#reds ramblings
hacked-by-jake · 4 months
May I share some of my thoughts with you?
Maybe some slight spoilers....
After my first play-through, I really didn't find any of the characters very likable. I was just like how am I supposed to get through this game if I don't enjoy talking to them?
Then I decided to play again. I changed my answers, used the two premium options I hadn't previously, and even flirted with Eric. I found that I liked the characters much more after that. I'm still not sure what to make of Ash. Something about her just screams "don't trust her" to me. Charlie? Well, he's Charlie. I still want to slap my hand over his mouth and tell him to stop talking but hey, at least I now know how people feel about me when I start telling one of my long-winded stories! 🤣
Anyways, thank you for being here and thank you for listening to my ramblings.
Of course you may! I'm very happy about it. 😌
And I absolutely relate to your words. 100%
At first I also was so critical and didn't really like any of them. But I also fear that the story was simply hidden by everything else that was going on. At least, that's what it was for me. I couldn't really get into the story due to the disappointment and also anger in my first playthrough.
But the second one (not finished mine) is so much better to me. I know what I can expect now and I'm also more careful with my premium/diamond spending.
And I fully concentrated on the story and now I really like it. It sounds so interesting and the little things we saw were pretty unexpected to me. The tarot card thing and Adam who was absolutely convinced he would meet us?? Like? Why? Who are you dude? Why we? To me, I somehow feel like this whole thing is happening because of us. Maybe because of what we did in Duskwood?
Maybe the mysterious dude who wrote to us in the episode is a victim of something? And maybe now they're challenging us to find out what happened? If that's the case? How could we not like it? For me, it would be definitely so exciting. It already is.
But I also agree with your words about the characters. To be honest, Adam was immediately interesting to me. His appearance and his acting was amazing in my eyes. And it immediately catched me.
I was so unsure about Eric. He seemed so ordinary to me. Like, yes, boring. I was missing a huge amount of personality with him. But I mean, it's the first episode and for now, he was also interesting. How he's looking for Adam etc. And also, as you know, I flirted with him as well. (Sorry Jake, I still love no one but you)
But I feel like the flirting showed much more of him and how he is. Is not a macho like Phil but he also seems confident in what he's doing, which I really like.
And I do like Charlie, a lot, actually. He's hilarious. An idiot. And I need someone like him in such a game. Even though I also just wanted to shush him. So, as for me, don't worry about it. I personally very like him. 🤭
Violet definitely needs more character improvement, in my eyes. She's definitely just boring. Sorry not sorry. But yes, I guess we always need to remember it's the first episode.
And Ash.. Well, I think many people feel just like we do. She really seems... Fake? Somehow. I don't trust her either. She's hard to figure out and I don't like that. But in way of wanting to see more of it. I mean, we always need a black sheep, right? But yeah, so far she seems to be someone who would give every information away as long as it has some positive effects for her.
I'm having and eye on you, princess blueberry, you won't get to me. 🤨
I'm curious what Everbyte will make with her. She has good potential for some trouble. Just like Charlie haha. But Charlie in a funnier way.
And I mean "Ash is always angry with Charlie?" pretty meh. No sympathy from me.
Thank you for being here as well. And I really enjoyed and appreciate your ask. Thank you for sharing it with me and thank you for reading my answer. It's good to get some asks about the story only. 🥰
And I hope my answer was somehow interesting, hehe. But always a pleasure to interact with you. Hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. 💚
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zmayadw · 3 months
Hey Maya!!!
For the ask thing...
What is one thing you are the most proud of?
Have a great weekend!!!
Hey there dear! 😊
Well, not to make it sound like a cliché, but I'm most proud of my daughter. Without going into too much details, there were some (bad) complications at her birth, so seeing how well she overcame all the bad prognosis, makes me the proudest! 💚
Thank you for the ask, sending you much hugs and love, and wish you a wonderful weekend! 💚
Ask game - ask one (1) thing you want to know about me!
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reds-ramblings · 4 months
After seeing you answer some of your other asks I decided to send my own. Do you have any hobbies besides reading/writing?
Oops I totally hit the button too soon!
My other hobbies are: crafting, traveling, hiking, and doing absolutely nothing!
Thank you so much for the ask! Have a great weekend!
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rebornbythunder · 2 years
"[Humans and pokemon are NOT fundamentally different things. Try and tell me the difference between a human and a pokemon and it will inherently reveal your natural biases toward either pokemon or groups of people. There is no biological, natural difference. It's why some species of pokemon do well in captivity and some dont-- some didn't evolve to exist symbiotically with us, and take a lot of effort to care for.]"
"[Humans exert their self proclaimed dominance on everything, and the question betrays the fact that we as a species seperate ourselves from the natural world. Can you "use" an electric type Pokemon to charge your phone is the wrong question. Will they help you is the right question. And the answer is yes, some will, and it's good for them to do it! Just like some pokemon will eat your bad dreams, or drain your excess energy. We are, in all our actions, inextricably connected to the natural world! Don't pretend we aren't, and you'll get along better in life.]"
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temporalteardrop · 8 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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bitter-hibiscus · 2 months
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Red Hood joins twitter. Chaos arises
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Jobs don’t always limit the skills you learn to the job itself. For instance, when I worked at Red Robin, they’d offer 30 minutes for an unpaid lunch, or 15 if you wanted to get paid the whole time. If you think that’s extremely shitty join the club.
