#so here this is! cuz it's a good gif and it doesn't deserve to just sit and rot just cuz i'm forgetful lol
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Agust D ‘Amygdala’ MV & Jacket Shoot Sketch
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honeytonedhottie · 8 months
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a gift from me to you for the new year, to help give tips that can help u succeed 🫶🏽 a post filled with resources, and advice to help u guys improve in every aspect 💗 i love and appreciate u all and i hope u find it helpful.
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ physical movement and activity
find something that u like and thats fitted for ur needs. for me, all of the workouts that i do come from youtube. a girlblogger that always has a lot of workouts to try is @4theitgirls-workouts. to motivate urself to move ur body i recommend buying something cute to workout in because it always makes me feel good. i rly like to do pilates, so since i enjoy pilates -> i'll wanna do it more.
so dont be afraid to try different things and see what u enjoy the most and stick with that bcuz u dont wanna be forcing urself to do something that u won't enjoy/that won't give u the results that u want. if working out in general isn't rly ur cup of tea at all, thats totally okay! try going for walks or start running. maybe try out for a sport or start a style of dance. the whole point of this category is to get urself moving bcuz its rly rly good for ur physical and ur mental health, and it'll serve u in the long run. another youtuber i rly recommend for pilates workouts is madeline abeid.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ self improvement youtubers that i love and watch regularly
the wizard liz
sammy ingram
hailey gamba
the freezia
₊˚⊹ ᰔ law of assumption
of course if u wanna learn about and practice the law of assumption then u can learn and apply thru my advice, experiences, ideas and more. neville goddard is like, the guru of manifesting and hes written a bunch of books, here are neville goddard's books online for FREE so that that then u can learn and see it HIS way bcuz the thing with manifesting is u gotta figure out how it works for you cuz its your reality.
if u like subliminals this is my favorite subliminal maker on youtube. their subliminals r amazing and i enjoy them bcuz they dont have music layered onto it (i like subliminals that have soothing sounds like rain or water or anything asmr). last but not least my absolute favorite manifesting coach/teacher on the whole internet, sammy ingram - literally the best manifesting guide. she rly simplifies things and her channel is full of helpful advice, success stories, challenges and her perspective on manifesting is brilliant so i rly recommend her.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ mental health
journalling is honestly the best thing that i have ever done for my mental health, the ROI that i get from it is actually incredible so i highly highly recommend it. if ur someone who doesn't rly like to write a lot, use ur notes app or whatever just get the thoughts out of ur mind and onto a piece of paper/notes. i understand that sometimes when ur mental health isn't doing too well and u dont feel motivated rly to do anything (like u feel lethargic and stuff) forcing urself to do things ISNT always the answer. i rly recommend having alternate routines cuz we ask a lot from ourselves sometimes so some days, ask a little less.
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give urself the break that u deserve. when u feel like crying, CRY. even if its for no reason, the body holds onto pent up emotions so when u cry u gotta CRY. with time you'll find the things that help u feel better. for everyone its different. for me, when my mental health is in a slump what helps me is : 1. doing one thing differently (i'll go for a walk maybe) 2. get ready (take a quick shower, or if i dont even have the motivation to do that i'll do a sink shower) 3. drink a cold cup of water and make myself a meal. dont ever have zero days. always give at least 1% or do at least one thing.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ hygiene
hygiene is so instrumental in mental health cuz like i've said before looking good -> feeling good. i make sure to get ready everyday even if im going nowhere. just bcuz the process of getting ready gives me so much momentum. smelling good gives me so much confidence bcuz im the type of person thats rly rly scared of smelling bad. im a hygiene JUNKY so im always buying soaps and fragrances. when u make self care a daily thing it'll feel so natural. dont neglect ur oral health, invest in quality products that are suited for your needs. be meticulous when it comes to ur hygiene cuz a solid routine is lowkey comforting. i rly recommend korean skincare, indian haircare, african body care, and arabic perfumes and fragrances. some of my favorite hygiene based youtube channels are : SARA BEQELE and anna renns world
₊˚⊹ ᰔ school
TAKE. SCHOOL. SERIOUSLY. the feeling that u get when u get a good score on an assignment or test is unmatched. at the end of the day ur responsible for ur education. it's not hot to be a loser. if ur someone who struggles to stay on top of assignments, write down the assignment as soon as its assigned and at the next possible chance do it. as soon as u get home from school. reward urself for good grades and for ur accomplishments cuz ur AMAZING. study effectively instead of excessively.
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pursue excellence always. find ways to motivate urself throughout the school day (for me, i always try and incorporate girliness into school cuz that motivates me) all my pens and pencils and folders are pink and i get myself ready everyday before school. cuz when i FEEL good -> i perform well. if u ever dont wanna study remind urself that studying>failing. advocate for urself, dont be afraid to ask questions cuz ur responsible for ur grade if u need accommodations or longer time to take a test (even if u dont) always set urself up to have the most time possible and the most resources. the resources that u have USE THEM. the goal of studying isn't to "mostly" know the material its to know for SURE. when u can explain something thoroughly, thats when you can know if you've studied enough.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ organization + planning
of course for the new year and for life in general, organization is rly helpful. manage urself mindfully and intentionally. even if ur a messy person, organizing isn't difficult if u do it in a way thats right for you. for me, notion - is literally the best organizational tool. i have an agenda, calendars, school pages, and so much more.
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with notion i rly organized my life on a whole other level. aside from notion, the notes app on ur phone is rly useful, when it comes to organizing ur day to day life, i think its important bcuz it helps u to maximize ur time. for planning out ur year, if u find it difficult to stay "on task" or achieve the goals that u set for urself, try this : dont see the year as 365 days, instead separate the year into 4 quarters (90 days each) and in each of those quarters choose one aspect to focus on and pour into. make sure to log and track ur progress on those goals. the idea to this is breaking things down. break down big goals -> to more digestible goals so that then its more believable for u. remember, your limitless.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ nutrition
if ur someone who has bad nutrition, or unhealthy eating habits in general and u wanna change that my biggest advice would be to NOT BE EXTREME. bcuz i feel like if u go fully extreme so quickly then the change isn't sustainable. take it slow. start off by introducing a fruit into breakfast and having a vegetable at dinner, then eating fruit with ur breakfast and having fruit as a snack, and eating veggies with lunch and dinner. ik it sounds repetitive and overdone but u need to be consuming ur fruits and veggies. if ur not eating it with ur meals then maybe have it in a smoothie if that works for u. take supplements for things that u dont rly incorporate into ur diet, and the key to a good diet is BALANCE. dont deny urself food that u love. life is WAY to short to be scared to eat the burger that u so desperately want. its okay to eat what ppl might consider "junk food" but everything in BALANCE and moderation. keep the 80/20 principal in ur mind. 80% of what u eat should be good for u and 20% of what u eat should be whatever u crave. DRINK WATER, dont go on extreme diets if ur not an adult and haven't consulted a doctor it does u more harm than good.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ informative
learn every single day. even if ur not in school anymore. a way to help learn and sharpen ur mind every single day is picking up a hobby that can help u do so. for me, the hobby i have is reading, reading keeps my brain sharp, it keeps me entertained, and when i read nonfiction it keeps me informed. so the hobby of reading has a high ROI. whenever u get an idea of any sort, ACT on it. u dont have to wait a billion years before acting on an idea. when u get ideas, its for a reason, ur mind is brilliant and imagine how many ideas that u wasted. thats why i recommend having a creative outlet of some sort. for me, my creative outlet is my blog where i can come and talk with you guys 🫶🏽 but ur creative outlet can be ur notes app or ur journal or ur sketchbook. just a way to get the ideas in ur brain -> onto paper.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ stuff i wish i knew
ur never ever tied down to one version of urself, u can always change ur mind/opinion, u can create a new version of urself whenever the heck u want. remember that u have free will and that ur always in control. bcuz it is your life it revolves around you and it is your responsibility. its not something to mess around with. take responsibility for urself, ur actions, ur reactions etc.
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1% of progress is better than 0%, a little is always better than nothing. ur social anxiety or ur fear of being perceived is HOLDING U BACK. forgive urself for ur mistakes, everything that ur embarrassed of in ur past let it go and LET YOURSELF LIVE. become ur own project, ur own muse and if all else fails (which it won't, you'll be fine and everything will work itself out for u even better than u could've ever imagined) love yourself unconditionally.
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gothic-thoughts · 8 months
Shut Up and Listen
(took WAY too long to realize out of all my Jojo content, ion have Jotaro 🙄)
Part4! Jotaro Kujo x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, DomesticAU, Babysitter!Reader, Boss!Jotaro
CW: ForbiddenAU, Jojo cheating?? afab parts mentioned, quiet quickie, unprotected cream🥧, tame words(nun vulgar)
Word Count: 1719 (give or take)
(A/n): sorry his first fic is a smut, I hate doing that tbh 😓
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Jotaro took a deep breath as he walked to the front door ready to face the possibility of seeing his ex-wife's angry face. He reluctantly opens the door to see his daughter's sitter sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in hand and smiles. He sighed, releasing the breath he held back as his heart began pounding in his chest. 
Since his wife filed for divorce, the only peace he could get after work was whenever (Y/n) was here, whether it be to watch over his 5-year-old daughter or just to check on him. Either way, Jojo's heart pounded against his ribcage just from being around her but it only added to his wife's suspicion of his adultery. 
"Hey, Mr. Kujo." She whispers, "How was work?"
"(Y/n), please, you come over way too much to be so formal."
"Last time I called you 'Jojo' in front of your wife, she looked like she gonna tear my head off."
He scoffs, waving off the thought of her, “Yeah, I bet.”
(Y/n) chuckles softly as he takes off his shoes at the door and tiptoes across the living room's squeaky floorboards before gently sitting next to her much shorter stature.
"Wine after work?" He smiles, taking the other glass from the table. "You know me so well."
"You always complain about needing a drink so I brought."
"You probably need it more than I do, dealing with that one. How was she?"
She groans. "Tantrum."
"He just hates resting for some reason. You know how kids are. Though, her mother coming over probably gave him a boost of energy
Jojo almost chokes on his wine, "Her mother? She was here you said? Why?"
"She said she came to see Jolyne for a bit but I feel like she was looking for you."
"Good grief, of course she was. Where is she now?"
"Her inn."
"Good. I don't think I can deal with another fight after a long day. I'm gonna snap." He sits up, "Anyway, did she say anything to you?"
“What do you mean?”
"What, no not really. I mean, it doesn't matter, she was just..."
Jojo puts his drink on the coffee table. "What did she say to you?"
“Jotaro, I’m fine.”
“That’s not what I asked you.”
“She just...reminded me...of my job.”
He furrowed his eyebrows to figure out why his wife would feel the need to remind (Y/n) of her, but he quickly realized that was just it; his ex-wife was telling her to stay in her place. His eyebrows part and irritation instantly washes over his features as his beloved babysitter puts her glass down. “Listen, Jojo–”
“I only come over to watch your daughter. I don't know why I tried to go above and beyond by checking on you--”
“Because you’re amazing--”
“Because now your wife hates me. Like I’m pretty sure she fucking told the neighbors cuz they’re starting to look at me like I'm the worst person on Earth whenever I take Jolyne out."
The sudden sternness in the tone makes the man’s lips part before he bites the inside of his cheek in thought. They both look to the ceiling, listening for the sluggish pitter-patter of Jolyne’s footsteps making their way to the staircase—but it remains silent. Jojo sighs with relief and slides closer to her while she averts her gaze to the wine on the table. He rests a hand on her thigh. 
“Sorry, it’s just--” 
"No." He whispers, guiding her chin to face him, "I'm sorry for putting you through this. You deserve so much better than this.”
