#quotes from my brain
c3s6 · 1 year
Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating the people…. WHO MADE NO SURPRISES!
(And the song too)
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percabethconvos · 8 days
[After the quest in TLT]
Annabeth: Hey, I wanted to give you something
Percy: Hm?
[Hands him an intricately woven band]
Percy: What is this?
Annabeth: It's a gift
Annabeth: Athena is a goddess of crafts too, not just war
Annabeth: I never practiced weaving much, but I wanted to make you something, to show that we're friends now you know?
Percy, trying not to smile: So you made me a friendship bracelet?
Annabeth, embarrassed, trying to grab it: You don't have to wear it if you don't want it!
Percy, laughing, batting her hands away: No way! I'm gonna wear it forever back off!
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furiosophie · 1 year
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Solar: Look at this thing.
Solar: *holds up Jack like a cat*
Solar: This thing has not a single thought in its head.
Solar: But this thing is my son.
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elssbethtascioni · 2 months
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TV Appreciation Week 2024 ↳ Day 3: favorite couple/dynamic
Ruth Wilson and James McAvoy as Mrs. Coulter and Lord Asriel His Dark Materials (2019-2022)
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introspectivememories · 7 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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Bonus under the cut
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suittehearts · 3 months
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tlt as quotes that kill me
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youhavethesun · 1 month
it’s the way every literati scene has the potential to be my favourite scene. like they just hit so hard every time.
‘I don’t even know you’ to ‘I know you. I know you better than anyone’ immaculate the symmetry the parallels the angst
‘I wanted to put some notes in the margins for you’ ahhhhhhh
‘you know, ernest only has lovely things to say about you’ absolutely stunning, when I was 16 I actually wrote this on my hemingway notes for school that’s how unwell this line made me
‘why are you only nice to me?’ I have fallen off a bridge
‘why’d you call?’ ‘ I-’ ‘I’m glad you called.’ :))))
‘turn right.’ ‘as you wish.’ my heart actually stopped beating. jess quoting the princess bride was a life changing occurrence for me
‘I made sure she was okay.’ heartbreaking. sobbing on the floor.
‘this was fate!’ ‘I think it was.’ soulmates soulmates soulmates
‘because. you didn’t say goodbye.’ okay just rip my heart into pieces that’s fine
‘I think I may have loved you but I - I just need to let it go’ EGOT material this is CINEMA
‘what do you have to say to me?’ ‘I love you.’ jaw dropped absolutely unhinged
‘you can count on me now. I know you couldn’t count on me before but you can now. you can.’ crying crying crying
‘you know we’re supposed to be together. I knew it from the first time I saw you two years ago’ invisible string of fate helloooo but also I’m crying again
‘happy birthday, by the way. wasn’t that couple of weeks ago? your birthday?’ completely devastating
‘it is what it is. you. me.’ my heart shattered into a million pieces I have actually never recovered
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corseque · 3 months
Re: your Twitter poll: I think I’m the only one who thinks that Trespasser line reads oddly if they didn’t have sex.
If they didn’t, that means either 1 of 3 things: Solas is denying something Lavellan herself is asserting, Solas didn’t understand the metaphor or Solas bizarrely brought it up as a non-sequitur.
Meanwhile, if they did have sex, he’s presuming she’s using a play on words to insinuate that he took her for a ride and he’s saying no, I wouldn’t have slept with you if I was pretending the whole time.
I’ve had a few people say this to me, but it makes perfect sense to me so maybe I can try to explain. I’m writing the rest of this post talking only about the interpretation where Solas and Lavellan did not have sex, but as we know, it’s equally valid and canon to think they did have sex. Ok. So.
Solas: “What is the old Dalish curse? “May the Dread Wolf take you?”
Lavellan: “And so he did.” (The Dread Wolf did trick me like the old curse said.)
— Solas: “I did not. I would not lay with you under false pretenses.” (I did not. I would never cross the line and have sex with you under false pretenses.)* —
“But you lied to me. I loved you. Did you really think I wouldn’t have understood?” (It doesn’t matter that you didn’t cross that line. You still lied to me and didn’t trust me when I loved you.)
*yes, this is a disjointed thing to respond with. He’s thinking of the innuendo when she isn’t.
So you said it was one of three things - I think it’s the third thing, Solas bringing it up in a (at first glance) bizarre way.
I think that Reddit post I linked on Twitter made a good point in that Solas seems very thrown in this conversation when Lavellan doesn’t dump him immediately. He’s expecting to be dumped, he isn’t expecting to defend himself. And his defenses seem very wrong-footed, unpolished, honest, and, now that I’m thinking about it, interesting. (I’ll tie it together after looking at the angry branch.)
In the other, equivalent branch, it goes
Lavellan: “Ma harel lasa!” (“You lied to me!”)
— Solas: “Only by omission.” (Lol) —
Lavellan: “Ma lasa banal’ghilana!” (You led me astray!”)
Solas: “What would you have had me say, that I was the great adversary in your people’s mythology?”
Lavellan: “I would have had you trust me!”
The equivalent line there is “Only by omission” which is an equally silly lame duck defense to say. It’s as silly to say “I only half-lied to you!” as it is to say “Well, at least I didn’t have sex with you!”
But I think what these responses both have in common* is that they both would be things he had thought about for years of regret and rumination, so that’s why they were honestly on his mind when he suddenly had to answer for himself. “At least I never lied to her, I only lied by omission.” “At least I didn’t cross that line with her and have sex with her.” “What was I supposed to tell her? ‘By the way, I’m the devil who has haunted your people for ages beyond counting?’”
(it’s funny that all 3 of these things he’s been telling himself just blow away in the wind in an actual conversation with her, haha)
Anyway, “I didn’t cross the line of sex with you” is not a non-sequitor if he had been ruminating about it for years and it was important to him. If it wasn’t important to him*, they would have had sex.
*in this interpretation, of course.
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anew-flame · 2 months
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This is totally canon to me
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agro-alone · 2 months
no gatekeeping
here is my list of patch ideas
● there is a war on the poor
● fund the NHS
● end law. take your rights by force
● trans and intersex bodily autonomy now
● nothing about us without us
● dead men don't rape
● queers hate cops
● no child deserves to live in fear
● biology was never binary
● not every disability is visible
● people not puzzles
● From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
● this is a patch
● vaccines don't cause autism. I do
● nd nb (ACDC style)
● I'm here I'm queer and my joint pain is moderate to severe
● United we bargain. divided we beg
● I do not think. therefore I do not am
● the poor pay tax but the rich pay politicians
● the only hope for me is you
● there is no gender only rage
● easily distracted by shiny objects
● elect a clown expect a circus
● thick thighs save lives
● stop animal testing
● Good people disobey bad laws
● don't die wondering... transgenderism could be for you
● talk to your neighbours not the police
● it's never too late to be who you might have been
● they lied. hard work has killed people
● slightly burned out but still smokin'
● no fault divorce saves lives
● no more second homes
if you like some of these quotes, you may also like @grlofswords and @sweatermuppet
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midoristeashop · 11 months
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they are just so grossly in love (I’m throwing up)
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qpjianghu · 3 months
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Tell him... I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong. ~Andor
Fang Duobing & Li Lianhua | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023)
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casualavocados · 2 months
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You think things have to be possible? Things have to be true!
Amir Wilson as WILL PARRY HIS DARK MATERIALS 2.07 | Æsahættr —The Subtle Knife: Chapter 15
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arsgoetiq · 5 months
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angels before man (rafael nicolás)//olympus: the battle of the giants (francisco bayeu)//angels & man (rafael nicolás)//fallen angel (alexandre cabanel)
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