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lackadaisycats · 2 months ago
Sorry if it’s been asked before, but what would you say the age rating for the animated series will be?
My little sibling is really into indie shows on YouTube and wants to watch it but she’s on the younger side (9/10) and I don’t know if it’d be appropriate for her
It's PG-13 or thereabouts, owing to violence/gun violence and depictions of characters smoking and consuming alcohol. It's not intensely violent or gory or anything, but for a ten year old, I would recommend screening it first, or at least watching alongside them.
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911bts · 6 months ago
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incorrectsmashbrosquotes · 5 months ago
Rating Non-Zelink and Non-BotW Link Ships in Legend of Zelda Games because they don't get enough love
Malink; Malon x Link: Adorable and somewhat canon depending on who you think TP Link's parents are and what timeline shenanigans you subscribe to. Link's first non-Kokiri friend turning into his soulmate is cute and finding peace after the craziness of OoT is beautiful. Also, Malon is cute as a button. 11/10, love you, funky Horsegirl.
Ilia x Link: Pretty good but feels too much like a reskin of Malink to be really fun. People give Ilia grief for freaking out about Epona but it really isn't fucking deserved. Girl get's done dirty by the narrative and the fandom and she deserves better. Also, memory loss and falling in love all over again is absolute peak. 9/10, you deserve better, baby.
Marin x Link: A child's first taste of tragic ending and hot girls being doomed by the narrative. Very child friendly "Calypso and Odysseus" feel to this one. Still, Marin is absolutely adorable and the idea of falling in love with a literal dream is heartbreaking. 10/10, would cry like a little kid again.
Link x Ruto: Okay, hear me out, this one isn't terrible. Ruto's chld-like crush on the guy who saved her life is pretty cute and being a haughty teenager about it is pretty funny. Also, she understands they can't be together, and sends him off with her love and good wishes, which is surprisingly mature of her. I'm just saying, Ruto isn't the weirdo people make her out to be. 7/10, it still feels like entrapment
Midlink; Midna x Link: TOP TIER! BEST OF THE BEST! ABSOLUTE PEAK ROMANCE! Romeo and Juliet style star-crossed lovers from literal opposing sides of reality. Allies of convenience to friends to soulmates?! PEAK! Adorable evil goblin design for most of the game and then complete knockout reveal at the end?! ROMANCE DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE?! PEAK, I TELL YOU! PEAK! (Also I headcannon that because Midna looks like a Hylian she's considered ugly by Twili standards so Link finding her beautiful warms her heart). 20/10, best ship, best girl, best love story.
Ganlink; Ganondorf x Link: Objectively the funniest Legend of Zelda ship in existence and I will take no arguments on that. Destined enemies giving the middle finger to fate and falling in love instead? Amazing. Ganondorf hates every minute of it but he's also the happiest he's ever been with this stupid twink and he hates that too. 10/10, something something the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day.
Link x Zant: Objectively hilarious as Link is seducing his enemies into submission yet again, like any self-respecting bard, but this one feels a little too Batman x Joker like for my liking. I really ship Zant x Therapy but Midna watching her rival give up his conquering ambitions for a twink is objectively hilarious. 8/10, not great but not bad.
Got others you want me to rate? Let me know! Or better yet, rate them yourself and I'll tell you if I agree or not.
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nando161mando · 3 months ago
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Just sayin
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missingscript · 10 months ago
I am going to talk about my favourite things from chaos theory and of course, the downsides, and my personal opinions!! (Opinions based around the benrius/yasammy topic) So major spoilers ahead under the cut!
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Goodsides :D
While chaos theory is a kids show, it definitely displays more mature content, something camp cretaceous did not show! This includes blood, and visual character death (Daniel Kons was specifically gruesome), and description of mental issues, this is specifically PTSD, implied depressive states and breakdowns, the show dives deep into the world of surprise, watching it i was shocked in a good way when a scene came up. Kenji's breakdown was perfectly animated and portrayed.
Each character never faded into the background and they were all equally focused on throughout the season. The show also focused on relationships between the campers, and their families. Specifically Sammy's. Each character has their own comical relief line even when in a dangerous situation. The campers never matured, only grew, they stayed themselves and still act as a group! Same way they did on Nublar.