“What, no. It’s not you; your ex-wife’s just making life hard.”
He pauses, “Yeah, you’re right. But frankly, I could give a damn what she’s doing, I’m not letting you go—not if it’s not what you want.”
“You heard me. Honestly, the highlight of my day is coming home to you and my daughter. I’m not letting that go for anything.”
“You...you serious?”
“You know I’m not one to joke about what I want. Or do I need to show you more recent proof?”
She nods then gasps as her boss quickly links his lips with hers. (Y/n)'s hands slide up his broad chest to yearningly grab his broad shoulders and rest the other on the back of his neck. They cup each other's faces and grasp at each other's shirts, groaning into each other's mouths for more.
Neither minded the amount of saliva due to their fervor as he picked her up and sat her on his lap. He holds her body so close that her breasts squish against him but pushes on his chest, breaking their forbidden kiss. Their lust-filled eyes open while they pant heavily on each other's reddened lips. Jojo's hand rests on her face, thumb swiping back and forth along her plush cheek.
"Sorry.” He whispers, “Didn’t know how much longer I could go without doing that.”
“What if someone sees?”
“Curtains are closed. Don't worry about it." He secures his hands under her thighs, "Let's go."
“Go where- oh!”
He carried her up the main steps, but instead of going to his room, he brought her to the guest room, a little farther away from his daughter's bedroom. He kicks the door shut before locking it, then sets her on her feet and continues to make out, sliding his long, white jacket down his arms and to the floor behind him. Their shirts were the next to go, being dropped at their sides before he pulled her hips closer, pressing his huge bulge into her pelvis.
“We do have to make this quick, though.” (Y/n) whispers breathlessly, "She told me she’d come back when you got off.”
“Shit, alright.” He picks her up again and walks to the available bed, where he mounts her, “Quick, got it.”
"Is this moving too fast? I mean..."
“We can stop now if you want.”
(Y/n) shakes her head, hands sliding down his side to his belts where she quickly unbuckles them. He looks down at her fingers and then back at her face with a small smirk. Before she knew it, his pants and boxers were down by his thighs while her leggings lay discarded on the hardwood floor. He tugs her underwear to the side and guides himself in with a breathless sigh from the tightness, head tilting back.
“Oh my...g-god.”
“Heh, sorry. Too quick?”
"Jus’ a little...big. Fuck Jojo."
He presses open-mouth kisses to her neck, "Not hurting you, am I?" He whispers.
“No...god, fuck no. Feels so fuckin’ good.
“I’m not even that deep yet.”
“I might go insane if you do. Just... jus’--”
“Oh yeah?”
The pads of Jotaro’s fingers dig into her hips as he pulls her closer to try to meet his base, but chuckles at the remaining inches between them.
(Y/n) grips his shoulders and curses under her breath, insides gripping him tightly, trying to stay sane while he stretched her wide. (Y/n) gasps out before biting her lip to keep her moans quiet when Jojo finally moves his hips at a slow yet deep rhythm. 
He tried to keep it together but soft moans still came out while he gripped the sheets under her as his movements gradually became harder. (Y/n) shivers and groans at the change, arching her back slightly as euphoria ran up her spine. Once she moaned his name softly, he lost more of his composure and leaned down for another sloppy kiss in an attempt to keep himself from moaning.
"Jojo, don’t f’cking stop, please; oh my god.”
"I know we're farther from the front," He whispers against her lips, "But you gotta keep it down, ngh~"
She nods. "But you're going so deep...so-o deep. You feel so good."
"I know.... fuck, I know. Goddamn, you’re so fuckin’ tight."
He lifts her legs to his broad shoulders, hips slamming against her ass over and over and creating the sound of heavy, wet slapping that fills the room. (Y/n)’s legs trembled so much from the deep strokes that she cried out only for him to cover her mouth and press his plump lips to her ear to shush her.
“Fuck, (Y/n).” Jotaro mutters, thrusts becoming harder, “You’re gonna wake my daughter if you keep that up.”
“But, ah, gonna cum. So close, Jojo, I’m so close~”
"Come on, cum for me then; that’s why I put you in this fuckin’ position. Cum.”
 He quickened his movements and gently pressed his lips to hers again, moaning into her mouth while his girth throbbed and pulsed with every swift drag through her wet, squeezing walls. She kisses back, scratching his large shoulders, as her orgasm rushes through her nerves. (Y/n) holds the back of his neck as he guides her through her climax, making her moan and gasp in his ear.
"I-I think--"
"What, you gonna--"
"I think I love you."
His face doesn’t change but his hips speed up on their own, "D-do you mean it, (Y/n)?"
She nods.
"I-I do too.... a l-lot more than I should."
"Hah~ Goin' t-too...fast."
"Seeing you every day before work is enough to fuel me for the day."
"You’re m-making it hard t-to--mmh god!"
"Fuck, you don't know how badly I've wanted this shit."
"Kissing you, touching you, making you cum for me—fuuck, it’s too much."
Her back arches off the bed, and he slides his arm between the bed and her lower back, continuously pulling her into every heavy, breathtaking thrust.  
"Ah~ Jojo! F-fuck, fuuck~!”
“Me too. Don’t worry, I’ll–”
“No, don’t stop. Please d’nt fuckin stop~”
“Then...you want me to..."
"Y-yeah, just please." She scratches up his shirt, "Don't stop~"
Jojo's hips stutter and his eyes shut as his thighs continue to smack against the back of hers. He groans loudly, burrowing his face in her neck when he meets the edge and spills his load inside her. He gasps and clutches at the sheets, while she plants soft kisses to his chest. They pant loudly together as his hips stutter to a stop, their bodies shivering together to calm down as huffs of breath in each other’s faces start to rile them up again.
Before they could get another word out, the front door could be heard opening from up the hall.
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quixotical-lymbo · 2 months
Hello there!😁
If u can of not, I would like to request MK, Wukong, &/or Macaque (U choose may choose who if u don't want to write all😊)x female reader headcanon that does photography(& maybe videography). They enjoyed it as a hobby as a child and continues on with age. Like taking videos or pictures with friends and family so she doesn't forget the good times.
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Pairing: Wukong, Macaque, MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW Warnings/Tags: Fluff, just fl u f f, and Macaque being a lil buttwipe. Word Count: 500+ words
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☀️ ️If Wukong had a partner that regularly took photos then be prepared to have your camera roll be 65% full of his beautiful face. 
☀️ He thinks your hobby is nice and would indulge in it to make you happy; you need a close up of a funny looking bug in that tree? Well, up you go! Oh, what's that? You couldn't catch up to the bird that keeps flying away? Have no fear, Wukong is here to help! 
☀️ When you're not looking, he'll take your camera/and or camcorder and take secret photos/videos for you to find later. They'll either be full of sweet praises or silly jokes and close-up shots of him messing around in your room. 
🍜 MK seems to be the type to appreciate every form of artistic expression, including photography. When he learns that you've had it as a hobby since you were a kid, he'll insist on being your muse or suggesting things for you to take photos of–cuz, y'know he's the type to think everything is an important memory to keep record of. 
🍜 "Oh, oh, take this one! This one!" 
🍜 "What about this one? It has four buttons on it!" 
🍜 "Don't forget to take a pic of that corner of Pigsy's shop-!" 
🍜 All in all, he's very happy when he looks in your album to find a lot of photos of him and you spending time together—MK's heart swells when he found that you even included a few of his suggestions in the album, but his face exploded when he found the photo of you kissing his cheek while he was distracted by something out of the shot.
🌙  While he respects your craft, he doesn't understand your insistence on trying to snap pictures of him. Don't get him wrong, he'll allow you to take some photos of him if he accidentally photo bombs the shot, but more…intimate photos are a hard no from him (especially since he knows how much you scrapbook). 
🌙 You could say he's embarrassed at the idea of coming across a lovey-dovey section of your collection of photos featuring the two of you. He can already hear the teasing comments from a certain group. 
🌙 There have been times when you tried to sneak a few shots of him, but these plans were all thwarted as he disappeared before the shutter went off. He'd reappear behind you, kiss your cheek, then tauntingly say you'll probably get him next time. 
🌙 And get him you did.
🌙 It was a random Tuesday when the two of you were chilling in your home/apt and a movie was playing on the TV. One thing led to another and you two began making out on the couch. Macaque was so into it that he didn't even feel you reach underneath the couch for your camera. 
🌙 The shutter went off and Macaque just..laid there above you frozen, wide-eyed, with his cheeks flushed and hair all in disarray. 
🌙 You had to beg and plea to keep the photo, but he relented after you promised you'll keep it out of the public's eye. No one else deserved to see that photo but you. 
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~types of hugs they would give~
was daydreaming about ranpo and then my brain jumped to them giving hugs??? idk how that works but HERE WE ARE!!!
charas: dazai, chuuya, sigma, ranpo, and poe
genre: FLUFF >:))); a bit of flirting in dazai's because, well, dazai; can be seen as romantic or platonic other than that!!!; extremely wholesome shit idk :O; some hurt-comfort, but very mild!!
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-over dramatic mf FRRRR
-hugs with him arent really emotional or srs or anything like that, HE KINDA JUST CLINGS TO YOU OUTTA NOWHERE NGL-
-like he'll be running away from kunikida and cling to you from behind to use you as a sheild
-awoop, jumpscare!!
-would probably make a comment about ur body or something, and how your just, "so charming" and he "jUsT cAnt KeEp hIs hAnDs oFf yOu!1!" (you can admit youre scared of kunikida beating the shit out of you its ok)
-tbh if you were crying or something like that, i feel like you would have to ask him to hug you, rather then him automatically doing so. (as we can see with atsushi 🥶)
-i feel like his hugs would be good enough for the circumstance, but he's kinda cold ngl (unless you like that!!)
-pretty much just uses u as a sheild tho 😭
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-i know that ive always gotta make him floating someone or something..... BUT HIS ABILITY IS SO COOL CMON
-if you asked him (and yall were close) he may float you
-yall have really gotta have a really good amount of trust for him to hug you or just be physically affectionate in general!!!
-would grumble about it and pretend he totally didn't wanna hug you too
-would give pretty good hugs ngl
-if yall are around the same height or ur shorter then him, they're pretty comforting
-if you were crying or having a bad moment, he probably wouldn't hug you that fast though, but if you're ranting to him about how horrible it is, he might just hug you out of nowhere cuz he doesn't know what to say.
-if youre trustworthy to him, his hugs are very nice, he would prob be neutral temp or slightly warm ngl
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-THE ALMIGHTY INSPIRORER OF THIS (is that how you spell that ;-;??)
-all you gotta do is ask
-unless hes busy being possessive of his snacks, he might think you're tryna sneak in and take a bite when he's distracted (눈‸눈)
-but when hes not eating (which is pretty rare), just ask him and he will
-might complain about being lazy a bit, but in the end, he will always hug you if you insist!! <33
-if you were crying or sad about smth, he would either literally fucking bearhug yo ass and comfort you or he would give you space to process your emotions, there is no in between.
-he also smells like sweets which is a more comforting and homey bonus!!!
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-but anyways
-ngl he would be kind of awkward sometimes but YOU KNOW HE HAS THE BEST INTENTIONS!!!
-yknow how he memorizes everyones problems at the casino??
-yeah he also memorized yours, so he knows RIGHT AWAY when something is off or you need a hug!!
