#stfu lily
squash1 · 5 months
the raven cycle is looking at the lines in your hands, the lines in your grandmother’s hands and seeing tree roots, seeing rivers, seeing the veins of leaves. interconnected. separate, but together.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months
Mauraders fans
when asked irl who do you tell people is your favorite hp character???
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fictionalmenaremytype · 2 months
Yes yes we have the jegulus raising harry and wolfstar raising harry and jily raising harry aus. I propose we have follow up fics that are 'marauders as grandparents being a bad influence'.
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fizby · 8 months
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zombie-bland-saga · 2 years
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We did it, we got the funny Lily image posted again
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llinstarr · 7 months
It's ok to hate/dislike ships!!!!!
it's ok to hate/dislike queer/poc headcanons!!!!!
It’s ok to hate/dislike popular characterization of a character/ship!!!!!!
It's ok for one part of the fandom to criticize another if they feel offended by their acts!!!!!
It's okay to feel upset when one ship takes over a tag that doesn’t belong to them!!!!!
It’s ok to miss the old fandom/ships and it’s ok to love the new fandom/ships!!!!
It’s ok to hate and love them.
Everyone should learn to accept criticism respectfully, offer constructive feedback, and refrain from hating others for their opinions.
It’s all right just stop hate on people who do love/hate them. I know tensions can run high in fandoms, but let's offer constructive criticism instead of spreading hate.
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dreamieparadise · 1 month
Can I know more about the mafia highschool au? Like is it a normal school with just a bunch of mafia kids or is there an actual mafia curriculum? What was Momo's reaction when she found out she was pregnant? Is Mimi still the Rat King? Curious minds would like to know 🥺💜✨
Djkdkd it piqued your interest, huh? x'D
It's an actual mafia hs! 90% of the people there are mafia affiliated, and in order for outsiders to be brought into the school, they have to be sponsored by a current student! The current student has to vouch for the outsider's capabilities and also take responsibility for them. For example, Reborn sponsored Miruku! He is now a mentor figure to him and is guiding him to be what he feels is a splendid mafia member. [The thing is, everyone here are teens, so while the arcobaleno are still powerful, they aren't as experienced or cool headed as their adult counterparts! Reborn, in this au, isn't as gentlemanly towards femme presenting people! It's something he works more towards later. He still treats them better than male presenters but thats because he is a misandrist. Another example: Fon has a temper!!!]
The one who sponsored Momina is actually Luce! Luce is a great help to Momina due to both of them being spiritually inclined. However, with how Colonello [and Lal] are... they, of course, decided to snatch Momina away and also force teachings onto her. Luce is still Momina's actual mentor, though!
The blood, sex and violence are ramped up in this school. It's normal for students to be killed by other students [Squalo just murdering Dino's bullies because they were in the way, for example...] so this kind of pushes people into confessing, having sex, etc. They feel they can die any time so YOLO!!!
I like to think there is actually a mafia curriculum on top of the normal curriculum. "All the ways you can poison someone", "espionage", etc. They get sent on missions...
Momina has major brainrot!!! She was so happy to be a mother while married to Hayato. [Yeah... they got married while underage. Yeah, Hayato forced religious leaders to allow the marriage to happen... Momina thought it was so sweet! She just said don't threaten them in the house of God!! Him complying was endearing! :) ]
It's so funny because Jojo was like "Luce does not approve of them moving so fast while so young" LIKE SHE WASN'T ALSO PREGNANT DJDJDJD difference is Luce claimed her husband Roberto as her husband when they were 5 so it's Totally Different. [Luce's reasoning, probably!]
Mimi is kind of one?? He was wandering the sewers for Cavallone lost treasure, and Dino went with him...he complained every step of the way until Mimi actually found it. Dino is now convinced Mimi is a lucky charm and brings him places, btw.
I could keep going, but let me stop here!!! 😭✋🏾
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preciousprongs · 1 year
IDCCCCC if you ship jegulus, jily, marylily, etc. I could not give a fuck. JO MARCH IS THE LILY EVANS VARIANT. NO LIES NOTHING. Idc what you say she is literally her. There is nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise.
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squash1 · 1 year
PLEASE stop combining “it’s rotten work” “not to me. not if it’s you.” with gansey and ronan. i literally Can’t handle it. thanks so so much <3
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ladylooch · 7 months
Our Little Family [Miles Wood] Chapter 19- Baby #2?