The plot twists are bonkers, I was not expecting the DPW to be up to sketchy business, nor did I expect suddenly blossoming romance between characters. The budget is definitely higher than it was with camp cretaceous, I couldn't tell if some scenes were animated or real. Beautifully portrayed landscapes.
Overall, the show deserved every amazing rating and my personal rating is an 11/10.
Downsides D:
My first itch was the one-sided romance with Darius and Brooklynn. It certainly was a plot twist but I feel that it was absolutely unnecessary and could've been kept platonic. I feel it would be more heartbreaking and deep if Darius sent her voice messages as a friend, telling her that he's sorry and telling her things about his day. That one scene threw me off on the episode, not because I'm an angry benrius shipper but because it very much could've been kept platonic and felt unnecessary, but was written and played into perfectly. I have absolutely no criticism of the actual writing.
(this was talked about on the discord) - It feels like Brooklynn used to be independent and a baddie in camp cretaceous until she started becoming the love interest, and then it felt like she just became dependent on Kenji and unable to do things herself, so I am hoping that if we get a season 2, that we really get to see Brooklynn not be the love interest and work independently. And I genuinely hope that it won't turn out into another klance situation with Brooklynn, because she was super overhated before, and some angry benrius/benji shippers WILL hate her for "getting in the way of a mlm ship", which is not the case.
My last point was with Darius' health. Darius never got that shine through and we really never got to see how he coped with Brooklynn's death or after the island. They show little cracks but never unpack his full health, which I do hope we get to see in future seasons.
Other than those three points, I really do have nothing to criticise because it was perfect.
Personal opinions/hopes on ships :3
I really do hope we get to see more yasammy content specifically how they build up their relationship more, especially comforting scenes like we got in Ben's soggy van. And Sammy telling Yaz about her family not being in contact, and I would really love to see their relationship play out further and elaborate on the family situation!! :)
As I autismed a little too hard and have had a hyperfixation on Benrius since 2021(?), it's not to say I didn't have my hopes up for their relationship in chaos theory, but I also can't say that I expected them to be canon. What maybe the directors could've done is provide that teeny bit of fan-headcanons, because from what I've seen, alot of people from the fandom headcanoned Ben as a gay man, so instead of a girlfriend he would've had a boyfriend. Or they could have Ben lie about the girlfriend because he may have worked out he likes boys, and has internalised homophobia. But back to benrius, they had ALOT of chemistry in camp cretaceous, and for me it was a little disappointing that their relationship dwindled down a little. What I am hoping (manifesting) is that Ben realises his feelings for Darius, and has issues coming out to him and confessing.
Despite my opinions and criticism, the show is definitely worth the watch and deserves every thumbs up from the viewers. I thank everyone who worked on chaos theory and put their best effort into it. 11/10 show. Thank you.
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mousathe14 · 30 days ago
So I'm making a video essay about Ugliness and Pokemon using data from RatePkmn.
What's RatePkmn? Well, the project was started by UmbreonLibris as a way to analyze and compare Pokémon designs through consensus than the views of a single person. They aggregate the ratings you provide to calculate the average opinions of Pokémon fans on each Pokémon. The data is public and open.
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How does it work? You're basically served a pokemon at random based on how many ratings it has relative to others and what you've already rated. You simply use the 5-point slider to convey how you feel the pokemon vibes in each aesthetic category.
Also how much you like or dislike it.
And I like playing with this data to learn stuff and my video will be about my insights. Why am I bringing this up?
Because we are at, like, nearly 150 ratings per design, and it would be really neat to actually achieve that number. A nice good round number to work from. And because the more opinions, the more clear the consensus becomes.
The site even has graphs and lists you can mess with yourself and see how your favorites stack, what categories do pokemon excel in, are there relationships between coolness and type? That type of thing.
Anyhow, I'm going to get back to making some graphs.
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eldritchgh0st · 4 months ago
Rating TMA Fears
Rating Criteria:
how many shivers i get (shivers)
amount of icks i get (icks)
if i audibly react to it (reactions)
is it cool as fuck (intrigue)
notes deconstructing the fear cus I like to talk about it
These are based off of personal opinion and not factual. Fears definitely effect different people differently.