-he is very quick to hug you, not only to comfort you, but he also finds it comforting ⊂((・▽・))⊃
-will also leap on you out of joy (is extremely embarrassed after)
-overall, very wholesome, has the best intentions (i swear i forget he's apart of a criminal organization sm)
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-would be so flustered if you asked him
-seems like he would WANT to ask you, but is too embarrassed and shy to ಥ‿ಥ
-PLEASE ASK HIM HE IS INTERNALLY BEGGING, AND HE NEEDS ONE (honestly everyone in bsd needs one)
-would so awkward at first because he doesn't wanna make uncomfortable in any way so he's like barely hugging you
-if he eases into it tho, he would actually be a pretty nice hugger
-if you were upset or sad about something, i honestly feel like he would just give you space to sort yourself, i feel like he would want the same space when he's upset.
-very nice hugs once you get past the awkward stage!!! just takes practice tho <33
i was also getting distracted by my music and this was supposed to be posted yesterday but whatever!! that's how it be
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{♦️♥️♣️♠️🪱Asking Husk if he'd still love you if you were a worm🪱♠️♣️♥️♦️}
A few words from author: Hello there everyone, welcome to my newest imagines!
So, it's pretty much a routine for me to constantly find new fandoms to add to my writing list, so yeah, here we are again, this time with Hazbin Hotel! ^^
I apologize for not really being active, life's been bad lately and I'm stuck struggling to make it through each new day without considering death lmao.
Tho I'm in the mood for something more on the hurt/comfort side, today I present you some light-hearted and short imagines to hopefully bring some laughs, not sure if these are any good, sorry...
Settings: Romantic based
Genre: Fluff, light-hearted
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Some swear words, one suggestive line just for laughs, but that's probably all,
Sidenote: Gender of reader is not specified, but if the reader has more feminine feel, then it's purely accidental and I apologize,
Sidenote: These feel so bad and ooc omg end me, I hate my writing,
Sidenote: Am unsure if I'll actively write for Husk, but I just had to do this idea with him cuz it seemed so funny at first, but idk about the outcome,
That should be all,
Hopefully you'll enjoy,
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"Would I love you if you what? Say fucking what now? No wait- no, I don't wanna even- whatever- sure, for fuck's sake- sure, yes"
Already so fed up with everything and everyone,
and you pull up with this, smh,
Cue to him giving an exaggerated sigh and rubbing his face in annoyance (like in the gif above),
Doesn't appreciate your question,
like at all,
At first he wants to question how'd you even come up with something like that,
or why you feel that question is important,
But he decides against it,
he's really not in the mood for such shit,
So, deciding to just get over with it and satisfy you,
he tells you a yes,
or more like a "yeah, fucking sure, whatever, yes,"
Yes, he'd love you even as a worm, now please leave him be or talk to him about something normal,
please, for the love of Lucifer,
If you don't stop there though and question him further,
he just gives another exaggerated sigh and starts to question why he's dating you,
but he doesn't actually have the heart to make you sad,
so, he goes along with it and answers a 'yes' to any other question you might have regarding you being a worm,
Would he still give you kisses? Yes,
Would he get you a little worm house? Yes,
Would he still talk to you even if you couldn't answer? Yes,
He doesn't have the heart or the energy to respond negatively,
- "Would you still get intimate with me even as a worm?"
"Fucking what- how'd that even- whatever- yeah, sure, fucking sure, yes,"
Just goes along with it,
And when you finally get your fill and you squeal happily at his answers,
and you hug him,
he pats your head with his claws and feels like the boyfriend of the year,
Like- look how he handled the situation without upsetting you,
doesn't he deserve some recognition for that?
At one point he does consider jokingly telling you he'd feed you to the crows tho,
but when he thinks about it more,
and thinks of you actually being a worm and him feeding you to the crows,
he'd feel disturbed and upset at his own idea,
cuz no, that'd be so awful!
he would never do that to you, he couldn't,
no, that thought seriously upsets him and makes his stomach twist and turn,
he may be an asshole, but he loves you too much,
yes, even if you were a worm,
So, he'd make it work even if you were a worm,
Yeah, maybe you were actually asking some real questions,
he'd have to give it more thought and plan out how he'd accommodate to you if you did turn into a worm someday,
Better be safe than sorry,
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anthrophobixx · 2 months
Since I don't often talk abt stuff over here, I think it's safe to assume ppl don't know abt my version of olandy either, so here's an extremely LONG post w all my olandy headcanons so far :33
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(fyi I project onto both of these guys, esp randy, so some of these headcanons are a bit more personal o(-( u don't need to know which ones tho)
Randy always gives the corniest but cutest compliments and Oliver is extremely flattered by them
They have cute matching nicknames for each other, Randy calls Oliver sunshine n Oliver calls Randy moonlight 🙏
Randy is always hesitant on accepting gifts from Oliver cuz he feels guilty for not being able to give him stuff in return even tho Oliver has told him multiple times that he doesn't owe him anything
Randy tries to save up money whenever he gets his paychecks so he can get something nice for Oliver once in a while too :33
Oliver's only topic around other ppl is literally just Randy. He's sooooo in love rhgrgrhrh
Oliver usually hums songs for Randy to comfort him or to help him fall asleep
Randy often visits Oliver at his place (and by that I mean bro literally just lives there atp)
They like to go on walks together or to watch movies after work, depends on what they're in the mood for
Randy is a great listener and Oliver *loves* that about him. He's comfortable with rambling abt whatever comes to his mind because he knows he's paying attention and Randy loves it when he's talking abt random stuff cuz he thinks it's cute
They're both touch starved as fuck, the difference is that Randy is terrified of physical contact while Oliver desperately craves it
Randy always feels like Oliver deserves a lot better than him and whenever the topic comes up Oliver tells him to shut the fuck up and showers him in compliments
Whenever one of his scars starts healing Randy always shows it to Oliver and Oliver being the lovely bastard he is hugs him tightly n repeatedly tells Randy how proud he is of him
Oliver and Randy definitely have matching kuromi n melody plushies
Oliver calls Randy up every single hour during work cuz he misses him
Randy is a cat person and Oliver's a dog person
Whenever they're on walks and they run into a stray cat they need to stop asap cuz Randy just *has* to pet the lil creechur
Randy needs constant reassurance from Oliver that he's infact dating him because he actually loves him and not just out of pity
Adding onto that, Randy often feels like he's annoying Oliver by constantly worrying about stuff that he knows aren't true. He can't get rid of the constant feeling of guilt and he often tries to just swallow it all n suffer in silence. Oliver knows this and he tries to get Randy to open up to him more often, but he also doesn't want to pressure Randy into saying anything he's not comfortable with
Randy stopped having nightmares so often n waking up randomly in the middle of the night once he moved in with Oliver n they started sharing a bed :33
Randy's the one that cooks food in the house since he's surprisingly really good at cooking, even though he hasn't been in a kitchen for god knows how many years, he's probably even better at it than Oliver :o
Whenever Randy gets a compliment from Oliver he just starts muttering nonsense since he's not used to getting complimented n Oliver thinks his reaction is really cute
Oliver is the one to always arrive home first n he likes to wear Randy's iconic denim jacket until Randy finishes his shift, cuz the dude literally goes through the 7 stages of grief multiple times a day without his loser bf
Whenever they're in crowded places Randy either hides behind Oliver or closes his hoodie completely, let's Oliver drag him by his arm n lead the way
Randy often reads stories and poems out loud to Oliver cuz it helps him with his stutters
Randy always slightly twitches whenever Oliver touches him (his fight or flight just kicks in ok)
Oliver has a bug collection Randy's terrified of
Oliver often steals Randy's hoodies bc he likes baggy clothes and because Randy really can't do anything abt it ☠
Oliver gets extremely happy whenever Randy buys him small gifts like chocolate or tiny stuffed animals, although he often feels bad cuz Randy's spending all the money he gets from his job on him and waaaaaa why would he do that :'O
Although Randy's terrified of being touched, he actually craves hugs *specifically* from Oliver quite often n Oliver does not hesitate to give him as many as he needs :D
They hold hands whenever they get the chance. They hold hands when they walk, sit, eat, talk, lay in bed, etc etc.
Randy is still surprised Oliver gave him a chance, cuz at first he thought Oliver found him annoying and pathetic for his stutters, constant apologies, for his jobs, etc. He has never actually felt more loved by anyone before and he can't thank him enough for his kindness
Ever since they've been together Randy has become more confident, stronger even, both mentally and somewhat physically too
Oliver taught Randy how to fight back and he has become more confident since. His self esteem also grew and he feels sm happier this way
That being said Randy is still a very sensitive person. He panics extremely quick when he feels like he fucked up and WILL apologize for hours on end, ESPECIALLY if it's someone dear to him. Although if he feels like HE was wronged, he won't hesitate to stand his ground, even if it results in him crying by the end of it
Oliver likes to run around in the rain when it's dark and he always drags randy out with him, he says it feels like the entire world is theirs
Oliver taught Randy how to cook !! Yay !! Randy almost burnt the entire kitchen down once but hey someone had to believe in him regardless, especially since he's an amazing cook present time
Randy used to live with his swan and his pet possum at the ticket booth. He tried introducing Oliver to them and the swan got used to him rather quickly, meanwhile the possum kept hissing for a good few days whenever Oli tried to approach it. They all get along now tho
Oli has a shitload of vhs tapes with old cartoons on it that he got from Mr dickens and they have to bingewatch at least one of them every week
They both had a pokemon phase, Randy was just more….deeply into it
Oki p sure this is all I got !! Sorry for any broken english I uh. copied all of these from older twitter threads
Feel free to use any of these btw :DD
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wingamy24 · 4 months
Love all the stuff you’re doing for the jeffbritta girlies!!
And I know I’m asking for a lot but could you do like a little guide for their best episodes? Cuz when I sit down to watch a random episode I always forget what episodes have good moments with them that are not mixology certification lol
If this is too much to ask that’s okay💕
Okay, SO. This is my personal list of my go-to Jeffbritta episodes. Obviously not all of these are romantic: they're just focused on them or have funny interactions with them.
I love them and they deserve everything + endgame
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Season 1
Season 1 has a BUNCH of Jeffbritta episodes, specially considering they were supposed to be the main couple of the show back then. My favorites are:
S1 E1 Pilot: Obviously.
S1 E3 Introduction To Film: Seize the day!
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S1 E14 Interpretative Dance: This is the cute episode where Jeff brings flowers for Britta.
S1 E16 Communication Studies: This is the episode where Jeff gets drunk with Abed and ends up calling Britta and blablabla...
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S1 E22 The Art Of Discourse: This one doesn't have any explicit Jeffbritta I think? It's just fun to see them make an evil plan to take revenge on some random highschoolers.
S1 E23 Modern Warfare: One of my (if it isn't my #1 favorite) favorite episodes of Community. The one where Jeff and Britta have sex in the study room table.
Season 2
On Season 2 we got a weirdly amount of Jeffannie episodes, but we still had our fair share of Jeffbritta episodes!
S2 E1 Anthropology 101: Not really Jeffbritta, but it's still fun watching them being gross in this episode, right?...right?
S2 E6 Epidemiology: Seeing Jeff walk around with Britta to give her drinks is funny.
S2 E10 Mixology Certification: This is an obvious one.
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S2 E13 Celebrity Pharmacology: Cool cats. AKA, The Bi Panic™
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S2 E16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking: That's Irak, stupid. WHAT DO I KNOW, I'M JEFF WINGER'S DUMB GAY DAD!
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S2 E19 Critical Film Studies: This isn't really a Jeffbritta episode, but they match costumes... that's... that's enough, right
S2 21 Paradigms of Human Memory: Unrelated, but I just looked at the Wikipedia page, and it was almost entirely filmed in Universal Studios. The "popping the back of a raft makes it go faster" scene was filmed in a Jaws set! Anyway, we have the funny Jeffannie sequence, but it's a fun episode if you focus on Jeff and Britta, too.
S2 E22 Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts: Not a lot of Jeffbritta, but still, fun and cute interactions.