A/N from 👢 anon: Hey guys !! I'm sorry for the delay. Life got a little crazy, but thankfully this chapter was already ready.
Life is changing for the woods. And yes, we have sex. Enjoy people.
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Since that night in the Bahamas, when Miles talked about what he wants for you, if you get pregnant again, it crosses your mind at least three times a day. 
Are you ready to go through all of that again ? 
That's what you ask yourself, looking at the mirror as you get ready for the team get-together. The season is almost here, and the leaders decided that it's good to have all the families and everybody together. 
“Babe, are you ready ?” Miles asks from the bathroom door. 
You blink a few times, coming back from the transe.
“Almost, give me a couple of minutes. Can you make sure Lily has everything ?” Miles walks to you and kisses your cheek. He looks into the mirror with you. 
“Everything for my wife and daughter.”
You smile as he moves to check Lily's bag. Maybe it's time for another one. How can you not give this man another baby ? He's the perfect dad. 
You take a deep breath to clear your mind. You finish getting ready and join them downstairs. 
You smile seeing Lily sleepy in her daddy's arms. You grab the bag from Miles. He uses his free hand to wrap around your waist for a kiss. 
“You look gorgeous, babe.” He says, leaning in for a kiss. 
Your cheeks get warm at the compliment. Miles leads his girls to the car. While he settles Lily, you get in the passenger seat. He starts the car, and you guys are on your way. He rests his hand on your thigh. You squeeze his hand softly. 
“Are you excited for the season ?” You ask him. 
“Yeah, I think this season is going to be fun.” You nod, and you look to the back seat. Lily is out. She'll have lots of energy to play later. 
Mel greets you guys, followed by Gabe, the Avs captain. Miles is holding Lily, and you have the bag. Mel shows you where you can leave the diaper bag. Miles goes outside, and you decide to greet the other halves and talk to them a little. As more people start to get there, the sounds get louder and Lily wakes up. 
Miles gives her some water before letting her go play. You move outside with the halves, and you shake your head seeing your husband playing with the kids.You sit and continues the conversation with the halves. Lily is still a little sleepy, so she's a little slow. But when she's fully awake, she's playing like her dad. 
It doesn't take long for Miles to come join you. He brings you a drink, and you thank him softly. He taps your hips, and you get up for him to sit, then he brings you to sit on his lap. You thank him for the drink with a kiss. You play with the hair on the back of his neck with your free hand. 
“Are you okay, babe ?” He squeezes your hips asking. 
You look back to where the kids are playing. Lily is one year and a half. She's playing on her own time, but she's playing. That big diaper butt, she's so happy. You miss that feeling, to be pregnant with his baby, to go through that in a better environment. 
You look at him. 
“I want another one.” At first, it's almost a mumble. 
Miles looks at you a little confused because he doesn't understand you. 
You take a deep breath. “I want another one, another baby.” 
The biggest grin possibly spread on miles lips. 
“Are you sure ?” He needs to know. 
“Yeah, I am. I want another baby with you. Do you want another baby with me ?” 
“Yes, I do, babe.” 
You smile hearing his reply. It's such a relief.
“ And I promise if you're already expecting. My answer will be different than last time.” He says with a chuckle.
“No I'm not. But I appreciate that.” You rest your forehead on his, just enjoying this moment with him. 
Then you hear Lily's cry and call for you. You peck his lips before going to check on your baby. Miles stares at your ass the whole time. He's so ready to start trying with you. 
You squat, asking Lily what happened. She only makes grabby hands. You pick her up, kissing her head. 
One of the kids said that the ball had hit her and she started to cry. It wasn't on purpose. You assure them that it's okay and she's going to be okay. 
You sit with her on Miles’ spot. You ask her if it's hurting, she nods, and you kiss her head. Saying that mommy is there. She just clings to you. Miles brings her water cup. You give it to her to drink and just hold your baby. 
Miles asks if she's okay and you nod. Everything is okay. He sits beside you and you guys stay in your little bubble until it's time to eat. Lily feels better now. Her mama was there for her, she got cuddles, and she's hungry. You smile, watching Lily opening her mouth to get your food. Miles offers to hold her, but you say that it's okay. 
You can't help but laugh at Ross chirping Miles' curls, saying that he needs to let you help him. You and Miles share a known look. You both know why he doesn't ask your help with the curls.
