALL “BOOM, YOU LOOKING FOR THIS?”, and let me tell you guys, FOR A MOMENT I SAW TRUTH. Anyway so next chapter she’s probably going to have to fight zombie Jeanist or something, but for now? Life is good. REMEMBER THIS DAY.
so just like last week, before I get started I’m gonna do a quick follow-up on chapter 259. really, Viz’s version wasn’t all that different from the fan scanlation this time around, so this will mostly just be reactions to things I didn’t notice and that other people pointed out
first off, a couple people mentioned that the thing Mic is holding up appears to be some kind of throat spray. which seems to track, so I’ll just say again that I have a very morbid curiosity about whether or not Mic could actually kill someone with his quirk. and this curiosity has only intensified since my google search
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so yeah. will we ever get to see something like this?? STAY TUNED
also, I got a couple of conflicting answers about Naomasa’s quirk. someone said his quirk was lie-detecting, but another person said that’s actually his sister’s (LOL I HAD NO IDEA THERE WAS A NAOSIS, I REALLY SHOULD JUST READ VIGILANTES) quirk. and I never actually followed up on that lol sooooo. let me just do that real quick
okay so he doesn’t have a quirk listed on the wiki, but it says that his codename (??) is “True Man.” so that does seem to imply that his quirk is similar if not identical to his sister’s quirk, which is indeed a truth quirk (Polygraph). although the “she can’t detect a lie if the person is relaxed” seems to call this ability into doubt a bit. still pretty powerful though I guess
moving on now, last but not least let’s discuss the most relevant and controversial thing that happened this past week. (incidentally, I added an ETA about this to the previous chapter recap a couple hours after I first posted it, so in case you don’t what the asks below are referring to, it’s that.)
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so... I have mixed feelings about this. thing is, after reading up on it, it seems like the fans who were most upset were those from China, Korea, etc., which is actually completely understandable given the historical context. Japan doesn’t exactly have a great track record with being sensitive about all of the horrific shit their military got up to during WWII, so while I still believe that Horikoshi wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, I can understand them not being inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt
that being said, I keep thinking about this tweet by aitaikimochi:
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and despite what Horikoshi said in his apology tweets (about how he didn’t intend for the name to be associated with that particular historical connection), I still can’t help but think that he absolutely did intend to reference Unit 731, with the intent of (a) linking it to this vile, disgusting piece of shit character as a commentary, and (b) perhaps subtly pushing some of his Japanese readers who have never heard about this particular part of history to learn more about it. like, I know he offered up some dubious explanation about it being a reference to Ujiko’s rotund nature, but that seems really iffy to me tbh. that’s one hell of a coincidence if that’s really the case. idk
and you know what else -- and here’s where I’m really whipping out the conspiracy goggles -- I also can’t help but suspect that the decision to go back and change the name in the volume release is coming more from Shueisha (who I half-suspect weren’t themselves aware of the “maruta” name association until this blew up) than from him. because unfortunately this seems to be the standard Japanese PR response any time this subject comes up -- offer a vague statement of regret, and immediately proceed to wipe any mention of the subject from existence. because god forbid people actually talk about this or acknowledge that it happened
and so ultimately, while I do empathize with those who were upset by the name, I think it’s unfortunate that this is just getting swept back under the rug so quickly and will no doubt be forgotten about within a couple of months, because my gut feeling is that Shueisha was ultimately more concerned about what their Japanese readership might think about the controversy than what the Chinese and Korean fans thought. I could be wrong about that, and maybe also giving Horikoshi too much benefit of the doubt, but meh :/
anyway! so now that we’ve gotten that topic out of the way, let’s see how many pages it will take before the heroes finally realize just how much of an “oh fuck” situation they’ve gotten themselves into!
so the cover page is Hawks and Endeavor, but more importantly (to me), it establishes that this is indeed a hotel/resort and not a mansion, as the readheroaca team randomly translated it as last week. like does that look like any mansion you’ve ever seen. come on now
anyway so now my question is what happens if someone actually tries to stay at this hotel. do they just book that shit on trivago and enjoy a week up in the mountains surrounded by very strange but seemingly nice people, and just never suspect a thing? like, Gigantomachia lives in the basement here. I’m just saying. how dense can these hypothetical travelers be
also the hotel is apparently 80km from the hospital, or about 50 miles for us troglodytes who still use the imperial system. so pretty safe to say neither team will be able to provide backup to the other in this case. I will try not to think about this
so now Ujiko, the man without a name, is screaming while Endeavor and his group just STAND THERE LIKE TWENTY FEET AWAY. what the fuck
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I swear to god he looked so much closer in the previous chapter. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING. HE’S GOT NOUMUS IN THE BASEMENT!! CAN YOU FUCKING ARREST HIS ASS ALREADY
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what are the odds that the next panel features Aizawa Shouta looking more pissed off than we’ve ever seen him. oh my god. it’s probably going to be hot af. I’m not sure I’m ready
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that is more or less the opposite of hot af. Horikoshi why you gotta do me like that
well well WELL!
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you mean to say Mr. Innocent Quirkless Philanthropist isn’t actually quirkless?? even though he wasn’t actually innocent?? and he wasn’t actually a philanthropist either?? well I am just SHOCKED. who saw this coming. how could this happen
also for real this is creeping me the fuck out though
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it does make sense though. I just can’t picture AFO entrusting so much of his operation to this dude if he actually was quirkless. because he’d view someone without a quirk as being lesser/inferior. so Ujiko almost had to have something up his sleeve. although it’s possible he could have been granted a quirk, rather than being born with one I suppose
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(ETA: and does this mean that if Aizawa ever visits AFO and uses his quirk on him, AFO will also instantly age like 200 fucking years? could that actually kill him?)
duuuuude. Nao’s speculating about whether the Noumus’ regeneration ability actually stems from this quirk. ...but that can’t be the case, can it? otherwise AFO would have been able to heal his injuries from the battle with All Might. we know for a fact he’s known Ujiko for at least 15 years. but still, either way it’s still one hell of a powerful quirk
which now seems to be unraveling before our very eyes. uh...
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anyone else getting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade vibes? “he chose... poorly”
oh MY GOD!!
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do it Mic do it do it do it
oh my god. well he’s not killing him with his voice, but instead this is happening
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nooo Mic. I need you to be less anguished and more murdery. I don’t want feels yet!! goddammit
I mean it’s not asking for too much, is it? I just want a teensy little bit of satisfaction before the shit hits the fan. just torture him a little bit. just a little!
oh hey some doctors are intervening because the heroes look like psychopaths right now
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s2g if one of these fuckers gets in between Ujiko and Aizawa’s line of sight and he fucking gets away -- !! oh my god. I can’t fucking take this. ffdffjjjk I’m so anxious you guys, I could never be a hero the stress is too much
so instead of explaining it to these rightfully concerned people, the heroes are just pushing them aside and telling them to stand back. and like, on the one hand I get it. they’re on the clock, they have to eliminate John-kun before the hotel villains get wind of the attack, and they don’t have time to explain an entire series’s worth of backstory to everyone who asks about it. but on the other hand, I also just want them to shout “HE EXPERIMENTED ON CHILDREN AND CORPSES AND CREATED THE NOUMUS!” or something. just so they know. I need them to know goddammit
but at least the patients seem to all be pretty chill about it lmao
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-- holy shit. okay, three things
that panel with them moving the beds is my favorite
the panel with Tora holding this one guy who’s suddenly IN LOVE is also my favorite. oh man. Tora you are the manliest
combat with the WHAT DID YOU SAY NOW
so they knew?? well that sure fucking explains why Endeavor made the executive decision to keep his son and the other kids as far away as possible. but also, what? so like they must not realize that there are more high ends, then. right? or else they surely would not be so casual about this
holy shit?!
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just how thorough was this investigation?? I really need to stop underestimating the heroes huh. should have learned my lesson after Kamino. these guys do their homework. it’s just that there’s always some one last thing that they failed to account for
so what is it going to be then in this case? Tomura is the one controlling them now? shitttttt
oh god. yeah, Miruko’s just casually kicking down the mortuary door and she’s all “we know who’s controlling them!” so I assume they believe that it’s Ujiko. which is honestly what I myself assumed up until about ten seconds ago, so fair enough
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hot. a. f. just like I said. excuse me sir but there are laws against smoking in a hospital. because you’re smoking. get it. ...it’s because you’re hot. ...yes sir I’m sorry sir I will stop now
so Ujiko is sobbing and screaming “let me go!!” and okay but where is Present Mic? do you see, Mic. this is what I wanted, okay. but it’s all right, I understand that you were upset
ohhhhhhhhhh ffffuuuu
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Endeavor with a worried look and lots of dots followed by an exclamation point, and then a closeup of Ujiko’s mouth looking surprisingly sinister as he reiterates for them to let him go. I’M SURE THIS IS ALL FINE. WE’RE ALL FINE. THAT’S OKAY HORIKOSHI, YOU CAN END THE CHAPTER HERE, IT’S GOOD. WE GOT LIKE WHAT, EIGHT PAGES? THAT’S PLENTY, REALLY
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jesus christ. Miruko does the exact same thing as Katsuki where she sees a wall and she’s all “FUCK YEAH.” goddamn. it honest to god gave me a boost of confidence even as I watched her announce that THE NOUMU ARE DOING THE EXACT FUCKING THING SHE JUST SAID THAT THEY WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO DO
and also that is 100% a black Noumu there on the right side. so confirmed, the big guns are here too
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but nice save, Aizawa!! I personally would not have had such quick reflexes upon being confronted by a giant monster lunging out of the floor to stick out its multipronged DRILL TONGUE WHICH IS ALSO ITS BRAIN, haha. can someone please check on Horikoshi to make sure he is doing all right. I have some concerns about the mind that drew this
holy shit the drill tongue Noumu is actually drilling into Ujiko. like there’s blood and stuff
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(ETA: well it turned out not to matter BUT STILL.)
lmao Endeavor looks so fucking mad
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...aaaaaand this is happening
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lol. good job @blessedgirthma​ you called it. it’s a clone! hahaha, fuck
and so the bad man lives to see another day. bets on who will eventually be the one to take him out? just remember how long that list is. lots of enemies, Ujiko. you’ll get yours
but right now I guess we have some other things to worry about
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by the way we best pray to god that it was Twice who made that clone and not Ujiko himself, because if Ujiko has managed to replicate that ability on top of everything else, we can truly kiss the world goodbye
but anyway! so that’s Noumu!Tomura confirmed then, in my book. and there are the 11! does this mean they’re not at the hospital?? all I know is they had better not be out on the outskirts of the city where my babies are
also is Ujiko talking to himself here. it almost seems like his words are coming out of the clone’s mouth. but Twice doesn’t have that kind of clone puppeteering ability. so then who is this guy bragging to. -- oh my god can he see us
lmao he’s plopping into his science chair and zooming halfway across the room
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don’t misunderstand me though, one panel of being super relatable does not make up for a lifetime of horrific and nauseating crimes
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there is at least one more row than I recall seeing in that previous chapter way back when. so even more high ends. in addition to the 12 (11 considering Endeavor subsequently fried one) we previously saw
and also I just realized, he did say “this” hospital. meaning he is still in the basement? so these guys are still right under their noses, then? oh god oh god so much to process and all of it is terrible god
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holy shit. you guys. what the fuck. the hell was All Might thinking going to U.A. to pick a student successor when Miruko was right fucking there. like I’m just saying??
and also, fuck me he is getting away
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lmao and that’s the end of the chapter. holy shit. all I need is for her to say “I am here!” and I’m set. I leave it in your capable hands. why was she not in charge to begin with. number five hero my ass!! smdh for real though guys lol
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derangedroyalfae · 3 years
Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 10:00pm
{mostly taken from a conversation with my best friend, Jem - there were some bits that I thought were worded well}
Royal (2:26 PM): Sometimes I think about taking antidepressants again if only to numb the pain. And then I remember how it made me too numb and to everything, so then I think about drinking or doing edibles, but then it still sounds awful and could possibly amplify those feelings (as alcohol usually does make me feel more upset). And that’s sometimes why self-harm becomes a substitute, because it ether distracts from those feelings or even makes you feel like your receiving punishment for whatever you’re upset about. But I know self-harm turns into a loop of guilt and shame and worrying about worrying others.
Jem (2:27 PM): I haven't heard the same about edibles that I hear about alcohol
Or marijuana in general I suppose
Royal (2:28 PM): Weed scares me. Like I’m worried I’ll have a reaction because whenever people smoke or cook it around me, I get super sick feeling. I also know Kitty had a bad reaction to edibles, like gave her ultra anxiety and hallucinations or something like that.
Jem (2:29 PM): Ah, gotcha I myself am allergic so I can't say I've tried it myself either
Royal (2:29 PM): I think I might be allergic and I don’t wanna find out the hard way
When people smoke/cook it around me, I get nauseous and a headache
Jem (2:32 PM): Yeah, I used to have two roommates that both smoked weed in our tiny apartment I used to have near constant headache until I moved out the next year
Royal (2:33 PM): I wish I could just remove those negative feelings I have: anger, sadness, jealousy, dysphoria, etc Put them somewhere far away so I wouldn’t have to deal with them, and wouldn’t have to hurt others because of them
(I tend to use dysphoria for myself as an in general term, not just with gender dysphoria, btw)
Jem (2:34 PM): Aah, yeah, I get you
Royal (2:38 PM): But even though I’m scared I’ll have a bad reaction, I’m mighty tempted to ask Hummingbird if I can try one of her edible gummies rn...
Jem (2:41 PM): I wonder if there's a way to try it in a safe/monitored way
Royal (2:41 PM): Well, if I do just one gummy
With their supervision
So if I have a bad reaction, they can watch over me or drive me to the urgent care
I love how it’s called urgent care but usually has like an hour or longer wait
Jem (2:43 PM): Ah yeah, that'd be the best way to do it Keep the phone handy too
Royal (2:45 PM): Hey, at the very least, doesn’t look like it has any interactions with my cholesterol medication
Jem (2:46 PM): That's good to know
Royal (2:50 PM): I don’t think I’ll actually follow through with it or anything, just my mind thinking of solutions
I’m feeling calmer now anyway
For now
{And then proceeded to draw this (it’s an idea I’ve had this idea for a long time now, especially since the first time I experienced extreme jealousy with Capy, but never had the courage to follow through since I’ve never done inking and rarely traditional colour, but I finally worked up the motivation to try, and honestly, it’s perfect timing as it was therapeutic to draw)}:
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Royal (8:09 PM): Random question, I’m curious your thoughts on this: do you think it’s insensitive to joke about getting with other people when you’re in a relationship, especially/at least in front of your partner (at least if the two of you haven’t established a non-monogamous relationship), and even more so if you know your partner is dealing with jealousy issues?
