#roles: trauma holder
headmate-ideas · 4 months
an ocean/sea creature themed subsystem? 7-8 members and each with a kinda theme (deep sea coral ECT). don't need picrews for each but would be nice
[Thank you for DM'ing us about this request!]
🌊 SUBSYSTEM TEMPLATE 🌊 The Starfish Collective
The Starfish Collective are a subsystem of seven members who help their system manage daily tasks, therapy, social situations, and self-soothing. They collectively identify as mspec, oceangender, and oceankin, but they also have more specific ocean kintypes individually. They collectively use they/it/sea pronouns.
Templates for individual members below.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
✦ Name(s): Aqua, Robbie, Marco ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, he/him, wave/waves/waveself, ae/aer/aers/aerself, hx/hxm/hxs/hxmself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: same as body ✦ Role(s): subsystem host, interest holder ✦ Symptoms experienced: social anxiety ✦ Labels: torensexual, bxy ✦ Xenos: blue, vastness, candy ✦ Interests/likes: the ocean, cats, video games ✦ Dislikes: crowds, jumpscares ✦ Music taste: indie rock, lo-fi ✦ Aesthetic(s): ocean grunge ✦ Kins: starfish, stars, tuxedo cats ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌊⭐ ✦ Details:
Aqua is the host of the Starfish Collective and has a fascination with anything involving the ocean or marine life. Any interest the main system has in those topics, they have to a concentrated degree. However, it is also interested in outer space (due to some of its similarities with the ocean) and some or all of the media interests that are prevalent in the main system. Ae frequently fronts during the system's therapy sessions, finding aerself good at articulating thoughts and feelings for the rest of the system. Aqua has some level of anxiety and isn't the best at maintaining responsibilities but wants to get better with these things and does so with the help of waves other system members as well as in therapy. Additionally, they are naturally friendly and are good at socializing with people the system are already familiar with. It has dyed aqua hair and dresses in a casual and comfortable grunge style. It identifies in particular with starfish but views the ocean in general and every ocean creature as its kintype.
✦ Name(s): Coral, Amy, Lenni ✦ Pronouns: they/them, it/its, she/her, ce/cer/cers/cerself, shx/hxr/hxrs/hxrself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: same as body ✦ Role(s): subsystem co-host, socializer, manager ✦ Labels: trixensexual, gxrl ✦ Xenos: rainbows, bubbles, glitter ✦ Interests/likes: fashion, dogs, pixel art ✦ Dislikes: plans changing, being wrong ✦ Music taste: mallsoft, indie pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): seapunk ✦ Kins: coral, golden retrievers, crystals ✦ Emoji proxy: 🪸💎 ✦ Details:
Coral is the co-host of the Starfish Collective. It likes fashion, especially wearing jewelry made out of its namesake, and has dyed coral hair. She has the same natural friendliness as Aqua but none of the social anxiety, meaning they can help Aqua (or other system members) navigate social situations more comfortably and easily. Socially-speaking, Coral is more motivated by the opportunity to make friends than just getting attention (as opposed to other members of the system). Coral likes being organized and knowing exactly what they are going to do. This contributes to them helping the system keep on top of daily tasks. They like making plans for things for the system to do - not just socially but also things such as budgeting for new hobbies, planning to go new places, or finding new games/shows/etc. for the system to play/watch/etc. She is not the best with flexibility and sometimes overestimates the system's availability of time or energy.
✦ Name(s): Abyss, Shade, Freezing ✦ Pronouns: it/its, they/them, x/xs/xself, et/ets/etself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: a few years younger than the body ✦ Role(s): symptom holder, trauma holder ✦ Symptoms experienced: depression ✦ Labels: gendervoid, bi aroace ✦ Xenos: void, cold, space ✦ Interests/likes: light strings, being alone, horror movies ✦ Dislikes: bright lights, socializing ✦ Music taste: drone metal, deathdream ✦ Aesthetic(s): voidcore ✦ Kins: angler fish, black holes, demons ✦ Emoji proxy: 💡🐟 ✦ Details:
Abyss holds negative feelings for the system, including depression, sadness, emptiness, and any feelings related to feeling unwanted. It relates to deep sea creatures because they are seen as scary, ugly, and obscure. It prefers darkly-lit rooms with colorful light strings put up in them. It has a baseline layer of distrust towards those outside the system and might need help warming up to friends the system has. X is, however, very good at expressing xs feelings in writing, and while x doesn't tend to front during therapy, its insights are useful to bring up in sessions. Abyss is also good at self-soothing and is generally calm unless something has happened to upset x. It prefers solitary activities, including engaging with horror movies and books, drawing/looking at art, and listening to music (especially finding obscure artists on Bandcamp). When more social members of the subsystem have used up their collective social battery or when they are otherwise stressed by something in specific, Abyss is likely to help them find ways to recharge away from others or stressors.