Ross looks at you all seriously. 
“What did you see in Woody, (y/n) ?”
You look at Miles and then at Ross. 
“Him.” You move your hand up and down your husband. 
Miles smirks, giving Ross some shit. You chuckle and feed Lily. 
You guys stay there until Lily starts to get too grumpy. She wants to sleep, as much as you're having fun. She's a priority, and you guys are going home. 
Miles is just in his silly mood as you guys move to the car. You settle Lily in her carseat, and Miles takes care of her bag. 
He moves to your side of the car, he pins you against the car. 
“Sooooooo…” You chuckle, hearing him not being smooth. 
“Yeah ?” You arch your brow at him.
“You were being truthful about baby #2, right ?” 
“Yes, Miles. I want another baby.” He feels so relaxed hearing you say those words. 
“So… Can we start trying tonight ?” You chuckle as you move your hand lower on his abs. 
“Yeah, we can. But I need to pull the goalie. That's the only way you can score, dude.” 
You peck Miles lips. He was going to say something, but your lips feel so nice, he forgots. 
He opens the door for you. He feels so happy. After settling in the car, he holds your hand before starting the car. Occasionally, he brings your hand to his lips. 
Later that night, you guys start trying for baby number 2.
The past few months have been a roller coaster. Both of you are giddy and so happy. Lots of sex, but a few negative tests. That's making you sad because you can see the light disappearing in his eyes every time you say negative. 
He's been a gentleman, making sure that you're okay and assuring that everything is okay. When the time is right, you will be pregnant. 
Now you're holding another negative test in your hands. As the tears stream down your face. Lily is asleep while you cry in the bathroom. Miles will be home soon after practice. 
You're thinking of a way to tell Miles again that it's a no. You understand that it takes a little time for the pills to stop. This is just so disappointing. 
Miles comes in, and the house is quiet. He knows that it's nap time for Lily. So he needs to find you right now. He finds you in the bathroom crying. He moves to sit beside you. Miles brings you close. 
“I'm sorry, I don't know if I can continue doing this.” You just blurt it out. This has been a painful process, too.
“It's okay, sweetheart, we can take a break as long as you need.” He kisses your head, holding you close. 
“I'm sorry for continuing to disappoint you.” Miles' heart shatters hearing you say that. 
“You're not, babe. These things happen and take time. But I know we're going to be parents again.” You nod, resting against his side. This wasn't supposed to happen. Miles kisses your head and just holds you. You sigh, cleaning your tears before getting up. Miles watches you. He holds your hand, holding you in place. 
“We're going to be okay, sweetheart.” He gets up bringing you into his arms again.You hold him tight, taking a deep breath and trying to calm yourself. You say that you're going to finish lunch and ask him to check on Lily. 
Miles kisses you and says that he loves you. You reply that you love him too. You need to calm yourself and go back to that initial feeling. The giddy and happy one, where you both are full in. 
The rest of the day, you mope when you're alone. But when you're with Lily, she's the only thing that matters. 
Miles spends the rest of the day trying to think of a way to talk to you and assure you this delay doesn't change anything for him. His love is the same.
When he gets home from the game, you greet him before going to use the bathroom. Miles cuddles Lily for a little while, and then he joins you. He changes and waits for you in bed shirtless. He pulls you by the hand. You settle on his lap, hugging him. He rubs your back. 
“Babe, this doesn't change anything. I promise you.” He says, rubbing your back. 
You nod, just needing him to hold you right now. 
“Do you want to stop trying ?” You shake your head no, because that's not what you want. 
“Okay, I'll be right here when you're ready to try again.” He kisses your shoulder.
This is a good reassurance to you. You just need a little time before going full in again. 
One week later
One night after Miles put Lily to sleep. He's sitting outside drinking his beer, trying to cool down from the short roadie. 
You watch him from the backdoor. You walk towards him, and he smiles, seeing you getting close. You pick the bottle from his hand before straddling his hips. 
You take a sip as you lock eyes with him. Miles hand rest on your lower back. 
“Let's make a baby, handsome.” You say grinding against him.
Miles groans as he leans to lock lips with you. 
He rests his forehead on yours. “Are you sure, babe ?” 
“Yeah, let's do this.” You smirk, licking his lips. 
Miles throws his head back as you get up. You look over your shoulder like “You're going to just stand there ?” Miles shakes his head and follows you. He closes the backdoor before following you.