Season 3
S3 E6 Advanced Gay: I love this episode so much, it's so ridiculous at so many levels. Also, Britta adressing Jeff's daddy issues is always fun.
S3 E11 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts: One of the many times Jeff and Britta almost get married.
S3 E12 Contemporary Impressionists: This is one of my favorites of all the show. It's so funny seeing Jeff be... whatever this is
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S3 E21 The First Chang Dynasty: GothJeffandBrittaGothJeffandBritta
Season 4
It's amazing how many Jeffbritta moments the gas leak season gave us.
S4 E2 Paranormal Parentage: Again, Britta with Jeff's daddy issues.
S4 E5 Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations: Britta helping Jeff is heartwarming. SHE'S SO PROUD OF HIM YOU GUYS. Also, them in cars. You can never have enough Jeff and Britta in cars.
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S4 E8 Herstory of Dance: This is also an episode I really like. Jeff and Britta are adorable in this one.
S4 E10 Intro to Knots: Greendale parents.
Season 5
I love the Jeffbritta episodes here, but at the same time... it's so cruel that they made all this build-up just for a Jeffannie ending. It's like they WANTED to make us suffer. Fuck you, Dan Harmon.
S5 E7 Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality: HE WANTS HER BACK
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S5 E8 App Development and Condiments: mustard
S5 E12 Basic Story: I cried
S5 E13 Basic Sandwich: I also cried. RAGE TEARS
Season 6
I don't really like watching S6, buuuut I'm gonna say "S6 E6 Basic Email Security" for the short Jeffbritta banter.
...this is it. this took me two days. okay bye
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV Ep3 Musings - Claudia & Louis (Spoilers)
I'm still teary & choked up while typing this. SUPER emotional episode. It's incredible how much they packed into one ep, too! But the second half of the ep was BY FAR the most emotionally impactful IMO. Jacob's acting is just WAY too good; he had me choking up something fierce.
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Louis taking pictures of his food for no effing reason like all the social media girlies do; I love it.
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Louis STILL tryna be Claudia's knight in vengeful black. U_U But just like before when he tried to save her from Lestat, he can't save her from Bruce or the Theatre or even his own eff-ups. DANG. 😔
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YES YOU DO. If you wanna keep pestering her about trauma she doesn't want to think/speak about, then be prepared for the consequences.
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AMC, you GOTTA kill Bruce on-screen for us, either in QotD during all the Burnings, or during the PL trilogy (Killer's death was GNARLY).
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LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER ALMOST CRYING RIGHT THERE. God's strongest soldier, she's suffered more than Christ, JUSTICE FOR CLAUDIA. All rapists deserve the death penalty, IDGAF.
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Understatement of the century.
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I CACKLED at that literal DEMON TIMING. Armand was already AT the door while y'all were concocting your lies! Then he just strolls on in, uninvited! 😭
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BULLSH!TE. Not that it matters, since vamps have SUPER-HEARING and can READ MINDS, you morons! Pack your bags and go back to America RIGHT NOW. 💀💀💀
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Louis, beloved, bless your heart, but if you don't take your garbage attempts at lying back to NOLA and stop playing with this ANCIENT immortal dressed in all white like the effing BOSS PIMP you USED to be.....
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Alpha DADDY Maitre Armand Sir, I take back every bottom Uke Omega joke I ever said about you~! 😍
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Yeah, about all that.... 😬
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Aaaaannnnnd THIS is where you effed up, Claudia.
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And Armand heard the WHOLE THING. 😭
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Look at her FACE. 😭😭😭😭
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They KNEW she hated being treated as a child, and they KNEW her time was numbered cuz she lied about breaking their Great Laws, so they DELIBERATELY made the "Baby LouLou" role to humiliate her, and EXPLOITED her image to bring in extra revenue (how many BLACK actresses did they ever have in their coven/stage? ZERO); all while KNOWING they were gonna kill her and Louis ASAP.
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I hate this Theatre coven with ever fibre of my being, Maitre.
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Excellent point, Louis. Cuz I noticed in Ep2 that their apartment is kind of crappy--I assumed it was cheap & low class cuz of the tenants all being college students & sex workers, and I noticed a bunch of chipped paint everywhere; on the doors & walls.
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They're slumming it in a studio, sleeping in the living room, as neither has their own room & she has to use a Murphy Bed. Major step below 1132; the exact opposite of how book!Claudia & Lou lived in Parisian opulence--highlighting my point that AMC!Claudia got NOTHING out out being a vampire.
But it's also pointing out how Louis covers all the cracks--in his MIND, in the lies he tells himself, just to live with the glaring problems he desperately wants to cover up & deny.
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I'm finna yeet myself out the nearest window.
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This is SO bizarre, cuz in this version Lou KNOWS Lestat's not really dead! In the book Lou set him on FIRE. So ofc he'd think Les was really dead. But here it makes no sense why he's carrying all this guilt!
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Armand knew Lou & Claudia LIED, sure--but he SHOULD know Lestat's still ALIVE--he's probably chained up in the Theatre basement in one of those friggin "wet room burial vaults!"
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The guilt is out of control. Louis, if Les couldn't tell you loved him after ALL OF THAT, then he's a effing fool who neither understands nor deserves you. Now go chop his d**k off!
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Is that what you tell yourself when DreamStat's in bed with you every night? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I haven't seen mental trauma treated so well in Horror media since Senua's Sacrifice; this is incredible. 👏
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Lou, give yourself a bit more credit--you're doing the best you can! :( Even if your best is an entire travesty. U_U
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Just when I thought she was having a breakthrough, she doubles down on thinking Lestat lied to them about Europe being terrible. 🤦
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(The way Lou clutches his pearls like he's having a heart attack--STOP it, ma'am~! 👌) And YES, you should've told her that you folded and spilled the beans to Armand and that she was walking into a trap, WTF!?! 😡
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Jacob, your GirlDad is showing; PLEASE have mercy on us! 😭
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
Whenever Bacon asks for prompts, I come running cuz I love her cooking! Maybe number 6 from the Smutty Prompts list with Future Trunks? 😋 if anyone is deserving of some sexy sexy surprises, it's totally everyone's favorite timeline hopping half saiyan swordsman!
He wasn't supposed to stay here with you. You weren't supposed to fall in love with him. But even your love transcends time and space. Trunks becomes so attached to you.
You remind him of a simpler time, and a time where he doesn't have to constantly worry about his safety and the safety of others. He enjoys having you around and being able to hold you. Even just the smell of you makes him feel so at peace.
Your romance is a bit of a whirlwind at first. First kisses, first hugs, first fleeting glances. But it soon turns into something more. Longing glances, hands brushing together, make-out sessions in an empty room when nobody else is looking. It all culminated into something feisty and fiery. Every time you're intimate with Trunks, you two end up trying something new.
Fearing you only have so much time together, you two always want to try and spice it up. Regardless of this, you two are always pawing at each other like it could be the last time together.
Tonight, you have a few candles lit in the bedroom. Trunks enters, his eyes widening when he sees how romantic it looks in here. He's happy that you always want to make a good impression for him. His cheeks redden when he realizes he's already hard in his pants just seeing you in the glow of the candles.
"Hi handsome," you coo from your position on the bed.
Trunks comes forward, kneeling on the bed next to you. He gives you a kiss that's so passionate, it makes your head spin. It takes so little time for him to push you back onto the bed, removing your clothes. You're panting by the time he has your clothes off. His eyes widen again.
"Surprised?" you ask, inquiring about his reaction to your purple lingerie. It's lacy with cute bows adorning it.
"You surprise me everyday," he smiles softly, kissing you again.
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whenits--notreal · 3 months
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➼ Batman hits Tim shouting "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING" in Batman (2016) issue #71 (1) (2). It is later explained that this [Batman spinning Tim's jaw] was a form of communication, a "language" which they had established between themselves beforehand. In this language, what Batman said roughly translates to "shut up". No, I'm not joking, this was later explained in issue #81.
➼ The exchange between Bruce and Damian in which Batman very much breaks character is from Batman (2016) issue #145. Spoiler alert: it's not Bruce. The whole dialogue went smthn like:
D: …is it really you? B: It is. D: prove it. B: After you moved in with me… you couldn't sleep. Nightmares. I'd sit in your room with you until you'd finally drift off. /The next day you'd always pretend like it never happened. D: Father… B: I'm back, son …and nothing can stop us.
Despite it not actually being Bruce, I included this for 2 main reasons: 1 ) because it's so obviously not Bruce and still his kids go [in the next panel] "So, the big question is… is it actually Bruce…" and 2 ) because it precedes a POV change to the actual Bruce who is trynna survive solo and is having a cute flashback in #147 (1) (2).
➼ The panel showing Bruce staying at home with a sick Jason instead of going on patrol is from Red Hood and the Outlaws (2012) issue #3. It's pretty self-explanatory, Jason was too sick to go on patrol so Bruce was gonna go alone, but then he changed his mind and cancelled patrol for the night. This is real big tho cuz he prioritised his son over his mission for once (1) (2) (3).
Context: RH and the Outlaws were in a situation where they had to leave their "most cherished memories" with this guy called S'aru as collateral and this was the memory that was taken from Jason (he doesn't want the memory back after they're done with their mission ☹). Also, the art is gorgeous.
➼ The one where B says that Tim isn't his soldier but his son is from Batman (2016) #127. It's an internal dialogue between him and Zur (the other Batman who is a bit bonkers). It's like when he's physically faced with the personification of his Batman persona and his mission, he is finally able to wrap his head around the fact that Robin or not, his kids are his kids, not his soldiers. Otherwise when it's just him, he kinda just ignores the fact and pretends that he doesn't feel/act in two completely conflicting ways when his kids are in question (1) (2) (3). He's a hypocrite and I'm still salty at the "In memory of -- Robin -- A good soldier".
Anyway, it's pretty heartwarming that this was one of the only instances in which he was able to keep the Batman of Zur-en-Arrh in check.
➼ The "I love you, dad" is from the 2016 Nightwing Comics #100 and while I have certain... qualms about Tom Taylor and his writing (don't get me wrong, he's a technically good writer and I enjoy reading what he writes. I just don't like what he's done with the bigger picture if that makes sense-- anyway), I really like this moment and B+N's relationship throughout the past few issues.
For me, Dick is a character with sooo much baggage to unpack and, honestly, I believe he's almost as emotionally closed off as Batman is, he just wears a smile while he's at it and believes the best of people where Batman assumes the worst. But when it comes to his own personal emotions, he bottles them up like he's Doraemon's pouch and has space to spare.
Here though, Bruce takes the initiative, taking off his cowl, and finally says what needed to be said long ago. With no miscommunications! In fact, Bruce delivers with eloquence! And he apologises! It only took Alfie dying...
Anyway, here're the panels: (0) (0.5) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Added in a few extra pages because Dick was getting the recognition he deserves)
➼ Now following the comic with the heartfelt conversation and Nightwing appreciation, we have the sixth panel: Bruce knocking out Dick's tooth. Yippee. And that would be from Batman (2011) #7. Dick is angry at B cuz he swiped a tissue sample from him without telling him then B just backhands (Backfists? backpunches?) one of Dick's molars right out of his mouth (1).
The reason was that there was evidence in that very molar that Dick was selected by the court of owls when he was young to be trained as an assassin. (2) Now here's the thing, B had no evidence and instead of idk telling Dick about his thoughts (and this is all happening as Dick is going off at Bruce for keeping secrets) and taking an x-ray or smthn, he forcefully knocks it out.
And then they just move on like what just happened was okay. There's not even a hint of remorse or the like, instead, B just rebukes Dick for "underestimating" the Court of Owls. Bro, he was max 8 years old when he was still in the circus, why would he think something happened then? Anyway, Snyder has a real propensity for writing Bruce as a wacko imo.