Jem (8:12 PM): I’d think so, yeah
It's definitely odd
Unless it's like, I donno, a celebrity or something
But even then, it'd make me wonder why someone would say that if they knew already their partner was having issues
Royal (8:12 PM): Like someone they know/knew or met in the past, but 100% out of the picture now
So it’s def not a celeb
Jem (8:14 PM): Yeah then even without the jealousy issues, unless that's some sort of pre-established shared humor, it's kinda weird
Royal (8:15 PM): K, I was curious what you’d think
I agree with that too, it just feels really insensitive, at least if you’re monogamous
{Whilst I never told Jem what it was about, it has to do with something similar that had happened earlier today - though I am not technically in a monogamous relationship, so the above can’t fully apply to me. But to explain this better, I’ll have to jump back to something that happened in December 2020.
Capybara had told me about how there was this really attractive lecturer he met in the past whom if I remember correctly, spoke Greek, so his friend got him a Greek dictionary to help him try to impress her, but he never really ran into her again. I had made a comment that you know, guess it worked out for the better because then we would have never become a thing should he have actually succeeded in getting with her. And he made a joke that wasn’t the case or a joke that brushed off what I said as almost nothing. I knew he was joking, but it was kinda a really emotional time for everyone and I’m still even to this day working through my newfound romantic/sexual jealousy issues, so I took it kinda harsh at first and then eventually told him that same night how that kinda made me feel shitty.
Well, today, we were gaming with one of his friends (super great, hardworking, and nice lad) that we often play Sea of Thieves with and it turns out that was the same friend who got him the Greek dictionary, so it somehow got brought up in conversation…and just…they were joking that Capybara was Odysseus and this other woman was Odysseus’s wife and they’d find each other again one day. I can’t remember which character they assigned the friend but they were saying I could be one of the gods, and I’ll be honest, didn’t handle that situation the best, so I made a off hand comment of something like, “Guess I can be Athena or Aphrodite since they’re the jealous types, guess that works pretty well.” Don’t know if they picked up the hint. I don’t know if they were at all thinking about how this was something awkward for me, cuz I’m pretty sure the friend is aware that I’m dating Capy and is supposed to assume we’re monogamous as Capybara doesn’t really feel comfortable letting his friends or family know I have other partners. It just also happened to be a sore topic for me, cuz when Capy made that joke, even though I knew it was nothing more than a joke, it made me feel like nothing and replaceable, which I already see myself as.
Just to kinda let Capybara know that I’d prefer the topic to be dropped, I messaged him privately: “So I just remembered, it was you talking about that Greek dictionary thing to impress that girl and making a joke that like, meeting me wasn’t for the better cuz she’s still out there that kinda made me feel like shit even though it was a joke”
To which he responded with: “she's a lecturer my dude 😂 she's like in her 40's - don't worry”
And I replied with: “No I know, but it was more of the joke that followed that rubbed me wrong. At the time”
And he just sent these two emoji’s in response: 😧 😕
Immediately after our messages, as we had still been playing, he went dead silent and so I noticed this (not sure if the friend did at first) and I at first just tried to silently apologize in DM, cuz I hadn’t meant to upset him, but he still remained silent. So shortly after, I asked if we should call it quits even though it was early. I felt so guilty and I immediately sent him more apology messages and even an apology voice memo, but I assumed he turned his phone off by that point.
Once again, my jealousy got the best of me and I hurt the person I love most in the world and made a fun time involving friends go awkward. I was having a good early afternoon/late morning with him at first, and then I ruined it because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and my jealousy under control. I’m such an asshole.}
Royal (8:22 PM): Off topic, but still on the issue of jealousy, I feel like when I have jealousy issues myself at the point I’m at, it’s like a double headed snake due to me being in a polyamorous relationship - one head are just the pre-established toxic/venomous things that come with jealousy and the other head is the guilt and shame of feeling I have no right to be jealous when I have two other partners myself thus making me feel hypocritical (and being ignorant of any potential jealousy from other partners)
It feels like those two snake heads could eat me alive with just a few bites each if I let them in
It’s such a viscous cycle and honestly, the basic head of jealousy is enough of a problem that turns my stomach, but the second head just makes me want to surrender to the earth
Jem (8:28 PM): I get you It's a lot
Emotions are hard
Royal (8:28 PM): Especially when they revolve around something or someone you already have such an emotional attachment with
And then those feelings, like feelings of jealousy, only end up making you hurt the ones you love
Making them feel guilty or annoyed or like you don’t trust them or something
Jem (8:31 PM): Tbh, as someone who generally struggles with a lot of jealousy type issues, I get that (not necessarily romantic jealousy even, but just there's undercurrents of it that are always there and present in every relationship)
I don't think it's something that can ever be fully dealt with and just I guess has to be accepted and worked around At least for me
Royal (8:33 PM): And it makes you wonder if you truly care for those if you’re so easily jealous of them, since they tell you that shouldn’t feel that way if you really love someone, that you should be able to love them blindly and trust them, and it’s not like I don’t trust, but I feel so easily discardable by those who I could never even fathom of turning my back on
Royal (8:34 PM): Honestly, I’ve even felt some jealousy toward you in the past - not romantically - but it was something I worked on
Jem (8:34 PM): What if I were to say same though haha
Royal (8:34 PM): You seemed to be doing so well with you VN and you picked up art so fast
Jem (8:35): Aah for me it's always revolving around
My need for attention tbh
Royal (8:35 PM): But I told myself, “you just need to keep trying. Feeling negatively toward someone success is selfish and gets you nowhere. Improve yourself and you can also feel that success. He’s not succeeding to hurt you in anyway - you should be happy for him.”
Or like, probably not those exact words, but ya know, that idea
Royal (8:36 PM): Yeah, I understand that too, especially growing up in a family of 6
That kinda happened the other day with Kitty (whom at this point my feelings are pretty platonic) - for over a week now I’ve been telling the girls about a game (For the King) I’ve been interested in playing with them, and the other day, Hummingbird went on a social distancing date with Crystal, so I asked Kitty if she’d like to play with me since it’d be just the two of us and she agreed. However, she had a headache, so we thought it’d be best if she napped first and if she felt better later on then we could play. When she woke up, Lapis hit her up for some gaming and Kitty decided to game with her instead and forgot she agreed to game with me...
Jem (8:41 PM): Ah, that kinda thing really sticks with me
Royal (8:41 PM): And so I’m just getting to a point where I feel like I should just stop asking them if they wanna game with me, because it’s not the first time something like this has happened (at least they don’t follow through, not a matter of them deciding to do something with someone else)
Like, I made the Murder Beans server so Capybara and Kitty (and Hummingbird if she ever decided to get Among Us) could game with my friends in the CSR Creations server, and that was back in fall...the girls never joined a game even when showing express interest and saying they would
Kitty also once went and bought Lapis like the whole Halo Master Chief Collection for Lapis cuz she was broke and wanted it, and the proceeded to play it with her and Hummingbird...and like...I also would have liked to have played Halo with them if given the opportunity, but I was never asked
Sheezus, don’t even get me started in my family and how invisible they made me feel
But yeah, I’m at a point with the girls that I don’t think it’s even worth bothering to ask anymore, at least about gaming
Hummingbird’s confusion and migraines are also coming back, so she has a legit medical excuse and I can’t really bother her about it
Jem (8:48 PM): I get you, yeah
All of those things would really bother me too They have in the past
I remember when I first joined UCSD, I started hanging out often with the girls that lived around me in the dorms And we all started watching Orphan Black together
And then I literally had no idea when they finished the show because after the first couple sessions they forgot to invite me
Royal (8:51 PM): Oof, yeah, that’d bother me too, or at least tell me how they felt about me in my mind
I don’t think with my jealousy, it’s a matter of not trusting my partner or friends or whomever, it’s just a matter of feeling such low self-worth that I feel easy to discard, and when I get brushed to the side or have someone joking along the lines as how dating me wasn’t for the better when someone else is out there, it furthers those feelings I have about myself, those feelings of self-worth and how I’m replaceable or not worth shit
Jem (8:54 PM): I get you I know mine stems from feeling forgettable
Royal (8:54 PM): I know I’m an annoying person, I know I can be a lot and emotionally draining, I know I can be hypersensitive - so I know it feels like it’d be better to be rid of that sort of force if you can find someone better who doesn’t make you feel the way I’d do
(In response to feeling forgettable) Yeah
If you remove the fun hair, piercings, and tattoo, I’m actually quite a boring person
And I’m quite isolated. If you don’t include my partners, there’s only really two people who come to mind that I’d consider close friends that I can talk to: you and someone else (you’ve never met her)
I’m getting to a point where I have a hard time talking to the girls due to the guilt I feel about me more or less wanting to be platonic with them, and then Hummingbird is constantly having a medical crisis and I’d feel bad burdening her further
So really, I’m isolated down to two people, primarily you, + Capybara, and yeah, that’s my own fault
I feel easily exhausted by my other options at this point, where I feel like I can only take Candy in small doses (which feels really hypocritical of me) and my other VA friends or gaming friends, I don’t know if I’m close enough to have those kinds of conversations with, especially the VA friends since I tend to be their boss
For the most part, the other people I’d sometimes talk about these issues with are on servers that are primarily dead, so it feels awkward to hop back in only to bitch about my life
Besides, I hate seeming like I’m only spewing forth toxicity and negative emotions over and over again
Which I worry I do too much with you as is
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theghostbeaters · 4 years
my timeline of thoughts during my tlou 2 play through (bad and good and maybe even some silly) just let me vent because i can’t stop thinking about it tbh
- i was away from the internet for months because i didn’t want to be spoiled for anything, so when i started to play i had only the deceitful trailers to go by
- the beginning felt pretty normal for the last of us. they started you in the town and then on patrol for your hour of tutorial basically. i also remember thinking the recap of the first game was so nice because i liked seeing their younger selves in the new graphics
- abby was introduced, and like i said i had no clue what was going on because i had not been spoiled so my mind was going a mile a minute on wtf abby and co. were up to. when they spotted jackson my initial thought was maybe they do want joel and they will be the main antagonists? joel and ellie will have to fight them??? but because of the trailers, death of any sort wasn’t on my mind.
- i also had a very odd and pure hatred for owen’s voice, lol. i don’t know what it was but omg from the moment he spoke till his last breath i would always be like “why is he speaking like that??” in the back of my head.
- that scene happened. i’m a crier i’ll admit, but this was something else. I felt shocked, nauseous, numb. I don’t think I actually even cried till I saw the tombstone i was so taken aback by the way they went about this. I don’t care if they are fictional characters. It has been 7 years since the first game came out and almost 5 years that they released the first trailer for part 2. I did not wait this long, excited to see two of the most important characters to me in such realistic graphics get their fucking head caved in. at the very very least a fade to black and then to the tombstone would have gotten the same reaction you wanted from me, but it would have been done in a way less cruel way.
- i took about a 3 hour break. i could not get that image out of my head and it was really starting to upset me more then any media should. i don’t care or want to hear about any walking dead or apocalypse setting trope. it will never be edgy, deep, or meaningful to kill a favorite character in that manner. I want to state that again. In that manner. If they had killed joel in a more tactful way I could have possibly liked the game more.
-i remember thinking it felt forced. like the creators wanted this narrative so badly they seemed to go through hoops and hurdles to get there. there was a random horde that seemed to disappear as quick as it came, abby just gets lucky and has joel and tommy save her and then they go straight to the lions den? would joel from the first game be so quick to do that? Wait was she 100% sure just from two peoples names this was the guy she wanted? Ellie gets there just in time to see the final blow and then the others only get there just in time to miss everything and not be able to help? Whats going on??? This feels too structured and not genuine?? 
- going into his house was just as painful. i’m sorry but i’m going to bring this back up a lot-  if they would had just killed him in a more tactful manner i would have praised the way these little scenes were done. grabbing his watch, ellie smelling his clothes, seeing the pictures of sara and ellie, looking at his workshop and seeing how well he can carve! I couldn’t appreciate it the way I wanted to because I couldn’t get that image out of my head. i was literally bawling the entire time. 
+so the first scene was set: ellie wanted to go to seattle for revenge, dina was going to go with her, and tommy had already left. I remember having two thoughts here
  +“please tell me its going to be more then ellie just going on a revenge spree and then at the end she doesn’t kill abby because morals / murder is bad / not everything is black and white kind of tropes.” 
  +and “i have a wild feeling tommys gonna be like the only person that makes it out alive. he did it in the first game somehow hes gonna weasel his way free in this one.”
+the graphics are amazing the sceneries are some of the most beautiful i have seen in a game. and it didn’t stop there. every area was amazing. I think most can agree to this. 
+i was determined, no matter what else the game threw at me i was going to see it through to the end and try very hard to visualize it the way the creators wanted it to be visualized. even if i didn’t agree or didn’t like parts, i figured hey the first game was so good this has to revive itself.
+i really liked the gameplay, it was a finer tuned version of the first game. i also liked the idea of the map and how it actively showed you different locations and crossed them out when you were done. but in the back of my head i was thinking “wow this would have all been so neat in the first game”. I shouldn’t be thinking about the first game. I should be enjoying this one.
+i was getting concerned none of the new characters were getting as much character development and love as some of the characters in the first one. I liked dina a lot, and by the very end of the game she did feel pretty rounded out (i especially liked her in the farm segment)  but the beginning and middle seemed almost more focused on “this is ellies girlfriend” instead of “this is dina”. I felt the same with jesse. I liked him but nothing stood out as much as it could and should have. I got more from tess in the short amount of time she was in the first game.
+there were certain segments that felt way more horror like and scary then in the first game and I loved them a lot. The new enemy (shambler) was cool and the settings where they used red lighting looked amazing. I also really loved the new take on stalkers. They were way harder to find and I found myself on edge to get jumped by one during those sections. They funny enough reminded me of dead space stalkers and i thought they were an improvement from the first games.
+at this point i pretty much understood what the creators were going for plot wise, but i personally just didn’t think it was needed. 1) i’m confident the majority of hardcore last of us fans already understand the concept of how every character can be good and bad and that not everything is black and white. we didn’t need to see one beloved character die horribly and the other be in that much pain and lose herself to understand that. 2) did we not pretty much already cover this concept in the first game? but....better? you remember...the ending?
+ of course I enjoyed them. its what i needed from a sequel. its what the whole game should have been, at least for me personally. the birthday flashback was the highlight of the entire game. i needed it so badly after the mind numbing, emotionally exhausting, weird out of place plot was putting me through. I was glad to finally see how ellie felt about the ending of the first game. but trying to crunch all that in 4 cutscenes? I just don’t feel like it was enough. you basically gave me one scene per year of joel and ellies relationship and you felt like that was enough to let me digest almost 5 years they spent in jackson?
+call me an optimist or maybe just stupid i’m not sure but when it rolled over and said “hey take over and check out the life of joel’s killer” my first thought was okay so i was right they want a “”nothing is black and white”” narrative but maybe doing it this way will be new and fresh? I can get through this and enjoy it? .... Its just not a fully possible reality and how could it be? had it been the first game in the series maybe it would had worked, but of course no matter how hard I tried I just felt disassociated from abby because I was already close to joel and ellie. I understood her reasons. I understood the narrative you were going for. I understood the damn parallels. I’m not an evil person that would just laugh about what happened to her dad, but how can you not understand as writers that a huge majority might be able to understand it, but still won’t be able to enjoy it. It felt so pushed and shoved into my face that I couldn’t enjoy it if i wanted to because the game just kept screaming “LOOK AT THE PARALLELS THO!!!”