You tease him the whole way up the stairs. Miles catches you at the top, and you laugh as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
He kisses you, you giggle, and he shushes you because of Lily. He likes the way you are right now. Things look good and you're more relaxed. 
Miles picks you up and throws you onto the bed, making you giggle and moan. You love it when he shows his strength. You take your shirt off. You're so needy for him. He does the same before moving to be on top of you. You bring him in for a kiss. It's been a week, and you guys are needy for each other. 
Miles lowers himself. He starts to grind against you. Feeling him get hard makes you happy. You moan into the kiss. Miles strips himself and then you. 
He kisses his way down your body, but you pull his hair to stop him. 
“Miles, I just need you. I don't need foreplay…please.” You plead him. 
Miles looks at you with big eyes. He likes this a lot. He checks if you're wet enough for him. You are but not the way he would like to. So he moves to grab the bottle of lube. He's not going to hurt you. 
Miles strips himself and pours some lube to make sure it's going to be good for you. He slides inside you, drawing a moan from you. 
He attacks your neck when you throw your head back. Miles starts to move slowly, building up the moment and your wetness. Then, he gets in a comfortable rhythm. 
You cling to his biceps, leaving marks. Miles says that he needs you to cum for him, before he can give you what you want. 
You groan, but nod, bringing him in for another kiss. Miles moves his hand to your clit to bring your orgasm closer. You focus on him- his movements, his lips. 
Miles nibble your bottom lip, that little pain brings you over the edge. You get tight around him, Miles focuses on getting you through your orgasm. 
He continues moving his hips, Miles hooks your ankles on his shoulders to get as deeper as he can inside. Now, he can focus on his own orgasm. You tell him how much you want another baby, that you want to be big with his baby. He loses it big time. 
It doesn't take long for Miles to cum inside you. Both of you are a mess, he lowers your legs down and you dig your heels on his ass. You need him there. He rests his forehead on yours while both of you are breathing heavily. 
“Thank you.” You say softly, fixing that little curl on his forehead. 
Miles can only grin at you. He kisses your forehead. You can feel him getting softer inside you. You don't want him to pull out, but he has to. He pulls out, pushing the cum that leaks out of you inside.
“We have to make sure we don't waste any drop.” He says pushing a little more cum inside you.
You sigh, making grabby hands for him. Miles chuckles as he lays beside you. You rest your head on his chest. That's exactly what you needed. 
He asks if you're okay and you totally are. Having that break helped you big time, with understanding that you don't need to pressure yourself. You guys didn't do that with Lily, and she's perfect. 
You doze off for a couple minutes sweaty and with his cum in you. But your body wakes you to use the bathroom, you shower because of the sweat. After your shower you crawl back in bed with your man. 
A few weeks after that night, you start to feel sick. Throwing up and feeling tired, Miles wanted to stay home with you, but you said that you were going to be fine. So he went for another roadie. 
One morning, you're playing with Lily, and she hits your boobs. It hurts a little. You look at her and your brain click. Maybe it's time for another test. You look on your period app, seeing that you're late. A little hope grows in your heart. 
You take Lily to the grocery store to buy what you guys need for the next couple days before Miles gets home. On your way back, you buy a few options of pregnancy test. 
You put those in your bathroom when you get home. Today, when you need Lily to go down quickly, she decides that she's not too tired to sleep when you need her to. She gets grumpy one hour after her nap time. You're patient with her until she decides that she really needs her sleep. 
You watch her a little bit, then you go to the bathroom and meet your faith. After peeing on the sticks, those 5 minutes feel like forever. You close your eyes, just hoping this test is positive.
The timer goes off and startles you a little. You take a deep breath before picking the test. A huge smile spreads on your lips, and tears start to stream down your cheeks. This time, it's happy tears. You cover your mouth seeing that “positive” on it. You take two more tests, and they all say that same thing. 
You can't believe it. It's going to happen. You and Miles are going to have another baby. You can make an announcement to him. You kinda want to tell him right now, but you're going to wait. You both deserve that moment. 
Miles facetimes you, you clean your tears and take a deep breath before picking up. You smile seeing his silly grin on the screen. You update each other. Miles says that he'll be home in a couple hours. You can wait for that. 
You hang up and sit down to think about the announcement. You know you want to use Lily, so maybe a little jersey for her. A tiny avs jersey needs to happen, too. You make the calls that night. Everything is planned. Now, all you need to do is wait. 