➼ The next one really pisses me off. Bruce swiping Dick across the face and shouting, "DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR JASON'S DEATH! DON'T YOU DARE!" is from The New Titans (1988) #55. Let's put aside the fact that yes, it is his fault that a barely 15 y/o kid was trapesing the streets in glorified underwear and making enemies of psychologically challenged, overqualified, criminal masterminds and was eventually brutally beaten to death by one of said criminal masterminds in some twisted parody of a love confession.
Dick comes back from an off-world mission with the Titans 2 weeks after Jason's funeral. He ends up finding out about Jay's death from this little twat who I'm not even gonna bother naming and then after confirming the news he goes to comfort Bruce. He prioritised comforting Bruce over his own hurt at not being called or told in any way.
Bruce, in turn, takes to being an antagonistic asshole like they didn't both just lose the same person and subtly blames Dick for how things turned out. Dick goes, 'hey don't blame me' and Bruce goes 'DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME' with a side of punch-to-the-face (1). Bruce then continues to rage at his own decision to take a sidekick (twice) but in a way that puts the blame on them (them being Dick and Jason), then he sort of disowns (?) Dick, and stomps out like the toddler that he is (2).
I could honestly never be Alfred.
➼ The page showing Bruce beating Jason is from Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016) #25. Jason shoots the Penguin (he doesn't die but neither B nor J know that) and Batman subsequently tracks him and beats him down like the loving father he is and Bizarro has to come save him (dk how much worse B could've done tbh) (1) (2).
Anyone with eyes would be able to understand why Jason finds it so hard to believe his father-figure loves him. Cuz he doesn't blood well act like it
➼ Next is Batman driving Dick Grayson to his new home or "hell" as he put it (weirdo?) after he officially made him his ward (consent wasn't included in the package). This is set in the Arkham Knight universe and is from All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2. I'm not gonna link any more than that because the whole run stars a messed up Bruce.
Idk in what world, the symbol of Justice of a city would think it's okay to legally kidnap a recently orphaned child, gas them in your car, and call them "dense" or "retarded" when they ask the genuine question, who tf are you? And then he slaps him for grieving his dead parents because, and I quote, "Grief is the enemy. [...] There's no room for grief. Grief turns into acceptance. Forgiveness. Grief forgives what can never be forgiven. Never."
And then he attacks Alfred for feeding him because 'woe is me, I (voluntarily) survived on rats and without any help and I decree that this young 8-year-old does the same'.
➼ And finally, the last one (Batman beating Damian and sending him flying across the floor) is from the Battle of the Super Sons Movie. To his credit, Batman's body was taken over by this starfish-looking parasite thing.
Not a fan of the movie, personally. Not much to say either, I just put it there cuz one of the key aspects of the movie was meant to be Dami and B's father-son relationship (and the gif was kinda funny).
By the time Damian came along, DC writers half-realised that blatant physical abuse towards your kids was not cool.
Anyway, this turned out wayyyyy longer than I'd originally intended. I was just gonna cite the sources at first, and then decided to give context for those weren't gonna read the comics, and then a bit of my opinion slipped in towards the end ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ ...
Happy Father's day, ig?
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multifandombxxch · 2 years
Hey, can you do a plug!Taeyongx x Chubby Reader. Y/n playing too much with Taeyong's feelings cuz y'know he really likes her and whatever but y/n doesn't believe him.
Pairing: Plug! Taeyong x Chubby reader
warnings: age gap, insecurities, fatphobia, raw sex (wrap it before you tap it), S*xual Harassment, mentions of drugs.
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"Bout to catch another flight (yeah)
the apple bottom make 'em wanna bite (yeah)
I just wanna have a good night
I just wanna have a good night (hold up)"
The familiar lyrics of Coi Leray's 'Players' were currently blasting through multiple speakers in my dorm parking lot.
What may be the cause of this you ask?
My roommate was having another party.
On a fucking school night.
My bedpost was banging against the wall as the bass of the speakers was quite literally shaking the whole building.
I kissed my teeth in annoyance I was trying to catch up on an episode of 'House of Dragon' for Christ's sake.
"I cannot take this anymore. I'm calling her." I grumbled.
Calling MIRAE<3...
"Hey boo, wassup?" she answered
I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose "Rae I literally can't hear myself right now. The music is way too loud and it's getting late. Don't you have an 8am tomorrow? "
she groaned on the other side "Bitch I told you to come downstairs and live a little. You can't spend college cooped up in the dorm."
I rolled my eyes at that. Rae did invite me to the party but I wasn't one for loud music and crowded places plus...I wanted to avoid a specific someone.
"I'm good, thanks and you know I wanna avoid he who shall not be named. " I said.
I didn't have to say his name she knew exactly who I was referring to.
she chuckles nervously on the other side
"what?'" I question a sudden feeling of anxiety filling me.
"Imma just give it to you straight. He's here and I told him you were upstairs so he said he was gonna deal with his clients and then go up to see you."
I took the phone from my ear and stared at it like it was some foreign device.
Then I placed it back on my ear
"Bitch you did what?!"
"Oh calm down. He's literally been obsessed with you since last semester. He's damn dedicated I'll give him that and he's fine as hell." She gushes.
after a couple minutes of silence ( really just me being lost in my own thoughts ) I spoke up
"I'm nervous. I like him but what if he's just fucking around? I'm not exactly his usual type." I admit softly
"Y/n" Mirae's tone is much softer now.
I shut my eyes tightly.
I didn't need pity right now. but I couldn't help but remember the awful things that were said to me
'why do your hips bend in like that...it looks weird'
my hip dips
'you need to start working out I can see the damn rolls on your back
my back rolls
'no one is going to want someone who can't take care of themselves
my body
I didn't think I was attractive or deserving of any attention.
the attention I got from men made me feel dirty instead of wanted.
I mean...being groped by a random man at 15 wasn't something I had on my bucket list.
Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe someone wanted me for me.
change the topic from your body Y/n
"It's fine...forget about it." I quickly cover up.
"So how long ago did he say he was coming up" Nice change of topic idiot
she sucks in a breath "He actually went up about 2 minutes ago"
my eyes went wide in panic. Our room was on the third floor I had roughly a couple seconds before he kno-
three rapid knocks came from behind my room door.
"Oh is that him? I'm hanging up then babe." Rae rushed out before hanging up. I put the phone on my nightstand.
Christ, I didn't even have time to fix my hair or something.
I was still seated on my bed when I heard his deep amused voice
"Y/n I gave you enough time to prepare for me so come open the door."
My body jerked at the sudden call out. I hurriedly got off my bed and made my way to the door
I counted to three before opening it and coming face-to-face with he who shall not be named aka Lee Taeyong aka the university's plug.
He grinned as he held up a bag of my favorite snacks "Hey princess...missed me?" Funnily enough, the bag looked out of place in his hand due to his outfit. He was in a black t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. and his signature silver accessories around his neck, wrists, and fingers.
He didn't have his bag with him...weird he usually has it because it contained his "goods"
I must've been staring too long because he suddenly spoke up
"Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna let that mind of yours go places it shouldn't" he smirked
The inside of my mouth became dry and suddenly I couldn't speak. I stepped aside allowing him to walk in and put the bag on my study desk.
I closed the door and turned to him.
No surprise he was already staring at me. he always stares at me.
am I really that ugly?
he was looking me up and down while his bottom lip was caught between his teeth.
"You did all that for me?" he question gesturing to my attire
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion until I caught myself in the bathroom mirror.
hide...hide right the fuck now.
I completely forgot I was only in an oversized t-shirt that stopped mid-thigh...with no damn bra on.
I gasped and covered my face with both my hands.
he chuckled and I felt him coming closer to me.
suddenly he took my hands from my face.
"Stop being so cute y/n...makes me wanna fuck you more"
my breath caught in my throat.
he only found me attractive because of my body
a familiar feeling of disappointment filled me
he pulled me closer by my hands and moved his hands to grip my waist
"What's wrong cupcake?" he asked concerned.
His black hair fell in front of his face. He was too good to be true.
"Is someone bothering you again?" he grilled me his eyes suddenly turning dark
"No" I answered
"don't lie to me. You know I'd kill for you." he grunted, suddenly gripping my jaw.
he can't be serious right now
he doesn't mean that
"I am serious and I mean every. fucking. word." he said suddenly serious.
did I say that out loud?
Fuck it the worst that could happen is that he destroyed my already low self-confidence so I decided to ask.
"Do you actually like me?"
he stared at me incredulously "Y/n don't ask me stupid questions. Why would I follow you around and practically throw myself at you if I didn't like you?"
he was blunt about it but I just couldn't believe him.
my doubt must've shown on my face because he suddenly turned me around and pushed me up against the wall.
he was so close I could feel his heartbeat against my back.
"You think I'm playing with you?" he asked me
"Yes" I admitted
"There's no way you'd want me. You don't usually go for girls like me.
he pressed against me more and growled "The fuck do you mean girls like you? "
tears lined my eyes
"Fat girls...chubby ones!" I whispered
after a beat of silence from me and heavy breathing from him...he released me and stepped back.
I still faced the wall. I couldn't bring myself to look at him...I was too scared I was right.
"Y/n look at me" he spoke out.
I remained unmoving
suddenly he tugged the back of my t-shirt causing me to fall back into him.
"You think i dont want you because of your body?” He questioned….his tone soft and careful.
I nodded.
“Or you could want me just for my body….I know you would probably want to sneak around since nobody wants to be seen with me”
I could feel his heartbeat on my back.
He said nothing for a couple seconds and then….
“Should I fuck you and claim you to prove you’re wrong?” He asked bluntly
My body stilled.
“Answer me baby…I need an answer y/n. I won’t touch you if you don’t want it” he rasped out.
I nodded.
And that’s all it took for him to devour my body.
“Let me see your pussy baby” he grunted as he laid me back on the bed.
I clenched my thighs tighter together
What if he hates what he sees
All of a sudden he forced my legs open and used his index to take some of my wetness
Causing me to whimper.
He looked me in my eyes and licked it clean off his fingers.
“You taste better than I could even imagine princess” he moaned out.
I had three orgasms before he put his dick in me.
I was already a trembling mess but that didn’t stop him from fucking me senseless and giving me two more orgasms.
The blissful look on his face as he marked me everywhere and Painted my walls white with his cum was better than any artwork in any museum.
His body jerked and trembled as he whispered how beautiful and breathtaking he found me.
Slowly he rolled over and laid next to me.
After we came down from the high he realized that we didn’t use protect which I reassure him by telling him I was on the pill.
“No more playing y/n, I fucked you raw. I claimed your pussy and marked your body….tell me your mine.” He as he laid next to me.
“I’m yours” I whispered blissfully
He pecked my cheek “that’s right princess”
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I decided to drop the last five chapters to this story at once cuz I'll be EXTREMELY busy with my summer job & I'm also working on a new fic. Thank you all so, so, soooo much for the love on this story! I had so much fun writing it. I'll be writing some brand new shit soon! Stay safe! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
A week after being saved by you from drowning and possibly losing a limb, Aizawa’s dorm room is finally ready to be moved into again and he sees you everywhere: on the news; in the papers; on Twitter.
And he fucking hates it. 
It’s bad enough you’ve been all up in his mind, but now he has to see you in your hot-ass Night Claw outfit in every magazine and newspaper now?
Not to mention the viral videos. You were kicking Aqua Master’s ass in that pencil skirt and blouse. Though you look good and you certainly deserve your fame, he can’t help but also be extremely worried about how your life could go from here. 