+abbys dad seemed forced and out of place too. when abby and co. first killed joel i didn’t even think fireflies tbh. I thought it was something he did before he met ellie, or something he did during the 5 years in jackson. like yeah i got it, its not the worse backstory in the world but when put in context to the first game it just doesn’t make sense to me to use as the narrative you want to portray in the second game. maybe i’m nitpicking here but from all the personal notes and all the tapes you can read and listen to about the fireflies in the first game it makes it hard to believe the majority of fans would care for the second games narrative at all. they already made their decisions. it at the very least just seems like bad salesmanship? but maybe they already knew that and thats why the trailers were all lies? (just my thoughts at the time remember) 
+and oh god was the character development even worse for abbys friends. at least they tried to give abby a rounded character development that mirrored ellies but if you think ellies friends barely got character development, abbys friends got almost zero. I didn’t care about a single one. they felt so flimsy and husk like. “this is the boy she likes” “this is a medic friend” “this guy likes sex alot” “this is dog, so of course you like dog”
+I mean its great everyone was able to be so different. abby is muscular, ellie is a lesbian, there were many poc, dina is jewish, they brought in a trans character....but how can i enjoy any of it when more than half of these characters felt put in just to be there instead of well rounded characters you can appreciate for good or bad?
+the sex scene with her and owen was the scene where i personally felt myself giving up. it felt so much like this game wanted to be an HBO classic instead of just a video game that i felt myself detaching even more. (also whats up with owens voice??? lol)
+GROUND ZERO was a very good chapter. That shit was spooky in all the good ways, it felt a lot like dead space with the plastic everywhere, THE BIG ASS MONSTER HAD ME ON MY KNEES. The chase scene up to the actual boss fight was A+. Here is the one catch though - I forgot I was playing as abby. It felt more like just playing first person. Not a character at all. I don’t think that is how you want your game to be played, and no it wasn’t my intention. 
+I wish yara and lev had gotten more screen time. the game was so focused on the abby vs ellie thing and shoving it down your throat that most the side characters got washed out, these two included. Their story was interesting and it would had been nice to see more of them instead of whatever the weird love triangle abby had going on with her two friends I couldn’t care less about. (i stg chances were given, but as i previously stated they felt more like husks of characters then fully rounded ones.)
+getting hunted by tommy was actually a pretty cool highlight of the game for me. and even for a narrative i didn’t personally like it was a good idea to do! it reminded me of the sniper section (but holy hell tommys a better shot lol) and david’s hide and seek section in the first game which i thought was very well done. 
+this is when i went “oh maybe i was wrong, tommys gonna die. i give him a 20% chance of survival now that abby saw his face
+why in the all out hell would you ever think it would be a good idea to tell the player to go after ellie? no matter what narrative? lmao. I died here the most literally for the soul fact i was scared there might be some kind of choice so i wouldn’t mash QTEs as fast as i normally would. and when i found out no, you just gotta power through it i literally found myself going through this 10 minute segment going “but i don’t want to do this”, “i really dont want to do this”, “do i have to do this?” “why do i gotta do this?” and yes i still understood your narrative but it doesn’t matter. it was just awkward. 
+This is where personally I would have put the cali segment if I really wanted to go with a narrative I still say didn’t need to happen because we already went through it in the first game, and then the happy farm bit at the end. 
+i felt the game was going on too long and i was literally screaming at my screen to just end my suffering when i realized there was more after seattle. adding the extra PTSD scene just felt like an added fuck you towards the fans. I said it once, I’ll say it 1000x that scene with joel was seared into my brain already. I didn’t need that literal jumpscare. I already knew what ellie was going through dammit I was going through it with her! Let the girl and me for that matter have a bit of happiness after what you put us through!
+holy hell tommy fucking lived. he fucking lived. that mother fucker. hes the new telltales kenny. 
+I said previously this section should have some how been merged into the seattle ending. I couldn’t tell you how honestly, but keeping it dragging like they did was so emotionally draining. it didn’t give me any feeling but more sadness and torment for a favorite character that didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. ellie looked so skinny and sad here. and i feel like it was what the creators were going for? because abby ended up looking just as sad looking. The ending fight was so sad and pathetic. I felt bad for both of them and that is what the creators wanted right? but at what cost? most of your fans, if they even managed to play this far, so emotionally drained and tired that they end up hating the game or not wanting to play it again? 
+so how do i feel now that i finished it? overall there were more cons than pros for me. as i said numerous times before this narrative is not new, this narrative was not needed. this narrative definitely shouldn’t have been lied about through trailers. this narrative was basically done better in the first game anyways. the ending did not give me “sad but hopeful”. it just left me empty and depressed. I don’t see myself playing this game ever again. 
+If anyone was able to enjoy it I’m truly happy you were able to and these were all just my personal thoughts and opinions while playing the game. I don’t hate anyone that liked it, I don’t even hate abby. I just personally hate they wrote a narrative that felt so forced down your throat in all the wrong ways. I hate that I wasn’t ready for that joel scene because it still hurts to think about. I hate thinking about how sad ellie looked and how they were both treated. It just wasn’t healthy for me tbh is the best way I can put it. 
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So, Star Trek: Picard - here is my late review of this season as a whole. Spoilers for the whole season under the cut.
   When this show was announced, i remember feeling pretty excited. Not for the expected reason. I mean, I was excited to get to see Picard again because he is a favorite character, but what I was most excited for was to finally see a Star Trek show going to the future again after so long.
   Don’t get me wrong, I do love Enterprise and Discovery, and I don’t even mind the AOS films too much. I truly do. I think they’re very much Star Trek at heart, they’re good shows full of lovable characters and I do adore them, but for ages now I have been wanting to see something set in the Trek universe going to the future, and Star Trek: Picard finally did it.
    Certainly not the way I imagined it going, but I have no problems of the direction it went.
    The last tidbit of information that we had about the Trek universe in the future came from the AOS films saying that Romulus was destroyed. I never particulary enjoyed the idea of having Romulus destroyed in Primeverse and I especially dislike the notion of Vulcan destroyed in the Kelvin Timeline, but tbh? I’m glad Picard made a Big Deal of it. That Romulus being destroyed was something huge and that it had an impact not only for Romulans, but for whole quadrant, for the Federation.
    I think the Federation becoming something more corrupt is quite in character for what we have seen in the previous season. The Federation always had the... potential to do so, and despite what many people say, all Trek shows, even TOS, flirted with this idea.
   it makes a lot of sense and it always did, because the Federation is an institution, and like all institutions it needs to be constantly checked to see it it hasn’t become a parody of itself along the way.
    After the Borg invasion, after the Dominion war, I think is quite in character for the Federation to be wary, to not be eager to offer help to someone who was more often than not an enemy. Even more in character of Picard to be incensed by the idea of not helping a people losing their entire planet.
    Even more in character of Picard to, seeing this and seeing the synth ban, leave the Federation in a failed bluff to get his way, but still being stubborn enough and loyal enough  to his principles to not return to them after the bluff failed, and to say, decades later, that they were indeed wrong.
     so, this is the background of the action - a future where Romulans are essentially refugees, unwanted refugees, not unlike the xBS in Hugh’s cube, where the Federation is very cinical and cold, unwilling to trust so easily, and Picard is an old man, haunted by the loss of a dear friend, and that’s where the heart of this shows lives.
    Emotionally speaking, the heart of Star Trek: Picard is all about Data. All about Data and Picard, how much Picard loved Data, treasured him as a friend, never voiced it and spent twenty years mourning Data without properly dealing with it.
    Picard was always quite emotionally constipated, after all.
    I always thought that Data dying to save Picard would be something that would weight on Picard, but I was surprised to learn in this show how much it hurts him. I dream about you all the time, Picard tells Data in the last episode of the season; You don’t remember your death and I can’t forget it, he also tells him, and these first episodes tells us this. He really dreams about Data, small, little things, and his death is so clearly something he never got over, which is more easily seen when Dahj Asha comes to the picture.
    When Picard learns about who Dahj is, it’s clearly something that deeply affects him. Very clearly that, since he could not save Data, he would do anything to save his daughter, even a daughter Data never met. He’s crushed when Dahj is killed, and once again so determined to save Soji when he learns about her existence.
    I talked about this before - at the end, is all very much about Data, about how Picard never had closure over his death. We, the audience, at least got to hear Data say goodbye in Star Trek: Nemesis. Picard didn’t. All he saw was data transporting him, and then the ship Data was one blowing up. I rewatched Nemesis a short while ago and Picard seems shellshocked in that scene; he can’t hardly speak. I doubted he ever sat down and dealt, properly, with the trauma of this loss and what it meant to him and as a result, he never /quite/ got over Data’s death the way that he perhaps would otherwise.
    This is the emotional heart ot this show, where the heart strings are pulled. Is not the only important thing, ofc, and I should speak a little about the new characters as well.
    Chris Rios, Agnes Juratti, Raffi Musiker, Elnor, Soji Asha, Seven of Nine, Narek, Narissa.
    Chris Rios might be my favorite of the new bunch. Wants to be broody and suave, but it’s actually a sweetheart with a heart on his sleeve. Claims to care about business and getting paid but I don’t think anyone believes him. Santiago Cabrera is doing a wonderful job with him and his many, many holograms.
    Agnes is a character a bit all over the place for me. I like the potential of her and Alison Pill plays her in a very ~adorkable~ kind of way, but I don’t like very much what was done with her so far. I do like that she was able to win over the mindfuck done to her, but overall I don’t think she was used very well so far. I do hope they get  around to it on s2 and give her a better arc.
    Raffi is someone I love dearly. She’s a great character, very smart, with a lot of determination, very sharp, and she’s such a mess. The scene where she’s with her son is very touching, because you can see the hurt on both of them - on Raffi, wanting to do better, on her son, tired of being hurt and not willing to risk getting burned again. She’s cross with Picard at first but once she’s in, she’s so fierce and loyal. An amazing friend to have, and Michelle Hurd plays her really well.
    I talked quite a bit about Soji Asha already, but she’s a character I love dearly. She barely knows herself at this point, but she’s curious, and friendly, clever and so clearly full of emotions. She’s angry and she’s confused, but she has such potential to be a kind, good being, just like her father was. Isa Briones is a wonder with her.
    Elnor is lovely and I absolutely love the idea behind his character, but so far he’s a bit all over the place as well, like Agnes. The show doesn’t seem to know very well what to do with him but I hope they find out yet, because I sure hope he sticks around!
    Narek and Narissa are some of the show’s weakness for me. Not a failure on the actors playing them, but in the narrative itself - they are not compelling characters that you can feel for. I think the last episode gave us a bit more with Narek, but still doesn’t make me feel much for him, and indifference is never a good thing to feel for a character, because it means the plot failed them.
     Is not secret for anyone in this blog that my least favorite Trek show is Voyager. I just think Voyager wasted so many, many many MANY opportunities of being an amazing show and it became just mediocre, but despite my complicated feelings for it, I do love its characters, and it’s no different with Seven of Nine. She’s an amazing character despite everything. despite the objectification and the catsuits, and sexist writers. I also do hate the C/7 end on Voyager (who doesn’t?) so it was a pleasant surprise to see Seven on Picard. It’s really so freaking good to see her out of a catsuit. I was surprised to see her in a role as a ranger, but tbh I like it quite a bit? I wish the show had show us more about how she ended up in this position and if she’s still in touch with her Voyager mates, so I’m hoping s2 will touch on that eventually.
    also Seven/Raffi? Lots of potential here. I love this idea, but tbh I will need more than just tender hand holding between them. Again, hoping season two will step up on it!
     Star Trek: Picard is also very much about this crew of mismatched crew slowly becoming friends, maybe even family eventually. Is about Picard becoming more vulnerable, emotionally, and dealing with his grief over his dear friend, who died protecting him. It’s about the xBs’s lack of place in the galaxy, about the rage of Romulans who lost so much, about the Federation learning to be less ruthless again, maybe.
    Is very much about hope even in the bleakest of the situations, of doing the right thing against all the odds, of being willing to help a friend in need, and I, for one, can’t consider this anything but pure Star Trek, tbh.
   Was it a perfect first season? Like any other Star Trek show, no, of course not, but it has more strong points than weaknesses, and it did deliver a beautiful first season.
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
Thoughts on Fruits Basket 2019 Episode 22: “Because I Was Happy”
In spite of how last week’s episode was kinda meh, this episode ended up being one of the single best episodes of the show thus far. It at least goes to show that this adaptation is incredibly good at drama, even if it’s not so great at comedy.
Anyway the TL;DR of my feelings right now is just a whole pile of those pictures of crying cats. You know the ones.
Thoughts under the cut [and spoilers for the manga as a whole]
To get right to the chase, this episode adapted chapter 51, which is interesting because this makes it the first episode adapting material that straight up hadn’t even been written when the 2001 anime was made, since I think that came out when the manga was at around chapter 43 or so. Even Uo’s backstory arc had already been done in the manga by that point, and they just chose to cut it in the first adaptation. So I can’t exactly fault the 2001 anime for not having adapted this chapter, but man it really goes to show how much of the story the 2001 anime was missing, and how much good stuff we’re in for here.
I think it was a good choice to put the two Hana chapters back to back like this, even though in the manga they were like 20+ chapters apart from each other. It’s by far the most standalone chapter of the manga, and it’s specific placement has always kinda baffled me, since it happens right after we meet the student council characters and Kureno, and shortly before the summer vacation arc, and none of that had to do with Hana. I think it’s just one of those things where Takaya’s nerve disorder probably impacted how she approached the story, and lead to some odd detours into side stories and backstories until the ‘main story’ kicked back into high gear. It flows a lot more naturally here, and the fact that the whole episode is a flashback with no real present-day context or framing isn’t even noticeable when it comes right after the events of the last episode. It felt like a bit more of a harsh narrative shift in the manga.
But it’s still always been one of my favourite individual chapters in the series, in spite of it’s awkward timing. The material itself does everything it needs to make it stand out. And the shifted placement in this adaptation just helps elevate it’s strengths even more.
I’ve been wondering how anime-only people might react to this episode, for lots of reasons, and I’m glad that everyone seems to love it. It really does come as a huge curveball in terms of tone and focus after how self-contained and comedic the last episode was, but it works nicely.
And even more than that, it’s fun watching people react for the first time to the reveal that Hana’s powers are actually 100% real, and the story ends up being dead serious in depicting how they impacted her life. Basically Fruits Basket suddenly turns into Carrie But With A Support Network for an episode, and I doubt any new fans saw that one coming, lmao.