✦ Name(s): Fin, Wendy, Ricky ✦ Pronouns: she/her, he/him, they/them, thxy/thxm/thxir/thxirs/thxmself, wave/waves/waveself, ey/em/eir/eirs/emself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: a few years older than the body ✦ Role(s): socializer, replacer, interest holder ✦ Labels: pangenderflux, pansexual ✦ Xenos: sunshine, glitter, flowers ✦ Interests/likes: puzzles, books, shiny objects ✦ Dislikes: being alone, silence ✦ Music taste: synthpop, bitpop ✦ Aesthetic(s): frutiger aero ✦ Kins: dolphins, border collies, mice ✦ Emoji proxy: 🐬🌺 ✦ Details:
Fin is very extroverted and motivated by social attention and making a good impression on people. This is as opposed to Coral, who is friendly and sociable but would not consider hxrself as motivated by social interactions and approval as Fin. Additionally, in social situations where Coral (or someone else) is fronting but finds a situation overwhelming or doesn't know what to do, Fin will take over and front instead, acting on impulse (which may or may not be helpful but is the alternative to inaction). Fin is also very intelligent and enjoys playing puzzle games. Thxy are knowledgeable about any topics the rest of the system consider themselves knowledgeable about and like impressing people with thxir knowledge when possible. Eir favorite form of media is books and enjoys writing like many other members of the system do, but ey also likes playing video games with others and enjoys socializing this way. They relate to both the sociability and the intelligence of dolphins.
✦ Name(s): Mako, Eric, Chomp ✦ Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its, shark/sharks/sharkself, bite/bites/biteself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: 10 years older than the body ✦ Role(s): manager, protector ✦ Labels: genderfaun, bisexual (fem preference), proxvir ✦ Xenos: beaches, slime, sharpness ✦ Interests/likes: horror, surfing, journaling ✦ Dislikes: bland food, eyestrain ✦ Music taste: surf rock, hard rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): slimepunk ✦ Kins: sharks, knives, spider monkeys ✦ Emoji proxy: 🦈📕 ✦ Details:
Mako is the most responsibility-oriented member of the subsystem and helps them maintain a balance between doing the things they want to do and doing the things they need to, frequently initiating tasks. Mako is also a protector for the system, being someone who is less afraid of setting boundaries or standing up for themself than other members of the subsystem are. It may, however, sometimes be aggressive in its protection of the system and may need to work through these tendencies. He also helps the system manage therapy, particularly helping them prepare for sessions, implement coping skills, and write in journals. His protective nature can help him recognize situations in which the system's therapist may not be working in their best interest, and he is not afraid to discuss this if needed. Its fondness for journaling extends to an interest in writing in general, especially horror (which is their favorite genre of movie as well). Like Coral, Mako likes being organized, too, but is better at adapting to changes in plans.
✦ Name(s): Rina, Kelp, Florina ✦ Pronouns: she/her, they/them, it/its, kelp/kelps/kelpself, shy/hyr/hyrs/hyrself, fae/faer/faers/faerself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: 10 years older than the body ✦ Role(s): caretaker, manager ✦ Labels: genderfae, bisexual (masc preference), juxera ✦ Xenos: comfort, love, food ✦ Interests/likes: baking, stim toys, animals ✦ Dislikes: forgetting things, when warm food/drinks go cold ✦ Music taste: dreampunk, ambient ✦ Aesthetic(s): plantcore ✦ Kins: kelp, rabbits, angels ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌱🫧 ✦ Details:
Rina enjoys taking care of the other members of her system and identifies with the kelp forest as a symbol of life and safety for the creatures that live in it. When the system have trouble taking care of their physical needs, she is the most likely to help them complete necessary tasks. She enjoys baking, both for her system and for friends outside of it, and is the most comfortable with adapted to unforeseen changes. Rina has some of the same protector tendencies as Mako does with regards to protecting the system from having their boundaries disrespected, but kelp is more likely to handle those situations not by firmly standing up for itself but by removing itself from the situation altogether. Kelp gets enjoyment from fulfilling daily tasks for the system, as it feels like helping friends. If other members of the system need help motivating themselves, she can help them with that, such as though allotting rewards for fulfilling responsibilities (e.g. promising they can play video games if they do a certain number of chores).