As a result of wanting money I got really good at eating quickly so I could use my break to read or relax. I’ve always been a fast eater but when I worked there I learned how to eat an entire burger and fries in under five minute while keeping up a conversation. This is not advisable for good digestion, eat slow and chew your food.
There’s a balance to not talking with your mouth full and eating extremely quickly and it was a regularly used skill for years. When I worked at a sex shop I bragged about it once to a coworker.
She watched me with a timer going after I told her about it and we got burgers. I chatted with her the whole time. I was done in four minutes forty seconds.
Afterward she looked haunted and commented, “It was like watching a snake unhinge it’s jaw but you never talked with food in your mouth!”
More recently my beloved and I were catching up with a friend over lunch. I had a sandwich while they’d gotten falafel plates. We were having a lovely chat but after I finished a story our friend said, “I don’t want your food to go cold while you talk!”
I was surprised. I’d been deliberately talking more so she could eat. I turned to show her my empty sandwich box. Both she and my beloved were stunned. It was like I’d performed a magic trick and made my sandwich disappear because neither had even noticed me demolishing it like a snake unhinging it’s jaw.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
a detail I think fic writers overlook sometimes: when you put weight (a belt, a gun holster, a sword, etc) on the hips, especially lopsided weight, it completely changes the way someone walks and even shifts their center of gravity.
that’s a long way of saying, do you think Bruce’s belt helps him with his secret identity? because he’s walking around with like 20 extra pounds of equipment as Batman, so Bruce Wayne, in contrast, walks lighter and with more sway in his hips?
does Jason have to readjust his stance walking around as a civilian because he’s unconsciously trying to accommodate for a holstered gun on one thigh? or holsters on both hips?
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ethosiab · 2 months
I see a lot of designs out there in which tango has red tinted glasses/goggles (mine included) but I don't think enough of us acknowledge how much that would affect his vision
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red-archivist · 5 months
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Hey Hooo! :D
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Oof, that's very hard. There are so many and it's really hard to describe. To be honest, my favourite accents are the German ones. We have definitely great ones. But I also love Italian accent very much or French.
Just really too man great ones. So many amazing languages and even more accents, it's fascinating.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Already answered it here <3
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Oof, I actually don't really know. It always depends.
Currently it's "who streams Mr Robot" xD I mean, I'm watching it at the moment but I still hope it comes back to my regular streaming services xD But in general I'm mostly searching for my favourite shops and also if I can take medication xy with my regular medication etc. And I probably search way too much for any murder cases I've heard about and want to know everything now. xD It's a weird mix.
I thank you very much for taking the time and asking. I appreciate it and it means a lot to me. Hope you're doing good. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe! Always a pleasure to see you around. 💚
-> Get to know me ask game <-
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zmayadw · 4 months
Hey Maya!
I know I'm kinda late to this so I hope it's ok to still ask.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I how you're having a good day/night!
Hey Red! 💚 Always nice to see you, hope you got some sleep! And don't worry, you're not late to this at all! 😊
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Oh yeah, I have 2 scars that really stick out, one on my shoulder and the other on my forehead! I was pretty mischievous as a kid. 😅 The 3rd one is on my lower leg, and I got it much much later, from falling down the stairs 😶 (and no, I wasn't drunk, just clumsy! 🤣)
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
That would definitely be something bad happening to my daughter.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Oohh there's so many places I'd love to go, I would have a tough time chosing where to go first! But my top 3 would be Peru (I so want to see Machu Picchu), Japan and Scotland.
Thank you so much for sending this! Sending you much love and hugs, and I wish you a wonderful day/evening/night! 💚
Get to know me! ask game
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reds-ramblings · 4 months
Hey, wonderful Red!
What are you looking forward to this year?
I hope you'll have a kind weekend ahead. Here is a hug to get started: 🫂💙
Hey Jules!!
A good night's sleep? Does that count? 🤣
Can I pick more than one thing?
I have the whole month of September off for sabbatical! I have been looking forward to that for a year! I feel like there may be a trip to the beach in there somewhere.
There are some really good things happening for me this year both personally and professionally.
Oh and... I'm publishing 3 books this year. 🫣
It's always so good to see you in my ask box. I hope you have an amazing weekend.
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[During a white elephant gifts exchange]
Steph: A metro card? no way!
Tim: From me! Unlimited rides
Jason: Oh, unlimited rides? Is that what your tramp stamp says?
Tim: I was gonna get mad, but that was a damn good one
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cabbagewithissues · 4 months
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The way The Boy Wonder depicts Jason’s memory of his murder in this panel is haunting.
He looks at the readers, as though begging them to help. He doesn’t know they’re the ones who voted for his demise. That they chose this.
I can’t get over it.
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bitter-hibiscus · 2 months
There's not a single thing you could say to convince me that Bruce and Tim are gothamites. Look at this fucking map
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Bristol is so far removed from the heart of Gotham that there's quite literally no way it shares many, if any, cultural traits with Gotham. That's not even counting the insane wealth disparity that makes the ways of life (and therefore culture and habits and dialects and food) completely incomparable. Tim and Bruce aren't gothamites, they're Bristol brats, and I fully believe nobody in Gotham would accept them calling themselves gothamites. Especially with the size of the Wayne Estate.
Edit bc a lot of you are reblogging this base post instead of the additions in the notes: Turns out I am a victim of fanon and Tim only moved to Bristol after Bruce took him in. Tim can call himself a gothamite. Bruce cannot
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