Though tbh I still think it’s [intentionally] ambiguous whether or not she actually had supernatural powers. It never really comes up again, and the handful of cases of her using her powers on people can technically be written off as a mix of coincidences and a sort of placebo effect from people who think she’s seriously gonna curse them. In terms of what Takaya thought when she wrote this, I think Hana probably does have straight up psychic powers, but there’s room for interpretation, and I think this episode is really interesting when viewed through the lens of Hana having some sort of severe mental illness.
I’ve been pretty occupied recently with thinking about the topic of disability in Fruits Basket when it comes to Kyo’s arc [and oh boy do I have stuff to say about that very soon], but I’d kinda forgotten that Hana’s backstory here is another good example of that.
I don’t exactly want to jump to conclusions and start armchair diagnosing her, but the ‘voices’ Hana heard could definitely be symptoms of something like social anxiety or even schizophrenia. Depending on how literally you want to take the idea of her ‘hearing voices’.
In general there’s a sort of blurry line in this series between supernatural stuff, and things that are realistic to the experiences of disabled [or otherwise oppressed/neglected in general] people. But I’ll talk more about that later.
On a somewhat related note, one surprising thing about this episode is that in spite of the overall tone and events of this episode, Hana’s family is completely supportive of her, and never doubt the existence of her powers, or hate her for it. Instead all they care about is her safety and well-being, and they’re willing to move towns if it means removing Hana from a toxic school environment. I think I’ve said it before, but I think it’s good that this series has a whole range of types of parents/families who have their own unique feelings about their childrens’ struggles. You can’t really accuse it of being one-dimensional.
The thing that really struck me about this episode most of all was just how good the artistic direction and overall execution were. In terms of the story it was a pretty 1:1 adaptation of the manga, with nothing changed/added/removed from what I can remember, but it was just executed incredibly well. Pretty much like how things went with the Uo arc.
Specifically I really loved the way that the entire episode had a consistent cool grey tone to it all, and was filled with deep shadows and harsh, artificial-looking lighting, right up until the point where Hana admits that she wants to stay with Tohru and Uo, and suddenly everything is bright and warm and filled with light. It’s not exactly the most complicated thing ever, but it really made the climax of this episode stand out.
But the way it handled the lighting and shading up until that point was genuinely really neat in and of itself, and lead to a really atmospheric and oppressive vibe to everything. Especially scenes like the one where Hana got her arm burned by those bullies, and the whole scene was incredibly dark and shadowy and eerie. I also really liked the cut of her running down the school hallway, and how the harsh bluish lighting from the windows contrasted with her silhouette and the darkness of the hallway itself.
The way they handled the scenes of her hearing voices by having the screen be slowly blotted out by cloudy blackness and overlapping voices was also really neat.
I think it’s really neat that some of the best material we’ve gotten thus far has come from some of the most unlikely characters. Normally with a series like this you’d think that Tohru’s best friends would be disposable comic relief characters [which they kinda were in the 2001 anime, tbh], but they both ended up getting incredibly good backstory arcs that flesh them out immensely and deliver some of the strongest emotions and messages in the series. It really goes to show that this is an ensemble cast type of story that cares about all of it’s characters instead of just the core few. In the manga it wasn’t really apparent until later because of how things were paced out, but this adaptation’s really making it clear already that this series is totally willing to basically ignore it’s main trio for episodes on end in order to focus on the supporting cast, lol.
And on THAT note, to balance out the fact that Kyo in particular has been kinda absent since, like, the lake house episode I think, the next episode is gonna dive straight into what will ultimately be a three-episode story arc focused on him, his backstory, and his relationship with Tohru. I hope it lives up to the expectations of all the new fans who’ve been anxious to see more of him, and I hope they know to keep their hands inside the rollercoaster at all times because we’re about to Go Places [tm] :)
I’d been expecting for a while that the next episode would adapt chapters 30 and 31 and end with Kazuma’s introduction, so that the last two episodes of the season can focus on the meat of the true form arc, and thankfully they just outright used Kazuma’s line from the end of chapter 31 as the title of the next episode so that spells itself out, lol.
I’ve seen some people worry that this means they might be skipping the soup chapter, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’d actually be really easy to cover both of those chapters in one episode. You could actually splice the events of them together pretty nicely, so that Tohru getting sick is still the main thread of the whole episode even if it ends with Kazuma showing up.
I think they could at least do some things like making the part in Chapter 31 where Kyo and Kagura go shopping together be related to Kyo cooking for Tohru while she’s sick. But we’ll see.
I know some people think that ep24 will cover the whole true form arc, and that ep25 will be chapters 35 and 36, but I don’t really feel like that’d work well. The true form arc is way too much of an emotional climax all around to not be the season finale. And chapter 35 in general would serve as a nice sort of semi-recap of the true form arc to start season 2 off with.
And in general I don’t think the series has ever adapted three whole chapters into one episode, and I don’t think they’ll start with this arc. I think it’ll be like how they adapted the Uo arc into two episodes when it was also three chapters long. Either way, I think they’d be able to pretty easily flesh it out a bit to cover two episodes, whereas it’d be difficult to condense it into just one episode without it feeling rushed. But who knows. I have faith in them one way or another.
For the time being I’m just gonna emotionally prepare myself, lmao.
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perlukafarinn · 5 years
Movies (I saw) of the 2010s, ranked
Because I had lots of better things to do but no inclination to do them.
As I went through all the new releases I watched this decade, a few things came to mind: 
I missed so much! Most recently, I still haven’t seen Parasite, The Lighthouse or The Irishman. I’ve also seen only one of Disney’s live action remakes, two out of four Star Wars films of the decade, and I’ve missed quite a few of Marvel and DC’s outings. My tendency to mostly watch older films came to bite me in the ass here. But c’est la vie, there’s only so many hours in the day! 
A huge part of my viewing history took place during film festivals, so festival movies are way over-represented here. I’m not mad about it.
There’s not too many outright bad movies on my list, because I tend to avoid movies that look bad or like I might not like them (shocker, I know). Even the ones in my bottom ten aren’t as dreadful as I was expecting. 
There’s no way I can rank all these films numerically! What about movies that I can tell are good but just aren’t for me? What about movies that are bad but enjoyable? How can you compare tired Oscar-bait with soulless blockbusters? It’s impossible!
Hence these categories. I’m doing a top 10 worst and best, and the categories go roughly from worse to better movies, but otherwise this isn’t based on quality so much as what clever category names I could come up with (or couldn’t, as the case may be). I’m also listing the movies within each category alphabetically because that’s even less ranking I need to do.
Buckle up, this is over 6000 words...
Oh, and if you don’t feel like reading the whole thing I still encourage you to reply with your own favorite movies of the decade! 
The Worst Exactly what it says on the tin. These movies aren’t just unenjoyable or disposable, they are actively unpleasant to watch. 
American Hustle (2013) Wait, this got how many Oscar nominations again??
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) This movie is so bloated and yet they couldn’t find any time to actually develop most of the main characters? I had such a bad time watching this one, I ended up skipping out on the last part of the trilogy. 
Hurricane Bianca (2016) This looked like it might be enjoyably bad but it wasn’t. I still love Bianca Del Rio, don’t get me wrong, but her humor is not the kind you build a whole movie around, yet alone two. And yet…
Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate (2018) Yeah, I watched them both. I’m a simple woman: I see Katya in a trailer, I watch. I really shouldn’t have bothered, this one is even worse.
Iron Man 2 (2010) Superhero fatigue got me bad in the past few years but even before then I hated this movie. Literally nothing enjoyable here, I was aggressively bored while watching. The Lack (2014) This is a movie about women, written and directed by a man, called “The Lack”. You might think I’m being uncharitable to say this movie is entirely about penis envy but the writer/director himself confirmed this at the Q&A I was at. This is why Q&As are always a bad idea, people!
Left Behind (2014) This one tips into “enjoyably bad” at times but in the end, it’s still two hours of your life wasted on a movie meant to make its Evangelical viewers feel vindicated in their horrible beliefs. Morgenrøde (2014) I have a fairly high tolerance for slow movies but this movie is sloooowwww and literally nothing happens in it. This is the movie that taught me not to trust it when festival brochures use the word “contemplative”.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) Just dreadful. This is the worst kind of film in my books: the kind made to follow a trend, not to tell a story. 
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) It’s been eight years since the fourth PotC movie came out?? God, it’s been a long decade.
The Utterly Disposable I didn’t exactly have a bad time watching these but they left no impression on me. 
Alex Strangelove (2018)  Netflix has released so many unremarkable-looking teen movies this decade. This is one of the few I bothered to watch and it’s cute enough, I guess. 
Fyrir framan annað fólk (2016)  I am Icelandic but I don’t watch a whole lot of Icelandic movies and I feel kind of guilty about that. Not guilty enough to give a boring movie a pass, though.
Ghostbusters (2016)  This super did not need to exist and not even my love for Kate McKinnon makes it any less disposable. 
The Great Gatsby (2013)  At least it’s pretty.
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) I remember this getting a few laughs out of me but that’s about it.
The Imitation Game (2014) I think I just… don’t like Beneditch Cumberbatch? Sorry. This movie is the perfect expression of the bland, middle-of-the-road biopic, with the added mishandling of the subject’s sexuality.
Isn’t It Romantic (2019)  I love a good satire but this ain’t it, chief. This movie isn’t doing anything that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend hasn’t done 100x better.
John Carter (2012)  If you’re gonna throw this much money into something, you could at least hire a charismatic lead actor. Then again, it seemed to work for Avatar. Magic Mike (2012)  I did like that this sexy stripper movie kept showing how unhappy the main character is doing what he does as if that wouldn’t totally ruin the fantasy.
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)  Watched this on an airplane, which is fitting. This feels like a quintessential airplane movie; it’s mildly entertaining but ultimately disposable enough that it has completely slipped your mind by the time you reach baggage claim.
Paul (2011)  Occasionally funny, I think? Barely remember it tbh.
Planetary (2015)     There’s some interesting points buried in here but the movie’s too busy trying to look important to actually get them across effectively. Also feels surprisingly padded for just 80 minutes. Valentine’s Day (2010) Taylor Swift was actually kind of funny in this, which was a pleasant surprise. Zero impact otherwise. 
“I Have No Memory of This Place” Movies I literally could not remember watching until I had read the entire synopsis, but for one reason or another was not comfortable calling “disposable”. 
Bobby Sands: 66 Days (2015), The Departure (2017),  Hell Is Empty: All the Devils Are Here (2016), Innsæi (2016), Last of the Elephant Men (2015), Late Summer (2016), Speed Sisters (2015), Una (2016), The War Show (2016) Lumping all of these together because they’re all festival movies I have hardly any memory of and that I may have in fact fallen asleep over.
Incendies (2010)  Chalk this up to me seeing it almost a decade ago. When I finally remembered it, I could vaguely recall finding it affective. Probably due for a rewatch.
Prisoners (2013), Rush (2013), Warrior (2011) Around 2012-2014 I was working my way through IMdB’s top 250 list and I saw so many forgettable movies about men committing various violent acts. Literally can’t remember a single thing about these movies.
I’m So Sick of Superheroes Dear God Make It Stop I’d probably like some of these more if not for superhero fatigue but that is the trade-off for total global dominance. A couple of superhero movies did escape this category and you’ll see them later on my list.
Thor (2011), Iron Man Three (2013), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Ant-Man (2015), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Lumping all of Marvel’s movies in this category together because I don’t really have a lot to say about Marvel anymore. Special mention to Winter Soldier for being the movie that soured on me the most and to Age of Ultron for in hindsight being the beginning of my superhero fatigue. 
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Boy, this trilogy ended on a sour note.  Man of Steel (2013)  Confused story structure aside, this movie is utterly grey and joyless. It’s also army propaganda! 
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) The only reason I watched this was because it was on IMdB’s top 250 list. Peter Dinklage was good in it, if I recall correctly.
Don’t Like This Nope.
12 Years a Slave (2013)  Very uncomfortable to sit through, which I get was the point, but I’m not sure it was the right choice. It honestly feels like misery porn.
Black Swan (2010) I’ve long made peace with the fact that Darren Aronofsky will just never click with me.
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012) This movie is exhausting to watch because of the near constant country music playing. Loudly. 
Kate Plays Christine (2016)  This is a movie about a really interesting topic but instead of the real tragedy that actually happened it chooses to focus on an actress’s fictional struggle to connect with her role. I think the movie wanted us to think the struggle was real (heh) but for that they would’ve needed a better actress.  La La Land (2016)  I love classic musicals and I really wanted to like this movie but in the end I just couldn’t. As a movie it’s okay but it’s not a good musical and the whole white savior of jazz thing was……….. an odd choice.
Last Days in the Desert (2015)  I’m a sucker for good, thoughtful religious films. The idea of Jesus and the devil being played by the same actor was intriguing to me and I liked that the devil wasn’t evil so much as just tired. But ultimately, this movie felt a little too cold for me.
Magic Mike: XXL (2015)  I have no idea why every critic on the planet seems to love this movie. Strippers aggressively thrusting their crotch in your face is not sexy, it’s uncomfortable!
A Silent Voice (2016)  Melodramatic and not in the fun, over-the-top way.
Vonarstræti (2014) It’s good but it’s just not for me.
Wir Monster (2015) I saw this at a Q&A screening and decided I didn’t wanna stick around after the credits rolled. On my way out, I tripped and almost fell onto the actors as they were walking past me. That experience had a way bigger impact on me than the movie itself. Make of that what you will.
Guilty Pleasures/So Bad They’re Good An enjoyably bad movie is a better watch than a middlingly competent one.
#REALITYHIGH (2017)  Incredibly clichéd and tries way too hard to be “hip” or “lit” or whatever it is the kids were saying back in 2017. Don’t care, I’ve seen it four times. 
Bridget Jones’s Baby (2016) The first Bridget Jones is a highlight of the genre. The second one is just bad but the third tips over into enjoyably bad. I also loved having Renée Zellweger back on my screen!
A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (2019) Recently watched this with my sister while baking and wrapping Christmas presents. It’s a terrible movie but we had fun (mostly by making fun of it).
Descendants (2015), Descendants 2 (2017), Descendants 3 (2019) I’m not apologizing for this even though I feel like I kind of should. 
The Kissing Booth (2018) This movie is like a 13-year-old’s first fanfic come to life so of course I’m gonna love it. Even if the love interest is incredibly unappealing.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) Who would’ve thought at the start of the decade that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson would turn into indie darlings starring in one critically acclaimed film after the next? I love that for them.
Oscar Bait but I’m Not Biting Not sure the Oscars weren’t a mistake tbh.
The Artist (2011) I kind of enjoyed this but ultimately it’s watered-down Hollywood history made appealing to modern audiences and its aim is far higher than its reach.
Birdman (2014) It was a fun watch but it left no impression.
Darkest Hour (2017) Technically a good movie but such obvious Oscar bait I just couldn’t fully enjoy it.
The Help (2011) Let’s leave the white savior narrative behind in the 2010s, shall we?
The King’s Speech (2010) I love Colin Firth. I barely remember this movie.