1.) Buried
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 3/5
Reactions: 5/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: Before witnessing TMA I did not know I had a fear of being buried alive. TMA taught me the earth can be devious and hungry. When before I viewed it as lovely and protecting. The buried doesn't mean to be deceptive which I think is the most terrifying part. It's alluring petrichor and earth scents are meant to be warnings. Warnings I saw through rose tinted glasses. I used to visit local caves a lot around my local area. I no longer wish to do that anymore. It freaked me out so bad it has irreparably changed my life. Very good writing. It is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite. Well done rusty quill.
2.) Corruption
Shivers: 3/5
Icks: 5/5
Reactions: 4/5
Intrigue: 2/5
Notes: Ew ew ew ew ew ew... Bugs are cool but not in me or my house thanks. Horrible, disgusting, terrible little creatures. Do not touch my skin, thank you. Wonderfully done to put it in the focus of the first season to draw in all the horror fans and cortisol addicts. The corruption puts much emphasis on emotional responses that should not be had in the context they are had in. Love replaces repulsion. Comfort stands while disgust falls. All while it digs in your skin and tears through your life. The desolation destroys your life out of anger while the corruption festers in your bones because of its affection for its victims.
3.) Dark
Shivers: 2/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 2/5
Intrigue: 1/5
Notes: The dark in TMA has only ever spooked me when there was fleshy or stranger bits involved. I do however enjoy the idea that there is something in the dark that's desires are beyond my knowledge. Beyond even the knowledge of the Eye. Not a favorite that I am rather indifferent too. However, there is the interesting theme TMA uses when utilizing the dark. It touches on the concept of what hides in the dark. As well as how it claims those writhing with despairing as it's own and desperately asks them to worship. It begs them to work in it's name. It grasps for control that only the web can have by manipulating hopeless people.
4.) Desolation
Shivers: 2/5
Icks: 2/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 3/5
Notes: The desolation comes off as almost helpful in some cases. It causes truths to be revealed but comes with a hint of destructive mystery as well. The fact that it assists the Eye is a fascinating choice of writing that left me wanting more. We have all lost important things to the lightless flame so it is a very relatable entity. The combination of terror and power is a lovely touch drawn by the writers. I do enjoy the gasps I get when skin melts or when the beloved are ignited. Interesting. Almost liberating to be destroyed beyond recognition. Not the spookiest of the lot but still good.
5.) End
Shivers: 4/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: One of my favorites despite its score. I love the motifs of chance and gambling. I love the tendrils. I enjoy that it is a passive entity. It does not need to chase you because you will always run to it regardless of where you go. I enjoy the dream themes as well but I have always enjoyed to concept of dreams. To think when we dream we are grazing the finger tips of the end is delicious to think of. Very mysterious yet so finite and sure. The duality is written perfectly and I honestly wish there were more episodes of this entity. But maybe the mystery of it is what makes it so tantalizing and alluring.
6.) Extinction
Shivers: 4/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 4/5
Notes: Very close to home for this one. My parents were dooms-day preppers so I'm very familiar with the feeling of mass extinction. I enjoy this one because it comments on how humans have terribly effected our world/civilization. It is a fear we have placed upon ourselves, much like the slaughter. It is not natural for a great change like in TMA to happen without human intervention. Interesting and compelling writing overall but unfortunately does not spook me that much because of my background. I am desensitized to it. Although it is still on the horizon always. Peaking it's head to make us pay for what we have done.
7.) Eye
Shivers: 2/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 4/5
Intrigue: 4/5
Notes: The eye is stimulating. The eye takes a role no other fear takes in TMA. This entity is prideful and almost appears to have a hero complex. It knows all, it sees all. But it doesn't understand all. That is clear whenever the eye interacts with other fears. Particularly the dark or the corruption. It isn't scary because it is watching me. It is terrifying because it thinks it knows what is best for me. Even when it clearly doesn't. The eye and the web sometimes work together for this commonality. It doesn't ick me out to be watched like it once did. The eye may see me. It may know me, but it does not know how I experience things. And despite its seeming all-knowingness. It'll never know everyone's experiences. It just sees them.
8.) Flesh
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 5/5
Reactions: 4/5
Intrigue: 3/5
Notes: I think this one got me bad for two reasons. The first reason being, body horror. It is intriguing and horrible. The flesh is a reminder that despite our intellect that we are piles of biomass. We can face disfigurement at any turn that can forever change our experiences. The second reason taps into our primal roots of fear. Most animals don't want to be someones lunch and the flesh reminds us of that fear. You are made of the same material as the meat you have on your dinner plate. Our biology is fragile and easily torn. It genuinely makes my stomach sick every time a flesh episode comes up. The only reason this one isn't a 5/5 is because the more I think about it, the less I desire to think about it. Fantastic writing. I will stop thinking about it now.