Since last Friday’s mission with the Aqua Master, he hasn’t heard anything negative from Principal Nezu, the HPSC, or the police chief whom he was sure would slap some cuffs on you on Friday afternoon.
Aizawa would’ve damn well bailed you out himself if not raised hell to the police department if that shit happened. He hasn’t heard much from Endeavor’s hot-headed ass either, thank God. The man knows what’s good for him. Aizawa thought he had lost his mind talking to you in that manner. 
To say he wasn’t ready to teach Endeavor a lesson right there in front of everyone is an understatement, but Aizawa knew better. He didn't want his little Eri to see Daddy fucking up another pro on TV. 
All he can hope is that things go well for you here. He knows for a fact that the UA kids are talking as are the streets of Musutafu about the sexy, skilled cat girl hero who singlehandedly took down a villain and saved dozens of lives, including Eraserhead’s.
Though you’re absolutely insane, he has the utmost respect for you for kicking ass without your disguise, knowing fully well you’d be plastered all over Japan and possibly the world as a new hero stepping onto the scene. He just hopes the HPSC doesn't try to scoop you up. He’ll fight to keep that at bay, but if it happens, it’s ultimately your decision. 
These thoughts have been bugging Aizawa all week, so on a beautiful Saturday morning, he decides to take Eri to the park. There aren’t many people here yet, so he lets Eri have free range of the playground area. “Daddy, can I go on the swing?” she asks, eagerly looking up at him. 
He smiles, nodding. “Go have at it, but be careful and try not to get your clothes too dirty.” As she skips away in her baby blue dress, he takes a seat on a nearby bench to watch her. The air is clean, the breeze is cool, and the sun is warm on his face.
Definitely, some good weather to clear his head and figure out this you problem. He hasn’t spoken to you since last Friday when you saved his life. He wants to be angry at you for being so reckless like that, but his respect and adoration for your decision overpowers that. 
“Dammit,” he sighs, running a frustrated hand down his face. Why do you have to be so stubborn? 
“I knew I recognized that voice!” a familiar, cheery voice exclaims from beside him. “I’m not used to seeing you out and about, Aizawa.” 
Aizawa turns, finding a small mouse wearing a kind smile and a red tracksuit with a UA sweatband around his forehead. “Principal Nezu,” he says. “You’re out here? Aren’t you afraid of the gettin’ swiped up by a dog or something?”
Nezu titters to himself, waving his paw. “Oh, no,” he laughs. “That’s what I’ve got this for.” He slides something out of the tiny fanny pack wrapped around his waist, revealing it to be an animal repellent. “But don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt ‘em. Just gives off a very unpleasant smell.” 
Aizawa nods, struggling not to laugh at the idea of his boss carrying that around. Nezu hops up next to him, already knowing Aizawa won’t mind his company.
“I see you’ve caught wind of the new hero that hit the streets too, huh?” he chuckles. “I will admit, Ms. L/N looked incredible in that news clip the way she handled herself. I’m shocked she never decided to be a pro hero.” 
A record scratches in Aizawa’s head as he turns to the mouse. “Wait,” he says, furrowing his brows at Nezu. “You know?” 
“Well, of course, I do!” Nezu laughs as if it should’ve been obvious. “I always have! I will admit that I was worried about how it would affect the other staff and students here or how it could potentially affect her job, but Y/N has never disappointed me on that front. She knows how important it is to be an outlet for the kids.”
He looks at Aizawa, seriousness in his eyes. “Besides, after she saved your life when Toyoma attacked you, I could never go and fire her. She has a pure heart.” 
Aizawa sighs, his muscles relaxing. He has never felt so relieved. This means your job is safe! Nezu is still giving him that serious look though which puts him slightly on edge.
“I am sorry for what happened that night, Shouta,” he solemnly says. “To you and Eri. I’m just glad your dorm is ready to live in again.” He turns to Eri still on the swings, giggling happily. The two wave at each other, filling Aizawa with joy. 
“So am I,” the pro sighs, relieved. “And you have nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad I’m here and breathing.” Nezu smiles fondly, patting Aizawa on the arm. “That’s the right attitude.” 
Silence then descends on them, though not awkwardly. It is peaceful, but guilt eats Aizawa up with every second they sit in silence. He has to tell him the truth. 
“I have something to tell you,” he sighs, the guilt winning him over. Nezu turns to him expectantly and he swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. “A couple months ago, I adopted a cat for Eri to keep her company and help her make her feel more like a kid. Unfortunately, that fell through, but I’m sorry I went against your rules. I just wanted to give Eri as much happiness as I could when I’m not able to be with her.” 
Nezu says nothing for a while, just blankly staring up at Aizawa. He stares down at his boss, wondering what he’s thinking. Is he going to be fired right here, right now? Will he be banned from the dorms? Who will Eri live with then? “Shouta, I already knew about the cat,” Nezu matter-o-factly says. 
Aizawa’s eyes widen, shocked. "You think cameras don't exist in the faculty dorms? I’ve seen that cat walk in and out of that building time and time again!”
Nezu just laughs like this is the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “But since she never gave me or anyone else trouble, I never bothered. Plus, I could see how happy she made you and Eri since you adopted her. It's always nice to see a smile on your face. You’ve always looked so down.” 
Aizawa doesn’t know how to handle hearing that. So Nezu has worried about him too? What of everyone else? What of Eri? Had she noticed too? Maybe he needs to get better at hiding things. ‘Or maybe just express how you feel to the people you love, ass,’ he critically thinks. ‘No matter how embarrassing.’
“Pardon my saying,” Nezu continues, “but I feel as if that smile hasn’t always been from the cat though.” He stares at Aizawa, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “It’s from Y/N, isn’t it?”
Aizawa’s flushed cheeks say everything he needs to know, and he chuckles to himself. “I could always see you two had a special relationship which I’m sure can be just as strong now. It could just about be unbreakable with a little communication.” 
Aizawa raises an eyebrow at his words. He can't help but feel like Nezu is saying them for a reason. Does he know you and him are on awkward terms right now? Does this mouse have eyes in the back of his head or something to know everything that happens in his school? Whatever it may be, it is good and critical advice. “So you really don’t mind pets?” he asks. 
Nezu rubs his paw along his chin, thinking. “Well, I do have a condition for that,” he replies, making Aizawa’s heart leap. “If you are to have pets, you have to be sure they won’t eat me and you’ll have to carry me in your jumpsuit for the next five months…starting now.” 
Aizawa rolls his eyes, but unzips the top half of his tracksuit anyway. Now he’ll be cleaning out mouse fur from his tracksuit and scarves for weeks. “Come on,” he sighs.
Nezu happily laughs as he scurries across the bench and up onto Aizawa’s chest before burrowing himself under his tracksuit. When Aizawa zips it up, Nezu’s head pops out from under his scarves, peeking at the world. 
“And thank you,” Aizawa softly says, smirking down at the little creature. Nezu smiles up at him fondly. “It’s my pleasure. Now let’s go to the swings!” 
The rest of the afternoon is spent at the park, playing on the swings with Eri and Nezu and walking along the hiking trails to help Eri pick flowers. After dropping Nezu off at his office back at UA, Aizawa takes Eri back to their dorm.
It feels so good to finally be back in the familiar halls of the faculty dorms after so long. Though the apartment Nezu rented for them was very cozy, Aizawa missed the cherry blossoms blooming outside his window and the homely feeling he got from his dorm room. 
Eri must’ve missed it too from how she was skipping down the hallway next to him, happy as a clam. “Daddy, are we still seeing the new Spider-verse movie tomorrow?” She asks, then gasps excitedly. “Do you think Y/N would wanna go with us? I think she’d really like it!”
This isn’t the first time she has mentioned your name. She’s been doing so ever since Toyoma's attack, wondering if she can visit you at your office or your dorm. 
And Aizawa always has the same answer: “I could ask her, pumpkin, but Y/N has been very busy lately. I don't think she’d–“ 
He suddenly pauses when they get to their door, noticing something there that is out of place. A little wicker basket with a soft, plush blanket on top sits in front of the door.
“What the hell?” Aizawa whispers. He furrows his brows in confusion at the basket, holding Eri’s hand a little firmer now. It could just be fruits or chocolates, but if he knows anything, you can never be too careful when it comes to receiving unexpected gifts. 
His defenses go up even more when the blanket begins to move. He swears his soul nearly leaves his body. “Daddy, look!” Eri gasps, pointing at the moving blanket. “It’s moving! I think there’s something in it.” She manages to escape Aizawa’s hold and runs over to the basket, kneeling beside it. 
Anticipation for something horrible under that blanket fills Aizawa’s gut as Eri pulls back the blanket. 'It better not be no baby,’  he thinks. ‘I’ve already got one of those.’ 
But his mind isn’t even close to the truth. Settled within the blanket with a side of cat food, toys, and litter, is a little calico kitten with the pinkest nose and prettiest swirl pattern Aizawa has ever seen.
Eri gasps, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the animal. “It’s a kitten!” she squeals. “She’s so, so cute! Look, she's got a scar just like you, Daddy!” 
Aizawa looks closer at the cat, finding a tiny scar under her left eye the shape of an upside-down present moon. Speaking of her eyes, they are so, so big! He can practically see the entire forest in the beautiful green shade of them. “Yeah,” he agrees, reaching a finger out to her. She sniffs him once with her little pink nose before brushing her head against his finger. “Where’d she come from though?” 
While Eri starts to gently pet her head, he searches for a card. There has to be something here to tell him where she came from. Luckily, he finds it. Taped to the bottom of the basket is a little white card scribbled in fast, pen-inked handwriting. He reads it over, his heart melting at the sweet words: 
A furry cure for loneliness and a great addition to any family. Meet Nea (for Neapolitan, like the ice cream). Enjoy! Feel free to change her name. -Love. 
A laugh bubbles from Aizawa’s chest once he finishes reading the card. Though they didn’t leave a name, he knows exactly who this precious gift is from and makes a mental note to thank them personally. After making a few calls first, of course.
“Who is she from, Daddy?” Eri curiously asks, still petting the kitten. 
Aizawa just smiles as he kneels down next to the basket and the excited, mewing kitten. “A very good friend of mine,” he answers before gently stroking the kitten’s head. “Nice to meet you, Nea.” 
“Anybody want another one?” Mic asks, already whipping up another delicious, pineapple, mint-flavored cocktail in Nemuri's dorm kitchen.
You sigh, pushing away the second cocktail you haven’t even finished yet. “Not unless you want my clothes off,” you joke, leaning your cheek on your fist. Mic pauses in his kitchenette, a wolfish smile curling onto his lips. “Well…” 
As you laugh, Nemuri pegs a pillow at him from her spot next to you on the couch. “Mic!” she gasps. The pro catches the pillow in one hand as he lowers the ice shaker of his mixed concoction with the other. 
“C’mon, I’m kidding! Look, I got a smile out of her!” He nods at your lips curled into a grin after your laughter dissipates. “You truly are a magician then, darling,” Nemuri hums, sipping on her drink. 
You gape at your friends, slightly offended by their words. You haven’t exactly been the most chipper person in the world since your reveal last Friday, but you’re not walking around like the world is about to end either.
“Hey, I smile,” you protest. “I’m just…thinking about things.” 
Things like if you’re going to keep your job. Things like if the police chief will change his mind and charge you as a criminal. Things like if things will change for you for the worse. Even now, the halls of UA are talking.
You get kids coming into your office just to gush about your moves, especially Izuku Midoriya. He’s even put you in his notebook, asking you all kinds of questions about your quirk and hero fit. “What does it look like?” he asked with stars in his eyes earlier on Monday. “You’re really, super flexible! Can you still move in it? Does it come with claws?” 