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)  Don’t love that the racist cop is the most fully fleshed-out character in this movie while the black characters are all unnamed extras.   
Whiplash (2014) It’s just drumming, J.K. Simmons, it’s not that serious. 
I Feel Like I Should Like This More This category is mostly three camps, as you’ll see. 
120 battements par minute (2017), 69 Minutes of 86 Days (2017),  Fire at Sea (2016),  I, Daniel Blake (2016) All important movies with a worthy message that I just couldn’t connect with on a personal level.
Adieu au langage (2014), Before We Vanish (2017), Bridesmaids (2011), Jagten (2012),  A Separation (2011), Timbuktu (2014), Transit (2018), Winter’s Bone (2010) Critically acclaimed, maybe it’s just me?
Her (2013) The rest is all movies I expected to like more than I did. I’m not sure what didn’t click with this one. It’s been a while since I saw it.
Get Out (2017) I wasn’t gonna watch it because I don’t really watch horror so when I finally caved, I knew pretty much everything about it. Watching a movie the first time  knowing everything that happens in it and after seeing it dissected for months on end by every critic on the planet does take a lot of the enjoyment away, as it turns out.
Gone Girl (2014) Really thought I’d love it. It’s good just didn’t click with me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)  It’s pretty. Liam Neeson is always fun. 
Pacific Rim (2013)  Mako is great and I enjoy the chemistry between her and Raleigh but ultimately this one just kind of slipped out of my mind as soon as I’d seen it. 
Toni Erdmann (2016)  It’s too damn long!
The Tree of Life (2011)  I just watched this the other day so it’s very possible my opinion will change. I was expecting to love it but I… didn’t. It felt like this movie was trying too hard to be profound and important, at the cost of actually saying something, well, profound and important.
No Strong Feelings One Way or the Other I actually have nothing to say about any of these movies and most of them are good but they had to go somewhere.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011), Boyhood (2014), Brave (2012), Creed (2015), Django Unchained (2012), Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010), Flavours of Youth (2018), Frozen (2013), The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012), Interstellar (2014), Intouchable (2011), The Jungle Book (2016), Monsters University (2013), Rogue One (2016), Schaste moe (2010), Shutter Island (2010), Three Identical Strangers (2018), To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Undir trénu (2017), Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Middling Festival Fare I have nothing to say about these either but I couldn’t lump them in with the others. I mostly liked them more than the movies in the previous category and they took bigger risks. Some of them might even be great, just very much not my cup of tea.
3 Tage in Quiberon (2018), Acid Forest (2018), Amateurs in Space (2016), Barakah Meets Barakah (2015), Der Andständige (2014), Disappearance (2017), Dreams by the Sea (2017), En fremmed flytter ind (2017), Føniks (2018), The Girl Down Loch Aenzi (2016), God Exists, Her Name is Petrunija (2019), Gods of Molenbeek (2019), Jag är Ingrid (2015), Já, Olga Hepnarová (2016), Looking for Oum Kulthum (2017), Mister Universo (2016), Neruda (2016), The Raven and the Seagull (2018), Rester vertical (2016), Slow West (2015), Sugar Coated (2015), Summer Survivors (2018), Tickled (2016), Worldly Girl (2016)
Maybe Not the Best But a Lot of Fun Better than those guilty pleasures but generally pretty flawed. Austenland (2013) A very cute little romcom. Extra points for Jennifer Coolidge, the most underrated character actress of this century.
Baby Driver (2017) I feel like revisiting this one might not be as enjoyable for reasons that have nothing to do with the film’s quality but I had fun watching it in the theater. 
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) I was a fan of this franchise from the start so even though this movie is kind of dour and dark, it was still a blast to watch. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Do I love every choice this movie made? No. But I saw this at a midnight screening, in full cosplay with my friends, in a theater packed with fans. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I, Tonya (2017)  For a movie that contains so much abuse and such a bummer ending, it’s surprisingly entertaining!
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)    Lego Batman is my favorite Batman.
Nothing Like a Dame (2018)  I just really love Maggie Smith.
On - drakon (2015) This movie feels like it was pitched as “Twilight but with dragons!”. It’s fun, though, and it’s got an interesting aesthetic and a proactive heroine who gets herself out of trouble with ingenuity and bravery.
Sing Street (2016) I love the soundtrack to this movie and the characters are incredibly endearing. The story is very simple in not a great way but it doesn’t need to be deep to be enjoyable.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) I like that they skip the origin story for once and keep the scope of it fairly limited. A very nice little slice-of-life teen movie combined with a superhero flick. Tom Holland is a good Spider-Man. Would’ve been better without Iron Man tbh. Star Trek Beyond (2016)  I feel like they got the characters right here, which was a problem for the first Star Trek of the rebooted trilogy. It’s a fairly inconsequential movie but it’s a blast.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan so I don’t have a lot of opinions here. It’s fun! Not a lot more I want from Star Wars. Ultimately didn’t intrigue me enough to wanna see the rest of the trilogy.
Ten no Chasuke (2015) This movie is a little weird, a little goofy and a lot of fun. I like the guy who just constantly lives through different movie plots because the angel writing his life can’t think of anything original, that tickled me.
Good Movies I Don’t Have a Clever Title Here They’re good movies, Brent. 
Barbara Rubin and the Exploding NY Underground (2018)  An enjoyable, well-made documentary but considering its subject matter disappointingly conventional.
Black Panther (2018) This movie could have been much better had it not been under the constraints of the MCU. Still one of the best offerings of the genre this decade.
Boy Meets Girl (2014) We need more movies like this. Not just for representation (although that is important) but also because cinema needs a greater variety of stories than are currently being told. 
Brooklyn (2015) The scope of this movie is very small but the characterization is nuanced and every aspect of the film goes towards furthering that. 
Bugs (2016) The focus of this movie is split between its very interesting subject matter (the use of bugs as food around the world) and the chefs we’re following around who kind of seem like dicks and honestly drag the movie down a lot.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)  Steve Rogers is one of my favorite MCU characters, purely on the strength of this movie. In a world where no one seems to know how to adapt Superman to film, it’s nice they got this one right.
Cloud Atlas (2012) This movie has such lofty ambitions and I admire it for that, even if the execution is off at times. But the use of yellowface is..... bad. It’s very bad and the directors should have known better. 
Cold War (2018) I love the music in this, which is good because it is near constant.
Damsel (2018) I love a deconstructed western and I love Robert Pattinson. It’s a shame that the female character at the center of the story wasn’t better developed, considering how much screen time she got.
Damsels in Distress (2011) This movie is quirky and cutesie, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (and usually isn’t mine) but I love it. Some solid acting goes a long way.
Der kommer en dag (2016) This movie is two hours of children suffering yet it comes across as so optimistic? I think it’s the space race stuff. Who doesn’t love the space race?
Frantz (2016) I am always down for stories that reckon with the effects of WWI. 
Future Baby (2016) There’s a scene in this movie where a surrogate mother gives birth and it is both very graphic and heart-wrenching. If the rest of the movie were more like that one scene, it’d be on my shortlist for the best of the decade.
Fyre (2019)  How was Fyre Festival a real thing that happened?
Girls Don’t Fly (2016) Girls don’t fly because the man training them to be pilots is a dick and treats them horribly. It’s a bummer but important to uncover. 
Hidden Figures (2016) Kevin Costner’s character needed to be written out - black stories that don’t involve “good” white people are both possible and necessary. But I adore all three main actresses and they do some amazing work.
Hjartasteinn (2016) The subject matter is cliché but it’s handled beautifully. 
The Lego Movie (2014) Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you’re part of a team!
Journey to the Shore (2015) I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel for most of the run time of this movie but by the end it got me.
On Body and Soul (2017) This movie feels like a dream and I mean that in a good way.
The Salvation (2014) Have I mentioned that I love deconstructed westerns? Mads Mikkelsen is always on point, even with garbage material, but he’s got some good stuff to work with here.
Searching for Ingmar Bergman (2018) This movie made me more interested in its director, Margarethe von Trotta, than Bergman himself. Everyone should check out The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum!
The Shape of Water (2017) This movie is very much like a fairy-tale, which means it’s not particularly nuanced or complicated, but it is beautiful.
Still the Water (2014)  This movie starts with a cow being graphically slaughtered and yet the only word I can think of to describe it is “gentle”. But maybe skip the first five minutes if you’re sensitive to blood or animal death.
Studio 54 (2018) How were the 70s even real?
Sumarbörn (2017)    It’s a rare feat to get such good acting out of child actors.
Thor: Ragnarök (2017)    The best MCU movie. It’s a lot of fun without once losing its heart, which is a rare thing for Marvel (just google the words “bathos” and “mcu”, other people have covered this already). 
Warm Bodies (2013) The cutest rom-com of the decade features a zombie as its main lead. I’m not mad about it.
Wild Tales (2014) The dissonance between the realist shooting style and the cartoonish violence often results in some excellent dark humor. The rest of the time, it just feels kind of off. 
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Jordan Belfast is both a lot of fun and utterly despicable and the movie is not afraid to go as balls to the walls as it needs to.
The Young Karl Marx (2017) So like... Marx and Engel were into each other? At least a little, right?
Great Movies Also No Clever Title
Andið eðlilega (2018) Okay so I don’t watch a lot of Icelandic cinema but from what I have seen, I am incredibly encouraged by the direction it is heading. Call this exhibit A.
Ága (2018)  This movie is very slow and not a lot happens but that’s kind of why it works so well. It hooked me in and had me genuinely interested in every uneventful scene.
Brecht’s Threepenny Film (2018)  I walked away feeling like I’d understood maybe one third of this film but it left me with a feeling of exhilaration that’s hard to define and that few films manage.
Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010)  Adèle Blanc-Sec is like Tintin and Indiana Jones combined except way better. In a just world, she would be a much more popular character and the reported film trilogy would have actually happened.
En duva satt på en gren och funderade på tillvaron (2014)  This movie is delightfully weird and messed up. Nothing more to say here.
The Favourite (2018)  I was honestly expecting to be let down by this movie after all the overwhelming praise but as it turns out, it deserved all of the accolades and possibly more.
Gravity (2013)  This movie was kind of marketed as “realistic sci-fi” and while I can’t say it felt particularly real, the emotional arc sure as hell did.
Inception (2010) The complexity of this film was vastly over-hyped but it’s still the best work I’ve seen by Nolan (though to be fair, I still haven’t seen Dunkirk).  Kreuzweg (2014) The film is composed of just fourteen still shots, representing the Stations of the Cross. That could have come across as really gimmicky but it works because the shots are well staged and the material is just that good. Loveless (2017) This is the bleakest, most depressing movie I think I’ve ever seen.  The Martian (2015)  The best thing about this movie is the way it shows the world coming together just to save this one guy. International cooperation is the future!
Paradies: Liebe (2012)  This is a movie about sex tourism and it is as unpleasant to watch as that sounds. But it’s also incredible. 
Paradies: Hoffnung (2013)  The third in Seidl’s paradise trilogy (I missed the middle part, don’t remember why). Just as messed up as Liebe but mildly more palatable.
Une nouvelle amie (2014)  I saw this movie with my dad, which was kind of awkward, but that doesn’t take away from its beauty. We really do need more stories like this.
Tale of Tales (2015)  I am always here for a fairytale adaptation, particularly ones that stick close to the dark, gruesome, humorous tone of most traditional fairytales. 
Welcome to Norway (2016)  This movie is just really, really funny.
White God (2014) If you’re sensitive to animal abuse then this is not the film for you. The dogs in this movie actually won the Palm Dog Award and it was well deserved. They’re very good dogs! Tom of Finland (2017) How refreshing to see a movie about a historical gay person that isn’t all death and tragedy! It does have some of that, unavoidably, but it’s also a lot of fun and ultimately is a celebration of a very important sub-cultural figure.
Vinterbrødre (2017) I wasn’t expecting a movie set in a mining community to look this beautiful. 
Wonder Woman (2017) The best superhero movie of the decade, despite the slightly messy third act. It’s such an earnest, hopeful movie and unlike most films of the genre, it’s not afraid to take itself seriously or to come across as cheesy. Superheroes are cheesy! That’s one of the best things about them!
Amazing Animation I don’t like animation being singled out from live action as if it’s somehow less, but I wanted to highlight how many excellent animated films were made this decade. 
The Breadwinner (2017) I’ve seen this film’s production company, Cartoon Saloon, been called the Irish version of Disney but Disney has never made anything half this daring. Coco (2017)  The ending made me sob like a little kid. This movie doesn’t get enough credit for being one of only two Pixar films this decade to live up to their early work.
How to Train Your Dragon (2010) The flight scenes in this movie gave me actual vertigo and I loved it.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)  The rare sequel that’s actually better than the original! For all the franchises that exist out there just to continue milking that cash cow, it’s nice to see something get continued because the filmmakers had more stories to tell.
Loving Vincent (2017)  This movie has been criticized for a weak plot, to which I say: it’s an animated movie made up of oil paintings! Do you really care about the plot? Sometimes the spectacle is all you need, especially when it’s something that touches you as deeply as Vincent van Gogh’s art does.
Moana (2016)  Moana’s scenes with her grandmother and Te Fiti are up there with some of the most emotionally evocative stuff to come out of Disney studios. It’s a pity the rest of the movie couldn’t quite live up to that.
Rise of the Guardians (2012)  Mostly, this movie just looks incredible. I am also an eternal sucker for Chris Pine, even if his voice sounds weird coming out of a teenager’s mouth.  
Song of the Sea (2014)  This is the most beautiful animated film I��ve ever seen outside of Studio Ghibli’s best, both the look and the feel of it. 
Tangled (2010) I know I sound like an old fogy but this movie would’ve been much better if it had been traditionally animated. Still pretty good!
Toy Story 3 (2010) It’s been nine years since the third Toy Story came out?? Christ, this decade.
Your Name (2016) I really should be watching more anime.
Zootopia (2016) Disney’s best work since Treasure Planet, which is an underrated masterpiece. It’s almost worth the resurgence in furries (jk furries, you’re okay).
This Is Why You Guys Should Be Watching Documentaries Because documentaries are a seriously underrated art form.
Ama-San (2016) This is the kind of cinema vérité filmmaking I live for.
Behind the Curve (2018) The existence of flat earthers remains baffling (well, maybe not that baffling when you look at the rest of our society) but this documentary is excellent.
Dawson City: Frozen Time (2016)  This is a documentary about a cache of lost silent films that were found in the 70s and most of the movie is silent, with information being conveyed through text and images. It’s these kinds of choices that elevate a good documentary beyond just educational programming.
Exodus: Where I Come From Is Disappearing (2016)  Absolutely heart-wrenching. It’s difficult to watch but the issues it discusses shouldn’t be looked away from. 
Foodies (2014) There’s a foodie in this movie who rates his food on looks before he even tastes it and a chef whose signature dish is a dessert called “sex on the beach” which includes a very realistic-looking used condom. I wanted those two to meet but they never did and that is my one criticism of this film.