9.) Hunt
Shivers: 3/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 4/5
Intrigue: 2/5
Notes: The hunt is interesting. It makes me feel similarly to how the desolation makes me feel. It is terror but it is also power. Like the flesh, it sinks into our primate brains and reminds us what it is like to experience being prey. It doesn't often feel great to be somethings food. However, the hunt doesn't just rule the prey. There is horrible panic and dread in being the hunted but there is pleasure and satisfaction from being the hunter. It embodies what it feels like to be the predator. The thill of hunting is truly exciting when you aren't the prey. The power dynamic of being the predator makes you feel sadistic gratification.
10.) Lonely
Shivers: 3/5
Icks: 5/5
Reactions: 2/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: Another fear that calls to my life experiences. To be lonely is to be numb. Apathy is a roadblock for drive. To block drive is to exist adrift to no where with nothing to do. What is the purpose? There isn't one. It is bitter and dissatisfactory entity. The lonely does not scare you until you are in it. Forced to face the fact that without others you are nothing. You are surrounded by people but they care not for your existence. So much to the point where you feel alone despite the people around you. This fear lightly draws from our fundamental human need for companionship. It seems harmless but you won't know it's true horror until you've experienced it yourself.
11.) Slaughter
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 4/5
Reactions: 5/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: The slaughter has to be my favorite of the entities. It is another fear conjured by humanity. Its existence is evoked by meaningless carnage just for the sake of violence. The imagery of war instruments like drums and pipes give an incredibly cool and eerie vibe. There are NOT enough slaughter themed episodes in TMA. In spite of the minimal amount of time put into this entity the few episodes focused on it are so gorily and beautifully written. The Piper episode is my favorite episode. The imagery that captures "The War" is perfect. The wrath, terror and determined stoicism descriptions will stick with me for years. The slaughter is meaningless and yet it must happen. It must continue. It must bleed.
12.) Spiral
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 2/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: I enjoy the spiral for its concepts of unreality. What is, isn't. Insanity has always been a captivating idea. Fractal patterns and impossible realms are fantastical enough to draw me in to engage. Mystery with no answer is alluring to puzzle solvers. The parts of the spiral that infect me with horror are the deceptive friendships. It is a terrible thought to think those who are closest to you are lying to you. It hits very close to home. Gaslighting is terrifying. What are you meant to do besides trust the people you have invited into your circle. Betrayal is a parasite. It feeds off of love and trust. Who can you trust now?
13.) Stranger
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 3/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 4/5
Notes: The unknown is the most universally feared entity I think. The stranger is something we have all experienced fear for at least a little bit. Many of us were warned about the stranger as children. The unknown makes us wary and confused. It doesn't gaslight us as much as the spiral but it does lie. It does tell us to ignore the uncanny valley reaction you get when you see it. It is human but isn't. The unfamiliar familiarity in them is the most terrifying. Especially because I don't experience uncanny valley often. Even when I should.
14.) Vast
Shivers: 5/5
Icks: 1/5
Reactions: 3/5
Intrigue: 5/5
Notes: I am already written a paper about the vast. I adore the concept of the void. It does not ick me as much as the other fears because of my massive interest in the concept. It is scary to feel small, it can cause hopelessness. I have found in some people, like myself, it causes euphoria. It relieves the pressures of human life by letting us know those worries that seem so important are actually not really that big of a deal. I think the episodes exploring the concept are beautiful and anxiety ridden. I still think there should be more of the vast in TMA.
15.) Web
Shivers: 4/5
Icks: 3/5
Reactions: 4/5
Intrigue: 4/5
Notes: The web is an entity that easily draws you in with a false sense of security. It allows you to be free of the need to make decisions. It is peaceful to be controlled. Although we are often blinded when we are controlled to the motives of the controller. We are deceived into believing the puppet master means us no harm. You lose who you are as you perform the spiders assignments. You drift away into peaceful sleep. Just to be eaten when you are at your most vulnerable.
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dr-spectre · 6 months ago
Rating Marie's Outfits!!!!
