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montimer · 5 days ago
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Peter Parker can never catch a break
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montimer · 5 days ago
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montimer · 6 days ago
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montimer · 6 days ago
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"In fact, I thought you were the saddest person I'd ever met. So I just tried to help you." - Batman: Gotham Adventures #37
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montimer · 10 days ago
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Spider-Man by Paolo Rivera
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montimer · 13 days ago
Buena suerte, Invincible
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Marvel Team-Up (2004) #14 Robert Kirkman (Escritor), Cory Walker (Dibujante)
— Spider-Man: Muy bueno, muy bueno. ¿Seguro que no podemos ir a por unos cuantos villanos más antes de que tu némesis abra el portal para llevarte a casa? Podríamos buscar a Electro o al Hombre de Arena o a cualquier otro. — Invincible: Probablemente no… Mira. — Spider-Man: Vaya, mira eso. Parece que ya está listo para recibirte. — Invincible: Lo hace para debilitarme, espera que me hicieran un poco en todas las dimensiones a las que me manda. No le está funcionando, y yo sé qué hará cuando se dé cuenta de ello. — Spider-Man: ¿Lo tenéis todo controlado, chicos? — Oficial de policía: Eso parece. Ve a salvar el mundo, héroe. No tengo muchas ganas de detenerte después de haberme salvado el pellejo.
— Spider-Man: Me alegro de haberte conocido, Invincible, y buena suerte con tu malvado. Aunque estoy seguro de que lo harás bien. — Invincible: Gracias, también me alegro de haberte conocido. Y tu nombre es bastante pegadizo, ahora que me he acostumbrado a él, me gusta. — Spider-Man: Gracias. — Invincible: Si cojo velocidad al atravesar el portal, tal vez pueda pillarle con la guardia baja, derribarle antes de que se dé cuenta de que lo he atravesado. La última vez, casi me caí del portal… no me fue muy bien. ¡¡Deséame suerte!! — Spider-Man: Eh, espera, ¡¡Quizá debería ir contigo!! ¡¡Podría ayudar!! ¡¡Epa!! El portal se ha cerrado demasiado rápido. ¡Ha cortado la red!
— Spider-Man: Ha sido una estupidez, si hubiese funcionado podría haberme quedado atrapado en otra dimensión. ¿En qué estaba pensando? Me voy a casa a ver películas con mi esposa supernena. Buena suerte, Invincible… estés donde estés…
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montimer · 16 days ago
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montimer · 18 days ago
Spideysona has took over my life
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montimer · 20 days ago
Ok but why the fuck did penguin do this
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montimer · 21 days ago
Y'know that feeling when u see smt that ur fav character would like, but then remember they aren't real so u can't buy it for em?
Like i saw an unicorn plushy holdin a heart n was like "Wow Wade would love that"
He would love an unicorn
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montimer · 22 days ago
[I like him can u tell?]
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Wanted a rough kiss, got a rough kiss
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montimer · 23 days ago
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The talents of Jorge Jimenez and Dan Mora.
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montimer · 24 days ago
Cuddles with Joker (Ft. Grumpy J)
‣ Pairing: Ledger!Joker/Jack Napier x GN!Reader
‣ Summary: Cuddles with J can be sweet...but quite dangerous too...
‣ Genre: fluff
‣ Warnings: grumpy/soft!J, super tiny suggestive hint somewhere, casual mention of murder, lightly proofread.
‣ Word Count: 947
‣A/N: Was going through my old notes and found this. While I haven't written for Jack in a long time, and probably won't write any new material anytime soon (unless inspiration miraculously hits again), I figure the Joker fandom is always in need of more content, right? So, here you go! (Maybe I'll post some of my other old J notes/drabbles sometime as well?)
◆ J would never say it, but he loves cuddling. HUGE cuddler, this one.
◆ He loves to be enveloped by you.
◆ Sometimes he'll come up to you, no words spoken, but distinct intention in his eyes as he crawls into bed, wraps his arms around you, and dives into your neck.
◆ You're not even surprised by this anymore. In fact, you look forward to it. These moments don't happen every day.
◆ When it does happen, you are quick to wrap your arms and legs around him, giving him what he wants.
◆ Each time, he lets out a sigh as his entire body relaxes.
◆ Doesn't matter the position, so long as all of your limbs are wrapped around his body.
◆ You're like his personal weighted blanket, pillow, and teddy bear all in one.
◇ (He's the real teddy bear in this relationship, but you better keep that to yourself.)