Miles gets home in the middle of the night. You want to blurt it out for him. But you're not going to. You guys enjoy his off day, even if you're dying to tell him. 
The next morning, he goes to practice, and you and Lily go get the things you ordered. Getting home, you let her play while you prepare everything in your room. 
You change Lily's shirt to the one you got for her, then ask if she wants to cuddle with Mommy because Mommy is tired. She agrees, and you guys wait for Miles in bed. 
Miles get home and it's quiet, he knows that it's not lily's nap time because it's early. So he goes look for you guys, he find you in bed cuddling. He moves closer to the bed, as soon as Lily sees him she's throwing herself at him. 
He picks her up like she's nothing. He kisses her head, and he asks what you guys are doing. She says that “mama is tired." 
Miles looks at you a little worried. You look at the direction of the surprise. Miles follows your gaze, and his face goes to pure confusion. 
He moves closer to the ballons and box. He sees a big “Hi daddy” in one of the ballons, he looks at you and you shrug. Miles sees there is a box, and he opens. He sees your positive test, a card in your handwriting, “Ready for round two daddy ?” and a tiny Avs jersey with daddy on it. 
His face is pure confusion, he looks at Lily and then at you. He still didn't see her shirt. 
Tears starts to form in his eyes. He puts Lily on the bed. 
“Are you for real ??” He asks in disbelief. You nod, getting teary, too. 
“Are we…. ??” He can't even finish his thought. 
“Yeah, we are pregnant.” You clean your tears as Miles crawl into bed with you. He crashes his lips into yours, hugging you tight. You hug him back. Lily crawls to join the hug. Miles opens a space for her.
“You're going to be a big sis, baby.” He tells her as he leans to kiss her head. Lily giggles and hugs your side. You clean Miles' tears. You tell Lily to show Daddy her shirt. Miles giggles, seeing the word only crossed out with older child under it. He grins at you, not really knowing what to do. 
Then, like he needs to, he says out loud. 
“We're going to have another baby !!!” You and Lily look at each other and smile. Yeah, things are going to be just fine. 
Later that night, you and Miles are cuddling after his game. You're running your hand through his hair while he lays under your boobs rubbing his hand over your flat stomach. 
“I already love you, baby.” He says to your stomach, making you giggle. Then he looks at you, more in love than he has ever been, if that's possible. 
“And I love you and always will.” You smile.
“I love you, Miles.” He kisses your stomach as he replies and enjoys this moment. 
It was worth waiting for this moment to happen. You couldn't be happier. 
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klarolinexluv · 8 months
History of man belongs to Lily Evans. I rest my case.
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most of the flowers i pressed last ~october/november are done :DDD
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these were all spread across 8 books. there was a 9th book with a few small flowers, but i already swapped those out for new ones and i can't remember what was in there lol
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homecomingvn · 2 years
Henwy and Ly-Ly's reactions to a buttercup who accidentally blurts out "love you" and then apologies profusely afterwards afraid they were too soon
Henry's grinning like a idiot, brown eyes wide and sparkling as he watches you fumble, watches you try to retract what you said but it's already too late. His hand wraps around your own, pulling you against him as he smiles even wider. "No take backs, buttercup."
Lyra's frozen, eyebrows raised, a uncharacteristically stunned expression present as you sputter, apologies falling from your lips as you desperately try to explain. You fall silent, eyes wide as Lyra's hand brushes against your cheek, a watery, disbelieving look on her face. "Do you really mean that? Please tell me you mean it..."
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liaazhang · 6 months
GUTS (i canNOT for the life of me be aesthetic myself 🤧🤧) and speak now pls!! 🫶💕
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this moodboard is all over the place (but then again, so are you /j /pos) anyways wouldn't be a moodboard for you without a bunch of cats <3 also bonus: a picture I wanted to add but then I didnt:
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bc you need to move to india forever so that we can meet /j and it feels like we've been friends forever tbh
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squash1 · 1 year
the phrase “it was this” is actually something that can send a person into a catatonic state (it’s me, i’m the person)
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yourqueenb · 2 years
The way PB writes characters who enjoy things like video games, comics, etc. is so annoying because they basically just make that the character’s entire personality. Like I promise you people don’t go out of their way to try to fit gaming terminology and superhero/villain references or entire comic book plot lines into every other sentence 🙄
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