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It is FINALLY time to go over Marie's outfits throughout the years and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being complete dogshit and 10 being peak.
I won't be showing EVERY SINGLE outfit in every single piece of concept art and media because i wanna maintain my sanity, plus she shares a lot of her concept art outfits with Callie already in Splatoon 1.
Also, THIS IS JUST MY SUBJECTIVE OPINION!!! If you disagree, guess what, that's alright!!!
Splatoon 1 - Squid Sisters Outfit
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Rating: 10/10
Ugh, i love this look so much. They really knocked it out of the park on her first ever official look. I love the green that they picked and it goes REALLY well with the blue reflective material. The headpiece and haircut create a super duper strong silhouette.
This is iconic and its no mystery as to why. Nintendo decided to lock the FUCK IN 9 years ago.
Splatoon 1 - Young Marie
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Rating: 8/10
There's not much to say about wittle little baby Marie, she's just very cute!! Not as cute as baby Callie but that's just because I'm biased...
Splatoon 1 - Green Tanuki Outfit
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Rating: 9/10
I think what gives this outfit 7 points alone are those black tights... I think they are doing something to my brain chemistry, and i don't know how to put it into words.... Listen, y'all, if you ever want me to fold, put a girl in black tights and a short dress. I'll do anything that lady tells me to do, even break the law...
...UH... MOVING ON!!!! That squid Christmas hat is so damn adorable too.
Splatoon 1 - Perfect Mind Outfit
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Rating: 9/10
She looks like a fucking nerd. I love it. I adore how they changed her head piece to look like a sort of graduation hat. That's funny.
Splatoon 1 - Pokémon Green Outfit
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Rating: 10/10
Splatoon 1 - Costume Party Attire
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Rating: 10/10
I mean come on now, what else would i rate this? Look at it. You mean to tell me that you would give this ANYTHING LOWER THAN A 10?!?! You're insane...
Splatoon 1 - Agent 2/Casual
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Rating: 7/10
It's pretty good. Nothing spectacular or insane. I like the face mask that conceals her identity. I like her skirt, too. Very cool. Also, like that little squid skull thingy on her hat, interesting detail to have.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 1
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Rating: 7/10
Just like Callie's concept design, this actually has potential and I could see it totally working better with some tweaks. Maybe a longer dress, the patterns on the arms being reduced, stuff like that you know?
It's definitely a unique vibe for the Squid Sisters I'll give it that.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 2
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Rating: 8/10
Oh... This has a LOT of sauce actually. I love the hexagonal pattern on the dress and those black tights. I kinda wanna see this come back in some sort of official manner, just maybe with a different pattern on the front and a more interesting headpiece. it really gives me a futuristic sort of vibe for Marie, and in the right setting, this outfit would KILL!!! Just needs some tweaks.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 3
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Rating: 8/10
I'm glad that this wasn't the final outfit chosen because it's way too "military/commander" like and not "j-pop idol." However... I would love to see this come back and it would kinda fit with a current day, Marie, who's now the boss of Deep Cut.
Plus she looks hot in that outfit so-
Splatoon 2 - Kimono
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Rating: 10/10
Bro, if i gave this anything other than a 10, i would get my IP address leaked, my home address leaked, my phone number, email, date of birth, my mother's maiden na-
Anyways, what I really love about this outfit is the little details and amount of time and effort that the developers clearly put into this. The patterns at the bottom of her kimono, the green and pink colouring throughout, the headpiece, the triangle pattern near the middle.
It's very very well done and it deserves to be as iconic as it is.
Splatoon 2 - 1st Anniversary
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Rating: 10/10
Nintendo.... you give Marie this absolutely beautiful outfit, with the red lipstick, the cool kimono with the octopus details, the red tips in her hair... and you never EVER bring this back? You are a bunch of fucking morons I swear to GOD!!!
Splatoon 2 - Squidmas Outfit
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Rating: 5/10
Eh. It's just a little bland, nothing crazy but nothing bad either. It's just near the middle.
She also gives me 35 year old parent vibes... Is it just me?
Splatoon 2 - Splatoween 2020
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Rating: 7/10
I mean, what can I say? I like a girl with a top hat and suit. It's stylish. Don't judge me. I can't give this one a higher rating because we don't have a clear look at the full thing, but what is there is pretty neattttt.