Free Solo (2018)  I developed a fear of heights after watching this movie.
The Great Green Wall (2019)  I had never heard of the great green wall before seeing this movie. It’s so surreal to get a window into a society where no one is arguing about climate change because they are already undeniably feeling the effects of it. And by strange, I mean incredibly sad and upsetting.
How to Let Go of the World: and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change (2016)  Speaking of climate change. This movie takes on climate grief and shows why you can’t stop at that, why you need to push past it and keep fighting. I’d argue The Great Green Wall actually does that same thing and better but it’s still a very necessary message.
Into the Inferno (2016)  Werner Herzog is just. The best. Especially his documentaries.
Kismet (2014) This movie examines how art affects people by way of one of the least respected art forms out there (soap operas). I just really love that premise and the execution is even better.
Merchants of Doubt (2014) Honestly fuck every single person making money by hastening our descent towards climate catastrophe. Good movie, though.
My Scientology Movie (2015)  This was the first Louis Theroux movie I saw and it’s a great one to start with. For all they’ve been treated like a joke, Scientologists are actually pretty scary.
The Other Side of Everything (2017)  The personal is the political in this film. What an incredible look at the ways our past shapes our present and future. 
Pervert Park (2014) This movie fucked me up.
The Prison in Twelve Landscapes (2016) The conceit of this film is looking at the US prison system indirectly by keeping the camera outside the actual prisons and off actual prisoners. It works incredibly well, just astounding documentary film making. 
Push (2019)  Just when you thought you couldn’t hate the rental market any more!
Safari (2016) Fuck trophy hunters.
The Silence of Others (2018)  I didn’t even know about the Spanish 1977 Amnesty Law until I saw this movie. Maybe that’s just my own ignorance but I feel it shows how necessary documentaries like these are. 
Tower (2016) I cried like a baby watching this movie. Using rotoscope animation to tell the story of the 1966 shootings a the University of Texas was I think an excellent choice and made for a unique documentary.
Visages villages (2017) Agnès Varda is possibly my favorite director and it hurts to leave this one off the “best” list (call it an unofficial #11). Still not sure I shouldn’t have swapped out one of the actual top ten for it. 
Welcome to Sodom (2018) The world is so fucked up. 
It Stayed With Me Movies that left me reeling and that I couldn’t get out of my head for days after watching (call all of them an unofficial joint #12).
The Act of Killing (2012) Speaking of fucked up! It is absolutely surreal seeing these mass murderers try to justify their actions to the interviewers. “I was just doing my job” is no excuse and trying to use it as one is actually reprehensible. 
Arrival (2016) I didn’t actually see it until this year and I felt it couldn’t possibly live up to the hype but it did! It’s reminiscent of Interstellar in that in this ‘hard’ science fiction story the ultimate solution is based on an emotional revelation but Arrival pulled it off much better. The Congress (2013)  This is basically two movies in one; one is fairly grounded sci-fi and the other is just a straight up acid trip in film form. In any case, Robin Wright is absolutely flawless.
Carol (2015) Cate Blanchett please date me. Grüße aus Fukushima (2016)  I’m always gonna be a sucker for a movie about women connecting and helping each other through trauma. 
High Life (2018) I saw this one knowing nothing about it and ngl it shocked me a bit. The way it incrementally got more and more fucked up made me feel a bit like a frog being slowly boiled alive.  November (2017) The atmosphere this movie creates is unreal. Maybe not the strongest characterization but it balances a feeling of magic and wonder with just utter bleakness and it left me reeling. Paterson (2016) I can’t even fully explain why I loved this movie so much or why it stuck me. Mostly, it’s just so damn cozy.  The Square (2017) I mean, that scene with the ape man was fucked up right?  Tangerine (2015) I don’t think filming on your iPhone is the future of cinema or anything but it does show how accessible filmmaking is slowly becoming. Also, that scene of Alexandra performing Toyland is one of the best musical moments in cinema this decade and that is not up for debate. Team Hurricane (2017) I’ve never seen a movie with an aesthetic like this before (it’s very vaporwave) but this film is about and was mostly shot by a group of actual teenage girls. It’s a little melodramatic in places but at the same time that feels very sincere and the girls all clearly have a lot of talent and a lot to say.  Varda par Agnes (2019) This movie probably wouldn’t have stuck with me so much if Agnès Varda hadn’t died earlier this year. She is a truly unparalleled figure in film history.
The Best According to me, anyway. But I’m right.
Cameraperson (2016) This is a different kind of documentary filmmaking. What it most reminds me of is Beaches of Agnès (no, I’m never done talking about Agnès Varda) but even that is not a perfect comparison. It’s deeply personal while also covering an insane variety of topics.  Embrace of the Serpent (2015) This movie feels like a dream and I mean that in the best way possible. At turns beautiful, brutal, and absolutely baffling. The Florida Project (2017) I’ve seen this movie criticized for glorifying poverty and I can’t discount that opinion. For my part, I thought this movie did an incredible job balancing the world as seen through the eyes of a carefree child enjoying her summer and the dangerous, precarious reality of living in poverty.  Inside Out (2015) When Pixar gets it right, they get it really right. The Love Witch (2016) I just really, really love witches. The best looking live action movie of the decade. The fact that writer/director/editor/producer Anna Biller hasn’t made another film since is an actual crime.  Melancholia (2011) No movie has ever hit me this hard in such a visceral way; I was miserable for days after seeing it. Lars von Trier is an asshole but he knows how to film depression.  Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Believe the hype, it is actually perfect. And I don’t even like action movies! Moonlight (2016) It’s rare to see a movie this deeply, devastatingly human. The final two shots of the film, paired together, are literally the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a theater. Kona fer í stríð (2018) The best Icelandic movie that’s been made yet. Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir is a national treasure.  Shoplifters (2018) I mean, who’s expecting a movie called ‘Shoplifters’ to be so devastating? It’s such a painful film but it is also heartwarming and intimate.  Un couteau dans le coeur (2018) This movie is strange and funny and violent and gorgeous. I’ve never had such a good experience at a film festival as I did the two times I went to see this movie.
9 notes · View notes
The Soup
Super Junior Super Junior x SuJuMaknae!Reader Characters: Super Junior (ot13 [+ SJ-M]) Summary:  Just like the way you need to give someone soup when they're sick, this is how SuJu reacts when you need them. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK, fluff, humor, gnarlyness, etc.
A/N: i need a pick me up so i made this. It’s low key a part 2 to Secrets Of A Maknae, but not really because, well, it’s not HAHAHHAHA, but hello @farewellkorosensei, i’m tagging you cos u said u wanted a part two and i had a part two in mind but then i lost it so now you have this HAHHAHHAHA im sorry im like this
none of this is real bro that’s why its an au ?????? ok like ok
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Being the only girl in a coed group that’s basically a boy group is not as bad as one may think
Especially since you're the youngest out of everyone, some people just cannot imagine how you do it
Sure like... being the only female means the testosterone thrown your way can be a lot
And there are just some things the guys can't and will never understand
Like how a woman's mind works
But through it all however
You loved being the baby princess
Because you have 13 knights at your side
good luck to them
And in case you were wondering, SuJu is not as sweet as you think
here's how each member would react to you needing them
ps yall
dis shiz is HELLLAAAA LONG SO it’s under the cut
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Being the eldest meant Leeteuk found everyone as his responsibility
and to you, who is in his group, their youngest AND only female member, he would drop everything for
Everyone who's watched korean TV knows this
cos yall do tv show hostings togther
and everybody knows how soft he is around you
like i mean he’s naturally caring towards everyone
and he’s normally high-spirited with others
like you + him equals shenanigans like firecrackers
he does 8999+ dad jokes when you’re his co-host
someone save s.korea
but let us not forget is is the EPITOME of gentleman
he always offers his arm to you
he takes of his jacket or gets a blanket for you to cover your legs when you sit
errbody is like “stfu, we get it stop flexing”
you two are just like “??????????????????? bro fLeXiNg whUAT?”
“i get yall are married n in love but like. pls keep it under wraps.”
and then ????????????
we believe you
cos its all we can do tho
and i mean you two aren’t married but are so too tbh
ELF’s call you two the parents of SuJu
and think you two are sO ADORABLE IT HURTS
He is definitely the most understanding with you through the age gap you have
And even if he finds some of your actions odd due to that age gap, he always works through it and tries to think proactively
"What are you doing????????"
"IM DOING A CHALLENGE OPPA YOU WANNA JOIN?!" you say as you attempt to put on makeup with your non-dominant hand
But if you need him
Doesn't matter if he's hosting 287378 tv shows at the moment
If you call because some loser broke your heart
He's taking the day off
If you call just to check in and he hears even a hint of sickness in your voice
He would take care of you even if he was also sick
He would find a way to go to you even if you were halfway across the world
You cant even get mad @ him cos you will and have done the same woops
and obvi we have to add
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his dog Shimkung prolly loves you more than him, just sayin
She runs to you and ignores Leeteuk when youre around
Because she loves playing with you
And she loves your energy
And the attention you give her
And the treats you bring
And because everyone loves you
And Leeteuk cant even because he loves you too
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Yall listen up
If you think heechul is scary by himself
Try bringing up SuJu's maknae up
I dare you
Just mention your name
Doesnt matter if it's praise
there’s literally an entire 20 (and going) part video comp. of his ears steaming when you’re brought up
like the mere thought of you is already to set him off
It doesn't even phase him if the person who spoke of you is younger or older
The death threats he will sputter is limitless
his tongue is sharper than silver
And the deadliest death glare that's thrown may cause a heart attack.
strangely enough though
but knowing heechul, not strange enough
he is ALWAYS THE FIRST to throw you under the bus
during interviews
and yall always bicker about the dumbest shit
everyone is like, “wait, they’re not the ones that are married?”
the answer is no
but honestly,
He's broken up with someone because of you
Because they were mean to you, i mean
And because he was tired of them too hekhek
and lyk Heechul may be short
But nothing is stopping him from getting into a fist fight with someone 1000+ ft taller than him.
That may be a slight lie cos he'd prolly call the rest of the guys and 5672 security guards to be on his side.
would honestly fite anyone for you
any AND everyone to be honest
He's also very picky with your boyfriends
"Ya, he looks like a womanizer."
"Ya, he looks like an idiot."
"Ya, he smells like woman's perfume."
"Ya, he smells like cigarettes."
"Ya, I don't understand what you see in him."
"Ya, I can't believe you're wasting your time with him."
"Ya, why are your standards so low when you know a guy like me?"
"You can do better."
and you’re kinda just like, “y dont u just look for a guy for me? or better yet, if you think you’re so great, why don’t you just date me?”
“pshhhh, as if, i’m too pretty for you, child”
is what heechul always says
to you and to everyone who asks why you aren’t dating
he also does’t ever answer your calls
cos he’s always too busy with his video games or selfies
so you get really frustrated when you call him to come over and he doesn’t call
but like 
he’s somehow already at your house
cos you needed him and he knew that
idek either bro
he has a sixth sense with ya gurl
he will baby the heck out of you every moment he gets
but not in public cos his image
also he’s never one to flaunt even with his personality
and kinda makes himself clingy for the sake of endorphins
cos he is your happy pill
and your go to man when the world just sucks hard
he gives pretty solid advice
like the ones where you really need some
because he’s never one to sugar coat and will tell you youre a bitch if you are being one
and because of how he is, when he gets soft with you, you know he means it because he’s a broken brick most of the time
he’s also who you normally vent out your problems and burning frustrations to
not that he listens
you mostly just assault him and he takes it
but somehow that’s therapeutic for both of you ???
i’d add heechul’s pets
and maybe i’m just shimkung biased lolol
ANYWAY the gist of you and his pets is that you love them and they love you
the end
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don’t even get me started on yesung
you know how he likes to think he’s all that
how he’s like really good at singin
but he’s like actin all airy sometimes
whICH IS Y u and eunhyuk havE A BALL MESSIN WITH HIM
someone save Yesung from his retarded dongsaengs
lol but eunhyuk comes later
anyway, he’s airy
that side of him comes in handy 4 u
because he makes for a gr8 hypeman
letz be real
SUPER JUNIOR together is the loudest bunch of morons that will hYPE YOU DO YOUR DEATH
but you cant keep havin that when you go to award shows
try havin your ears pierced with screaming every time you’re even remotely related to what the host is talking about
anyway back to yesung
he be your date to eveything
cos he ALWAYS has time to be all that
i mean you bring specific members to the specific events they fit into
u’ll understand laterz
but mostly yesung is your man for the job
cause he’s always available
you know when he’s not touring or holding concerts
whenever you need a date
he puts on all his extra accessories and offers you his arm on the red carpet
or just holds your hand cause it’s easier on his part
IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTer if it’s for some black suit event
he’s prOLLY GON BUST A MOVE and promote SJ’s black suit while he’s at it what a turd
he’s so loud in fact that you’ve reached a point past embarrassment
ur like, “Yeah, he’s my loud date. problem?”
honestly, yall have to be dumb not to see how in love you two are
there are theories on how you two ARE the one true pair
like the way yesung looks at you when you’re striking a pose
answering a question
thanking someone
receiving an award
laughing at a joke
existing in general
and you RIGHT BACK @ him
only an idiot would
but haha
just friends too
ye but itz trueeeeee
no matter how fancy you get
or domestic
cos did i mention you two do the lamest things too
like there is no in between
you go buy groceries
tour Gangnam
hand in hand obviously, duh, you do it every time you’re together
as with every member of super junior but yall already knew
i think i strayed too far from my point
point is he’s there to hang out and do nothing
cos thats what both of you are good for anyway
btw he’s who you bring shopping for clothes
but only like the nice kind you feel me
you’ll get that in a little while too
but like you always go to high-end stores together
never couture tho cos why ??
he’s the one you treat like your diary mostly
the everyday stress you have piled up he’s the one you sift through with
like you tell him all the mundane things
and he’d nod uninterested
and then you’d stop cuz you realiized he doens’t care
and then he’d get mad and be all like “Ya, why’d you stop, what happened to the leaf you kicked?”
i think imma stop here cos you get it
yall good for nothing HAHAHH
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you and kangin get into the stickiest shit every time your crackheads team up
and being the loyal one you are
you always point and blame him when things hit the fan
and he’s always like “Me?”
and then points right back at you
you’re reactions to each other are fandom memes fml
and you’d think with all the treachery you pull on each other you would never be able to count on Kangin
but that is so DAMN FAR from the truth
cos this boy is insufferably thoughtful when it comes to you
his favoritism shows
like he’ll sell super junior for a 1 cent
he’s usually the one that shoos the guys off when they’ll all up on your ass
he’s also the one to kick heechul when he gets too annoying
or anyone in general
He’s usually your partner in crime when it comes to screwing up SJ’s image
“it wasn’T ME!” you both shout, and then you jump on Kangin’s back and he runs away.