✦ Name(s): Bubbles, Dani, Elly ✦ Pronouns: they/them, ey/em, fun/funs/funself, ot/ots/otself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: age slider/regressor (youngest age is 5, oldest is the body's age) ✦ Role(s): syskid/sysregressor, innocence holder, delight, replacer, paichmate ✦ Labels: mspec, xenogender, neutrois ✦ Xenos: bubbles, fun, candy ✦ Interests/likes: water, playing, baby animals ✦ Dislikes: horror, coffee ✦ Music taste: bitpop, hyperpop ✦ Aesthetic(s): kidcore ✦ Kins: sea otters, rainbows, canaries ✦ Emoji proxy: 🦦🎉 ✦ Details:
Bubbles is an age slider and/or age regressor (whichever fits in better with the system) who holds feelings of happiness, delight, and innocence for the system. Eir oldest age is the same as the body, but ey age-slides/regresses to as young as five years old and is often supervised by Rina and/or Mako. They relate to the cuteness and playfulness of sea otters. They are less affected by trauma and negative emotions the system experiences and, if such things are overwhelming the system, ey can take over the front and play toys or video games to self-soothe. When ey is at a younger age, ey prefers a caretaker or a manager to be fronting with em and will likely try to front trigger one if they are fronting without one. They like going swimming and taking baths, especially if there are pool or bath toys.
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mystery-aberration · 1 month
System roles do not have to be your entire identity. You do not have to conform to the stereotypes of them, and you do not have to hold your role alone or without help. You do not need to keep them forever, either. They may be what you were placed into the system to help with, and they may be something you are good at--but it does not have to be you forever.
I am a persecutor, and that does not mean I should be treated differently or harmed. Being a persecutor does not mean that everyone should be scared of you by default either.
Protectors should not be expected to be strong and emotionless walls to put in front of everything all the time. They do not need to be tools.
Comforters might need a break to unload their own stress and need comfort in turn. They do not need to give all of themselves to everyone else and never expect help back.
Littles may not be littles forever, and should not be devalued just because they are children. They are just as real and alive as any other system member and should be taken into account.
Trauma/memory holders might need help to cope with the things they hold, and sometimes when the time is right it means sharing that burden. Maybe there is no right time, but they deserve support whether they can share those memories or not.
Gatekeepers may need a break from controlling switches or access to front, and should be allowed one if needed. Gatekeeping can be a lot of work.
Hosts do not need to do everything for the body or system all the time. Sometimes, being the host of a system can be hard, and support and breaks are deserved.
Systems often put a lot of weight on roles, and it can impact the way that those who have them can feel about their role. It is okay to fit into your role, but it is also okay to not fit, or to end up not fitting your role over time. Some headmates can feel like a failure if they do not uphold their role, some can feel like they have no other choice even if they wanted to not perform it. But a role is a description, it is not an essence of who you are and will forever be. This may be non-traditional but we use roles exclusively as self descriptors so that we do not get wrapped up in what we "should be". If the label no longer fits, or if you need help more than you might have in the past, that is okay.
Be kind to yourselves, and be kind to your other headmates.
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boxesforsys · 5 months
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This x holds relationship trauma userboxes! Click for quality
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ix-c-999 · 8 months
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system role blinkies, part 2
bonus sentipet flag blinkie but with the word "syspet"
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[this post has no DNI other than not to start discourse or mockery]
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blitz0hno · 2 months
No bc t1 Mikoto song is Host Angst t2 is Protector Angst pretty much all we need in t3 is Trauma Holder Angst
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holder-culture-is · 19 days
Trauma Holder Flag!