◆ You plan to wake up early in the morning to get things done? FORGET IT. Work? HA! AS IF…
◆ No, no, no, YOU are gonna stay right where J wants you to. Safe and sound in his arms.
◇ (More like chained and bound in his arms because there's no way in hell he's letting you go anywhere.)
◆ You try to move and suddenly he's growling a warning into your neck like a predator to its prey.
◇ "Nuh-uh...Don't even think about it."
◆ Sometimes no coherent words are spoken, and all that's heard is a low grumble of annoyance.
◆ Like a python, each time you move, even slightly, his arms grow tighter around you.
◆ Don't worry, though, he makes sure to leave just enough room for you to breathe (barely).
◆ It's a borderline hostage situation, but so long as you give the man what he wants, you'll be just fine.
◆ Now, it is no secret that J is NOT a morning person. At least, not in the usual way…
◆ He does his best work in the darkest hours of the night through early morning, scampering around the city of Gotham and leaving chaos in his wake.
◆ If he happens to be home, the only way he'll ever get to bed is if you physically drag him to it—usually at some ungodly hour of the morning. Otherwise, he'll go for days without sleep until his body completely crashes on its own.
◆ Even when he's asleep, he holds you tightly, almost as if he's afraid you'll go running off during his slumber. He can't have that…
◆ If you do manage to get him to bed, especially if you're lucky enough to get him to bed at somewhat of a reasonable time, you best leave him be.
◆ At this point, there is an unspoken rule between the two of you. You want him to sleep? You're staying with him the whole time. And if you wake him up too early? Be prepared to face the beast that will certainly arise.
◆ See, you may have had your full beauty sleep by the time the morning hours hit, but J certainly hasn't. Waking J up too early is a hornet's nest you don't wanna go poking at.
◆ That said…You secretly love grumpy J…
◆ Grumpy J has been known to kill anyone who disturbs his sleep on the spot. He's ruthless and unforgiving. Downright dangerous.
◆ But to you? To you, he's harmless. Cute, even.
◆ J would NEVER hurt you (minus a few exceptions, *wink, wink*).
◆ He may still be grumpy and growly and demanding. And he may certainly deny your lungs from being filled with the proper amount of oxygen. But he would never hurt you.
◆ In fact, you tell him his grip is too tight, he'll loosen up for you. Not too much, of course. And if you're REALLY lucky, he'll even press a little kiss to your skin, wherever his lips can reach—one of the smallest, yet loudest forms of fondness and care that Grumpy J is capable of showing.
◆ Don't get me started on how much J LOVES your affection during cuddle time. Even Grumpy J would never deny your love, though he may pout and grumble his way through it.
◆ One thing about J is HE'S A LIARRRR… An exceptionally honest man in most cases with you, except for when it comes to how much he adores your love for him—in all of its many forms.
◆ As much as he tries to hide this, his body always gives the truth away.
◆ You pet his hair, or—even better—run those gentle fingers through it? He's already melting into you, borderline purring like a cat.
◆ Kisses? Your lips? Anywhere? He's fucking done for. It may not appear as so on the outside, but so help him, he's spinning out of control on the inside. His heart is racing, his body is tingling, his head is spinning. Only you give him that kind of rush. And, oh, does he love you for that.
◆ Your hands caressing his back, fingertips gently tracing over the scars on his chest and arms, drawing new shapes on his skin. If you've reached this stage, he's already a big pile of mush. There's no hiding it now and he knows it. Your touch makes him go loopy in the best fucking way.
◆ The moments when you wrap yourself around him, encasing him with your entire body are quite literally the only moments he feels truly safe and content. Will he EVER say any of this to you? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But, he doesn't have to. You know. And he knows you know. And that's all that matters.
◆ So please, for his sake and yours, give the man his cuddles. And don't expect to be released for quite some time after…
L!Joker/Jack Napier Masterlist
Main Masterlist
‣Taglist: @jslittlebirdie @alittlesmartcookie
‣ If you’d like to join the taglist for Ledger!Joker/Jack, let me know by sending me an ask/message, or comment on this post!
💜 Comments and Reblogs mean the world to me! 💜
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montimer · 24 days ago
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My life every single day, it’s either barely any fics or they’re all x fem readers…like it’s not fair 😭
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montimer · 25 days ago
Wanted to animate something timely the late Kevin Conroy said. Very sweet of him :)
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montimer · 25 days ago
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Y'all get a small one tonight while I work on something much bigger and far out of my league of skill.
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montimer · 25 days ago
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I have loved this design for the Joker since 2004. He is still my favorite to this day!
EDIT: Widescreen version
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