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lookslikevespa · 1 day ago
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The peace after the chaos.
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dariusdasilva · 1 day ago
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Looking forward to season 3 😸
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1ml3gits4mmy · 3 days ago
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sammy just immediately holding yazs hand the moment she gets off the beckle and smiling while yaz is TERRIFIED
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 1 day ago
It's my anxiety...
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swan2swan · 2 days ago
What if your family was RICH but they were also BAD WITH MONEY so they got approached by CRIMINALS but your family was HONORABLE but you were FOURTEEN and you CHOSE TO DO THE CRIME YOURSELF but you were TRAPPED on an ISLAND for SIX MONTHS and then MURDERED your blackmailer at FIFTEEN but then found out YOUR FRIEND'S DAD was the REAL blackmailer and you EXPOSED HIM but your family was SAFE because you SAVED THEM but then you were GAY and your family DISOWNED YOU and you were ATTACKED and you DISAPPEARED with your GIRLFRIEND and found yourself in SENEGAL where there was a WOMAN who brought you AND your girlfriend into her HOME and made you feel SAFE and told you you were FAMILY and you protected her DAUGHTER who was FOURTEEN (and three quarters) JUST LIKE YOU USED TO BE and she was ATTACKED but you SAVED HER and GOT HER HOME to her FAMILY?
The Sammy Gutierrez story.
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nickrocketrodriguez · 2 days ago
Since in Chaos Theory the campers are older and few of them are in relationships, was there a discussion that took place on what you were "allowed" to show on screen compared to the previous show? Because yk it's not like in Camp Cretaceous when they were children and the most they did was kiss, hold hands and act cringy, here they are adults so immediately the dynamics are bound to change. I think my question is did the writing when it comes to the romantic relationships changed for you because it suddenly went from a kid friendly show about children to a "kid-friendly" show about adults?
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Alright, here we go! Day 01 of "Rocket Answers" in honor of the Jurassic World: Chaos Theory S3 premiere on Netflix 04/03!
This is such an interesting question. I love that you call it a "kid-friendly" show about adults -- those quotes are doing some heavy-lifting in my eyes. XD
So, yes, there was a lot of discussion about what these relationships would look like now that the characters are adults. Now, I did not work on Camp Cretaceous, so for me personally, I didn't have anything to compare it to in terms of how *I* approached it. Obviously I was a fan of the original show and had watched all of it before joining the writing staff of Chaos Theory, so I was familiar with the tone and voice. We all wanted to make something that felt more mature given the new age of the characters, but it had to be in-line with the tone of the series that came first so that it didn't feel like too much of a departure.
When writing a kids' series, you already come in knowing that you have to meet that audience where they're at, then challenge them an appropriate amount. So, we knew that the first show approached the relationships from a more... let's say... "first crush/love" sort of place. It was more "butterflies in your stomach" than "OMG I need you NOW." And, of course, "OMG I need you now" would still not be an appropriate place for our show to go with that audience still in mind. But we wanted to honor that these relationships had grown and evolved and settled into new places. I think we all knew from the get what would be appropriate, so in terms of what were "allowed" to show, that was never really a discussion. In the end, I think we've ended up with something more YA than strictly kids' -- which was really fun for all of us!
All that said, it's a Jurassic show, so romance is obviously not the forefront of what kinds of stories we'd be telling, so we didn't focus too much on having to challenge those relationships too externally like one would on a show like Riverdale or Gossip Girl. There were times in the room where I, in particular, wanted to delve into the relationships a bit harder (I usually write more YA stuff personally), but I think we found a happy medium in the final show. There's enough internal relationship drama to keep people who like that stuff happy, but not too much as to feel like a different show. So I think we did a good job.
And hey, we just won a GLAAD Award for it, so I guess other people think we did a good job, too. =]
Keep the questions coming!
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raw-chimpken · 1 day ago
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Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory doodles
+ dino Yaz and Darius
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swan2swan · 8 hours ago
I see you, but counterpoint: the times she does spend with her CampFam are all specifically related to her work.
She visits Ben and comments on how difficult it is to adjust to normalcy.
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She visits Sammy in Texas, but we see her working on her computer while she's there--and then tells her contact "Haven't heard from you since Texas", implying that she was following a lead there.
Kenji says "this keeps happening"--implying that her blowing him off is not a one-time deal.
She goes and crashes with Darius as a cover for her meet-up.
The only one that she's NOT actively working at is her encounter with Yaz...and that could have been something she found in her investigations and said "Hey, Yaz might like this!"
There's a very pointed shot where Brooklynn leaves Kenji's trailer and hears everyone laughing inside...laughing without her. Even though she is doing everything for them and their cause, she's not sharing her life with them.
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The investigation also, notably, never threatened her friends until she dug too deep. She's the one who got them in trouble (outside of Darius working for an evil organization and Kenji's dad hoping to coax him into the business).
Brooklynn's the catalyst for everything: the group is dealing with the consequences of her mistakes and hubris, just like they had to deal with the consequences of Darius's recklessness and empathy as kids.
