#prince neal
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hannahhook7744 · 7 months ago
Mommy and Me class;
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Featuring Aurora and Philip Jr, Ashley and Alexandra, & Snow and baby Neal.
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jackiestarsister · 1 year ago
"A Time for Everything" now covering the Season 3 finale
So much happens in 3x21 "Snow Drifts" and 3x22 "There's No Place Like Home" that I gave each episode two chapters!
"Portal" - on FFN and AO3. Emma reflects on her decision, and a new crisis sends her and Hook on an unexpected adventure.
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"Partner" - on FFN and AO3. Emma has to distract Hook's past self and attend her first royal ball.
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"Fire" - on FFN and AO3. Hook reflects on what he knows about Snow White, and tries to comfort Emma as they grapple with her apparent death.
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"Epiphany" - on FFN and AO3. After her time-travel adventure with Hook, Emma makes an incredible discovery, and introduces two very important people.
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sasukesofficiallawyer · 7 months ago
I feel so bad for Henry. His mother is his other mother’s step grandma which makes his biological mother his step niece and makes him his own uncle. It also makes his grandma his step sister and his adopted mother his step great grand mother. His uncle is a newborn and his other uncle is his step father. His step father’s ex wife is his biological grandmother. His step niece and step great grandmother have sexual tension. His biological grandfather had sex with his step great great grandmother and made out with his step great grandmother aka his mother. He has a step sister from a previously evil clone of his stepfather. This poor boy.
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velvet4510 · 5 months ago
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anouatblog · 1 year ago
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comic-covers · 10 months ago
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a-happy-beginning · 8 months ago
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—Once Upon a Time, “The Final Battle”
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juliet25blog · 9 months ago
How am I supposed to cope WITH THIS?!!!!!
And apparently that's not enough, Emma and Henry have to lose their memories of the people of Storybrook
Oh and also Hook shows up A YEAR LATER, and surprise surprise, the True Love's Kiss™ didn't work out. Thanks a lot for crushing my feelings so thoroughly in only 10 minutes, that must set a record or something
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jinx66 · 9 months ago
once upon a timeline
okay so i've been obsessed with ouat recently with my rewatch and i was looking into Henry's weird ass family tree and oh my god i need to put this out there because why.
for starters i've only included big plot points or villains and main characters etc so none of the side plots but also i've realised how weird some of the age gaps are.
oh yeah also ouat likes to fuck with their timelines and historical context so i have gone with the basic dates that make sense based on what the characters in the show actually say.
the dates are what they would be in the real world not in ouat logic.
pre-main timeline
Ancient Greece - zeus and hades happen (season 6)
ancient greece but later - orpheus and Euridice and pandora's box happen
between 400-500AD - the Holy Grail and Merlin and Nimue
1650's-1660's - Mother Gothel leaves the new land without magic
1770- Malcolm is Born
1804- Rumplestiltskin is born, Malcolm is 34
1808- Rumple is abandoned, Peter Pan becomes a fae trickster tumblr meme
1845- Baelfire is born, Rumple is 41
1859- Bae arrives in england, Rumple is 55
1947- Zelena is born and abandoned
1948- Cora and Rumple have their weird affair
1949- Regina is born
1955- Snow White is born
1973- Regina sends the huntsman after snow, Snow is 18, Regina is 24
23/3/1977 - Neal (Bae) chooses this as his fake birthday
22/10/1983 - Emma is born, the curse is cast
1991 - Neal escapes neverland and comes back to the land without magic
15/8/2001 - Henry is born, Emma is 18, Neal Cassidy is 24
22/10/2011 - Emma arrives in Storybrooke
13/5/2012 - The curse is broken.
so some of the dates are based on when episodes aired and things such as when the curse breaks and when emma arrives in storybrooke. other dates are based on easter eggs in the show like Neal's birthday. so i realised that Neal had to have landed back in the real world in 1991 because he was 14 when he got to neverland and obviously didn't age so working backwards those dates make sense.
however... emma was 17 when she got pregnant with henry and at best Neal is 24 but at worst he's 156 years old! i mean what the fuck. and he has to be that old because he tells Emma that technically "I should be a couple hundred by now" (2,15). so at the oldest he can be with Neal's Once upon a time maths education the earliest he can be born is 1845 because big ben isn't built until 1859 which is the absolute earliest that he can be in old england.
the rest of the dates i managed from working backwards from when the curse was broken and cast and from small things the characters say. In the first episode of season 2, Emma says that her and Mary Margaret were the same age which means that the 10 year war she has with regina that ended with the curse started when she was 18.
so what i've found from this is that Henry's family tree back to his paternal great grandad literally spans hundreds of years. the average life span for these fuckers is about 100. basically they're a family of elves and you can't convince me otherwise.
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ouatnextgen · 8 months ago
If Descendants characters were apart of the next gen, what do you think their relationships with the other next gen would be (assuming they were the younger siblings of the next gen).
This is finna be a looong one.