and yes there is also a compilation of you morons doing that for 15 minutes straight in multiple languages
dumb shit
he’s not as big as teasing you as Heechul
but he usually calls you ugly, that’s who you are to him
if you’re texting someone, it’s usually him
you send him ideas for a prank or sm shit
and he’s like imma do you one better
and then you just burn SM to the group bwahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHA
not kidding
you guys dont actually get to hang out often
but wHen you do there is a warning signal
and idek y yall pretend to be pranking someone else
but yall end up stabbin each other anyway
But there is also those times when you just cry
and he’s there to listen
he’s not as understanding as his hyungs, cos Leeteuk knows what to do, Heechul knows what to say, and Yesung knows how to remember the important things
but he is always there
he tells you as much as he can
and he aint dumb he can say a lot
but he’ll mostly just try to brighten up your day
by telling you a plan to attack one of the members
as ive mentioned before, you jump on his back when you skedaddle out of the scene you just caused
which have caused an uproar from many
your company mostly has to fend off rumors of you and him being together the second most
youll find out who soon enough
but back to you an Kangin
he usually offers to give you a piggy back ride
even tho he doesn’t really want to
when you’re down
cos u smol child like to be carried
ew grow up sis
dats all i got fam
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you and Shindong work the third most together outside super junior
dats obviously behind Leeteuk
and #2 who will be revealed later
and actually, you two have a very serious and business-like mindset when you’re together
which is why his skillz fly when you collab
you have youtube channel together that’s just u two posting vids you guys want to do
yall fund it urselvs and get some of ur friends to join in
that’s why you normally go to him when you need help with work
meaning if you’re unsure if you should do a drama he’s going to lay down the points 4 u
he usually acts like your manager
and visits you the most when you’re on set
he’s who de-stresses you when you’re working
and the one who you can count on to back you up when someone at work needs to have a little piece of your mind
he’s who you call up when you want to share an idea or a vision
and is the one to more than others root for you and help you all throughout
whenever works stresses you out,
you two do something fun together
watch a film
annoy one of the other members
you call him up when you have a crazy idea
you call him up when you have a song or plot in mind
you call him up when you are in need of advice
though sometimes his advice is to go to leeteuk or heechul
cos he knows he has limits
which is why you love him
because he’s real and never pretends to  know more than he does
with that said though, he does know a lot
and will tell you all he knows about whatever it is you are asking about
you guys do a lot of live streams as well
sometimes its pointless
sometimes its intorspective
but most times its pointless af
and most times yesung is crying in the distant not-so-distant background
cos like i said yall hangout the most
so sometimes shindong gets into the mix
and you do the weirdest shiz in front of camera
the amount of role plays you’ve done that made viewers go ???? is uncountable smh
like like
where you’re an astronaut
and you need to tell the emperor of goryeo he’s going to be assassinated
and then yesung is the emperor’s horse
and yall die of laughter
or that time yall kissed “by accident”
and none of yall were surprised
and you both ended up laughing
and then everyone was like? >?????
idek either tbh
or that one time you were a cake
as in a chocolate cake
running away from an orge
which was yesung
and shindong was the exterminator that kept hitting him with a pillow whenever he’d talk
i cant believe
you think yesung’s had enough with you and eunhyuk
speaking of...
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eunhyuk + u is quite like u + kangin
ppl pray for you to get separated
like pls
and then when you add DONGHAE
the world wants to implode and delete itself
eunhyuk is your usually your fake boyfriend
joke, he’s the fake love triangle interest
you’ll get that later
you say all the time every time you get the chance to that the reason why you dance half as good as you do now is because of eunhyuk
you make his ego fly through the roof
and he’s always like 
dawwwww stop 
no keep going
which is why if for whatever reason you need a dancer or a choreographer or anything between those lines
you call eunhyuk
or jung yunho but that’s not the point
point is the world explodes when there is a sexy suju concept
because you and eunhyuk are always paried up
the flexibility and coordination of your bodies
leaves the world thirsty
eunhyuk is pregnant because of you
Dem body rolls
The dehydration is real
you two just do something in sync
and surprise even both of you
the world cannot
whenever you do a show together they make you do so many dances
cant blame them  tho, u two be bomb
point is he’s normally your dance partner in almost everything super junior
and 73% not super junior
but beyond that he is also your bestest buddy
and since it’s a package deal, most of the time donghae is there
yall do everything from wacky antics
to window shopping
to roller coaster riding
to just lying around talking about life
actually, yall pranked the world by saying your were going out once
but then yall were like “oh we be playin yall”
When you went sikE Leeteuk wasnt surprised
and everyone gave you shit for so long
Ryeowook vowed to kill both of you
kangin thought it was pretty good though
Eunhyuk and you normally go to parties together
and because you are a d U M b fking drunk
he’s always the one who cleans up after you
because you vomit
and cry
and try to kiss everyone
which is why you have safely kissed everyone in super junior when you're wasted
eunhyuk especially
there are pics to prove it
but eunhyuk doesn;t mind
he’d rather be kissed by your vomit flavored mouth than have some ho try to do something to you
he gets really unsettled when other guys come into the picture
he’ll karate chop A morOn
ya think he be small
but he be strong
those dance moves are his weapon
and we def cant end this without saying
he makes you hangover soup
and all that jazz
when you wanna work out or feel sick
you call eunhyuk
i mean leeteuk loves you but you cant move an inch with that boy
so its eunhyuk
unless you wanna be lazy and need a mom (so leeteuk)
honestly i cheated with that lord almighty part
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which you wish would be a lot more than not
IF you have anything to do in China
it’s zhoumi everyday
he’s who taught you how to speak the language and the one who makes fun of you the most because of your prononciation
but you know obviously its all in good fun
you host some shows together
youve stared in a bunch of chinese mini dramas together
but most of all, you two do a bunch of variety
which people LOVE SO MUCH
if you werent so busy with the rest of the world
china would love to keep you for themselves
but anyway back to zhoumi
as i said he be the love of your life
because he’s literally everything you look for in a guy
tall, handsome, smart even though he does DUMB THINGS I CANT BE--
but the only reason why you’re not dating him is
I have no explaination
you are dating though
like outwardly
it’s like an unspoken thing
where you are dating but youre not and everyone around you agrees
with all the chinese variety you’ve done
yall have pretty questionable photos and footage together
why is you hand in his mouth
why are you two in one pair of trousers
why are you crying over literal eggshells
why are you laughing at him dressed up in a suit
why is he making heart eyes at you when you;re wearing clown makeup
why is he making heart eyes in general
why are you making heart eyes in general
idk man
but what you do know is this
there’s this entire ten page article about how he punch some rich guy in shanghai that tried to get too close and zhoumi threw a punch
out of all the boys in the band who’s said they’d punch a moron on the nose
zhoumi as actually the only one who has had the displeasure of doing just that
It was quite the talk of the town
Honestly many were scared for zhoumi
U and him counted
and the rich moron even threatened to sue
but you pointed out that there was footage in the place and that he’d lose so he should just walk away
of course he walked away
and so yeah
but obviously the sonavbish tried to get rid of any footage
And make it look like an assault
It was to be like an even bigger scandal
but you being a smart bitch that has starred in many dramas with the exact same plot already had a copy and so you won that battle
and zhoumi ‘s career was not ruined
he was even hailed a hero for all the no duh reasons
Yeah he can throw a punch 
zhoumi is so soft for you though
and you for him
he’s usually the one who takes your mind off of things
but you hang out the least out of everyone due to sched differences
that doesn’t mean you dont make time for each other though
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donghae that knows all your secrets
knows all your dog stories
all your accidental injuries
all your fails
all your successes
it may take a few moments to jump start and access his mental archive
but its there
and Donghae has been your boyfriend on many many occasions
whether or not it be fake or real the world will never know
you guys are the most intimate with each other
like you guys are so casual
and comfortable
that Leeteuk tells you guys off
h e e c h u l
even suju separates you on their own will sometimes
and both of you are like
donghae is a certified soft boi
and his softness is amplified when you’re together
PDA is second nature to you two
many hand holds
many cuddles
many suggles
... sure
and it doesn’t matter where you two are
nothing stops you from being touchy
people ask you about it all the time
but once again
Anyway donghae is the go to guy for heart to heart conversations
because he has a heart of gold
the softest purest gold
and he really understands and empathizes
he cries with you over dog movies
and listens to your frustrations
and you listen to him cry
and talk about his feelings
and you tie it all up by making each other smile
he actually gives really good advice
i mean they all do give good advice at a point
but donghae’s are actually quite on point
even though people think he’s slow
it’s probably because he’s once connected at the hip to you
he’s the one you talk to about boy problems and relationship problems
because he’s the only one that isn’t weirded out about the topic
i mean he’s got a soft spot of you
plus hes really caring
so he’ll listen to whatever topic you want to talk about anyway
he’s really the only who, like, pays attention to all your babbling
most of them tend to overlook that
but never donghae
he’s the guy you call in the middle of the night when you cant sleep
it’s not guaranteed he’ll pick up because i mean duh he has a life
but when he does he really listens
except for when he doesnt
cos he’s tired
and on top of being a cuddly living diary
he’s also your personal massager
like you know those knots on your shoulder
what knots on your shoulders
he massages them away because
youre his ultimate weakness
when you need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat, racing leeteuk to get to you
although he’s not as motherly as leeteuk
he’s more of a brother really
like he is motherly
he does baby you
i can
no actually
i cant explain
because i got nothing
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yall do the most goals things ever
and end up posting it on insta like the aesthetic things you are
he’s the guy you call when you wanna go out and tour
and you guessed it
he’s the second person in super junior you work most with out of the group
can you imagine the power you two hold in dramas
sometimes you do cameos in his shows
sometimes its the other way around
honestly it was a make out but you know
donghae’s fine
Siwon and you travel a lot
in a small scale sense where you just go around on a food trip
or going on a short vacation to another country
dont tell the others tho
and its honestly the cutest thing ever like siwon and his charities ad;hkasd
you two have this meme where its just a compilation of you two lauging
cos yall get WEIRD when you laugh together
your laugh is weird in general
and super junior is weird in general
but you and siwon laughing is just weirder
Whenever you have to go somewhere where you think youre going to die because of the formality
you bring siwon along because he’s the most businessman looking out of everyone
plus he holds a rich man aura
because he is
honestly he should just buy SM wtf
He is also the one you go to for advice
because sometimes crying with donghae isn’t really the way you want to go
he’s normally your outside opinion guy
when you normally have a course of action already in your head
but youre just not sure how to go
he gives solid points
and he’s quite firm with his answers
when you need him he doesn’t come as quick as leeteuk or donghae
but he’s the one who leaves last
because he’s just thorough like that
like if you have a mental break down
he’ll come when he can and make sure to make extra time for you
because he wants to both make it up to you and make sure you’re alright
i should add
that on top of being very aesthetic together with your black tie events and whatnot
yall make post memes of each other often on your own accounts SO MUCH
ELFs dig it
iconic really
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ryeowook actually hates you
he hates you because you have such a beautiful voic
he hates that youre pretty
he hates that youre talented
but it is also what completes him
It adds to his purpose in life
To cruSh u
N remind u who is butter
yall bicker the most out of everyone
yall raise your voices at each other the most
you always attack each other
it’s too much to handle
but when you catch on that you’re being played
You and ryeowook teamup
the sass is real when you’re together
makes both of your skin visibly darker to a point
he’s mostly the one to call you out when you and kangin are doing something dumb
or when you and donghae start getting cuddly
or when you just show your face to him
because yes he hates you
if he hears anyone say anything REMOTELY BAD ABOUT YOU
he wILL attacK
because only HE can be mean to you
which is why they actually think you’re dating
pipe the HECK down if you have something to say
and the feeling is mutual for you
if anyone says anything bad about ryeowook OR ANY OF YOUR BOYS
they’re dead
but sometimes both of you hate super junior together
and theres a bunch of videos of you questioning why you’re both still here
when he’s not hating you though
he’s violently supporting you
have you heard this man scream
if you’re doing something live
then he’s out
him and yesung are on a roll when you get an award
and on your live performances
theres normally a cut scene to him in the crowd holding a big ass sign that says something mean
like I HOPE YOU TRIP in bold letters
but in fine print is continues IN SUCCESS AND GOOD HEALTH
but that’s ryeowook for ya
Everyone's confused how you are able to be so violent and mean
But also so cheesily soft
Honestly u just weird
And so is ryeowook
when you need advice he fights you first
"How could you be so dumb to have a problem like that"
then,he'll tell you what to do
If he can, he fights your problem
and then solves it for you that way
Thats how it is, violently soft hek
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So serious
but unlike ryeowook he sometimes actually make people end up wondering if youre dating
Cause ryeowook and u be mean but not so lovey dovey
But you and kyuhyun are mean and lovey dovey
he makes sure you suffer
suffer in embarrassment in live television
and will do everything in his power to get you and ryeowook to stab each other
but if you squint hard enough
he acts hella whipped for you to be pretty damn honest
anyone with a brain can put together that he’s basically like a child
a child being mean to his crush because he doesn’t know what to do
but yall know what
even though ya both be also killing each other
I cannnnOt even
any drama that has been blessed with your vocals
----i meaaaan-----
your song can save any drama
and yall do a lot of live performances together
uhm did I mention you’re basically part of the sub-unit KRY
actuallY JK nvm, it’s you and kyuhyun alone actually
just you and him
hitting those notes like no other
AnD theN theRE was This incident
that you had to perform in on a live awardshow
but like a vocal accident
as in you lost your voice
kyuhyun covered for you duh
because  even if he wants you to suffer in public
he wants it to be by his hand
and not because you ended up getting sick suddenly
I do have to say he’s not very reliable tbh
for the sole reason he wishes to be the true maknae and to desTROY U
“are you sure you hate her though” -literally everyone
“YES!” kyuhyun would answer without missing a beat
“seem like bull by ok”
the there can only be one
i would’ve killed you if the lights were closed
excuse you, trash
i sarangHATE U Bitch
boi i cant wtf am i doin
and again
i cannot stress enough that kyuhyun wants your death by his hand
so if someone else comes for you
he’s going to attack that person more than they have you
whenever people ask him about you to, he gets all protective and scary
in summarry, he wants death but not really
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he’s the only one who actually treats you like youre a child
like you two are the closest in age
the audacity
the nerve
i cant believe
he literally pulls the Oppa card
he literally holds your hand when you cross the street
he asks you if you’ve eaten
he coddles you, especially around others
he brings you juice on set if ever you appear on the same show
he’s so embarrassing
he be actin as if he’z ya dad
get a grip
but as embarrassing as he is
he is also your best friend
and he talks fondly about you everywhere
literally never talks shit about you
unless its true tho lololo
and for real is probably literally in love with you
but is like “I’m her older brother tho so”
acts like an older brother 23/6
and the remaining time like a sweet and ExTreMely embarrassing boyfriend
will do anything for you to be honest
if you and kyuhyun do lame things
yall do weird shit online too
and yall have done questionable things on variety
which is why you’ve hosted a variety special before
if you ever feel down
or sad
or angry
or frustrated
henry is the guy to call to be reminded of the brighter things
nothing is impossible or gloomy with henry
and yall thrive in all the crack-ish things you do together
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earlgreytea68 · 5 years
heyyyy, too many bunbury closing thoughts
I told myself I would give myself this weekend to just wallow, in the positive sense, in the memory of Friday night’s concert, and now I find myself at the end of Fall Out Boy Weekend, and so here are my Closing Thoughts.