Though it was adorable, you had to hustle him out of your room just to get a breather in. Even worse are the news people who seem to know everywhere you go now.
Just yesterday, you were taking a jog in the park and you were accosted by a newsman and his camera crew, asking you about your day and if you’re a professional hero.
You know that it’s only a matter of time until someone starts asking questions like, “Do you go to the bathroom in a litter box?” 
To be honest, you don’t even know if you want to be a pro-hero. Though the idea of it is fantastical and alluring, that also comes with brutal training, fighting villains almost every day, and constant, unwanted attention. You don’t know if you could handle all of that, let alone the transition from being a nobody into a celebrity. The idea of it frightens you. 
Mic shakes the ice shaker filled with the contents of his cocktail, definitely having the means of a bartender if he wasn’t a hero. “Like about how you kicked that villain’s ass last week and ate up the cameras in the process?” he chuckles. "I’m still thinking about that too. You were amazing!” 
You smile despite your indifference. You don’t feel too amazing. “As nice as this of you to say, Mic, that doesn’t change the fact that I could possibly lose my job now that everyone knows who I am.”
Though Nezu hasn’t visited your office lately, you still can't help but be fearful of the police storming into your office or dorm room in the dead of night one day. 
Nemuri slings an arm around the back of the couch, her knees curled up under her sundress as she sips her drink. “Well, the chief didn’t take you in, so I’d think you’re in the clear.”
You shake your head, getting yourself worked up as you think of all of the possible things that could go wrong. “For now!” you argue. “Now that the chief has officially met me, I doubt he’s just gonna let me go free with all the buzz on me now. I still don’t have a license or–“ 
There is a sudden loud knock at the door, making you and Nemuri jump. “Who the hell is that?” Mic asks, scowling at Nemuri’s door.
You go to get up, but he beats you to it, already making wide strides toward the door on his long legs. Anxiety shoots into your body, making your heart pound in your chest. Nemuri puts a hand on your knee and you realize it’s to stop it from bouncing. “Yes?” he firmly calls.
“Amazon package,” a very gruff, deep, and familiar voice answers. A smile curls onto Mic’s lips and he winks at you before opening the door.
You nearly spill your drink at how fast you get up from the couch. Aizawa stands there in the tightest shirt you’ve ever seen on a man and jeans, his black locks calling carelessly down his shoulders. It’s so harrowing to see him there after not seeing much since last Friday. “Shouta?” you softly gasp. “What are you here?” 
He doesn’t say a single word as he comes into Nemuri’s dorm and storms right over to you in four, long strides. You can’t do anything but gasp as his large hands cup your face and he smashes his lips against yours in a hot, toe-curling kiss.
Your eyes close instinctively, your senses overtaken by the softness of his lips, the mint on his tongue, and the scent of his cologne. The hairs on the back of your neck and the fur on your tail stand on end, excited by the stimulation. 
“Oh, my!” Nemrui gasps from the couch in delighted shock. Knowing Mic, he’s probably just grinning at you two, knowing full well this was going to happen. That’s why he opened the door.
Finally, Aizawa pulls away from your mouth, his charcoal eyes soft yet intense. “That was for your sweet ass apology,” he breathlessly explains. 
From the door, Mic clears his throat. “U-Uh we should give them privacy,” he says, already heading for the balcony. “Come on now, Nemuri. Give ‘em some room.” Though she huffs in protest, Nemuri gathers her drink and meets Mic out on her balcony, shutting the door behind them. 
Your dizzy mind manages to piece together Aizawa’s cryptic words and your ears perk up excitedly. “So you got your present?” you ask with a beaming smile.
Aizawa returns your smile, looking unbelievably more beautiful with it. “Eri was so excited when she saw her all wrapped up at our door, I had to get Mirio to come over to calm her ass down. You didn’t have to do that, you know.” 
“Yes, I did,” you pointedly argue. “I’ve been lying to you and her for so long.” You plant your hands on his broad shoulders, breathing in his scent. God, you’ve missed his smell. “Neither one of you deserved to be deceived like that,” you mutter, staring down at your shoes, ashamed of yourself and your decisions. 
“I know why you did it though,” Aizawa replies, holding you by your waist. “You felt if you didn’t, you’d be taking away the happiness you thought you gave us while pretending to be our pet. But you’re totally wrong about that, Y/N.”
He tilts your chin up towards his face with his thumb, making you look into his eyes that sparkle with adoration. “It’s you who makes us happy. You make me happy.” 
You swear you could touch the moon now. You’re just about bursting with joy as you wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into his chest. “You make me happy too,” you softly giggle. Aizawa returns your embrace, his arms wrapped securely around your small frame. With the wall between you now broken, you feel like anything is possible now. 
“So how’d things go once I left on Friday?” you curiously ask. “Did Endeavor pop a gasket?” Aizawa smirks down at you.
“Several,” he replies, making you laugh. “Oh, and Hawks told me to pass you his number since you told him we’re friends. I threatened to skin him like a turkey if he tried it.” 
You let out another belly laugh, imagining Aizawa giving Hawks one of his death stares. But the happiness you feel doesn’t last long when you remember one important part of that day. “What about the police chief?” you nervously ask. “And Principal Nezu?” 
Aizawa’s smile doesn’t falter. “Nezu already knew you were Night Claw.” You blink up at him, baffled. “W-What?” you stutter, wondering how in the hell your boss is this smart, or if you’re just that stupid. “Why didn’t he say anything?” 
Aizawa presses a hand to your cheek, his thumb stroking the corner of your lip and making your tail embarrassingly quiver. “Because he never had a reason to unless you were a threat to UA, which you aren’t. You’re a big asset here according to him. Plus, even if he did wanna kick you out, I’d vouch for you. It’s what I owe to you since you’ve saved my life many times.”
You smile, grateful for him having your back. “As for the police chief, we had a chat earlier and he agreed to let you off the hook despite the buzz. The HPSC is on my ass about wanting you to join them too.” 
You sigh, feeling relief overflowing inside you like a warm wave. You can’t believe your luck! Is God or the universe throwing you a bone?
“But,” Aizawa continues, making you stop short and not celebrate so quickly, “if you wanna continue fighting as Night Claw, you’ll have to take a few heroes courses and get your license. Lucky for you, there’s an adult six-month program that UA offers to staff for free here. If you take it, you’ll learn everything you need to know about being a pro, if you want that.” 
You laugh softly to yourself, not believing your luck. This is just too much. “I don’t know what to say,” you confess, grasping Aizawa’s shoulders. “It’s almost like I’m dreaming.”
A secretive smile crosses his plump lips, a hidden message in his dark eyes. “Wanna check?” he murmurs. 
Do you ever! He lets you make the first move this time, his lips ready and willing when you press your mouth against his in another kiss. You softly moan at the taste of him, forgetting how amazing it feels to be kissing him. He holds you closer as your lips move against each other, his big, calloused hands moving to cup your ass while your arms loop around his neck. You want him as close as he could possibly get after so many days without him.
When he suddenly pulls away, you whine in protest, earning a throaty chuckle. “I almost neglected to tell you that I’m a professor for the adult pro-hero program,” he huskily informs you. “I teach training.” 
At his heated stare, a warmth begins to pool between your inner thighs that you have missed. You haven’t gotten this horny in weeks. “Oh?” you purr, playfully smiling up at him. “What kind of physical activities do you specialize in?” 
Your head leans to the side as he swoops in, devouring your neck and bathing it in kisses that have your eyes fluttering closed. “Hand-to-hand combat,” he murmurs against your skin, "fighting with quirks, stuff along those lines.”
One of his hands trails down farther while one strays gripping your ass, making your clit jump excitedly. “But with you, I believe you could use additional…”
His fingers gently brush your trail, earning a soft moan from deep within you. “Hands-on training,” he purrs in your ear. 
God, yes. You don’t care what the fuck he wanted to do, as long as he ends up on top of you. “Can we start now?” you mewl pathetically, moving away to stare at him pleadingly.
Though he has the same lust in his eyes, he has way more self-control than you, obviously. “Not that I don’t mind somethin’ kinky now and again,” he chuckles, “but would you rather have an audience for that?” 
His eyes trail over your shoulder and you turn, finding Mic and Nemuri’s heads peeking from behind the balcony door. You put your hands on your hips, staring at them pointedly as if you were a Black mom staring at her badass kids. Mic immediately breaks and points at Nemuri, terrified. “She made me do it!” he cries.
Nemuri’s eyes flick between yours and Aizawa’s, her face beat red. “U-Uh…don’t mind us!” she hurriedly exclaims, shoving Mic back outside. “Go on and finish chatting!” She then disappears back onto the balcony and shuts the door though you can hear her yelling at Mic about being a snitch. 
You and Aizawa look at each other once and immediately burst into laughter. It feels good to laugh with him. To talk to him. The feeling you get being with him is unlike any other you’ve felt. It feels like being wrapped in the warmest, softest blanket you’ve ever had the pleasure of touching.
When your laughter finally dies down, Aizawa speaks once more. “I actually also came over to ask if you wanted to join Eri and me for dinner later.” 
Your heart leaps at the invitation, already on the cusp of saying yes despite Aizawa still speaking. "We’re having pizza…nothin’ homemade though. And watching Into the Spider-verse ‘cause Eri is hellbent on seeing the sequel tomorrow.” He looks down at the floor, bashful all of a sudden. “She also asked if you wanted to go too, but I told her to may be busy, s-so–” 
You stop him with a kiss, hoping he’ll get the message through your action: I’ll go anywhere you go. 
But instead of saying that, you pull away and give him a smile. “I’d love to,” you whisper. 
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
My unpopular opinion is that I wanted Austin back with Vanessa, the Hollywood industry is cutthroat, you'd be hard pressed to find someone that cares for you genuinely, during the good times and the bad times, whether that be friends, partners, staff that work for you, and I'm sorry to Kaia and I'm not on no hating shit but I just don't think she'd glance at Austin twice if it wad 5yrs ago and you can argue if he did Vanessa wrong or not but I just don't think he'd be able to find a person that likes him for himself and not what his name brings to the table from now on. I hope the best of luck and happiness to Vanessa, she deserves to move on with her life and get the things she wants from this fickle thing we call life, it sucks its not with Austin but yea I just wish them both to find happiness and peace, it's just weird to see things play out and feel like it's all completely wrong and could blow out on their face 👀👀
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Chiiiiiiiillllle...... You should have waited to post this in the "Confession Sunday" time slot cuz I can see you getting a lot of backlash for saying this! 😂
But to be honest?? And this is just #RealTalk and me being 100% honest here.... I actually agree w/you.
Vanessa loved that man to death. It was clear as day. She was his ride-or-die chick lol. 😅 They were like best friends. 🥺 You can see it with just about any picture you see of the two of them. They were also with each other through many hard times and milestones in each of their personal lives. Idk if you quite forget that?? I'm not a huge-huge fan of hers (esp after she's been throwing him shade 👀), but I definitely trusted Austin with Vanessa more than with Kaia. Idk how much I trust that Gerber family. 👀
and I'm sorry to Kaia and I'm not on no hating shit but I just don't think she'd glance at Austin twice if it wad 5yrs ago and you can argue if he did Vanessa wrong or not but I just don't think he'd be able to find a person that likes him for himself and not what his name brings to the table from now on.
THIS. ☝🏾
That's pretty clearly obvious lol. Plus, her family has an obsession with Elvis for some reason lol, so perhaps any actor that was playing the late singer would have been appealing to her? 😅
Look....I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I know what happened in their relationship, but Austin and Vanessa started dating when he was 19 and she was 22/23?? So, sometimes, people just grow and eventually want different things in life. It's clear she wanted to settle down and marry, have kids, etc... and maybe he wanted that too (they were talking about engagement before they split up), but maybe he wasn't in a spot in his life where he felt ready for that? Maybe he was suuuuuper stressed w/Elvis preparation? Who knows? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Just because two people break up, it doesn't automatically mean that something awful was the cause of the breakup.