Obviously all the siblings love each other, and all the older siblings are protective of the little ones, so I tried not to be too repetitive with the details.
The Mills:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Bobby is slightly more of a handful than he's used to, so he (and Lucy) keep him on his toes
Henry always asks Regina if he was like that as a kid, and her answer is always a smug "Yes"
Bobby likes spending time with Henry's other families (ie, his own and the Swan-Joneses)
Evie's a lot quieter, so he appreciates that
He's very protective of Evie specifically
She could ask him for the moon and the stars, and you know that Henry would find someway to bring them down for her.
He knows damn well that Bobby looks up to him a lot, so he tries to put on his best act when he's around
Unfortunately, he is more susceptible to The Eyes than Henry is, so Bobby ends up getting away with waaaaay more stuff with Big Bro Roland
Like Henry, he is also very protective of Evie, and will be the one who teaches her how to kill a man when she's older
Basically, Evie is their little princess, and you don't wanna fuck with her
While Evie doesn't like camping, she will tolerate it when she goes with her father, brothers, and sister.
Robyn's just glad she's not the baby anymore lol
She's the least busy of her siblings, by default of being younger, so she's the one who gets to babysit Bobby and Evie when the adults are busy
She and Bobby like to practice archery and eat dirt together or whatever it is kids do
She's never been very girly, so she and Evie have trouble bonding at times
The Nolans:
Leo likes hanging out with little kids, so he never minds babysitting Chad
He's very bossy, however, and seems to be allergic to fun, so Chad doesn't like it when he babysits
Leo can also be kind of preachy about the rules, so Chad will end up getting more lectures from Leo than their parents sometimes
Despite the minor animosity, Leo always wants to be a role model and someone to look up to for Chad
He likes to teach him sword fighting and archery, even when Chad has zero interest or skill for those things
Beck (I can't pick a name for this kid, for now it's Beck):
He and Chad go together like two peas in a pod
Beck's sarcastic outlook paired with Chad's optimism make a fully rounded duo
Beck encourages Chad to commit Crimes, and Chad is the Voice Of Reason
The Hermans/Boyds:
Alex is pretty chill with Chloe
Alex feels like a disappointment to their parents, so she is kind of worried that Chloe might be their "replacement"
Chloe basically hero-worships Alex, and dyes her hair blue like how Alex dyes theirs pink
In the future, Chloe ends up being a jock instead of a girly girl, and she and Alex bond over their mother not knowing what to do with either of them
He and Chloe argue (a lot)
Charlie hates sports, and Chloe hates boring nerd junk, so they don't get along
They are the epitome of "only I'M allowed to make fun of my sibling!" If anyone else makes fun of either of them, they get the wrath of the other one
The Briarwoods (Aurora's Family):
PJ gets along fine with both Ariana and Audrey
He and Ariana specifically love to banter back and forth, which is hilarious to witness since Ariana wins 99% of the time
He will have tea parties with Audrey and dress up like a princess, and he will slay whichever princess dress she forces on him
The girls aren't actually triplets (Ariana isn't even their sister), but they're so close in age and act so similar, that they're always called triplets
They all love princess stuff, and adore being actual princesses; they all want to move to the Enchanted Forest and have balls
When they get older, they sing a different tune, but stay close
The Swan-Joneses:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Harriett has given Henry a lot of gray hairs; more than Bobby, almost as much as CJ
He likes playing pirate with all of the kids
He always calls Harry 'Killian Jr.'
He's the one who bought CJ her red leather coat, to be more like Emma
He spoils them so much (The Mills kids too, but Regina already spoils them a lot) and always brings them gifts when he visits
She loves having such a big family and so many little siblings
She shares her love of books with Harriett, stargazing with Harry, and painting with CJ
She's the sibling that gets sacked with babysitting duty, but she never minds
Hope is the "cool" sibling, aka, she lets them get away with more shit than Henry and Alice do
She's part of the reason CJ is Like That
For whatever reason, she's Harry's favorite sibling, which sucks for her, since she's not a fan of little kids
The Golds:
Ben is very quiet, so he'll tag along with Gideon everywhere and no one will even notice
Gideon and Ben have a book club between the two of them
He feels kind of weird that Ben still has that "my dad is the best" attitude, but doesn't have the heart to tell him the whole truth
They tell each other everything, and despite the age difference, are very close
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nofatclips · 10 months ago
When we are Dogs by Jaye Jayle featuring Bonnie Prince Billy and Patrick Shiroishi
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jackiestarsister · 3 months ago
I am delighted to announce the birth of Hope Alice Ruth Swan-Jones, daughter of Sheriff Emma Swan and Captain Killian Jones!
Read all about it in "Raising Hope" on FFN or on AO3! Rated T for childbirth but nothing graphic.
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Bonus: I have a Pinterest inspiration board about Hope Swan-Jones, but I'm also thinking about making a character blog for her here on Tumblr!
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fandoms--fluff · 11 days ago
Sneak peek to my ouat fic still in progress.
short summary: You're Rumple and Belle's daughter that was taken and don't have any memory of them or any family while in Storybrooke a couple months after the curse broke.