I am far enough into adulthood now—well, now I’m well into middle age, tbh—so I can say that there are few things that actually meet, like, the grand expectations you set for them? There are a lot of things in my life that I have said met those expectations, because I have always kind of blamed myself when my expectations weren’t met. Oh, I said to myself, don’t ask for too much, that’s how you get disappointed. You learn, as a grown-up, to be constantly managing your expectations a bit. At least, I’ve learned that, and I think probably others do the same thing.
When I was thinking of my Closing Thoughts and things that exceeded my expectations, the immediate thing that sprang to mind was the Red Sox winning the World Series in 2004. That exceeded every single expectation I ever had for how that would feel. I remember watching this documentary about it later and these psychologists were like, “People think they’ll feel happier after their favorite team wins the big championship but it’s a temporary high and things go back to the way they were before,” and on the documentary Ben Affleck was flatly like, “That’s a high” and I laughed so hard because BEN AFFLECK WAS RIGHT, OKAY, THE RED SOX WINNING WAS AMAZING AND IT HAS NEVER STOPPED BEING AMAZING, that was beyond anything I could have hoped for.
So, anyway, that’s a tangent (except for the fact that the Red Sox winning the World Series is STILL amazing to me and has never lost its wonder and it gives me hope for the memory of this concert). ANYWAY. What I mean to be talking about is that I was managing expectations coming in to the concert. I was like, “As long as they play, I’ll be happy. That’s it. I just don’t want them to cancel the concert.” But, of course, secretly I wanted much more than that. And, of course, I didn’t get every song I wanted (there was literally no way I would, in my heart of hearts I wanted songs that I know they haven’t played for years, so I didn’t dare to truly hope for that), but what I got was perfect in every way, just extraordinarily perfect, just beyond what I’d expected it to be.
And I was thinking about that, like, what did I expect, you know? If this was beyond my expectations, then why? What did they do that I didn’t expect to see? And I think – like, I really think the answer to this question is – they were so happy. And it sounds a little odd to me, because I didn’t go into the concert thinking, I hope they’re happy. It wasn’t a thing I’d hoped for in all the expectations I set for myself, and then it was right there in front of me and I have literally, in all seriousness, in all my concert-going years, never seen any two people as happy to be on a stage together as Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump on Friday night. (I’m sure Andy and Joe were also happy, but they weren’t right in front of me.)
Now, granted, I have also never been so close for a concert before, but I have just never felt the palpable joy that you could feel radiating off of them. They smiled the whole time. They smiled at us. They smiled at each other. They were having such a blast with every single song, and it was so tangible, and it was so just, like, not what I’d thought to hope for at all, and yet so perfect. They were perfect. Everything they did was perfect because they were so happy it could never possibly not be perfect.
And in this weird way, I was like, This is all I do with my characters, right? I just write to make them happy. That’s all I’m trying to accomplish. And so often I feel like to do that I have to wrench them away from their creators, who are too often horrible to them, and fix it. Write them to their happiness. Pete and Patrick are real people and not my characters, which I definitely know, but I think I was just so pleasantly struck by them being happy there in front of me. Like, hey, I don’t have to write them happy, they’ve got that covered, I can just write for fun instead of a fix-it-ness. Which is honestly kind of nice.
So, anyway, that is not all that I loved about the concert, the concert was incredible for many reasons, but I think part of its perfection was that Pete and Patrick were so very happy and that happiness was buoyant and lifted the entire crowd and I feel so lucky to have seen it.
Okay, whatever, touchy-feely Pete&Patrick thoughts aside: I’M GOING TO TALK ONCE MORE ABOUT PATRICK STUMP’S VOICE, OKAY? I know I have said how amazing and astonishing Patrick’s voice was but, like, I just keep thinking how I’ve been listening to him for months now, practically exclusively, and I know how fantastic he is, whenever I listen to non-Patrick singers I’m like, …I miss Patrick. So I think I expected him to be good and that was that. I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO BE BETTER. I did not expect him to be so much better in person. I think I will never, ever get over that hahaha. I’m just going to spend my whole life being like, “BUT PATRICK STUMP LIVE, EVERYONE.” I know he’s said that, at least in the past, he would try to cover up his vocals on the songs, and I listened to some recorded Fall Out Boy today and on some of the songs – some of the songs I just heard Patrick sing – there’s like this almost blur over his voice? Like someone went over the vocals with sandpaper? And it made me think of this story I once heard that the little girl who sings “All I Want for Christmas” at the end of Love Actually (bear with me here) was so good that they felt like they had to scratch up her vocals a little to make it more believable that she was really the one singing the song. I don’t think anyone is trying to make Patrick’s vocals more believable, but I think they’re doing things in post-production that his voice just doesn’t need.
I am no music producer. I’m sure whatever they’re doing is smart and better for the songs and whatever. I just want to say that Patrick’s voice is better live, and I am still astonished by it. He’s just walking around with that ridiculous voice coming out of him. Every single story about Pete Wentz making up his mind in half a song that Patrick had to be their singer makes so much incredible sense now, I can’t even get over it. He was just so utterly fantastic. And I’m sure some of that was how happy he clearly was, I do feel like you can hear Patrick’s mood when he sings sometimes, he seems to be freer and looser with his voice the happier and more relaxed he is, which makes some sense.
Also, as was pointed out, he hasn’t performed a concert in months now, and he doesn’t have another public performance for a few weeks, so his voice was super-fresh and he had no future performance to really worry about it, and so he just seemed to unleash it. Which brings me to: the festival experience. I was kind of freaking out about seeing them at a festival. I haven’t been to a music festival in fifteen years, and I was worried that because it was a festival and not a dedicated FOB concert I would be, Idk, cheated of the full experience.
WRONG. TOTALLY WRONG. GO SEE THEM AT A FESTIVAL. I mean, we lucked out to have pretty perfect weather but also I had a much better seat than I would ever have gotten at an actual concert – I WAS FRONT ROW – and everyone around me was a FOB fan so it wasn’t like I missed out on the audience experience and they went over their allotted time to definitely give us basically a full concert and so I did not feel cheated at all and I would go see them again at a festival in a heartbeat, I’m so glad that I took the chance and did it.
This has been such a weird and random fandom for me, like, it came out of nowhere, and I feel very lucky that it did, and it has brought me an incredible amount of great joy and I am very happy about that. I mean, all of my fandoms have always brought me that, so I don’t want to pretend like this is the only one, I just want to say that, in this moment of my Closing Thoughts, Pete and Patrick aren’t the only happy ones, and I’m grateful to them for that.
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wiccamoody · 6 years
Alright, under the cut is my ii review. It's very long and divided into sections because I'm like that.
The audience
I'm starting off with the easy bit. So something I didn't entirely expect (but kind of did at the same time? Usually I'm pleasantly surprised by these kinds of events) was how old I felt. I'm 19. I'm practically a baby. I shouldn't ever feel old unless I'm surrounded by kindergarteners. But besides people's parents and a few people who I could tell were my age or older, everyone was so young. I mean, duh, I'm pretty sure the average age in the phandom is like 16 or something, but it was wild to me, though maybe that's because I've curated the shit out of my fandom experience. And this wasn't a bad thing at all! The only bad thing about feeling 'old' was that people letting out ear splitting screams at literally nothing was giving me a headache and made me roll my eyes at multiple points (ahem, I think screaming when you see the empty stage that we've seen a million times before is a bit much, but maybe that's me being grumpy). Otherwise, it was really, really nice to see such a diverse and lovely group of people come together and just have fun. I wasn't dancing at any of the songs or whatever (but you bet your ass I sang my heart out when WTTBP was playing), however it was really cute to see people in such good moods. It's one of my favourite parts of fandom events. I was glad that this one wasn't like some events I've been to where people are dicks to everyone is they aren't friends with. Everyone just seemed so nice and happy, and I really felt a sense of community there too, which was lovely. Also, even though I've said this several times, it really was so lovely to meet @lesterchuu and @astudyinfondness. They were so lovely and it was great to meet people off the internet. 
Okay, now that we've got the fluff out of the way, let's get to the meat of this review: the show.
To put it plainly: Dan was acting. I'll get into why Phil was but also "wasn't" acting, but it was very clear that Dan was playing ~Daniel Howell. He had a few character breaks, like when he smacked his leg into the stage twice and almost said fuck both times. He also fiddled with his mic a lot, and I don't know if that's giving his hands something to do while Phil's talking, or if it was actually bothering him, but it was something I noticed.
Speaking of mannerisms, I was surprised to see how, for lack of a better term, 'campy' Dan's body language can be. He also walked very awkwardly across the stage a few times, which made me laugh.
Anyway, Dan was really interesting for me to watch because he was so in character the whole time. His 'Dan' voice is something that kind of bothers me after a while (which is why I like his liveshows the best out of his solo content), and while I didn't get bothered by it during the show, I was extremely hyper aware of its presence, which was the main thing that made me go "Oh Dan's really acting right now". Maybe that should be super obvious since I've listened to audio clips of the show before and know that it's 90% scripted, but I suppose I wasn't expecting it to be so obvious to me when I was watching it. Also, it was incredibly jarring (but also pleasant, in a way) to hear Dan's cackle irl. Along with that, Dan's facial expressions were always 'turned on'. Besides when he fixed his mic, whenever Phil was talking he looked full of energy and rearing to go.  Dan's dedication to his character kind of took me out of the loose narrative of the show because of how obvious I found it to be, but I know that's just me over analyzing things since I generally find Dan's mannerisms so interesting to watch. He did a really great job though.
I found Phil so much more interesting to watch through the whole show. Phil was definitely acting, but it was different from the way Dan was acting. Dan had the pacing and energy of someone who has to stay in a relatively emotionally stagnant character, while Phil came across very similarly to how he does in his videos. It was definitely played up a bit more because he's still acting in a stage show (side note: they must have decided to get some training before this one because they were a lot less stiff than in tatinof. I've only seen the youtube red version of it, but even then their acting was Not Great in it compared to this time around), but he felt more true to the Phil we see on the gaming channel and in liveshows than Dan did.
I think a lot of Phil's behaviour in this particular show was influenced by how exhausted he seemed to be that day. He looked tired in his instagram story, and on stage he definitely had a more neutral face than Dan did when Dan was talking. There were a few moments where I could see Phil falter and watch his expression shift to his 'Done' face, but it was only for a split second every time (yeah, I barely looked at them when they were talking. I was mostly trying to see what they looked like when the other was talking because for some reason I feel like that's more telling. Maybe I'm weird idk).
I'm not sure if he always sits for the simulation bit, but the fact that Dan didn't made me think that they usually stand so I think the tour was really starting to take a toll on him near the end there. He also popped a few squats and swayed his hips a lot which was amusing to me. Oh, and a bit that I found hilarious was after he got off the wheel and was undressing, he bent over so his ass was facing the audience while Dan was talking and everyone cheered which cut Dan off. Phil was struggling to get the suit over his shoes too so he kind of waddled into one of the wings but the spotlight kept following him. Eventually he just sat down on the stage and pulled it off, but I thought it was a funny moment (even if it's something that happens at every show where Phil's on the wheel).
Something else about Phil that really shone through here, similar to how it is in videos but not to the same extent, is how naturally funny he is. Again, it wasn't to the same extent that it is in videos since he's acting, but some of their little ad libbed moments were so much better because of Phil's quick humour.
Dan & Phil
Something I noticed right away was that their dynamic was far from the flirty and silly one we get on dapg, or even in joint videos/liveshows. I expected this since the show is mostly scripted, so that's fine, but it was still  very obvious to me the entire time. They didn't bounce off of each other in the same way they do in videos of course, but god they work so well together. The show didn't change my perception of them in the slightest, but it did make me see how much of a unit they really are. This was something I was very aware of before obviously, but seeing it irl made it a little more concrete, which was interesting. They really are the perfect package deal together and for each other. Their dynamic made me crave more from them though. The inner workings of their relationship are so interesting to me, and while it's far more likely than not that we'll ever get even the smallest glimpse into that part of their lives, it has me intrigued. But more on that later.
Moving onto the extremely superficial portion of this section, I was surprised to see how...similar they look to how they appear in videos. I was close enough to be able to see their sweat and whatnot, and I found it odd how they actually do look like they do online. I realise how ridiculous that sounds, but it was something that was running through my mind. The way they move their bodies was really quite awkward at times, but honestly I relate and I had a feeling they would be a little awkward in some bits. There was a moment when Dan looked right at the spot where I was sitting for a long time (obviously not directly at me, but in a spot either right in front or behind me--maybe he zoned out) while he was talking about something. I think it was during the real conversation section because he was sitting down, but I really didn't hear anything either of them were saying because my mind was like "wow his eyes are a really nice shade of brown" haha. In short, they're both pretty. Oh, and I could definitely see Dan's nipples the entire time.
The show & what I took away from it
To sum up my feelings in a few words: I really enjoyed myself! I had a lot of fun, but all it really did was make me crave a real conversation with them. This show was not nearly as enjoyable to me as a video or a liveshow, and I didn't expect it to be. I knew that it was going to be formulaic and that there would be a few moments that I would genuinely adore, but otherwise it was just going to be a fun time where I spend way too much money and get to see them 25 feet away. That's not a bad thing, either. I'm okay with that. I went in knowing that nothing revolutionary is going to happen because this show really isn't about me as a fan, or my fabricated one-way friendly connection to them, or what I want from them. I'm simply there to enjoy myself and explicitly support them monetarily, which is expected and fine. And I also never anticipated this show to be mind blowingly spectacular or anything, concept and script-wise. I don't expect that from Dan and Phil ever, and that's really not why I watch them. I'm definitely here because their chemistry is like nothing else and I find their relationship so fascinating. I think overall as someone who wasn't anticipating much and who had spoiled themselves as much as possible, seeing it actually exceeded my expectations. And it's a big plus in my book that it actually was a lot better than tatinof (but that's a whole other post tbh). The only thing that really annoyed me was the way fic is treated, but this happens in every show so I was expecting it, though it didn't stop me from being unimpressed. Oh, and I didn't appreciate being constantly shamed for voting for the craft videos. We all know that's where their content peaked.
I'm a little frustrated by how much it made me actually want to get to know them though, like I said earlier about being intrigued by the inner bits of their dynamic. I've said this for years, but I'd really love to have a long chat with them over coffee or drinks. I think it would be interesting. But that's a pipe dream and a half so this will definitely suffice.
I adore how queer the show was too. The fact that they're comfortable enough now to travel around the world with so many queer references in the scripted parts of their show makes me really happy for them.
Overall, I left the show in a good mood and feeling really fond of them. It was a nice time.
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