Splatoon 2 - "Evil" Marie Concept Art
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Rating: 7/10
I wanted to talk about this because this is technically the only concept art we have of an "Evil" Marie. Sure Callie shares this art too but, this basically the only tangible piece of "Evil" Marie Nintendo has ever shared.
I think what is there is really really interesting as a base, what it needs is more detail and some of the stuff found in fan designs of "Hypno Marie." You know, a coat or cape and an octopus headpiece. I love the idea of having a full body suit with green patterns on it and if someone were to fully realise the design I think it could be fucking incredible.
Artists... you know what to do, and if you do it... you better @ me... pls? Thx. Xoxo!
Splatoon 2 - Hero Mode Concept Art
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Rating: 7/10
I decided to group this all together because they are pretty similar. They are very interesting concept designs, and I like the vibe they give off. They make Marie mysterious and kinda badass. But since this is just concept sketches i cant rate it any higher than a 7.
Nintendo really has a thing for giving Marie commander/boss like attire that makes her damn hot huh?
Splatoon 2 - Team Order Outfit
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Rating: 7/10
Much like how Callie received Pearl's crown and a color change, so did Marie with Marina's headphones.
Although it's just the same old' Squid Sisters look for Marie, the colors on her look really really good and the headphones compliment the outfit surprisingly well. I can't give this a higher score because at the end of the day, it's a simple recolour.
Splatoon 3 - Alterna Attire
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Rating: 10/10
Yeah this is just.... it's peak guys. Just like Callie's Alterna look, this is, in my opinion, a flawless design that perfectly captures where Marie is at in her life.
It combines the iconography and colors of her Squid Sister attire, but also the class and professional look of her kimono from Splatoon 2. I LOVEEEEE the big white coat, the green that they picked, the little golden pin on her coat, her umbrella, and her shoes that have green soles on them to help break up the black.
Nintendo, you fucking cooked. Good job.
Splatoon 3 - Splatoween
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Rating: 9/10
God this is just... nearly perfect. The colors are so appealing, the face paint is so adorable. The only thing I wish they did was change the damn headpiece to something halloween themed.
Also I wouldn't mind having a little bite at that round plump pumpkin I'm seeing... UHHH WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYI-
Splatoon 3 - FrostyFest
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Rating: 8/10
Yeah, this is just great. Marie looks so warm and snuggled up. The little red nose, too, is so damn cute. It's nothing ABSOLUTELY CRAZY but, it's a really great winter outfit for Marie.
Splatoon 3 - Springfest
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Rating: 7/10
Honestly? I'm not actually feeling that strongly about this look for Marie. It's still good but.... it's not great either. There's something about it that I just can't put my finger on.
I love the eggshell on her head though, that's really cute.
Splatoon 3 - Summer Nights
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Rating: 9/10
Dude.... ugh.... Not only did they make Callie so damn hot with her Summer Nights outfit, but they did the same thing with Marie.
My fucking GOD bro, the lemon and oyster on her head, the silver shoes, the puffy pants, the overalls, the silver top.... the exposed skin....
The only thing I don't like is the hair, If they just let Marie's hair down as seen in Splatfest art, I would EASILY give this a 10/10.
Splatoon 3/1 - Past Marie
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Rating: 7/10
I have nothing else to say other than I love the white jacket and how it appears in the Callie vs. Marie art. And those shoes and... the long hair... oh I love long hair Marie, girl please let your hair down more please... PLEASE!!!!
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 1
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Rating: 7/10
Nintendo giving Marie a fucking gas mask which is a step up from her face mask in her Agent 2 design is actually so cool and I wish Marie got a gas mask in an official outfit.
Also DEM SHOES THO?!?!?! I love me some shoes with puffy soles in them I tell ya.
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 2
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Rating: 4/10
Nah. Not feeling this, don't like the hair, she looks like a grandma WAY TOO MUCH!!!
Splatoon 3 - Grand Festival Outfit
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Rating: 9/10
Just like Callie's Grand Fest outfit, this is ALMOST PERFECT! The ONLY issue is that I wish there was some lime green thrown in there, or maybe the 3 squid stripe design to break up the beige color.
I really do love the crown too and the slight differences between her outfit and Callie's.
Anyways that is it for my ratings of MOST of Marie's different looks!
Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know!!!
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shipping-rater-2024 · 1 month ago
Watching the Catlevania anime now!