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And, yes, her absence DOES count: you see it on her face when Ben tells her that Bumpy's egg is in the case. In that moment, Brooklynn finally realizes just how much she's missed. Yeah, sure, none of her friends have died, she never found their obituaries in the paper or saw some big announcement about Kenji getting involved with his dad...but there's more to life than dying or surviving.
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Bumpy had a baby, and Brooklynn didn't even know Ben and Bumpy had reunited. She faked her death and knew they would go on without her, but she never thought about the life she was missing because her claws were so deep in the investigation.
Except, as we see in her flashbacks with Kenji...it wasn't even the necessity of the illusion that kept her. She was out of their lives long before she died.
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That's the struggle of Brooklynn's character: she's making herself a soldier and cutting everyone out for the sake of doing the right thing. It's the basic superhero dilemma: have a personal life, or have a heroic life.
And, just like so many superheroes, eventually, her life brought the danger home to her loved ones.
It's an actual Toxic Trait of Brooklynn's, because that's what great characters have. She didn't judge the danger properly, and now they're all fighting for their lives...and growing, and changing, once again. Just like they all got stuck on the island because Sammy lied about the phone...all of 'em have their problems, and Brooklynn's is absolutely that she was keeping herself isolated from the others and believing that she was in control the whole time.
Thematic, isn't it?
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“Brooklynn chose her investigative work over her relationships” factoid is false. Brooklynn is shown going out of her way to visit her friends the most out of all of camp fam despite her work.
Singular DPW investigation that threatened her friend’s safety and therefor took priority has a disproportionate amount of screen time adn should not be counted.
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sup3riorsese · 2 days ago
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Solo Sammy pics cuz I saw a post saying she doesn’t get enough attention on her own and she doesn’t. This is just gonna be me ranting about my favorite jwcc character.
My poor girl has it rough. She had to sacrifice herself to save her family farm, get herself and her friends stuck on a death island trying to do said task (Which I’m sure she’s guilty about), then she had to deal with the company who were responsible for her being there in the first place. Not to mention almost dying (All the kids have almost died but Sammy could literally do nothing but sit there while they tried to save her). In Jwct, she’s all alone. Her friends don’t seem to talk to her much (Understandable they all have lives and are still mourning but even then she’s made sure they were ok with care packages), what makes that worse is that her Gf and family isn’t speaking to her either. I can’t say what made her family switch up but for Yaz, she left Sammy instead of communicating what she needed, hurting both of them in the end (I’m not saying Yaz is wrong for how she feels cuz she isn’t but the way she handled it wasn’t good), at a very brief point after her fight with Yaz, she literally says how no one thinks about what she needs (before getting cut off by a dinosaur attack on the bridge).
Brooklyn’s death clearly took a deep toll on her (It did on all of them) to the point of her hallucinating and even showing signs of masking depression (Not diagnosing her just saying she shows some signs of it). She has clear anxiety at multiple points and obviously is affected by her family leaving her. Even by the fandom, she is under appreciated (In my opinion) and her problems are often overlooked. I’ve seen too many times where when people talk about her and Yaz’s situation, they put most of the blame on her (They are both to blame but Sammy couldn’t fix something she didn’t know she was doing wrong). Another thing is about Yaz and Sammy is anytime their problems are brought up, Yaz takes the spotlight (which isn’t a problem but Sammy deserves attention too).
And the last thing I want to talk about is her and Kash. Kash had been antagonistic to her the entire time they were together. He is one of the main reasons her farm was in danger and the reason why she was there. When she and Yaz release the raptors (that ultimately kill him) she has no reaction (that we see). In fact, everyone moves past the fact they inevitably led to his death. If Sammy had any sort of reaction, anger, sadness, disgust, and maybe even satisfaction (which I think would be very interesting) that could be a thing they explore. They could even say his death led to her being a vegetarian because she couldn’t handle meat after seeing him being ripped apart. I think if Sammy was mortified at herself for being happy or satisfied at his death, it could have led to Jwct where they question how far she’s willing to go to protect the people she cares about.
Anyway in conclusion Sammy Gutierrez is amazing and under appreciated and wonderful and deserves the world. Ted talk over.
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ace-t-rex-in-space · 3 days ago
I really hope Chaos Theory ends with the camp fam being safe and happy. I care more about these kids then I did any of the live action movie characters, they deserve a happy ending.
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chaosatdusk · 1 day ago
Date Night 🩷 💅
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lookslikevespa · 13 hours ago
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I was once known for my hurt & angst art, so I'll pick up that trend again
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livsmessydoodles · 11 months ago
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still a menace
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1ml3gits4mmy · 2 days ago
Was watching s1 ep8 and replaying the
"Is she listening to something?"
You can actually hear Ronnie bro. It's faint but it's sort of clear-ish.
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1ml3gits4mmy · 3 days ago
yasamlynn come home
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yasamlynn for the soul
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