Feeling the wind blow against your face, you walk briskly down the sidewalk, your heeled boots making a quiet sound against the concrete. The curse had broken over the town a couple months ago. It’s been pretty quiet since then, with everyone remembering and reconciling with their loved ones. Except you. You have no one. You never had.
You grew up in the woods of the enchanted forest your entire life until it came to when you turned 16 and the magical abilities you’ve always inhabited went haywire, made you stop aging. So really, the aging being stopped, mixed with the curse of 28 years, you’re technically around 50 years old. Though your mentality stopped growing, along with your physical appearance from no longer aging.
Your life growing up wasn’t the best. Being real, it was traumatic having no one but yourself to rely on all throughout your life. In an unironic turn of events, the cursed life you lived also had you living with no one to rely on, no fake friends or family, only fake memories of always being alone. Which wasn’t that surprising when you woke back up with all your actual memories. But, hey, at least you were living in a nice apartment instead of the woods, and you still reside there. No more hunting for food or building shelter every other day.
Except there’s one problem. So far, you haven’t had any run in with the saviour or the evil queen (who, thankfully, has chilled and relaxed a lot, becoming more likable to everyone in the town), or anyone else in their group. But the last good week and a half, you’ve been having a feeling of someone or multiple someones following you. And every time you went to check it out, one or multiple of them were always around. It caused you to be suspicious. More than you’ve ever been in this town.
Over the week and a half, you written and clocked out everyone who has been around continuously whenever you had the feeling of being followed. It consists of; Emma Swan – the savior, Regina Mills – The Evil Queen and mayor, Mary Margaret Blanchard – Snow White and ex science teacher, David Nolan – Prince Charming, Killian Jones – Captain Hook, Neal Cassidy – Emma’s ex? (All you really know about him is that he came from New York and he and Emma clearly know each other like that), Belle French, and Mr. Gold – Rumpelstiltskin.
Why they’ve been following you? You don’t want to know, only want them to lose interest in you and find someone else to creepily stalk. It’s not like you’ve done anything wrong in the last couple weeks, not really. This is what you think about while walking along the sidewalk, passing by both run down and lively buildings.
First chapter
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months ago
Ouat Next Gen (Part 1);
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Henry Mills.
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Jacinda Vidrio (also known as Jacinda Mills, Ella Mills, Cinderella, etc).
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Lucy Mills.
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Grace Hightop.
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Violet Morgan.
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Gretel Ava Zimmer.
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Hansel Nicholas Zimmer.
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Wendy Darling.
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Alice Jones || (but as a Captain Swan baby).
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Hope Swan Jones.
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Neal 'Leo' Nolan.
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Gideon Gold.
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Margot Hood-Mills.
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Roland Hood.
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Prince Philip || (aka P.J).
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Alexandra Boyd.
Look, I'm not the biggest fan of season 7 but I am a fan of a couple of the characters. So. Here we are. This is canon divergent because in this version of adult Henry is main Henry and Lucy is his daughter. Alice is Hope's twin here. Robin didn't die. And the descendants characters may or may not exist in this world (I haven't decided yet). Inspired by @ouatnextgen .
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anouatblog · 2 years ago
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agirlwithoutmagic · 1 year ago
once upon a time should’ve gotten exactly one “fuck” per season and here’s who should have gotten it in each season
season 1: the “fuck” is emma’s to lose. she goes Through It in this season and honestly atp if anyone’s gonna say it it’s her. i think regina at this point is still too repressed to swear and trying so hard to pretend to not be the evil queen. HOWEVER if it happened in the pre-curse timeline I think it’d be Belle because imagine if she’d told rumplestiltskin “all you’ll have is a dark heart and a chipped FUCKING cup”
season 2: kinda think neal deserves this one tbh! his fiancé did shoot him and then knock him into a portal to the enchanted forest :/ also he found out he had a son after 11 years lmao that can’t be easy. maybe belle in Lacey form would’ve dropped it, though
season 3: REGINA REGINA REGINA. she had to go to neverland to save her son AND she found out she had a whole sister she’d never heard of AND she finally gets a boyfriend only for her sister to pretend to be her boyfriend’s dead wife so she can ruin everything lol. LET REGINA SAY FUCK
season 4: honestly I originally thought henry deserved this one because of all the author turmoil but i’m gonna have to give it to Belle because her dumbass idiot husband puts her through too damn much and I understand why she decided to knock herself out with a sleeping curse instead of dealing with his dumbass in season 5.
season 5: killian lol no question he literally dies and goes to hell. realistically the only character besides emma and regina who says “fuck” on a regular basis anyway. the only other option i’d accept is leroy 
season 6: belle AGAIN. she’s australian so she gets to say it twice <3 otherwise maybe snow or david they’ve been through a lot atp and I don’t agree with the fandom belief that they WOULDNT say fuck. they WOULD ‼️
season 7: no ❤️ 
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