Anyways, yaoi:
Trevor x Alucard (Animeverse): 10/10
Monster x Monster Hunter is peak. Just an amazing dynamic.
Alucard and Trevor being on the logically opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to optimism is also so funny. Alucard thinking humans are great, while Trevor is just so pessimistic is just funny to me.
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is jewishvoice[dot]org jewish?
Rating: Absolutely Not Jewish, Creeptastic Messianic Missionary Site.
This is blatantly messianic propaganda that a) directly targets Jews for conversion to Christianity and b) encourages Christians to have a sense of "ownership" over Jewish traditions in an appropriative, ahistorical, supercessionist, and frankly creepy way. I've put direct quotes from their website under the cut as citations so you can choose to read or not, but on the whole, our recommendation is "Do Not Interact."
~Mod Leora
A: "We want every Jewish person to know that God's plan for them includes Jesus the Messiah."
B: "Want to live more like Yeshua (Jesus)? Take ownership of the heritage you've been grafted into by learning to embrace the traditions and cultures that Jesus Himself celebrated."
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harveydenttiephysics · 2 months ago
Furry Two Face (from Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
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Black and white suit I think can work in some contexts, it gets a pass here ⭐️
Ooohhhhohohhoh two headed cat, they are not holding back in the art department ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I cannot remember if he does have two guns here, I’m inclined to say yes? 🤔⭐️🤔
Have you ever seen this movie? Have you? Ask yourself, “have I ever seen this movie?” If the answer is no, GO DUCKING WARCH THIS SHIR THIS SHIT IS AMAZING. This is one of the best animated Batman movies (and I would know, I have seen all of them) and ALSO has one of the best uses of fear toxin that I have seen. I think this Harvey FUCKS HARD. and I don’t care if he’s a furry! I really don’t! Do you know how many Batman villains are furries? Depending on how hard you squint Batman HIMSELF is a furry! This movie has some really interesting character designs and it would have been so easy for them to make Harvey just any two-tone animal, but no, they make him a TWO HEADED CAT BOY and that’s what HE DESERVES. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Clip on tie 😔
STAR TOTAL ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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f1-analysis · 8 months ago
F1 Midseason Driver Rankings By Mathematical Model
Top 6 drivers, regardless of the car are:
6) Hamilton
5) Piastri
4) Sainz
3) Norris
2) Leclerc
1) Verstappen
Do you agree?
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spectralzest · 21 days ago
Spear of justice so underrated
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is-that-plural · 1 month ago
Jinx from Arcane! (we know shes usually seen as bpd rep, but we've found her very relatable in a sys way.)
!! rating; dots to be connected, not quite plural
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!! we watched this entire show recently !!
the following information is all based on the netflix adaptation, anything in the game where shes from is not mentioned here for our own ease ( and i hope anon was only hoping for arcane stuff and not lol stuff so ! yay )
canonically she suffers from hallucinations, within the show we see these hallucinations sort of talk to her (albeit choppy at times), even the appearances of the people of her past she hallucinates is shown in scribbles, never full "forms"
she deals with them by straight up just having conversations with them !! she'll bounce back and forth with them on certain ideas certain topics and furthermore there's scenes of the hallucinations yelling at her causing her even more torment (that she believes is of her own making)
there's many aspects of the above that systems can relate to, but that's as far as her plurality goes unfortunately; she definitely has the qualifications for lots of room with headcannons, but within canon its just hallucinations and her various other problems most people connect to bpd
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months ago
So I just saw on the Reddit group that ratings for episode 1 are down 73% from season 1 which I just can not believe. Obviously I don’t have sources but from the rave reviews to the better advertising, and bigger hype, I got the impression this season would be even bigger. Do you have a reliable source for ratings to see how it’s doing viewership wise or is it too early to tell?
The ratings for cable are down, which is no surprise.
AMC commented on people cutting cable faster than anticipated before, which is also why they said they would refocus on streaming. Hence the intensified international streaming releases and cooperation with HBO MAX etc.
Also. We‘re on episode 1.
Relax, everyone. :)
They own the intellectual property, they would be plain stupid to not build it all up, especially since they just said at the panel to develop Talamsca, and Mayfair Witches (and likely Night Island still).
On the contrary, since they own the IP (and supposedly paid big bucks for it) they will milk this for all it’s worth.
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