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Flag made by us, partially inspired by the traumagenic flag
ׂ╰┈➤ For alters that hold memories of/reactions to body’s trauma
Please reblog & credit if used !! :]
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redacted-coiner · 4 months
Have you possibly made a Trauma Holder pixel?
possibly with this flag if you don't have one?
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Trauma Holder, Trauma Manager, Trauma Breaker
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 10 months
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[ID: Nine small pixel hearts of system role flags, in order trauma holder, caretaker, gatekeeper, memory holder, dissociation holder, pseudonaut, symptom holder, architect, and communicator. End ID]
Tumblr makes them bigger than they actually are click to see correct size or check out the rentry in the pinned post
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abyss-boxes · 27 days
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[TEXT ID 1: “This alter is a moodbooster”]
[TEXT ID 2: “This alter is a trauma holder”]
[TEXT ID 3: “This alter is a protector”]
Basic alter roles again :)
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dwllie · 2 months
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— TRAUMA HOLDER FLAG : a flag for alters who are trauma holders
created by us ♡ requested by no one
tagging @pluralterms , @pluralitywords , and @discrophy
[PT: trauma holder flag~ trauma holder flag: a flag for alters who are trauma holders. created by us. requested by no one. tagging pluralterms, pluralitywords, and discrophy. /END PT]
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cold--carnage · 2 months
Something that I think many of you don't understand is that Sebastian is simply another part in the system. He's not special or unique. He is just an alter. The only reason he is considered so important to outside people is because he's who they knew first. He is not the "original" or "core." He is an alter just like me or anyone else.
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headmate-ideas · 1 month
little based off of the following emojis
✦ Name(s): Flora, Ribbon, Melody ✦ Pronouns: she/her, they/them, cute/cutes/cuteself, plush/plushes/plushself, fae/faer/faers/faerself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: age slider (5-11) ✦ Role(s): syskid, stim holder, symptom holder, dissociation holder, catkid (optional) ✦ Symptoms experienced: general neurodivergence symptoms, dissociation ✦ Labels: cutegender, demigirl ✦ Xenos: the color pink, flowers, the sun ✦ Interests/likes: cute things, pets, playing outside ✦ Dislikes: medicine ✦ Music taste: bitpop, dream pop ✦ Aesthetic(s): kidcore, cutecore, fairy kei ✦ Kins: plushes, cats, flowers ✦ Emoji proxy: 🎀🌸 ✦ Details:
Flora is an age slider who goes from 5 years old to 11. She loves flowers, crafts, plushes, stimming, and cute things. When the system is upset, she helps them take comfort in those things. She stims frequently and holds some neurodivergence systems for the system, but they lack self-consciousness over them. She has an aversion to medical situations and dislikes taking medication even when the system has to. If the system have a history of medical trauma, Flora will be affected by it. She is also somewhat prone to dissociation, such as if she gets too caught up in an activity.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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belinhagamer999 · 2 years
Headmate roles flags
Emotional funnel
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Apologies for the bad-quality flags
Attention: [PT: Attention /END ID] If you see other people claiming to have coined this, keep in mind that it was just posted without my consent and credits.
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boxesforsys · 5 months
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Trauma-holder userboxes! Click for quality
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ix-c-999 · 7 months
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A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma in some way. This can involve a headmate who: -is a trauma holder -did not originate as a trauma holder but experienced trauma after splitting that affected their role/experience with the system -fronts during situations that are traumatic or are triggering for traumatic reasons -originated from trauma However, it can involve anything, and is not exclusive to traumagenic or traumabased systems.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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system-term-storage · 13 days
Memory Thief
A headmate who steals memories or the emotional impact of them from another headmate. These memories are often trauma memories that heavily affect the one they are stolen from. When these memories (or the emotional impact) is stolen, the memory thief takes it on for themself, blocking the one who was previously remembering or experiencing it to suddenly not remember the memory or to feel nothing when they think of that memory. This may be permanent or temporary.
This term may be considered related to both gatekeeper and memory holder.
This term is more just an affectionate nickname of sorts, though it could be considered a proper role, too
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