Since they were together for about 9 years, I would hope that they at least have remained SOMEWHAT friends or on a cordial level. Some fans have said that Austin himself has stated that he and Vanessa are still relatively close. So... go figure? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Either way, I agree with you... Something seems off/all wrong about his current relationship imo. W/RE: to Vanessa... It really should have been him... And I'm sure Vanessa thought it would be too. But hey, sometimes, life throws you curveballs! 😅
As long as Vanessa is happy with Cole, then I'm happy for her. 😊 Vanessa deserves to be happy and move on with her life, and I'm sure Austin realizes that too, even if it might feel a bit weird for him. I'm not sure how long she and Cole will last (mainly due to the age gap👀) but hey....I wish her/them the best!
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Nothing much. Just fangirling.
I miss him. I miss him every day.
Like i self ship with him too and it bothers me that nrs did him so dirty.
Mini vent(cuz im sad and im sad that fans just dont get it why the new game is bad. And i take back what i said bout mk11. Mk12 is so bad its making me genuinely like crappier mk games more. Fr its that bad):
I miss the real mortal kombat. I miss real mk fans. I miss the older timelines(sad to say when i actually find comfort on mk11's bullshit more,that's how much you know its bad) I miss when mk was actually fucking good. I hate ed boon,i hate nrs,i hate the new game with a burning passion. I hate what they did to hanzo,to scorpion,the the whole story and lore. I hate what they did to shang tsung. I hate the new VA for shang. Im sorry i do,it feels like he's trying to be a knockoff tagawa and that doesn't sit right with me. It feel fake and forced and wrong. Sadly people wont understand that pain i have about this series.But this aint bout shang rn. This is about hanzo. Hanzo my darling you didn't deserve any of this. Im sorry nrs doesn't love you anymore. Smfh.
End mini vent.
But back to the main event
here's some good food. To soothe our souls.
Pics n gifs i found.
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Like y'all hanzo stans,fans,simps,and mains deserved so much better.
So for you. Here's some good food. Some soothing pics of what we had but never appreciated while it was here.
R.i.p mortal kombat. And it's fucking integrity.
Also r.i.p to hanzo hasashi's character development.
I hope regardless i could Make you smile with these cute hanzos i found.
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coavill · 2 years
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pairing : Henry Cavill x Reader
summary : you forgot your umbrella on a rainy day, who saved you?
word count : 1.9k
warnings : fluff, kissing, usage of y/n, immediate plot change, gender neutral.
p.s : this is my first ever fic and english is not my first language so please bare with it </3
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It all started when you accidentally met him on a rainy day, you forgot to bring an umbrella and there was no place to shelter so you were absolutely soaked. There was no way you could walk back home in this weather, without an umbrella or a raincoat. Until someone came to you, he was a broad, muscular man. You started to daydream of his thick arms engulfing your body but quickly gushed your thoughts away. But then you slowly felt him covering you both from the rain using his umbrella.
"Hello. Uh, do you need any help?"
You thought for a while before answering, "Thank you, uh can you hail me a cab?"
"Well I assume there's gonna be none since the weather is hazardous."
You spared him a look of disappointment and sighed.
"Well I'm about to go home, you can come over for a while if you want, to clean up and wait for the rain to stop, maybe? It's only a few blocks away." he continued
Your mom always told you not to trust any stranger, but this man.. you'd let him punch you in the face and thank him for it.
"Oh no don't worry, I'm not gonna kidnap you or something. You just look... terrible.." he continued, trying not to intimidate you.
"Damn right, sure then." as you wipe off the rain that wet your face
You followed him to his house and shockingly, it was a huuuuge one. A mansion.
He stopped for a while and said "Wait a second, I forgot to introduce myself, so unprofessional of me. I'm Henry" followed by a small chuckle.
"Y/N" you grinned and held out your hand to shake his, which looked massive compared to yours. He opens the door and signalled for you to come in.
A dog greeted both of you, it was an Akita.
"His name is Kal, I've had him since he was small. He's a good boy, don't worry"
You smiled and bent down to scratch Kal
"Hello, Kal, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. Oh you're such a handsome boy, aren't you?" Kal licked your face as you laughed.
"He likes you" Henry said, smiling at the sight of Kal being that excited meeting you.
"Well um, settle in. You can clean up and borrow my clothes, I'll heat some soup" as he leads you to the bathroom and gave you a t-shirt and a jogger.
God this man is a pure angel. You felt your cheeks go red.
"You sure?"
You smiled wide at him and cleaned yourself up, put on his clothes, and then went downstairs to the kitchen he was doing stuff. You slowly approached him.
"Hey, Thank you. It really means a lot to me yknow"
"No biggie" his lips curved up to a beautiful smile.
He then set two bowls of warm mushroom soup for both of you.
"Oh please don't feel bad, I know you're starving"
"You're reading my mind, aren't you?" you chuckled.
You both ate together while getting to know each other.
"So, tell me more about yourself"
"Well, I moved here a while ago cuz I got a job as a professor at a university. I love to read books, write, and listen to music in my spare time" you explained
"Now your turn"
"Wait, so you truly do not know who I am?"
"I'm Henry Cavill"
"Oh my goodness gracious lord o mighty life"
"You're Henry Cavill????"
"Like, THE Henry Cavill???????" your mouth wide agape, trying to process what he just said.
"Yes, I am THE Henry Cavill..."
"I'm surprised, please don't treat me differently"
He loves it when someone sees him as a regular person, although it's only for a minute.
"Please don't treat me differently" you are awed at this man, the world doesn't deserve him.
"No worries, all good. I won't. I mean I don't know you well since I've only heard of you from movies" assuring him
"Thank you, so much. Um about me... where do I start? I'm taking a break from acting. I decided to stay here, to clear myself up, I love to play games, especially Warhammer" he chuckled, before continuing "Also do you know that I have heterochromia? I love that fact about me"
"Yes, I certainly do. Although it's not very visible, I have this brown spot in my left eye"
"That's so cute! I've always loved how heterochromia works and how it looks on people. I used to dream of having it when I was little" you giggled.
He chuckled and smiled as you both talked more and finished up the soup.
"Looks like the rain has stopped as well, I must go now"
You walked outside and waved to Henry and Kal. Kal barked at you, not wanting you to go
"Don't worry Kal, I'll visit you soon" you said while petting him
"Thank you for everything, Henry. I'll return these clothes soon"
"Don't worry about them. See you when I see you, Y/N"
You ordered coffee before going back home, smiling all the way home.
The rest of the day went just fine, but you only have Henry on your mind. His words replaying thoroughly.
The next day you washed his clothes and dried them up, after that you went to give them back to Henry.
You had just arrived in front of his house. You took a deep breath before knocking on his door. You waited for a brief moment before the door opened, revealing Henry with a gym t-shirt and shorts, his hair scruffy, skin sweaty. You gulped, stuttering.
"Oh Hi.. Haha, I just wanted to return these. Don't worry they're already washed up" handing him a bag with his clothes in it.
"Thank you for lending me them the other day"
"Oh, right. No problem, thank you for stopping by. Do you want to come in for some hot tea? It's pretty windy outside"
"Sure, why not" you felt like you answered too soon.
He moved aside to let you in before closing the door.
You sat on the couch, watching him boil some water using a glass kettle then brewed the tea. He looked so fine in that fit, you just wanna eat him up. You played with Kal while waiting for him.
He placed a cup for you, holding the other cup for him, before sitting next to you on the couch.
You both talked about your hobbies, food, and your interests.
"I live alone, so there's pretty much nothing to do" you tittered
"I see. If that's the case, how about we go to the amusement park someday? just us"
You gasped a little, maaaaybe a little too loud.
"You're serious?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
You nodded shyly and smiled
"Why not. Here's my number, text me about the time and location" handing him a piece of paper
He took it and added your number to his phone.
"Great, I'll inform you" as you both stood up and walked your way outside
"Thanks for the tea" you waved to him
"No biggie"
You were all effervescent over this dude, you went home and opened your phone.
While you were stalking all of his social medias, you suddenly got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown : Hey Y/N
You : Who's this?
Unknown : Henry, who else could it be?
You : Oh, right. Haha.
You almost forgot that you gave him your number. You covered your face of embarrassment and saved his contact immediately.
You : So, about the amusement park thing, does next Saturday work for you?
Henry : Ah, yes sure. 7 PM at xxx, I'll pick you up. Just send me your location
You : Okay, yk I can just go there myself. I don't wanna burden you.
Henry : You'd never burden me and shut up, I'll pick you up. 😌
You : Kay fine 😤
/sends location/
You chuckled at his texts, knowing he was trying to be a gentleman.
You spent the entire week texting & voice calling with him. Laughing, crying & comforting, or just some random talk.
The next Saturday, he did as he promised, he picked you up with his Aston Martin.
While on the way, he blasted some songs to go crazy together. Singing, screaming, little dancing, like you both have known each other for a long time, no uncomfy feeling filling the gap.
You arrived at the amusement park, Henry following you everywhere like a lost puppy. Until then you couldn't feel Henry anywhere by your side, you were confused and tried looking for him nearby. Suddenly, he came and startled you from behind.
"Henry! you scared me!"
He let out a giggle, grinning at me.
"Sorry! I bought us some cotton candies"
You smiled wide, jumping from happiness.
"Are you kidding me?! these are my favourite sweets!" you squealed before shoving a handful of the pink cotton candy in your mouth.
"Woah, easy there! didn't think you could be so eager!" his eyes wide.
"Don't eat too much, it's not salubrious"
"Okay Dad" you huffed
One of his eyebrows raised up at the new nickname you just called him.
"Did you just- call me Dad?"
"Yes, old man. Since you're telling me what to do" you giggled and jogs away. He chuckled before chasing after you.
You both then went on the ferris wheel, your hand holding tight onto his because you're scared of height.
Suddenly, there were loud sounds, fireworks sounds.
The sky lit up in colours, painting the darkness. You both watched the sky, still holding hands.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" you muttered
"Not as beautiful as you" he whispered, looking deep into your eyes which lit up with stars due to the firework's reflection.
You immediately looked at Henry. Your face heated up at the sight and words he gave you.
"You're red"
"No I'm not- oh shi" covering your face of embarrassment.
He laughed and pulled your head to lean it against his shoulder, while you were still covering your face.
You looked up at him, who was still smiling at you and then scruffed your hair.
"Can I say something?" his expression immediately looked serious.
"Of course"
"I know it's too soon. But,"
He paused for a while before saying
"I love you."
"I adore you, you make me the happiest man in the world. You're part of my life... and I'm so so grateful we met that day. I think about you day and night since then. I'm sorry."
You both went silent for one good minute after that.
"Oh Henry..." tears started to well in your eyes.
"Never be sorry." before pulling in to kiss his cheek.
"I love you too, Henry."
"I love you to the moon and back"
"I'm grateful I forgot my umbrella that day. I'm grateful I met you."
Henry's eyes lit up as he slightly smiled, and he cupped your cheeks, then leaned in to kiss you on the lips. You clung your arms around his neck as you both smiled against the kiss. The fireworks still being set off by people, the colours lighting your and Henry's faces. You both broke the kiss, desperate to catch your breath.
"God I love you so much." he said still cupping your cheeks. You both leaned in to rest your forehead against his.
"Oh yknow I love you more" you replied
"Wanna bet on that?" He smirked
"Certainly." you grinned, before resting your head against his shoulder, enjoying the fireworks.
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